Given the bird there was a word
Thanksgiving gluttony in living
Too much food sets the mood
Sit and slurp as we belch and burp
Shifting our a*s to pass gas
At the end of the day, just throw it away
Let the starving die
It’s a lie, eat your pumpkin pie
On Thanksgiving
The world is blind my friend. Congress and the Senate of the USA will spend 1.2 trillion for weapons and they don't want to feed the school kids. I live in Michigan. The Michigan organization try to help the homeless and the hungry. 25% of the war budget could feed the world. Your words hard, honest and true. Thank you Soren for sharing the powerful and worthwhile poetry.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Thank you so much Coyote for your read and comment. Yes we live in a world of consumerism and consum.. read moreThank you so much Coyote for your read and comment. Yes we live in a world of consumerism and consumption unconcerned about those that have not.
"at the end of the day, throw it away, let the starving die" having grown up in poverty, these words hurt deep down. They are true for some, of course, but never anything I would subscribe to. Always, my heart is with the poor and downtrodden. Your excellent poem makes an important statement.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Thank you so much for reading this. My intent was not to cause pain, but rather awareness of how glu.. read moreThank you so much for reading this. My intent was not to cause pain, but rather awareness of how gluttony and consumerism puts out of sight need and poverty I think those that should be very grateful for what they have and aware of what others do not have.
My mother used to always tell my sister in me not to leave anything on the plate because there were starving people all over the world, and we were lucky to have enough food to eat.
To know what hunger means, you need to understand why and how. To think that these days people care.. read moreTo know what hunger means, you need to understand why and how. To think that these days people care for their looks by going on special diets such as 5:2 or smilar. Then there are other people who live a 1:6 - if fortunate.
3 Months Ago
Yes, it is so sad, em.
You are a most caring person.
3 Months Ago
Thank you, Jacob for your reading of this poem. I was simply struck by the gluttony of the nation th.. read moreThank you, Jacob for your reading of this poem. I was simply struck by the gluttony of the nation that is a consumer nation. So much goes to waste.
The waste of food on Thanksgiving while three quarters of our world go hungry is so sublimely penned in this poem, dear Soren. Little if any thought is given to those who have nothing to eat or even clean water to drink, while we indulge every bone in our body in gluttony. It is a cold hard fact of life which few are ready to acknowledge, their only concern being that they have more than enough for themselves and their family. You bring home to your reader the heartlessness of greedy human beings lost in over indulgence not just on Thanksgiving but each day of the year, dear poet.
I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving, dear Soren and hope you all enjoy a wonderful day together, dear friend...
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
I consume my meal in that guilt and with every right, I think of the hunger of others. Thank you so .. read moreI consume my meal in that guilt and with every right, I think of the hunger of others. Thank you so much Marie for your understanding interpretation of this poem, which was right on the mark
3 Months Ago
I feel exactly the same at Christmas, dear Soren. It is a haunting feeling that is not easy to shake.. read moreI feel exactly the same at Christmas, dear Soren. It is a haunting feeling that is not easy to shake, dear friend...