Pillar of support

Pillar of support

A Poem by Soren

Standing bowed, bent with age
coarse, weathered gray 
with no other to assuage
their burden of the day

Yet faithful to duty
they shoulder the weight of brothers
no longer a thing of beauty
tattooed by the abuse of others

Could be your father or any old man
neighbor, a gracious host
or any other than
but no, my house's corner post

© 2024 Soren

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As we age we are bowed beneath our burdens with nobody to help us. It is a sad, cold and hard fact of life, dear Soren. Yet, the elderly help their brothers who have been abused regardless of their own burdens. They are all welcome in the poet's home and I know that they will find he is the best friend in the whole world who will do everything within his power to help them in any and every way that he can. A very thought provoking write, dear Soren. Thank you so very much for sharing this excellently penned poem, so insightful and sublime, dear friend...

Posted 10 Hours Ago


8 Hours Ago

Ah! I got the wrong end of the stick again, dear Soren! Thank you for your so kind explanation, I so.. read more

8 Hours Ago

No Marie they were both intended to work what you feel is what counts

8 Hours Ago

You are too kind, my lovely friend. Gratitude with brightest Blessings your way, dear Soren...
This poem reminds me of the possible new trial for the Menendez brothers and the question of whether abuse leads to actions like they took, and who exactly is responsible.

Posted 14 Hours Ago


12 Hours Ago

Thanks Jacob appreciate the read and comment

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2 Reviews
Added on October 17, 2024
Last Updated on October 17, 2024



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