

A Poem by Soren

Don't spit on someone's food, don't steal their thunder
It's not nice to rip scabs off their mood, to pop their bubble a blunder
Do not jerk rugs out from under them, don't their treasure plunder
Bite your tongue don't condemn, just nod with wonder

Far better to be thought dumb than to prove your case
To their argument be numb, let them save face
No need to beat your drum, staying mum is no disgrace
The first rule of thumb, is listen then leave with grace

No need to pull someone's string, don't step on their toes
To their delusion let them cling, let them think their garbage smells like a rose
Raise your middle finger, No, don't turn and thumb your nose
Let your smile linger, although you know, their bull you can expose

© 2024 Soren

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Wow! Love this lesson embroidered in words in this sublimely penned poem. Many people need to read it, they have much to learn from each of the three stanza's, dear Soren. So many profess to see others as brothers and sisters, but they don't see them as brothers and sisters when they hear bad news about them, they spread it like wildfire not knowing if what they heard is true or not. I love the title of the poem, it acts as a warning to the reader in what not to do. There is no need to pull the rug from under anyone to prove we are stronger than them. We should be looking out for them in case they trip over the rug and be there to either prevent it or help them up. A candle does not lose any of its light by allowing another candle to be lit from it. A captivating write, sublimely inked. I enjoyed reading very much, dear Soren and I, thank you for sharing. Lovely work!!!

Posted 13 Hours Ago


11 Hours Ago

Thanks Marie for the read and mostunderstanding comment. Years ago I was taught that you never contr.. read more

11 Hours Ago

Agree 110% dear Soren. You so poetically captured that in this classic write. Thank you again for sh.. read more
Move over, Confucious----

Posted 16 Hours Ago


13 Hours Ago

Yea I've been reading him too much lately. Thanks for the read Jacob

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2 Reviews
Added on October 15, 2024
Last Updated on October 15, 2024



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A Poem by Soren

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A Poem by Soren