Unknown self

Unknown self

A Poem by Soren

"What you don't know can't hurt you"
but it is the unknown we fear the most
Few know themselves it's true
making our inner nest, host to a ghost

In a shell with no windows, we bar and bolt the door
Covers over our head we feel safe inside
Now the monsters we can ignore
Not knowing that we reside with those, from whom we hide

Our growth stunted from lack of sun
sheltered from the rain
Not knowing that we are the one
that causes our pain

Make friends with the demon
Oneself one must get to know
Knowing them will make you a free man
Courage will then sprout and grow

© 2024 Soren

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What wonderful good advice you give to your reader in this absolutely wondrous write, dear Soren. It is so true many fear the unknown, though I have given it a lot of thought through the years, I still haven't found the answer to how or why someone could fear what they don't know, what is unknown to them. I am not sure if it is an attitude, albeit a negative one, but I can't work it out in my mind. It is so true that we ourselves cause our own pain, but so few recognise this fact. I love your advice to "Make friends with the demon" and to get to know ourselves will make us free once we take back our power instead of putting it into the hands of negativity. Courage will then be our companion through life. LOVE this sublime write, dear friend. Thank you so v-e-r-y much for sharing it. I so enjoyed reading... Wishing you a very lovely evening and an equally lovely weekend too, dear Soren...

Posted 3 Days Ago


3 Days Ago

Once again I thank you my friend for the lovely comment and the understanding read of the poem. I do.. read more

3 Days Ago

Most welcome always, dear Soren. I so look forward to your poem each day. Thank you again for sharin.. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 12, 2024
Last Updated on October 12, 2024



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