In life - always and forever. People who know me that I prefer plants as gifts rather than cut flowers. To see a rose, delphinium or whatever growing upon a stem or from the soil, proudly, brightly and more in any kind of weather is breathtaking. Yet someone can come along with scissors or secateurs and bleed it to death from that very moment! Why do that? Why! Every living 'thing' deserves a gentle and timely death.
Sorry, could go on. Your poem is brilliant - in its own special way.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Leave it to you Emmajoy to get the point right off the top. Yes so right why do we need to preserve .. read moreLeave it to you Emmajoy to get the point right off the top. Yes so right why do we need to preserve in taxidermy, dried form, or even in memory what we can enjoy in its natural form.
10 Months Ago
We know why, that's why There is a poem written by Jenny Joseph, In memory of God. You might like t.. read moreWe know why, that's why There is a poem written by Jenny Joseph, In memory of God. You might like to read it..
love the rhyme so well with this content.
Man tampers in any way with nature and causes tragedy.
Roses are beautiful and we want to use them to express love...but like anything else...captivity shrinks us until we wilt and die.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
So true Jacob thanks for the review and insightful interpretation it is most welcome
The beauty and momentary need make us selfish and compel us to move in haste. 'Rose', 'Leather gloves or hat with feather' and 'Ivory' speak for three distinct subjects intelligently. Very reflective and deep write!
- mou
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Thank you Mou once again you capture the essence of this write that we take life, be it physical or .. read moreThank you Mou once again you capture the essence of this write that we take life, be it physical or metaphorical, spiritual, emotional as a trophy without thought of the cost to others. I appreciate your read and insightful words.
Indeed, beauty is fragile, whether it be in life or in death. When we see this quality in other life forms, we must remember the bell tolls also for us.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
So true John and this is the human problem, we tend to place ourselves above all else and feel immun.. read moreSo true John and this is the human problem, we tend to place ourselves above all else and feel immune from what befalls the rest of the world. Thanks so much for the read and comment it is truly valued
A wonderful read defending life. Such a wistful longing for immortality I feel in this. But I believe life and beauty are even more precious because they are transitory and fragile. We should not rob life but perhaps strive to understand the perennial. The globe of dandelion seed; perfect on its stem, is only waiting for the wind to blow so it might go and populate the fields again. Nothing is every truly lost and we can always carry beauty and love in our hearts and thoughts to populate our own field of dreams. I enjoyed your poem. F.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Thank you so much for your review and most valued comments. Yes you have caught the intended meaning.. read moreThank you so much for your review and most valued comments. Yes you have caught the intended meaning of this piece and I feel just as you that life is a continuation to be valued at each phase for its beauty and meaning. Thank you so much Fabian
Dear Soren, we do cut flowers and when we do, they will fade and die in a short period of time. Lucky if they last in a vase for a week.
I can remember my Nan when I was seven, telling me not to pick wild flowers and the reasons. I do not cut flowers, though I have to say I am happy to receive them.
I have left roses to dry out in a vase. They are a reminder that beauty fades, it doesn’t last. Their demise spoke to me and so I listened. A beautiful poem with significant meaning for this reader. Thank you.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Thank you so much Chris for the read and most understanding interpretation and kind comments.