I have never tasted a rainbow but I have eaten Skittles. The sound of bravery is any voice answering the call of duty. I have had a nose bleed and sniffed a velvet rose. I try not to erupt as it's bad for my heart. All cages are a threat to freedom. I have seen bread offered as flesh and redemption. My meter isn't very good but I've been having a meter maid keep a check on it. I do a lot of salivating...drooling actually. If I wet the bed at my age it will not be with metaphors. I mostly speak with a southern Appalachian drawl so that is like a foreign language in some circles. I have had emotions crawl up my spine on hairy spider legs and nibble at my gray matter. But then, I'm always reading dead poets and a few good living ones who write poems like this. This was really was a great read! F.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Love the take on this, after all one can not take things too seriously. The wordplay is the best and.. read moreLove the take on this, after all one can not take things too seriously. The wordplay is the best and it adds a bit of humor where there was none before. Humor is like salt, it adds flavor to the meal. Thanks so much Fabian your comments made me smile and that is worth a great deal.
Superb! Here you have allotted tributes with gentle appreciation but - without the banging of drums or jingoism that comes with grey admiration but not the red of empathetic hearts. Reading the 'dead poets' a person in the street can walk in the shadow of might have been and - who knows what the future is.. ..
This poem is one of the best I have read in near enough fourteen years in the Cafe. Many and sincere thanks for sharing you words and having the heart that created them, Soren.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
You humble me beyond words Emmajoy Thank you so much for your reads and perceptive spirit that gives.. read moreYou humble me beyond words Emmajoy Thank you so much for your reads and perceptive spirit that gives you the kindness to share with other poets what only the heart of a true poet can hear.
10 Months Ago
Sincerely, thank you but.. we all as many posts as time allows, but there perhaps hidden, is one or .. read moreSincerely, thank you but.. we all as many posts as time allows, but there perhaps hidden, is one or two that touch mind and heart. Yours I want to remember.. and hopefully will. Tis special.
This write honours dead poets. The ones who from their grave brought poetry into my life. It is as part of me as eating or sleeping is. Without reading those poets of old, the classical, the romantics, I would never have fallen in love with poetry. It will be with me to my dying day. Your golden words do them justice. This poem is a very special poem Soren.
Posted 10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Thank you so much for the review Chris and you are so right in your observation yes the dead poets h.. read moreThank you so much for the review Chris and you are so right in your observation yes the dead poets have inspired me to from Homer onward they have raised emotions of varying colors.