What a mystery you've set within four lines, Soren! Can only guess that utter honesty can or could be a killer as are lies. Be self and - as jacob infers people will either change because they are destined to do so or, will be inspired or forced to change. Perhaps the question could be a third person/a permanent fly on the wall, maybe? But who can say if that person's idea of truth or lie is..
I like the thought of this poem, sets the mind thinking! Take care, keep safe.
(Have to say, it's interesting to almost immediately read what Chris and Diva have added. Different attitudes or judgements might add even more to Soren's poem.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you so much for this insightful and kind review of such a humble piece. Your words dig deep in.. read moreThank you so much for this insightful and kind review of such a humble piece. Your words dig deep into this and provoke even more questions than answers, which is what this poem was all about.
I think we all change in time. I’d like to think that most couples can adapt with the years. I look back to myself forty years ago. My significant other does not have now what he had then. However, there are many pages in a book of life. What he may have lost in one chapter, I would say he has gained in others. Love is unconditional. You take the rough with the smooth. It doesn’t have to stop it but it does needs to be flexible. A thought provoking piece of brevity Soren.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you so much Chris for this insightful comment. Yes we use the word so loosely"love" there are .. read moreThank you so much Chris for this insightful comment. Yes we use the word so loosely"love" there are many types and some are unconditional. This is what I call love. However, what some call love is only for what others gan give them and this changes over time.
I think love is unconditional. If we really love a person, we'd love their changed self also or at least try our best to. A very thinking poem, dear Soren.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you Divya for your comment that I too agree with. Love in English is a term taken too lightly... read moreThank you Divya for your comment that I too agree with. Love in English is a term taken too lightly. Like the phrase "I'm sorry" it is something that should be used with great caution. True love is unconditional, but this only mothers have a real taste of. Many mean I love what you can give me now.
the old me's are what attracts us to significant others.
and then those folks change on their own or we try to change them.
I wonder why that is.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you Jacob, your questions are what I wished to provoke with this piece. I don't have the answe.. read moreThank you Jacob, your questions are what I wished to provoke with this piece. I don't have the answers just the questions. I deeply appreciate your review and comment.