~Blood Tears...

~Blood Tears...

A Poem by Sophy Freebirds

Beautifully broken,majestically mended

Snowflakes flutter across my eyelashes as
Last charred tear flows down my red cheek...
Dropping down to the cup of agony...
Reverbating is the loudest whisper in cold land...
Gulping it down,it burns my parched throat...
As hemlock resurrected socrates soul...

Dark vision blurries my eyes around...
A gust of chilly wind knocks me to the ground...

Reliving the dark tunnel of memories...
Your every carress a merciless whip...
Your passionate kiss shaming Judas's kiss...
Curling in my bosom as cleopatra's asp...
Draining me of my last lovely gasp...

My soul writhes under sky of vain...
Echoing through the clouds of pain...
Did you get any silver in gain??

I bury my heart in the hellish flames..
Choking my emotions in unicorn's reign...
Tapping my trust forever in pandora's box...

My lonely soul tears,bloodied with betrayal's smear...
Escapes an anguished freezed BLOOD TEAR....

© 2014 Sophy Freebirds

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Author's Note

Sophy Freebirds
I don't write depressing poems .. But every day has its night.. So here is a piece of my work from a moment of my life.. Feel!! ;)

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Featured Review

Blood tears are always emotive, I knew right off this one was going to be affecting, I felt this one to the core of my bones Sophy. I realize this about betrayal but it took me to another place in time...

Gulping it down,it burns my parched throat...
As hemlock resurrected socrates soul...

Killer lines...wish I would have written those...you never disappoint dearheart!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Ohh wow.. cupcake thank you for the sweet review.. i am so humbled :)


So that's how it feels like to be betrayed.. I see..
My lonely soul tears,bloodied with betrayal's smear...
Escapes an anguished freezed BLOOD TEAR....

And one of the many dilemmas mind is tortured with..

My soul writhes under sky of vain...
Echoing through the clouds of pain...
Did you get any silver in gain??

Would refrain myself from commenting on this one.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is a rather depressing poem. I can feel the feeling of betrayal and sadness in the lines. I have felt the same way.........I don't want to trust again, but i do have to say, it may not be fair to never trust again. I think for me. I know that Pandora was given the instructions to never open the box, but she did. All the evil was release throughout the world, but the thing that lie at the bottom, hope. I choose to cling to that hope, that someday I will will be able to trust again. Thanks for the poem. Again, it held great meaning for me, at least for what I got out of it. You inspire and motivate me, thanks friend!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

"Did you get any silver in gain?"-this is a perfect line. As always, your vivid language really drives home the angst and emotional heft the speaker is feeling. I've certainly seen my share of dark nights, and dark clouds whose silver linings seem to dissipate too quickly to be fully realized. This poem is deeply moving. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words.. will be coming for your works..soon :)
Snowflakes flutter across my eyelashes as
Last charred tear flows down my red cheek...I would either add a or the between as & Last to let the flow of your words continue, otherwise wonderfully written

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Thank you for the suggestion dear... :)
Every line is filled with profound meaning :) the last charred tear dropping to the cup of agony, reliving the dark tunnel of memories...and every line that follows..how time changes the perception of memories..felt the moment :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

I am glad you felt for it... :) thank you so much..
This poem makes me want to rip my heart out so I can suffer along side you.
Great write, I feel every word. Nice you, you're very good at touching certain emotions.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Ohh dear!! Thank you so much Ana.. for feeling it :)
People are often blinded by their unrealistic expectations of others, thus setting themselves up for a fall. here’s a tiny gift poem:


Burning with lust
we don’t see it all.
Void of all trust,
we trip, then we fall.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Wow.. thank you for your lovely words :)
wow! powerful indeed every counters night so sorrowful and yet the end was more than that only a simple delight understandably felt deeply by those who choose to. We have all been on our journey and now may be your culmination the fruitful season so indeed and rich it is seen.
the emotions buried within speak of another time maybe?......

enjoyed reading thoroughly

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

cheers oo>

10 Years Ago

supposed to be a smily face

10 Years Ago

at the end
Blood tears are always emotive, I knew right off this one was going to be affecting, I felt this one to the core of my bones Sophy. I realize this about betrayal but it took me to another place in time...

Gulping it down,it burns my parched throat...
As hemlock resurrected socrates soul...

Killer lines...wish I would have written those...you never disappoint dearheart!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Ohh wow.. cupcake thank you for the sweet review.. i am so humbled :)
Well, you know I relate to this my friend...it is indeed a departure for you, but yes, every day has its night...there would be no life without it...I absolutely love your references, you always have the perfect ones, especially Cleo's asp...love that one ;) You balance hot and cold beautifully, and the silver...well Judas didn't get a whole lot of consolation from his, so hopefully this person didn't either...not much more I can say, except to say again that this one hit home...your words have a way of just jumping off the page (i.e. monitor) and into the reader's mind...well done Sophy :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sophy Freebirds

10 Years Ago

Whoa!! Glad you relate to it... well i love cleo's style :p.. thank you dear K.K for the encouragin.. read more

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17 Reviews
Added on August 5, 2014
Last Updated on August 5, 2014


Sophy Freebirds
Sophy Freebirds

Balangir, Odisha, India

Christened as Sophy i try to live up to this name.Introduction is something i am never good at.But if you want to know me,read me. My Real name is Ankita Sagar.Will be turning 19 soon this Septembe.. more..


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