![]() Inside the Mind of Stephen KingA Story by David Masterson![]() A short story I was inspired to write while reading the the forward to Stephen King's book "The Long Walk" The forward is titled "The importance of being Richard Bachman."![]() Inside the Mind of Stephen
I crawl inside the delusional mind of a famous author, I come to realize this
is sacred ground, but fame is not a pre-requisite to come here. This is hollowed
ground open for those consumed by passion. Most of us as writers have never
accepted this destiny"much as people snub their nose at god"because they don’t
believe they deserve it. But I know we all have as much passion as Richard
Bachman. Perhaps not as much talent, or a twisted enough mind, but every writer
is born with passion or they would have given up long ago. So it is with a
tender foot that I take my first step into the world where Richard Bachman
lives. For
years he hid in this secluded realm as the ultimate evil entity or UEI as I
will coin the phrase. The concept of ultimate evil has been stumbling around in
the back of my own broken mind for some time. I realize that is my weakness,
going too big, so epic I lose sight of the fact my characters are human. Is
there really perfect evil? Is it even attainable? Is Richard Bachman the villain
we love to hate? Can I create the perfect antagonist? I dare say the answer is
probably no. Still, Richard Bachman may be a serial killer so desperate to
kidnap his readers he will stop at nothing. And indeed he is a smooth talker
when it comes to tracking his victims. We fall almost desperately under his
spell and thank him for the tender morsel of death he feeds us. I mean this
with the utmost respect, in as much as a serial killer of his stature deserves
respect. He is a Master Craftsman after all. His
home is the fertile world of passion where all writers have a right to enter
the open door. Some are afraid to face their own fatal flaw. Others can’t see
the door through their own self obsessed arrogance, much like myself. Many
stumble around with their eyes closed, seeking the success they have already
worked far too hard to obtain. It is a world filled with delusional grandeur
and constant interruption, but we must press on. Even failure will not stop us. We
as writers should never attempt to copy the Master, that is a human becoming
god, likewise, why bother copying Richard Bachman? But an essence of his character in our minds
as we write is something to be cherished. We emulate, foreshadow, or even forge
new territory which his passionate heart could not envision. Every story is a
retelling of another story, or so some say, which is why my effort to find
ultimate evil is destined to fail. In that failure is freedom. Knowing I will
never attain perfection leaves me content to tread in the eternal fog which
surrounds Richard Bachman’s world. He has been living there perhaps for
eternity, but he left a wedge in the door so anyone can follow. It is a
dichotomy he expressed in his second essay when his true identity as Stephen
King came out. “I was surprised, upset, and pissed off.” Still, he deliberately
left a crack in the door. But he knew we would come, like dogs to their vomit,
or lovers who sacrifice everything for one kiss, there was nothing he could do
to deter us. Why does Richard Bachman love fog? Because there is no mystery in
the light of day. There is no good without evil, no space without time. Why
did we come to Richard Bachman’s mind space? We couldn’t help it, and of course
he doesn’t own it. The reason we are here is we were born with passion. Some
say it is a curse to write, but much like our characters, we remain blind to
our own fatal flaw. Most are unwilling to give up on writing. We would rather
sew our severed heart back into our chest, kick the killer’s teeth out and
crawl through the morass of publishing to hold a bloody manuscript out from the
grave for anyone who is kind enough to read it. And when they pry our life work
form our hand and start turning the page, then our mission is accomplished. I can
assure you even writers who think they write for fame are only fooling
themselves. Of course we want to buy a new computer, spend the extra fifty on a
lobster tail and a big tip, or pay off our house. But that’s only so we can get
back to writing. Ultimately it all comes back to how we were created"or how we evolved"to
keep an open mind. We were created with passion and some of us have an
insufferable need to tell a tale of epic proportions and hopefully change someone’s
life in the process! So my
hat is off to you Richard Bachman! I’m so thankful you tried to hide, and the
honor of being your victim is the highest honor, because your fatal flaw is you
didn’t see us coming. Of course in real life you welcomed all who followed or
you wouldn’t have left the wedge in the door. But the thought Stephen King has
a fatal flaw at all is the beginning of a great story! So
I found my self running between watching the kids fight over breakfast and
reading “The importance of Richard Bachman,” a forward in the novel “The Long
Walk.” I desperately want to incorporate what I’m writing now into one of my
current novels in progress. Will it fit with my rainy day space vampire
detective, born from an eternal gypsy virus 14.6 billion years ago, or the pert
little princess of perfection which I have so lovingly birthed in the near
future of our Milky Way Galaxy? Either way I know he is stalking me now.
Richard Bachman the serial killer is breathing down my neck and I am thankful
for it. In his sick and twisted need to kill me, he has sparked that dead
passion which is rising up to save the world. Now the kids are punching each
other and I want to write forever, no whiskey, just sunshine and passion born
of atomic fury. I
am thankful for the death I know is coming under Richard Bachman’s grimy hands.
Those hands have killed so many before, and now that it’s my turn, I welcome
his cold embrace. To know he is just a man like me, built of the same mettle
which Deity has given us all. He is the same, yet so different. There went the
dishes, but I can’t tear my self away or write fast enough. Let the heathens
kill themselves so I can write another word and save the world! And even in my
death, I will be resurrected to write again. This time the joke is on you Richard
Bachman, because I the victim lured you in. I planned it all along and seduced
you into killing me. I outsmarted the mastermind in one bold move which settled
the score firmly in my favor. Even in death, I win. THE END © 2014 David MastersonFeatured Review
1 Review Added on October 19, 2014 Last Updated on October 19, 2014 Tags: Richard Bachman, ultimate evil, Stephen King, Science Fiction |