To Be SaidA Poem by softiesongbirdI'm trying, and my significant other wants be there, but I have issues opening up.I find myself in
a state of mild despair. I worried you - I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to
say such things, But the words
were sent before I could stop. “I trust you - I
do. But this small burden does not need to make yours heavier.” Hypocritical, I
know. I ask to carry
your load - For you not to
worry - “I can handle it.” Can I? I have before,
but not in this way And how can you
trust me When you think I
can’t do the same for you? I will try. To open up, to
be vulnerable. I know you’ll be
patient. You understand
more than I. My burden is no less important. I can talk. I hope. © 2020 softiesongbird |
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