A Poem by pana kun
Details, and a world. 
White smoke comes out from the door Coffee slowly drowsing into my pink lips Glasses make minute clinks This wooden table, like the mountain terrain. There's a tint of violet like wine Hot milk in this small mug, dots of cinnamon like comfort Soft drinks pop, bubbles the size of ants
The running water reminds me of miniature waterfalls in the rain forest Surrounded by trees, by leaves; the droplets travel or delay The cushions of these timbered chairs, magenta pillows As if they were scattered like ladybugs The large windows, embracing some sort of sky blue, hints of cyan and bright, fluffed clouds Rainbow drips reflect the streaks of sunlight
Sleepy, sipping Pastries and waffles Daisies growing from earthly beans I felt cloudburst tapping against the windowsills Like softer keys of a toy piano
The grey smudges on my glasses paint a world Unknown, myself I believe in pastel and cotton Happiness, not entirely sure But there are things to hope for
© 2017 pana kun
' .. The running water reminds me of miniature waterfalls in the rain forest - Surrounded by trees, by leaves; the droplets travel or delay - The cushions of these timbered chairs, magenta pillows - As if they were scattered like ladybugs.. '
Exquisite! Your words shimmer, Ana - read like a string of small gems, each complimenting its neighbour in tone and texture. Seems your surroundings are immensely precious to you - you need hug your world around you! And that is how it should be, even if small life should be cherished. Lovely writing, words to remember, thank you. Take care, please.. and keep safe.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
hello there emma! thank you for this kind & heartwarming review, this truly made my evening. surroun.. read morehello there emma! thank you for this kind & heartwarming review, this truly made my evening. surroundings, dreams, and minute personal discoveries are things that i deeply cherish. i hope you have a lovely day/night, and keep safe as well!!
3 Years Ago
I meant every word! Here in England is 11.19 and the sun in shining, birds singing and - life is .. read moreI meant every word! Here in England is 11.19 and the sun in shining, birds singing and - life is smiling. Keep safe!
1 Review
Added on January 28, 2017
Last Updated on February 21, 2017
Tags: cafe, coffee, poetry, neutrality, sadness, happiness, endearment, pastel, rain, droplets, story, myself
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