Great Expectations
A Poem by soady
A symbolic song in which looking through the peep-hole represents an event long awaited. 
A darkened room with a shed of light Brings up the worst conceptions. A place of doom possessed by blight. Your mind creates the worst contraptions.
To peep through the source of light You rest your head onto the crack. As you get closer it gets more bright: Your confidence then may lack...
Run towards the darkened corner Squat yourself and don't look back Escape your fate and be a loner: Your confidence then may lack...
Insufficient epilogue. You transform into a wreck. What will happen you don't know: Your confidence goes to heck...
So rest your eye onto the leak, Endure the flash and see beyond, Prove yourself you want to seek Your destiny and your response.
Unpretentious you must be. Ask too much and you will pay The most certain toll of all; Reality you must obey.
That cruelty you rarely see, The misery which leaves a mark. Thereupon feel twice the fall Of the one who stays in dark...
© 2012 soady
Author's Note
This song is really about disappointment.
soadyBelgrade, Serbia
I am 20 years old. Started writing for fun and pressure release. I started out with love songs but then I turned a bit darker. My influences are musicians, even though my songs are not always written .. more..