A Poem by Oblivion
That which we fear the most,
advancing toward our graves
without relevance in
without connection and dear
sweet affection
Each moment of quiet in
brings sheer terror that
has set in with permanence.
Surely it is here to stay
this time vitality is past,
now a mystery of yesterday
Maybe this is it, where
ebb and flow has cycled
to its final resting place.
But given all time and space
all too often I forget,
for each autumn there is spring
below the winter snow
lies new life a seed will
from the ashes of despair
springs hope’s radiant glow aflare.
© 2012 Oblivion
Not bad. I like your use of the spring metaphor near the end. I think there are places where you could improve, just by tightening up your writing, things like that, but as this stands, it's very well done.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you Trigorin.
12 Years Ago
Thank you sir. Your comment are kind and appreciated.
12 Years Ago
Thank you...if I found more writing like this here at WC, I would return more often and become invol.. read moreThank you...if I found more writing like this here at WC, I would return more often and become involved again
12 Years Ago
wow, strong compliment. Thank you again.
12 Years Ago
My reviews or comments are based on emotional connection to what I read. I used to review nearly e.. read moreMy reviews or comments are based on emotional connection to what I read. I used to review nearly everything I read...those days ended when I had an injury that left me typing one hand, left, and I am right dominant. The surgery was last June but the accident was right before joining WC March of 2012 and though I am still rehabbing while getting better, I had a lot of time for new perspective while I wrote one handed the entire time at WC until the last couple of months when I have not come here much. Just a bit of back story so you know I have not reviewed much for some time... now I am only going to comment on writing that I read that I am emotionally moved by...this writing is exactly that...keep up the good work.
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12 Years Ago
Wow, such a strong review, surpasses my expectations. Thank you, thank you. By your comments I can.. read moreWow, such a strong review, surpasses my expectations. Thank you, thank you. By your comments I can tell you understand the intent of my write.
4 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2012
Last Updated on December 6, 2012
I read what inspires me. If I have read and commented on your poetry or stories it is because I thought highly of it.