GREGARIOUSNESS A SHAMA Poem by JENYSolitude has its own valueGREGARIOUSNESS A SHAM If gregariousness is thy
nature Why you are a lonely
creature? In the crowd I saw you
crying While all others saw you
laughing One among the birds
shoal You follow your nearest
pal In the sky against the sun You move as none So many beaks in same aim As if carried by same
dream So many wings in the same
rhythm As if fanning up same
autumn Autumn that smiles outside Autumn that weeps inside. Autumn that is noisy
outside. Autumn that is a frozen
solitude Cast away thy robes. Admit thy souls Gregariousness is for
insecurity Solitude is for eternity My bird.. Escape, flew away from
crowd. Travel down to the dale of
solitude Dive deep into thy self. Where you are you in your
eternal self © 2010 JENYReviews