Silveena of the tide

Silveena of the tide

A Story by smee

this is something i started and have gradually worked on over the years, im not sure if i should turn it into a book or not yet. hope you like it.


Silveena of the tide

The moon was brightly shining off of her pearl blue hair. Eyes glittered like small diamonds in the faint light, and skin that was like shimmering silver. Her frost colored tail slapped the rock she was perched on softly.

Pale rose lips parted and the mermaid sang one of her night songs to the few creators of the sea that cared to listen.

The sky was clear of all clouds and the stars filled the sky. There wasn’t a vacant spot to be seen. The beautiful mermaid was perched on a small rock at the base of a small water fall. It roared gently in the back ground and the mist kept her from drying out.

This was one of the few spots left in the world she could come to the surface and be alone and sing her night songs. As she entered the final notes, someone walked out of the bushes and just looked at her.

Sadly she cut of her song prematurely and stared at the new comer. “I need to talk Silveena.” The man said slowly and dryly. Silveena the mermaid laughed a musical laugh.

“Oh what’s this? A lanternzu asking for my help?” Silveena laughed again and played with her long silver hair. The man shape shifted out of focus and the demons true form appeared. Horns donned on his head and spikes ran the length of his spin. He was very handsome even in human terms. His feet and hands became clawed but had an evil grace to them. His eyes turned up at the corners witch helped invasive his looks.

Silveena gasped but kept the shock from her face. “Yes I knew you would recognize me Silveena, you still look the same as when I left you.” He looked down at the sand then back at her. “I know I have no right to ask you anything now but I must…” Silveena’s eyes cut dangerously at him

“Chose your words wisely Vendary.” She couldn’t help but blush at the memory that she tried to push away. They had sheared much in the past, even thoughts of marriage entered there minds. But now almost hated enemies, the deep pain of betrayal and hart came back. Her face turned to stone as she looked upon her x-lover.

Vendary sighed as he looked at her fin. He also fought memories of long nights with her. But now she was cursed to stay in that form never again allowed on dry land.

He ripped his dark red eyes away and forced his gaze on her cold stare. For a moment nothing happened.

“What do you ask of me?” Silveena asked first as Vendary opened his mouth to speak. “Why do you disturb me at my most sacred time?”

“I need your powers of foresight…” Vendary looked deep into Silveena’s moonlight eyes. “It’s a matter of life or death or I wouldn’t be here asking this of you.” Silveena just stared at him a little amusement coming into her eyes.

“What is it you seek and cannot find?” Her voice cutting through the air with a almost, ice cold mockery. Vendary just sighed seeing that it would be useless to play games here and fidgeted a little with his hair.

Seeing his hastens and how uncomfortable he was getting she answered her own question. “You have found another, lover.” It pained her more then she would have thought saying those words would.

He blushed a little turning away from her not wanting to see what was there. “I almost died when I lost you and I will never forget that or you for that matter.” He paused and looked strait into her cold moonlight eyes. He could see the pain there that she was trying to hide from him.

“I would think you would have gone to another for such a matter but seeing that you are here means that she really dose, mean something to you…. I will help you in this trivial matter the best I can but I cannot guaranty anything as you well know.” As much as she hated to admit it, she still loved him and it pained her to see him in such distress though he tried to hide it. “But I need something in return for my services…”.

“Anything just name it, and it shall be yours.” He said after a short pause. She stared at him seeing the seriousness in his face and eyes, he really meant it.

“Very well then I will name my demand once I have met yours.” She did a little bow from her sitting position on the rock then looked back at him. “What is it that you demand me seek for you this night?”

“I can not speak so openly here, we must go to a more secure place. No one must know of my business here.” With that he turned back into his human form that was handsome and resembled one of the village people from the island that they were on.

“Very well we shall go to my home if it’s all the same to you.” Silveena informed him with a smile.

“Very well, led the way. I can manage fine under the water.” He said matching her smile. Vendary made his way to the waters edge and hesitated. He looked at were the water reseeded and took a step back instinctively.

“What’s wrong Vendary?” She gave the most innocent smile she could. “Do you still have a fear of the water?”

He gave her a glare in response; he took a deep breath to steal himself then slowly walked into the water. Once he was waist deep he stopped and looked at her. The water was uncommonly cold for the weather and year. He tried to hide the pain from his face but he knew his lips would turn blue in a couple more minuets if they didn’t descend soon.

Silveena just smiled at him. “She must be very important to you if you’re willing to go to my deep lire. I just wish you could have found as much for me when it mattered most.” Sighing she turned away from him and dove into the water. The salt water greeted her eagerly and felt wonderful on her skin and through her long hair.

She did a circle around the rock and Vendary before she resurfaced again.

“You ready?” He only nodded his head in answer not wonting to trust his voice. “Good just hang onto my waist, take a deep breath and don’t let go.”

As soon as he was settled and she was satisfy he had gotten enough long breaths she quickly dove into the water and headed for the deep ocean floor.

Sudden panic erupted in Vendary as the cold ocean engulfed him. His eyes clamped shut and he could feel the bubbles tickling his skin. As he went deeper, his fear grow and he griped Silveena with a tighter grip causing her a little pain but she endured it knowing what he was going through. She hated to admit it to her self but she didn’t like doing this to him.

After what seemed like forever to him and his lungs his head came out of the water and into a small air bubble. He gasped and gulped the air greedily as Silveena lead him over to the side of the hole.

Having placed his hands on the slopping side she herself hosted herself up on the ledge then dropped down the small ledge into the shallow water below. It was only about five feet deep so he wouldn’t have any trouble in it and it gave her just enough room to move around.

The cave that they found there self’s in wasn’t natural, it had taken her several decades to chisel and mold it to her satisfaction and even longer to figure out how to get air, clean air down in it. That’s when she discovered a special algy that made air like the plants on dry land.

Slowly he pulled himself from the hole and dropped down into the caves water. It was warm and it felt good on his skin. The water was fresh from what he could tell from his nose and very clear. He was surprised to see crystals hanging from the caves walls and ceiling, giving off light so he could see very well.

She swam quickly behind a curtain that hung from the caves top. She re- appeared with a beautiful pearl bowl. She motioned to him to the far side of the cave and he followed quickly. Silveena lead him to a narrow place that had a small table above the water and a place to sit on ether side carved out of the wall.

She took the right side as he mad himself comfortable on the left. Slowly she put the bowl in the center of the table then took out a bottle she held in her other hand with a glowing silver substance in it and poured it into the bowl only enough to fill the bottom.

Vendary lend in to look closer at the bowl.

“Not yet you fool, you will ruin the spell if you look too soon!” Quickly he jerked his head back and closed his eyes. Silveena laughed a little under her breath at his reaction. Apparently he cared a great deal for what ever he was seeking.

“Now is the time to speak of what you seek. Name what it is and reason if Loquen the goddess of magic sees it fit. Then the bowl will show you the way.” Silveena finished closing her eyes and then rotating the bowl twice and looked at Vendary indicating he should speak.

A little uneasy he fidgeted with his hands then, “My daughter, Jozalyn. Apparently she has been seeing a boy without my permission. He saw her flirting with someone else and needles to say he killed the other boy and kidnapped her. Come to find out he’s the son of one of my greatest enemy… so if they find out who her father is they will killer her.” he looked down into his hands as he spoke then looked Silveena in the face. She could tell he was fighting tears.

Seeing him like that filled her with an unwanted and unfamiliar feeling to help him. She turned away and then looked into the bowl. She gave a silent prayer to Loquen to help him despite her self.

They both looked into the bowl now she saw, as Silveena chanced a glance up at Vendary. Quickly she looked back into the bowl, soon the surface once smooth and simmering now bubbled and churned.

“Loquen has heard you.” She said softy. Both of them were consumed with the bowl and she doubted that he had heard her at all. Slowly the bubbling subsided and became as smooth as glass. below the surface mist swirled and rolled slowly it too calmed down to show a dark room.

The first thing to come into focused was a lavish bed, then its surroundings. Everything in the room was decorated. The walls had high grade gilded molding on it and all the furnishings were lavish and fine tapestries hung on the walls. Silveena doubted she had seen a more decorated room in her life. Vendary could have cared less. All his attention was on the first thing the bowl had shown, the bed. Heavy drapes hung over the windows letting in hardly any light. But to the lanternzu he didn’t need much light to see the two figures on the bed. As he focused on them the bowl two zoomed in on them allowing him a better and clearer view. Suddenly his breath caught in his throat as one of the figures rolled over to face him.

She was breath taking. The girl’s lavish blood red hair fell around her delicate face but most of it was behind her. A delicate porsalen colored hand rested palm up next to her face. Her eyes had an elfish look to them and very long lashes that would make any girl jealous. Small pointed teeth could be seen from her slightly parted full lips. Her bare shoulder and arms rested out side of the blanket, witch was drawn up to almost her throat. Even through the blanket, you could tell she had a very shapely form.

“Where is this?” Vendary barley breathed. “I must know!” when no response came, he looked at Silveena.

Silveena’s head slowly dropped forward. After a few seconds her head began to rise. Even though her eyes were open it wasn’t her eyes that peered out at him. They were completely black, the whole eye was consumed.

Fear slowly gripped him, he new who he spoke with now, Loquen the great goddess of magic, foresight, and war. An evil smile spread across her face.

She peered into the bowl then waved her hand above it. Like and upside down water fall the liquid in the bowl began to poor out of it and shape itself in a nice size circle, like a hand held mirror. The surface still held the room.

“My faithful servant must feel strongly for you to appeal for my assistance. She normally goes to my brother for assistance not wanting to annoy me with little trifles of this world. Now what is so important to bring me here?” Loquen the goddess said looking Vendary strait in the eyes.

“Please goddess I am in desperate need of you help-“

She cutting him off. “Who isn’t theses days now get to the point. My patents is running sort with you.”

“I need to know were this is and how I can get my daughter back with out us being killed.” He lowered his gaze to show respect but couldn’t help looking up every now and then to see her face.

“Hm… this is in the world of the sky. She will not be killed be mortal hands for as long as I rule but you will fall if you go after her. If you chose to leave her to her fate that she has chosen, then you will never see her again but she will live a happy life. If you chose to go after her then you will die and she will live a life of fear but find another and not live in peace.” Now the goddess looked at him with a puzzled look on her face.

“Why dose my servant fell this way about you? It’s even affecting me.” He looked down and began to fidget with his hands.

“Ah now I see it, finally she gives it up. She has tried hard to hide it from me-she who never hides anything from me.” Now her look changed from peaceful to dark and evil.

“You should not have asked this of her. Her pain runs so deep I feel it in my bones.” Tears came to her eyes and then she closed them for the first time, her head slowly dropped again and soon came up. This time it was Silveena’s eyes that looked at him. There moonlight silver comforting him a little. Tears still streamed from her eyes as she took the bowl with its contents, witch had fallen back into the bowl the instant the goddess left. But Vendary didn’t notice from being distracted from what the goddess had said, her words echoing in his mind.

Quickly she pored the bowl into a large bottle that held a mixture of used magical liquid and quirked it. Then returned the bowl to its place on one of her shelf’s after cleaning it. She turned to find Vendary watching her.

“I hope I was of some use and the goddess didn’t say too much. I did not ask her to do that by the way. Being and avatar is hard on me and I will have to sleep for weeks to regain my strength and magic that was used.” She started to swim for the opening when Vendary grabbed her arm. Surprised she froze not knowing what to do. He pulled her to him and hugged her like a lover hugs there love.

Her arms longed to hug him back but instead she pushed and pushed against his chest to no avail. In such close quarters she couldn’t get any strength behind her arms and being so depleted of her magic she couldn’t use that to fight him off. So exhausted she caved in covered her face and began to cry silently. Her shoulders going up and down sharply, he hugged her all the tighter.

“I’m sorry-so sorry Silveena, I didn’t think. Oh gods I didn’t think...” Silveena lifted her head and he saw clearly the new mark on her forehead and eyelids. The mark of her deity that said she was a conduit for Loquen. Dark blue markings swirled and curved around her forehead and across her eyes. They were beautiful and graceful.

“Vendary… would it have been so bad to just have been happy with me?” She looked worn and tired like she had seen a hundred ages in only the seconds he was looking at her. Vendary didn’t know what to say. He saw the wound so clearly now, that he had made on her heart.

As he was looking into her moonlight eyes, tears welled up and began to poor from the corners down her check and neck unhindered. She didn’t care that he saw her cry, and it was about time that he did. In the past she had foolishly prided her self on hiding her emotions. No she wonted him to know and see her pain.

“All I have is… I don’t know…” he pulled her face into his chest and stroked the back of her head holding back tears.

Suddenly she became very stiff and pushed him away with surprising force. As he regained his footing again and looked her in the eyes, only contempt and hate greeted him. Coldness gripped him from his very core. He hadn’t expected this sudden change but he know he shouldn’t have been surprised.

“Unlike you I have the gift, or should I say cures of foresight. It allows me to see the future and what might have been had certain things been different. Sometimes I can’t control the things it shows me and others it won’t reveal to me when I try so hard to see…

“I have seen a life… a life that was filed with happiness and love. Were I hade children and a loving husband, were I didn’t have fins and cursed to live in water fore the rest of eternity.” She said coldly staring him in the eyes. No tears clouded her vision now, only the dull ache that follows a good cry. Her fists were clenched and shaking with her pinned up anger. Sadness took Vendary, he lowered his head and his shoulders slumped.

Defeat clearly written on his face, “What is it that you ask of me? You have done as I have asked now what is it that you wa nt from me?”

Sighing Silveena looked away from him.

“I will wait for that another time. As of right now there is nothing.” She said turning again for the portal to the ocean. This time though he didn’t grab at her arm and watched her slid over the lip and into the salty water.

“Were do I take you?” Silveena asked in a flat tone.

Vendary walked over to the lip of the hole, paused then suddenly he reached over and pulled Silveena back into the cave water. Surprised she didn’t fight him.

“First I think I owe you one last thing.” He said gently with her in his arms. “For old times sake and in memory of better days.” He picked her up out of the water princess style and cared her behind the curtain. As he hoped her bed was behind it.

It was very large and lavish. The biggest shell he had ever seen mad the back board and pillows and blankets covered its soft matrices. Silveena had put a spell on it to keep the water off of it and the billows and blankets that would have fallen off the bed as she slept held firm to the edge and would refuse to fall off.

“But I can’t I don’t have legs…” she said in a whisper were Vendary could barely hear her.

“Its ok, I have an idea. You’re not the only one with powers you know.” He said with a light chuckle.

He laid her on the bed and took his true aspect. Oddly enough Silveena preferred him in this form rather then his more human aspect. In his true form, his powers were at full strength. He would need them that way for what he was about to attempt. He sent a silent prayer to Loquen before he started, and then placed his hands on Silveena’s slick tail.

He began to chant a long and complex spell. Silveena had never heard it before but be some of the inflections and syllables she knew it was one of the mastery magic’s. Vendary started out in a low voice and as he did slowly moved up the fine. As he moved farther up and got into the spell he moved faster and faster as his voice rose. As he passed her knees and finally reached her hips and her belly were the last scale was he was almost shouting. His voice dropped to a soft mummer as he slowly moved his hands back down her tail.

Now though as his hands went down the scales he left behind began to fizz and pop then slowly shrink in on themselves, until they disappeared altogether. What they left behind was shining silvery skin like the rest of her. As his hands moved farther and farther down two legs began to appear. Silveena didn’t know what to say or do.

Finally as Vendary’s hands left her tail and Silveena had to perfect legs he fell back sweating and breathing hard.

“It’s only temporarily but for now it will do I think.” He smiled up at her and climbed onto the bed with some effort.

“This is your doing remember that. I did not ask for this.” She said her eyes sparkling.

“Yes, I am still in you debt.” With that she reached over and kissed him fiercely. Once they separated, they were both breathing hard.

“We are both too exhausted for this. I think I have something that might help; I keep it for when I am working and tire myself to much.” She reached for a near by self and pulled off a bottle that glowed a sickly green. She opened it and took a sip from it then offered it to Vendary. Reluctantly he took a sip and almost instantly he felt energized. She placed the corker back in and put it back on the shelf.

“Is that better?”

“Much.” They both had a broad smile in anticipation to what was soon to come.

Silveena and Vendary embraced each other, it seemed like and explosion of long awaited and overdue passion.

Silveena fell asleep in vendary’s arms. She didn’t wake until several hours later. By then Vendary was gone and her fins were back. She sighed and rolled over. As her face came around her eyes were still closed but she had the feeling that she was very close to something. Quickly she pulled back and her eyes flew open.

Much to her surprise it was Loquen’s twin brother, Zellquen. She had to suppress a gasp and made her face as smooth as glass, so not to give anything away. Even though his sister was the goddess of foresight, magic, and war, he really didn’t have much in common with his sister’s powers. His god powers consisted manly of love, mischief and song, among others that only he really knew.

“Did you have a nice night?” he asked mischief dancing in his eyes. “I helped as much as my sis would allow. I thought you disserved it but she didn’t like it at all and said I should stay out of her affairs.” He started to inspect his nails for any imperfection. “But you know how much I love to meddle with her things.” He finished looking her in the eyes, his deep melody voice filling her small home and resonating in her ears. If she wasn’t careful it would take her over and she would be at his mercy.

“Zell, you know I hate it when you use that voice on me. Just because I’m tired doesn’t mean I don’t know what you’re doing.” Silveena using Zellquen’s nick name Zell said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“Oh? I’m doing something that displeases you my dear? I’m so sorry!” Zell said dramatically and captured one of Silveena’s hands holding it to his chest.

“Zell, I’m warring you. I’m not in the mood.” She said giving him one of her best glares.

“Oh poo, your never in the mood.” He said letting go of her hand and sat up.

“What are you doing here anyway? Don’t you have some poor victim to harass?”

Sighing “no not at the moment, by the way, what’s the deal with last night? Who was that guy-or should I say demon?” Silveena shot him another of her dagger stares.

“That is none of your business.” She said softly but firmly.

“Hm, all well. Ill just ask one of my sis’s things to tell me anyway. It’s really boring in Delgain.” He finished almost with a wine.

“That’s not my fault, and I certainly don’t need to deal with you first thing in the morning. Why don’t you go and have fun with the humans. You’re so good at it and you like it anyway.”

“I would but my sis is getting really mad at me lately because she says “All you do is start wars!”(He said with his best imitation of his sister witch sounded nasally and high pitched.) I can’t have any fun anymore with out her or mother on me. So that leaves you. You’re the only one that lets me do anything.”

“I regret ever minuet of it now be gone with you. I have work to do. I have to work for my living unlike you.” She said rolling off the bed and into the warm water. It felt so good to her dried skin. She was warm and tingling all over. When her head emerged from the water he was still there.

“I believe you are the only one that ever talks to me like that. All the others are scared to offend me.” His eyes danced again and then brightened even more.

“Why? You are the least powerful out of the bunch?” she asked puzzled.

“Hello, god of love and passion? If they like a long night with there favorite mate, then they don’t wan’t to offend the god of it.” Laughing he lad back on the bed and started playing with the covers.

Rolling her eyes Silveena swam under the Curtin and over to one of the rather large rooms leading from the main cave. She had it spelled so no one except those she wanted to, knew it was there.

She started cleaning up the place a little first. Some of the algy had died and needed to be removed from the others before it killed them too. As she pulled the last of it in this room and but it in a basket that was floating on the water for that purpose Zell grabbed her arm, pulled her close and stroked her hair lovingly.

“Zell, I’m warning you to leave me alone.” She pushed against him and he released her.

“You have no idea how much you wound me!” he yelled and fell into the water, one hand on his chest and the other over his face palm exposed.

“If you must be here you can at least stay out of my way. If you cant I am going to have to make you leave and since I’m low already on magic it won’t be nice.” She looked him in the eyes once then came up grabbed her basket of dead algy and swam to the portal.

The salty water felt nice in her hair as she swam out and towards the surface.

“Now that wasn’t nice leaving me there all alone.” Silveena just rolled her eyes in response.

He was swimming next to her but he had the body of one of the common sharks that normally roamed the waters in this area. He loved to change forms to all the different creators in the ocean.

“Zell why must you always change your form when you’re in open waters? Why can’t you be you?”

Zell looked at her in the eyes with his weird shark eyes that were human-ish and replied. “What’s the fun in being me when there are so many other things to be?” He sprinted in front of her and did a large loop that placed him be her side again.

“I don’t know why I put up with you,” shaking her head she increased her speed to the surface.

“Because you love me, come on now silve, we both now its true. You love me and always want to be with me.” He changed then into a merman and tried to embrace her in a big over excaderated hug. Silveena rolled her eyes and twirled out of his reach. Leaving only bubbles and himself to hug.

Finally her head broke the surface into open air. Even though she had gills it still felt nice to breathe in air for once, clean fresh air.

“Silveena, do you ever think of asking my sis for legs and your old life back?” He looked into the water then at the distant beach. He wouldn’t look at her until she answered.

Caught off guard by the sudden change in topic and how personal it was she was at a loss for words. After a few minuets she finally recovered.

“Well, no I haven’t actually. There hast to be a reason I’m like this in this state or otherwise I know she would have changed me long ago if not. She knows how I resent what I have become…” she began swimming then, still holding the basket out in front of her towards the wayward beach, uncomfortable by the question and the thoughts that came with it.

“Zell why did you ask me that? You know how I feel about it.” She asked him when they reached the shore. She sat on her rock and he was an otter swimming around the rock.

He tuned over on his back, thinking. Then he morphed into a man and sat with his back to her as he stared at the gentle water fall.

He was silent for a long time. Silveena could tell that he was trying to find the best way to say what he felt. This troubled her, and made her more weriory of his answer. It was never good when a god thought over a question like this.

Finally she heard him draw a large breath.

“Well… I’ve seen how you are when you are above the water and I can see how much you love the air, sun, the wind, even the grass. I can see the longing in your eyes at night as you draw pictures of the surface when you think you’re alone. I know how much it harts you when you’re head breaks the surface and you see people running on the distant beaches.

“And if you had legs and lived on the surface. I wounder what kind of life you would have. I wounder if you would settle down with a man and have kids and forget about me and my sister-“

“NEVER!” Silveena yelled. Surprised Zell turned around to see her looking at her fin. Tears rimmed her eyes and he could see how all of what he said was true. She didn’t even try to hide it. Tears streamed down now from her eyes and she didn’t care.

Zell was caught off guard by her reaction and was frozen in place. He knew what he said was true but he had no idea how troubled she was about her state. If he didn’t know then his sister didn’t, witch might be the reason she was still like this. But oh how his arms aked to embrace her and comfort her, but all he could do was turn away and give her a small measure of privacy with her pain.

With a choked voice she said something under her breath then slipped beneath the waves. He barley discerned the word gods but nothing ells. He sighed as he ported back to his home.

Weeks past and she heard nothing more from the demon. A part of her was saddened by this but that was a small part of her. Silveena lounged on her bed waving her tail in the warm water she found her thoughts wondering back to the conversation with Zell. She hadn’t seen him since then witch was very unusual. Normally he would have at least dropped in and teased her a little then would be gone.

“I hope he’s not in trouble.” She said thinking out loud; witch was a very real predicament for him. Thoughtfully she turned on her stomach and rested her head on her hands. Only then did she hear the low squalling from her hidden room. Rolling her eyes she pushed off her bed into the water and swam to the other room.

Not only was this room very large but it was also much deeper then the other half of her home. Almost all of its walls were lined with shelves. Many of witch, held bottles upon bottles with different ingredence’s for spells and such. As it were though, her sight didn’t wander to these depths but to the shelves that were above the water to a alcove that had a small swinging door to it. The bottom of the alcove was barely above the water. As Silveena neared the small cave the squalling grow louder.

Gently she moved the swinging door up and slowly put her hand in. Smiling, she slowly retracted her hand with a small and very sad leviathan, or water dragon. Its scales were a dual dark purple and had a dual garnet underbelly to mach. It left its wings furled firmly to its side and they too gave off a dual lighter purple. Around its mouth it had swirls of the garnet that faded in wisps on its neck. It was perched on her arm like a praying bird would on its trainers arm. Its long neck was dropped very low and its dark blue eyes were murky and shadowy.

Cooing to the small leviathan, no bigger than a hawk, lovingly, she stroked its neck softly with one finger and rubbed its back gently. It lifted its head a little and gave a light mournful roar.

“Oh my poor little one, I know I have not paid much attention to you.” She cooed to it again and with a kiss on its neck she placed it on her shoulder. It rubbed up against her head lovingly.

“Yes, yes my love.” Patting it she began to work.   

© 2013 smee

Author's Note

i know my grammer isnt the best i hope you can look past that and see the story.

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Added on November 9, 2013
Last Updated on November 9, 2013
Tags: mermaid, ocean, water, blue mermaid, fantasy



Santa Fe, TX

i have been writing since i was little, and i have always liked coming up with stories even though my grammar isn't the best. thank god for word check. more..

prologue prologue

A Chapter by smee