![]() All I GotA Poem by Diane SmalleyGalaxies in my head Dreams of rain Sleek horses running because They know not what else to do An idea that god is in the desert, rocks know me That I cannot go to Arizona Because it is a dream that will disperse When my foot lights upon the sand Best concert Girl from Ipanema music Rising up without warning At most inopportune times Brilliant turquoise and red Dreams of rain You smiling on a sailboat as if An old Polaroid trapped you there against your will Jamaican voices that stick like syrup and oil in a frying pan And the smell of sweet coffee Dreams of rain And falling limbs and leaves Pounding fears Of familiar things telling me I should be somewhere else Right away Stories of red capes and bikes runaway down gargantuan hills With no brakes One sleek red Porsche convertible like butter Dreams of rain Of people gone before I knew they belonged to me Gravely feel of wet pavement through thin soles Church air different from outside air Pain of leaving and pain of arriving Dreams of rain And storms Fortune teller insisting I will be surrounded by mountains And true love in six months time Love of two small children Happy laughing when saddened Dreams of rain Trick of putting my face really close to something and crying Three thousand books A voice I loved Promises Dreams of rain And rain and so much water and yet no drowning.
© 2013 Diane Smalley |
Added on April 14, 2013 Last Updated on April 14, 2013 Tags: life, time passing, deserts, dreams, rain |