Chapter Three: Awakening and Evil Plans

Chapter Three: Awakening and Evil Plans

A Chapter by Abbie

Gwendolyn's nightmare is terrible. how does she wake up from it? and Inferi's disastrous plans come to light, how will this work out?

HEY! This chapter is dedicated to my good friend Kayliee. She is a really good writer and a great friend who wanted me to work on this as soon as possible! Thanks Kayliee! :D

Dr. Bilks's Point Of View

     As per usual, I was checking on my patients during the night. I was down on the west wing right now. I was checking up on the patient in room 283D. He had been burnt badly when he got trapped in his house while it was on fire. Luckily, he was healing just fine.

     Then I hear it. It was a high pitched scream, probably from a girl. It was coming from The south wing of The hospital. The south wing was for emergencies where  life threatening issues could or have occurred.We only had one girl in the south wing. Gwendolyn.

     'What could possibly have happened?' I thought as I rushed toward her room where the screams continued. 'Is she in pain, or what? she was fine when I left... but that was hours ago...'

     Finally I got to her room. I opened it up and turned on the light. There she was in her hospital bed, sleeping, yet somehow managing to scream.  she was gripping the sheets of the bed like her life depended on it. By the way she was screaming, I figured that she thought her life WAS depending on it.

     Like any good doctor, I had to try and make the pain, which she was obviously experiencing,  stop. I ran over to her and tried to wake her up. First I started talking and telling her to wake up. she didn't. Then I started yelling at her, trying to get her to wake up. She wouldn't. I walked over to the phone so I could call a nurse, when I got an idea.

     I went over to her and did the one thing that all of my medical training told me not to do, I started shaking her. I know this could be bad, but it might get her to wake up. I was just about to give up when she stopped screaming, and her eyes fluttered open.

Gwendolyn's Mind
 Gwendolyn's  P.O.V.

     After falling into that terrifying darkness for what seemed like an eternity, I saw a light. Well, I couldn't really see it, because it was a really bright ball of light and I had to close my eyes. I wanted to investigate, but then I heard a voice calling out to me. It didn't sound like Inferi's voice, but for some reason, I didn't like it. I had heard it before and didn't want to listen.

     Then it got louder and more commanding. I still didn't feel like listening, so I stood still where I was and. It was really annoying, but after a while It went away. I finally started walking toward the light.

     My eyes were still closed because it was so bright. I figured that I was getting closer, because the light behind my closed eyelids was really, really bright. I got a really warm feeling too. Not like a hot, burning feeling. It was more of a warm fuzzy sensation. I got warmer the closer I stepped toward it.

     I could feel I was almost there when the ground started violently shaking. There was nothing to hold on to, so I crumpled to the ground. The shaking wouldn't stop, I was on the ground, and I couldn't see because of the brightness of the light. Man, what a great position I was in.

     I figured that if I could get toward the light I would be safest. I got on my hands and knees, still shaking, and started crawling. I fell a few times, but each time I got back up and tried harder. The shaking worsened, and I felt really sick but I kept going.

     Finally, the warm feeling took over and I knew I reached the ball of light. Suddenly, the light wasn't so bright. The warm feeling in my body left me. I opened my eyes to reveal a worried looking Dr. Bilks.

Gwendolyn's Mind
Inferi's P.O.V.

     I watched as Gwendolyn plummeted into darkness from the crack that I formed. The fool, did she really think that she could possibly win? That she was in charge? Well, she is in charge of our body during the day, but I rule the night. I can bring her to Terra Animos. The land of minds is my home for now, but soon, I will be in charge of us!

     I will drive her to insanity. Once she reaches her breaking point, I will take over. She can be weak and live in my mind, if I choose to show such mercy. I will control what she does and how she does it. She truly is a puppet, and I am the Master. She is just a building block for my real plans.

     I imagine the abyss, river, and field of grain gone.In its place is a old, Victorian mansion with a cast iron gate surrounding it. There are three gnarled trees in the front yard. The grass is halfway to my knees and dead.The path that leads up to the house is long and winding. The sky is dark with rainclouds that ripple with thunder as bright streaks of lightning sever the sky.

     I open my eyes and it appears just as I imagined it. My powers are of great use here, but are also very wasted. They would have much better use if I were to be able to actually live in the real world, instead of living in someone's mind.

     I walk up the crooked path that leads up to my home's giant doorway. I put my key into the lock and turn it. I kick the door so swings wide open. As I walk in a slam the door behind me, which awakens my pet basilisk, Mala Fortuna, who was sleeping in the cellar. I created her from one of Gwendolyn's memories of watching the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I have to admit, the beast is very interesting and extremely useful. Mala slithered up the stairs from her den.

     "Welcome home Inferi. Have you anything to eat?"  Mala Fortuna asked me not looking at me. She knows not to look at me, seeing as I give her almost anything, including people, her favorite snack, to eat.

     "Yes Mala, How does a frozen human arm sound?" I asked walking into the giant kitchen. Being a baby still, Mala Fortuna could easily fit through the doorways and into the kitchen.

     "That ssssoundssss excellent, thank you..." She hissed. I walked over to the table and grabbed an apple for myself, then walking over to the freezer, I grabbed a frozen human arm. I put it in her snake dish and left her to eat it for herself as I walked up the creaking stairs to my study.

     In my study was where I made my plans for taking over. Right now I was on Plan A, Phase three. Phase one was to let here know I exist. I did that by letting her hear me. Phase two was to scare her into knowing that even though she rules us durring the day, I rule the night. I am not powerless. Phase three is to begin the take over, and It is just about to start...

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

well, what do you think? I put the basilisk from 'harry potter' by J.K. Rowling in there because it was the only evil beast that I could think of at the moment... might change that later... but anyway, please review and let me know what you think of this chapter! Do you think I ended it well? or is there anything that you think needs fixing? please let me know!!! oh, and the pic is of Inferi's Mansion. Thank You! :D

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Only two grammar issues that I noticed: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets should be italicized, not underlined and: Phase one was to let here know I exist. 'here' should be her

Great chapter! can't wait for more :P

Posted 12 Years Ago

I actually like the character Inferi!! Even when someone is evil, if you put it in their perspective, they seem normal, with just everyday, normal thoughts, like most of us. :3
That's why I love that you did that! Most people would only think that the main character has any "meaningful" feelings at all, during the entire book. For example, in most movies, the audience would cheer when the antagonist would get mad, or frustrated--or even die. But what would happen if the director chose to also show the story from their perspective? Explaining *why* they were doing what they were doing? What they were actually thinking? Chances are that the audience--still may cheer--but they would have connected to the character more, now that they are able to view them more as a person, not just someone who deserves to die or be punished because they did this, or done that.
I just found a few minor spelling mistakes; things you are able to easily fix on your own. :)
And thank-you for dedicating this chapter to me! It means a lot.♥
Keep up the good work! ...And keep it scary. ;)
Hmm... but not TOO scary... for me. :3 XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 22, 2012
Last Updated on June 13, 2012
Tags: insane, life, blood, death, help, save, plans, awaken, dream, scream




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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