Chapter Three: The Meeting and An Anouncement

Chapter Three: The Meeting and An Anouncement

A Chapter by Abbie

Well, the meeting has begun. What will happen?


Severus's P.O.V.

“Thank You, Miss Scarr” I replied coldly, walking through the door as she held it open. Kind yet cruel. Cold yet warm. That was how she was.

“Very welcome Professor Snape” She replied closing the door. She spun around to face the meeting, that was about to begin.

Minerva was seated as were Pomona, Clarice, Filius, Aurora, and Mr. Dagobert. Poppy and Septima were just coming out of the cubicle in which they had been seated. I took a seat next to Minerva while Sophora sat on my other side, next to Mr. Dagobert. Once Poppy and Septima were seated, the meeting began.

“Now that we are all here, let us start the meeting.”Minerva started. “I would like to congratulate Mr. Dagobert and Miss Scarr on becoming head boy and girl.” Mr Dagobert smiled and offered thanks. Miss Scarr however only acknowledged this with a slight nod of her head. You couldn't tell unless you were up close, but she was blushing a bit.

“I am sure that you will be fine. Professor Snape and Professor Sprout will tell you some basic information that you will need to know after patrolling.” Minerva continued. Oh, right, I had forgotten about that... “That is the next thing that we need to discuss. Right now the prefects are patrolling the train, but their break is soon. So we need to figure out who is patrolling the next shifts. Anyone volunteer?” Filius, Mr. Dagobert, and Miss Scarr volunteered. “All right, then you two” she pointed at Dagobert and Scarr “can patrol together while Filius patrols alone.”

“Minerva, as much as I see your reasoning for putting Mr. Dagobert and Miss Scarr together for patrolling, seeing as they are head boy and girl and it would be good for the school to acknowledge them as the new head girl and boy, but I don't think that it is very wise.” I intervened

“And just why not Severus? Do you not think that they can handle it?” Pomona said.

“No. I simply fear for Mr. Dagobert's safety. Albus would not want a student, head boy no less, missing his head before we even arrive at Hogwarts.” I said smirking. Sophora was smirking too. She must have remembered our conversation earlier. All of the other professors laughed. The only one who didn't was Mr. Dagobert, who was inching away from Miss Scarr and looking exceptionally pale. “Surely you have seen the distaste that they share for each other? Does anyone else remember the times up until their fifth year?”

“Well, of course we have noticed their dislike for each other. We are not blind, as you may think Severus. Of course we remember up until their fifth year. They were at each others necks daily. The time Sophora pinned Kadin to the floor in the great hall for saying that she was in a grumpy mood during breakfast. The time Kadin slipped that potion into Sophora's drink that caused her to sing loudly in front of the great hall during dinner. The time that Sophora 'accidentally' transformed Kadin into a mouse and all the girls in Minerva's class screamed while the boys laughed chasing him around. The time that Kadin 'accidentally' cast aguamenti on Sophora, drenching her from head to toe, because she was better than him in Filius's class? We remember it ALL Severus. Each and every moment.” Said Septima.

All the professors started to laugh hysterically, except for me of course. I don't laugh. Not since Lily... I was amused though. I remember all of the times Sophora and Kadin fought. Those times certainly were amusing. Though the scene right now was just as funny. Minerva was laughing so hard that she started tearing up. Pomona was having trouble breathing because she was laughing and not taking in air. Filius was going to fall backward any moment because of how hard he was laughing.

Even better, was that Mr. Dagobert turned beat red. It seemed that whenever he was embarrassed that his face turned even more red than a ripe tomato. Miss Scarr however was looking as if she couldn't care less. I knew that she was amused, no matter how hard she tries to hide her emotions, or herself for that matter, I always see past that. Not that I pay attention to her. I just notice things like this, but it always seems to be things about her that I notice, not anyone else. Quite annoying now that I realize this. Anyhow I needed to return order, all this fuss over a few amusing memories is outrageous.

“ Well, good to know that you are not so forgetful as you sometimes seem Septima. Though now that you have informed me that you do in fact remember those times, I hope that you understand how they must not go together.” I said. Everyone seemed to have regained their heads.

“I see what you imply Severus. But if we were to put Kadin with Filius, who would go with Sophora?” Minerva said.

“Because Severus spoke out on Sophora going with Kadin, why doesn't he go with Sophora?” Poppy butted in.

“Hmm. Yes, I think that that would be appropriate. So you will go with Sophora, Severus.” Minerva said.

“Fine.” I said. Minerva nodded approval.

“Next order of business, Castle patrolling. Who, at what time, and when?”Minerva said getting back to the task at hand.

“I'll patrol on the weekends and Friday from 1 A.M. To 5 A.M. If you would like. I know that patrolling at those times are the least liked, but I wouldn't mind. I like night time.” Sophora said.

“Well, If you are to take those times thank you. I think however that you may need a professor with you. Anyone willing to take the late nigh times?” Minerva said. Everyone was silent. Everyone hated those hours. The one/ones who got those hours always got the lest sleep, And She picked the weekends and Friday! Worst days to patrol. I got those days and hours on my first year of teaching a few years back. It wasn't that bad, but I didn't have time to sleep when I could have slept in.

“I thought not. Well, you know the drill.” Minerva said. All of the professors, I included put our hands into a hat that was in the center of the table. In the hat were peppermints, and one lemon drop. As you may have noticed, the candy system was Dumbledore’s brilliant idea. Whoever got the lemon drop was assigned those nights or hours. My hand grabbed a candy.

“Not the lemon drop! Please not the lemon drop!” I thought. I opened my hand. Damn.

“Well, It seems you Professor Snape are paired with Sophora. I hope that you do not mind too much.” Pomona said happily.

“Anyone else for times?” Minerva said. Mr. Dagobert got Monday through Thursday, 9 to 1 with Minerva. Pomona and Filius got Monday through Thursday 1 to 5. Septima, Clarice, and Aurora got 9 to 1 on Friday through Sunday. Poppy never patrols because she has to always be in the medical wing in case of spells gone wrong or backfired potions or other magical mishaps. Prefects will take turns guarding the other parts of the castles on other nights at random. Dumbledore may possibly patrol but it is not likely.

“Now, I think that sums up our to-do on the meeting. Anything else that anyone would like to say?” Minerva said looking at all of us.

“Actually Minerva, I do have something to announce.” I said folding my hands on the table. I was silent for a second. What was I doing? This could end badly....

“Well? What do you have to say Severus?” Clarice asked. I glanced at Sophora quickly.

“As you know in recent years I have never taken on a potions assistant for the potions class. This was because I can never find anyone dedicated to potions, who fits my standards, or will accept. Now, I have chosen someone. She seems dedicated, is a good student in all of her classes it seems, and she wishes to become a potions master. Because of this I have asked her to become my assistant in the classroom.” I said not looking at Miss Scarr.

“And just who might that be Snape? Miss Sallow from Gryffendor? Mr. Jades from Hufflepuff? Miss Sihanouk from Ravenclaw? Who Snape? Who?” said Filius.

Then, smirking, I stated plainly “Miss Sophora Scarr from Slytherin house.”

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

Okay, What do you think? You like it? Please review and tell me what you think!!! All rights to J.K. Rowling! :D

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if sophora went to my school, she would have the best recommendations and transcripts. Her life is too good yet sad.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

she would.. she would... XD shes like tht one student who could skip five grades, or finish collage .. read more

11 Years Ago

and thank you for the review! :D
Damn Sophora's got some mad rep! Head girl AND potions assistant? Gotta say that's crazy! Next thing you know she's going to be Minister(minesteress?) of Magic! Great chapter!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

^_^ yay! and sure. they're pretty hot, for Gryffendors. :)
oh, by the way, do you think I made.. read more

12 Years Ago

I think you did a pretty good job with it:) Snape will be Snape after all and this is a younger vers.. read more

12 Years Ago

thanks! I'm glad I didn't screw him up too badly! :D and snape is like...three or four years younge.. read more
-claps hands- Yeah SOPHORA! ASSISTANT GUUURRLL!! -wierd silence- yeah...
Anyways, this was a pretty good chapter and I can see the intensity between the head boy and girl. At first I thought he had a crush on her, but ahem, guess not or I really was not paying attention..But you never know...the ones who tend to bicker with each other (usually in anime, as I see it) end up together..though it's your choice on their fates. I really hope you continue this. Your'e really onto a great start :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XD thanks, glad you like it. I can see why you would think she could like kadin, I may add that in l.. read more
Great :) Keep it up.

Posted 12 Years Ago

awesome as usual!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Added on April 28, 2012
Last Updated on August 13, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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