Chapter one: Train Rides and Teary Eyes

Chapter one: Train Rides and Teary Eyes

A Chapter by Abbie

Chapter one. Yay! Let me know what you think!!!


Sophora's Point of view

Eleven o'clock. the time that the Hogwarts train leaves the 9 and 3/4 station. Eleven thirty. the time I have a meeting with the professors and head boy on board the train. Twenty minutes. That’s the time that it takes to get from my house to kings cross by flying on my broomstick. Ten fifty. Ten minutes to get to platform 9 and 3/4, thirty minutes from my important meeting, and also the time it is now. So let me ask you this: if it takes twenty minutes to get to kings cross station, I have ten minutes to get there, and I slept in and haven't packed, how am I going to get there on time? Seriously! How? Can you tell me? I only have ten minutes!

“Big trunk...check. Little trunk...check. Bag...check. Broomstick...check. Snake tank...check. Maligna(means spiteful in Latin)...check. Cat carrier...check. And finally...Darkness... Darkness? Darkness!” I yelled looking around the hallway for my pale green-eyed black cat. I was late as it was and she was going to make me even later! I honestly don't even know how I am going to make the train! It was so far away! My nimbus may be fast, but not that fast!

“What? I'm right here!”said Darkness from somewhere. Well, she didn't actually talk. I just preformed legilimency and peered into her mind and that was what she was thinking. Then a dark cloud appeared in front of me. That was her special ability actually. She could become darkness. For a cat, even a magical one, that was pretty impressive.

“Get in your cat carrier! I'm late!” I told her pointing to the cat carrier willing her to get in. She did so, but not without thinking ' yeah, and that affects me how?'. I swear, that cats sarcasm was going to be the death of me!

Now that I had my cat snake, and luggage, I was ready to go. But I had five minutes, so how was I going to pull it off? I could fly, but I would be late for the meeting. I couldn't floo there, there was no fire place! I could take a bus or taxi, but that would take even longer. Even the triple-decker, purple bus for stranded wizards couldn't get me there fast enough! What to do?

Then it hit me! I'll apparate there! I knew how to and I was old enough, so why not? I shrunk down my luggage and my broomstick so that it could fit into my pocket. Then I put Maligna's Tank on Darkness's cage and picked it up. Then I thought of Platform nine and three quarters. Wizards running about, owls flying delivering last minute items, the big deep red train, and the smiling of parents, parents that I could never have waving their children goodbye. And in an instant I felt as if I had been pulled backwards on a roller coaster while upside down. When I opened my eyes I was there, at platform nine and three quarters.

Glancing at the clock, I saw that I had a minute. I walked up to the train past all the witches and wizards and luggage carts and got aboard, snake tank and cat cage floating behind me. I almost walked to the very back of the train to sit with the rest of the Slytherins,but remembered that all teachers and heard boy and hear girl have their own train car. So turning back towards the front of the train. I walked through a few cars. The chatter of the kids was ever so loud, but I figured that I would once again get used to it. Normally, because I live alone, I heard nothing but silence...or close to it anyways so at the beginning of each year I find myself surprised at the level of noise.

I finally found the first car. It was smaller than the others. It didn't have eight cubicles where four people could be seated. Instead, there were four cubicles with a small tables and some chairs. I assumed that that would be where the meeting would be held. It looked pretty cool in this car actually. I had been in here once in my third year, but I remember it looking differently than it did right now.

The train whistle blew and the train started moving and because I was an adequately smart person, I decided to find out which cubicle to sit in. In the upper right one sat Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, and Professor Crossly, the new defense against the dark arts teacher, talking about the latest issue of witches weekly. Honestly, it was a pretty funny sight. I didn't want to sit there and listen to 'did you see that wonderful new witches hat that was up for the offer of only five galleons?' 'oh yes! That royal blue would go perfect with your eyes Minerva!' for most of the train ride.

I looked to the top left. In there was Professor Vector and Madame Pomfrey talking about how their summers went. It seemed pretty strange to see two of your adult professors talking about the same thing as some eleven year old first years right now. I decided not to sit there either, I figured that I would be asked how my summer went, and I did not want to go into that story.

The bottom right was occupied by Professor Filtwick, Professor Sinistra, and head boy Kadin Dagobert . I knew right away that I was NOT going to be sitting in there. Kadin was the most annoyingly sweet boy that you could ever find. Truest Hufflepuff that ever existed other than Helga Hufflepuff herself. Wouldn't be surprised if he was related to her to be honest.

So that left the last cubical closest to me on the left. The curtains were drawn on this one so this meant one thing. That in here was professor Severus Snape. Yup, I was gonna sit with the cruelest, evil,coldest, and despicable professor whom of which just about everyone hated. I however did not hate professor Snape. Not at all. He had actually asked me to be his potions assistant and teach some classes with him at the end of last year. I accepted immediately, after all, it was my dream to become a potions Master one day.

Being polite and trying not to anger the professor(which is easy to do, even if I am a slytherin and a favorite student), I knocked softly on the glass door. I heard him say 'enter' and I opened the door.

“Well? What is it? What do you require my assistance on?” he inquired seeming a tad annoyed.

“I wanted to know if I could sit in here with you.” I replied.

“Why not sit else where? I am sure that the other cubicles are not completely filled up.” He said swiftly. Great I'm not wanted here...well to bad for him!

“Professors McGonagall, Sprout, and Crossly are talking all about fashion , like which color robes would make them look most slimming, and cute wizards, Like how the gorgeous Gildroy Lockhart would look if he wore pink dress robes. All that horrid crap from that dreadful magazine, 'Witches Weekly'. Honestly, I would rather have the Cruciatus Curse casted on me than sit in there. It's sickening really. Professor Vector and Madame Pomfrey are talking all fuzzy and sweet about how wonderful their summers were like first years. I don't think that I could survive sitting in there. And in the last cubicle, are professors Filtwick and Sinistra and The completely Wonderful and dreamy Kadin Dagobert.” I replied sarcastically and coldly to Professor Snape “ I couldn't last five minutes in a tight enclosure with Dagobert! He would be missing his head for tomorrow's lesson!”

“Are Minerva, Pomona, and Clarice really talking about that tool Lockhart and how which dress robes would make their eyes pop? Well, now can definitely use this to get my new nonexplosive cauldron back from Minerva...” Severus trailed off lost in thought. Then he said “As for Septima and Poppy, I can definitely see that conversation. Also as much as I would love to see you ripping of Mr. Dagobert's head I am afraid that I can not allow you to do that. I believe that Albus would be quite distraught to see a student missing his head before he even got to the castle.” Snape was smirking. Obviously I was not the only one who despised the wretched boy.

“See my point? I would much rather be in here where you are not talking about fashion, summer or how completely astounding it is that you have become head boy and what you can do to make the school a better place.” I said changing my voice at the end to sound frilly and sweet. Severus Snape's smirk got wider curling into an unpleasant smile.

“Yes I do see your point. You are allowed to sit in here with me.” He said. I closed the door and took out my tiny pieces of luggage, casting 'engorgio' on them to make them bigger. Then put them one by one on the rack where luggage goes. Then turning around I grabbed Maligna's tank and placed it up on the luggage rack too. I cast 'incarcerous' on it to bind the luggage with ropes so it wouldn’t fall. Then there was Darkness. I usually let her out, but I didn't think that Professor Snape would like that. I could always be wrong though, so I turned toward Severus and asked “Professor Snape? Can I take Darkness out of her cage?”

“Is Darkness the snake? Because if so I would rather not be bitten by your venomous Vipera Berus, no matter how incredibly tame and harmless you may portray the black snake to be.” Snape said his eyebrows furrowing.

“No, Maligna is my Vipera Berus, not Darkness. Darkness is my British Bombay, as in the cat in the cat carrier floating behind me. She is not shedding,doesn't have any diseases, no fleas or ticks, and is not vicious...well not too vicious. Just toward the people I don't like or that aggravate me.” I said looking back at Darkness, and into her eyes. I thought to her not to be bothersome to Severus and not to do anything that he wouldn't like. She meowed in response, promising to be good. She hated being in the cage, because it was magic proof, meaning that she couldn't dissipate into darkness.

“The cat? Fine. Just as long as she isn't noisy and doesn't bug the hell out of me.” He said looking at the cat as if he wanted her to tell him she wouldn't. She must have been thinking the same thing because a moment later she mreeeowwwed.

After a moment he said in his sarcastic manor “Well? Are you going to let that beast out, or are you going to just let it scratch at the cage door all day?”

I turned back to her. I opened the cage and she hopped out onto the seat on my side not Severus's. She curled up into a ball on the other side of my side of the compartment and fell asleep. I then put the cage next to my other luggage.

Knowing that I needed something to do, I grabbed my book 'Most Potente Potions' by L. Borage. I had bought it at Flourish & Blotts over the summer last year and it was by far one of my favorite books. It had everything from Aging potions to Wound cleaning potions and everything in between. Sitting down on the soft, cushy seat with my feet on the seat, back to the window, I opened my book to page 185, the invigoration draught. It said:

The Invigoration Draught

The invigoration draught is a potion used to help the drinker. When drunken the drinker will give the drinker more energy. The main strength comes from the Re'em blood. The long lasting of this concoction is thanks to the combination of both the poisonous aconite leaves and the crushed lion fish spine. The estimated brewing time is one hour and fifteen minutes. Please note that if the potion goes wrong then the drinker may experience:

  • lack of energy and motivation.

  • dizziness which can lead to fainting.

  • turning purple with yellow spots and orange stripes.

  • Loss of bones or mussel

  • and also forgetfulness of names and places, but not memories

List of ingredients are :

14 lacewing flies

5 newt eyes

octopus powder

4 rat spleens

3 lion fish spines

18 aconite leaves

5 cups of Re'em blood

1 inches by 4 inches of Wiggentree bark

five drops of moondew

6 cups of exploding fluid

How to make the Invigoration draught:

  • set fire to a slow but steady flame and place cauldron.

  • Add 6 cups of exploding fluid very carefully.

  • Stir 3 times clockwise until bubbles to a flaming orange.

  • Then add 2 of the rat spleens and the octopus powder.

  • Turn up flame so that the potion is now to a boil.

  • Most of the exploding fluid should vaporize, leaving half the amount of potion as there was before and now bright pink.

  • Bring down to a simmer and add the Wiggentree bark along with all the lacewing flies.

  • Stir 20 times clockwise and then 4 times counter clockwise.

  • Crush the lion fish spines until they become a fine powder.

  • Add in the crushed lion fish spines to create a thick silvery liquid.

  • now add in the moon dew, the other 2 rat spleens, and newt eyes.

  • Turn up heat all the way.

  • Stir 7 times clockwise and 2 times clockwise until green.

  • Cut the aconite leaves into halves and scatter into potion.

  • Add in the Re'em blood.

  • Cut the heat.

  • Potion should now be a dark purple.

  • Let the potion cool for a half hour and then drink.

I closed the book after reading that. I laughed to myself. I didn't think that I was that loud, but I guess that I must have been. Severus, who had been looking out the window turned his head toward me.

“What is so hilarious that you had to laugh out loud and disturb me for the second time since I have boarded this train?” he said looking at me quite annoyed.

“What's so funny is this potions book! Honestly! I don't think the person who wrote it knew anything!” I said now fully laughing.

“How so?” Professor Snape asked seeming a bit more interested because it had to do with potions.

“Come here. Look at this.” I said getting up and sitting next to him. He stiffened, but didn't say anything. I reopened the book to the book back to page 185 and pointed to the list of ingredients. He looked over at the big book

“Right here, on the ingredients say that you need:14 lacewing flies, 5 newt eyes, octopus powder, 4 rat spleens, 3 lion fish spines, 18 aconite leaves, 5 cups of Re'em blood, 1 inches by 4 inches of Wiggentree bark, five drops of moondew, 6 cups of exploding fluid for the potion. But if you wanted to use less then you could take out the lacewing flies,one of the rat spleens, two of the lion fish spines, two of the cups of exploding fluid, and one drop of moondew. Then you could change the brewing instructions here.” I said pointing to the instructions on the next page. “You can put in the one cup of Re'em blood in and octopus powder. Let it simmer for two minutes then stir once clockwise and three times counter clockwise. It would be blue. Then crush the lion fish up, but not completely. Put the pieces in one at a time then turn up the fire to a boil. Then tale the three rat spleens and put them in. stir once counter clockwise. It should turn a bright lilac. Pour in the four cups of exploding fluid so that the potion would turn brown. Then put in the aconite leaves whole along with the four moondew drops. Stir eight times counter clockwise. Turn down the heat to a Then finally add in the the other four cups of Re'em blood. The potion should turn a deep fiery red. You can also take the potion right away, and it takes less time to make.”

“What you say makes sense. Have you made this potion your way before?” He said looking at me now.

“yes I have. I have experimented many times with many potions. This was a newer one that I have tested.”I said looking at Professor Snape again instead of 'Most Potente Potions'.

“Then I may actually have made a good decision on picking you to be my potions assistant this year. It takes an experienced Potions Master to figure out how to make a potion better or faster.” He said before continuing. “I myself have experimented with a lot of potions but I can't get all the ingredients for the the Scintillation Solution... I'm having trouble getting some Runespoor eggs. They are quite difficult to get.”

“Oh, Yes, I know of that potion. The Potion that increases brain smarts. I actually have the Scintillation Solution. I made it in my fifth year over Christmas break. I locked my self in the dorm room for the entire break only coming out for food and Christmas. Good thing that everyone else went home, there were quite a few explosions...” I said thinking back to my fifth year.

“So it was you that kept making all that noise!I couldn't sleep because of all the ruckus!” He said going right back to being annoyed. He glared at me. I hate being glared at.

“Uhhhh...yeah. Sorry about that professor Snape. I didn't try to be noisy...Probably should have used silencio on the room...” I said thinking of how stupid I was.

“Just be sure to do that next time...if there is a next time.” he drawled.

“So...umm... which ingredients were you missing professor Snape? For the Scintillation Solution I mean.”I said rather hurriedly trying to get the conversation off of stupid things that I have done.

“The Runespoor eggs. I have not been able to get my hands on any of them. Hard to come by them or someone who sells them. And the Ashwinder eggs too. I haven't any of the eggs left in my store rooms or a supplier who can help me get some, as I said before.” He replied.

“I think that I have some extra Runespoor Eggs and Ashwinder Eggs packed with me. You can have them if you would like. I have more at home.” I offered. It was true actually. My smaller trunk had all of my potions, potions ingredients, and materials. And I did have more of the eggs at my home. I had bought quite a few when I went to Knockturn Alley, enough to last me for a good five more years. The Runespoor eggs had taken quite a while to find,unlike Ashwinder eggs which I had gotten at 'Thousands of Poisonous Ingredients and Potions'. Luckily I had found Mr. Gorgon Wayner. He came from America, and had some friends who gave him ingredients for next to nothing. He paid me a hefty fine for thirty Runespoor Eggs, thirteen galleons a piece. He is my new supplier now,even if he does pay a big fine for his ingredients.

“I could not d-”

“Sorry for interrupting professor, but why not? I'm offering you them. Why not just take them and be happy that you have them?” I interrupted. “They're free. I don't care. As I said, I have more.”

He was quiet for a moment, then said “Miss Scarr, Would your parents allow you to give me them. I'm sure they cost them quite some money.”

I froze. Parents. I didn't have those. Only 'friends'. But they only stuck with me because I was popular in school. I was The cold and cruel Queen of Slytherin. Of Hogwarts. I had no other family. No one to love me or care for me, not that I needed love or to be cared for. I was self-sufficient. I had my own house, my own things, my own money,but I never had parents. I never knew them. What they looked like, What they sounded like, what they did, Who they were. The thought of never having them almost almost made me cry. I wouldn't cry. Not in front of Snape. I did not need his pity. He saw my fear though.

“Miss Scarr? What is wrong? Touched a nerve?” he teased.

I knew that he was kidding, but I broke. I stared crying, not loudly, but silent tears streaked down my face. I never cried. And when I realized that I was I cried more. Darkness woke up, feeling my sadness and jumped into my lap and started purring. She tried to make me feel better. It didn't work. I hope this made Severus Snape feel like an a*s hole. I really did.

I didn't realize it but I stood up (causing darkness to jump out of my lap and start meowing) and opened the door. Tears blurred my vision, but I didn't care. I walked right out of the cubical and started toward the front of the train, where the actual train was. Took thirty seconds to get to the door of the train car. I yanked it open and stood outside. I nimbly leaped across the gap between the first train car and the train itself. I opened the door, and walked inside. Nobody was there of course, the train ran on magic, so I slumped down in a corner and started to bawl loudly.

Severus's Point of View

“I think that I have some extra Runespoor Eggs and Ashwinder Eggs packed with me. You can have them if you would like. I have more at home.” Sophora Said. I wanted to take her up on the offer, but I could not.

“I could not d-” I started, but she cut me off.

“Sorry for interrupting professor, but why not? I'm offering you them. Why not just take them and be happy that you have them? They're free. I don't care. As I said, I have more.” she said sounding as if she cared.

Maybe she does care I thought to myself before brushing the idea out of my head. No one cared about me. I didn't need love, not anymore.

I knew that I couldn't take them from her. She probably didn't have more, just saying that so that she gets higher marks. I needed to say something. I went with the first thing that popped into my head.

“Miss Scarr, Would your parents allow you to give me them. I'm sure they cost them quite some money.” I said. Not a very good excuse, but It worked. I saw her stiffen and hesitate.

“Miss Scarr? What is wrong? Touch a nerve?” I asked smirking.

S**t. She started crying. Not good. Every man knows not to make a woman cry, not even a young woman or a girl. I had made a woman cry before. Lily, sweet Lily. But because of my actions causing her to cry she ended up with damn Potter! Then they had a son and they got killed. All of it was my fault. If I hadn't been such an a*s then She would possibly have never loved him, she would have been mine. She wouldn't have died.

Now I had caused another woman to cry, and I was close to her too! I didn't love her, no, she was ten almost eleven years younger than me. She was my favorite student though. Her brilliant mind in potions, her way with sarcasm, and her status in school as the Cold and Harsh Queen of the school, she is simply perfect. She was my new potions assistant too. I never took assistants, everyone knew that. Once they learned that I had taken my first assistant in my seven years of teaching at Hogwarts, the teachers would be all over me. And from what every other professor has told me, she is great in every subject!They would kill to have her as an assistant in their subjects. And now I had hurt the Jewel of the school.

Her cat (Cuteness?no...Darkness...) realized that she was crying she leaped up to her and purred loudly. Maybe the cat would make her feel better. No sooner had I been thinking that did she get up( the cat got off of her), open the door with great force, and leave, door clicking behind her.

Now I felt like an a*s hole. I felt And that aggravated me! Why did she affect me so much! I never care for someone like this! I don't know why, maybe I thought that she would never talk to me Lily, but I got up to go after her. I opened the door Darkness following behind. I saw a wisp of black hair swirl out the door to the train itself.

Oh f**k. Was she gonna jump off the train? Was she going to the train to be alone? I didn't know but I strode to the door and opened it. I didn't see her. The train door was closed, but that meant nothing. She could have jumped off the train, plummeting to her death for all I knew. Salazar Slytherin I hoped that she didn't. I jumped (yes. It sounds hilarious to think that I would ever jump, but I did) across to the train and opened the door.

There she was Bawling ever so loudly in the corner, right next to the fire and coal. Sophora didn't look up, So I assumed that she hadn't heard me come in. I walked up to her. She still didn't move. I needed to say something, but I didn't want to say what I knew I had to say. I had to apologize, and if there is one thing that I am not good at, It is apologizing. Oh well, here it goes!

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

Hey! So I hoped that you liked the first chapter! Let me know what you think! :D
Please Note: The Invigoration Draught does exist in the world Of harry potter,same with what it does. HOWEVER, I completely made up the ingredients in the potion( the ingredients do exist however, but those are not the ones used for this potion) and how to make It(I have no idea, I made it up). The Scintillation Solution does exist as a potion also. It SUPPOSEDLY makes you more intelligent, but I have no idea. I also just made up that you use Ashwinder eggs and Runespoor eggs in the potion( those ingredients exist also). And The Potion Book that Sophora Was reading 'Most Potente potions' was a book made up by J.K.R. Also, same with the author of the book. Here is the website for ingredients and potions, just in case you wanted to know:

List of potions:

List of ingredients:

Hope you like! PLEASE Review and let me know what you think!!!!Pic is of her snake, Maligna. and once again, all rights to J.K. Rowling! :D

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Wow! Amazing!!! xD

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

haha, thanks :P
snape reminds me of those guys who think that they dont know how to apologize. Liar! He's a big softie at heart. Love this.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

he is! as i read the actual harry potter books, i was thinking that he was exactly that!
and h.. read more
That's right snape! You should feel like an a*****e >:/ take the damn eggs like a goodboy and say your sorry! geez! lmao;) I really like your story so far:) keep it up girl!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XD glad you like it so far! do you think I made snape...snape like? or was he out of character?

12 Years Ago

i like it! it gives a good look inside of snapes head! because we know from the harry potter books t.. read more

12 Years Ago

haha, thanks. I'm always worried that i don't portray him right...
I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get to this -3- anyways, Shame on you Severus...just take the eggs and comfort the girl. And don't probe any longer too. I like how you described Sophora and how Severus finally has somewhat of a soft heart shown here too. And her pets are quite interesting. She's obviously unique having no parents and yet being able to survive on her own. Interesting first chapter. Long yet real good :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Love it! Great chapter

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this! Post the other chapters :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 26, 2012
Last Updated on August 13, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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