Chapter Nineteen: Teaching the Third Years

Chapter Nineteen: Teaching the Third Years

A Chapter by Abbie

Sophora teaches with Severus for the first time, so of course, something interesting must happen. Well... interesting is one way to put it.



          “Time for potions class…”  Meredith, one of my best friends, said. Her brown, curly hair was bouncing up and down slightly as she walked, books clutched in her arms. She wasn't smiling, as she usually did. She disliked this one class. Only potions class did she hate.

          “Aww… I was hoping that we would have to wait until Monday….”
 My other best friend, Thomas, whined. He pouted, and his blue eyes looked sad. He looked kind of cute like that, but the thought vanished from my head in an instant.

          “Oh shush you two, it isn't that bad.” I said, laughing.

          “To you! You’re great at potions! I swear, one of these days, one of my potions is going to go horribly wrong, and Snape is going to KILL me!” Thomas said looking scared. Meredith and I just laughed.

          “That’s ridiculous, You’ll live.” Meredith told Thomas, as we walked into potions class, and took our seats. I was next to Thomas and Meredith sat behind us with one of her friends in Hufflepuff, a kid named Denis.


          “Hey Kevin!” Calvin shouted down the hallway, running out of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I turned around, and looked at my fellow Gryffindor. Calvin smiled at me, and ran up behind me.

          “We Have potions with The Bat next!” Calvin said smiling. I frowned. Even the thought of potions class with HIM got me mad. Snape and I hate each other with a passion, and to make matters worse, we always have class with his Snakes.

          “Well, isn't this year going to be fun…” I said rolling my eyes. We walked down the hall, towards the stairs that led to the dungeons.

          “Ha-ha, Yeah, I’m terrified of Professor Snape. What’s that dungeon bat going to do now? What trick will he have up his sleeve this year?” Calvin said, walking in step with me. We were down in the dungeons, and nearing the door to the classroom.

          “I don’t know, but nothing good….” I said, and walked into class with my best mate.


          “That’s ridiculous, You’ll live.” A girl with long, curly brown hair said and laughed as she walked into class with two other kids. The other girl, the one with short black hair laughed as well. The third kid, a boy, frowned at the girls. Poor kid, the girls must team up on him all the time. They sat down, and then some more kids came in.

          “I don’t know, but nothing good…” a little blonde third year said to his friend. I noticed that they were both Gryffindors, and I watched from where I was standing next to Snape where they sat. Third row on the far right…. I can remember that.

          Both Severus and I just stood by the door. Not talking, not moving, just watching and waiting. We waited until the class was filled, then he slammed the door shut, and strode over to the center of the room. I walked up next to him, and stood at his side. Most of their eyes were on me. There was a lot of whispering and questioning looks in the room, all aimed towards me. I looked into the eyes of the third year that the blonde came in with. I used Legilimency on him, as I looked into his eyes.

          “Why the bloody hell is she here? Why would a seventh year Slytherin, who should have classes, be here. More so, the head girl and the queen of cool?” he thought

          “Students…settle down, now. Unless you wish for points to be taken away right now that is. If no, please, carry on. The head girl and I shall be more than happy to do so.” That’s shut them all up. They both knew that what he said was true. He would gladly take points, as would I.

          “Now, let’s get back to what I was planning on saying. You are all here in my potions class for another year. The rules and what is expected of you are the same, with the exception that more is required. And, as you can see, this year will be a little bit… different.” He said, his eyes flicking over to me. I just kept a blank look on my face, showing no emotion, except for a smirk.

          “As you all know, I have never taken on assistants. None have been good enough. Until now. As you can see, the head girl, and seventh year Slytherin, Sophora Scarr, will be that assistant. She will be teaching class instead of me some days, and will be in class on others. You are to treat her with respect, as you do me. Is this understood?” Snape drawled and stared them down coldly.

          A series of “yes sir’s” chorused through the room. I also heard someone mutter “You mean like the way we talk about you behind your back?” I flicked my eyes over towards the voice and inwardly groaned. Not him again…..

          “Mr. Dagobert, repeat that louder” I told Kadin’s little brother, Kevin. I thought I recognized that little blonde head from somewhere.

          Kevin instantly paled, and looked up at me. His pale green eyes stared at me as wide as saucers. I smirked as he stuttered out, “N-n-no….” Wrong move.

          “In this class you will address Miss Scarr AS Miss Scarr, Mr. Dagobert. And I do believe that was a statement, not a request.” Severus said.  Kevin looked at Snape, and paled even more. He was now almost as pale as me.

          “I-I di-“he began

          “Lies.” I hiss. He looks over to his friend. I still don’t know his name... though I know that they are always together.

          “I… I said… Like the way we talk about you behind your back?” his voice got squeakier as he went on with the sentence. He shrunk down into his seat. Severus was livid to say the least. I wasn't. I was kind of impressed. Kevin had the nerves to actually say it.

          “Mr. Dagobert, detention, tonight.”  He hissed out, glaring at him. Kevin groaned, and his friend patted his back. I just smirked at them, as Sev glared. The rest of the class was silent, which was a smart thing. They all knew that when you have a mad Snape, things will not be good. 

          Severus then turned his attention back to the entire class. “We are making Shrinking Solution today. Open your textbooks to page 127, follow the instructions, and then give me a sample when you are done.”

          He turned away towards his desk, but as he did, I hear him murmur to me “Watch them make the potions. Deduct points when needed.” With that, he went down to his desk, and took a drink from a goblet that I had not seen before. I walked around the class room, but kept an eye on Severus. After that, he grabbed a quill, and started looking over papers. First day of the year and you could already tell that he was stressed.

          “Hmm….” I thought, “I’m going to have to change that…. Not now, but later perhaps.”

          I walked past one table, it was had two Gryffindors. One was a girl, the other a boy. And I could hear their arguing. The girl, whose name I didn't know, was yelling at a boy she called Thomas.

          “Thomas! Didn't you read your Potions book? You’re supposed to Shake the peeled Shrivelfig!” she said, and pointed to his shrivelfig. He was putting it in right after the potion turned red. I watched him make the mistake, and was just about to scold him and deduct points, when I noticed something.

           It was now giving of a green gas…. It was not supposed to give off a green gas.

          “ S**t” I swore under my breath. This was bad. Really bad. “Professor! We have an issue!” I looked at him, eyes wide. He looked over at me, and instantly noticed the cauldron that had a noxious green gas coming from it. We looked into the others eyes, worried. I noticed that his eyes too, went wide, realizing the problem.

          If the shrinking solution gives off a green gas, it can blow up within minutes, and release a different colored green gas. One that is poisonous, and can kill you within minutes that it is breathed in. 

© 2013 Abbie

Author's Note

well... whats going to happen next, hm?
ReViEw PlEaSe!!! XD

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I MUST find out what happens next!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

going to find out, i really hope that this could be a book one day

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I dont think that fan fictions CAN become books....

12 Years Ago

well, theres the one for star wars that different authors had rallied up to what possibly could've h.. read more
Im fixing to find out :P

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

hahaha... lol :P
I would SO agree with Dominique

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

well the chapter is up, go and have a read. XD
Anonymous Girl

12 Years Ago

YES!! Okay!

12 Years Ago

XD lol, have fun reading.
What on EARTH just happened!? You have to post the next chapter soon!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XD you bet it is.

12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XD wait till you see what happens next.
oh boy-__- seems like they have an issue this isn't going to turn out well :P and why is the next chapter unpublished O.O gahh!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

okay... :P one vote yes. I want like three yeses....

12 Years Ago

I say Yes. so make that two votes of yes.

12 Years Ago

XD okay. one more to go...

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6 Reviews
Added on January 5, 2013
Last Updated on January 5, 2013




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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