Chapter eighteen: Potions

Chapter eighteen: Potions

A Chapter by Abbie


          I walk down the steps into the cold, dark dungeon. I can hear voices and footsteps all around me, but pay no attention to them. I brush past many bodies, determined to get to my destination-Potions Class. I stalk into the cold room, and take my usual seat-that one empty seat in the back of the room, where nobody dares to sit, except for me that is.

          I take out my mini cauldron that I had shrunken down since the day that I had to leave for Hogwarts, in other words, yesterday. It seemed as if yesterday had taken forever, but things seemed to be moving faster all of a sudden… and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing…. I then cast engorgio on it, making the darkened, almost black copper cauldron its normal size.

          I plopped my bag on the floor next to me, and put my potions book on the table next to the cauldron. Just as I had finished everything, everyone had starting getting seated. As every single year had been, nobody sat next to me. Just the way I like it.

          Just as the last person sat down, Snape stormed into the room, scaring just everyone. Everyone but me that is. He stalked straight over to his little podium, and knitted his fingers together, placing them upon its surface.

“Students” he addressed us “It seems that you are all still going to be stuck in my care for yet another year, seeing as you have survived the course last year.” He smirked and a few of the students cringed, I just smirked as well ” Let me remind you that this is a N.E.W.T. level class, so I do not tolerate anything less than... perfection....”


He said this looking directly at me, which began to freak me out, a bit, but then turned his focus elsewhere when he spotted Molly, who was sitting in the second desk back. She was painting her nails, with what I think to be pink nail polish, and not paying attention at all to what he was saying. From the look on his face, she was going to get it good.

“Miss Lamonre! If you will please pay attention in my classroom instead of painting your nails turquoise it would be much appreciated. I do believe that you will be able to paint them later. With me, in detention, 7 o’clock tonight!” he said coolly. She gaped at him, not believing she was getting detention for such a trivial thing. Especially since she was a Slytherin.


“B-but professor... I -” she was cut off by his piercing glare.


“I expect absolute attention in my classroom, is that understood?” he hissed. She nodded, and he looked toward everyone else as they nodded as well. His glare settled on me, then softened. Anyone say weird?


“Good. Now we have forty-five minutes left for class. Today I have planed that you were to create a Calming Draught. If you are in this class, this should be a simple potion otherwise you should not be in this class. Understood?”

A chorus of “yes sir’s” could be heard throughout the room and Professor Snape nodded in approval.  He flicked his wand toward the board and it put up the instructions for the class. They read simply:

·         Brew the Calming Draught

·         Put in a flask and bring to my desk when done

·         Do this quietly

·         You should be leaving class when you finish, the potion should, though it might not for some of you, take that long, so leave

·         If you find for some reason that you are done early, keep yourself busy


“Take out your ‘A Serious Study in Potions’ book, and begin. Ingredients are on the cupboard, same as always” And with that we started. I opened my book to page twenty three: The Calming Draught. I skimmed the page, just a quick read over, though I already knew the potion by heart. I had made it many times and improved on it so that instead of taking forty minutes, it would take thirty. And because most of those minuets are in stirring and crushing, it will be faster for me. I work fast and smoothly.

I walked over to the cupboard before anyone else; they were all still reading the requirements. I grabbed: one ounce of Pomegranate Juice, seven Angelica Stems, nine ounces of Water, three Belladonna Leaves, half an ounce of Mistletoe, two Passion Buds, and three whole butterfly wings. I hurried back to my table, the only round one in the room, away from all others.

Putting the ingredients on the table, I flicked the heater under my cauldron on to a low flame, and poured in the pomegranate juice. It began to steam quickly, and I put in the Angelica Stems. I stirred for three minutes, and then added the water slowly, while stirring clockwise. Once all the water was in, I turned the heat on high, bringing the mixture to a boil.

I quickly skipped around the table and went to go crush some ingredients. I very accurately crushed the Belladonna and Mistletoe. Separately. Then I put them in a bowl and crushed them some more, together this time. I stirred clockwise seventeen times while I added the two crushed ingredients. Once I did that, it turned a sparkling purple.

I took the passionflower buds, and sprinkled it over the top of the potion. I let it stew for seven and a half minutes, not stirring and just listened to the simmering of the cauldron. Once I was sure that the buds had sunk into the liquid, I dropped in the three butterfly wings.  As soon as I did, it turned a beautiful light sky blue. It was mildly Viscous, as it should be, like thick maple syrup. It also stopped glittering, which was great. If it had any trace of glittering or shimmering, the potion was ruined. But luckily, it didn't.

With eighteen minutes before class ended, I grabbed a flask, and a ladle. I poured some of the concoction into the flask carefully, and then grabbed a second, larger flask. I poured some into there too.  I put the larger one in my little bag, and took my sample up to Severus.

“Done already?” He asked, and looked up at me from his desk. I could see he was going over some papers, grading them. He sighed, and then continued as he took the flask, “I hadn't expected you to finish for a few more minutes. Ah well. Go and take your seat Miss Scarr, and make busy of yourself.” I nodded, and my eyes flicked over to a desk that was next to his. It was smaller, and wasn't there before. I sent him a questioning look, and he merely glanced at me. It was a look that said “You’ll see”.

I walked back and sat down. I picked up a book and started reading….



        I gave the instructions, put them on the board, and then sat at my desk. I started grading papers, but at the same time, I was watching Sophora. Watching her make a potion, is like… I do not even know if there are words to describe it. She’s graceful, and makes the art of potions making look like it should: beautiful.

          I watch as she dances around the table, putting things into the cauldron, stirring, and crushing. She does it all so accurately. It looks as if she was a dancer, and potions was her stage. She controlled everything with the grace of a swan.

          Before I knew it, she was finished at my desk; I was looking at my papers luckily, so she did not see me watching her almost admiringly. She held out the potion to me, and I glanced up at her.

          “Done already?” I sighed. She was getting faster at making potions every time. Making them perfect and efficient, and making it look easy as well. “I hadn't expected you to finish for a few more minutes. Ah well. Go and take your seat Miss Scarr, and make busy of yourself.”

          I noticed that she looked over to the desk that was right next to mine. I inwardly smirked. She looked at me questioningly, and I just looked at her, all the while thinking ‘You’ll see soon enough’. She looked confused, and walked off to go and read. It was nearing the end of class when I was getting more and more flasks. Soon, class was at its end. But I was still missing three potions….

          I can see exactly who they are, the ones that didn't give me the potions. Molly, Harly, and Jaclyn. Two Gryffindors and one of my Slytherins. Molly is a Slytherins who absolutely should not be in this class. Ironically enough, they all sit near each other. I walk over, and can see that Harly and Jaclyn both are concentrating, and Molly…ooh… she was going to get it. She was relaxing, her feet kicked up on my classroom desk, looking at her nails. I growl as Jaclyn hands me her potion. She finished in time.

          “Miss. Lamonre” I growl angrily. Both girls turn their head to me, but Holly goes back to gathering her stuff seeing as I am addressing her sister.

          “What?” She looks up at me.

          “Get. Your. Feet. Off. My. Desk. Now.” I say through clenched teeth. She just goes back to looking at her nails, not doing as I said. Harly hands me his potion as well, and I am ready to burst.

          “Get out of my class room now! You are officially kicked out of potions class, and are to have detention with Filch every night for two weeks, am I understood?”
I say angrily, but not raising my voice. I try to never raise my voice, and I haven’t for a long time. I can see some students gaping, others sighing or rolling their eyes.

          “W-what?” she squeaks, now paying attention

          “Out. Of. Class. Don’t. Come. Back” I say trying to keep my cool. She glares at me angrily, some tears welling in her eyes. I do not feel bad though. You don’t f**k with Severus Snape. “All of you, out of class, you are dismissed.”

          Miss Lamonre scoped up her bag and fled class. Everyone else just walked out of class normally. I heard some people talking about my being too harsh, whereas others say she deserved it. Son the class all left…. Sophora however, didn't. She walked up to me confused.  

          “Professor… I have two potions blocks today… four different classes…. But three have asterisks… why?” she asks and looks up at me.

          “Asterisked classes mean you are teaching Sophora.” Her eyes go as wide as the full moon “You and I have a class to tack in three minutes. Go to your new desk” I smirk as she goes ‘oh…’ “And get ready.”

          “What class?” she asks, not bothering asking how or why or any stupid questions like that. My anger is slowly decreasing as she talks, and the issue is no longer in my face.

          “Third Years. Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. For this class that is.”

          “What are we going over?”

          “Shrinking solution.”

          “What about me?”

          “I’ll explain why you are here and such, tell them that you are my assistant. Then you will work on grading papers with me and walk around checking mistakes and offering help.”

          “Got it.” She looked straight into my eyes “Thank you.”

          “You’re welcome.”I said looking back, then turning away as soon as I heard children. “They’re coming. Be ready. Now.” I stood up and folded my arms over my chest as I walked toward the door. Sophora came up behind me, and stood in an identical pose. I smirked and looked at her out of the corner of my eye to see that she was doing the same. This was going to be a fun class….

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

review? :D

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This is going to be fun.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XD you'll see.
You guys are going to have interesting reactions to what happens next i think... read more

12 Years Ago

Ohh, that is going to be fun.

12 Years Ago

XD yep
This is awesome!!!!!! hurry up :P

Posted 12 Years Ago

Jordan's Back

12 Years Ago

yes in fact When I got this, I started at Chapter one no Write :P

12 Years Ago

:P good. and thanks glad you like it. :P

12 Years Ago

next chapter is up :P
WOAH MAN!! He is a freaking teacher and is eyeing his student??? YUCK!!!!
Absolutely disgusted!!!
I liked it and want to find out what happens next!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Anonymous Girl

12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XD its up. :P
The next chapter better be up sooner than this one was. I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Wow. You are way better than me on that.

12 Years Ago

XD thanks?

12 Years Ago

XD your welcome.
wow, this is a nice chapter that you did

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

the next chapter is up if you wanna keep reading. :)

12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

:D welcome.
ohmygoodness.... I feel so bad for that class O_O

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Exactly. >:D

12 Years Ago

*gasp!* you monsttterrrrr!!!!! :P

12 Years Ago

:D thank you, thank you.

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6 Reviews
Added on December 30, 2012
Last Updated on December 30, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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