Chapter Sixteen: Who?

Chapter Sixteen: Who?

A Chapter by Abbie


            I see a large castle is in front of me: Hogwarts, of course. Everything seems normal, but I immediately that I was dreaming. My dreams always started out this way, in front of my school, my favorite place, my haven. Hogwarts was always my dream because I normally just walked the grounds laughing and dancing like I always wanted- to be carefree, like the little girl in side of me yearned to do. Today however, or should I say tonight, was different. I could feel it in my bones.

            I silently walked the grounds. Everything is still, which is odd. Normally there is movement, and noise and joy when I’m here. I walk over to the Whomping Willow, normally moving and trying to hit me with its long, knobby branches, today, it is as still as stone.

            I walk over to the lake, by a tree that is not quite as big as the Whomping Willow, but close to it. I plop myself down and stare at the still lake. I imagine an apple, a green one, to eat. A second later, it’s there, in my hand. I take a rather large bite, and listen for noise, anything at all. There’s nothing, not a whisper of a voice, not a whistle of the wind, not a crunch of footsteps in the fallen leaves.

            I finish off my apple, and become bored. I try to imagine someone, anyone, into my dream. I can’t. I stand up and brush myself off, noticing that I’m… transparent? What the hell? Why am I like, not there? It’s my dream… so why is it like I’m in a pensive? I try to make my hand go through myself, but I can’t. Strange.

            Then, for the first time, I hear a laugh. A girl is laughing; no idea at what, but there is laughter. Someone is here. I’m not alone. I quickly whip my head around, turning towards the noise. Nobody’s there, so I start to run towards where I think the laughter is coming from. It must be just around the corner, on the other side of Hogwarts!

            Rounding the corner, I come upon not one person, but three. There are two girls: one a redhead with curls bouncing as she laughs, the other has pin-straight hair as black as night. There is also a boy with a curtain of raven hair trying to hide his face as he attempts to move it away. They look like they are having fun, just the three of them. I almost don’t want to disturb them, but I’m bored!

            I run up to them, and notice that the curly haired red head is a Gryffindor; while the other two are Slytherins.... Now I’m not prejudice over houses and which one is better or anything like that, but it just seems… a little odd.  I also notice that I don’t know any of them.  And that redhead has a head girl badge on… strange…. Anyhow I decide to introduce myself.

            “Er, hi! My name’s Sophora, Sophora Scarr.” I say cheerily. I may not know them, but perhaps they have heard of me.  

            “Lily Evans.” The redhead says, sticking out her hand. I shake it. She then looks to the boy to her left; he’s in between the two girls.

            “Severus Snape.” He says. His deep black eyes are looking at me, afraid I’ll do something terrible. As if I kill kittens and eat babies for breakfast…

            I smile warmly, trying to be nice, but I know my eyes are wide. SEVERUS FREAKING SNAPE!!! What the hell? Why is he in my dream? As a child- Er, teenager- no less! This is just weird! He smiles a small smile and I opened my mouth to ask him why the hell he- my potions professor- is in my dream as a teenager (!) when the other girl spoke.

            “I-I’m Acantha Heartless…” she said softly, looking down at her shoes. She was quite pretty, with long black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall and her odd purple eyes (I suppose that’s what mine look like…). I suppose that she is shy, because she seems so… quiet.

            “Nice to meet all of you!” I say beaming. I just met two of them (Severus doesn’t count.)And I already liked them. Acantha was quiet and seemed sweet. Lily was very welcoming and warmhearted. Severus was fearful, but seemed nice. Not so different than his adult form.

            “You too Sophora! So what are you doing here all by your lonesome?  What house are you in? Why haven’t we heard of you before? What d-“Lily started, then cut off by Acantha

            “Lily… your asking her too many things…. Slow down before you scare the girl.” Acantha says a bit more boldly than she looks. She is now looking straight at me, eyes wide. In fear, or something else I can’t tell.

            “Oh, um, it’s okay.  I’m alone because I was just, wandering the school. Boredom, you know?”I answer shrugging. I’m a Slytherin seventh year and I’m new….” I answer, hoping that there won’t be any more questions.

            I mean, this may be MY dream, but the dreams I have normally have a storyline per say? I control myself and only me (except I can imagine things into the dream). I am pretty much thrown into another world where I make decisions and pretty much everything exists. The people are pretty much real, like they have their own actions, thoughts and feelings.  Strange, I know.

            “Wicked! Would you like to come with us? We were just headed to the Crab Apple tree.” Severus said a bit more comfortably.

            “Sure! Why not?” I answer excitedly. This dream just got a whole lot more interesting.

            “Come on then!” Lily says, racing towards the other side of Hogwarts. She looked back at us before yelling “last one to the tree is a wingless hippogriff!”

            I turn to look at Severus and Acantha. They are both looking at me. We all pause for about three seconds, before running after her at top speed. Lily is of course in the lead, but Severus seemed to be catching up easily. Acantha and I were neck in neck, both behind Severus by about by five or six feet.

            I turn to her, to see that she has turned her head to look at me. We both have goofy smiles on our faces, our dark hair flowing behind us, violet eyes sparkling. Realizing how stupid we look, we burst out laughing, our voices ring clear as bells in the autumn air. Lily turns around and stops running. Severus stares in… shock?

            We both realize something’s up, and slow down to a walk, then just stop moving altogether. We all just stood there, just like that. Silent, unmoving. Slowly we turned to each other, and looked in the other’s eyes.

            “Remember.” Acantha said, and then everything faded into inky black darkness.


            I woke up with a start and nearly fell out of my pearly white bed. I turned to my clock which I had set on the bedside nightstand. It read 6: 18 am. I had only gotten six and a half hours of sleep. I sighed and rolled out of bed.  

            I stumbled sleepily over to my closet, grabbed a pair of Slytherin robes. I then went through my skirts. I grabbed a green and black plaid one; it was quite short, but not too… skanky. It was three inches above my knees. If I get in trouble… no, I wouldn’t get into trouble; I got everyone wrapped around my pinky finger.  I then go over to my shirt section of the closet. I find a white button up shirt with sleeves that go down to my wrists with the Slytherin emblem on it. I go to the shoe section of my walk in closet, and pick out some black, lace up combat boots that would add an extra two inches to my 5‘6” height making me 5’8”.

            After I’m sure that they match, I go over to my bright magenta dresser. I grab my undergarments, and a green and silver striped tie. I also grab a pair of socks and head toward the bathroom.

            Once in my large, red bathroom I place my clothes on the counter, slip out of my pajamas, and into the tub. It’s so warm, and apparently it is an automatic bubble bath. The bubbles feel nice against my pale skin, and the bubbles are all different colors of the rainbow. Ingenious, considering this is the rainbow room; what I’m going to call my bedroom from now on. I slowly relax into the bubbles and start to ponder that strange dream I had.

            I don’t remember all of it, but I do remember most. There was me, at Hogwarts, and I was bored and walking around. I then heard laughing and ended up finding three people. There was: Severus- who I obviously know, Lily Evans- her name sounds familiar for some reason, and Acantha Heartless.

            Acantha…. Why does she feel like I should know who she is? As if she was a friend that was left behind, a relative, someone close to me. And what was up with the last thing she said? ‘Remember’. Remember what? I sigh and sink into the bubbles, this was going to come back and haunt me if I don’t figure it out, I could feel it in my bones.

            I get out of the bath tub and towel off. I slip on my clothes, tie my shoes and throw on my robes. I look in the mirror and I use magic to dry my hair, but not straighten or brush it. I reach into a drawer and grab my hairbrush. I slowly tame my messy, wet hair until it is as straight as a pin. I look in the mirror and check to see that everything is just where I like it.

            After I make sure of that, I grab some mascara and eyeliner. I apply it, making my eyes look bigger, darker.  I then brush and floss my teeth with my cute ‘Hello Kitty’ tooth brush that I got from one of my Muggle friends over the summer. Checking myself over in the mirror again, I put on some jewelry. My diamond earrings, my crescent moon bracelet, and make sure that my broken heart locket is still there and the chain hadn’t broken. It’s still there and the S.S. is gleaming nice and shiny on its chain around my neck, even after seven years.

            Deciding that I look fine and ready for anything, I walk out of the bathroom feeling refreshed.  I walk over to my nightstand, and grab my wand. I then skip over to the door, swirling in different colors, and open it. I walk out into the circular anteroom and walk over to the bouquet of flowers. I notice now that there is a note in them. I pick it up and read:

            Dear Sophora,

                        I hope that you enjoy your new rooms. I tried to make them your style look feminine look nice. I’m not so great at this decorating and refurbishing thing, so I’m sorry if it isn’t how you like it.

            You can change it if you want, just know which room is which. Rainbow is bedroom, Aqua is the kitchen and dining room, Silver is the study and library, green is the living room, and black is your potions room and storage for your potions.

            The bedroom is all white, but enchanted. You can change everything in it to whatever color, design, or pattern you want it to be. Just think it and touch the object. The kitchen is also enchanted and has the food always stocked. Think what food you want while holding the handle, then open it. It will be in there. The library is pretty empty, but I put some books in there for you. I’m sure you have some for yourself anyhow. The living room has an everburn fireplace that changes color with the mood of the owner (you).  Your potions room is new and the storage closet stocked with the basics. You’re welcome.

Severus Snape

            As soon as I finished reading the note, I felt a swell in my chest. He put all this together for me. He did everything so that it would suit or benefit me. He took his time, to make this perfect.  He cared. A lot.

            As much as he might seem grouchy, or mean, or downright snake hearted, he wasn’t all that bad.  He just didn’t show his kindness. He locked it all up, and rarely let it out. But for me, he seemed to let it out a little bit. Maybe I could try to convince him to open up a bit. But there was still a question that kept flashing through my mind.

            If he was so happy with his friends, Lily and Acantha, why isn’t he happy anymore?

            I sigh, and put down the letter. Just as I do so, a clock I hadn’t noticed on the wall before rang out ‘seven thirty, get to breakfast, or you’ll be late. Hurry up, time for breakfast.’ I immediately burst out laughing, because it was HIS voice. Severus, who redid my home to suit me perfectly, programmed my clock, to talk in HIS voice. My clock was Snapeified.  

            As soon as I regained my composure, I looked into a mirror that was on the wall which I again, had not noticed. I looked at it, and wiped all emotion from my face. I wiped all acknowledgement of feeling from my eyes, so that they bore hard, cold, and lifeless. As soon as I had on my mask, I whirled around, and left my rooms.

© 2012 Abbie

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Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I def put more then that. they were along the lines of it was cute and i like her character and I wa.. read more

12 Years Ago

I know, it does that sometimes and I haven't the slightest idea why.... :/
But thank you!!!! :.. read more
Wow. How does she not know she is Ancatha???? This is a wonderful chapter and I can't wait for more!!! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

have you also noticed how Albus knows? the old man is screwing with the lives of people again! haha,.. read more

12 Years Ago

... They better start falling in love. *Angirly looking back at you.*

12 Years Ago

hahaha... if only you know what i have planned for them....
Wow, this is a really good chapter!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

thanks! :)

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3 Reviews
Added on November 6, 2012
Last Updated on November 6, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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