Chapter Ten:Just Calm Down and Lets Come to My Quarters, Okay?

Chapter Ten:Just Calm Down and Lets Come to My Quarters, Okay?

A Chapter by Abbie


I managed to get to out common room first, lucky. I curled up on a couch in the slytherin common room's study as an owl came soaring in through the door wen some more Slytherins came in. it dropped a letter in my lap, and flew back out. The letter was sent to me by the ministry. It says:

Dear Miss Sophora Scarr,

We, the Ministry of Magic have been informed that you are older than the age for going to a wizarding school and are still at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Given the fact that you are twenty five we find it inappropriate for you to be going to school there. Therefore, we will kindly ask you to remove yourself from the school and its grounds, or else we will have to remove you ourselves. You have one week. Thank you and good day.

The Minister of Magic

Millicent Bagnold

I couldn't believe it. They were telling me I had to leave Hogwarts? So what if I'm twenty five? I don't even remember living until I was seventeen and woke up in St. Mungo's! I don't even look seventeen! I have used magic to make an illusion of myself younger! (It's supposedly what I would have looked like) It's permanent and it grows with age! So when I was eleven, I looked like a f*****g eleven year old! And nobody knows that I'm twenty five, except for Albus! And he's fine with it! Oh, bloody hell, this is NOT happening!

I try my best to stay calm, but the next thing I know, I've hexed non verbally and with my hands, six Slytherins that were within range, two of them were only first years. I would fell bad, but I'm pretty pissed off. And when I get pissed off, I get PISSED OFF. A prefect tries to stop me from hexing anybody else, knowing that this has happened before, so I hex her too.

' everyone has finally left me alone and everything is finally quiet. Sweet Salazar, thank you!........Wait? Are those footsteps? Ugh! I'm gonna hex that person!' I think angrily and move my hand that isn't holding the letter towards the door, not even bothering to see who it is. I think 'bat boogie hex' and next thing I know, the hex comes out of my hand and at the person.

“Miss Scarr, what is the reason that you feel the need to he-” I hear Severus say, then break off. He must have seen what I looked like. I must look horrible, broken even. I finally turn my head towards him, and just start crying. I don't want to leave! I just got to where I wanted to be! I'm head girl, I'm a potions assistant, I'm known! I put my head in my hands and try to make the tears so away. It somewhat worked. Next thing I know, Severus is next to me on the couch. I turn my head to him, and he starts talking in a whisper.

“Sophora, your a mess. You need to calm down. Why don't you take your luggage, and follow me to my rooms? I'll get you a warm drink, and then we'll talk. Okay, Sophora?” He says, trying to be nice and understanding, which isn't really his thing, but I nod anyhow. I wave my hand towards my luggage and it floats behind us as he leads us to his chambers.


I didn't know what the letter in her hand, and I didn't think she'd let me know. But right now, I didn't care about the reason why, just how I could fix it. I know, this isn't like me at all, but she seems like she;s having a crappy day and she obviously is hurt. There's no other reason for it. Or is there?

I sat down on the couch next to her and whispered softly to her, “Sophora, your a mess. You need to calm down. Why don't you take your luggage, and follow me to my rooms? I'll get you a warm drink, and then we'll talk. Okay, Sophora?”

I wasn't going soft, I was just caring. Some people really deserve care, but never had it, and I have a feeling she's one of those people. In some aspects, like me, except, I did have care. I had Lily and Acantha, my two best friends, even if they were gone now, I still had them at one point. And right now, I have a pretty good feeling that Sophora needs a friend, So I'll be that friend, even if she is seventeen, and I'm twenty seven.

I quickly got her out of the common room before anyone could ask questions. I walked down the hall to my quarters, which was on the right of the potions classroom, and across from her rooms. I opened it by muttering the password, which was Acantha. I held the door open as she walked into the hallway, luggage trailing slightly behind her. She pause, confused of which of the seven doorways to go through.

“First one on your right is the kitchen, I'll be in there getting you something to drink. Second one on your right is the living room, you can go in there if you wish, or the first one on your left, which is the library, yes you can read a book if you wish, both are comfy and have fireplaces. The bathroom is the second to your left. Don't go in the last three doors. They are my lab, my personal storeroom, and my bedroom, none of which you should have the need to go into. I'll be with you in a moment.” I said quickly, giving her an overview of the rooms. I walked into my kitchen as I saw her walk into the library. I smirked to myself, knowing that she would pick the library.

My kitchen was average sized. It had wood floors, and the walls painted a deep navy blue. It had a sink, a stove, a microwave, and a refrigerator for appliances. It had white cabinets above the stove, and a white table in the center of the room with four blue chairs. I also had a liqueur cabinet in the corner of the room near the door. Not much, but it was all I needed.

I walked over to a cabinet and went through what I found. Some teabags.... coffee beans.... ground! I found it. I poured some water into two mugs, and used magic to warm the water to just the right temperature. I then put the packages into the two mugs and grabbed a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Yes, I have a chocolate issue. I walked out of the room with the two mugs in hand and the plate of cookies and headed across to the library.

I found Sophora sitting in one of the chairs closest to the fireplace reading Muggles Who Notice, by Blenheim Stalk. I snicker at the book she's reading, I expected something to do with the dark arts, knowing her. She must have heard me, because her head whipped around towards me. I walked over and sat in the other chair closest to the fireplace, setting the mugs and cookies on the table in between both the chairs.

“Thank you, Severus.” she said, taking a sip of her drink. After a second she started laughing.

“What?” I asked confused, and took a sip myself. Mmm, nice and warm.

“Hot Chocolate?” She asked giggling.

“Yes, what's your point? Something wrong with hot chocolate?” I said defensively. I drink hot chocolate, so what?

“No, it's just not what I expected you to drink or even have.” she said, laughing. “And what are these? Chocolate chip cookies?Are you serious?”

“Well, I do and yes, I am. If you tell anyone I like chocolate chip cookies, or hot chocolate, I will deduct points.” I said seriously.

“Won't matter, I'll be gone from Hogwarts within a week anyhow.” she said sadly.

“What? Preposterous! What makes you think that?” I said shocked at this news.

" The ministry officials have told me I have one week to leave Hogwarts." Sophora said upset.

" The ministry can't do that! Come on, lets go get Dumbledore. Albus can fix this, he can fix just about anything." I said getting up. She got up behind me and followed as we walked towards the headmasters Rooms.

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

Okay, I just put a huge twist in the plot! just to let you know, this was not how I planned the story to go, but I think I like it, so please review! :D

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it's captivating though

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very captivating, i love thhis story.

Posted 12 Years Ago

i just finished reading up to this chapter. i'm now confused as to what the conflict really is in the story. is it the love story between Snape and Sophora? or is it Sophora's termination in Hogwarts? just want to clear things a bit. nevertheless, i finished reading all of the stories up to chapter 10. i'm hoping for another one! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

well, there is going to be, eventually. I have the basics of the story planned out, and they fall in.. read more
Gothic Girl

12 Years Ago

looking forward to it. :)
I didn't know what the "news of the" letter in her hand "contained", and I didn't think she'd let me know. The words in the parenthesis should help that sentence to make more sense. Wow, this is a great chapter and I find it funny that he likes chocolate so much. I thought he'd have a dark and scary looking place because of his somewhat cruel nature and maybe he'd eat something like coal. Bahahah! XD Phew! I am really enjoying your work so far. : )

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

thanks, I had no Idea how to write that sentence, It was kinda awkward when I wrote it, but I kept i.. read more

12 Years Ago

Well, he is human but I imagine his sense of style would be a bit more masculine. Hagrid definitely .. read more
bam! the twist has been revealedO.O woo! What is she gonna do?

Posted 12 Years Ago

Princeps Angelus Mors

12 Years Ago

just wait half an hour or so, ok?

12 Years Ago

I don't know If I'll be on the computer that long, but sure. :)
Princeps Angelus Mors

12 Years Ago

'Everyone is in their dorms and the hexed people are all at the hospital wing so everything is quiet.' this is the only thing that caught my eye, its too written to be a thought, you know? I'm not sure if I can explain it, but I don;t think she really explains things to herself like that, you could change it to 'Alone, quiet. Thank God.' something that says that everyone is gone but not explaining. Like, here's an example, I don;t think, "I'm sitting in this chair because its comfy." I think, "Man, this chair is comfy!" Just something I noticed.
Great chapter, I like the twist :D

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

okay! thanks for the help! :D and glad you liked the twist >:)

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6 Reviews
Added on August 13, 2012
Last Updated on August 13, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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