Chapter Nine: The Great Hall

Chapter Nine: The Great Hall

A Chapter by Abbie

Chapter Nine: The Great Hall


When I get my hands on that little cretin, I'm gonna hex her! She said walk! Now she was sprinting to the castle, with me running after her. I can just imagine how stupid we must look...well, all the more reason to hex her!

Finally, she comes up to the Castle doors, and stops. I catch up with in a minute (she had a head start, so bugger off!). Slowly, but surely, the castle doors open. We must have really been the first ones there... huh.

“S-S-so-Soph-Sophora! I-I-I'm gon-gonna kill-ll y-you n-next tim-me yo-ou d-do th-at-at!” I said winded from all the running. Good Godric, can that girl run! And I'm a freaking double agent (well, not anymore..., but still!)! I'm trained to do that! Maybe I'm getting old....

“Yeah, well, sorry Severus. You shouldn't have tried going on without me.” She said smiling. She was breathing normally, and had no sweat. Something is wrong with her. We walked into the castle and started waiting for the great hall doors to open.

“W-well so-orry!” I said trying to return my breath to normal, along with my heart rate. She only smirked. She's going to be the death of me, I swear it. She walked inside the great hall, me trailing behind slightly.

As always, the Great hall looked astounding. The tables nicely made and set up, the starry night sky reflected in the enchanted ceiling, the floating candles illuminating the large room. This is how grand it always looks on the first day. I mean, Hogwarts always has to look even more impressive for the first day doesn't it?

I walk over to the head table, and sit at Dumbledore's immediate left, as always (Minerva is always on his right). He's paying watching the doors of the great hall, watching for more students to come in. Understandable, he loves this school, and school is just about to start, so he is of course extra peppy.

Bored already, I look over to Sophora. She's sitting as close as possible to high table at the slytherin table. She's sitting properly (back straight, hands laced together sitting on the table, feet on the floor uncrossed, but her eyes are staring off into the distance...), her new head girl badge is shining brightly in the candle's light, and she looks very determined, but somewhat cold, as if dislocating from the person I was with not moments ago. This is the her that people expect to see, not the real her, not the head girl I know.

Her eyes than snap out of the trance and shot over to me, staring me down. Right then, the doors to the hall burst open again, more professors and students flooding in and the hall was silent no more. I looked over at Dumbledore, and he was smiling warmly, his eyes sparkling.

In a few seconds the hall was filled with chatter. The tables were nearly full too, only a few places open per table. 'For the first years of course.' I thought to myself. And as if on cue, Minerva re-opened the doors with the first years following behind. There were only thirty or so, which is low for a year at Hogwarts. Very low.

The sorting hat is already on it's little stool, waiting for the first years. When It sees them, It bursts into song:

A thousand years or more ago
when I was newly sewn,
there lived four wizards of renown,
whose names are still well known:
bold Gryffendor from wild moor,
fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad,
shrewd Slytherin from fen.
They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
they hatched a daring plan
to educate young sorcerers
thus Hogwarts school began.
Now each of these four founders
formed their own house for each
did value different virtues
in the ones they had to teach.
By Gryffendor the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw the cleverest
would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff hard workers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin
loved those of great ambition.
While still alive they did divide
Their favorites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were dead and gone?

'Twas Gryffendor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!
Now slip me snug about your ears,
I've never yet been wrong,
I'll have a look inside your mind
And tell where you belong!

When the song is done, everyone bursts into applause. I clap a little too, just to be courteous. Minerva starts calling out names and after the first few, I start zoning out. My mind started to wander to my lesson plans, then to which potion ingredients I needed to stock up on in my stores, and after that, my mind wandered to Sophora.

She was my new potions assistant. Which meant I had to go over everything with her tonight. All the lessons, her special schedule, how things are run, how to correct, everything! And I had to show her to her new rooms. Oh, this was going to be a looooong night. I picked up my goblet filled with watered down Firewhisky and took a sip. Mmm, that's better.

A few minutes later, the sorting was over. Slytherin got eight more students this year.( Eight! That is the lowest number on record, for any house!) Dumbledore spoke about having a good year and working hard before he waved his hands and food appeared. Same as every start of term feast.

Dinner went by fast. I made small talk about the curriculum to Clarice Crossly, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor for the second year in a row. I have to admit, she knows what she is talking about, but I still think I would be a better professor in DADA. I was a Death Eater! That's as much into dark arts as you can get! But then when we started talking about how she was taking on Mr. Harly Jades as an assistant, Filius interrupted and mentioned taking on Miss Amelia Cyan, a ravenclaw student of his. She was quite good at charms from what I know, and brilliant at transfiguration too. After a while the other professors broke off from that conversation and carried into another so I finished up my meal in silence. Just as I finished, Albus stood up and spoke to everyone.

“Now that you have all had your fill, I believe that it is time for bed, please go to your dormitories and get a good deal of shut eye, you will need it for tomorrow's events. Goodnight to you all!” and with that everyone started to file out.

The other professors and I went out the teachers door and I headed to the Slytherin common room, to get to Sophora to tell her of her new rooms and information that she will need to know as my assistant. I strode down the halls and into the dungeons. I was just about to open the door with the password (it was snakeskin), when it was opened for me, by one of the four slytherin prefects.

“Oh, professor Snape. I was just going to get you. We have a problem.” He said. It took me a few seconds to remember his name, Joesph Tren. He didn't continue and tell me what the issue was. He just stood there like an idiot, and I was getting impatient.

“Well? Are you going to tell me what it is Mr. Tren? Or do I have to go and find out myself?”I said coldly.

“N-no, sorry Professor. It's the head girl. She's in the study room, and she's a bit upset... she started hexing anyone that went near her, and the other perfects have already sent two first years to the hospital wing, along with five others. We decided that we should get you, seeing as we couldn't stop her from hexing anybody and she won't calm down...” he said voice trailing off. Oh s**t, what happened this time?

She's done this twice before. Once, when she was in her second year and she was accidentally poisoned, she blew up a cauldron at the person who did it and broke his nose, and bruised four of his ribs. The Second time, Kadin upset her when he turned her black and yellow and it lasted for a one week. She got revenge by turning all him into a girl for three days and turned all his robes into slytherin ones for two months. I needed to get to her before she did something disastrous.

I walked right past him and went into the common room, it was empty because everyone was in their dorms taking shelter. I then walked into the study room, right as a bat boogie hex went right past my left ear.

“Miss Scarr, what is the reason that you feel the need to he-” I started, before I got a good look at her. She was sitting on a dark green sofa huddled up in a ball, clutching a letter.

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

Review? Please? oh, and the sorting hat's song was by JKR, and all rights to her too! :D

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wow, i want to know the letter, this is an amazing story you have here.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lovely write a suggestion try develop a similar perhaps rather than use Rowling.

Posted 12 Years Ago

THis book should totally get published, it rocks. :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

Um... I'm worried you could get sued for copyright infringement, did you check with J.K. Rowling to see if it's okay for you to do this with HER material? After all, your story is based of of HER books.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I did not see that. So no, you don't have to put that on every chapter.

12 Years Ago

oh, okay. and other than that fact, did you like the book so far?

12 Years Ago

I liked this chapter because so far it is the only one I've read.
drama llama!
lol, great chapter, write more please!

Posted 12 Years Ago

LetterO.O uh-oh!! This doesn't look good! (and yay! i'm in your book!!!^_^)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I'll go work on it! :P

12 Years Ago

yay! I'm excitedXD XD XD XD XD XD XD

12 Years Ago


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6 Reviews
Added on August 12, 2012
Last Updated on August 13, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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