Chapter Eight: Hugging and Running

Chapter Eight: Hugging and Running

A Chapter by Abbie

Chapter Eight: Hugging and The Great Hall


“Oh. Dear. God. I'm dead. I'm soooooo dead. There is no way I'm not gonna die. He's gonna kill me. I can't believe it. Dead before I reach Hogwarts! Ugh. How stupid am I?” I thought as I just stood there, eyes closed praying he wouldn't kill me, in Snape's arms.

Yep, that's right. I stumbled when the train stopped and fell into Severus. I wrapped my arms around him as I fell, you know trying to stop the falling? So technically, I'm giving My Potions Professor a hug. And because his arms are around me to, he also tried to stop my falling, his arms were around me to. So, yeah, we're just standing there hugging.

“Sophora?” he whispered. I looked up,because I was just a little bit shorter than he was, so my face was at his upper chest He said my name. Actually said my name for once. None of that Miss Scarr hogshit. Just, Sophora. Hmm, I like the way he says my name. Sounds nice.

“Yes S-professor?” I whispered back. I was going to call him Severus, but I fear that I really would have been dead.

“Two things. One, when we are alone, or with the staff and the Hufflepuff, call me Severus.” he said, still whispering.

“Okay... Severus, what's the second thing.” I said trying out his name. I have never actually spoken it, even If I have thought it before. I loved the name, it sounds so powerful.

“The second, I don't mind this, but if you ever mention this, to anyone, staff or otherwise, you WILL be sorry. Understood?” he said, whispering into my ear this time, instead of just whispering at me. He threatened me, but I didn't really mind much. I knew he wouldn't really hurt me or anything... maybe blow up my cauldron in potions or something, but he wouldn't hurt me. I don't know why I knew, but I just did.

“Crystal.” I said back, looking straight into his onyx eyes.

“Good.” he said, then pulled away from me. He turned to the rack on the top and got down one of my trunks for me, and then the other. He was about to grab the snake, but he tensed. I walked over to him,reached up, and grabbed Maligna.

“fraidy cat.” I teased. He looked at me and smirked. This year was going to be great.

“Speaking of cats, where is yours? I haven't seen the beast for quite some time.” he asked.

“Give me a second.” I said. I put two finders in my mouth and whistled a low, high, then low again note. My cat appeared in front of us, reforming from smoke. Severus stood open mouthed at what just happened.

“H- h-” he stuttered.

“Magic!” I said laughing. He looked at me as if I had 17 heads, then shook his. I swear I heard him mutter 'definitely a female thing....'. He levitated both of my trunks and Maligna's cage to had them follow us on the way off the train.

“But really, it is magic. Darkness is able to dissipate and apparate into a puff of smoke during the day and darkness at night, hence her name.” I said, laughter finally stopping.

“Makes perfect sense. You are a witch with a magical black cat, who does ride around on a broomstick quite often, and brews potions for fun. Are you trying to be like the Muggle's version of a witch.” he said looking at me once again like I had 17 heads. I just laughed at the funny expression on his face.

“haha, yes, very funny. Sophora, care to take the same carriage as me?” He asked, picking a carriage, and holding out his hand to help me into it.

“Nope.” I said popping the 'P' and crossing my arms. He looks like he has been smacked across the face, a slap that he hadn't been expecting. Then he looked a bit disheartened, before going back to his normal composure.

“Well, fine then, you can go by yourse-” he started sourly.

“ I never said I didn't want to go with you, I just don't want to take the carriages. I feel like walking, you up for it?” I said smirking. One of his eyebrows raised in a questioning glance.

“Why not? Almost nobody is off the train any ways.” he said, and started walking away (my luggage still floating behind him), leaving me behind.

Wrong move. I zipped past him laughing maniatically the entire time. I am a swimmer and trained a lot, and one of the ways I trained was running. I could have gotten into the Olympics for either. Snape yelled at me and ran after me. That just made me laugh harder. I was easily sprinting towards the castle without breaking a sweat. Severus wasn't long behind.

© 2012 Abbie

Author's Note

this is a bit of a fun, and filler chapter, that way we can get to the more fun chapters. XD and I think I agree with Snape on why Sophora's is acting like this! XD LOL
Review please!

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this is soo cool, like it

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lovely fun write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ohmygoodsweetlord! Professor snape was ALRIGHT with something O.O I never thought it could happen! And it seems to me he likes Miss Scarr a bit more then he'll let on;) it you know what I mean;);) lol

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

XDDDDD yep! :D he self-consciously does. he doesn't know it...but he does... if you know what I mean.. read more
lol, i luv it. ur writing really pulls me in.

Posted 12 Years Ago


Posted 12 Years Ago

omg omg omg! I have to gt this out there I am a harry ptter nerd I love all things related to the harry potter series without exception! that being said severus is one of my favorite characters you could say im a bit of a severus fangirl and it wouldnt be an exageration. whenever u write hp plz let me know and I will gladly read it!! It was rly great though i just hv to say I hv a hard time believing severus the dungeon bat and head of "slytherin" house would be afraid of a "snake" or a cat

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

It's POISONOUS! would you be completely fine with a poisonous snake with in two feet of you? I don't.. read more
Emily Dickinson Jr.

12 Years Ago

:-P well its just weird it tingles me weirdly lol

12 Years Ago

I know. but... well, yeah. I see your point. :/ XD
hogwarts? snape? it looks like HP stuffs! i need to start from the beginning! :)))

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

it is XD and that would be smart! XD

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7 Reviews
Added on August 8, 2012
Last Updated on August 8, 2012




hey guys! I'm Abbie :) about me: I'm fourteen I love to read I love to write I like anime I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth I want to be a teacher when i grow up I also want to pub.. more..

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