I cant think of something like that in my life. There are always more things to write than I have free time to. That's probably something more for poem writing...?
If I need something new to write; need to especially find that, there are some actions I do.
1:: A walk somewhere, what would be related to what I'm searching for. Just switching all thoughts off and observing everything around. I have a lot of long stories written just to supplement idea, feeling or object. Most of the time something really simple.
2:: Selecting random word from vocabulary ( or choosing it in other way) and typing in google image search
3::Taking part of dream as base
4::(a version of 1) Saying out loud things you see around you fast enough to not be able to think and not stopping (bad idea if there are other people)
5::writing about something you know a lot about and want others to know too
There are so much things to run into an idea that listing them would take an eternity. I then write a dictum about this object and based on that figure out the whole idea what I want to tell in the story. Then figure out all the things I need to really say what I wanted to say, and start writing. Or sometimes simply mix 2 ideas together. It's just a point to start, or could be the backbone of whole story.
I cant say is it the same with poems, as I don't write them, but this is probably what I would do.
This is pretty much me. Every. Single. Day. Although I never actually considered writing about not knowing what to write ahaha.
Another problem with me, is that I'm only aloud on the computer an hour a day...and whenever I want to write or have inspiration...I'm never near a computer or a paper and pencil in order to write. And when I really want to write and sit down at a computer, nothing comes. I'm terrible sometimes I swear.
Anyway, once again, very nice poem. You never seem to ever have a bad one :) Good job Abbie!
Gosh yes, writers' block sucks a lot! Sometimes I might have a lot of inspirations but not quite certain how to explain the feeling. I guess because I truly don't want to bring that subject back up and only upset myself. Anyway, this is a cute poem when we obviously have nothing to write about even how hard we may try! Keep writing, Abbie :D
It made me smile towards the end ,life is something else like a flight ,maybe a dream or maybe a key either way writing will always be with me....here is a quick poem for you just to let you know the humor i felt and how the rhythm of this poem inspire me to wanna write a poem myself ....great job!
haha! I get one of these days every now and then. When nothing seems to flow right and you seem to have no inspiration at all. Try going for a run or a walk, or just stay outside for a while. But, that's good!!!
hey guys! I'm Abbie :)
about me:
I'm fourteen
I love to read
I love to write
I like anime
I'm in the eight grade, soon to be ninth
I want to be a teacher when i grow up
I also want to pub.. more..