![]() Dave & AbeA Story by sluggbugg![]() A conversation (or session) between doctor and patient?![]() Dave & Abe (Session #100)
*Dave walks down a long corridor towards Sam who is sitting in his chair outside of a locked door*
Dave: How is our good friend this morning, Sam? *Pats Sam on the shoulder* Sam: Same as always, I suppose. Doesn't have much to say, Doc. *Laughs* Dave: I guess he just doesn't enjoy your company Sam. *Smiles at Sam* Sam: I've used up all my good jokes on you, Doc. *Smiles back*
*Sam unlocks the door and allows Dave to enter*
Dave: Good morning, and here's the banana I promised you during yesterday's session, Abe. *Tosses the banana to Abe* Abe: You truly are too kind to me, Dave. *Tosses banana on the floor* Dave: I hear you're not very talkative again today. I do believe you're starting to hurt Sam's feelings, Abe. *Smirks* Abe: When he has something intelligent to say I'll be happy to carry on a conversation with him. Until then, he can continue to sit outside my cell and pick his nose, Dave. *Shakes his head in disgust*
*Dave pulls up his chair next to where Abe is reclining against the wall*
Dave: We've talked about this many times. This is not your “cell”, this is your “room”, Abe. *Sighs* Abe: Am I free to leave? Free to roam about on my own accord? Free to go wherever I please, Dave? *Fakes interest in Dave's answer* Dave: You know that is not possible, Abe. *Leans back in his chair uncomfortably* Abe: Then explain to me, in what way this is not my “cell”, Dave. *Looks at Dave in bewilderment*
*Irritation shows on Dave's face as he adjusts in his chair*
Dave: Let's get back to the subject we were discussing yesterday, shall we Abe? *Smirks* Abe: A little slow at grasping the concept are we, Dave? *Playfully scratches his head* Dave: Call it what you will, I prefer to call it intrigued by your viewpoints, Abe. *Smiles and nods at Abe* Abe: Now isn't that a nice little twist of fate, Dave. *Smirks*
*Abe sits up against the wall and stretches out his limbs as if to get the blood flowing after his nap*
Dave: So, where did we leave off, Abe? *Flips through his notes* Abe: I believe you were saying something profoundly idiotic and I was correcting you, as usual, Dave. *Looks off as if board already* Dave: I can see that today is going to be trying. I just love it when you get in these ill moods, Abe. *Removes his glasses and rubs between his eyes* Abe: Is there some new development in my situation that should cause me to be in a better mood, Dave? *Sits up abruptly*
*Abe looks at Dave with a look of fake hopefulness*
Dave: I suppose not, but are you not well fed? Well protected? Well taken care of, Abe? *Looks at Abe with concern* Abe: Have I asked you to feed me? For your protection? To be taken care of, Dave? *Answers back sharply* Dave: No, but that is one of the joys that my responsibility has given me, Abe? *Smiles* Abe: More like the burden that your irresponsibility has placed on you, Dave! * Fake smiles back*
*Dave inches closer to Abe*
Dave: What do you mean by this? Is it not the responsibility of the haves to provide for the have-nots, Abe? *Strokes his beard and stares at Abe* Abe: Have-nots? Before you came into my home, I HAD! We BOTH had, you just wanted MORE, Dave! *Says angrily* Dave: You know that hurting you was never our intention, Abe. *With a show of compassion* Abe: You already had more than you could possibly need! You took what you wanted from me, from all of us, Dave! *Sits back against the wall*
*Abe looks up at Dave through the hair on his brow*
Dave: I won't disagree, it is in our nature to have a certain desire for expansion. A desire for knowledge if you will, Abe. *Looks hard at Abe as if trying to will him to understand* Abe: More of a greed I would call it, Dave. *Turns his head away from Dave* Dave: With exploration and expansion it was believed that the spreading of knowledge and truth was essential. We lacked the foresight of the devastation it would cause, Abe. *Places his hand on Abe's arm as if to comfort him* Abe: The truth of that fact and whether or not it would have changed anything, remains a mystery to me, Dave. *Continues not to look at Dave*
*Abe pulls his arm from underneath Dave's hand*
Dave: We were given the right by God, to rule over all, to spread to all corners of the Earth and to multiply. We just grew too big, too fast. This was not our intention, Abe. *A look of pity comes over Dave* Abe: “In God I Trust”, gives you the right to kill, does it Dave? *Sits up angrily* Dave: Damn it, how can I make you understand, Abe? *Turns his chair away in frustration* Abe: Please, don't get angry with me. We've all seen what can happen when you get angry, Dave. *Smirks*
*Dave spins his chair back around to face Abe*
Dave: What are you trying to say, Abe? *Angles his head away from Abe* Abe: Murder. War. Genocide. These are all your doing, Dave. *Leans his head back against the wall and stares at the ceiling* Dave: I can't deny that these things are all very terrible, but they are the worst of the worst things about us. Is it fair to judge us at our worst, Abe? *Turns his ever so slightly* Abe: Is that not what you yourselves do in your courts of law? Do you judge a man based on his best actions or on his worst, Dave? *Smirks*
*Abe places his hands behind his head as if victorious in the argument*
Dave: I should hope that both come into account, just like they will when he stands in front of God, Abe. *Says proudly* Abe: And how do you think that final judgment will go for you, Dave? *Says with a smirk* Dave: That's a little personal don't you think? I would really rather not discuss my personal religious beliefs, Abe. *Says in a snarky voice* Abe: Now, who is in an ill “mood”, Dave? *Smirks*
*Dave sits back in his chair and crosses his left leg over his right*
Dave: I'm not in an ill “mood.” I just prefer not to go down the path of religious discussion with you today, Abe. *Clears his throat* Abe: Well then, I guess we are done for the day, Dave. *Rolls over as if to go to back to sleep* Dave: You can be quite stubborn, you know. Alright, as you wish, Abe. *Adjusts in his chair* Abe: I thought you would see it my way, Dave. *Rolls back over*
*Abe slides back up against the wall with a big smile on his face*
Dave: What is it that you would like to know about my religious beliefs, Abe? *Picks at his fingernail with his thumbnail* Abe: Do you go to church? Do you sing in the choir? Do you believe you serve God's will, Dave? *Asks rapidly* Dave: Yes I go to church, no I do not sing in the choir and yes I do my best to serve God's will. What is the point of these questions, Abe? *Now looks confused* Abe: Do you believe that God placed the mountains, the hills, the jungles, the trees, the rivers and the seas where he pleased, Dave? *Asks with the ever so slight hint of verse to his words*
*Abe turns and faces Dave*
Dave: Of course I do! What is your point, Abe? *Now looks frustrated* Abe: Then do you also believe that God created the birds, the bees, the fish, the animals and even the tiniest of fleas the way he pleased, Dave? *Again with a slight hint of verse* Dave: Of course. Is there going to be a point anytime soon, Abe? *Now looks angry* Abe: Then how do you, at the same time, believe you are serving God's will by leveling, uprooting, destroying, killing all of those great and wonderful things that "God" created? Is there going to be an answer anytime soon, Dave? *Says with a look of disgust*
*Abe inches closer to Dave as Dave sits silent, the two are face to face*
Abe: Lost your tongue? Or just your wits? Allow me to answer for you, then. You're a thief, a murderer and a liar! You care more for the admiration of your peers than you do about what is right or wrong. You walk the earth just like the rest of us, but you consider yourself better and holier-than-thou! And why, because you wear pants? What a joke! Your lust for worldly possessions has doomed us all and you can't even admit it! You will continue to always want more than you have and until you have it all, you won't stop. Once you start to believe you have obtained it all, everything you could possibly possess, you'll just convince yourself you just need a bigger place, because when you have more than you need, the most important thing you need is more space. You are one of a kind, that I will give you. This planet isn't big enough for two of you. I'm not even sure it's big enough for just you. When it's all said and done, I just hope you're not lonely without me, Dave. *Shakes his head and lays down*
*Abe rolls over and turns his back to Dave and after a brief pause Dave gets up and walks to the door*
Dave: Open the door, Sam. *Into the intercom* Sam: Well, how was your visit today, Doc? *Shuts the door behind Dave* Dave: You were right, he wasn't in a very good mood today, Sam. *Smiles* Sam: Well, I guess I wouldn't be in a very good mood if I was the last of the great apes left on the planet, either. I guess its a good thing he doesn't possess the intelligence to comprehend that. See ya tomorrow, Doc. *Waves to Dave as he sits back down in his chair in the hall*
*Dave walks back down the long corridor away from Sam who is sitting in his chair outside of a locked door*
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1 Review Added on August 25, 2011 Last Updated on August 26, 2011 Tags: short story, future, co-existence, fate of man Author![]() sluggbuggARAboutHistory teacher/football coach taking a break from the education business. New to the writing game. more..Writing