![]() Early Morning BluesA Story by Sarah![]() Another scene - once again I would love to incorporate this into a larger story![]() Six-thirty
in the morning always comes too early. I peel myself out of bed, even though my
eyelids are protesting. Fumbling for my
phone, I pressed snooze on the alarm and fell back in bed. I’m not going to fall back asleep, I told myself, I’m just going to shut my eyes and count to
thirty. My eyes were appreciative and my body began to sink back into the
sheets. I made it to nine. Thank God I set an alarm, because the next thing I
knew, I was fighting my eyelids were once again cursing me as I set the alarm
off again at six forty-five. With a sigh I pushed myself out of the bed and
stood in front of the mirror. It’s
Thursday. Thursdays are the worst because it’s already been a long week, but
it’s not the weekend yet. So you’re tired with nothing to look forward to. I started to rummage through the
clothes that were strewn across my desk chair for a blouse to wear for the day.
Not that I ever really have
anything to look forward to. Every week is the same, school and work during the
week; Homework and parties during the weekend. It’s always the same. It’s not a
bad life. There are so many people that would kill for an opportunity to go to
school. Heck, there are millions of people who just want a chance to work. I get the chance to live a college
lifestyle, where I can stuff my brain with as much useless information as I
desire, that so many people aspire for. I’m so damn lucky. The yellow sleeve of my blouse
peeked out from under the pile; I pulled it out and grimaced when the rest of
the pile slid onto the floor. I need to
clean my room this weekend. I let the thought pass quickly, because I knew
that I wasn’t actually going to clean
my room this weekend. It was nowhere near the top of my priorities. The blouse had a mysterious red
stain on it. I dropped it to accompany the rest of my wardrobe on the floor. If I am so damn lucky, then why
am I so damn unhappy? © 2012 SarahAuthor's Note