![]() Full eBook, All Chapters. Enjoy...A Chapter by Santosh Jha![]() Intelligence begins with deciphering-acceptance of personal-collective stupidities and hypocrisies. It ain’t easy as they are embedded in the way Reality expresses itself through ‘media’ of Consciousn![]() Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity By Santosh Jha ** Copyright 2020 Santosh Jha Revised (2021) Edition ** License Notes Thank you for downloading this free eBook. Although this is a free eBook, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Thanks for your support. ** PREFACE: Admittance is half the riddance. Acceptance is catalytic and cathartic. It is facilitation of Innocence, which in turn is initiation of the fruition of Compassion " The Finality of Bliss. We need to seed Compassion, to harvest lasting Bliss. Let humanity begin with its innocence to accept its infinite and indefatigable Stupidities and Hypocrisies, so that it could initiate and energize the pruning of the ‘heap’ at least a bit at personal levels. This sure shall absolve humanity of the colossal culpability of ‘Conscientious Stupidity’. Humanity celebrates all good values. We have days marked for celebrating all good things. Should we not celebrate Stupidities and Hypocrisies too? At least, it makes bad things easy to be accepted? Acceptance keeps things upfront for Consciousness and memory. Celebrating something by marking it ‘worth rejoicing’ has magical impact on collective unconscious of masses. Humanity in general knows and accepts that human stupidity and hypocrisy are universal, ubiquitous and unputdownable. Non-acceptance and Ingenious Evasiveness about something so powerful and so deeply instinctive human character and element of consciousness itself stands as the worst Culpability of Humanity. It is primarily because of the shame and guilt associated with stupidity and hypocrisy, as if it is some disease an individual has caught and rest are clean! Celebrating stupidity and hypocrisy is probably the most innocent and honest way towards the compassionate acceptance of its universality and inevitability for all humanity " I, You and They. It is not a shame or guilt; rather a mechanism of human body-mind reality, which every one of us very commonly have and therefore must ourselves see, identify, admit, express and even publically celebrate them. This shall unleash the shame-guilt associated with stupidities and hypocrisies, which we all happily indulge in yet make all possible efforts to hide and bury in the deep abyss of our own subconscious minds. There is a beautifully innocent precedent in history of humanity. In ancient Indian traditions, Stupidities of Sexuality were probably un-hypocritically accepted, innocently expressed and unashamedly celebrated by carving out sexual posturing on the outer walls of temples itself. Elaborate and descriptive texts were written on the sexuality of humanity and every shade of sexual stupidity was compassionately accepted; even celebrated. In ancient Indian theatrical traditions, all human drives and shades of instinctive behavior were openly portrayed and aesthetically presented before common people. Probably, this had a very powerful impact on the empowerment and societal equality of women in ancient societies and cultures. Un-hypocritical acceptance and innocent admittance of stupidities, which are essential and innate design of humanity, cannot be anything but hugely empowering. Shaming it and evasiveness probably only emboldens stupidities to install deep hypocrisies to corrupt humanity. This is happening in contemporary societies across the globe. It has made the humanity sick, permanently ailing and terminally unhealthful. What other better way to reverse and redeem this process by celebrating it with open, honest and innocent hearts and admit " Let all shades of human consciousnesses of the world unite to unburden humanity with as much of load of stupidity and hypocrisy as possible in the years to come. The enterprise must begin by first understanding the very mechanism and processes of innate and embedded design of human stupidities and hypocrisies. And then, unlearn the nine core stupidities this eBook sincerely and humbly lists out. Let the ball roll…! Let’s decipher, understand and celebrate…! ** At The Very Outset… This eBook is the celebration of stupidities and the singular purpose of writing it is to liberate people from the guilt and shame of its acceptance. Therefore, every single word of this eBook must be accepted with delightful innocence of compassionate acceptance and unadulterated sense of humor. It is not about my stupidities or yours; it is definitely not someone pointing to other’s stupidities; it is rather about that of the mechanism of human body and mind " the way we all have been designed and evolved. It is about the stupidities and hypocrisies embedded in the way Reality expresses itself and Human Consciousness perceives it. Therefore, it is a humble request that the content of this eBook should be accepted not with any sense of personal culpability but by joyfulness and blissfulness of freedom " liberation from our own mechanisms and processes. We are talking about Reality; we are venturing into new scientific knowledge that now stands us vis-à-vis our own mechanism. Therefore, kindly be open, more magnanimous about novelty of intents, ideas and hypotheses. This is huge festivity for humanity to feel liberated from our own mechanismic and structural stupidities. It is being celebrated here. So, drop the guards, pick up smiles and wear your best compassionate and humorous fabric of consciousness to join the celebrations. Welcome…! ** Progression of Content: We begin this eBook by general description of the realism of stupidity and hypocrisy. This is the background of sorts, which elaborates how and to what extent humanity in general is deep down in the quagmire of age-old stupidities. We live in the 21st century and 2020s is not just a date in the calendar. It is a time-space in the long march of humanity towards deciphering the Reality about Everything " Life, living, our world, the Reality, ‘We’ in it and our role and purpose in life. The 2020s time-space is a landmark destination in the long march because after long and painful struggle, our collective knowledge and wisdom has now stood us on such high ground where we can clearly see, decode and decipher almost all realities. Naturally, we can now also very smartly decipher and decode human stupidities and hypocrisies too as advanced and critical scientific knowledge has unraveled the mysteries of human body and mind. Therefore, first we understand the background of the mechanism of universality of human stupidities and hypocrisies. Then, afterwards, we pick up and elaborate, one by one, nine core stupidities of our life-living and human world and simultaneously also detail how to come out of the stupidities and why. All these elaborations are not based on philosophy or psychology. 2020s is surely not early 20th century where these two ruled wisdom. Contemporary human world is presided over by singular objective and verifiable knowledge of science. Naturally, contents of this eBook may introduce you to many new words, terms and ideas. We are not into the philosophies, psychologies or pseudo-science of stupidities in this eBook. We are definitively into Science of Stupidities and Hypocrisies. And, as is the high standards and tradition of science, everything written in this eBook must be subjected to personal energy of skepticism. Do not believe anything before you test its validity by processing it through objective benchmarks of factuality but also do not reject it just because it does not ‘feel’ right. This is one of the many stupidities we all need to unlearn and that is why this eBook happens…! Here goes the List of Content to follow: " Background Primeval and Transcendental Stupidity Stupidity About Self Or ‘I’ Stupidity About Purpose Of Life Stupidity About Good Life And Happiness Stupidity About Love And Relationship Stupidity About Sexuality And Viscerality Stupidity About Divinity And Religion Stupidity About Politics And Governance Stupidity About Loneliness Stupidity About Health And Wellness ** A Humble Request… I say this with all humility, sincerity and innocence at my behest… There is eligibility for success of any enterprise. Often, eligibility is about ‘appropriateness’ and not brilliance. Certain successes seek ‘specific’ element for fruition and this ‘specificity’ is the eligibility. What we are going to talk about in this eBook also seeks a ‘specific element’ as eligibility. ‘Intelligence’, which is always accepted as best eligibility cannot always help succeed. The realism, we are dealing with in this eBook does not require the ‘eligibility’ of intelligence but ‘Innocence’. Why? Human intelligence is milieu-specific, collective construct and culturally-aligned realism and that is why it shall always insist on those benchmarks of success, which is contemporaneously collective. This eBook essentially talks about the stupidities and hypocrisies of this ‘collective’. Naturally, the ‘Intelligence’ is not only ‘not’ required as eligibility but essentially is, ineligibility. This eBook somehow stands as an advocacy against this same collective sense and benchmarking of ‘Intelligence’, which stands as seed for most stupidities and hypocrisies. What this eBook seeks is Innocence " The Greatest Intellectualism. Compassion and its accompanying Innocence, humans are born with, which evolves in time, has the ultimate eligibility. It is also the best acquisition, if one defines life’s purpose in terms of acquisition, attainments and possessions. And, this attainment is not in creating it, rather protecting and preserving it, from the corruption of milieus and cultures... Do kindly accept this hypothesis and begin the journey with this ‘novel intellect’. Thanks… **
**** The Background: There are ‘fictions’ and there are acoustics of insinuations; the mass and energy all behind this populist simulation is beckoning, with all its unputdownable might, to be accepted as ‘facts’. There are ‘virtualisms’, cosmetically wrapped and muffled with pink-posturing, with loads of colorful frills of visual-vehementality, urging to sediment them in subconscious and unconscious mind domains as ‘realism’. Why? It is a deluge out there " torrents of mighty cascades of ‘Iconism’, populism, perceptional parenthesis, benchmarking and signposts of semantic successes and utility. Tough… hugely tough to keep oneself standing ‘rooted’ and in ‘poise’ of personal positioning…! The mist of confounded consciousness and cognition has been dexterously manufactured and munificently persevered so that average and common men and women may never see the bright Sun of actuality of reality. Why? There are projections of ‘I’ and populist list of expectations from ‘Self’. More than that, there is this fervent felicitation of an ‘over-effort’ " both physically and mentally " to toe the populist cultural benchmarking of Good, Right And Appropriates…! The utility and validity of success and wellness is no more a personal optionality, rather a collective compulsion because the ‘I’ or self itself is no more emphatically rooted and poised in ‘self-analyses’ and critical thinking. Why? There are so many such situations in contemporary life-living and external milieus, which seek an answer. There may be so many ‘whys?’, but there is only one answer to it " Human stupidity is a powerful and over-encompassing eco-system, where stupidity is not only the ‘demand’, it is also the ‘supply’ and it is also the consumer and consumables. Human stupidity, bejeweled with bright and shiny hypocrisies is the Quantum Mechanics of the Law Of Causality, which singularly explains everything. It is altogether a different matter that this Causality of Stupidity has been and is still called and boasted as ‘Intelligence’. The collective unconscious mind consciousnesses are conditioned to it. The intentional celebration and rejoicing of infinite and indefatigable human stupidities may very well bring to fore the true, right and brutally honest answer of all these questions. The first small step of course is breaking the ice " accepting stupidities and hypocrisies; many of which we all see, know and acknowledge consciously and subconsciously. However, there are majority of stupidities and hypocrisies, which we do not and cannot see, know and therefore cannot accept, even if we consciously try to. Majority of stupidities and hypocrisies are wired deep in our unconscious " collective and personal. That is why, we cannot absolve ourselves by accepting only our ‘conscientious stupidities’. We have to unravel the subconscious and unconscious mechanism of innate stupidities. This eBook attempts to unravel and bring forth some core and critical stupidities and hypocrisies, for personal celebration. It shall be great if they are rejoiced collectively and institutionalized. This celebration shall unleash the energy towards their gradual corrosion and final elimination from our personal as well as collective unconscious minds. What better way to unburden humanity of its innate and embedded malaise… ** Background Continues… Almost a century back, when probably it was more challenging to say it, a great man said it with humble sincerity " “Every race, every art has its hypocrisy. Every community, every nation has its own lie and hypocrisy, which it calls its idealism. Every creature therein breathes this lie from birth to death; lies are adapted to the mind of each race and art. There are only a few men and women of genius who can break free from it through heroic moments of crisis… genius cannot be defined without touching the ridiculous….” Somehow, when contemporary socio-economic-political milieus are fast becoming more prone to smothering even peripheral iconoclastic insinuations, with a ‘novo-empowered’ socio-political layer pounding on any ‘other realism than what they profess’, it has somehow become amply clear that stupidities and hypocrisies are not about races or nations; it is purely about how human brain works, how the consciousness it engenders perceives Reality and how Reality expresses itself for perception of human body-mind plexus. It is now beyond any reasonable doubt that stupidity and hypocrisy as primary and innate pragmatism, is human as well as cosmic design. The primary culpability therefore is not stupidity-hypocrisy itself but by conscious and vehement denial of it by humanity at personal and collective levels. This is classical ‘conscientious stupidity’, which Martin Luther King Jr. pointed at. If it is something which everyone almost conscientiously follows but equally pragmatically ‘excuses’ himself or herself off its culpability, then sure the trouble has its catastrophic effect because of its acceptance " rather non-acceptance. The trouble then is collective human manifestation! Insinuations of iconoclastic import apart, it seems, there looks like an emerging realism in most contemporary minds of sincere thoughtfulness that " “… Paint the pink and rosy landscape of personal hypocrisies and then install it with golden metal frame on the wall of socio-political discourse of purported ‘self-importance’, and you have idealism structured for most uninitiated minds…” It is at least something, the powerful and authoritative bunch of people are doing. The masses naturally follow them as benchmark of success and wellness. Never ever stupidities and hypocrisies had this absolute and unflinching patronage of power structures of milieus as it is in contemporary times. The modern media plexus has the technological expertise and moneys have the penetration into minds that can install and stand any stupidity and hypocrisy as ‘Idealism’ of the day. They are doing it marvelously! The average men and women have no wherewithal to even suspect; the enabled and empowered have been left too emaciated to protest. Human ingenuity of ‘preferred positioning’ for pilferage is instinctive. It cannot be completely done away with. It has been said hundreds of years back by a wise man, ‘Nobody can understand and check when a fish drinks water while swimming in water’. Self is an undeniable reality and selfishness is also very natural. It comes out of the genetically designed urge for self-preservation of any living cell. This visceral self-preservation drive is the ‘auto-mode’ manufacturing factory of all personal hypocrisies of humanity. Then, sense of utilities and worth, emanating out of this subconscious and unconscious instinctive behavior/action, embarks on a mind journey to list all these hypocrisies as idealisms of collective wellness. In good old classical times; the societal and cultural milieus used to install exalted idealistic positioning, which restricted and restrained personal stupidities and hypocrisies. In contemporary times however, the societal-cultural milieus have either been vitiated, manipulated by powerful or have lost the traditional role of the vanguard to personal vitiations. The nobility of human selfishness is not an innate or wired personal behavior. It is rather a social product, which is an evolved socialization process. The fear or care for social approval and reprimand restricts and conditions the intensity of inclination of selfishness to indulge in ingenuity of pilferage. The reward and punishment emotions are wired behavior pattern in all humans. The basic fear is the fear of majority and the only potent check on human ingenuity. Human beings are social creatures by nature and what they really dread is not hell or law of the land but complete disapproval and alienation from the society. That is why; the only successful insurance for success of any goodness is the acceptance of majority. Corruption could not be successfully checked in most nations as our society in general not only approved of it, rather also encouraged it. We made the rich our icons eulogizing how he or she pilfered the whole system. Corruption; and all such ‘short-cuts’ and ‘diversions’ of societal behavior, is instinctive self-preservation need of all living being. The subconscious and unconscious mind approves it and then structures it with all possible pragmatism to list it as ‘idealism’. As this stupidity and hypocrisy is visceral and common to all, there always is a powerful societal and cultural energy to paint them as ‘idealisms’ of life and living. The new millennium, this decisive age of ‘Conscious Causalities’, beckons for a ‘re-evolution’ of idealism of human behavior and actions " individually and collectively, based not on hypocrisies of ingenuity, but acceptance of innocence of the pragmatism of realism of human mechanism and thought processes. There is this express need to weed eclectic and universal hypocrisies from all populism of human possibilism. There is this primary need of installation of such a ‘re-evolution’ seed in the social discourse of new generation men and women. Then only, this discourse shall be plastered over the small layer of political opportunism. The vice-versa is not possible. Political discourse never has this consciousness and will to install any ‘re-evolution’ enterprise. Globally, this task is exclusive domain of societal initiatives. However, no societal initiative is built up without personal enterprises. But then, as said above; if there are only a few men and women of genius who can break free from it through heroic moments of crisis, humanity probably needs them here and right now. However, the ‘handfuls’ cannot do much. The battle against infiniteness of human stupidity and hypocrisies require a critical mass of humanity. Therefore, all men and women are called upon to join the battle against stupidity. The first step is towards acceptance of stupidity and hypocrisy as our ‘design’. Celebration of Stupidity is just a metaphor, a symbolic gesture to initiate the enterprise of acceptance of our own personal stupidities and hypocrisies as our innate body-mind design. If it is an absurdity and social stupidity that genius cannot define without touching the ridiculous, then probably it is time for some ‘ridiculous’ insinuations to penetrate the societal and cultural discourse. If 5 percent humanity has appropriated 95% resources of the world and rest of 95% population is made to suffer, with millions of humans starving and dying uncared; if handful of 50 people have cornered incomes and wealth of over 60 percent people and all these are being allowed to continue on the name of some ‘ism’, some ‘idealism’ and some ‘golden hypocrisies’, it looks like a definitive time for ‘re-evolution’ of human sense of righteousness and appropriateness. It surely seems like time and right space for those ‘ridiculous’ and ‘stupid’ energies to break free from populist idealisms. If there is this populist idealism that ‘politics can and should usher in solutions and install righteousness’, then probably, primary ‘breaking free’ initiative is required against this idealism. The politics and its hypocritical power structures, in devilish collaboration with corporations of wealth are the definitive number one stupidity of contemporary humanity. This stupidity must first have mass human acceptance for half riddance of heap of infinite human stupidities. The politics of contemporary world must first be made to come clean of its stupidities and hypocrisies otherwise, its powerful tentacles will smother any societal and cultural initiative for breaking free of contemporary stupidities. Societies, like individuals, if sit easy and comfortable with procrastination and delegating ‘self-goals’, then it seems, probably, primary ‘breaking free’ initiative is required against this idealism. A celebration of stupidity is the call, because, it probably is something ‘touching the ridiculous’ to break free of the malaise of humanity. Anyway, a collective is always a summation or holism of individuals, yet, the collective unconscious itself has the repository of all energies of probabilities, which an individual may feel induced to pick up and own. This mutuality and symbiosis between individual and societies are the call of the contemporary times. ** Background Continues… End of Second World War and humanity across national borders had accepted " There definitively was something terribly wrong with the way human mind is handling the world and also, there was major trouble with the way nations’ politics accepted realism of national interest. Naturally, when many million people die in wars of madness, there always is a need for retrospection and reinvention of contemporary human realism. More than politics, state agencies, governments, diseases, poverty, calamities, terrorism, criminals, pollution and corruption; human stupidities and hypocrisies alone kill more than all put together. Interestingly, there is data that nations or international bodies keep about that! And if the stupidities were as infinite and calamitous like the two World Wars and the casualties were as massive as the Wars orchestrated, humanity truly had serious business in sitting and accepting the culpability sans any semblance of hypocrisy. After 1945, the end of second world war, globally, it was felt that humans probably needed more ‘intelligent’ mechanisms in management of societal, economic and political arena for larger wellness of human race, so that in future, the world could not be in such a situation, where conflicts between humans reach to such stages, where war becomes inevitable. Naturally, globally, intellectuals were called for the jobs and world over, most nations buoyed up its most intellectual and most intelligent people to the fore to manage society, politics and economics with good precision. Smart and ‘intellectually designed’ systems were evolved and put in place. This continued with many experiments till the start of new millennium… However, somehow, as and when we see ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ on rise in many parts of the world and national-international politics stretching all limits of insanity and hypocrisies, especially in the two decades of the new millennium, it seems, ‘intellectualism’ has failed in some big way. It seems, average person, common men and women world over are very critical of their own intellectual leadership. It seems, they feel the intelligent people, the intellectual crop of their society, culture, economy and politics have duped and dumped them. They somehow feel, most of their troubles are because of the ‘hypocrisies’ unleashed and heaped by the intellectuals of their respective milieus. This seems a common global trend. In India, in the USA and in many other nations, there is a very clear trend and people’s movement towards what is being termed as ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’. There was an old saying in political philosophy, which goes like " ‘The wearer alone knows where the shoe pinches.’ This self-centric, self-actualized and self-styled individualism, somehow in bitter antagonism with society and most collective institutions, with stupid insistence to see and feel only one’s own ‘shoes’, seems to be the seed of this fast growing trend of ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’. In many countries, common men and women are so scared of high sounding intellectualism and rational-talks that they feel, it is always better to be ‘Foolishly Selfish’ than being a ‘Wise Befooled’. The reason seems to be simple " In over 70 years since the Second World War, the ‘intellectuals’ have brought about and sustained such social, economic and political idealism and systems, which has only led the world towards a destination, where human misery has only become more complex and global conflicts have only become too complicatedly unmanageable. The precipitation of these stupidities is the menacing crisis of the rich-poor gap divide, with one percent people having 99 percent resources of the world. The trust deficit of humanity has reached its rock bottom " human relationships therefore are becoming complex, conflicted and shattered. The high sounding economists, scientists, politicians, corporate leaders, societal and spiritual icons and generic celebrities have failed the humanity big time as these handfuls have to own what Martin Luther King Jr. termed as ‘Conscientious Stupidity’. The leadership of humanity ‘sincerely’ duped and dumped the masses with their conscientious stupidities because, they were not honest and compassionate enough to accept their ‘golden hypocrisies’. This the average men and women have now understood beyond doubt. This however does not mean the masses can be absolved of the culpability of their stupidities of collective unconscious as well as individual conscious. The simple thing is " Even an average person can now clearly see and decipher that the huge load of hypocrisies that the post Second World War ‘intellectualism’ has dumped on human lives, are majorly responsible for contemporary global troubles. At least, this seems to be the popular meme or collective unconscious thought of major human population. That is why, it seems, this trend of ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ is fast catching up everywhere. The analysts say that recent political changes in India and USA are major indicator of how ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ has become the first choice of common men and women. All anti-intellectual enterprises, dogmatic idealisms and illogical perceptions are being cheered and voted for by masses. They have rejected the traditional intellectualism and now rely on anything, which sounds ‘anti-intellectual and anti-rational’. That is why, in India, in USA and many other nations, in society, cultures, economy and politics, those people are rising to ‘new leadership’ positions, who attack traditional wisdom, established intellectualism and status quoism of hypocritical prudence. As people feel duped and dumped by hypocrisies of ‘White Wisdom’, they have become votaries of anything that is not white and ideally ‘Grey Practicality’…! All shades of grey are being cheered and hailed…! Interestingly, stupidities do not have only ‘50 Shades of Grey’! Why post Second World War intellectualism failed is a complex question. But then, humanity, especially the intellectuals have to ask themselves. May be, because true intellect is so ‘holistic’ that it always has trouble ‘installing’ its utility and worth in other’s mind. However, what seems a likely cause is " Contemporary ‘Intellectualism’ itself has been a reactionary intelligence. If ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ is a reaction against hypocrisies of intellectualism, the intellectualism also seems to be largely reactionary. Global intellectualism has never looked like having a ‘receptive-mode’ intelligence to evolve a global order with consensus, collective endeavors and holistic perspectives. Human intelligence never was holistic, compassionate and aligned to Reality and it probably could never be. Secondly, probably, intellectualism has not been something, which is universal and stupidly simple " that is INNOCENCE. Human life and living has gradually become very complex. From relationships to retailing, everything for an average human has become too complex for simple understanding. Most people are grappling with complexities and therefore, there is a common wish to accept something, which is simple and honestly uncomplex. Stupidities and anti-intellectualism always has this advantage of sounding simple and practically amenable! Stupidities come easy, simple, automatic and natural as it is what we are wired for. Naturally, there is a populist global call of ‘Be Yourself’ viscerality and it has mass takers. Because, it is uncomplex and easy! Intellectualism itself has grown more complex. From politics to economy, everything is now beyond average person’s understanding. When renowned economists openly say, they can tell what is wrong with economy but cannot tell what is the solution because they do not fully understand it, then what an average man or woman can understand is imaginable. Everyone is now into financial markets but even geniuses cannot say they understand it. But, this acceptance is rare. The simplicity, honesty and innocence are core elements, which modern intellectualism has been missing hugely and this makes most people hate intellectualism. Rather, contemporary intellectualism has become synonymous with hypocrisies. The global trend of ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ seems a reactionary outrage against complexities and hypocrisies of intellectualism. The trouble is " ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ may be current choice of masses but like the hypocritical intellectualism, it also does not have any solution for human conflicts and troubles. Solutions are only in simplicity, honesty and innocence of collective human wisdom. Therefore, intellectualism needs to own its failure and sit down to device mechanisms to redeem, reinvent and reinstate its utility and worth as true friend of humanity. This however is a big ask. Asking intellect to shed its reactionary energy and settle for receptive energy of innocence and simplicity is probably the worst stupidity. Therefore, what is easy, possible and pragmatically reasonable is to reach out to average and common men and women. It is better to ask common people to accept the much needed innocence of acceptance of their own personal stupidities and hypocrisies and celebrate it un-hypocritically, marking 2020 as the ‘Year Of Stupidity’. This innocence definitively has the intent and content to make common people see and accept that politics, leadership, intellectuals, icons, celebrities, etc are always expressions of ‘institutional and structured’ stupidities and hypocrisies. Any time, in any circumstances, simple and innocent stupidities of average and common men and women are far less a threat to humanity than those these leaders and intellectuals have the potential of. Acceptance and celebration of one’s personal stupidities is what humanity can do and should do as there is no way these collective, institutional and structured stupidities and hypocrisies of politicians, leadership and intellectuals could be restrained and emaciated. Celebrating stupidity, in a way shall also mark the rejoicing of emancipation of humanity at large, from the collective, institutional, structured and calamitous stupidities and hypocrisies of politicians, leadership and intellectuals. **
***** Background Continues… There is a belief that a certain critical mass is required for anything to take shape. On that basis, it may be accepted that for an idea to take shape, the critical mass is average of nine percent. Therefore, a rumor can take shape, if around nine percent of population starts believing and accepting something as fact, true and right. This critical mass of ‘9%’ is what we may call the proverbial smoke of a certain fire! However, a fact and realism must have a minimum critical mass of 99%. Truth, fact and realism can be allowed to have maximum of only one percent uncertainty of probability; nothing more… So, rumor starts at 9% " the ‘smoke’ and for the fire to happen, it needs 99% surety. The large range between 9 to 99 percent " the 90% domain, is the humungous playground of probabilities; or what we popularly know as ‘Perception’ and beliefs. Interestingly, a bottle of pure whisky is also liquor and a glass full; with only 10% whisky and 90% water/soda is also liquor. Somehow, many accept, ‘soda’ or water mixing is a must for taste and ‘amicability’ of liquor. Masses love the ‘taste’ and feel of amicability…! So, if an idea is believed and accepted with minimum critical mass of 9-10% fact (whisky) and 90% bubbling perception (soda), it is still ‘fact’ (liquor). If 20%, then perception is strong. However, higher the percentage of whisky (fact), the ‘taste’ of ‘liquor’ loses ‘amicability’. Therefore mixing ‘soda’ with ‘liquor’ " 90% perception with 10% fact is always brilliant for taste. Masses love it…! Though, the true connoisseurs of whisky would insist, not even a drop of water should be added in whisky as it kills the true taste. They say, people do not know how to enjoy a real whisky and therefore this stupidity of ‘mixing’ and diluting the brilliance of taste! Most of us are geniuses out of this convenience of ‘playing safe’ in the huge playground of ‘probabilities’ or ‘perceptions’. It is because, in this playground, nobody is a referee, supervising the game and therefore, anybody can score any number of imaginary goals and claim to be a hero. Reality, in its infinite shades is a blissful invite for endless stupidities of self. Hypocrisies line up naturally in stark defense of personal stupidities. Hypocrisies then form cooperatives to install safe structures against any attack of rationality. For example " There is a very ‘strong perception’ among many young men that ‘modern women’, especially modern working and career women are ‘s***s’ and responsible for most of social and familial troubles in relationships and marriages. On social platforms, anyone can check how many young men splurge ‘choices details’ about ‘modern women’, which cannot be written here…! Somehow, for many men, this ‘perception’ is the most ‘tasty liquor’ of contemporary times. The safe and secure ‘critical mass’ to this ‘perception’ has been assigned years back to install it as ‘Reality’ of collective unconscious. Now, check two things " Definition of ‘modern women’ and data available about adultery among women. This very idea about ‘modern women’ is like a ‘smoke’, heavily loaded with ‘perceptions’, which have less than 10% fact in it. A set of behavioral traits are assigned gleefully to ‘modern women’ label, without any leeway to diversities of background and many other elements of personality and personal situations. Secondly, the adultery data of women is also full of ‘smoke’, with facts mixed up with loads of ‘perception’ to create a ‘fire-simulation’. In USA, where most young men mouth about ‘modern women’ behaving and acting like s***s; only 14% women commit adultery, whereas the same figure for men are 22%. Despite this data women in general would not desist from saying that all men are habitually adulterous. In many developing societies like China, India, etc too many young men are mouthing the same perception about modern women, even when there is almost no authentic data about such an allegation. As there is sufficient ‘critical mass’ of ‘9%-fact’, it is good enough to label it as ‘liquor’ (Reality) or ‘sure-fire’. How this happens? Actually, we all are wired like that. Humans are geniuses in accepting ‘perceptions’ as truths. This is our primary and most calamitous weakness, wired in our consciousness. In USA as well as India, vast majority of both men and women have been surveyed to be believing that ‘adultery’ should not be legally punishable. Now, this is some ‘smoke’ men would mix up with their zeal for seeing ‘fire’. The trouble with living on the basis of ‘smoke’ (perception) and not bothering to check on the veracity of actual ‘fire’ (fact/truth) is visceral to humans and not only individuals but families, societies and nations are run and managed on the basis of this same stupidity of ‘smoke’ realism. Especially, politics is the smartest ‘perception-management’ skill, which most smart politicians are brilliant at. As masses, the so-called common men and women are in huge infatuation with ‘smoke-syndrome’ and ‘soda-mixing’, they love such politicians. Anyway, in contemporary societies in infatuation with ‘WhatsApp-World’ of rumor-perception living, almost every smoke is equal to a volcano-fire…! Everyone loves this ‘taste’ of 90%-soda mixed ‘liquor’…! Check how India’ current prime minister runs nation on populist ‘perceptions’, happily bypassing facts. Just 24 hours after demonetization, the prime minister, who flew to Japan, said there that after demonetization, women who had earlier thrown their mother-in-laws out of home to old-homes, were depositing 2.5 lakh rupees ‘black money’ in their accounts. Even in USA, where money and technology is sumptuously huge, social data is retrieved only after few years. Even in USA, real-time social/family data is a mirage. How could then the Indian prime minster cull out ‘real-time’ data about a particular ‘social-behavior’ in just 24 hours? Naturally, the prime minster blew up loads of ‘smoke’ to create the simulation of ‘fire’, in his favor…! There are numerous examples of his ‘perception-living’ wellness and smoke-building fire. Politicians sell the perceptions dexterously as masses love the ‘smokey’ populism. Check this " The USA is spending around $700 billion annually on nation’s security against enemies and terrorist attacks. However, the annual budget for FDA, which supervises overall health of American people is less than $7billion, even as only this innocuous-sounding food poisoning kills ten times more Americans than what terrorist attacks kill every year! Also check this " Politicians globally are prompt to declare terror as the worst enemy of humanity. People also love to believe that terrorism is the worst trouble of contemporary world. However, this is also only perception, which politicians love to sell for their own petty needs. Every year, around the world, around one lakh people die of snakebites. We all know that in 2015, around only 28,000 people were killed in terrorist strikes. So, can we say, snakes are the worst enemy of humanity…! Every year around 12 lakh people die in road mishaps. This is 40 times more than what terrorist could kill. So, can we say, roads are the worst enemy of humanity…! Every year, around eight lakh people commit suicide. So, more than 28 times more people kill themselves than terrorist could. So, can we say depression or self-harm tendencies are the worst enemy of humanity…! It is very clear, nothing else but humanity’s very own ‘intelligence’, which makes it accept million shades of stupidities is the worst enemy of humanity. We have become too intelligent and this ‘intelligence’ is killing us like stupids…! Globally, the experts in warfare and especially those who are geniuses of terrorist psychologies and strategies have been warning media and politicians not to talk about terrorism in such emotionally charged ways. They say, accept terrorists as slightly more than average criminals and let the state deal with them with iron hands like all criminals. They warn that when we speak of terrorism as something like the worst scourge of humanity, after every terrorist strike, we are actually praising what terrorists aim at. We actually boost their confidence. Terrorists wish us to feel threatened and when we say, terrorism is the worst enemy, we only in fact validate their mission… The realism remains; politics and politicians should never be blamed for such ‘smoke-management-skills’. Perceptions apart, the truth is " a nation’s problems and their solutions are not in the exclusive domain of politics. It is majorly in the domain of family, society and culture. Administrative failure is only a small part of nation’s mismanagement. The major share of trouble lies in individuals, families, societies and cultures. Stupidities and hypocrisies of masses are the prime culprit. The prime culprit is human mechanism of consciousness, which thrives on stupidities and hypocrisies. It is so easy and satisfying to shift the onus of all troubles on others. This gives us huge joy and our egos get huge boost. We all are deeply infatuated with this hypocrisy of blaming others and some ‘fake-realism’ for our trouble. This artistry of convenience of life-living makes it possible for smart people to hide their own weaknesses. Politicians however get the majority of blame for this art. They should not as chief culprits are people. If people make someone a President or Prime Minister, who is master of the craft of ‘perception-intelligence’, then who is to be blamed? Naturally, the primary blame is on human body-mind mechanism, which is wired for such behavior. The truth is " One gets, what one seeks and accepts. As masses all over the world are stupid enough to seek and accept ‘smoke’, the attention towards ‘real fire’ is missing and this fire is slowly engulfing them all. This ‘taste’ of 90%-soda liquor is calamitous but our consciousnesses are wired for it. As this fire is raging unattended, loads of more smoke is also coming out. Hypocrisies of seeing and accepting ‘smoke’ makes ‘Hero’ out of those, who are brilliant marketers and brand managers of perceptions. The real battle is not being fought against true troubles of nations and people but about who wins in installing his perceptions as truth. This is the stupidity and hypocrisy, not exclusive to India, USA or few nations but globally, this is the common singular disease of humanity " not exclusively in political domain but primarily in individual and societal domains. There are loads of perceptional elements in populist idealisms. That is why, there is this need to check and recheck the utility and worth of what average men and women accept as the ‘Be Yourself’ viscerality. There are loads of stupidity embedded in the populist perceptions about so many ideas and idealisms in contemporary cultures. We need to ‘unlearn’ them to stand as self-actualized rational human being. This symbolism to celebrate stupidity is primarily aimed at being aware of personal stupidities. It is an innocent assertion of the Reality that our body-mind mechanism may be the primary culprit of our subconscious stupidities and hypocrisies but as a conscious being, we can and we must accept that this is disastrous not only for us but for humanity as a whole. This must be unlearnt. We cannot continue to live by our innate instincts. We are rational beings and consciously, we can make our lives as well as the world a better place by unlearning our mechanismic stupidities and hypocrisies. ** Background Continues… Change has never been that important and option-less as it is now. We all live in a contemporary culture, which needs to change drastically. There are larger issues of hypocrisies and stupidities, which have become part of our popular cultures. There are perfunctory pursuits of pop benchmarks of successes, a passion-oriented worldview of karma and life’s purposes. We need to opt for a journey that takes us far away from the stupidity of self-worth, calculated in terms of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption. The hypocrisies, which the popular benchmarks of the societal notions fill up our professional as well as personal universe with, the hypocrisy of art and lies about idealisms, are taking a toll on our wellness and personal excellence. This is high time we all need to change. Interestingly, it is this pop culture and milieus filled up with hypocrisies, which make us defend status quo. It is this inertia of comfort with the current hypocrisy that makes us say, “Why do you want to change me? Why cannot you accept things with me as they are? After all it is my life… and what’s wrong if I live happily with my truths… I do have the right to do so… and why not?...” etc.. One can say, why not… this looks like a very just desire… a very simple and honest requirement, not to mention that it is the core-idea of modern liberal philosophy. And, these are not modern words. Since millions of years, man has been mouthing them and today, it is a popular social benchmark of all successful people. The questions have ‘singular’ answer, though not acceptable! The populist mantra, which pampers you saying, “Be Yourself” is something the markets and economics make you believe in. Being yourself is a sure call for you to remain as indecisive as you are and keep drifting with the populist benchmarks of self-worth, calculated in terms of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption. This suits the bazaar and liberal economy. Look at some facts available in public domain: The world is facing unprecedented food crisis. About one billion people worldwide are starving and many nations facing unprecedented food-crisis. This despite the fact that global food storage is 1.5 times the food requirement, growth in food production is higher than population growth. Interestingly, many nations, having large chunk of hungry population, have surplus of food production and storage and markets are flooded with food stuffs but the buyers have gone away as large many of them can’t afford them. The singularity of truth is that the crisis is all man-made, the problem being structural, not real but it has no acceptance with larger population and leaderships. Now, sample some facts that are also common knowledge for almost all those who are aware and concerned: • 80% of world’s food products are consumed by only 20% of affluent people, rest of 80% people has to struggle with remaining 20% food. One billion people worldwide face starvation and hunger. • 70% of USA’s food grains are used as cattle-feed to raise beef output for human consumption at cheap rates. Cereal prices have risen many times. • A large chunk of productive lands of the world are being used to raise sugarcane, tobacco, coffee, and some other products that are largely consumed by 20% of the affluent people of the world. None of them has good nutrient value, rather they are unhealthy, leading to myriad of diseases. • World’s best lands are being used to produce cash crops at the cost of cereals, making cost of poor man’s food rise beyond their meager purchasing power. • 5% of developed and developing nations’ grain coverage areas have been diverted to raise biofuels to make fuel for cars cheap. As per experts, this has caused food prices to go up by 75%. • Large tracts of productive forestlands of poor nations are being cleared to raise cattle to supply them as beef consumption of USA and Europe. Etc. • Productive agro-lands, hitherto producing cereals are being made available for construction of apartments, malls and multiplexes. • Farmers providing food to you is now a misnomer. Farming is growingly being overtaken by corporate. Today three big companies control the world’s grain trade. A Chemical giant controls three-fifths of seed production. • Over 10% of food is wasted globally by affluents as left-overs and selective-eating is on the up. America wastes around 40% of its food. … and, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Still, we can say, “So..?, it is my life, my choice of my truth…! I may like to eat a lot of sugar; the cakes, pastry and sweets… what’s your problem… it’s my life… what harm am I doing to anybody?” The harm is quite visible. It results in one billion people on earth going hungry as they cannot afford rising prices of wheat and rice. We have made something our daily consumption need, which is supposed to be a luxury! One can say, “What I can do if a billion people are hungry, I did not ask them to come to this world… and, why on earth can they not work out what their problem is? … So foolish of them…!” And then, a quarter of world’s population becomes diabetic. The precious moneys are drained in medicines, hospitalization, lifestyle correction, lost productivities, which is at the cost of withdrawing the precious subsidies on food. Half of USA’s population is facing the epidemic called obesity, many nations have 20-30% population as obese and still, one billion people on this planet are starved and hungry. Another billion is malnourished. This truth is ‘No Truth’ as it is not ‘My Truth’. A less than two-dollar burger with beef actually costs 35 dollars to the nation (half of USA’s water goes to raise cattle, etc) but then, “it is not ‘my truth’ so cannot be the ‘truth’…” Strange singularity! Billions of individual truths are emanating from the ‘singularity’ of one truth " the base human instinct of self-gratification… the ‘me-my life-my truth’ has 7 billion shades but the parent color is one " ‘self-gratification/Self-importance’… and, why should anyone want to change it… why? Still, many cannot understand, why some people want to change this all… “God has created this all… whatever has happened, whatever is happening and whatever shall happen… if one billion people are dying of hunger then it is God’s trouble, or of those who say they are world leaders … only God knows what needs to be done, or politicians do … anyway, they will soon go to God… why should I bother… I am only doing what I think is right… and I have the right to do so… why not?” They said, “a man’s right to stretch his hands ends where the nose of other starts”. And we are always very sure that we have this right to stretch our hands as far as possible. But then, we are far too many and far too closely huddled in this overly over-populated world. And, more importantly, we are far too linked in our individual destinies than we can feel comfortable of. Such a nosey state of affair this! This needs to change, we all need to change. This culture, this worldview needs decisive correction. This stupidity and hypocrisy of humanity must end. Things need to change! This change begins by simple intelligence of acceptance " admittance of stupidity of self. This paves the way for innocent celebration of our own personal and collective stupidities and hypocrisies. When we say, we should celebrate stupidity, it is a gesture that appeals to innocence and compassion of humanity, which is also innate and instinctive in human body-mind design. We just need to evolve it. As we seed compassion, we harvest bliss. **
***** Background Continues… Truth, in its entirety and magnanimity is like ‘science’ " absolute and beyond evolutionary dynamics of time and space. However, acceptance and manifestation of the same truth is often an ‘art’ " more of artistry, given to human ingenuity of subjective perceptions and cognitive conundrums. That is why, often, people, especially powerful people, unleash rainbowishly playful artistry to insist more on ‘righteousness’, rather than ‘truth’ as former is easily maneuverable as per subjective ‘perceptions’ as against later, which is objectively and even brutally factual and absolute. Peace and poise in societies seem to have this innate tendency to stay in inertia, but more than often, it is always this ‘artistry of righteousness’ by powerful people, which disturbs and unsettles the peace and poise. This is true even for relationships. In a relationship, it is almost always the more ‘endowed and powerful’ partner, who shall unleash his or her ‘self-obsessed’ perceptions of ‘artistry of righteousness’, refusing to see and accept the objective and singular truth, to unsettle the peace and poise of the relationship. Truth, sadly and unfortunately, is not available in raw and natural state. It has to be deciphered or unraveled. It is like everyone has enough milk with them but milk can be of different quality and quantity. Milk therefore is like subjective perceptions and that is why different people have different sense and acceptance of ‘righteousness’. Truth however is like butter, ingrained and embedded in all forms of milk but for butter to be deciphered and unraveled, all milk need to be churned and processed. And, this process and mechanism of ‘milk-processing’ for procurement of ‘butter’ is singular and absolute. Deciphering and unraveling of truth therefore is a dialectic process " Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. Every perception or righteousness is like a thesis. For truth to be established, this thesis perception must be ‘churned’ " debated and discussed with antithesis " the diametrically opposite viewpoint or perception. These two perceptions are then tested in the milieus of holistic, assimilative and integrative energies. This process then creates the Synthesis. Dialectics process enlists that in evolutionary dynamics, even this synthesis itself becomes a Thesis and undergoes the same dialectic process of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. This means, unraveling and deciphering of ‘Truth’ is a constant evolutionary process, till it reaches its purest and absolute state of existence like the butter. Truth is not self-established; it is always deciphered and unraveled and this has a singular, objective and logically correct process. Any truth, which does not follow this process, is susceptible to being just ‘perception’ and perceptions are based only on subjective cognitive conundrums. Whether it is love, relationships, families, societies or nations, those people, who are in positions of advantage, power and leadership, attempt to unleash their perception-based ‘artistry of righteousness’, gleefully obfuscating realism and bypassing truth, to attain their personal gains. Relationships, societies and nations lose their peace and poise because of this subjective and ingenious ‘artistry of self-righteousness’ of a few people. The trouble with all societies is that for most people, perceptions come easy and natural, in subconscious awareness but truth-unraveling is a learned and evolved consciousness. That is why the wise of humanity have said it thousands of years back " ‘The stupid is always sure and the true intellectual is never’. Why? What a stupid is sure of is not truth but his subjective perception, which comes natural to his or her subconscious awareness of self. Based on this subjective consciousness, a stupid is always in a hurry to accept this perception as ‘valid’ ground of his or her ‘righteousness’. A stupid always feels that he or she is right and all others, who are against his or her subjective perception of righteousness, are wrong and untrue. The simple idea is " People usually have this populist perception to call someone as ‘tyrant’ and ‘narcissist’, if he or she is hell-bent to accept only his or her subjective perception as ‘truth’ and vehemently attempts to label and declare only his or her perception as the ‘only right’ things, trashing other perceptions as untrue and wrong. However, the simple and singular fact is " Such a person is no tyrant or narcissist but simply a stupid " a good one at it…! Only stupid is sure and wise is never as truth needs to be deciphered and unraveled under the objective process of dialectics " through constant debate, consultations, assimilation, integration and holism. Stupidity comes natural to most people as ‘perceptions’ come easy and natural to us. That is why, it is very easy and almost auto-mode consciousness of most people to accept his or her perceptions as the ultimate righteousness. It is tough and against egoistic consciousness to accept that truth is seldom in raw and natural state; rather it is deciphered and unraveled through a self-denying process of dialectics. Since onset of humanity on earth 4 million years ago and especially after inception of civilization around ten thousand years back, human societies have constantly faced the tyrants and narcissists. The tyrants and narcissists are born naturally as everyone born as a normal human being has this calamitous potential to grow as a tyrant and narcissist. Elements of tyranny and narcissism is ingrained and embedded in our subconscious minds. This everyone unlearns and grows up as a balanced person, respecting the objective process of truth-deciphering. Tyranny and narcissistic behavior is no monopoly of politics and governance. Every one of us has these traits ingrained and embedded in our subjective subconscious minds, or what we popularly know as instincts. The only trouble is, personal tyranny is not calamitous, but tyrannies backed by power and collective stupidity structures are. Humanity has a long history of collective-structured tyrannies to understand this. Not only politicians or rulers but every single human being has to be aware of this mechanism of consciousness in we all. This stupidity of self is what we all are born with but then, with evolving and maturity, we all need to ‘unlearn’ this instinctive stupidity and accept the golden utility and worth of holistic, assimilative and integrative consciousness, which accepts and happily lives up the learned behavior of debate, discussion and deliberations. Therefore, all societies, all cultures, especially families must always look after their kids well. A kid born and brought up in insecurity, instability and unloving family-social milieus has greater tendency to grow as insecure and obsessive person. It is all about psychologies that play in the life of every person. Therefore kids must be trained to evolve this golden artistry to ‘unlearn’ stupid instincts and emerge as strong and confident person. It is primary duty of all parents to instill and install the hugely powerful idea of ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘Others’. It is also important for everyone of us to understand ‘I’ in its holism as ‘I’ itself does not stand a chance of survival and wellness detached from the idea of ‘Others’. This hugely critical and powerful notion of ‘others’ must very successfully be installed in every growing up child. It takes huge amount of courage and conviction to accept the stupidity of the self, especially the subconscious self. Unlearning is a very tough self-denying process. The wise is different from a stupid in the sense that the wise is confident, secure and strong enough to happily and unegoistically accept the self-denying process of unraveling and deciphering of truth, as against the self-eulogizing perceptions and subjective righteousness. To be truly wise and intelligent is to innocently and compassionately accept one’s personal stupidities. It is also another way to say, I am honest and true. Celebration of one’s own stupidities is not possible without the courage of conviction. Nobody can be innocent and compassionate if he or she is not secure and poised. This metaphor of celebration of self stupidities is actually an invite to rebuild our courage and stability. Let us all be this confident, secure and strong enough; or unleash such enterprises to ensure them, to unlearn this subconscious stupidity to arrive at the higher consciousness, which accepts the humility and compassion of being honest, innocent and holistically evolving. This very celebration of stupidity is actually the festivity about becoming honest, simple, innocent, compassionate, assimilative and holistic. The best possible commemoration of life and living is the merriment and rejoicing of one’s own stupid self. This shall clean the slate for fresh writings to shine in pure gold in the years to come. ** Background Continues… History, as many wise say, is not what ‘It Is As It Was’ but what we, individually or collectively wish to see it ‘As It Was’. That is why, many people, especially those in powerful positions in human history felt that they could either change history or create history in a way, they wished it to be ‘Seen and Accepted’. However, perceptions apart, stark reality is " A leader or a bunch of them cannot and do not make or change history; it is always this ‘core-character’ and ‘tenacity of survival’ of average individuals, which shapes and dictates history. It is this tenacity and intuitive mechanism of humanity to squeeze out ‘utility’ even from ‘futility’ and engender wellness even from calamity, which singularly always creates and shapes history. The stupidity of leadership, hypocrisies of so-called intellectuals; trigger-happy with their inflated sense of pride, buoyed up by cronies and fan-following and energized by power and pelf, which innately get associated with leadership situation, never can shape or create history. Leaders can only input some cataclysm or perspective ‘Warping’, which then lands in the domain of masses. They mix up their tenacity of survival and core-character of self-preservation to direct the march of history in its destined route. The masses, the majority of humanity are the singular trouble for humanity but it alone is the only hope too. This is classical Dualism! History confirms " every Possibilism has grains of Determinism and the vice-versa. That is why, those who are offered this precarious position of ‘leadership’ " social or political, must always remember; an X, Y, Z is just a possibilism. What ‘determines’ this possibilism is the ‘meme’ of a time-space, which this survival-sanity and tenacity of survival of mass-character shapes and determines! That is why, the ‘creator’ " the mass energy of tenacity, is always more powerful in the long-run, in the short run and short-run pride, some powerful people may have this misconception of the inverse. That is surely also the innate construct of instincts of power " as they say, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely! Somehow, many aspects of life-living realisms, which pertain to humanity and its life-journey on the planet Earth, are so painfully baffling, shockingly creepy and even bafflingly amusing! As one assays the spectrum of slides of human lives in different slices of human history and in parts of this amazing contemporary world, one has to admit this mystically marvelous ‘survival sense’ and ‘intuitive ingenuity’ of a wonderful species called humans " the mass of it, living intuitively as well as with conscious awareness. There definitively has to be this singular acceptance " Only humans could and still can have this ‘survival sanity’ to baffle all possible energies " especially the unscrupulous energies of socio-political leadership, which are always there on Earth to make humanity suffer and even go extinct. Even Gods cannot survive here; it is too tough a milieu out here; thanks primarily to the ‘conscientious stupidities’ of the powerful-authoritative bunch of hypocrites. Life-living for humanity is a skill only humans can manage. One surely cannot deny the feel that probably; God cannot do this magic. Survival Sanity paints baffling brushes on canvas of human lives only! The slides of life are varied and every slide of human lives on earth is a vivid reminder of humanity’s intuitive as well as evolved ‘survival sanity’. Let us all celebrate this survival sanity of humanity with a toast of wine, proposing that may this sanity remain kindled forever. And, the best way to this celebration is festivity of stupidities and insanity, which humans have the innate mechanism for. Let us salute this instinctive and mechanismic Survival Sanity of the billions of men and women all over the globe, especially in those parts of the world, where life realisms are very testing. This survival-sanity of humanity, men or women, is at full-throttle maneuvers in contemporary world, where threats to sanity and symmetry of cultured living is always greater than life size. The markets, the cultures, politics or society; everything is incessantly testing this mystical magicality of the survival sanity of humanity. Naturally, entropies are high and probabilities of stupidities and hypocrisies are commensurately higher too. History knows " Humanity has always won, it has always defeated the ‘Collaborative-Corruption’ of minds of powerful bunch of people. Sanity of survival of humanity has this wherewithal to rise above the ‘debilitating-diminutives’ of powerful protagonists. The ‘Collaborative-Structured-Corruption’ has the embedded entropies of insanity. The tenacity of long-run survival sanity leads the devastation and ultimate elimination of all Collaborative-Structured-Corruption. The infinite and intrinsic inventiveness and artistry of humanity, despite the mortality and transient situationalism of the life and living realisms, is the wonder even God fails to understand and unravel. This has been mentioned in the ancient Indian religious traditions. Greats of humanity in all fields of life have experienced and written about it, using different metaphors. How beautifully satisfying! The ‘joker’ plays its ‘tricks’ in the ‘circus of life’ and everyone laughs. Truth also claps along with the audience. Everyone is happy and thrilled! What is untrue and useless, even when the show of the circus is ephemeral? The joker of life’s randomization throws up its rainbowish tricks and tantrums and, everyone is happily part of the show’s symmetry. Some may laugh, some may weep but all participate in this randomization show. And then… the show ends and back home, life is back to its survival sanity. It has to be…! This energy of inventiveness in response to the randomization of life’s show can be anything but not untrue and purposeless. Had it been, the life would have wrapped up the show millions of years before. Scientists sum up. They say, “Any species sustains and survives because of the energy of the intelligence of its inventiveness for survival and it is this very intelligence, which leads the species to its extinction and end. Humanity too has the same destiny.” This energy of inventiveness has its source in the human instinct. This instinct has all the doors of inventiveness. It is important to understand the mechanism of this instinct well as this mechanism alone creates history. That is also why, history is repeated as human instinctive mechanism of inventiveness is common thread in all histories. That is why, powerful people must accept this lineage of historicity. They need to humbly and sincerely see and accept the underlying realism that the biggest and most powerful energy of cosmos is instinctive energy of all beings and even the vacuum. Leaders can only ‘warp’ the cosmic blanket a wee bit but this warping surely cannot shape and dictate cosmic construct, even though these warps can temporarily change the diurnal trajectory of some ‘planets of possibilities’. That too in the short-run because, as the core hypothesis of economics says " in the long run, we all are dead, even the powerful, the worst stupid and the hypocrites. This historic lesson must be learnt and used for larger wellness of humanity. The stupidities and hypocrisies of leadership and intellectuals cannot acquire potency and power if it is not allowed to align and sync with mass stupidity. They must never at first place be lent the energy and support of stupidity of masses as they use this energy for wreaking havoc on humanity. Stupidities and hypocrisies at personal levels are innate, instinctive and very much the inevitable and inseparable part of the overall design of ‘survival sanity’. This tenacity for survival itself is powered and energized by infinite stupidities and hypocrisies. Therefore, personal and individualistic stupidities and hypocrisies are not calamitous. Rather, they are by design very competitively collaborative with others for maximization of survival sanity. However, it is the institutionalized and structured stupidities and hypocrisies of leadership and intellectuals, riding on the wave of power, authority and moneys, which is calamitous and threat to survival sanity of humanity. The conscientious stupidities of structured hypocrisies are calamitous; be warned! When we insist to celebrate stupidity, we actually celebrate the freedom and liberation of our instinctive and innate survival-sanity from the clutches and control of collective and institutional-structured stupidity and hypocrisy of politics and economics. It shall be rejoicing of the fact that every common person, average men and women have the faith and innate wisdom to be accommodative of other’s stupidities so that survival sanity could be optimized. This shall happen as individually we shall accept our own personal stupidities and the celebration energy shall make all stupidities more compassionately accommodative and assimilative. This has happened in the long history of humanity and it shall happen again. History has to repeat itself. Or, it has no use. ** Background Continues… “The day is not far off when the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied, by our real problems - the problems of life and of human relations…” " John Maynard Keynes Energies are catastrophic, if they are not streamlined and channelized properly. More so, if extreme reactiveness, lopsided perspectives, inflated personal ambitions and narcissistic desires shape them. Worst, when they lend gratuitously to charged up emotionalism, rather than grassroots realism. This is a common knowledge of humanity; probably no need to overemphasize it, as long history of humanity has already witnessed and realized this. It is also nothing new to state with renewed vigor that the most potentially calamitous energy happens to be ideas, which humans have innate tendency to engender in plenty and then stupidly become victim of it. Even best of ideas become a source of major calamity if they are not understood and accepted in non-reactive and holistic perspectives. Tragic realism is, energies are usually reactive, not receptively assimilative. Probably, that is why, they prove calamitous to human society. There is no blame game here; just an acceptance of the realism that stupidity has a mechanism and hypocrisies follow a process. In contemporary world, a virtual stampede of ideas has been set to unleash tumultuous causalities, as the multiplicities of obsessively espoused ideas are roaming without proper channelizing mechanism and streamlining structures. There is a Stampede of Stupidities pervading societal milieus, especially the political and economic domains. The potential outcomes are nothing short of calamitous, with another set of tumultuous energies of high-sounding media-sugared ideas adding more venom to it. There still is nothing new, which one can be specifically or disproportionately worried of, as this scenario and the happenings are only innovatively repetitive, if viewed from historical perspective. It is not that this stampede of stupidities could be patented to any part or any group. All over the globe, the energies of ideas of youth, neo-youth, activism, the populist nomenclature of common man, invalidated politics, inflated ‘isms’ and the generally embedded force of rejection of status quoist realisms are active players of the stampede. And, there are embedded reasons for it. This phenomenon too is cyclic in history of time and space on this earth. Energies of ideas for change, guided by the gradient and gravitation of rejection of status quo are basic cyclicality of cosmic evolution and human societies are just a small part of the macrocosmic arrangement, though, in reactive consciousness, we all fail to understand and accept it. Stupidities of reactionary energies are always around and they have always been the primary source of causalities, which shape humanity and engender history. Societies of nations " the masses, politics and the leadership are huge group of people and they are marvelous agents and participants of change but always a potential of calamitous populist presuppositions. Globally, the idea of liberalism and globalization has resulted in weakening of societies and nations. This has in turn created a stronger and more reactively vocal individual. The individual frustration with ‘system’ and ‘institutionalized’ mechanism of society-economy-politics has somehow made masses fall in love with the stampede of stupidities of ‘anti-intellectualism’, ‘anti-rationality’ and ‘anti-sanity’. In such a milieu of uncertainty and tumult, narcissistic politics, with demonic perspectives of populist attainments sink into the sanity and order of the system and attain iconic stature in mass imagery. This narcissistic politics tend to wear the ‘celebrity-cloak’ and lead mass energies of populist frenzy and stupidities into a world of realism, where virtualism becomes perceptional realism. This is calamitous. Probably first time in global history, the common person, the average citizen and a simple voter has become relatively better empowered and emphatic, vis-à-vis the society and governance, he or she lives in. However, sadly enough, this individual or mass ‘empowerment’ has not arrived because of ‘well-informed’ and ‘poised’ mind perspectives and consciousness of the common men and women, but by the ‘superficial’ power of ‘consumerism’ " the new money and its dynamics! In the modern age of choices, nothing seems like permanent and durable for long term. The common person now has the scary mindset of being impatient and deeply reactive. Psychologists admit that this impatient and reactive common person, pampered with choices and options, has already started to view and accept even relationships as products. The societies all over the globe are facing troubles, as people do not want to live a life in a no option milieu. When people are not willing to drag even in a relationship, as choices and options are available in good measure, how can they be expected to carry the burden of an option-less social or political system, which they perceive as non-performing and a big drag! This attitudinal change in average person’s mindset and worldview has come up fast and societies and nations have not kept pace with it. This pampered common person, emboldened by its newfound empowerment as consumer and game-changer in societies; thanks also to critical technologies, wants good life and it is very much justified. What creates trouble is this common person often fails to accept its responsibility and culpability as an informed and balanced-perspectives citizen. There cannot be denial to the fact that democratic societies needed an aware, highly informed, disciplined and poised citizenry for its success but the sad realism is that dysfunctional populism and irresponsible common men and women have brought all democratic societies into a veritable chaos, where narcissistic politicians and populist mindsets get huge opportunities to acquire iconic stature. The stupidity lies in the fact that major trouble rests with an irresponsible and undisciplined common men and women, still, governments, political parties, corporate, activists and even media are in an overdrive to pamper the common men and women, never ever daring to tell them what is expected of them for the good life they fight for. The core and critical realism is " primarily, politics does not create problems on its own as problems originate in social and cultural domains. Politics often either aggravates problems for its own benefit or can at best try to provide a safe passage out of it. That is why, as politics does not create troubles, it also usually does not have solutions. Solutions also lie in the same domain of society and culture, which creates troubles. Much of the stampede of stupidities emanate out of this erroneous cognitive perception that politics has all solutions and economics has all wellness means. Politics has none as it does not create problems. That is why, even an economist of Keynes’ stature urged to relegate politics of economics to back seat, where it belongs and occupy our minds with real problems at their origin. The contemporary stampede of stupidities is the result of everyone; the governments, political parties, corporate, activists, ‘intellectuals’ and even media, doing different things in different ways, professing to doing all these for good life of the common man, even when it is apparent that what they profess is only populist propaganda. Overdose of populism is the core energy behind this stampede of stupidities. If bad is taken as something which stands against larger wellness of humanity (and not only personal wellness), then it can be safely said that the intrinsic and instinctive energy of ‘narcissism’ within an individual subjectivism of consciousness is what we can refer to as objective and singular bad. Somehow, solipsism is the primary and penultimate stage of narcissism, which has taken its deeps roots in contemporary socio-cultural milieus. There is a core realism, which all good men and women of wisdom and innocence accept " “It does not take someone to be wrong for other to be right. Both can be wrong or right at one time and this is the joy of life and living.” This stubborn insistence to make others wrong for someone to become a singular right is the narcissism every wise man and woman must be wary of. The simple and understandable to all realism for humanity is " we all live in a world that is a ‘totality of multiplicity’ of ‘subjectivism’ and ‘pluralism’. This presents to all, one singular, objective wisdom, that is " “Subjectivism is the core creed, therefore, every individual must be very respectful, compassionate and affectionate towards other’s subjectivism and never allow narcissism about one’s subjective truths to label other’s truths as ‘false’ and ‘bad’.” Is it this simple! No. If it were, there would have been no ignorant on earth. We all can always know only a part of the truth or wisdom. So is every entity and individual’s position and situation in the cosmos. Real intelligence is in accepting this relativity and subjectivity allowing the part truth to evolve through holism, integration and assimilation. Narcissism is definitive and sincere ignorance. The world has loads of it and this energy ensures, we have many losers, few winners. That is why all wise accept that holistic, objective, assimilative and integrative viewpoints and perspectives are always preferable than partial subjective, segregating and individualistic ones. The higher consciousness within us is one which understands and accepts this life positioning. This super consciousness has the holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of realisms. This consciousness is bereft of the narcissism of subjective consciousness. Its real intelligence is his/her innocence and objectivity; a sincere acceptance of the utility and fruition of every little idea and part truth, which subjective consciousnesses of seven billion people on earth engenders. We all need to change our generic consciousness and evolve it to the stage of specific consciousness, where this innocence stands tall. This is imperative number one for humanity as we have created socio-cultural milieus around us, where there are loads of violations of each other’s consciousness. We all have acquired this narcissistic and sadistic joy of attaining egoistic satisfaction by violating other’s worldview. Why? It is simply because it does not take someone to be ‘wrong’ for me to be ‘right’. Righteousness may have different shades and forms and that is why all shades of righteousness can peacefully co-exist " at least in the domain of public discourse and discussion. If not, then narcissism shall always have the calamitous opportunity to hit the populist button and create unnecessary troubles. This needs to stop or, we head towards a milieu where conflict and competitiveness shall endanger our very existence. There may be an ‘everythingness’ that may be possible but it has to evolve as holistic and accommodative idea. Till then, this somethingness and even so-called nothingness in subjective worldviews need be respected and even encouraged. Innocence only can lead us to this situation. Our so-called intelligence has done us in…! The celebration of stupidities is for shameless and un-hypocritical acceptance of the innocence of self, which is the basic requirement for evolution of the higher consciousness of holism. When I accept my own stupidities and hypocrisies, I have the eligibility to be compassionate about others. This assimilative and accommodative consciousness is the current need of humanity. The coming years shall definitively evolve our higher consciousness of holism, for humanity to have optimum wellness. **
***** Primeval and Transcendental Stupidity of REALITY
The beginning and end of everything is ‘Self’. What someone can and does have within the probable and practically feasible domain of perception of Self, alone can be subject matter of foolproof singular verifiability. Otherwise, things begin to slip into the domain of philosophy and literary imagination. Therefore, the primary aspect, which humanity as a whole and an individual in particular should ideally focus about is the very mechanisms and processes that create, Shape and stand ‘I’ or Self. Thankfully, when scientists work on the macrocosmic aspects of Reality, it is only an automatic facility that wisdom and knowledge about understanding of ‘Self’ is bettered and facilitated. This very human insistence, of acceptance of Reality only through ‘perceptional’ window of ‘Consciousness’, is the primary trouble and stupidity, which is hard, even impossible to unlearn. As we shall discuss in details later, Reality is not decipherable in its holism and entirety by individual’s consciousness or self. Consciousness is just a poor ‘media’ through which only a ‘part’ of Reality is expressed or communicated. Naturally, consciousness is only in possession and awareness of only a miniscule ‘Part’ of the ‘Holism’ of Reality. This however nobody is willing to accept. Why? Everyone thinks and believes, what he or she can and does see, feel, realize and experience, alone is Reality. Why? Because we mentioned at the start that ‘Self’ and individual consciousness is the start and end of all perceptional probabilities. Whatever is not available for ‘verifiability’ of perceptional experience of human consciousness and self is never accepted by humans. The trouble is " Reality in its holism is much beyond human perception…! That is why to understand Reality, in its holism and entirety; it is singularly important and inevitable to understand the mechanism and processes of Consciousness " the realism of ‘I’ or ‘Self. It is not that understanding of ‘I’ or Self has been a modern or new phenomenon. Since over 5000 years or more, many arrived humans have realized and even documented so many aspects about existence, self, ‘I’ or consciousness. Because they realized, consciousness is the gateway to deciphering Reality. No doubt, modern science has only put the idea of consciousness or self into great perspective for improved understanding. There have also been corrections and facilitations by modern science. The quantum debate of dualism and non-dualism has always been there with humanity, thousands of years back. Now that we have ease of scientific explanation and secular-objective literature, we can express it objectively and understand it holistically. The primary thing about Self or ‘I’ is dualism of its situation or position as ‘Karta’, subject, observer or protagonist. The idea of Karta, subject or protagonist stems out of the above-mentioned insistence about ‘I’ or self being the only and ultimate ‘verifiability’ of all Reality. The famous quote of Descartes, ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ (I think, therefore I am) is probably that innate and embedded ‘perception’ about the centrality and inevitability of ‘consciousness’ in the scheme of idea of Reality, which probably engenders this sense of ‘I’ or self being the protagonist of all probabilities of Reality. This ‘mysticism’ is now unraveled and modern science now has enough knowledge to point out the stupidity and hypocrisy in dualism of ‘I’. The greatest mysticism for ‘Self’ is the perception of the expression of Self itself! This is the seed of all stupidities and hypocrisies that humanity is loaded with. The very complex and yet unresolved idea of Consciousness plays out and installs this situation and position of Dualism very intelligently and categorically. Modern science also somehow establishes that self, ‘I’ or consciousness is not automatically and innately the ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist. It is rather only a ‘Medium’. Consciousness is a medium and it itself is an emergent and evolving entity of the body-mind medium. Therefore, in a sense, consciousness " this hugely unputdownable and powerful realism of ‘I Am’, is just a medium (sub-media) within a medium! This definitely divests ‘I’ or Self off the much acclaimed ‘centrality’ and ‘preeminence’ in the overall scheme of Reality. This primary and most critical idea of ‘Consciousness as Medium within Medium’ needs to be understood with perfect clarity. When we say, stupidity and hypocrisy is embedded in the body-mind mechanism and process, it is primary intelligence to see, understand and accept how this all are seeded and how they work out Reality for we all. The understanding of this primeval and transcendental stupidity of self is hugely critical for humanity. There is a very famous metaphor used by both spiritualism and science for explanation of Realism. It is about a honeybee sucking nectar from a flower. A honeybee comes flying, sits over a flower, sucks its nectar and then moves away. Traditionally, or in populist perception and linguistic sensitivity, there seems no Dualism in this act as it is believed that from the perspective of what is being observed, the honeybee is the Subject, ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist and the bee sucking nectar is clear ‘act’. Of course, the flower is the Object as it is doing nothing. The honeybee is the doer of action and therefore singularly qualifies for being the Subject or Protagonist. The dualism however creeps in when we see and accept the other perspective that is equally true but not ‘observable’ to general sight mechanism. This other perspective says; honeybee and flower are both only Objects as the supposed ‘Action’ is being done on both equally. The action is not honeybee sucking nectar as it is only the Effect of a Cause that is actually energizing the Action. Naturally, it is this ‘Causality’, which is true Subject, Karta, protagonist and ‘observer’, as it is this Cause, which has created the ‘act’ (reaction) of this effect playing out between honeybee and flower. It is the energy of causality that created the ‘media’ of a ‘giver’ and another as ‘taker’ but both are just expressing or playing out the ‘script’, directed by the energy of causality. This Causality (Subject/Karta/Protagonist) is the innate, symbiotic and intangible relationship between honeybee and the flower. The real and true Subject is the innately wired ‘Connect’ of the honeybee to seek nectar from the flower. Two elements are in a relationship, which is an effect of the core causality of survival-symbiosis between the two. Therefore, both the elements of honeybee and flowers are only Objects and both are equally reacting to and effecting something, the cause of which is scripted in the ‘Relationship’ or ‘Context’ between the two. This intangible Causality is the Subject and true Protagonist, not the ‘I’ or ‘Self’. This of course is the microcosmic interpretation of the larger macrocosmic Realism. The macrocosmic Realism says that consciousness is not in flower or honeybee, even while both may be living entities. In other words, consciousness that exists in honeybee or flower is only a small and dualistic medium of the larger, non-local and non-dualistic consciousness, which exists and stays elsewhere or everywhere. The real and true non-local and non-dualistic Consciousness is the Causality of ‘Context and Relationship’ that is just having a medium of body-mind of honeybee and flower. It is the Causality that is the Real and True Subject and Protagonist as it is this Causality, which goes on to create the ‘Matter’ in the form of different ‘Media’ for its unraveling and final expression. This final expression is usually accepted as Reality by all of us as it is what our five senses can perceive and react to. However, this sure is not Reality. In simple words, it is the Causality that is true, real, core and critical element of Observance but is not automatically observable to we humans through our sensory mechanism and therefore does not qualify as Reality for us. However, this causality, even while being the true Observer or protagonist, requires the Media for its expression or for playing out its effects. Consciousness of living beings is the media that causality as observance uses for playing out Reality, which our sensory mechanism and processes can and does easily see, feel and accept. It is because this consciousness is also a media of our body-mind tangibility, enabling consciousness to perceive reality, thus extending it a misplaced sense of being the observer but it is not as consciousness is just media. Here, it is very crucial to refer to contemporary science’s path-breaking idea of quantum mechanics, which deals with the critical issue of ‘Observance’ and ‘Collapsing’ of Reality. This understanding of ‘Observer’ and its cardinal role in Reality is a must to unravel the holism of Reality and the role of ‘Consciousness’ and ‘Causality’ in it. In quantum science, Reality, at all time and space is considered being super-positioned probabilities. Quantum science says, Reality happens as it is ‘observed’ because observance collapses super-positioning and creates a reality. Before that, Reality always stands as probabilities. Does it make us accept that Reality is not an ‘Always There’ situation, rather, Reality ‘Collapses’ as something, depending on observance? Does this mean, observance ends dualism and enters non-dualism? The next big question is, is observance critical to Reality? It seems as quantum scientists say, it ends probabilities and installs a Reality, though for the observer! Now, there still remains dualism about the idea of observer. Who can be accepted as observer? Majority opinion is that observance is essentially consciousness. It is consciousness that observes and installs reality or ‘collapses’ Reality. This is somewhat agreeable quantum science factuality for us. In simple terms, Reality is a dualistic, super-positioned probability at all times as elements that create reality have wave function dualism. Reality however is created or collapsed as dualism ends and superposition collapses the moment there happens an observer. And, this observer is consciousness. Therefore, the core and cardinal element in the idea of Reality is Consciousness as it is believed to be the ‘Protagonist’ that scripts a Reality. At this point of time, we shall have to stop our focus on everything else and zero down to this singular idea of Consciousness. The scientific reality of consciousness is the most pampered subject of new millennium, even as we all know from our knowledge of human history that consciousness as a philosophical and spiritual idea has always remained with humanity since almost 3000-4000 years back. Does this itself mean that pure science never stands aloof and alienated to philosophy and rather, sort of runs parallel to it? Does the same dualism exist between science and philosophy " when something works but cannot be described how or why, it is referred to as philosophy and if it works, is empirically verifiable and is mathematically explainable, it stands as science? Probably, even quantum scientists feel that they have rested the onus of Reality on an element of realism, which itself is by nature dualistic. Probably therefore, there is a strong advocacy by new age quantum scientists to present a valid case of non-dualistic consciousness. We need to first understand the basic hypothesis of this ‘dualism’ of consciousness, before we proceed onto larger issues. The primary idea is, if observance is mechanism and process of consciousness, this makes observance open to dualism " Generic and Specific observance. This dualism is " 1. There is an observance of consciousness, which emanates out of functionality of five senses and sensory inputting. As brain organization at macro level is largely singular for most humans, there is a broadly singular reality of observation, like rivers, mountains and other tangibilities. This is what we may call Generic Observance. This observance is processing of common and non-dualistic subconscious mind states. No doubt, as science insists that no two minds are same, there is bound to be dualism in generic observance too. However, it may be accepted that as the differences are small and there is overbearing generalization of commonality of languages for expression of the reality by generic observation, the dualism is seldom ‘observable’. For example, I and nine other people may see a door and because of our different mind processing of inputs from five senses, all ten may see the door differently but as this tangibility of door still shall have almost 95 percent of details as common for all ten, we all still shall call it a door as our language commonality cannot express a door with 5 percent difference as anything else! However, if any of the ten has one or two sensory organs tweaked or part of his or her brain states affected, the door may look, say 40-50 percent different. However, as all nine shall call it a door, a deviant observance shall not change the realism of the door. Still, it is debatable whether this reality is the same for other higher organisms like dogs, elephants, etc as their sensory observation by their brain organizations are not known! Though, we now accept that these higher animals do have consciousness of varied shades. Therefore, somehow, whatever is the reality, we have to limit it to the observance of human consciousness only. That itself is a restrictive hypothesis and negates singular objectivity rule of science. Therefore, even this so-called singular Reality of generic observance may not truly be accepted as non-dualistic. 2. Second observance by consciousness is of intangibilities by conscious brain states, which is dualistic, differentiated by variegated cognitive shades, because of varied experiences and memories of experiences of every single individual. Like happiness, wellness, love, compassion, right and wrong, etc are intangibilities observed by conscious mind states and is always dualistically oriented. Like all ten people may call a door a door but ask them whether the door is good or bad, there shall be five or six different observations about the same door. Therefore, the specific observance by consciousness, as against the generic observance can never be non-dualistic and therefore realities in these domains shall never be singular. Hence the trouble for humanity, not probably extended to other higher organisms. To simplify what we have talked so far, we need to see and internalize the primary idea that Reality in its innate and elemental form always remains as probabilities. This means, there is probably no Definitive and Singular face, shape, size and dimension of Reality that could be narrated and explained in humanly possible language of words. However, Reality Happens, or in simple sense, takes definitive dimensions of Locations as it is Observed. Therefore, Reality, in any possible way is a function of Observance. Naturally, the ensuing and inevitable question is " Who is the observer? Who observes? The contemporary popular hypothesis is " Consciousness creates observance. The consciousness is therefore the observer. However, what we discussed earlier is the hypothesis that Reality can be singular and definitive only when consciousness is also non-dualistic or singular. Then, as we talked about how consciousness seems to have universal propensity and probability of being dualistic, there is underlying assertion that Reality therefore can never be non-dualistic and singular. Naturally, as Reality is not singular and non-dualistic, there shall always be 3Cs " Confusion, Conflict and Chaos around the very notion and realism of Reality! And, as Reality itself is dualistic, there probably cannot ever be non-dualistic and singular human world and life-living reality for we all! To rationalize and summarize what we have discussed so far, we settle with the realism that Reality has to be singular, objective and non-dualistic. It has to be singular and non-dualistic for all organisms; not only humans. Naturally, Consciousness (not only of humans) cannot qualify to be the ‘observer’ of Reality as it is dualistic. Only the ‘Causality’ qualifies as single and ultimate observer as it is singular, objective and non-dualistic for all media of all consciousnesses. The fact however remains that as the singular-objective ‘causality’ shall express itself through different ‘media’ of different human beings, different living organisms as well as different ‘matters’, it shall have varied, even infinite expressions. Reality has to be and is singular but its expression being subject to ‘media-dependence’, it shall be ‘perceived’ in infinite shades, each shade of reality-expression having the potential to compete and conflict with other shade; primarily because of the ‘Virtuality of Centrality’ of ‘I’ or Self. This is core mechanism and process of Reality, Causality and Consciousness, which is the fertile soil of infinite stupidities and resultant hypocrisies of human world. This humanity not only has to accept but also celebrate as every shade of Reality-Expression has its role and utility. Probably that is why the ‘Causality’ chose to have such varied and infinite ‘media’ of matter… In Oriental spiritual traditions, they called this playing out of the true and real Subject as ‘Maaya’ (the web of causality) and the material medium of body-mind effecting it, as ‘Leela’ (the effect-driven action and behavior). In Yoga philosophy, there is categorical and definitive reference to the idea of True Subject or Protagonist and also, there is an insistence to rise above and detach from all Causalities to attain the highest position that is ‘reserved’ for humanity. This reality about self, ‘I’ or individual’s subjective consciousness being just a ‘medium’ and not the subject, karta or protagonist exposes the biggest, primeval and transcendental stupidity that all humans have. As we had mentioned in the start, ‘Every race, every art has its hypocrisy. Every creature therein breathes this lie from birth to death; lies are adapted to the mind of each race and art.’ We all think, ‘I am doing this and I am opting that’, however, the reality is that for all practical purposes, ‘I’ ain’t doing anything of its own independent accord and free will. ‘I’ is just playing out ‘performances’, which the true and real protagonist and subject " the Causality, is installing on the media of ‘I’ or Self. This in turn means, ‘I Am’ is probably the worst hypocrisy and naturally, all actions and behaviors installed and extended on the basis of ‘I Am’ are suspected stupidities. This is what we have earlier talked about the reactionary self of people. In most cases in our lives, we all essentially do not ‘act’ on our freewill but ‘react’ to what is presented before us. In most usual ways, we are not subject; rather object as ‘media’ of causalities. This primeval and transcendental stupidity of humanity needs to be understood well. We as an individual are expected to ‘own’ all our actions and behaviors and in collective space, we are actually responsible for them. However, when vast majority of all our actions and behaviors are just the ‘reaction’ of situations engineered by our subconscious self as ‘media’ and not actual ‘actions’ of our conscious self, how can we say with sense of surety and ownership that ‘I Am’ and ‘I Do’? More than 3000 years back, Oriental spiritualism deciphered this stupidity about self or ‘I’ and warned humans of this primary slavery, urging for emancipation from causalities within body-mind mechanism as well as outside in the external milieus. Modern science now speaks of the same with the help of quantum mechanics that human consciousness is not the protagonist and therefore, an individual simply cannot decipher and unravel ‘Reality’. Rather, an individual being just a miniscule and ephemeral ‘media’, can only realize a part of the larger cosmic Reality and simply reacting to the causalities that it plays out as a reactionary medium. Naturally, as different people shall have differentiated ‘parts’ of Reality, there shall never be a singular objective Reality for humanity. Different people as differentiated media for infinite causalities within and outside their internal and external milieus shall perceive Reality differently, often competing their ‘part’ of Reality to be the only true and real Reality. Therefore, human world shall always be a battle ground for 3Cs " Conflict, Confusion and Chaos. Therefore, we have good reasons to accept that Reality, whatever it may be, may never be singular and above and all, it may not be something, which average human mind potentials could ever decipher, unravel and establish. Simply because, Reality is not a fixed idea as its pre-state (nothing) is potential of probabilities. Reality is created and installed as a ‘Causality’ comes to stand as the ‘observer’, ending the super-positioned probabilities and thus ‘collapses’ a Reality. Naturally, there are infinite ‘Causalities’ because nothingness has infinite ‘Probabilities’. As there are infinite causalities, there are infinite ‘Contexts’ of observance. Naturally, different observance points and probabilities shall always create infinite cognitions of Realities. Causalities play up and ‘Effect’ different Realities through differentiated media and all different media innately shall affect causalities by uploading their own messages and agenda. In simple words " There may not and never be a singular definitive and irrevocable Reality; at least for human potentials of perception. And, this shall ensure that human world and human life-living always remains mired in 3Cs " Confusion, Chaos and Conflict, which in turn shall incessantly keep the quantum of stupidity, hypocrisy and insanity sufficiently high. We humans have a destiny that has been scripted in disaster and improbability of sanity for which we may not be entirely blamed. It is essentially the very nature of Reality in our cosmic construct that installs the Realism that Sanity Is Impossibility. Stupidity and hypocrisy is our ‘design’ and the design of the expression of Reality for us. This is unconscious stupidities, which we all are designed for. However, what we humans are condemnable for and stand liable for foolish culpability is our stupid refusal to see this Reality and not work towards a practical solution of humungous problems that emanate out of this nature of Reality and human consciousness perceives it. This is culpability of ‘Conscientious Stupidities’. When we know and still cannot understand, learn and correct our mistakes, we must qualify for being the most stupid and most corrupted living and surviving species in the universe. This is the conscientious stupidity and sincere ignorance, which humanity must shed as it can. Our consciousness has design for it too. From this reality, the critical idea, which comes out is that every empowered human has to first detach its own ‘Consciousness’ from the Causalities of body and mind as it is the primary ‘Liberation’ of human life. However, in Yoga philosophy it is insisted that even Human Consciousness is a Media and therefore, this too has to be dumped and an empowered human must also rise above and detach from the Causalities of Consciousness too to ultimately be in Union (Yoga) with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness is probably what quantum scientists and super string theory proponents call non-local and non-dualistic consciousness. In microcosmic religious terms, this probably is referred to as God and the causalities are labeled as Design of Divinity. It is rather interesting that the Buddhist philosophy, which emerged around the same era Yoga philosophy was consolidating, says similar things. Buddha is believed to have insisted on ‘Observing’ the ‘Causalities’ that are causing ‘effects’ within body-mind structures as well as outside in the milieus. Buddha’s famous saying " ‘There is Suffering and it has a Cause’, probably pertains to Buddha’s personal experiences with sufferings. He probably understood as how human consciousness and cognition is just a poor and microcosmic Media of infinite causalities in the internal as well as external milieus. He probably reiterated that by observing the causalities, human consciousness could probably rise above and detach from the situation of being a ‘Media’ and thus liberate itself from sufferings. To be truly and really knowledgeable and wise is a definition, shrouded in mysticism of dualism. Somehow, this uncertainty truly delineates the ultimate state of ‘Singular Wisdom’ available and desirable for we all. It is there for humble, sincere and innocent acceptance that to be knowledgeable is to internalize in all layers of consciousness that Reality Is Always PROBABILISTIC, therefore life-living was, is and shall always be Conflicted, Confused and Chaotic. This arrives humanity to singular and definitively finite wisdom that there can be and is only one Intelligence for all humans in all stages and situations of life-living. This singular intelligence is COMPASSION. All other subsidiary intelligence must fall in linearity and symmetry of the primary one… Human history of thousands of years of civilization and cultures has been a documented evidence of how misplaced ingenuity of minority of humanity, especially in powerful leadership positions, has always ruled over this mass idealism of compassion to shove the human world to the brink of extinction, with conflicts, confusion and chaos ruling all milieus and lives in them. The current diminutive and enslaved status of singular wisdom of compassion in contemporary human world is foolproof evidence that Sanity Is Impossibility in contemporary world and collective life-living. Those who truly understood Reality, humbly accepted compassion as only wisdom and lived and died in peace and wellness. Compassion remains the only singular Possibility of Sanity, at personal levels, as at collective level, compassion has lost the chance to reinstate itself long-long back…! This confidence in compassion as the core and critical sanity point emanates because now we have reasons to accept that the very design of Reality in our cosmos, the world we live in and the way our own consciousness accepts it have inbuilt, innate and embedded entropic causalities. Therefore, the only way out to have sanity and install it deep in our lives is to accept the finality of singular and irreplaceable element of personal compassion. The idea and notion of compassion, what we accept here is completely different and novel from what populist beliefs accept compassion as. The popular definition of compassion stands it in linearity with pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity etc. What we have proposed is that compassion is not about being caring, accommodative, assimilative, and affectionate. Compassion is not in parts but in holism. All these are of course the ‘effects’ or expressions of the situation of compassion in someone’s consciousness but compassion is not purely behavioral or actionable. It is far more broad, holistic and over-encompassing. We have to accept the utility and fruition of Compassion as Higher Consciousness, which can and does see, accept and practice the ‘Holism of Reality’ that is always probabilistic and contextual. Compassion is a Cognitive Position of an evolved and empowered Higher Consciousness, which is non-reactive, receptive, skeptical of ‘self’ itself and contemplative in all life-living situations, being in perpetual, deep and lateral acceptance that Reality is never singular and it is always good, right and healthy to be respectful to all different ‘parts’ of Reality, constituting the Holism of Reality. As a person internalizes this higher consciousness evolution of acceptance of Holism of Reality, he or she successfully makes compassion his or her first instinct and option-less attitude. The elements of pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity, caring, accommodation, assimilation, and affection, etc shall automatically fall in place. In simple terms, compassion is not a fruit, it is not even a tree; it is rather the soil, which must remain fertile and objectively facilitative. This soil of compassion shall automatically and instinctively grow all trees and all fruits of best utilities and worth. The insanity of collective spaces may rob the fruits and cut the trees but the soil shall always remain there to grow more trees and fruits. The greats of humanity have always reminded us that it may be accepted that different people of this world may have different and even competing goals and purposes but everyone must first have this Compassionate Higher Consciousness. They understood that Reality being contextual and relative, instinctively every person would be competitive and conflicted. Therefore, human world would always remain the theatre of compounding competition and conflict among people. This inevitability would always remain in human world in all times and space as the most powerful and calamitous entropic element, which could kill the sanity of life-living and human world itself. That is why the greats of humanity insisted that there should always be compassion as the evolved higher consciousness of all humans as lasting guarantee that sanity would be preserved. **
Stupidity About Self Or ‘I’
This sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a layered realism, bordering and swaying into the domain of virtualism. This sense and feel that ‘we are’ or ‘I’ Am’, is expressing itself in many layered existentialism of unconscious, subconscious and conscious domains. The trouble is " The ‘I’ is in every bit of all different expressions of ‘Self’, yet, truly or actually, ‘I’ is seldom fully or perfectly in any of the variegated appearances of ‘Self’. This dualism or mystical realism is baffling. More intimidating is the fact that all the shades and dimensions of ‘I’ and their action/behavior emanate out of and pertain to one body and mind of an individual yet he or she is seldom willing to own the culpability of its stupidities; happy only to own its attainments. This subjective self or ‘I’ is a collective causality of cooperative and co-opting elements of body and brain of which some are tangible and others intangible. Therefore, ‘we are’ not only body, not only mind, not only thoughts, not only emotions, not only attitudes, not only fears and insecurities, not only bundle of memes but a sum-totality of all, even while being everything. This means, consciousness or sense of self is always a holistic expression of totality and entirety, even when singular elements of its constitution are always there and indispensable for its holism. In other words, ‘I’ have ‘parts’ but its actual expression or core property is always as a ‘whole’. If any single ‘part’ is missing, the ‘whole’ ceases to exist. The stupidity of design of consciousness, or this sense of ‘I Am’ is that the ‘parts’ are not always aligned to the ‘whole’ and the whole is not always in control and command of parts. Naturally, stupidities and hypocrisies flow in as innately as water and wind. The subjective self or ‘I’ is always emerging, shifting and changing because of its very nature of being a ‘process’ and not a fixed and tangible matter. Consciousness is an expression and property emerging out of complex and multidimensional processing of huge amount of info in the ever-shifting internal as well as external milieus. Therefore, the very single body-mind of ‘I’ has many functional selves, even while structurally there is only one entity of ‘I’. Importantly, as this sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a function of entropy of our body-mind system, the consciousness in its very nature has the propensity for entropy-expansion. This means, in our daily lives of subconscious self or ‘Unaware-I’, we are inclined to and oriented towards destabilization, un-organization, randomization, abstractions, virtualism, confusion and conflicts, etc. The very entropic property of consciousness ensures the above states for us. Interestingly, as the domain of subconscious brain state dominates the mind space to the extent that science compares subconscious to a soccer field where conscious self is just a small goalpost; average human being is predominantly a stupid at freewill and a mechanism of chaos, confusion and conflict. However, as the dialectical mechanism always ensures, the very conscious self or ‘Aware-I’ itself emerges and evolves because of the stupidity and disorganization of subconscious. The thesis-antithesis-synthesis process is applicable to consciousness too. When the subconscious or unconscious actualizes a cognitive ‘realism’ for self or ‘I’, the same brain states, which have evolved top layers handling logic and thoughtfulness of reason, engenders a virtual domain or space of ‘Conscious’ self; provided the person has enough evolved conscious mind state. This ‘higher consciousness’, by innate nature of its dialectical origin, supplies the elements of skepticism, facilitating another dimension of cognitive realism. This dimension is human’s ‘entropy-suppression’ process that keeps system sanity at optimality. Therefore, consciousness is probably the microcosmic model of evolutionary mechanism that the cosmos has as a macrocosm. Every system has its entropic expression and the same system innately has an embedded and ingrained mechanism of entropy-correction or entropy-suppression for sustained ‘optimality’ of system enterprise. This dualism of cosmic system that is its infinite evolutionary energy, is also the primary and embedded property of consciousness. The dualism of consciousness works on dialectical cyclicality of entropy expansion and entropy suppression " confusion writing the initial script of life-living drama and then sanity of propriety enacting the best protagonist on the theatre of life. This all leads us to the finality of our assertion of a singular hypothesis or scientific philosophization and it says " Intelligence and sanity of a human being is in higher awareness of this dualism of consciousness and its unwavering acceptance. Wellness is in healthy, effective and smooth functioning of the dialectical cyclicality of consciousness. And, empowerment is in conscious mastery of artistry of engineering & management of dualism of ‘I-Cognitions’ for optimality of thoughtfully opted goals of life-living… For complete and detailed understanding of the idea of Consciousness and all its aspects, including the critical principle of entropy-expansion and entropy-suppression, do kindly refer to author’s earlier eBook, ‘Optimality Of I Potentiality’. All other 43 eBooks of the author are available for unrestricted download at all major stores. As the term ‘awareness’ is cardinal and critical for wellness and peace, it needs to be understood in every possible details. The word awareness is probably most un-understood and mis-understood word in human cultures. Most people take this rare and labored achievement for granted. Tell a person that he or she is not aware and they shall be angry at you. Everyone has this self-sustained belief that he or she is always ‘aware’. This is a misconception, even when most of us always feel and believe about being aware as the subjective sense of consciousness is always muffling us, like a second virtual skin. Science has established that in our daily lives, we are ‘aware’ only for few minutes at best, even while over 98 percent of our life-living is carried out in subconscious state. Science says, awareness or conscious sense is just a fleeting and ephemeral epiphany, which needs persevered practice for prolonging it. Scientific studies reveal that over 90 percent of human population does not breathe the correct way! Why? Simply because we are not aware! Our body needs right breathing because we survive and excel on Oxygen. We all take breathing as taken for granted because it is an auto-process controlled by unconscious layers and monitored by subconscious layers of our brain states. That is primarily why most meditative processes begin by asking a person to focus on inhaling and exhaling of air through nostrils. It is however only a basic process to enter the ‘Door’ of conscious domain. One needs to journey deep inside as this breath watching alone cannot reach us to awareness destination. It requires more. Most people are happy doing aware breathing and think, they have hit finality! The primary reality is that most processes inside our body-mind mechanism are subconscious and as they are ruled by an auto-process, a wired proposition, we do not need to bring things into aware and conscious domain. Being aware is a holistic notion, which entails having conscious and definitive registry of infinite processes and causalities that work inside us and outside in external milieus. It is the level of awareness that decides the potential of empowerment of a person. There is no limit to how much and to what extent we can be aware of as there are infinite causalities and processes going on inside and outside us. Awareness is a life-long learning and unlearning process. But it has a process too. We need to know that. Awareness is a dialectical process. From our childhood, we are made to get exposed to different types of information and every new information that makes us aware of a realism, opens up a gateway to one or two level up of awareness. We learn the language first, then we get aware of poetry and later we get aware of how poetic excellence creates magic with self and consciousness. Therefore, awareness comes in steps and if we miss out on one or two steps of the ladder of information and knowledge progression, we cannot get to higher levels of awareness. This means, there cannot be a short-cut or easy route to awareness. Awareness is evolutionary mechanism. It requires continuity and perseverance of practice of the art. Then, the most critical part of awareness process is its dialectical nature. We get to one level of awareness and that makes us stand on the door of dualism. Every next level of awareness requires that we ‘learn’ something new of higher levels but at the same time also ‘unlearn’ something that holds us back from moving up the ladder of awareness. For example, a child learns things in his or her life and becomes aware of the idea of divinity and religion that his or her family and current societal and cultural milieus extend. He or she follows it and keeps evolving. Surely, the next level of awareness requires that he or she unlearns his or her existing awareness about God and religion and use the higher levels of his or he awareness to present a logical critique, using his or her energy of skepticism to what he or she knows so far. If he or she is stuck with what he or she has already ‘known’, then he or she cannot move up the ladder of awareness about divinity and religion because both the domains offer infinite conscious thoughts and emotions as we keep evolving to higher levels of awareness. Therefore, learning and unlearning are equally critical in awareness evolution. As most spiritual traditions seldom stress on unlearning processes, rather, they make you ‘stuck’ to their ‘version’ of ‘Reality’. Naturally, the practitioners fail to rise to higher consciousness; as he or she refuses to enter the dialectic process of awareness. Third important aspect about awareness relates to the very crucial brain mechanism of ‘Recall’, ‘Relate’ and ‘Replicate’. All information that we have or we get exposed to is stored in brain states in the form of synapses. There is insufficient knowledge about how brain stores and processes information but we know that not everything we learn or get informed is available for later recall and replication. It is believed that brain has its own process of assigning value and worth to an information for the purpose of memory. Information or learning that is associated with conscious and aware inputting has better chances of future recall. Science accepts that there are definitive pathways created in brain states when it stores some information. Therefore, when we recall it later, the pathways need to be reactivated. Therefore, if the pathway is weak, faint and unrelated to already entrenched precedents of utility and worth of our brain states, the recall process is abstracted and our brain states either fail to replicate the information or in most cases, it virtualizes the information, churning out a poor copy of the stored information. Therefore, it is very important that whatever information or learning we feel we shall need in future, we must be in higher state of awareness when assigning it to our brain states. Also, there must be definitive logic or emotional worth assigned to a stored info so that its pathways in brain states are deep and thick. Moreover, for better recall and optimality of replication of memory, we should also assign clear ‘relational’ element to it. For example, if I am undergoing an experience of meditation, I shall ensure that whatever feelings I am going through, I register them with high awareness. Also, I ensure that I repeat to myself time and again that this particular feeling was like something important in my earlier experiences so that I could relate to the feeling when I recall it later. Human brain accepts metaphors easily so I can say to myself, this sedate feeling of meditation was like sitting under the mango tree in my village home in hot summer day. As my mind consciousness has already created deep and thick pathways for my village experiences, because of earlier assigned emotional utility and worth to it, I have great ease in recalling and replicating my meditational experience awareness later. Scientific studies reveal that our subconscious brain states entrench communication and engender awareness in two broad ways. First stage is the first seven to eight years of early life of a child when he or she accepts all information from his or her parents, family, ambient socio-cultural-geographical milieus and this become his primary domain of awareness. That almost decides the destiny of the child as this ‘Pre-Consciousness’ awareness works as base benchmark to judge utility and worth of all later experiences and information. However, this primary awareness can be altered later when the child is adult and his or her consciousness has matured. This can be altered only by inputting a conscious element or information of learning and unlearning and repeating it time and again. Like, nobody is born with driving skills but as we enter adulthood, we practice for long how to drive a vehicle and later, this awareness of driving becomes a subconscious task. When we achieve good driving skills, we do not even remember how we drive. But, such learning and awareness possession comes only through conscious inputting of the new desired awareness and continuously practicing it. This is the primary hypothesis of newly emerging field of experiments in Epigenetics domain, which maintains that a person born poor shall not only remain poor for life but has more likelihood of fathering or mothering poor children. Why? Because the Epigenetics science says that poor people pass on the heretic genetic expression to their offspring and as the kids born to poor parents receive such early information from their parents and ambient socio-cultural-physical milieus that create and sustain ‘Causalities’ of poverty and deprivation, they too continue to be poor. This is just the reverse with kids born to rich parents. This ‘destiny’ however can be unlearnt through awareness of higher consciousness. The Epigenetic science however insists that this subconscious realism can be changed through linguistic, thoughtfulness, emotional and psychological inputs of our own ‘Conscious Self’ when we enter adulthood. It is the phenotype that can be changed and this in turn alters the early entrenched subconscious communication of our brain states and body functionality. So, the deprivation phenotype can be consciously altered by altering the communication to the body-mind media by ‘Conscious-Enterprise’. And, what it takes? It takes to alter the ‘Milieus’ by ‘Conscious Awareness’. Our personal sense of ‘I’ or self, or call it the layers of consciousness is just a media of the body-mind causalities. This means that we may keep thinking happily that ‘I’ or myself is seeing and accepting a Reality but the fact may remain there that actually, the specific Reality is playing it out using our body-mind as media to express itself in a way, which makes us accept a Reality the way we do. That is why there is an ancient prescription to humanity " ‘Don’t Be, You Shall Be.’ The prescription is to come out of the consciousness of ‘I’ that is in an auto-reaction mode working mechanically and stupidly as ‘Media’ of twin internal and external causalities " the first causalities of body and mind and second causalities in the milieus. It is to be realized with utmost humility and sincerity that consciousness itself is just a media of body and mind and the ‘I’ of average person simply works as media to play out the realities that internal and external causalities make him to. This has to stop and an individual needs to detach himself or herself from this auto-mode reactionary ‘I’ or self, which acts and behaves like a media, without ever understanding the ‘self’ and the causalities that it works with and works on him or her. So, the primary cognitive change is to be aware of self and causalities and detach the consciousness from the internal and external causalities; as far as possible. We need to understand and accept that evolving and growth has two stages " auto-mode learning and conscious unlearning. From infant stage to adulthood, an individual keeps assimilating information and available knowledge from its milieus in subconscious state of ‘auto-mode learning’. Very few individuals, who have managed to evolve strong consciousness as early as 14-16 years of age, may begin to start the parallel process of ‘conscious unlearning’ or pruning of subconscious auto-mode learning. However, after the stage of adulthood, say 20-25 years of age, an individual needs to accept that he or she as a ‘Media’ must change. The media must shift its primary situation from a ‘Reactionary-Subconscious Being’ to a ‘Receptive Conscious Being’. It means; the higher consciousness begins to shape up as aware and holistically inclined ‘authoritative command’ center to effect engineering and management of the body-mind media’s causative auto-behavior and action. Then the primary question is; what is this higher consciousness, which emerges as protagonist of conscious engineering and management of ‘I’ or self? Higher conscious is not an external mechanism of body and brain but a specificity of the body-mind media itself. The seed of higher consciousness is planted by an individual when it begins to attain a stage of maturity, age-wise or experience-wise and both, to have enough information-connect with his or her internal as well as external milieus to allow and accept the powerful energy of skepticism. To doubt, to question to accept something different and non-conformist to one’s own knowledge and belief is the seed stage of higher consciousness. It has been mentioned in ancient wisdom that 'those who begin the process of higher consciousness, before they reach the stage of consciousness are the blessed ones. This happens when parents play their rightful role and allow a child to grow in a family environment where skepticism and questioning is encouraged and rewarded. This shall implant energy of skepticism deep in subconscious, helping the child to grow his or her conscious self, preparing the platform for the child to evolve his or her higher consciousness early and strong. Then comes the role of society, culture, religion, polity and economy, where a growing man or woman must continue to have the same liberty to question and evolve. In simple one line " Higher Consciousness of an individual is his or her understanding and acceptance of the idea of Holism Of Reality. This holism of reality is seeded by the powerful energy of skepticism. A young child or a maturing teen may be accepted as moving towards evolving to higher consciousness if he or she asks questions and is not only allowed but also encouraged by family, friends, peers, society, politics and cultures to keep asking questions and strive for alternative answers. And, more importantly, all the while keep respecting other’s questions and their respective answers. This is also the role of all milieus to install mutuality of respect in every individual towards ‘others’. This is not happening in contemporary world, rather the politics and economy is smothering liberty of questioning and skepticism, thus killing the very prospect of evolution of higher consciousness in average minds. Families, societies and cultures are also adding their stupid ‘restrictions’ on the innate or evolved inquisitiveness and skepticism of growing individual. This is ill-preparing individuals to handle insanity of external world, thus adding more stupidities and hypocrisies to the already chaotic world and life-living. It is sad state of reality of contemporary humanity that such a maturing person, who asks questions, puts skepticism upfront, is often labeled as undisciplined and unruly teenager. The societies and cultures seldom allow, let alone encourage non-conformism and inquisitiveness. The collectivity does so because of its own agenda to keep people in a state of reactionary subconscious media of confusion and conflict. That is why it is for every individual to accept that this task of evolving one’s higher consciousness is a tough task and can be attained only through personal enterprise and personal resolve for persevered practice. Expect no good from society, cultures, polity and economy. When this higher consciousness is seeded well and begins to blossom into a healthy branching tree, expect the flowers and fruits of holism to come calling. The fruits of holism shall further facilitate detachment of consciousness from the causalities and its contextual and relational elements. The higher consciousness shall lead the journey to disengagement of ‘I’ or self as Media to internal as well as external causalities. It means; an individual shall not be an ‘object’ but gradually shape itself to become a true and real ‘Subject’. This true and real subject shall have the empowered and authoritative Will and Cognition to command all causalities to play out Realities in a way that optimize sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. This real and true subject, the empowered and evolved individual shall be ‘master’ of all causalities of love, fear, anxiety, desire, empathy and associations and not the ‘slave’ of them all. From ancient times, dating back to over 3000 years, philosophy as well as spiritualism has talked about arriving at this holism of higher consciousness for attainment of sanity, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy spoke of evolving consciousness to such a stage where it is aligned and assimilated to the holism of cosmic causality, rising above the microcosmic causalities of body, mind and milieus. The very word Yoga (Union) means this emancipation of an individual from localized and reactionary causalities and assimilation into the more holistic, objective and macrocosmic causality of the cosmos. Ancient philosophies are not religion; they are objective expression of realism of holism, which larger humanity must acquire but always squanders. The Buddhist philosophy also speaks of the same eventuality but in a slightly different language. The difference is only linguistic; the intent of the content is the same. Buddhist philosophy speaks of observance of all elements of context and relativism of causalities that are there within and outside the body-mind media. It also suggests the principle of final utility of holism by ‘prescribing’ the mystical ‘middle-path’. This middle path is actually the hint at holism as the middle is symbol of having the reality of everything. The Yogic philosophy also spoke of ‘Witness-Mode’ consciousness as situation of higher consciousness, which stands aloof and away from body-mind media and could ‘witness’ with objectivity every sensory causalities that the media receives and transmits. The western spiritual philosophy of ‘Do not be, you shall be’ also hints at the same notion. It speaks of the realism that if you do not become the ‘being’ that is shaped and designed by the causalities of the body-mind media, you shall become the true and real ‘being’ " the higher consciousness of Holism. Therefore, it seems that human wisdom has always been common because we all have this mechanism of our body-mind media itself to attain and arrive at personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. If all ancient wisdoms from all parts of the different and segregated humanity had common thread of realism, it can be concluded that sanity is actually embedded in human mechanism of body-mind media itself. All we need is to arrive at the right consciousness of Holism and unleash the right processes to attain sanity. Here, it is important to mention that in ancient Indian philosophy, there is a mention of a step further in evolution to ultimate empowerment. We have talked about the need to detach consciousness from the causality and its context and relativism for attainment of sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy and spiritualism however accepts this as only the first step towards total empowerment and emancipation. This is perfectly in line with contemporary scientific realism too. It says, the consciousness, or for that matter higher consciousness is a media too and perfect and total emancipation means detachment from all media. Therefore, an individual has the further journey of ‘unlearning’ the consciousness too. The journey shall end when an individual dumps, disconnects and detaches from Higher Consciousness too and delinks from all causalities, be it microcosmic or macrocosmic. The modern science calls it the non-local consciousness and ancient Yogic philosophy called it the state of Kaivalya " The finality of ‘Onlyness’. **
Stupidity About Purpose Of Life
It probably has to be accepted that we must not still remain lingering with the primary question of life and living, even when we are in 21st century. The question, Who Am I, or to say what is ‘self’, needs finality of answer as without this, there probably cannot be any movement towards personal sanity. The singular answer to this question cannot be ever arrived at and accepted, this we all know. We already know why there cannot be a singular Reality and that is why no possibility of any singular answer of questions that is at the core of our life-living. However, what we all need to accept that there probably is a possibility of an easy and singular acceptance of something, which is broadly tangible or tangibility-driven and therefore secularly and singularly objective for we all to accept. There shall always be dualism about origins and purpose of universe and all lives around us, including humans. But we all can and should ideally accept that now in 21st century, there is little confusion or disagreement about the mechanism and processes of human body and mind. It does not matter whether God created humans or humans created God! It is also irrelevant whether evolution designed us or not. If there is a ‘designed’ purpose of universe and we humans in it; great but it really is impossible to have singular acceptance of it. What matters is that we have a certain and common design of body and mind and that does not anyway change irrespective of who created or designed us. The ‘design’ and ‘creation’ is well there. Let the debate as who created the design remain be endless. It does not matter. What actually matters is what we do next, after the design is there. From the perspective of the human body-mind mechanism and the substantial knowledge humanity now has, it is truly of utmost utility and significance to accept that universe too has a ‘design’, mechanism and process, like our body and mind but, it does not have a ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’, which humans could accept and relate to in their normal lives. Lives on Earth or if elsewhere too have no purpose and meaning, which we humans usually assign to these words and terms. Reality itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility, which we understand. The interesting fact is that all meanings, all purposes, all Realities start and end with ‘I’ or self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes, utility and worth what ‘I’ or self assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘I’ is in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only the universe, the Earth, the lives have. It is ‘I’, the self that matters and has any utility. This is the singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian philosophical traditions of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I Am God). The author has elaborated this theme in eBook titled, ‘I Am God’, available for unrestricted download. This acceptance is the first primary requirement for installation of personal sanity. It can be said with all possible humility and sincerity of consciousness that contemporary humanity must see, understand, accept and internalize that in our civilizational and cultural march to modernity of institutional and organizational life-living, we have almost dumped the primary reality of human life-living. This primary reality, which thinking minds and philosophers of early humanity listed out with strong conviction, is that the individual, the person, an average man or woman is the everythingness of all somethingness that social and collective living can design and execute for sanity of system. It is tragic and decisively the biggest and worst hypocrisy of humanity that now this individual or person is nowhere in picture in scheme of things of society, culture, economy, markets, politics and even scientific and technological advancements. Rather, personal sanity gets more degraded and emaciated as collective efforts for so-called ‘betterment’ of life-living of common men and women go up. The most glaring example of this worst hypocrisy is how globally, human education system is being majorly shaped, designed and devised to generate ‘Efficient Workers’ for economic activities, which in turn create handful of billionaires and reduce the majority of average men and women as ‘machines’ and slaves. Human education is no more designed for enhancing and improving personal sanity and system of individual because, it shall create men and women with a strong sense of liberty, purpose and direction. This shall be trouble for politics, governments and businesses! An individual must see and accept this ‘causality’ of chaos in his or her life and living. Since thousands of years, humanity has had the critical question of who he or she is and what is his or her situation in the station of life as well as in the larger context of cosmos. This question has been the very basis of all spiritualism as spiritualism simply means deciphering the ‘Causality of Connect’ of individual with all entities in internal as well as in external milieus, extending to the universe itself. Somehow, the first part of the transcendental question as ‘Who Am I’ has been handled well by spiritualism, philosophy and now modern science. However, the second part as what is the causality or context of connect of an individual with all external milieus has not been duly and appropriately handled either by spiritualism, philosophy or science. A singular, holistic and objective answer to the second part of question is a must for sustenance of personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. This however is another domain of impossibility. This impossibility stems out of the very contextual and relativist nature of Reality. As different people shall accept different contexts and relative positioning of ‘I’ or self vis-à-vis the milieus, there can never be a singular idea or idealism about human context of connect with external world. Moreover, as milieus always present powerful causalities to all humans living at a time and space, the ever evolving and changing milieus and their emergent trends shall keep changing individual’s context of connect with milieus and the universe. As average individual has ingrained propensity for aping or going with the mainstream, there shall always be a majority-trend that shall define, shape and design collective consciousness and cognition, which majority of individuals shall love to follow and accept. Therefore, there is always a populist answer of what the purpose of life is and what individuals should accept as core principle of the ‘connect’ and interaction with external world. Any alternative answer or interpretation may exist and stay but shall always be a minority viewpoint and shall trade behind the populist perception. Globally, what we are seeing in contemporary world is this situation where majority of people are almost blindly in linearity and sync with populist majority worldview of accepting ‘Evolving and Empowerment’ as continuous growth of consumption and comfort. This core populist idea may have many shades and varieties, having a mix of consumption and even a rebel against it but actually, every shade shall essentially be a manifestation of the populism of consumption and comfort. There are alternative viewpoints and perspectives of human connect and context with external milieus but they are very much a minority viewpoint, only few individuals follow in their personal life-living. The most critical question that humanity confronts today is, do we have a possibility of accepting that the contemporary populist viewpoint, which majority of over 7.5 billion people are accepting and following, may not be the right or appropriate one and secondly, can we have a singular alternative perspective that can be accepted as the holistic, objective and right realism for human connect with its milieus? We try to test the possibility of such a probability here. Any model of personal sanity must take into account the basics of our body-brain mechanism and process as it is where Reality is created, plays out and ends, for all practical purposes. We now know a lot about how our brain works and that alone determines what possibly could be a model of personal sanity. We can say with reasonable amount of conviction that brain works on the basis of association. This process of association starts in the womb itself. Scientific researches tell us that even while still in mother’s womb, the baby begins to associate with the sound of the mother and other things in the ambient milieus. It is because brain is designed for optimizing survival and therefore, even before the child could begin his or her journey out of the mother’s womb, the brain begins to associate all information from the external milieus. The brain of the new born continues to do so up to the age of eight or ten. This we have talked about as the auto-mode learning process of brain states, especially the subconscious mind, which constitutes major portion of our early learning. The subconscious brain state ensures suitability and optimization of a child in his or her milieus by this innate, wired and automatic process of association, thus creating a pattern and plexus of belief-system, perspectives and worldviews as the child grows and attains adulthood. These belief-systems, which association processes create as auto-mode learning, engender a plexus of identities for an adult to which a person adheres to as dearly as for his or her life. These identities and belief-systems become his or her personality. That is why it becomes a trap for him or her. Most troubles begin from here. This identity and association dualism breeds loads of hypocrisies and in long run traps a person in deep abyss of stupidity and insanity that the world is so full of. We need to see and understand that human crisis and the resultant crisis of the human world emanate out of this ‘stupidity’ of the brain mechanism and process, which Mr. Brain thinks is the most ‘intelligent’ thing to do! Why? This dualism needs to be unraveled and understood to clearly understand how the solution of everything is in our brains itself as it is our brain mechanism and process, which are behind most of our troubles and that of the humanity. Science clearly says that humans are not, by nature a logical, reasoned and receptive creature. Humans are instead totally reactive, instinctive and intuitive being. Human behavior is determined entirely by the interaction " competition, cooperation, coordination, between his various instincts, which are genetically determined neural mechanisms provided by evolution for behavioral guidance. Therefore, an adult men or woman is wired to grow as an instinctive being, if he or she is not trained for alternative intelligence, required for sanity in societal living. It is so because evolution’s ‘intelligence’ is not aimed at making a man or a woman as a good, compassionate and righteous person. Evolution didn’t come up with these packages. Evolution was designed for singular intelligence of survival. That is why our brain is designed and genetically wired for this ‘intelligence’ of association-building and identity-generation. This identity generation ensures success of a human child in the milieus he or she has to live because human body-mind make up has evolved as gregarious creatures. That is why aping, association building with prevalent and dominant identities and belief-systems of the milieus and demography has been embedded in human brain mechanism and processes as ‘Primary Intelligence’. However, this intelligence of our brain becomes the single largest causality of most of human troubles, be it at personal levels or at societal levels. This evolutionary intelligence was good for very early lives of our ancestors thousands of years back. Modern human dates back to 4 million years and science confirms that even the modern human has the original genetic design dating back to the suitability of that time period. However, as humanity evolved, history is testimony of the fact that this instinctive design of humanity brewed all troubles for human world. This design for associations installed in human behavior and action, a subconscious rigidity and dogmatism for ‘Identities’. This resulted into creation of tribes and reactionary tribal loyalty for the identity. Therefore, human history has been a sordid and bloody saga of wars between different tribes and identities. Modern scientists warn that this tribal instinct is still very much alive and kicking in modern human and human world. In fact, the new millennium of 21st century has witnessed the revival of identity instincts and contemporary global crisis has this very powerful degenerative and regressive reversal to ‘ethnicity’ conflict and cooperation, pushing the world into another crisis. The two calamitous world wars of humanity also had their seeds in this tribal instinct of identity. This identity instinct and ethnicity-loyalty is singular major insanity-point for average man and woman at individual and personal level too. As we have talked earlier, humanity has come a long way since 4 million years back, when our tribal instincts ruled us and made life-living succeed. This age-old instinct is now regressive and degenerative. This primary ‘intelligence’ of 4 million years back is singular calamitous ‘stupidity’ in 21st century world. Our regressive and degenerative tribal instinct of rigidity and dogmatism of ‘Identity’ is surely leading us to extinction. This is evident and overly manifested everywhere " society, culture, politics, economy, markets and even family relationships. This is the biggest ‘unlearning’ challenge for humanity. Humanity at collective levels have always been blind to these realities and remain so. Earlier humanity could probably be forgiven for pushing fellow humans into miseries of war and distress as they were not aware of the scientific facts about human nature and functioning of human mind consciousness. However, contemporary humanity cannot be pardoned for continuing to ape and even augment the same age-old regressive and degenerative stupidities and insanities. But the fact remains that given the attitude of contemporary societal, cultural and political leadership and the complex state of international economics, it seems impossible that sanity can ever have any possibility in modern world. Therefore, sanity is possible only at personal levels and individualistic domain. It is human design and also innate need to connect with all elements outside in the milieus. The very innate process of association building is for the crucial need to express one’s connect with all elements within and outside, as a child grows into adulthood. In broad terms an individual’s journey to maturity requires this essential liberty to establish association and connect with all elements in the milieus to express his personality, feelings, beliefs and perspectives. Liberty means this freedom of every person to express himself or herself. However, we know that this liberty is a contextual reality. It is because, an individual’s growth and evolving into adulthood happens in society, culture and a political-economic system. Liberty of an individual therefore is contextual to society and other collectivities and it means, an individual’s liberty is always conditional to some reasonable restrictions and authoritative collective norms and rules. Naturally, liberty of a person, the rights of an individual to grow in expression of his or her associations and connects with elements in milieus are always competitive and restrictive. This creates a struggle, which in turn encourages reactionary and instinctive energies, leading to augmented probabilities of hypocrisies and insanity. It is a precarious dualism, which needs to be resolved for personal sanity. An individual’s expression of his or her ‘I’ or self is meaningful and of a utility and worth only when it is associated and connected with collective spaces like society, culture, markets, nations, etc where billions of other individuals are out vying for the same. It has no meaning if a person opts to leave human world and live in a jungle alone. He or she has 100 percent liberty and zero percent competition but also no association and connect. This happens only in human world of society and cultures. An individual has meaning, utility and worth only in collective spaces and all his or her troubles and conflicts also come from this same realism. A person needs collective spaces for growth, evolving and validation of ‘I’ or self and this itself stands out as most powerful causality of most of his or her 3Cs " Conflicts, Chaos and Confusion. An individual shall keep struggling for his or her liberty and freedom to have his or her own way of shaping reality for his or her life-living and as there shall always be many times more people already, vying fiercely to have their own respective liberties to prevail, struggling to install their own or even antagonistic realities. This causality of struggle and battle for liberties instigate the animalistic tribal instincts in humans and in turn unleash huge loads of stress and conflicts. This is perfect causality for impossibility of sanity. It is only natural and amply clear that personal sanity can be attained only when an individual comes out of this causality " this dualistic contextuality and relativism between individual and society. Does this mean that a person shall have to abandon all his liberties in favor of society? No, certainly not. All he or she has to do is to accept the holism, understand and accept this dualism and suitably condition his consciousness towards this contextual reality. As a person sees and understands this causality between him or her and the collective spaces, he or she shall not fall in the trap of reactionary and instinctive anger and frustration. Rather, he or she shall grow more receptive, skillful and objectively accustomed to the inbuilt conflict. He or she shall become more compassionate towards ‘others’ and that alone has the potential to install lasting sanity. This is what we have to do for personal sanity. We have two ways out of this trap of duality " 1. First step is to ‘unlearn’ this insistence of seeking expression of liberty in calamitously competitive collective spaces and instead, learn the artistry of expression and communication of ‘I’ or self in personal and other non-competitive space. 2. Secondly and more importantly, allow the intelligence of holism to paint one’s consciousness and this shall ensure that an individual’s expression of liberty in collective spaces is more compassionate and less passionate. There is no need to curtail or abandon any of one’s liberty and freedom. All we have to do is to change the cognition and do it with a compassionate consciousness, understanding and accepting that the collective spaces are too heavily crowded and liberties are constricted for expression. This cognitive change of acceptance of individual liberty with more compassion and lessened passion shall lead to larger sanity prospect. It has to be admitted here that this all may seem easy at theoretical level but hugely tough to practice. It is primarily because an adult has had this populist and prolonged mind-training to be ‘passionate’ about his identities, liberties, belief-systems, life goals, etc. and be ‘intuitively crafty’ in facing competition head on and maneuver his or her way out of the crowd to shine alone as a pole star. This is basic and bare hypocrisy that humans relish and then expect sanity, system and order in the society! How? It is because an individual needs the collective spaces for his or her very growth and journey to adulthood. It is in society and culture that he or she finds meaning and validity of his or her liberty. A child cannot reach to happy and poised adulthood if society as a whole is not compassionate about his or her individual liberties. However, when an individual grows to adulthood, he or she passionately manipulates this very society and culture to seek individualistic and personal attainments and expression of his or her ‘I’ or self. If the adult is not paying back to society in the same compassion-coin, it is biggest stupidity-hypocrisy and definitive road to insanity. In passion driven milieus, the situation has gone worse. It is this passionate individualism that has created this contemporary calamitous reality of ‘5 Percent’ having income and wealth more than that of the rest of ‘95 Percent’. The compassion-deficit society and cultures have become so competitive and individualistically so rigid and dogmatic about passionate individual goals and attainments of life that a growing up child is not getting the desirable compassion from the collective space at the first instance. This itself infuses conflict and competitiveness in an adult. It is only natural that this compassion-deficit adult shall not be innately inclined to pay any amount of compassion back into the system of collective spaces. This shall augment and embolden the cyclicality of causality of more brutal and passion-driven competitiveness and conflict in human world as well as in individuals. This is perfect recipe for hypocrisies and insanity. This we have to come out of, if we wish to extend any reasonable chance to personal sanity in contemporary world. The first step of course is to understand this causality of conflict between individual and society and other collective spaces and design small but compassionate steps to stay away from this passion-driven reactionary and hypocritical causality. Secondly, an individual has to look for a probable pattern of interaction with collective spaces, which allows less competitive field of operation to personal liberty. Thirdly, an individual also has to make suitable enterprise to seek utility and value in such self-expressions which are more internal and personal, not requiring validation from collective spaces. It may seem tough but only because we see and accept things from our current and contemporary mind training and cognition. There are enough such spaces and many young people are already into it. All it may take is compassionate acceptance of alternative cognition of utilities, value and worth of other non-conventional and non-conformist parts of Reality, which constitute the holism of worldview. For example, we all know how in the last 60-70 years, there has been a mad rush of people towards urban spaces from rural landscapes. In popular perception, good life has come to be solely associated with urban and metropolis living. There is a decisive movement of people towards cities and it has created such complexities and competitiveness in urban life-living, which is becoming seed content of most chaos and conflicts in average life-living. It is such a tragedy that average person does not understand that even while in popular perception it may seem that the world lives in town and cities, the reality is that the entire urban landscape is only less than one percent of the total global land. The trouble is that this less than one percent urban land accommodates over 54 percent of global population. On the other hand, rural lands with different farming and non-farming potentials occupy around 40 percent of global land but homes only less than 50 percent of global population. Then, there are forest lands that occupy 30 percent of global land but even small tribal population in forested regions are being fast removed. The scary detail, which is so apparent yet neglected by most of us is that things were not in such a mess only a century back. Humanity was primarily a rural living reality with urbanized living less than 10 percent. In the second half of 20th century, humanity created its own trouble by clustering most economic activities and facilities in handful of urban centers. That was probably not enough of a stupidity so, humanity ensured that rural areas got gradually neglected and dilapidated so that urban life-living could get cheap labor force. The contemporary human life-living is in such disaster that globally, especially in developing world of China and India, thousands of villages have been completely deserted and even developed countries like most European nations have villages where little sustainable activities are taking place. In only last 50 years, humanity has destroyed completely the cradle of its own civilization by making rural landscape unviable and unsustainable. This in turn is impacting the sanity and system of urban spaces, which have emerged as the only spaces where life-living could be sustained. It is easily imaginable as what is the state of life-living in most urban spaces when the reality remains that over 50 percent of global population live in less than one percent of global land. And, the remaining half of the global population not in urban space is trapped in a landscape, which has become unsustainable. It is not that global think tanks and intellectuals are not pointing out to these huge anomalies in contemporary civilized life-living but the fact remains that majority of people do not see and accept this insanity as they have this populist mindsets and cognition to blindly and madly follow what looks like the ‘smart’ thing, everyone is doing! There is some thinking at political levels in some developed countries to correct this huge anomaly but it is doubtful whether any meaningful step shall ever be taken. However, good news is that some aware and conscious young men and women have understood this modern trap and working their way out to sustainable life-living in rural landscapes. This is a pointer to the fact that only personal sanity and individualistic enterprise is the possibility in contemporary state of insanity. Another big trap situation and huge anomaly, which is major causality of contemporary human insanity and hypocrisy is in global economic and financial systems. Like the urban-rural hypocrisy, the economic and financial ecosystems are living wildly and madly with stark stupidities, despite warning emanating from the ecosystems itself as well as from experts, who see the root of trouble. Post Second World War, the shaken up humanity desperately sought a global order, which worked out a political and economic model for the world to avoid any such calamitous probability like the two world wars. The human and other costs of the two world wars were so colossal that humanity, especially the intellectuals and leaderships of the world sat together to work out global system of sanity in the years to come. Liberalism, open trade, free market economy, anti-imperialism, disarmament and international dialogues were accepted as the singular and common creed for all nations of the world to follow. In next few years, things were also started in the right note. However, it is common knowledge how everything lost its fizz and national identity, national interest and supremacy politics once again led humanity to the same old and oft-trodden road to major conflicts, wars and armament. Not only politics failed, the global economic sanity was also shattered with politics deciding to disrespect all sanity principles of peace and order. The post world wars resolve of free trade, cooperation and sharing of resource and expertise were thrown to the winds. The powerful and disastrous element of nationalism, identities and narrow-wallism of domestic growth superseded the compassionate and idealistic imagery of global wellness and altruistic sustainable growth for all humanity, across nation-state boundaries. So, manufacturing boom and technological upsurge in countries created trade war conflicts. Global trade redesigned the old fashioned imperialism and global finances worked overtime like national armies to churn the world into domination triggered international relationship. Strategic interests and geopolitics were redesigned to remodel and de-contextualize human slavery and human deprivation into novel terminologies of international monetary mechanism and finances. Disarmament was gradually and conveniently forgotten and rather, diplomatic artistries were honed up to ensure perpetual strife-zones across globe to keep afloat the lucrative money-minting arms bazaar. And where humanity has reached! Latest world inequality report tells it all as how humanity has failed big time in ensuring wellness for all. The model of polity and economy has miserably failed in ensuring equitable growth and distribution of incomes and wealth. Contemporary reality of a handful of billionaires pocketing massive majority of wealth and incomes, leaving over 90 percent of human population struggling for a descent life-living is the perfect picture of human insanity in the post world war era. It is definitively hugely contrary to the dream and aspiration of humanity in middle of 20th century of a world order, which could have ensured reasonable parity in life-living essentials. There is almost a common hypocrisy globally and there is little initiative to do away with it. From the available knowledge of human body-mind mechanism and processes, it is evident to all that the worst enemy of human wellness and excellence is STRESS " Physical as well as Mental. The pollution in milieus, cluttered unnatural living, precarious work cultures, unhealthy and suicidal lifestyle choices, tainted and imbalanced food, complex life-living, stressed relationships, insecurities, conflicts, confusion, anxieties, etc. They are mostly the outcome of the personal, societal, political and economic choices the humanity has made and continues to plunge deeper into the malady every day. This central issue is not being addressed by the contemporary intellect of humanity. If scientific studies confirm that global wellness levels has not enhanced post second world war in nearly 75 years, as wellness is a function of many tangible and intangible elements, then what is the good news behind all that obsession with economic growth and technological advancement? In fact, it may well be accepted that probably this very contemporary model of economic growth and technological advancement have unleashed such entropic energies in human life-living that it has nullified and zeroed whatever gains growth-story could muster up in the last century. This may be debatable as there is no definitive global data or deep study that could prove it. Still, this much we all can see and say that the very innocuous and simple question, ‘Are You Happy’, has come to stay as so much complex and complicated one that the ‘Conflict and Confusion’ over this question itself and its answer has soared sky high! This conflict and confusion has evolved so fast and deep " laterally and vertically that it has come to stay as defining emotion or state of mind of average human in contemporary world. It is definitely contrary to the very core notion of ‘growth’ and development. With time, as a natural progression, human knowledge and wisdom increases and with enhancement of collective human knowledge comes growing clarity, objectivity, linearity of perceptions and most importantly, a confidence in average person that he or she lives in a world that has the intellect to ensure his or her wellness. But it seems, the reverse has happened with passage of time. The level of conflict and confusion has enhanced. Much of it can safely be ascribed to growing volatility and hypocrisies in political and economic domains. Science has also added its own quota of confusion and conflict, instead of removing them as what reaches average person is pseudo science and not the pure science. Human life-living is most powerful continuity of the universe. Humanity has survived and prospered, despite all odds and challenges that often threatened to mitigate it. This happened primarily because average human mind consciousness has firm and archetypal belief in continuity. This continuity comes from his or her linkages with past and associated hopes of betterment in future. Everything from religion to culture and from family to society have been designed on the basis of this strong and ingrained belief in his or her continuity in life and even after life. This continuity is the singular most powerful support system for sanity of average man and woman. It is still debatable, because of lack of sufficient data, yet seems sufficiently perceptible that there is loads of confusion and conflict in contemporary milieus and life-living that has eroded or we may say, eroding the Sanity of Continuity for average person. It is for everyone to see and accept that most of humans have this populist perception and belief that contemporary politics and economy has solutions for whatever problems and troubles it has in his or her life-living. In contemporary world, average person’s linkages, dependence and adherence to politics and economy has increased, compared to 20th century life-living, when it was norm to look for solutions in personal, familial and societal spaces. This itself is a huge shift from somehow more compassionate and less competitive spaces to a hugely competitive and least compassionate domain. This shift is telling on the sanity of individuals as it has shaken up the core comfort of continuity in life-living as both politics and economy are majorly instable and discontinuous landscape compared to family, relationships and society. Though there is insufficient data to have any definitive linkages between suicides and this contemporary world shift in ‘linkages/dependence’ of average person, we can clearly see how trends suggest this is no impossibility. As per the world health organization (WHO) report, close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one life lost every 40 second. More calamitous fact is that, as per WHO, for each adult who died by suicide, there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide. Interesting is the fact that suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally. Moreover, around 80 percent of all suicides occurred in low and middle-income countries in 2016. Experts do admit that suicides rates have increased sharply and prime reason is growing stress but it is still difficult to detail the specificities of suicide. However there are enough indicators. It is estimated that suicide rates may have increased around 30 percent in just last 20 years. It is also known that suicide rates are considerably high among males, especially in higher income countries. All these hint at the pattern, we have mentioned in above paragraphs. It is accepted that men have more ‘linkages-adherence-dependence’ on polity and economy compared to women, who are known to have deeper and more stabilized ‘linkages-adherence-dependence’ on family and society. Also, suicide being second largest killer in 15-29 age group also points at the possibility that this age group have more augmented and predominant ‘continuity-deficit’ and insecurity about their future. They also may be accepted as a section of population having more ‘linkages-adherence-dependence’ with polity-economy than family-society. The very fact of sharp rise of suicides in most societies, irrespective of economic status is also effectively points out at a possibility that there probably is some ‘critical shift’ in the traditional support systems that average person had in the past. We do not have enough data support and history of suicides over the decades and therefore, specificity is missing but probabilities do point out to a probable change in some critical element that is disturbing some old and traditional sanity. This same fact can be said about depression, which is also rising fast across the globe and is definitely linked with suicides and other entropic behavior. There is now reasonably sufficient data about the crisis of depression in contemporary life-living. As we have mentioned earlier, experts do tell us that there is sound tangible aspects of the growing menace of depression. It is estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost global economy US$ 1 trillion each year. If the troubles like suicide, depression and many more human incapacitations have grown to such huge magnitude, it needs to be accepted that globally, things are not precisely well. There are tangible causes of such troubles and humanity and its mightily intelligent leadership cannot say this all is merely personal crisis. We are not intending to go into detail of this possibility of linking major human troubles to polity and economy. This is also not possible for an individual to do just by assessing available data. It requires global studies and detailed scientific researches to arrive at any definitive conclusion. What we intend to do here is just be aware about this majorly critical possibility. For this eBook, we are just inclined to accept it as a hypothesis that contemporary global scenario very potently hints at the possibility that most contemporary human troubles have linkages with the way current day polity and economy have shaped up in the last 50 years and how they handle their assigned task for human wellness. This hypothesis is being accepted to enlist the need for a cognitive change in the way an individual associates himself or herself with polity and economy in contemporary times. This hypothesis also works for an individual to allow the energy of skepticism to revisit his or her current linkages with polity and economy for his or her personal sanity, wellness, order and poise. Moreover, this hypothesis also seeks to alarm an individual to reassess and revisit his or her personal connect and context with family and society. There is this perspective to test the validity that probably, there is an urgent requirement of course-correction by an individual about how he or she relates and associates with family and society on one hand and polity and economy on other hand. It is also about how there happens a cognitive change in these associations, so that an individual himself or herself gets to assess what is better option for his or her sanity and wellness. We have just hypothesized and presented a probability of causality. **
Stupidity About Good Life And Happiness
Every system has singular, basic and broad mechanism and process. That is an ‘Input-Output’ causality. This is fundamental economics that is the core critical operative principle of all systems. There is a ‘Demand’ side that may well be deemed as energy of initiation of an enterprise and very naturally, it engenders a causality of ‘Supply’ side. Most systems work on the demand-supply causality. The causalities may be complex or simple but there shall always be some ‘Cyclicality’ between the two elements of demand and supply. We all know this simple economics. We just need to extend it in its holism in all aspects of life-living. When we talk about good life and happiness of life-living, it is crucial to understand this Cyclicality of Causality of demand-supply as most stupidities and hypocrisies of an individual as well as the humanity in general emanate out of that. Global stupidities and hypocrisies are seeded, nurtured and idolized in this domain of life-living economics. Interestingly enough, in this economics lies the seed of happiness too! We all know by our own experience that any system that is more complex and diverse shall naturally have better optimality and excellence. However, more complex a system becomes, higher is its entropy. It is all about how simple and less stressed is a system that shall ensure less chances of it going awry. This has a simple rule " if there is higher demand on the system for performance and productivity, there shall be more complexities involved to ensure the quantity and quality of supply. Naturally, high system demand puts pressure on supply requisites, requiring systems to gradually grow complex and diversified. This in turn shall generate innate and entrenched propensities for entropy. We also very well know and accept how every system in our milieus have become hugely complex, diversified and multi-faceted because of high demand pressure for supplies. Thanks to the unmanageable population and its demands for ‘Good Life’. Naturally, most systems are stressed and this innately unleashes entropic elements of 3Cs " Confusion, Conflict and Chaos. All human systems, be it personal, familial, societal, cultural, political, economic or spiritual; has now become complex and stressed because of over-performance and higher optimality. This is because of ever-enhancing demand pressure, requiring increased supply optimality. Over the years, the human world is facing a calamitous dualism. The technologies of the systems have improved massively on the one hand but on the other, human mediocrity has increased too, because, the quality of education and training, which is required for excellence in the new ‘high-performance’ systems have gone down considerably. Naturally, most systems have now enhanced propensities of higher entropies. Moreover, the entropy has to increase proportionately as system excellence for enhanced performance goes up beyond a certain point of criticality. As is common in most system, there always are planned backups and support systems for higher optimality of performance but very few systems have strong structures with functional excellence to restore and rehabilitate the destabilizations and diastrophic situations caused by compounding entropy. The result is short-term gain at the cost of extinction of system itself. The best example is the environmental degradation in contemporary world. We can understand these aspects by carefully and patiently looking at our own body-mind system. We are wired for a reactionary consciousness that is guided primarily by reward and punishment sentiments. We always wish to feel rewarded and avoid punishment. This is simple demand-supply economics. Our wishes are demands on our body-mind system and if we are supplied with optimal quantity and quality of what we wished, we feel rewarded and happy. If the supplies are not commensurate, we feel punished and irritated. A child is usually happy because his or her demands are simple and few. However, deny a toy demand to a kid and he or she shall be instantly irritated. This reward-punishment causality or what we can accept as demand-supply relationship is cardinal to our general wellness; we are designed this way. This becomes more complex and varied as we grow and mature. Our demands get diversified and complex and it is only natural that in a physical milieu, where humans have become many many times more than what our dwindling resources can support, there is always huge competitiveness for supply availability. The growing gap in demand and supply is bound to enhance system entropy and hence our growing irritation and conflicts. This situation is worsened beyond control when resource-inequality peaks’ like in contemporary world. When 5 percent people monopolize 95 percent of moneys and wealth, calamity is inevitable. This shall lead to finality of extinction of human system itself. Scientists have been studying the very disastrous entropic symptoms of depression in global population, irrespective of geography. It is believed that over 75 percent of global population are or have been in and out of either short-term or long-term depression. Science maintains that depression is basic entropic symptom of a stressed system, where the demand side has been putting pressure on disproportionate supplies. This ‘gap’ may be cognitive but it matters as for most practical purpose, ‘Perception Is Reality’ for a subjective self. In researches, it has been found that most lonely and depressed people complained that they loved and cared people but they were not getting back the same. It is a deficit, which may well be real but often, its perception is also disproportionate! This subject has been dealt with in detail in author’s eBook, ‘Be Lonely, Be Your Best’, available for unrestricted download, like all 40 eBooks of the author. The ancient spiritual system in Oriental world stressed on simple and minimalist living so that there is less pressure on demand side and therefore, less propensity of consciousness for entropic feelings, assuming that supply side is always less than demand. In Yogic philosophy there is detailed explanation of mechanisms to describe how demand-supply gap is the core trouble for human consciousness and therefore, every person and society in general must have demand-moderation. The modern psychological perspective also mentions about the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle to have better poise and sanity in personal and well as societal life and living. The ‘minimalist’ approach to life-living is also a pop trend. However, we in the new millennium have to be more aware and better endowed to handle this all. We surely do not accept to stand in ‘deniability’ of the cardinal principle of an enterprise " that is maximization-optimization of proceeds of labor and investment. As a conscious person, we surely do not have to accept the classical position that ‘A System Low in Demand is the Best Option’. Why? Because, our proposition is optimization of wellness and there cannot be optimization if we insist on ‘Low Demand’ causality of our life-living enterprise. We would rather work out a holistic model of ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ that weighs up and factors in every possible element and design and devise such a model of communication to our consciousness that shall be all-weather optimization mechanism. We would rather accept ‘Demand-Supply-Sanity’ and discretionary control over all production processes of the system, instead of a perpetual ‘Low-Demand’ system. We have already talked about how not only our body-mind system, consciousness and milieus but every system out there is a randomized reality. Our body-mind homeostasis is always in different capacities, the milieus we live in may stand sometimes in our favor and sometimes against us and we cannot do much about it. Also, our consciousness may also be in different states. Therefore, what our conscious self shall do is first assess what is the current status of our body-mind system? How much demand pressure it can safely accept? How is the current milieus, suitable or not for a particular demand? Also, how are the elements that affect or shape up supplies? Are they favorable or not? The simple plan is to have a very aware and consciously logical and objective assessment of all possible elements that form the ‘Causality’ of a systemic process. If things are favorable for system optimality, it shall be stupid of us to opt for ‘Low Demand’. That itself have entropic outcome on our consciousness. Therefore, what we are proposing is that we need to be very aware to assess with high objectivity and logicality the system-readiness and then suitably decide what to communicate to our consciousness so that we could attain the best possible optimum output. For example, suppose I have a close friend with whom I am having troubles. I am feeling offended and even outraged at times because I feel that he is not understanding and accepting my viewpoint and position. Also, I feel he is being reactionary and unnecessarily critical of my behavior-action for him. There may well be other conflicting issues between me and him. So, what I do? What I communicate to my conscious self so that situation could stop going to worse and amicability and understanding could be restored. This is a very common situation for most of us. We all know, vast majority of literature, be it poetry or prose, has been ascribed to this primary human causality that we often have most conflicts and confusion with those whom we love most and find closest to our lives. So, what we should do, ideally? This is the situation, where troubles start and deepen because very often, close relationships and their interactions become a routine of our subconscious selves and they get carried out without we seldom consciously assessing them and presiding over their optimality questions. What we need to do is apply the principles we have discussed so far. That we list here step by step. The first thing to do is to sit back, relax and ensure that consciously, you segregate two layers of your consciousness. You summon your ‘subconscious’ to stand a trial but not before you ensure that your ‘conscious’ self is in the mode of an objective, logical and impartial ‘Judge’. This we ensure by ensuring that we have practiced enough hours of relaxed, calmed and inward reflections. The simple idea is that we realize that there were troubles in relationships because our subconscious brain states went on judging things from a ‘Media’ that probably engendered ‘inappropriate’ communication. So, we consciously change the ‘Media’ to alter and then present a fresh communication. How we do it. We all know our neural plexus fires (connects to other neuron) in different frequencies and at the root of all our thoughts, emotions and subconscious attitude is this neural communication. Somehow, these neural firings are auto-process ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ structures. They decide our internal thought-emotion milieu without we ever consciously being aware. The neural electrical pulses have different frequencies depending on the levels of activity the body-brain has to do. So usually, when relationships issues confront me, my subconscious mind naturally becomes over-active; a precedent of ‘reactionary milieu’ already being there, beta waves take over, deciding my behavior and emotions. So, very consciously, I have to relax and stabilize myself to ensure that I am in conscious mind state where my brain waves are in lower Theta or Delta frequencies. These frequencies are non-reactive, receptive, analytical and amenable to reflective mode. This brain wave change comes through calm and consciously thoughtful process, which we may call meditation but it is just a conscious choice. Secondly, when I ensure that I am in an ideal internal milieu, where my body-brain ‘Media’ is suitable for a reflective and analytical behavior, I begin with me and use a logical communication with my subconscious self, asking tough questions, whether my own behavior and actions are true, right and appropriate towards the person I have trouble with? This is never easy as always, subconscious self is prompt and prejudiced to present an advocacy and witnesses for ‘Self-Acquittal’. Therefore, ideally, I have to rely on a witness that is another objective person, who has seen me communicating with the person I have troubles with. Then, after I have got sense of what probably I am doing wrong, I communicate with my subconscious self to suitably alter it next time onwards. I also practice this resolve many times so that new communication to my subconscious state is deep and thick. After that, I begin to assess whether the current physical, psychological and emotional milieu between me and that person I have troubles with is entropic or facilitative. We all know, between two people in relationship, there is an intangible psychological and emotional milieu that keeps changing in time and space. Our subconscious however does not always update these changes and seldom alters the behavior-action suitably. This only our conscious self can do for us. Therefore, I very logically and with high conscious content of compassion in my internal emotional space, assess the current psychological and emotional milieu between me and that person. This is the ‘media’ and if the media is entropic, it is only natural that my communication with him is also embedded with confusion, conflict and chaos. Apart from this media, there is another dimension to the media, which is the internal psychological and emotional subconscious state of the person I have troubles with. I also have to very objectively and compassionately assess whether that person is settled in his life-living situations or is he going through some troubles " physically, psychologically and emotionally. After conscious assessments of all possible ‘Causalities’ that stand between me and that person, I accept a situation logically and objectively about how is the current ‘Media’ around and between me and him and then suitably decide on an altered ‘Communication’ that shall help restore amicability and poise with him. This is simple Homeostasis challenge and requirement of an Allostatic process to restore equilibrium. So, I may decide and suitably communicate to my subconscious mind that the current media between me and him is already entropic and as nothing concrete can be done in immediate time and space, I should consciously lower the ‘Level of Engagement’ with the person I have troubles with and wait compassionately for a time and space when the entropy level comes down and the milieu is right for engagement of fresh communication. This communication I shall repeat to my subconscious mind time and again in different ways of language, emotions and thoughtfulness so that my subconscious is communicated well about my new realism. This is a broad way we have discussed here. Every person may decide on different modes of this process but the core idea is to have conscious awareness of all possible ‘Causalities’ about the current ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ so that an altered new communication could be consciously and successfully launched to attain optimal wellness and excellence in our life-living. There is definitely no fixed position about a preferred choice of ‘Media’. There is always ‘suitability’ factor. A reactionary media is equally useful as is a thoughtful and relaxed media. It depends on task at hand. Similarly, it is not that entropy-expansive media is always bad and entropy-suppressive media is always good. If I have to take a decision about a key issue in life that requires definitive action, I have to rely on entropy-suppressive media because my decision must be logical and objective. However, if I am in love or I require to show my compassionate self or experience higher epiphany virtualism, I sure need to call upon my entropy-expansive media to lead my conscious communication. It must be kept in mind that an empowered person shall practice consistently to swiftly and effectively switch over from one media to another. That requires repeated practice of differentiated communication in different suitability. However, in the ultimate analysis, we can say with definitive assurance that ideal it is to have a poise and equilibrium between demand and supply of our consciousness system but, this is tough in contemporary milieus. Therefore, it seems advisable that we consciously remain in a consciousness system that is relatively ‘Low In Demand’ or to say in other words, ‘more on the lower end of demands’, so that our system as well as milieus are not stressed. It is for every individual to consciously assess and decide what it takes to have a ‘Low In Demand’ system. It is discretionary as different persons can have different capacity for systemic stress. Also, equally crucial aspect of system-sanity, which classical spiritualism has insisted and detailed in length, is the idea of ‘Self-Supply’. Thousands of years back, it was realized by humanity, which modern science confirms, that ‘Nothing Exists Outside Self And Nothing Outside Self Has Any Meaning, Utility And Worth’. This suggests, when this very conscious self, the ‘Aware-I’ has all elements of utility and worth, it is the best supplier of most happiness and wellness cognitions. Therefore, the higher consciousness has the task of not only opting for a conscious system ‘Low In Demand’ but also ‘Be The Supply’. Here comes the role of cognitive changes. Here comes the utility of the artistry of music, dance and artfulness. Here comes the worth of love and compassion in hearts. They all help in ‘Be The Supply’ artistry of consciousness. Now, there is another idea " an aspect of media and communication, which is tough to explain and tougher to understand. This is what may be termed as Optimality of Specificity. What we mean by optimality of specificity relates to two aspects of media and communication. First, there has to be clarity and exactness (specificity) in conscious selection of right and appropriate media for specific communication. So, if I have to arrive at a conclusion about a decision in my life, which requires logic and reason, I have to ensure that my media or other person’s media, to whom I have to communicate, is equally attuned to logicality and reason. Therefore, if I am emotionally unsettled at any point of life and I am trying to reason out a decision, requiring objectivity, logic and reason, I am bound to fail as there is apparent conflict and contradiction between my media and communication because of missing specificity (exactness). Secondly, the communication itself needs to have clarity and exactness. Even if my media is in sync with mood and modality of my communication to my consciousness, if I am not inputting exact and pinpointed communication to the media, I shall only get abstracted and confused output. This exactness of communication is tough task. It has got to do with how we have learnt our languages with good depth and command, how from early childhood we have managed our emotions well and how we have managed our thoughtfulness to exact needs. Globally, there seems a common trend everywhere that communication clarity and exactness has been eroded and there is growing abstractness and waywardness in communication " both internal as well as external. Much of the blame for this muddled up communication exactness goes to emotional instabilities of average person and little practice of self-introspection. Average person in contemporary cultures and milieus has lost touch with the brilliant human ability and artistry of ‘self-dialogue’. In ancient Oriental spiritual traditions, there is great stress on continuous and persevered self-investigation and self-enquiry. These are essentially aimed at honing the skills of communication with self. To make the idea of optimality of specificity in communication clear and also to emphasize its importance in life-living wellness and success, I share a true story with you. Few months back, a dear friend of mine shared with me an idea and he insisted that I do research on this issue. The issue was that in his long list of acquaintances, friends and relatives, there were large numbers of families that had only single child, be it a girl or boy. There was a growing feeling among them that there single grown up offspring did not seem sensitive enough towards their emotional and other needs and therefore, there is a common overriding wish that these families must work together to evolve and create a support structure in coming years so that they are independent and self-sufficient in their old age. My dear friend wanted me to do a research on what’s going on around the world and how we can go about it. Not to my amazement, I found a clear global trend and commonality of causality, when I researched over this issue. Almost in most developed country, there is around 10-15 percent families with single offspring and globally, there was a fast emerging complaint among many families, be it with single child or many children that the parents felt a growing gap between them and their offspring. There were common emotional issues and conflicts of assumptions were on both sides. I wish to share my findings that may help us understand how critical the issue of exactness of ‘communication’ is. First, there was no clarity on both sides about the specificity (exactness) of the trouble between parents and the offspring. Rather, the entire stress factor between the two had very abstracted situation and acceptance. Is there a dignity issue at hand? Are offspring treating parents badly? Are they abusive? The research seems to suggest, there is no definitiveness to it. For example, an old lady living alone complained that she was very upset with her daughter because when she came to her house on a vacation or otherwise, the daughter would check her food packets and confront her mother as why she was eating this and why she was still stacking the spices that were well past expiry date, etc. The old mother felt this as intrusive behavior and though she may not take it as a ‘dignity’ issue, she still was ruffled up by her daughter entering her space and trying to order her. The daughter on the other side felt she was doing the right things as she was concerned about her mother’s wellbeing. Now, there is no data available as which way she was telling her mother about what she was telling. There are innumerable such examples where both parents and offspring would stand to appear as both are right and genuine in their feelings, yet, trouble pervaded their relationships. So, broadly, what is the specificity-trouble in this issue of parent-offspring communication crisis? It is very clear, if we see the broad picture. The primary issue is that two people are having a crisis in relationship, where the root of trouble is that there is a gap of ‘perceptions’. Only in few rare cases, there is an element of dignity as abusive behavior between two are not the rule. The majority cases have communication collapse or abstraction. The parents are probably not receiving the perception and perspective of offspring and the vice-versa. Both sides have right and wrong in their perceptions and perspectives. Usually, both sides have the problem of gap between ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’, which we have discussed earlier. Like, children are not sensitive to the reality that parents may not be logical about their right and true wellness concerns towards them as they may be emotionally instable. The parents may also be insensitive to the fact that the grown up child has moved away and may have his or her own emotional crisis about how he or she can handle parents’ safety and wellness. May be, both sides have emotional ‘Media’ and they are attempting a ‘Logical’ communication through it and naturally, abstractions creep in and specificity (exactness) is missing by huge margins. So, what is the trouble? The trouble is; the specificity or exactness of the situation demands that both sides sit together and discuss ways to improve communication and weed out elements of distrust and abstraction about it between them. However, what parents are doing is focusing on how to get rid of this crisis by devising a ‘disconnect’. They are not focusing on root of trouble but the inverse of it by planning to be ‘independent’ of offspring. The offspring are also not focusing on how to alter communication so that their concerns of safety and distant-care perspectives are understood in right spirit by parents. Rather, they are also planning to fill in more vacuum with their parents by ‘providing’ but not ‘intervening’. So, the outcome is growing gap between the two sides. The same situation happens with internal communication within an individual too. I must share with you a classical example of this conscious-subconscious gap and conflict, which is global in nature and intent. This shall help understand why specificity or exactness is so critical in media and communication optimality. It is widely accepted by most scientific thinking that working actionable structure of brain states is subconscious layer. The conscious states may opt for a decision but it is only intangible. The decision in mind always has to be converted into definitive action and for that only the subconscious has tangible structures. Therefore, there must be very specific linearity between conscious and subconscious about a situation. If not, abstractions shall creep in and hypocrisies shall usurp domain. This is primary reason that globally, average person shall almost always mouth good and lofty ideals and words. This happens because in almost all cultures, goodness and righteousness is common. Therefore, it is always easy and prompt for anyone to think right and mouth most appropriate words. However, most people shall seldom do the same good and right thing. That is why ‘hypocrisy’ is the greatest malaise of human world. Our conscious self shall usually think great things but as it seldom is made to stand in sync and symmetry with subconscious, which carries the commensurate ‘action’, most of us seldom carry out the same and exact righteousness that we think. Hypocrisy is entropic situation of conscious-subconscious gap. Globally, we have witnessed that in most nations, there is a gap between what the political leadership ‘thinks’ and what bureaucracy ‘carries’. The visions or righteous ‘intent’ of ‘decision-makers’ or law-makers are usually good and right. The policy-frameworks are usually not wrong and bad as they are guided by constitutions of nations. However, only the bureaucracy can carry this intent into actionable work. There is clear divide between two pillars of governance. It is very rare that decision-makers take into full confidence the bureaucracy and it is equally rare that bureaucracy stand in full cooperation with law-makers. Also, bureaucracy usually has high levels of mediocrity for any good to be delivered in optimal excellence. This is akin to gap between conscious and subconscious " the ‘thinking’ and ‘acting’ layers seldom being on one page. Naturally, most nations, especially developing nations have low optimality of their governance systems. In contemporary times, it is rather tragic that politicians and bureaucracy has even come to open fights and abuses. The level of distrust and anger against each other is calamitously high. This crisis of governance has been widely documented by intellectuals of society time and again but still, no concrete measures are taken by governments to work on improved symmetry and synergy between two key layers of governance. Therefore, the primary specificity (exactness) is to have both our subconscious and conscious in singular and present linearity. This ensures that entire consciousness system is in singular media to receive and execute appropriate communication. This requires practice. In contemporary world of fast paced life and multi-tasking demands, often, two domains of consciousness are usually in competing and conflicting platforms. Secondly, be very aware of the character of communication so that an appropriate media is consciously chosen for it. Third, the communication itself has to be very specific, sans emotional abstractions. Lastly, the communication has to be sustained and repeated so that conscious communication is etched deeply and decisively on the subconscious structures. As we have discussed above, even as a decision for action is taken on conscious levels, it shall have to be translated to existing subconscious plexus and pathways for finality of action. That is why we earlier insisted on good practice of language, emotions and thoughts as communication tools. This ensures that subconscious already has deep pathways for exactness of our communication signals for effective recall and replication. **
Stupidity About Love And Relationship
The scientifically and logically inclined people have said it and most have gleefully admitted it that " Falling in love is a beautifully enticing trap set up by nature and human visceral wired behavioral choice is designed such a way that even this innate ‘fight and flight’ mode ingenuity does not help people in creating a ‘diversion’ from the ‘trap’…! Means; there is a definitive Game Plan of nature, which it has wired in our body-mind mechanism and what we see and accept love as, is nature’s own machination, unveiling in mystically magical ways, making most of us fall in line with its diktat. Probably, this seems to be why, the popular expression about incidence of love is " ‘To Fall In Love…!’ It is like, finally falling in the ‘trap’ and meeting the inevitability of nature’s wired realism…! Science confirms, human visceral wired behavioral choice is designed such a way that even this innate ‘Fight And Flight’ mode ingenuity does not help people in creating a ‘diversion’ from this ‘trap’ of nature. Science confirms, not only humans, but many species often compromise with their innate drive for ‘survival’, falling for the most powerful drive of intimate love. It is simply because, it seems, nature means business and it is concerned only about business of procurement " incessant reproduction…! This means, what we feel so great about and what we never fail to celebrate with all possessions of lifetime, is essentially a sort of wired or instinctive optionlessness for most humans " men or women. So, essentially, what most of us popularly accept love as is an optionless incidence of inevitability; yet we assign and align all our energies, not to ‘free’ ourselves from this ‘trap’, but enjoy and celebrate this nature’s trap! The best way to free oneself from this nature’s trap is to understand the mechanism and process of love and its incidence. Most of us however, fall for the trap, well before our consciousnesses evolve to a stage, where this desirability of understanding love installs itself in our minds. It is strange but seems very true " Love happens when body-mind dualism plays at its worst best and we are in most precarious positioning of righteous judgment. Still, humanity has evolved to ‘celebrate’ this confusion, chaos and conflict of life and living. This is populism playing at its worst best for humanity. And, this emanates from ‘erroneous’ understanding of process and mechanism of idea and reality called Love. The core idea is " Love is a passive incidence and nobody can be sure about it because, it is the way our body-mind mechanism works for us. In some weird sense, this very sense of ‘I’ is a passive incidence for most of us; though we never admit it. However, such a state of ‘I’, our consciousness, is a very calamitous proposition. This is the state, which makes us see and accept, how powerful and intense is the trap of nature, installed in us, deep inside our body and mind mechanisms. This is the situation, we need to be cautious of and recall all our conscious elements to stay warned and decisive. Love, as most of us popularly see and accept is not a celebration idea and realism. It is a trap and a trap should never be celebrated but conscious ideas must be evolved to come out of it. The situation of love, or for that matter, the situation of any other choice of life and living, must always be made consciously, with full awareness of all causalities that lead to the situation and choice. Being there as a matter of ‘conscious choice’ and as ‘trapped’ to be there are two hugely different proposition " Love always needs former but usually lands in the later situation. In any case, what humans, especially young men and women need is ‘Compassion’ and not ‘Passion’. What we all need for life-living wellness and excellence is not Love but empathy of thoughts and equanimity of consciousness. This alone makes us endowed and empowered to rise above ‘drives’ and ‘visceral traps’, to consciously choose the path of righteous options. We have little choice " We all need poise and control, never indecisive optionlessness of body and mind. Unlearning the viscerality of love to learn the artistry of conscious compassion is a must. As the wise say " ‘What we desire is what we ‘want’ but all we want, is not what we ‘need’. This is nature’s trap working within us. It has installed desires deep within us and this very potentially powerful trap is our ‘wants’. Love is some stupid ‘want’, most of us seldom ‘need’. What we need and what we should want is " compassion, equanimity, amicability and objective thoughtfulness of logical discretion. Though, this powerful and universally transcendental desire to fall in love is a sort of wired or instinctive optionlessness for most humans " men or women; love happens to be a cumulative mechanism of multiplicity of brain processes, which itself is a complex cooperative function of various brain parts. That is probably why science is yet to decipher the ‘singular code’ of incidence of love and bio-chemistry of love. Yet, there are some good scientific revelations, tumbled down after some researches, which definitively land us in better preparedness and readiness of incidence of love. We all must know it and keep into account. To know is to journey the road to empowerment. According to study conducted at Rutgers University, USA, there is a ‘factsheet’, which we all must know and factor in, in love " The study reveals: “How our brain decides, we are in love” " • 55% of the role is played by body language; this means a brain detects the activities of body movement and decides whether it has received the signals of love or not… • 38% of the decision to be in love is contributed by the voice"its tone and change in frequency… • 7% is the reaction to a lover’s statement or choice of words… How beautifully mystical yet so given to confusion and chaos; as is common in love matters! We all may be very enthusiastic about saying and listening the pair of words " ‘I Love You’, but the study shows, and we all have little trouble accepting it, that words often fail or do not matter much in love matters of hearts…! This acceptance about futility of words (Only 7% weight) also opens up the big door of confusion about love and its incidence. If 55% of love signals are wordless and only signs, there are bound to be ‘wrong-signaling’ and ‘misreading’. There is also this question as how good our brain is in ‘reading’ and ‘writing’ these wordless signs. Moreover, when even words can be used as ‘effective tools’ of deception and hypocrisy in love, how easy it can be for anyone, who wishes to fake love and master his or her craft of deception in love. Many do it, more people are mastering this ‘craft’ and we all are very careful about deception in love. If whopping 93 percent of ‘love-signs’ are without words, only ‘sight and sound’, is it not very easy for ingenious men and women to masquerade this whole economics and chemistry of love…! This however is not the end of trouble for lovers. Love is more mystical to discount any lesser troubles. According to the study by Arthur Arun, on an average, the mind of a person takes between 90 seconds to 4 minutes to determine whether it is struck by love or not. Now, we all know, our brain takes 20 minutes to register that our stomach is full and that is why we often overeat; then how can one be very sure that what his or her brain has decided in less than five minutes about love, is right? This is stupidly mystical! If we accept that 93 percent of signals that our brain depends on for judgment about ‘incidence of love’ is ‘sight & sound’ and not words, which we all are also not very good at, then we all are inclined to accept that this must be a tough task for our brains to test the validity of such ‘abstract signs’. Naturally, we imagine, such difficult judging business must take some good hours and days, if not weeks and months…! We all know that science has proved that love emotions are handled by different parts of the brain as love involves three stages " Lust, Attraction & Attachment. All three stages involve different sets of hormones and therefore are handled by different parts of our brain. Naturally, this cooperative and symmetry business of ‘well-aligned’ decision-making should ideally be a long-process, assigned some good hours, if not days and weeks…! However, what the scientific study suggests is that our brain decides this all-important ‘love question’ in less than five minutes! And, we have reasons to believe this study as we all know and accept that we all are huge ‘Mega Entrepreneurs’ in ‘judging business’. We take less than five seconds in judging people and most crucial aspects about our choices. We may not accept it but we do it very often…! Let us also know a bit about how our brain decides and arrives at what choices we make in our lives. Let us have a peek-o-boo at how our brain decides " Science says " Our brains appear wired in ways that enable us, often unconsciously, to make the best decisions possible with the information we’re given. In simplest terms, the process is organized like a Court Trial. Sights, sounds, and other sensory evidence are entered and registered in sensory circuits in the brain. Other brain cells act as the brain’s ‘jury,’ compiling and weighing each piece of evidence. When the accumulated evidence reaches a critical threshold, a judgment, a decision is made. If we accept that decision-making by our brain is like a ‘court-trail’, we then must be aware how our courts work. The core hypothesis of all judging business is " Even if hundred culprits go scot-free, an innocent must never be sentenced for culpability. This then means " Judging and decision-making about culpability is a serious thing and therefore must be assigned good amount of judicious time and space…! However, study shows, we are wired to make decisions about love matters only in less than five minutes and that too based on 93 percent such ‘evidences’, which are abstract, not tangible. This somehow points at as why ‘court-trail’ of mind decisions in love matters is not good and needs sound evidences…! Now, you decide…! And, think about the ‘judicial process’, your brain must adopt and accept for ‘delivering judgments’. Let us all be ‘good judge’ and follow golden principles of judgeship. Let there be sound and objective basis of jurisprudence in judging business. Success of love and in love is not only about individual choice. Rather, successes of love are crucial for social and all collective wellness. When love succeeds, life succeeds! Good society is made of successful lives. Love is ideally acceptable with its three elements of Mystery, Magic and Marvel. Most of us feel, if love is made to be understood with objective technicalities of science, the three ‘M’s’ of love withers away. The three ‘M’s’ land most of us in inexplicable troubles and pains of love, still, we do not wish to understand the mechanism in its objective and scientific terms, which can put us in good stead, vis-à-vis all the love troubles. This mysticism of love is what most lovers get attracted to initially. This suits the consciousness of love. This marvel of love gives the young men and women huge kicks of life. Young minds get huge thrills in journeying amidst the mist of mysticism of love as precariousness of the enterprise always has its own joy. Similar is the human desire, when it comes to religion and spiritualism. Mysticism is preferred state here too. However, this mysticism further confuses those in love and faith and this confusion in turn leads to calamitous patterns of behaviors and actions in love. The resultant pain and chaos is cyclic. Sciences may not be in a position right now to tell us in perfect details as why and how, what happens in love. However, there are huge research-backed substantiations, explaining lot many aspects of the purely physical and bio-chemical mechanisms and processes of love, as human mind handles them. This surely takes away lots of mysticism, magic and marvel out of the age-old notion of love and archetypal imagery of love in society. However, it is hugely helpful in clearing the mist of confusion and chaos around the very core idea of love. This also helps us to unlearn the visceral stupidity of love and move to a hugely facilitative evolved consciousness of compassion, which is what we all need. It is a humble suggestion that objective knowledge about something never ever takes away the subjective joys. It rather enhances them. We all know it very well that an actor on the movie screen is just portraying and professing a role or character still, we cry with them and get emotionally one with the fictitious character. The knowledge, that the actor is actually not dead and it is only the character he portrayed is dead in the movie, does not anyway reduce our emotional joy and satisfaction of movie viewing. The knowledge surely enhances our joys and nullifies the pain, as we know, at the end of day everything is back to real. The dualism of love is actually the root cause of why such a beautifully powerful and beneficial facility called love becomes a cause of pain and trouble. When we do not understand the mechanism of something very clearly, mysticism is bound to creep in and it shall unleash the destructive energy of confusion. We need to understand the mechanism of love in scientifically explained terms to enhance the joy of love. The mechanism of mind, explained in terms of detailed neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical processes in pure scientific traditions may not be suitable for all of us. Therefore, what we shall talk about here is just an outline and simplified description of the mechanism. What we are attempting to bring out from our discussion is the ‘dualism’ inherent in the mechanism and processes of love, as human mind handles it. We also need to accept that it is not something which science is telling us now. Thousands of years back, great minds of spiritualism and philosophy have told similar facts about consciousness, the cardinal position of love in it and the dualism, which consciousness faces about the emotional positioning of love. Human mind is where all mysticisms emanate and end. The multilayered mechanisms of mind is one huge mystery, humanity has been attempting to unravel since thousands of years. The spiritualism and philosophy have given its own interpretation. Science has taken over and presented great facts about mind mechanism, its structure and functions and this has led humanity to understand lot many things about consciousness. Human brain is the central mechanism for ensuring the survival and excellence of human body and it has to be accepted that the conscious and subconscious mind accepts and expresses almost everything in terms of its primary and pivotal role of ensuring a mechanism for survival excellence. This interpretation of human mind looks so demeaning as we all are inclined to accept ourselves as something big and a lofty and special creation of God. Accepting ourselves as an entity, with base idea of survival is revolting. That is why, science says, “the idea of a self, in objective terms is often pitted against the ‘self’ itself, which we have been used to accepting subjectively since thousands of years.” Just for knowing the mechanism, we need to accept that human mind ensures this survival and excellence through a continuous and complicated maintenance of a process called homeostasis " better understandable as ‘poise’. All wisdoms, old or new, since thousands of years, have talked about the importance of this idea called ‘poise’, explained in terms of philosophy and spiritualism. Science unravels its physiological, bio-chemical and psychosomatic aspects. In lower organisms, the homeostasis or poise is only physiological and biological but as human mechanism is very complex, human mind has to perform a complex and multidimensional homeostasis. In humans, the poise also has to be bio-sociological, psychological, emotional, spiritual as well as volitional. We are talking about this all because, love has to do specifically with this homeostasis thing and the trouble it creates also emanates from this. There are sufficient scientific researches to establish that when people are in true love and absolute intimacy, their overall homeostasis is in great shape and this reflects in their healthy state of mind and body as well as behavior-action. The reverse has also been established as researches show, when people are in instable and unsettled love elements, their body gets affected and they land in serious body-mind dysfunction and even death. Science has also established that most of the behavior-action of humans is instinctive and intuitive. Even the learned behavior, the nurture part, in time becomes part of instinctive behavior and nature. The simple idea is, almost everything, which our conscious and subconscious mind accepts and expresses, has to be in consonance and conformity with the larger homeostasis, which is essential for survival and excellence. The conscious as well as the subconscious minds operates in a way, which is mystical for most of us as most operations and processes are intangible and we are mostly oblivious of it. That is also why, love, which is a very potent, cardinal and critical element of behavioral and emotional expression of our consciousness, remains in the mist of mysticism, magic and marvel. However, we all can now understand the mechanism of this mysticism of love consciousness and come out of the veil of mysticism, standing tall on the ground of practical and tangible realism. This we can do by understanding how essentially our larger consciousness is an intangible expression of homeostasis process and how love is the strongest and most authoritative voice of this consciousness; seeking perpetuity of ‘poise’ " the larger homeostasis. The process of making of consciousness, which stays with us lifelong, starts even when we are in mother’s womb. The sense of ‘self’ or to say, the question as ‘who I am’, starts to take shape when in womb. A child gets the feel of sounds and vibrations around in the womb itself. The unconscious mind of child starts accepting these elements of his immediate milieu as part of its homeostatic requirements. Science admits; a newborn child is designed to be born as a genius. It readies itself for the environment outside the womb by imbibing the signals it receives inside the womb. That is why; modern couples start the education of their kids well in the womb itself. From the day first, the human child is instinctively loaded with one facility, which helps him or her evolve his or her ‘self’ " the subjective consciousness. This facility is instinctive inquisitiveness " the insatiable inclination to know. This desire also seems to be a beautiful expression of the homeostasis mechanism of body-mind consciousness. The mind can maintain poise only when it incessantly updates information about the surrounding environment and makes prompt decisions about the utility of these information for maintaining homeostasis. It is here the trouble seems to start for humanity. The need to know exposes the mind to loads of multiplicity of information in the larger environment. As subconscious mind of the child starts to accept and adopt most of them as ‘essential’ for his homeostasis, he or she becomes unconsciously predisposed to these information and they become part of his or her larger consciousness, which science refers to as love/belief system. Even before a child grows up to become an adult, he or she already accepts thousands of beliefs. However, most of these beliefs are based on his or her personal and subjective interpretations of experiences, inferences, assumptions, probabilities, deductions, inductions, and loads of oversimplifications, which the subconscious mind is expert at making. Most of these beliefs are very much part of the subconscious mind and continue to present themselves as potent referrals for conscious mind even years after. We all have heard people saying, an adult’s love is very much a reflection of what he or she got in childhood. We all know, a love-deficit childhood engenders an adult with troubled love life. All these beliefs, which a child acquires, form part of the ‘self’, the subjective consciousness, about which we always keep asking question as ‘who I am’. Our subconscious mind starts building an image of ‘self’ and this process expresses itself in mystically intangible ways. We unconsciously start extending the limits of our ‘self-image’ in things and beliefs around us. It starts with we identifying with our body first, then with our mind, our family, friends, neighbors, teachers, partners, the special someone and later with our career, assets, ethnicity, nationality, gender etc. As we grow in life, we identify more with ideas and issues. All these are expression of our ‘self’, the consciousness. We adopt them in our minds and guard them very ferociously as if they were part of our ‘self’. We fight over our people and beliefs like we fight for our dear life and well-being. It is because, they are part of our self and anything against them threatens our homeostasis, making us react fiercely. This is mystical. We may think, we are fighting for the cause of our dear ones or dear beliefs but essentially, we are fighting for our own survival, which is expressed in terms of homeostasis. We all know, how people feel so strongly about their family, loved ones, ethnicity and nationality. People go to the extent of sacrificing their lives for the dear cause of family and even nation. It is very simple to understand why people do not think twice, giving up their lives for lovers and even something as vague as loss of their favorite football club. People commit suicide even when their favorite pop star falls from stairs and hurts him or her seriously. This is no joke. These incidents somehow are very intense and as some people accept it as something seriously threatening their ‘self " their very homeostasis wellness, they feel, their very survival is threatened. The reaction can be very disproportionate and precarious. They often are in love! We all need to understand and accept it with a non-judgmental and objective mind that usually, when we are in love; we are in the ‘mystical middle’ of a very intense and powerful dualism. True love is one beautiful and everlasting ‘poise’ of person and personality. However, in our pop culture, we all can see how love is one huge ‘psychosis’. The trouble is, both poise and psychosis can be simultaneously present and active in one single person, at any given time. A person seeks to be in love to internalize this ‘poise’ to the core of his or her personality. However, the same person is battling against the psychosis on the periphery of his or her personality as the culture and society we live in, exposes him or her to loads of conflicts and competitiveness. This dualism often expresses itself in chaotic love emotions. When we love someone, he or she becomes an essential and ingrained part of our ‘self-image’ and systemic wellness homeostasis. We start taking him or her for granted as part of ‘me’ and ‘mine’. That is why; when there is trouble in love, or a situation, where it seems the love-situation is unsettled, we feel hugely threatened. We unconsciously feel that our very survival and core wellness is threatened. In this unsettled situation, the very person, who was the ‘receiver’ of all our love- largesse, poses as the one, who is a threat to our wellness. We all have experienced and witnessed this situation all around us when a lover kills his or her beloved and also kills himself or herself. Why? This dualism plays the villain. The dualism of the subconscious mind makes us do all unimaginable things. The simple reason is " when your love is threatened, your unconscious mind quickly attempts to identify the ‘enemy’, who threatened your survival instincts. As your beloved himself or herself is someone, who jolted your love-wellness, the unconscious mind identifies him or her as enemy. The war is then declared against this ‘enemy’. The dualism is playing its mystical marvels to us. The special someone, the beloved, whom we love so much that we cannot think of living a moment without him or her, becomes our enemy number one. Depending on how we all have been culturally trained to treat our enemies, we start executing our battle-tactics against him or her. Those, who are well groomed, trained by parents and family to be accommodative and compassionate with even the enemies, shall never opt for violent and overtly physical battle-plans. However, they can be sadistic about them. Those, who have a culture of violence, can go to any limit as it is said, “Everything is fair in love and war”. Global data shows that intimate partner violence is hugely on rise. Failed love and intimacy has become the chief pain-inflictor in our pop culture. The easiest expression of the desire to inflict pain on intimate partners is ‘promiscuity’ and ‘character assassination’. Sadism, aggression and behavioral hostility are sure signs of a troubled and unsettled wellness homeostasis of the person. This person shall be hugely intense and passionate in love. However, be sure, when things are on the low, such a person can be calamitous and extreme with expressions of his or her desire to secure his or her wellness. As we said earlier, researches have confirmed that when a person’s dear ideas or people are in trouble, his or her bio-sociological, psychological, emotional and volitional homeostasis is disturbed and this leads him or her to dysfunctional health and even death. The perception of threat to their homeostasis is very subjective, varying hugely. That is why, we all need to understand and accept; love needs huge preparedness. We all are given enough time for the preparations. When I am perfectly settled and in absolute ‘poise’ of my overall wellness homeostasis, then only I am ‘ready’ for assimilation and integration of love. Moreover, the special someone, I love, has to be in this ‘poise’ too. Then only the magic works! A young father has his little daughter growing fast in a very big city of United States of America, where pop culture has taken the teenagers in perfect grip. The mother is very concerned and even tense. She worries for her teenage daughter and asks her husband, what to do to avoid any ‘accidents’. Nothing new! However, what the father of this teenage girl said to his wife is interesting. He said, “I am trying to figure out, what my daughter can do, which I cannot forgive. I love her and I think, the sky of my affection and compassion for her shall always remain much larger than her arms can stretch for possible wrongs.” True love has to be like that. Love, in all its manifestations and expressions has to be like that. Love liberates, never suffocates. The ‘compassion’ of forgiveness shall always remain larger than the ‘accidents’ of ‘passion’, when you are in true love and absolute intimacy. The father, in the above story, is in perfect ‘poise’ of his wellness homeostasis. His wellness is not threatened by his subjective ‘self-image’ of right and wrong. It is his poise, which is so beautifully and magnanimously reflected in his behavior and action. It is only natural that this father is a sure hero for the girl and this girl shall grow to be one ‘poised’ person. From the day we are born, we are muffled by love, in one form or other. Our preparedness starts from that day. Initially, it is the responsibility of parents and family but later, we ourselves have to learn and unlearn our ways towards this ‘poise’ of our larger wellness homeostasis. If we have this poise, love shall be one huge theatre of song and dance within. And, when we choose to extend this wellness poise to someone special, we need to be sure, he or she is in the same ‘poise’. Love, as an idea, deeply associated with the entity of homeostasis, is hugely beautiful and highly useful. Love is a mystical expression of the ‘sense of larger wellness’, which is a cardinal and potent condition for homeostasis. What mind receives and expresses are through neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical processes. However, these processes are intangible and our conscious mind never is able to see or perceive them. It is when, these processes are translated in behavior and action then we understand and accept it. That is simply why; there is a sense of mysticism, in all our behavior-actions, which are expressed in subconscious state of mind. The affectors of human emotions, which in turn impact the human mind’s decision-making choices of behavior-action are mostly intangible. That is why; there is a sense of mysticism and marvel around it. Love also being an expression of intangible nature and essentially a neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical expression of the larger need of body’s homeostasis wellness, lands in the domain of mysticism, magic and marvel. Love is an intangible and very subjective expression of emotions in terms of behavior-action to extend the domain of self’s homeostasis wellness in the ambient environment. When the self accepts and adopts something and someone as right and good for its homeostasis wellness, there is a neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical impulse to merge in, as part of its larger ‘self’. This Process Is Body-Mind Consciousness Expressing In Terms Of The Emotion Of Love. Love is essentially an extension of one’s ‘self’ and subjective consciousness to accept and accommodate a thing, idea or person in its fold. Therefore, love basically is a very selfish and self-indulged emotion, an expression of the self’s ever-present need to maintain its homeostasis. It is our higher consciousness, which assigns and aligns this ‘selfishness’ to lofty and noble values of life and living in societal space. That is why it is very important to accept that incidence of love shall always be mired in conflation and conflict as it is like just the birth of a child, which we all nurture, evolve and mature in time with care and perseverance. Love too happens or delivered in precarious mode but needs to be evolved definitively. Love evolves in echelons, like consciousness, which rises up with the energy of unlearning. Love is a mind-mechanism and process in the side of ‘self’, for enhancement and aggrandizement of the broader need of survival and wellness. When we explain love in these terms, we shall see that there is nothing that remains in the veil of mysticism, magic and marvel. Everything, even weirdest of action-behavior in love can be explained and understood in scientifically calculable ways. A person’s homeostasis often accepts contradictory ideas. It is possible that a person is a devout faithful, still that person relishing an abusive tongue. It is all in the subconscious. It became ingrained in that person’s subconscious mind probably early in his childhood and now forms part of his or her larger wellness homeostasis. Therefore, this person would love another person, who has similar faith system, however, would not desist from using bad mouth to him or her as the subconscious mind is used to accepting the abusive tongue as ‘good’ and acceptable. You may see a dualism and contradiction in it. You may think, if a person loves you, he or she should use nice language with you and should not be a boozer or a gambler. However, for that person, love is only an expression of his or her ‘self’ and his or her ‘self’ already accepts abuse and boozing as acceptable things for his or her wellness homeostasis. If you attempt to reason it out with him or her that if he or she loves you, he or she should stop abuse and booze, he or she shall first of all look confused. He or she would not even understand why you are saying this. Because, he or she (his or her subconscious mind), does not see any contradiction and conflict in it. Most likely, he or she shall take your words of reasoning as a threat to his or her wellness homeostasis and would likely go away. Nobody can compromise with his or her long preserved homeostasis. Actually, this person loved you because you fitted in his or her larger scheme of homeostasis wellness. Now when you have put up ideas, which disturb his or her homeostasis, his or her sense of wellness is threatened and compromised. He or she is likely to stop loving you, or shall be unsettled and erratic in his or her action-behavior. The subconscious mind is almost too obsessed with the idea of survival and homeostasis. That is why, when it is faced with some situation, which is unpredictable and for which it has no ready solutions, it shall start creating such ideas for ensuring his or her win and success, which shall be weird and even illusory. Not only that, it would also prompt the conscious mind to go ahead with those weird ideas in terms of action and behavior. For example, when you ask someone you love deeply to do away with some nasty or not so good habit or idea with him or her. He or she would first resist it saying, ‘why do you want to change me?’ You may tell lot many things to convince him or her but with little success. Consider, what this person’s subconscious mind can come up with. It can device a series of questions, which shall essentially be his or defense against the change you want. His or her subconscious mind shall create all possible patterns of action-behavior to ensure he or she wins against your suggestion for change. Homeostasis needs to always win for survival. The person would ask: 1. Why is there a need for me to change, I am doing perfectly fine! 2. Why should you ask me to change, can’t you accept me as I am? 3. Why should I change and even if I have, why should I listen to you? 4. Oh! Do you think you are God! Even God cannot ask me that! 5. Why should I change if I am not convinced there is something wrong about it? 6. If I have to change, only I shall decide, no one has the right to judge me. 7. I am open to change but only for someone who first accepts me as I am. 8. I would change only for someone who loves me blindly. 9. I accept changes but it would be tough as I was made this way. 10. Give me time, I am a not good at it! Etc. The general refrain of most people in love is, “why cannot you accept me as I am. The God accepts me and loves me the way I am, good or bad. Why can’t you? Are you greater than God? Love never puts conditions!” Etc. Remember, the more intelligent a person is, more artistic and ingenious shall be his or her advocacy against change. More unsettled, ephemeral and indecisive one’s overall homeostasis is, more intense and vocally demonstrative he or she shall be in love. However, this person shall be tougher for you to change him or her and shall be equally demonstrative in denying changes. This dualism needs to be understood. The unsettled homeostasis makes one to seek love more intensely, desperately and sincerely. Such love is usually highly demonstrative and aggressively centrifugal. Love is the emotion of search for larger wellness homeostasis and people, who have larger need for wellness poise, shall be very intense, highly possessive and overwhelming in love. This initially suits love needs of both the partners. Everyone loves to be smothered and submerged in love’s intensity and its mystically disproportionate multidimensionality. However, this is the seed of big trouble-tree of love. If we wish to be swept away by the storm of love, we need also to be ready of the calamitous fallouts of this storm. Love in its pure and pious form is never passionate but always compassionate. Love is a ‘well-poised’ consciousness positioning, an innate state of settled internal wellness, seldom in need of passionate and demonstrative expressions. Love’s expression is like systemic serenity of ‘song and dance’ staged within a person’s consciousness. You shall come to relish and feel at peace with his or her innate song-dance positioning, without that person saying anything to you. The higher consciousness, in compassionate possession of the settled wellness of love shall be calm and composed like a deep ocean and blue sky. Such a person shall be widely accommodative, assimilative and integrative towards everything, like an ocean and sky. Compassion only assimilates; passion can often drift in the storm of disproportionate demonstrations of love. As we have talked about it earlier, humanity needs to ‘unlearn’ this old cultural cognition of accepting love as a ‘passion-positioning’. Love is essentially about compassion " this higher consciousness of ‘I’ and resultant assimilative cognition about mutuality priorities. Love and intimacy relationships require this element of compassionate understanding of reality. This compassion does not come naturally as what comes innately is passion, which love relishes and buys in tones. However, love and relationships thrive when relationships have compassion as linking thread. What engenders compassion is knowledge of the reality of human body-mind mechanism. Let us try to understand this complication with a metaphor. We all have one common problem. When we visit a person, we are made to sit in a room of his or her house. Where we are made to sit is surely his or her house. But the reality is that we are in the living room of the house and this is only part of his or her house, not the full house. We can say, this room is very well his or her house but it is not his or her complete house. Sitting in this room, if I believe that I know his or her entire house then I am a big fool. So, when we visit someone’s house, we actually often visit one ‘room’ of the many-roomed house. Though, we say, we visited his or her ‘house’. Human personalities are also the same. We all are like houses, our personalities having different rooms for different purposes. We get associated to people in the society as one room of this house but never as one whole house. It is not even possible. I come to your house but you can make me sit only in one room, never in all rooms of your house simultaneously. This is some trouble, which cannot be done away with, ever, even if in wishful thinking! I can say I visited your house but actually I visited only one room. We also ‘visit’ a person but meet only one small personality of his or her full persona. The problem is; we define this one room as whole house. So, I meet my beloved but this is only one small room of her ‘big house’; I mean her personality. If I say that I know my beloved inside out and that’s why I also know her whole personality completely, then I am stupid. This can happen when two people in love spend loads of time together with an intent to liberally and objectively unravel each other for specific purpose of lasting mutuality. This process needs compassion, not passion. This therefore seldom happens in relationships. It is a difficult reality. Why talk about a visitor, it is your house but even you cannot live in all the rooms of your house at any given time. You actually live only in one room at a time. If you want to see your entire house, you cannot do it living inside it. You will have to come out of it and see it from a distance to get the picture of your whole house. Or, you ‘rise above’, to land at the roof to see the house in entirety. People usually do not even see their own personalities in full. How can they see other’s personalities in completeness and totality? But the fact remains that we all live in houses with many rooms. So, what does it lead to? Should we all live in ‘one-room’ house or move out of the multi-room house to see it in totality? Well, we have options. It is entirely up to your discretion. Your house is actually one single roof. Your architect has structured them by erecting walls to create different rooms for distinct purposes. You can choose to undo the walls and make the whole house one single room. Or, you can make every single room " the room of innocence and this way the entire house will become a space of singular and uniform innocence. Relationships are difficult, simply because we, our consciousnesses are also not simple mechanisms. Once we accept this hypothesis of split ‘self’, this ephemeral sense of ‘I’, we shall have better ease in accepting the complexities of relationships. That shall surely lead doors of larger wellness in relationships. Human wellness and excellence has always been in understanding the complexities of life and living and when people ready themselves for love and intimate relationship, they need to be in high acceptance mode of the relativity of mind consciousnesses and cognitive diversities. Love is this magical artistry to do so. How? Someone said it, “I can find thousands of ways to stand you wrong and myself right and you can find thousand plus logic to do the same. However, both of us can be right at the same time and still not find any reasonable wrong if we are in love.” What does this signify? There can be as many interpretation of the statement as per different people’s perception. Realism, almost always stands as one shade of perception, in somehow competitive mode to other perceptions. Therefore realisms are seldom the same for two people. So, does this mean, when two people are in love, they can see and accept a singular realism as they have commonality of perceptions? This sounds like a postulation based on emotional hypothesis with little logical back up! However, the core issue is not about having commonality of perceptions and therefore falling for a singular realism. Nobody should accept that love makes two people in intimacy see and accept a common perception. It may happen but is not the cardinal rule or theory of love. Then, what the above-mentioned quote meant? How does it happen that two people can be both right at the same time and not see each other’s wrong, when in love, even when they still stand to have different perceptions about a realism? This needs to be understood and that understanding makes us accept as how love should be accepted in our lives and why love is so important life-living realism for all of us. There is a popular example about lives of a group of people, who work together in a selected milieu. This is about mariners, who live together for 7-8 months on a 300-meter ship and most mariners accept that they have great fun and camaraderie when together. This is all about perceptions and core need of survival, for which our brains are wired. The mariners are a small group of people on a very limited space and they are living their lives in a tough situation at sea, where every single day, there are so many challenges. Each person on the ship has to be in tune with others to ensure that the ship sails safely and they reach their destinations in time and good shape. Therefore, everyone is in a mindset of accommodation and cooperation for a common cause. This is core hypothesis. There may be people with competing perceptions and ideas, still, they keep aside their differences and accept an accommodative and assimilative behavior and action, as only this can ensure not only his safety but also that of the ship. This then ensures wellness of all. This behavior is common for people working in mines, factories and other professions where life is at stake if cooperation and accommodation is not the primary instinct. The common goal of survival rises above all personal concerns and the road to mutuality is paved. Love facilitates this similar sense of cooperation and accommodation. The person in love ceases to think individually and his or her first instinct becomes a mindset where collective wellness is the primary and common aim. Usually, we all think of individual safety and wellness. However, often, life-living wellness needs cooperation and accommodation in collective living. Love enhances the space of cooperation and accommodation in the collective domain of two lives in intimacy. But, it is a surety that intimacy has to be driven by the evolved energy of compassion and not the instinctive and reactionary energy of passion. Therefore, even when two persons in love have competing perceptions and ideas about things, they do not bring it to the fore as their primary aim is collective wellness. The ‘He’ and ‘She’ in love accept that if ‘She’ is not well, ‘He’ too cannot feel happy and well and the vice-versa. This primary instinct for collective wellness is the magic of love. It is not possible for all humans. It is also not true that a person when in love shall suddenly begin to invest in collective and mutual sense of being. This happens only to those people who have already evolved to be compassionate, accommodative and assimilative about ‘Others’. This sense and sensitivity towards the reality of ‘Other’ than ‘I’ is a product and function of higher consciousness. Love is no guarantee of a person’s goodness. However, a person’s goodness can be a guarantee of love’s goodness and success. Only those succeed in love, who are compassionately aware of the idea and idealism of ‘Other’. It is a situation of compassion, not passion. Therefore, as the above-mentioned quote states, true love can make people agreeable, harmonious, cooperative and accommodative as the instinctive behavior and action shifts from individualistic wellness and satisfaction to collective wellness and joys. But this is just the first step. Lovers need to evolve together for good amount of time for this instinct of individualism to shift to collective accommodation and become primary one. Gradually, as commonality and mutuality grows and evolves in time and space, the two people in love even start having common singular perceptions and that finally makes them see and accept singular realism of all things in life. This is fruition of love and intimacy. Do kindly check out author’s eBook, ‘Incidence Of Love: Demystified And Decoded’, available for unrestricted download like all 44 eBooks of the author. It has everything one must seek to know about the initiation and eventuality of love. **
Stupidity About Sexuality And Viscerality
Populism often has this weird tendency to ride on ‘abstract logic’, mostly suiting subjective personal utilities. As individual desires are common and operative ambient milieus too are largely symmetrical, such populist perspectives become memes, which we call as ‘collective unconscious’. Pop cultures often have deep shades of powerful memes, painted on the canvas of collective unconscious, beyond conscious cognition. Consciousness anyway is usually in constant drift, blown apart by powerful pop sinews. One such populist perspective is the term and idea called ‘visceral’. The populist perception is that what is instinctive to all of us has the ultimate utility and wisdom. This emanates out of this contemporary liberal and consumerist meme that ‘I Know and I Know it Right as it is Visceral to Me’. This seemingly embedded over-egoism of ‘I’ and its avowed ‘super-hero’ imagery has fueled this penchant for all things visceral. This populist perception to validate all shades of desires and wants of our instinctive urges and drives however is only a very personalized value, which has become a meme but has no roots in logic and objective prudence. Interestingly mystical seems the realism that what happens to us, felt obviously by its deep-seated ‘desire-drive’, is more believable and acceptable than some distant and ‘external’ prudence of objective logic. But then, scientists warn that most human drives or instincts are without conscience. They do not care about long-range effects. It seeks only immediate personal gratification as to most of us, feeling one’s own desires is the easiest thing and many believe " All good things need to be simple. Modern knowledge of brain realism also accepts that consciousness is very localized. It instinctively being a reactive mode facility cares for only short term utility and worth. And as deciphering one’s personal desires and gratification needs are the easiest wisdom, most of us fall for this utility of ‘intelligence’. However, visceral drives and their utility apart, what singular objective logic says is " ‘If conscience exists, it exists in the intellect of the human, not always in instincts. To be human is to allow the intellect to preside over the utility and worth of every important action-behavior over the dimensions of time, space, people and processes. It is this necessary intellectual control of the instincts which makes a culture successful.’ Interestingly, intellect is also an evolved and holistic element of nothing else but instincts itself. If viscerality creates stupidities, viscerality itself has the wherewithal to decipher and discount all stupidities! Globally, there are studies and researches going on, which are looking into the dynamics of individual drives and social viability and they see clear trends. We see contemporary cultures in loads of drift and flux because majority of people are behaving true to their instincts (Visceral Wisdom), without much intellectual control and conscience. Interestingly, even though this intellectual self control is a learned function and is called self-discipline, to over-ride less desirable instinctive behavior, the very seed of this need for self-control is deeply wired in our instincts itself. The guilt or remorse or even this ephemeral ‘second-thought’ that often follows instant-self-gratification is also instinctive and visceral. We seldom accept it this way. That is why in most advanced contemporary cultures, where liberalism has unleashed uncontrolled instinctive drives of humanity, sans any intellectual self-control, the governments of the day have to spend huge moneys on police, jails and other emergency measures. Most modern cultures are failed cultures as the level of self-control in people in personal and societal spheres are very little and diminishing fast. The element of self-regulation and self-discipline, in the domain of ‘collective unconscious’; is gradually going down. The best possible example of the eroded self-regulation and self-discipline is the language of men and women, which is brute, growingly devoid of the sanity of expression, sexually loaded and off specificity of intent by miles. The growing detachment of languages from the co-existential respectability of ‘Others’ is remarkably perceptible. One such powerful instinctive drive of humanity, which has shattered most modern liberal cultures, because of ever reducing intellectual self-control is Sex. This over-encompassing sex drive has lost its evolutionary role way back and it surely looks like an obstructive vestige of the obsolete evolution. Still, it dominates the human thinking and worldview in biggest possible way, overriding even survival sanity. There is a ‘Be Yourself’ mantra of instinctive viscerality, which believes, food and sex are two primary instincts of humans and every human by very virtue of being alive and in possession of these two primary drives, knows what his or her best choice about food and sex is. This is some stupidity and hypocrisy humanity has to unlearn fast but only a handful actually admit anything ‘misplaced’ about contemporary human practices about food and sex. This must be understood clearly. The utility of food is for ‘health’ not ‘taste’ or gratification. Human drive for food is designed to live, sustain and survive. This drive evolution probably linked to taste buds for survival excellence, not mindless over-eating. Few million years back, when human design was being shaped, food was not available as it is to a young man or woman. In contemporary world, where obesity and food habit related diseases are crippling humanity, every rational human being knows that the food we have available in markets and eateries are not meant for health but taste and therefore, majority of humans are actually eating completely against the ‘body-mind’ instinctive design. Human food habits in contemporary world are as corrupted and against visceral sanity as sex. We are not even willing to understand our own drives and instincts. Sex too has similar destiny in modern times like food. Similar to human need of food for health and survival, they need ‘intimacy’ too for health and survival. Science has proved it beyond doubt that all men and women need to be in good intimacies for ideal homeostasis. The human drive, like food is not for sex but intimacy, sex being just a small ‘part’ of the holism of intimacy. A man or woman shall keep changing sex partners if he or she fails to find ‘intimacy’ in relationship. However, deep and poised intimacy shall make sex a bonding factor, as the evolution designed. As is the sad reality of contemporary humanity, men and women shall experiment with loads of varieties of food but as these foods shall not fulfill the health and homeostatic requirements of human body, they shall never feel happy and satisfied. Food indulgence, gratification and over-eating shall be unending and happiness, satisfaction and wellness shall remain missing. Same with sex. Sex indulgence, gratification and promiscuity shall be unending for men and women yet, as true intimacy shall remain elusive, satisfaction, happiness and wellness shall remain missing. This stupidity and hypocrisy however remains unaccepted. Viscerality is blind to the real and true nature and role of the drives and instincts and humanity shall keep suffering. One needs to understand sexuality in details. Evolution, at one point of time, many millions years back, switched from non-sexual reproductive procedures to sexual one as it had definitive benefits for species survival and genetic excellence. Evolution embedded sexual drive in neural wirings to ensure that human excelled over other species. This evolution then created gender roles and suitable physiological as well as neural differences were created in males and females. This scheme of things required that men always looked for sex and women used sex as selection tool for best mating option. This scheme itself was a continuation of a successful survival mechanism in other higher organisms, before human evolution. Things have changed in modern cultures. Evolution’s game plan is no more valid and no more required as traditional gender roles have changed and in liberal cultural scenario, sex has lost its old and tested evolutionary purpose; for both men and women. Moreover, in modern living, humanity does not have the old challenges of survival and species proliferation, as we are many times more in numbers on this planet and have managed to live quite long. We do not need to go into details as everyone knows, how modern cultures have placed sex in a rather demeaning and diminutive imagery as fun thing, thrill-tool, boredom-buster, just time-pass activity, even a dangerous tool for many shades of psychosis, rather than a reproductive tool. The evolutionary idealism of intimacy being the ‘holism’ of the drive, with sex just being a small ‘part’ is not even mentioned, let alone practicing it. In modern civilization, where success of cultures depends on how intellectual self-control is exercised over instinctive drives, just the inverse is happening. Sex was once an instinctive drive, designed for species needs millions of years back. Now that modern human life-living situation and overall cultural advancement has made those needs obsolete, what we need is intellectual self-control over this powerful sex drive, which has lost its primitive usage but still rules our subconscious choices. This stupidity, wired in our design must end and for that we need to accept sex in a totally different light and perspective. The design sure cannot be changed yet there can be a profitable cognitive change in the way humanity handles it. Though, it is a long and complicated scientific explanation as how our brains have been designed in long years of evolution; we just have to know and accept that unlike other human organs, human brain is not a single organ. It is rather a cooperative of many parts, evolved during different times of evolution, with each part being an addition to the old one, not a replacement. Therefore, what we need to accept is that our brain is not doing this favor of intellectual discretion to us. It still has the primitive brain, over which the new parts have piled up. That is why our brain still has the primitive instincts and drives. It also has modern logical parts but brain is not doing any automatic pruning for us. We have to exercise learnt and nurtured intellectual control over our instincts. Both instincts and intellect are part of our brain mechanism but this self-control thing works well only when we have evolved a higher consciousness. Contemporary humanity needs to see and accept that this modern-day wisdom of ‘Be Yourself’ visceral ideology is a qualified wisdom. Just being yourself or blindly following what our instincts leads us to is stupidity. True meaning of ‘Be Yourself’ is seeing, understanding and accepting the drives and instincts through a tough and objective process of ‘self-actualization’ and ‘self-dialogue’ and then install intellectual self-control over all our visceral desires. Skepticism of ‘self’ and innate utility of its evolutionary design is what catalyzes this process. This surely doesn’t come by the virtue of being alive and in possession of drives. It is a learnt behavior, acquired through a tough process of eligibility of self. As ancient spiritual traditions as well modern science has been telling us " ‘What we seek is what we want and all that we want is not what we need.’ There is this fine-line between what we ‘want’ and what we actually ‘need’. This is the prudence of evolving and maturing as a human being. Our visceral self shall always lead us to our primary drives of 3Ps " Possession, Preservation and Perpetuation. These drives are wired intelligence, so that we all survive and excel. However, our drives are value-neutral and very localized. In collective modern living, we cannot solely rely on our drives and justify it by professing to ‘Be Yourself’ viscerality. We need to apply intellectual self-control to prune our old and obsolete vestiges of drives. There was an interesting survey in USA, where a group of people were asked whether they would accept $100 right then or forego it to get $500 after six months. Study found that overwhelming majority of people accepted only $100, not bothering to wait for six months in anticipation of better gains. This is some viscerality, which we need to unlearn. Be Yourself drives and instincts can be good, but not always and not in all situations. The visceral consciousness is designed for localized and short-term perception but, in modern life-living, this needs to be unlearnt. Our drives were created when humans lived in precarious life-living milieus. We now live in reasonably settled and structured milieus with complexities. That is why, we cannot and should not rely blindly on such old and obsolete drives, which have lost their utility and worth in modern milieus. Instinctive behaviors are auto-mode, intellectual initiatives are not; they are conscious and valued choices after holistic judgment process. Therefore, the intellectual self-control needs to be inculcated and persevered through conscious practice. This presupposes quality time with self. Contemporary life-living of constant drift and flux drowns us in auto-mode reactive decision-making, conditioned by our raw viscerality. This we all need to unlearn. No doubt, human inventiveness and human intellectual prowess are potent mechanism, which can engender so much novelty out of even a waste. Sex however is such a beautiful human experience. With applied human intellect, modern humanity and cultures surely can turn this obsolete sex drive into a highly beautiful, artistic and worthy entity. There is this very subtle difference in cognition regarding so many life-living realisms, which produce two extreme causalities " extremely beneficial or extremely calamitous. This difference in cognition is about how we hit a poise of higher purpose between tangible as well as intangible elements of same realism. This needs to be applied in the domain of sex. The tangibles of sex, the visceral overtures and physical intimacies have a very limited purpose, which are now evolutionary vestiges. We surely do not need sex in its primeval tangible form. However, the intangibles of sex are unlimited and they offer us so many sunny shades. The intangible elements of nurturance, mutuality, intimacy, cooperation, compassion, commitment, trust, etc are all very beneficial requirements for overall wellness of we all and all these elements of higher consciousness must be made to ride on the tangibility of sex. Evolution has given us a vehicle, a medium, but what we carry on this vehicle is now the role of our intellect and higher consciousness. We cannot keep carrying something, which is now trash in new millennium. Science is working on bio-engineering probabilities, which could install a ‘package’ of knowledge and information in the minds of every new born, like a computer is installed with a software, so that every individual of every new generation could not have to spend long years reading about them and learning them. May be, science could also be someday successful in creating a ‘pre-fabricated’ brain-software, which makes it possible for all kids to be born with all past knowledge of humanity. Till then, it is ‘field-day’ for every stupid man and woman to flamboyantly flash his or her ignorance and proudly proclaim it to be the ‘exclusive genius’ of humanity…! This is visceral…! Solipsism, early-life streaks of ‘anti-intellectualism’ and ‘anti-rationalism’ is not something, which come ‘pre-installed’ or ‘pre-fabricated’ in human mind but we are wired for them. Individual men and women ‘learn’ these ‘stupidities’ from their mad-milieus, as not only now, in all ages, ambient social-cultural milieus always have abundance of ‘stupidities’ for every young man and woman to ‘learn’ and then flash them as ‘exclusive genius’ of personal possession. Aping is visceral, however, what one apes is his or her choice, evolved out of the milieu, he or she was born and raised into. Somehow, every newborn boy or girl comes on this planet with just an operating system of raw instincts, wired deep in his or her neural-make-up of brain states. Though, science may not yet have devised this ‘magic-software’ of ‘knowledge-package’, to install in every newborn’s mind but for sure; since ages, most newborn boy and girl are blessed with two ‘engineers’, in the form of mother and father, who keep installing ‘good-software’ of necessary personal/social/cultural knowledge and information in the computer of young minds, so that they have the contemporaneous mind training to fit into the larger sanity of humanity as well as ambient milieus. However, tragically, not only in contemporary world, but in almost all ages, majority of newborns are invariably assigned stupid ‘engineers’ of mother-father, who either do not have ‘sound engineering’ knowledge themselves, or they are themselves victims of stupidities, or they do not have the time, wherewithal and inclination to do their cosmic duties. In contemporary cultures, the parenting has become qualitatively more precarious. Therefore, on an average, at any time in evolution, human society has been inundated with over 80% stupids, who believe and accept that just being born as human being, they become the veritable genius and most knowledgeable creatures on earth. It is only very natural that average level of stupidity in human society and culture is almost always constant at 80%-stupidity. Somehow, it is also visceral and that is why the critical mass of stupidity is stabilized at optimum 80%. Why? It is largely because, some humans may endure all pains and sufferings to unravel and decipher the true sanity and symmetry of knowledge for human wellness and excellence but they are always part of our history " A knowledge base not amenable for automatic transference to every newborn mind. No mind is born ‘pre-loaded’ with a software of ‘historicity’. Every individual boy and girl has to grow and evolve to learn the ‘history of knowledge and wisdom’ and then make practical use of this human wisdom in their own lives. This is some task, which requires loads of painstaking and honest labor and persevered poise. Only handfuls have it… This is also visceral… Why? Somehow, solipsism, anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality are something, for which we all are wired. This is how evolution has designed our body-mind mechanism and consciousness as evolution itself has been and remains a stupid engineering. That is why, in this factory, mostly stupids are manufactured. But, no factory ever accepts that what it has manufactured is anything less than best. Science has deciphered this ‘hardware-software’ trouble of humanity, even as billions of humans happily and stupidly accept themselves as geniuses. This is hardwired… visceral to all of us…! Science says " “When confronted with the unpredictable and unknown, your frontopolar cortex refuses to admit defeat. It draws on all your computational abilities to search for patterns in random data. In the absence of real patterns, it will detect illusory ones. And it will prompt you to act on them.” That means, we all live in a world of make-shift beliefs and ‘perceptions’, for which our brain and mind consciousness has such predilection that it is ever willing to accept any idea, which is already there in our memory/experience " part of ‘I’ or ‘Self’, which we have an infatuation to associate with. However, even a universal truth or transcendental realism, which is not in our brain referral, we shall ignore it and would rather fight against it with all might of our ‘perceptional’ mind consciousness. That is why, most people love to live, survive and thrive in the world of ‘self-suiting’ and ‘self-satisfying’ perceptional world of imaginations, sans facts and truths. Aldous Huxley describes it best: “. . . since the mind-body is capable of an enormous variety of experiences, we are free to identify ourselves with an almost infinite number of possible objects"with the pleasures of gluttony, for example, or intemperance, or sensuality; with money, power, or fame; with our family, regarded as a possession or actually an extension and projection of our own selfness; with our artistic or scientific talents; with some favourite branch of knowledge, some fascinating ‘special subject’; with our professions, our political parties, our churches; with our pains and illnesses; with our memories of success or misfortune, our hopes, fears and schemes for the future; and finally with the eternal Reality within which and by which all the rest has its being. And we are free, of course, to identify ourselves with more than one of these things simultaneously. Thus a man can be at once the craftiest of politicians and the dupe of his own verbiage, can have a passion for brandy and money, and an equal passion for the poetry of George Meredith and under-age girls and his mother, for horse-racing and detective stories and the good of his country"the whole accompanied by a sneaking fear of hell-fire, a hatred of Spinoza and an unblemished record for Sunday church-going.” Globally, we can easily find such a person and personality among our dear politicians, whom we hail like ‘God’ and other God-Like celebrities, whom we ape like primates. We need to know as why most of us all are in deep infatuation with this perceptional-living. Eugene B. Shea shows us how: “The human mind has an ‘inhibitory system’, which routinely and automatically removes from perception, reason, and judgment over 99% of available fact. We do not even feel these facts. As it seems; we actually do not select stimuli from the environment, rather, they are selected for us and this postulation makes a lot of difference in what we perceive of ‘self’. This is the super-convenience of living in stupid joy of our subconscious mind, with scant regard to conscious facts and realism...!” So, different people shall have different personal expression of their core drives. Someone shall feel and accept that life is futile and there is no meaning of eating, drinking and having limitless sex. Many however shall readily accept life’s purpose as simple as the above. So, your core drives themselves create all shades of questions within you and accept answers as per their neural make-up in brain states. Science says, there are seven shades of consciousnesses and 16 brain types, which make people different in their thoughts, perceptions and actions. This in turn ensures that human conflict with each other is perpetual. The trouble is " stupidity of ‘visceral-living’ and self-certified-genius of ‘perceptional-living’ is what we all are wired for. There always is plethora of wisdom, all aligned to simple acceptance for every human being " man or woman. However, very few have the intelligence of personal initiative to seek it and imbibe it. There is this generic stupidity in all humans about falling in hot-chase infatuation with the populist slogan " ‘Be Yourself’, without ever caring to learn and unlearn about the core ideas of ‘Being’ and ‘Self’. The good as well as bad thing is " Humanity has a long history and history has this goodness to repeat itself, so that the stupid humanity could at least see the light of sanity, even when they fail again. However, there are only handfuls of humans, who think it necessary to check the pages of history to learn continued wisdom and unlearn past mistakes. Most look at history seeking to see what they already have accepted as something happened, as against what actually could have happened. Here is an example " In most parts of developing world, like India, China, etc, sexual revolution is now becoming mature. Now even teenage girls are openly mouthing ‘free-sex’ and ‘unlimited-sex’ expressions. This somehow makes many men and women believe that ‘empowerment’ begins and ends with ‘Doing What The Body Wants’ and what all bodies ‘want’ is sex-thrills and instant-self-gratification, most of which we do not ‘need’. In simple words " contemporary humans just want to be free to act true and real to their wired ‘intelligence’, without the burden of intellectually skeptical self-evaluation. This ‘Be Yourself’ stupidity of visceral drives is some ‘perceptional empowerment’ many men and women think is being ‘modern and contemporary’. This they do, not even bothering to check, what recent and long history of humanity has to offer as ‘learning’ and ‘unlearning’. As we said, it is some stupidity, we all are wired for. However, historicity and its sedimented wisdom does not come pre-installed in new born brains. As contemporary young women and even teenage girls are advocating free-unlimited-sex liberalism, the part of world, where it all started, has now spent decades structuring an advocacy against it. Already, anti-feminism and ‘back-to-basic’ voices among many reasoned men and women are getting stronger and those societies, who launched (rather re-launched) it and ‘repeated’ the mistake, humanity had committed thousands of years back, are now well on road to sanity, with both most men and women accepting the futility of the dwindling, yet prevalent free-unlimited-sex culture. If only we could check our own history and if only we could check the history of social sciences, we all could accept why this contemporaneous ‘free-unlimited-sex’ intellectualism and ‘Be Yourself’ empowerment is an old-obsolete ‘repetition’ of history and why the new millennium men and women are moving away from this once very powerful ‘unsettled-feminism’ agenda of unbridled-unlimited-sex. Our History " Around 3000 years back, in India, when human civilization and culture had settled enough to find and enjoy the level of security, abundance and even opulence to think of higher joys and goals of life, there was a very powerful and popular idea of ‘Sexual-unputdownability’, wrapped in the garb of ‘Liberal Righteousness’, ‘Be Yourself’ agenda and ‘Visceral Is Intelligence’ philosophy. We have descriptions of these ‘sexual-liberalism’ of ancient India in our classical texts and art. The Buddha was born in such cultural and ideational chaos of ancient India, where rich and wealthy population was out to ‘enjoy life bounties’ and were willing to adhere to a wing of life-philosophy, which was akin to modern sexual-liberalism, where all sex-escapades and other self-gratifications were advocated to be made above moral-questioning. Where all shades of viscerality of instant-self-gratifications and hardcore consumptive-carnality were justified and even practiced. It also successfully penetrated in popular cultures. Buddhist literatures and texts of the time have ample references of description of socio-cultural anarchy, which was prevalent in times of Buddha, which moved Buddha to embark on a path of ‘samyak-vichar’ (poised thought). There are enough written texts available for all young men and women to read and learn from our history. If contemporary young men and women think and live in the perceptional world that what they are witnessing and practicing is something new, novel and contemporaneous to humanity, then they are away from facts and truths. It is just history ‘repeating its stupidities’. Their novelty is somehow only a few thousand years obsolete. Somehow, the ancient Indian epic of Mahabharta and the embedded spiritual philosophy of Geeta in it are great texts of societal and cultural situations of the times that seem to be pre-dating Buddha. In Mahabharta also, which scientists date around 1400-1500 BC; there are vivid details of how ‘unbridled-sexuality’ and ‘irresponsible-liberalism’ had created a society and culture of ‘mad-consumptive-opulence’. In Geeta too, there is a very powerful description of a ‘demographic theory’, where Krishna elaborates to Arjuna about situation of ‘unprincipled cultural traditions’ in the then society that had resulted in wider chaos and unnecessary conflicts in society. Geeta and Mahabharta must also be accepted as one huge ‘social science’ text. Similarly, Buddha must be accepted as probably the first ‘Cognitive Science/Psychology’ genius, who understood human drives, body-mind mechanism, human cognitive conundrum and consciousness conflicts. It is debatable whether he was the first but so many greats of past insisted on this need to see and understand the wired drives of body and mind and then rise above them through a persevered process of self-dialogue and self-actualization. Indian spiritual philosophy of Yoga is brilliant cognitive texts, detailing the causalities of human drives and milieus, which engender this stupidity of ‘Be Yourself’ viscerality. They also list the way out. Then around in 600-800 AD, India again witnessed the same situation. There was a spiritual-philosophical movement led by Shankra, who advocated a ‘poised-life’ even when there was a contemporary populist philosophy by ‘Charvaks’, which advocated this ‘unbridled-liberalism’, based on ‘visceral-intelligence’ and so-called ‘Be Yourself’ philosophy. Many believe that this Charvak philosophy was also there in the times of Buddha. In fact, since the inception of human civilization and culture, two streams of life-living philosophy has always existed " 1. This wing of philosophy believed that life-living and humans have higher goals and they are different than what the innate body-mind mechanism tells us… 2. The opposite philosophy accepted body as ultimate intelligence. It insisted that there was nothing called ‘higher goals’ of life or higher purpose of life and that is why, the body and mind is genius enough to see and accept that what body-mind tells and seeks is right and good… Here, we have to see and accept something very critical. There is always this ‘cyclicality’ in time-space domain. That is why history repeats itself. There is also this very well documented history of social sciences evolved between 15-17th century, which have well elaborated how human thoughts create socio-cultural conflicts. The dialectics, general will, social contract and Epicureanism ideas are there for all to see and understand. Classical spiritualism has said it way back, social sciences documented it in modern era and now modern contemporary science in new millennium has been telling us that this cyclicality of human society is wired in our brain. That is why it has this cyclicality of repeating itself in time-space continuity. This we need to see, understand and accept " Humans are born with core drives of 3Ps " Possession, Preservation and Perpetuation. Our drives give us kick of life, as they do to most creatures, being aligned with our bio-chemical system of hormones. Our drives have been installed by evolution to live a life of subconscious indulgence of 3Ps " Possession, Preservation and Perpetuation. The 3Ps shall always advocate ‘unbridled-pursuits’ and any check on these 3Ps make us in fight-mode to secure them. This is visceral intelligence, wired deep in us. However, thousands of years back, humanity chose to live in communities, leaving behind the life of wanderer-gatherer. In fact, evolution has also wired us for ‘tribe-living’ as humans have sustained in community-living since thousands of years. We humans have gregarious gene. Scientists have clearly mentioned of human’s social animal needs. This community or societal living requires some ‘reasonable restrictions’ on our core drives. We all know this political philosophy, which says " ‘Individual’s right to stretch his/her hands ends where the nose of other individual begins’. To be human is to have poise between ‘wants’ of drives and social ‘needs’. Both are visceral and a wired realism for all of us; if stupidity is wired, so is intellect. The two powerful human needs always split all humans. That is why, this conflict and dualism creates a cyclicality in human history. This dualism is wired in all of us. In contemporary societies, where life and living has become very complex, it is only natural that humans shall feel the pinch of poise in a hard way. If we see, understand and accept it, we all are wise and our societies are happy. It is primary wisdom…! **
Stupidity About Divinity And Religion
If you accept and allow the macrocosmic perspective to build on a hypothesis that singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, which unravels them through our mind consciousness. This hypothesis is not a figment of pure imagination; rather it is a primary acceptance of innocence of intelligence. This hypothesis is an initiation into the complexity of this multidimensional universe of mysticism, marvel and magic, which are now ensconced and embedded deep into our mind consciousnesses. It is even accepted that these cultural ideas of mysticism, marvel and magic are now very much part of our instincts, our genetic wiring; the stupid design of evolution. This mysticism and marvel of mind consciousness of contemporary humans, engenders an ‘I’, a sense of subjective self, which has now put the idea of divinity and registry of religion into an external domain. However, a few thousand years back and even beyond, this mind consciousness of early humans were not what it is today of we people. The early consciousness could see and accept that all ideas and dimensions of divinity were not external but deep within. This consciousness defined and accepted divinity not in a populist cultural way, as we accept it today. It was only natural that early consciousnesses of humanity, thousands of years back created such beautiful and insightful metaphors of divinity, which now stand as completely degenerated. It is tough to understand and accept those metaphors as contemporary mind consciousnesses have become highly cultured by degenerated notions of divinity. We shall attempt to recreate the old consciousness here and this shall lead us to understand the internalized idea of divinity, where ‘God’ is only within, experienced with such intensity of pure consciousness that it was somehow possible for a mind then; in ancient Indian milieus, to engender a metaphor of ‘I Am God’ (aham bramhasmi). When a mind consciousness, positioned in a state of poise of all tangible and intangible elements of being and cosmos expresses this idea of “I Am God”, it creates a marvelously precarious superposition of entities. This super consciousness, assimilating and identifying the ‘self’ in complete linearity with the idea of divinity, has almost no choice to express its situationalism in any other set of words. This super consciousness, understands, accepts and internalizes the 3Ms " Mysticism-Marvel-Magic, with a perfectly novel perspective of 3Cs " Consciousness-Cognition-Causality. The expression, “I Am God”, can be anything but never the narcissistic expression of an intelligent mind consciousness. Rather, it must be primarily accepted as the self-negating expression of an innocent mind consciousness, stretching the self beyond all signs and semblances of ‘self’. There is a need to unravel all possible aspect of this expression of “I Am God”, which is essentially the installation and registry of the idea of consciousness having the seeds of the causalities as well as the subsequent cognition of God or divinity in all senses. At the very start, we need to accept a very natural and fruitful mechanism of mind consciousness, which shall help us in understanding, why the proposition, ‘I Am God’ becomes a realism. You must have noticed; when you listen to your favorite music, you start with listening music, then your consciousness moves with the music and you feel like being part of the music and finally your consciousness merges with the music and you become music. The best experience of this merger of identities " external and internal into singular identity happens in love. Be in love and you will see and experience the multidimensionality of all realisms around you " be it within self or in the milieus outside, merging into a singular consciousness. Be in love to experience the magic and then you yourself become The Magic. Deep within the body-mind intimacy and emotion of love, you shall cease to be an experiencer and turn to be experience itself. You start as being in love and then become love. Love happens and this merger happens " the experiencer becoming the experience. All pluralism, all dualism and all multidimensionality of consciousness and realisms merge into singular linearity. All ‘somethingness’ first enters the domain of ‘nothingness’ and then finally it swims effortlessly in the ocean of everythingness. The same and even far more spontaneous and lasting is the experience of the experiencer of divinity becoming the experience itself and in the state of such ultimate consciousness, where all somethingnesses become singular everythingness, the conscious self merges into the unity and linearity of cosmic consciousness. As this merger, dissolution and ultimate union ends up the segregation of external and internal realisms and people start feeling being the love or music itself, a consciousness in the domain of divinity also feels being divinity itself and what comes out as a light from the consciousness is put in humanly designed words as " ‘I Am God’. This however is difficult to happen, because in the case of divinity, there is a missing tangible of physicality of lover and music. As we all know from our experiences, the mind consciousness does not speak in the language we humans designed for our social exchange of ideas. The experiences of mind consciousness and its expressions are not amenable to be put in human words. That is why, when someone says in exalted state of higher consciousness that he or she is the music, the love or the God, there has to be an innocent and compassionate acceptance that the words are just extremely poor shadow of the pure and primary imagery of the experience and expression in his or her mind consciousness. Now, we need to understand that the purpose of the above metaphors of music and love was used to simply and facilitate the above hypothesis, we had accepted earlier. The hypothesis was " “Singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, which unravels them through our mind consciousness.” This hypothesis was necessary to arrive at the theoretical realism that when a consciousness says, “I Am God”, it is this same registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, unraveled through his or her mind consciousness. Moreover, those minds, who object to it and arrive at different interpretations of realisms, are also because of this same registry and artistry. That is why there has to be huge amount of innocence and courage of compassion to rise above the constraints of a cultured mind consciousness, which sees and accepts hypocrisies of all shades. Now, we shall discuss in detail about the mechanism of this “Registry and Artistry of Mystical Marvels of Mind Consciousness”. We shall attempt to arrive at the processes of mechanisms, which engenders the possibility of a consciousness state, which accepts this proposition of “I Am God”. There is a mechanism of human consciousness, much of it is now understood and this facilitates understanding of how all realisms, we see and accept, are within mind consciousness. There is a cyclicality among elements in external milieu, elements within self (instinct and culture) and the subjective consciousness. It is highly discernible and even replicable fact that constitution of the idea and expression of divinity has always had only those elements, which are instinctively present both inside human mechanism as well as in the external milieu. It is such a ubiquitous commonality that all elements of human consciousness, culture and divinity are the same. This is in sync with ancient wisdom that nothing external to consciousness exists. Science also says the same. We talk in detail about the commonality of these elements below. Ancient Indian wisdom talked about seven elements of life and delegated these elements in ownership of different Gods. I humbly request you to accept my hypothesis that when our forefathers deciphered these ideas and created a wisdom of oral traditions, they did not mean them to be what we now know as ‘religion’. It was then a social collective wisdom, very much a local culture of few thousand people, living in a physical milieu, which was tough, as humanity had not tamed the wild nature by then. Only hundreds of years later, these wisdoms were crafted in written literary tradition, with their objectivity being lost considerably in subjective consciousnesses of their writers. Then, the larger population, which had become more settled and comfortable with life, named it religion and suitably wrapped these wisdoms with rituals of personal and societal conveniences. Let us talk about the commonality of elements in the three domains of consciousness, culture and divinity. As we said earlier, there are seven core and predominant elements in nature and all matters of the universe, which stand to be observed by humans, shall have these seven elements " be it human culture, societal interaction structures, subjective self as well as divinity. These seven elements are essentially intangible imageries of brain and mind mechanisms, but as they stand to be observed by humans in an instinctive causality with ambient physical nature, these seven elements stand to be expressed and communicated socially, culturally and personally in tangible terms of words and physical symbols of life and living. We shall discuss this causality later but first, we must name the seven elements. Before we do it, it must again be emphasized that these intangible elements are being made to ride on the back of humanly designed words and therefore, the resultant conflict and confusion in their true shade of meanings shall ever remain. That is why a humble request is to accept these seven elements in terms of words in holistic-assimilative-integrative perspective, allowing innocence of compassion to come to the forefront of reception. These seven elements in words are " 1. Creation/Creativity/Initiation/Origin 2. Indulgence/Opulence/Fulfillness/Wellness 3. Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti 4. Stabilization/Nurturance/Sustenance/Poise 5. Determination/Absoluteness/Pruning/Mool-Bhav 6. Status/Power/Authority/Dominance/Egoism 7. Conscientiousness/Inevitability/Finality It is easy to understand and accept that within an individual, these seven elements are deeply ingrained in subconscious layers of self and are expressed in multidimensional plurality of action and behavior. These elements are core instincts of a subjective consciousness and as these elements are intangibles for success of survival of a person, their expressions in behavior and actions are vocal and ubiquitous. It is also equally visible to all that all cultures of all human societies, across geographical divide in the world have the same seven elements. All cultures are mystical and magical expressions of the marvel of these seven elements. It is a huge domain of empirical study and analysis as how the same elements act and interact with each other in the respective domains of individual self and society. These seven elements engender a mystically marvelous causality between the individual and societal domains and in turn, this causality influences in shaping up the rainbowish shades of cognition both in an individual as well as in contemporary popular societal culture. We can talk in lengthy details about these cognitions and causality of seven elements but this is not our focus area in this book. Here, our purpose and utility is to draw the mechanism as how these cognition and causality engender the idea of divinity and its multidimensional realisms. In ancient Indian wisdom, as we said earlier, all these seven elements were made to be owned separately by seven Gods, who are the seven core Gods in Indian tradition. Though in contemporary Indian religious traditions, there are now 330 million deities, a deep look into their historicity of origin and traditions of worship shall very clearly reveal that all of them are owners of only these seven elements. As we said, there are seven original Gods and Goddesses, who were assigned the ownership of each of these seven elements. Now we once again present the seven elements with their reigning deity marked alongside " 1. Creation/Creativity/Initiation/Origin " Brahma 2. Indulgence/Opulence/Fulfillness/Wellness " Indra 3. Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti " Durga 4. Stabilization/Nurturance/Sustenance/Poise " Vishnu 5. Determination/Absoluteness/Pruning/Mool-Bhav " Shiva 6. Status/Power/Authority/Dominance/Egoism " Shani 7. Conscientiousness/Inevitability/Finality " Yam We all need to be humble and innocent when it comes to acceptance of anything new, which is not part of our subjective consciousness, cognition and causality. The ancient Indian wisdom cautions that knowledge has utility only if it creates humility, as it is the humility and innocence, which extends the eligibility of wisdom. We are simply creating a hypothesis that ultimately proves what ancient wisdom observed thousands of years back and what science now accepts as objective and replicable reality. The hypothesis is the acceptance that all realisms, including divinity, are expressions of the intangible processing mechanism of the mind consciousness. The hypothesis is " “Singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, which unravels them through our mind consciousness.” Modern science and contemporary social sciences, based on the objectivity of the natural sciences have accepted the same ancient observation and wisdom. They have however explained the same in the light of the brain mechanism and new insights into the processing mechanism of consciousness. The 3Cs " Consciousness-Cognition-Causality, which happens to be behind the 3Ms " Mysticism-Marvel-Magic stands to be seen, interpreted, analyzed and accepted in a new light of holistic-assimilative-integrative perspective. This unravels the objective and singular perceptions of the 3Cs and in turn, settles the age-old multidimensionality and plurality of the 3Ms in an objective and replicable way. This new causality makes it clear that consciousness has this within itself to engender all sorts of mysticism, marvel and magic. The marvel and mysticism is in the mechanism of the processing of elements of nature, within and outside human body and as these elements are intangible, they are bound to be expressed in a multidimensional way, depending on the interplay and randmomized causality of these seven elements. Modern science admits that there are seven shades of consciousness and all shades are present in a single individual. It is like a singular source of light splits into seven colors of spectrum as it is made to pass through a prism. An individual’s current personality at a time-space situation is primarily decided by those elements of the seven shades, which are predominant in the same time-space bracket. This however may not be permanent, though many people can remain in the same personality element or elements all throughout their lives. The social scientists have started to design a consciousness mapping of nations and societies on the basis of these seven shades of personality. It is said that in the existing world, people with red shade of consciousness, which marks the predominance of 2nd and 6th elements of indulgence and status, are in majority. This shade of consciousness always has been the majority personality grouping at any time of the human civilization. All elements are equally important and inevitable for the evolution of life on this planet. We are not judging on the utility and superiority of any element or any shade of human consciousness and personality. Our enterprise is to observe a causality between consciousness, cultures and divinity. It is very much easily observable that a person shall usually pick up a generic god to his or her own predominant consciousness. Ancient Indian wisdom said, “Only generic and similar elements can have lasting relationship.” Divinity choices can therefore be observed as causality of personal positioning of subjective consciousness and generic perception of a personal deity. In the long history of humanity, societies have evolved into a collective consciousness of a particular shade and accordingly, their presiding deities have changed too. The mind consciousness is a strange subject. This subject " the source and dispenser of all actions and behavior has a mechanism, which engenders a beautifully mystical dualism. It is this dualism, which makes him or her engender realisms from within its consciousness and then in turn itself make it an external realism. Divinity is one such mysticism and marvel of the human consciousness. This shall finally reach us to a situation where the consciousness finally accepts the end of this dualism, the dissolution and assimilation of the dualism into one singular holism. At this evolved super consciousness, the expression, “I Am God” is the only realism. The idea or feeling of ‘self’, a subjective consciousness of ‘I Am’, as separate and different from ‘them’ is a complex mechanism. Modern contemporary knowledge about this consciousness, which defines us, is now at a level, where we can understand why we as consciousnesses are a very complex entity. This complexity has evolved in a rather stupid way as evolution of humanity in the long journey of billions of years has been the primary stupidity. This subjective sense of ‘I Am’ is one huge potential of joy and wellness at one hand. However, this same subjectivity of consciousness makes it stand as the worst stupid of the universe, unparalleled in the millions of existing species on earth. Modern objective knowledge unravels to us the complex mechanism of this subjective consciousness. Like the seven intangible elements of consciousnesses, science says that the individual personality has seven layers of consciousnesses within. They are " 1. The Lower Unconscious 2. The Middle Unconscious 3. The Higher Unconscious or Super-conscious 4. The Field of Consciousness 5. The Conscious Self or "I" 6. The Higher Self 7. The Collective Unconscious All seven elements are within an individual and operate simultaneously. An individual’s personality has all seven stages of personal growth and evolution, alive and functioning at any point of time and space. The lower unconscious contains elements of various instincts, tendencies and complexes. In the higher unconscious are individual talents and potentials which, a person acquire by practice, reveal inner strengths and visions of the. The collective unconscious is the culture within. The life journey is shifting gears from these spheres of consciousnesses. We need to understand this. From ancient wisdom to modern science, all wisdoms say the common thing. They say " “You are in your perspective and your perspectives are in you.” This means, the personality traits and choices define you and you in turn are defined by these personality choices and perspectives. The common wisdom is " “your subjective consciousness, the idea of ‘I Am’, is not a purely physical realism. This sense of ‘I’ is filtered through multiplicity of conflicting elements within mind consciousness, which are intangibles and it is expressed through brain’s mechanism, which is tangible. This ‘I’ is essentially an emergent and virtual agency, which acts like a virtual bridge between the tangibles and intangibles. That is why the consciousness, the sense of ‘I Am’, sways between the seven layers of consciousnesses, defined cyclically by seven elements of personality. Modern social sciences maintain there are seven drives or instinctive intangibles within consciousness. They are : 1. Sensation 2. Emotion/Feeling 3. Impulse/Desire 4. Imagination 5. Thought 6. Intuition & 7. Will. The sense of ‘I Am’ presides over all these seven instinctive drives. These elements themselves function within a consciousness as sub-personalities. A consciousness is defined by the elements it allows to dominate itself. The element in turn starts defining the consciousness. The personality of the ‘I’ shall be what a dominant element desires. A woman with predominance of element of imagination may be a good poetess, writer or a painter and naturally, her personality shall evolve in a way it is culturally commensurate for an artist. Suitably, she shall attract all such elements from external milieu, which aids and enhances her dominant choice of the element of imagination. Therefore, the element shall start defining her perspectives and personality. Her personality shall be the sub-conscious decider of her consciousness. Even her inner culture shall draw those elements from societal culture, which are of the same color, which her consciousness is. That is why probably her divinity shall also draw elements from her dominant element of imagination. Her consciousness defines her perspectives and in turn, her perspectives start shaping her consciousness. Divinity is a culture within her consciousness and its elements. In India’s most revered spiritual book, Geeta, the Krishna, who is accepted as the incarnation of Vishnu, the God of nurturance and stabilization, says " “He who seeks me in whichever disposition, I meet him in the same facilitative consciousness”. This is the most impacting and futuristic expression of divinity ever made. Vishnu, the most popular and dominant God in Hindu religious traditions accepts something, which is what modern science keeps telling people about the core idea of divinity. What Vishnu says means " “divinity is the idealism of consciousnesses. It is a facility, a functional superposition of consciousness, which is the ultimate arriving for all subjective consciousnesses. Divinity is the dissolution of all dualisms and ultimate destination of all journeying consciousnesses, where all seven elements of consciousnesses merge into a singular super consciousness.” Subjective consciousnesses of individuals are split between seven elements of consciousnesses. This dualism makes them confused and conflicted. This subjective consciousness, in its dualism and resultant conflict fails to see that divinity is nothing external to its consciousness, it is a realism within. As the ‘I Am’ feeling is conflicted and in a flux of dualism, his or her consciousness engenders the divide for him or her. He or she thinks, his or her God is some entity or function outside her faculties. The un-arrived and dualistic consciousness shall always seek divinity, his or her personal God outside her consciousness. The consciousness then unravels its own artistry of marvel and magic. It starts drawing similar elements from outside physical milieu and culture. If consciousness accepts the intangible element of divinity as outside entity, the subconscious layers of consciousnesses starts aligning with all similar and generic tangibles from the milieu and culture. You are what your perspectives are and your perspectives make what you are. Therefore, divinity when accepted as outside entity, engenders all external rituals and cultural necessities. Arriving is all about mind training to lead the consciousness to a certain positioning or situationalism of complete reception, where all dualisms end. In all religions, the divinity tells people " “Stop seeing me, you shall see”, “stop searching me, you shall find”. Now, there are semantic conflations also in these words, apart from the dualism, which is purely a mind and consciousness positioning. One feels the dualism in the lines as it says to ‘stop’ doing something for its ‘fruition’. We must understand why there is no dualism in it. The simple idea is, you and me cannot find or search God or love. It is there in whatever shape, color or positioning irrespective of our semantic and mental confusion about what and how God and love is. We get God and love not by finding or searching for it but by stopping doing it as, this leads us to be assimilated in God and Love, as both are in everything and everywhere. And the most important fact is that what we are searching and looking outside in the domain of mysticism and marvel is actually our own consciousness. You actually stop the dualism and conflict, the moment you stop looking outside. At this state of your consciousness, dualism stops and non-dualism is arrived at. The divinity is identified with and the super consciousness expresses this realism in the poorly designed human words of ‘I Am God”. Both science and ancient wisdom talk about a singular facility, which leads us to this super consciousness, where “I Am God” expression becomes a realism. This intangible element is called ‘Will’. Will as an intangible element of consciousness grows like a seed in the soil of the subjective sense of ‘I Am’. The ultimate destination of this growth and personal evolution is expressed in terms of “I Am God”. This will is evolved in stages and each stage deals with another set of intangible. The evolution of will also goes through seven stages of personal growth. These seven stages are " 1. Innocence/Humility 2. Purpose/Utility 3. Deliberation/Self-exploration 4. Decision/Judgment 5. Affirmation/Acceptance 6. Planning/Readiness 7. Implementation/Arriving. It has to be understood that ‘Will’ affects the evolution of the higher personality, not the sub-personalities. A whole range of intangibles like concentration, determination, patience, perseverance, courage, discipline, mastery, artistry, intensity, power, organization, integration, and synthesis are required for the process of evolution of the Will. If you match these seven intangibles with the first classification of seven elements, owned by different deities, you can easily understand, how cyclical this causality of dualism is. These elements are similar. This reflects the realism that divinity is an intangible mechanism of reaching you your own potential as consciousness. This sums up as why, a consciousness, when arrives at the optimality of his or her potential as a consciousness, he or she reaches and merges with the singularity and here, ‘I’ is ‘Divinity’ " this realism is " “I Am God”. **
Stupidity About Politics And Governance
Liberty emanates out of the primary acceptance that Reality cannot be singular and as there shall always be different shades of Realities for different people, everyone must be at free will to accept Reality as per his or her individual cognitive expressions and practice whatever principles he or she deems fit. Liberty therefore underlines the Reality of human world and human life-living. It allows accommodation and prosperity of relativity of context and relationship that humans have for acceptance of Reality. Liberty in turn engenders such sub-realities, which form part of the systems and rules of collective life-living. This means " individual, his or her relativistic and contextual perception of Reality and the resultant primary need of Liberty is the core basis of everything in life and living. It creates the system of society, cultures, politics and economics. Liberty being the primary Causality of humanity, creates sub-causalities that require specific media and as Liberty is human expression of Reality, it is only natural that Liberty installs media, which are human creations within societal life-living domain. This social-societal necessity of Liberty originates political ideas and spaces and in turn, the emergent and evolving political causalities create economic structures and functions. Therefore, in simple one line " Individual is the undeniable and irreplaceable basis of everything in human life-living and its collective management. Individual and its Liberty is Causa Sine Qua Non of everythingness… That is probably why as early as 16th-17th century; humanity had accepted individual liberty as the singular guiding principle of all human practices in collective domains. It clearly accepted all human institutions and groupings, even state power and society as subservient to the individual Will. This universal idealism of liberty and its optimal expression postulated the central and predominant position of individual in all human scheme of things to come in future march of civilization and culture. However, this idealism had always had roadblocks and vitiation primarily because humans could not ensure the quantum of compassion required in social, cultural, political and economic milieus for the idea and idealism of liberty to play out. Rather, gradually, the reverse happened as state authority, nationalistic identities and sentiments made liberty subservient to state power. The compassion element gradually gave way to competitiveness and conflicts. The power structures of state and its agencies innately aligned to money-wealth to create such an economic realism, which shattered every probability of compassionate and co-existential life-living. Interestingly, this was done on the name of individual’s empowerment and wellness! The brute force of state power however, happily termed itself as ‘Welfare State’! It has to be understood, the big trouble is that the very idea of Liberty is highly entropic in nature as it unleashes powerful energies of diversity and asymmetry. It is only natural that such powerful energy field has to have enough scale magnitude of operative space so that it does not interfere with the energy field of another individual. Also, it was essential that overall milieus remained sufficiently compassionate and resource-distribution among individuals had much-required equitability to minimize conflicts and competitiveness. These remained dream for humanity, as societies grew to become more complex with rising population and resource availability. Politics in its contemporary structures and functions came into being in human world with this specific requirement. Politics by definition of its nature means humanly designed and devised structures and functions to accommodate, assimilate and systematize different competing and conflicting shades of Realities. Politics by its very origin means a ‘Compassionate Meeting Point’ of all competing energies in society and cultures to optimize Liberty by arraying and aligning conflicting ideas and demands into a System of Sanity. And, democracy was accepted globally as the single working tool of political maneuvering for Sanity. It is altogether different matter that politics itself had such inherent and innate ‘Causalities’, which engendered the Frankenstein of Insanity and Conflicts. The ‘media’ of politics, which the core reality of liberty created, may have been designed to communicate and express the compassionate element of assimilation and accommodation in social-cultural life-living but this ‘medium’ of politics had its own ‘message’. The massive power structures, causalities of authoritative control and legitimacy for violence etc ensured that politics itself turned out to be the single largest killer of compassion, assimilation and accommodation. This however is only one aspect of trouble of politics. Second crucial aspect is that contemporary nature of politics globally has come to stay as ‘Dispenser of Solutions’, which it is not designed for. Politics has no solutions to offer, as solutions for human life-living originate only in societal and cultural domains. It is so because, troubles of life-living have origin in society and culture itself. Individual liberty has its play ground in society. Naturally, problems emanate in this playground. Societies and cultures themselves have answers and solutions. Politics simply has the role of compassionate and amicable assimilation and accommodation of competing solutions of a problem or trouble. Politics has the role of administrating a solution through its authoritative structures and functions and never the creation of solution. Tragically, instead, politics in contemporary world is the single largest trouble of humanity! It is primarily because politics in contemporary human world has illegitimately donned the mantle of ‘solution provider’, sidelining society-culture, and this the politics does to install such ‘solutions’, which only serves its own petty interest. Politics in contemporary human world is the best example of the calamitous reality of ‘Medium Is Message’. Interestingly, modern politics is behaving almost similar to the ‘mechanism of evolution’, which is accepted by most as ‘stupid engineering’. Liberty, by very definition is itself contextual and relational as Liberty is a Reality only in societal context and social relationships. There is no meaning of the reality of Liberty in a vast jungle where a single human being lives. Liberty is a socially-contextual Reality and as a natural corollary, stands as a competing idea just because of the fact that its operative domain is a physically defined space of society where people with different perceptions and perspectives live side by side; often in uncomfortably intrusive limits. Naturally, across the world, societies are in untold disarray and politics steps in destroying most liberties to install ‘peace and order’. Human population is now many many times more than what could be the idea of ‘enough space’ for every individual to practice his or her personal diversities peacefully. The population is also not equitably dispersed. Also, in modern times, all human lives with their stakes on available resources on Earth are so intricately linked to each other that it is truly tough for an individual Liberty to express itself and not interfere with that of others. The very idea of liberty stands as a competitive entity as its innate nature, which makes it highly entropic. It is simply because Liberty has meaning only in human world and humans live in finite domains of space, time, resource, etc. Naturally, liberty of different individuals shall always compete with each other to optimize the energy field of Liberty. As human population is much beyond sustainable limits of the Earth, every passing day, the operational space available for each energy field of individuals liberty is shrinking, making the competition harsher and exceed the probabilities of compassion, accommodation and inclusiveness. So, liberty itself engenders such causalities that play out their realities in a way that erodes compassion. Erosion of compassion in personal/social life-living and human milieus is such powerful causality that it unleashes elements that murders sanity. Naturally, politics gets the license to restrict and kill liberties, on the pretext of ‘order and peace’ and ‘welfare of people’. In contemporary human world, it is this hugely entropic energy of Liberty, which is incessantly hiking the quantum of insanity and disorder in societies. Take the example of how modern world has come to stay as a major theatre of liberty of women, across the globe. Since thousands of years, women liberties were suppressed and now they have come to the forefront of all major societal, political and economic discourses. However, as majority of men world have not taken this women enterprise for liberty with sufficient quantum of compassion, accommodation and inclusiveness, the entropic structures between men and women have only strengthened, causing more chaos, conflict and confusion between them. Similar is the case with all other hitherto ‘marginalized’ sections, who are attempting to take their liberties to the mainstream of societal-political-economic discourse. Every new expression of liberty is shrinking compassion and enhancing stress of conflict. For politics, entropies are great news as they extend it the much required legitimacy to use brute force of power and authority to kill liberties. Politics essentially plays smart and is scrupulously selective in taking sides with those identities and liberties, which populist energies provide sufficient mass and volume. Politicians are rather hugely skilled to even influence public opinion, create a virtual reality and authoritatively install it as ultimate Reality! We have talked about it at the very start of this eBook… It is however debatable, whether there could be a possibility of sanity and non-conflict if there were only five humans in the entire cosmos, living in far away galaxies. It seems, even then there probably could not be peace because some day, the five would get connected and even while there would be enough space, the causalities of Liberty would creep in and at least one of the five humans might feel that he or she should ideally own 95 percent of the cosmos, instead of the current 20 percent! Liberty as the expression of reality that human consciousness perceives is a ‘causality’, which automatically finds a ‘media’ for entropic probabilities. Essentially, Liberty is also dualistic, like all realism of life and living. As the famous saying goes, ‘My right to swing my arm ends where the nose of other begins’; this very dualism makes liberty a recipe of chaos and conflict. Liberty cannot stand divested of Duties as every individual is entitled to liberty of his or her personal perspective and viewpoint of a Reality but then, so are others. And in a collective space, where energy fields of personal liberties are uncomfortably close, because of huge population pressure and limiting resources, it is only very natural that even a ‘small swing’ of arm by an individual gets restricted by the intrusive ‘nose’ of other individual. Naturally, liberty in modern world is getting ‘restricted’ by loads of burden of ‘duties’, usually very harshly imposed and administered by state power and even societies. It is only very natural that compassion in contemporary times is tested hard and probably cannot stand the heat of conflicting competitiveness. The ‘space-resource-crunch’ is however only one aspect of the trouble for Liberty. Liberty by its very nature is entropic and therefore, for Liberty to thrive and spread, it requires less controlled socio-political-economic milieus. By its innate positioning, liberty is best expressed in milieus where duties are less and authoritative restrictions are fewer. This very positioning is recipe of disaster for political systems and governments, which by their own nature and positioning, thrive on disciplinary restrictions and larger duty compliances of individuals. Interestingly, this modern ‘welfare state’ is so colossal in structure and function that it swallows most of the available ‘spaces’ for its own ‘Liberty-Expression’, which in turn uploads such huge loads of duties on individuals that personal liberties are always gasping for a few breaths. The conflict between liberal individual and authoritative state is a classical battle in human world and it keeps going out of hand as human world is evolving as it is. There is a history of how the so-called democratic ‘welfare states’ have wreaked stringent authoritative controls on individuals and their liberties. Globally, in so many countries, which have had a good record of Liberal traditions and cultures, there has been a rise and emboldening of right wing nationalist political ideology. This rising right wing nationalist voice is against ‘unfettered’ liberty and wants to install selective restrictions on the name of nationalistic sense of duties. In USA, in many countries of Europe, even very liberal nations like Sweden, India, etc, the right wing nationalistic surge has taken over the erstwhile ‘Liberal’ traditions. The idea behind this global development is primarily about the dualism of Liberty itself. The idea of optimization of liberty is a vast-resource enterprise. Liberty is a happy-times manifestation of human individuality. The very rise of right wing nationalistic sense of duty-restrictions over liberal rights is the manifestation of bad and crippling times for humanity globally. The issue of ‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Localization’, as against the post-second world war era of liberalism, open trade and globalization is the reiteration of shrinking space for energy-fields of liberty. The right wing insurgence of the restrictive nationalistic ideology of ethnicity and localization is aimed at ‘elimination’ or ‘taming’ of those ‘noses’, which the majority ethnic group, having some sort of commonality, symmetry and uniformity sees and accepts as ‘alien’ or ‘misfit’ into their own worldview and perspective of ‘Reality’. For those, who see, belief and accept Reality in its holism, have the reason to feel warned. This is sure sign of what we know as the most lethal and incurable malaise of humanity. This is called the Auto-Immune-Syndrome. It is a situation where body’s own immune system begins to eat and feed into one’s own body. It is suicide stage for humanity. It is what the scientists have been warning that ‘Intelligent Races Make Themselves Extinct’. When individual liberty gets restricted, pruned and killed by the very structures and layers of human world, which have the primary duty and responsibility to feed, nurture and empower liberty, it is the primary symptom of beginning of the end of Possibility Of Sanity in human world and life-living. We already seem to have entered the stage and it is dangerously maturing globally, with ever increasing advocacies of insanities in the name of better world. There is a long history of humanity that tells us categorically that humanity has passed through unimaginably tough and disastrous times and situations. However, humanity could survive and still progress because it always kept the collective quantum of compassion high enough to limit the calamitous causalities of all entropies. It seems, this collective quantum of compassion was high enough because average individual in its own personal capacity held compassion as core element of human life-living. The biggest repository of compassion probably was the ‘family system’, which could survive and prosper only because of this single major resource of mutual compassion. This repository is in major crisis and like the denuded forest cover on Earth, compassion has denuded from families as family system itself is deeply stressed under contemporary expression of liberties. No doubt, there always were many, especially those who wielded power, authority and wealth, who worked against compassionate life-living but they too could not subdue compassion in consciousness of average person. The human history is too long and varied but still, it seems that there was this single uniform element of ‘compassionate community living’ at grassroots levels in all histories of all geographies primarily because life-living in general and especially for average population was tough and therefore compassion was instinctive in the part of average individual for survival and wellness needs. This seems to have changed in contemporary times with life-living becoming reasonably easy as humanity reached new heights of growth and development. The instinctive compassion seems to have given way to evolved smartness and ingenuity of individual. Individual growth naturally weakened the instinctive bond of compassionate community living. In contemporary human world however, there is an emergent realism that politics and economy have gained predominance over familial and societal live-living and the former have occasioned themselves as the largest annihilators of compassion. Democracy and market economy mechanism and processes seem to have changed radically the old world foundation of life-living. The competitive individualism that stood to gain in the new polity and economy from detaching itself from societal fabric of compassionate bonding may well be accepted as the late 20th century evolution of modern humanity. This in turn has eroded the quantum of personal and individual compassion. Naturally, the contemporary world with ever diminishing quantum of compassion is conditioned stage for entropies to go out of hand and thus kill the possibility of sanity in human world and collective life-living. Therefore, individual men and women alone can make an enterprise to restore compassion, allow liberties the less competitively conflicted milieus to enhance possibility of personal sanity, even as collective space has lost it. This restoration process may begin by every individual consciously attempting to align more of his or her individual aspirations with collective ones and side by side become less intensely attached with polity and economy. The family and society must get back their due and innate superior situation and position in human life-living, compared to polity and economy. The polity and economy induced competitive individualism must accommodate compassionate community life-living elements to make them breathe easy and fine. Globally, a small group of rationalists have been warning that there has been a constant and persistent effort by politics and market forces to unleash such trends that blunt the propensity of human minds to think and rationalize. The education systems globally has been divested of liberal thinking and rationality discourses and invested with skills for human minds to perform ‘assigned tasks’ to repetitive uniformity and compliance. This needs to be understood not only as a localized or regional reality but a global causality. Earlier, at the end of 20th century, education was designed to create humans who could work uniformly like machines. Now in 21st century, the machines and artificial intelligence has replaced humans as they do the same task better. Now economy, markets and corporate do not need humans as work force but only as consumers. People are now being trained, not by education system but my ‘media-message-management’ to become insatiable consumers with little or no ability to think and rationalize. Ideal situation for insanity to prevail and sustain for optimum profiteering! We can surely put this phenomenon into a perspective. As we proceed into a life-living situation, where milieus around us have become growingly and unimaginably complex and expansive, the modern average consciousness of common men and women develops the propensity for ‘entropy suppression’ to avoid abstractions and confusion of thinking and action. This is natural. When reality or perception of it becomes complex and confusing, there is a natural urge to make things simple and easy to avoid complexities. Thinking and rationalizing is surely not easy and simple! So, this rising trend has its own set of troubles and allied repercussions on cultures and society. The entropy expansion; the reverse of entropy suppression, usually leads to independence and liberal expressions of consciousness as the accommodation space expands. Historically, liberty and its optimum expression has been directly associated with entropy expansion mode of consciousness. This however leads to larger randomization and diversities of thoughtfulness, perspectives and behavior-actions in society and cultural landscape. This liberal consciousness and independent cognition is a definite recipe of trouble for society, culture and especially the political set up and government. Political structures always have trouble with liberal and expansive perspectives as it weakens the legitimacy of authoritative patterns of governments. Liberal governments historically have been associated with less nationalistic and ethnicity fervor and less authoritative administration. This has changed as governments are under pressure to perform batter, look after the growing consumption demands of people and compete better in their global economic adventures of moneys and investments. This has made the modern governments to seek and administer more authority, more discipline and more uniformity of actions. The liberal population with larger independence to thought-action expression is now in direct clash with political authority. This may be called the China-Model of Growth, which is threatening all other erstwhile big and powerful economic powers of post-second world war era. Somehow, many countries are now happily following the Chinese model of growth-governance, even while braving up to counter surging Chinese power. Naturally, average individual facing political and societal repression for ‘uniform’ and ‘unified’ behavioral regime, willfully starts doing entropy suppression. This compresses accommodation and assimilation urges of consciousness and therefore, many liberal elements and their asymmetrical expressions are either mitigated, subdued or squeezed. This itself in long run creates another set of trouble for societies, cultures and politics. This entropy suppression and adherence to uniformity of consciousnesses creates deep crisis of Monolithic Cognition. Monolithic cognition means majority of people have singular, partial and uniform viewpoint and perspective on core belief and utility that political masters offer. This kills holism. Initially, the monolithic cognition suits the political structures as it enables and ensures discipline and uniformity but in long run, this becomes the license to autocratic tendencies and kills democracy. This is already happening in many parts of the globe. Experts warn that in USA, India and many European countries, the monolithic cognition of collective consciousness has dawned upon and consolidated itself. It has begun to influence the political structures and popular psyche there, especially in USA and India, where majoritarianism has started to supply license of autocratic behavior to the political system and violence to societal layers. It has already percolated down to demographic levels where majority identity behaves autocratically and violently towards minority expressions. Naturally, the minority cognition and perspectives are in dire threat. The societies and cultures are under huge threat of uncontrolled entropy that is set to unleash catastrophic energies of conflict and chaos. They already are! The discerning minds and receptive people with rational and holistic perspectives can see and visualize that at macrocosmic levels, things have moved to such extremes that a correction and restitution to normal is now almost impossible. The trouble for humanity and its growing propensity towards insanity seems to have become systemic. The milieus have become so charged and filled with reactionary energies and belligerent competitiveness that it is gradually but decisively shaping and coloring average consciousness of even normal men and women to self-centered and self-obsessed cognitions. The end result of this prolonged self-obsession, which majority of people believes is a must for survival in contemporary socio-cultural and political-economic milieus, has considerably eroded and dwindled the collective altruism, especially personal as well as collective quantum of compassion, which is core to the sanity of system. The solution is not with politics and governments. It is with us " you, me and they. Can we rise up and do the needful…! **
Stupidity About Loneliness
People think, things are destined and everything in life happens, as and when they have to, with humans being mere role player. This sure is a near true reality for most average people as they are in drift, being just in reactionary consciousness, not aware and in any meaningful control of elements of life and living. Destinies of course can be changed and some real people always do it, by knowing and accepting that whatever happens in life is a product of the Causality " function of factors, which shape up a cause-effect chain of happenings and their cyclic spin offs. So, to change destiny, we need to change this causality. There is a mechanism of all patterns of life-living factors, which prevail around us and involve us in some role play, which we often fail to recognize and be in control of. Therefore, the next important thing in shaping up your destiny is Cognition " the way we see, feel and accept things in the space of ambient realism. This causality is very powerful and the cognition is often not very conducive for individual perception, as cognition is often backed by and driven by strong collective sense of realism. That is why; the ultimate thing in shaping up and changing destiny to one’s own suitability and utility is Consciousness " this ephemeral sense of ‘I’, the self, this sense of ‘me’, in the midst of the cacophony of billions of ‘I’, who constantly vie for shaping destinies for their respective individualistic as well as collective suitability and utility. Destinies, which we all accept as some external chain of happenings, are all about the causality of cognition of consciousness. This consciousness, this sense of a definitive and over-encompassing ‘I’, or the self, is usually very localized and in a drift or flux. This drifting and diminutive ‘I’ loses all control of life and living factors and elements and that is why it becomes an attachment to a pre-ordered destiny, especially the crowd destiny, led by Crowd Consciousness. This ‘I’ has to be empowered, this consciousness has to be empowered for life-living wellness and personal excellence. Then, this evolved consciousness, this higher consciousness becomes the chief protagonist of the theatre of life and living, scripting its own play of life, its lyrics and choreograph the dance of destiny. This drift and flux has to be pruned, so that the ‘I’ is in full self-awareness and self-control, scripting its own individual destiny, distinct from the collective destiny of the crowd of people. For this to be achieved, we have to come out of the drift of life and living, pull ourselves aside the forceful mainstream of pop culture of collective stupidities and be our true selves. Therefore, The Primary Intelligence, In The Mêlée Of Millions, Is To Be Lonely... It is a precursor to quality leisure, which you need for yourself, to be friends with factors and elements of life, to be the master of the 3Cs " Consciousness, Cognition and Causality, which then opens up the doors of all good things to you, for you to attain your best potentials... So many people, over the ages and even in contemporary culture, have understood the difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness and solitude are just two faces of the same coin. When we feel sad and bad about being alone and lonely, it is a depressing feeling and it becomes identified as a debilitating realism called loneliness. However, when being alone and lonely makes us happy, feel good about being in exclusive audience with self, feel empowered being in retrospections about finer things of life, this becomes a very satisfying and rewarding emotion. What exactly is the difference between loneliness and solitude? The former is bad and later is good. How? The difference is in our cognition. Two persons can be equally lonely but the emotions may vary if their cognition varies " one accepting it as good for his or her wellness and another taking it as bad for his or her wellness. This difference in perception makes all the difference how we accept the realism of lonely emotions. The cognition plays the core and cardinal role in our wellness as it changes the causality " the way we accept cause and effect of a particular situation. And, this happens because the two persons are in different consciousnesses. An empowered consciousness accepts even a seemingly tough situation as rewarding, whereas, an affected consciousness sees even a rewarding experience as a threatening situation. The success benchmark in contemporary populist culture is " more cluttered your life-living situations, more successful and self-worthy you are. This wrong and dysfunctional causality, leads to this calamitous cognition that being lonely is disastrous and a bad sign. The golden shine of solitude becomes a scary scenario for most of us. Surely, a conflated cognition! However, this is only one face of the bizarre life-living situation of the modern culture. A group of concerned socio-economic leadership is warning us that the more and more we consume, more we possess, yet we have into turned pleasure-starved societies. This liberal consumerist culture is based on the notion that consumption in all shapes and sizes actually enhances joys, thrills and happiness. The sane voices assert that this is the ideology and blind hypothesis of a culture and society in perpetual drift. The reality is; the developed high consuming cultures have become the graveyards of pleasure-starved, cluttered-consciousness, drifted people. We talk about the scientific logic of this hypothesis later. So, we consume blindly, almost anything, which the markets, media and celebrities endorse to us as must have. And we all consume in loads as we say to ourselves " everyone is doing the same and if I do not follow the same, I shall be left lonely, isolated and out of the mainstream. This nobody wants to do as nobody wishes to be labelled a loser. Majority of people being in drift and flux, is what suits markets, media and celebrities. We keep piling up the clutter in our lives and they love it. Often, in contemporary world, trade is tainted, business bewilders and markets manipulate! Surely, being lonely is the first step towards personal empowerment and this empowerment means; we have this liberty and resolve to say a conscious and definitive no to the drift. Being lonely suits you fine. Basking happily in the sunshine of golden solitude suits you fine and it is true freedom of your happy choice. But the collective culture never has this as happy option for it. That is why there is huge mass-media frenzy to popularize this theory that being lonely is a dysfunctional psychological syndrome. Psychology is being played out in our minds by the populist cultures and their presiding protagonists to keep the masses in constant drift " away from the sanity of a lonely space of wellness and excellence. We all need to have a settled and poised ‘I’ and a sense of self. This drift is calamitous. We need to live in a true liberal socio-cultural milieu, where we have real choices and true freedom to be, not what we want, but what is best for our wellness and personal excellence. It is the core causality of all dysfunctional cognitions, which we begin to patronize. This leads us to all sorts of life-living disorders as well as lifestyle diseases. This takes a heavy toll on mind-body homeostasis and all troubles start from here. An average person is often floating in a soup of sensation, emotion, impulse, desire, imagination, thought and intuition. We can say, there is a mechanism within everyone, which itself puts us in a state of drift and flux. There is a reason to it. We need to understand the mechanism. There are seven conscious and unconscious elements of personality. All seven elements are within an individual and operate simultaneously. The life journey is shifting gears in these consciousnesses. Most of us therefore are in a state of ‘flux’ " conflicted and confused. This is our mechanism. The simple reality is " more intelligent we become " that is, more information our mind processes, more elements of chaos, conflict and confusion get embedded in our conscious and subconscious minds. This has got to do with the way our consciousness is designed and works. Then, there are eight intangible affecters: Sensation, emotion, impulse/desire, imagination, thought, intuition, will and the central point I or personal self. An individual is often split and conflicted between these. Often, we put in more or undue weight and importance to one aspect; often justifying it, which is psychosis. The requirement however is synthesis of all these psychological functions by the Self. The higher consciousness needs to strike harmony and balance. This poise is the destination. This poise is very subjective and individualistic. Moreover, this poise already has a tough task to handle the pulls and pushes of seven elements of personality and eight intangible affecters, which are internal to our being. Therefore, this poise must never be subjected to more and greater drift and challenges from external milieus. It needs a state of self, which has to be amenable for inbound energies of deep concentration and introspection. This state of loneliness " this position of mindfulness of the mechanism of our consciousness, is a highly facilitative state, which we need to accept. Loneliness is a positive realism for an endowed self, seeking further empowerment. This initiates with mindfulness, which has loneliness as its primary prerequisite. The populist cultural meaning of loneliness as a sad and bad realism must be unlearned. Few people recognize that their own personhood is a mystery. Fewer still care enough about the mystery to understand it. The Pop-Belief is " Life is more about living it than it is about understanding it. However, shouldn’t we ask ourselves, ‘Who are we?’ This mindfulness is primary need for our overall wellness. The answer needs knowing and it needs allowance to some knowledge, other than what we hold dear to our heart. That is why being lonely is option-less " a definitive facilitative idealism for wellness and personal excellence. The trouble is; the process of understanding one’s ‘self’ is pitted against one’s own beliefs about one’s ‘self’. It is not an easy task to determine which of these beliefs are true and which are mere ideas. Scientists say, ‘We are in the error of believing that our Body and We are the same things. We are not aware that each of us is a virtual agent, a self, that speaks for his or her organism’. There are two subjects within you. One is the Generic Subject, which is your innate body mechanism. It accepts only tangible things and is mostly reactive and self-initiated. The other subject is Specific Subject, which leads a mindful and thoughtful action. The self, the you is a functional relationship between the two subjects and is a virtual agent. You are a bridge between the two ends of the two subjects. Mindfulness makes you say hello to your true consciousness. The ‘I’, which exists and performs in each layer of consciousness is not singular, rather it is the summation of different Me of different layers of consciousnesses. So, there are different I when you are rising in the morning, playing with your kids, praying in the church, dealing finance with your colleagues, watching a movie in the evening, dizzy after boozing and finally in bed with your spouse. Different life situations, requiring diverse sets of ‘action-thought-behaviour’ patterns, as commensurate with ambient milieus and cultural appropriates, engender different layers of consciousnesses. In all these layers, the I may be different but there is one I, in higher consciousness, which is always sort of commanding all the former Is. This Master I is not singular and independent, rather a summation of the all other I. The I in the higher consciousness is not something aloof from an individual. The higher self is not a rejection of individual’s baser selves or instincts. This Master I is a mind positioning within, which accepts conflicts of the different personality aspects and functions " the different I. It is a super state of mind awareness, which recognizes all aspects; be it in any state of unconscious or subconscious. It attempts to bring them to the layer of higher consciousness for harmonizing them into a fruitful whole. This higher consciousness must be in harmonious relationship and overall poise with all aspects and functions of an individual personality, like a true master and always be in control. This is a huge and tough process and surely needs this facilitative state of self, called loneliness, as it initiates the process of mindfulness. Spiritualism gives us a metaphor of Master I being the driver of a chariot with six horses, reigning in all of them to a singular path of appropriate. The core issue is to understand the higher consciousness in detail, as, it is this I, which has the definitive role of being the master of an individual. This Master I is the media for exploration of an expanded experience of human identity, capacity and potential. This I leads self to a journey into transpersonal dimensions. These dimensions encompass the higher levels of the energy spectrum: realms of higher consciousness that transcend the everyday awareness of the personality. Many psychic phenomena are strictly emotional or delusional, tinged with fears, personal prejudices and wishful thinking. These are moments when one of your I may take off on obsessive flights. This is the test of your Master I navigation controls. The Master I must always be evolving and as it evolves, the dimensions of consciousnesses get enlarged and the Master I is empowered more. The above descriptions about consciousness are aimed at bringing about the importance of understanding consciousness and its mechanism in details. Once we understand and accept the intricate mechanism of consciousness and how it is primarily instrumental in our wellness and excellence, we shall happily accept that all cognitions and causalities are dependent on consciousness and this consciousness instinctively being in a state of drift and flux, has to be assigned qualitative time and space for a very mindful and retrospective thought process. That is why loneliness becomes a cardinal need for all people, especially those, who are used to of fast paced life and habit of multitasking. The mechanism of our own mind consciousness is designed in such a way that it excels in reacting to things in its ambient milieus. We are essentially a reactive genius. However, we are no more purely instinctive beings. We live in societies with cultures, which define our choices. The consciousness is bound to be wavering between what is our nature and what comes to us as nurture, in the form of milieus. In the milieu we live, we are always faced with newer questions as well as answers. Our wellness and excellence depends on how well we manage the incessant process of learning and unlearning. The unlearning is far more important than learning in the process of our evolution to wellness and excellence. Learning surely is possible even in fast-paced life full of drift and flux, in a state of sub-consciousness. However, unlearning is a tough task, needing a qualitative leisure time and space, a very conscious mindfulness, which the happy situation of loneliness facilitates. We have this ideal state for unlearning when we land in loneliness. That is why the first intelligence for us in this clutter culture is that we must unlearn the misgivings associated with loneliness. This realism of loneliness, as we see its different manifestations and dimensions in contemporary societies, especially in complex and developed cultures, must be examined from two possible ways. First of course is the populist perception, which often is not what an objective perspective can accept. This is largely because this populist perception about loneliness is a creation of people affected by the troubles of loneliness themselves. That is why it has larger elements of subjective perceptions, coloured by pep psychology and mass media. It has to be accepted that it is a populist practice to add more fiction into facts. Often, most fictions about things start with facts but populism ensures that subjective narratives and personal lore also become part and parcel of the objective reality. Populist perception about loneliness being a collective realism of the experiences of lonely people itself, loads of extrapolated wisdom and experiences easily become acceptable as fact. Human brain is genius of extrapolations. However, scientific, objective and logically singular fact about loneliness is far from what populist realism stands as. It is very important for all people to understand and accept this singular objective factsheet about loneliness. Yes, it has to be admitted that it is not going to be easy for those people suffering from loneliness to accept this, as it somehow puts the larger onus on them. Still, accepting helps in unlearning the clichéd and stereotypes about loneliness, which is predominant in popular perception of most. Most scientists define loneliness subjectively. That is, they believe, if you consider yourself lonely, you are. They insist that loneliness must be seen as an internal, subjective experience, not an external, objective condition. It is an objective realism that people grow lonely because of the gloomy stories they perceive and tell themselves. This realism about loneliness has to be accepted. It is of primary importance, as the diagnosis of real meaning, nature and actualism of the realism of loneliness, in all its manifestations and multidimensionality, shall help us in accepting that loneliness is largely about subjective perceptions and that is why, an individual is very well endowed to not only come out of this perceived loneliness troubles, rather also begin to value, treasure and enjoy it. Moreover, we shall then begin to use this facility of loneliness as a tool of empowerment for life-living wellness and personal excellence. So, about loneliness, we all need to have two different process done simultaneously " unlearning and then learning. Enough researches have established that lonely people have just as much social capital, defined by physical attractiveness, height, weight, socioeconomic status, and academic achievement, etc., as their non-lonely peers. What this hints at? It is the same, which the above fact asserts. That is, perception as well as realism about loneliness is very subjective, very individualistic and that is why loneliness can be successfully handled by the affected individual itself. Researchers also maintain that the less educated are lonelier than the better educated. This also clearly points to the same fact about loneliness being a very subjective realism and a person, who has better mental and consciousness abilities, can truly avoid loneliness trap and can be endowed enough to come out of it successfully. This shall be a truly winning, enjoyable and self-worthy experience for all. Researches establish the fact that lonely people are not necessarily more isolated. Also, it needs to be known and accepted that scientists say, ‘what we most crave is the company of other people, but it can be that very company that sets us off to what we perceive as loneliness and then begin to belief in its onset’. Let us spare and invest good amount of positivity, leisure, acceptance and innocent reception about some core realism about loneliness. Researchers find that loneliness often has loads to do with our intimacy needs and how we handle it. Also, researches confirm that a key part of feeling lonely is feeling rejected, and that, it turns out, is the most damaging part. It is for sure that the feeling of rejection is somehow a corollary of the core issue of intimacy, which is at the centre of the emotions of loneliness. This series of related emotions and realism have to be very carefully understood and accepted. Researchers say, ‘What is different about lonely people from other non-lonely ones is how they interpret their social interactions with friends and acquaintances. Loneliness is interpreted by scientists as the ‘perceived’ gap and ‘inconsistency’ between what someone desires in relationships, especially intimate relationships and what one actually has or finds in these relationships. Studies say that lonely people tend to feel put upon and misunderstood. The researchers say, ‘lonely people are more likely to attribute problems in social relationships not to themselves but to others, and often see themselves as victims who are already giving as much as they can to their relationships, but get back poor things.’ This must be viewed with a very affectionate and compassionate heart and mind. Does this all seem not very serious thing but just a small gap between what is perceived and what turns out to be? Does it seem that the trouble is not actually something physical or actual but notional and subjectively perceivable? If it is, doesn’t this signify a very usual thing between people. Globally, experts accept that despite technologies, humanity has grown this trouble of gap between people, be it communication or relationship goodies. This surely seems the reality. Researchers and scientists say that worst thing for lonely people is that ‘loneliness itself can further distort their thinking, making them misread other people’s good intentions, which in turn causes them to withdraw to protect themselves from further rejection. This in turn causes other people to keep them at arm’s length’. Scientists warn, ‘loneliness can create its own self-defeating behaviour’. Now, let us put in picture what we said very initially in this book. We talked about the idea of 3Cs and their utility in understanding core realism of our life-living experiences. We need to apply this 3Cs principle for better diagnosis of the populist perception about loneliness being a huge trouble. The simple realism, it seems is, loneliness is a condition of our own drifted or fluxed consciousness, giving us misplaced cognitions, thus and in turn making us accept a wrong and unrealistic causality. What the scientists say about perceptions of lonely people is a two way mechanism. Loneliness distorts what we perceive and believe. However, it is also the vice-versa. Our distorted worldview and perspectives leads us silently to the deep woods of loneliness. Scientists say, ‘you are in your perspectives and your perspectives are in you’. What this means? This suggests the simple fact about the 3Cs. If we have an affected consciousness, which happens because of our over-indulgence in drift and flux life-living choices and clutter culture, we shall have a distorted or disturbed cognition. This means, a consciousness, which misses the poise and balance of perspectives and worldviews, also has distorted cognition " means, he or she sees and accepts something, which is either not a fact but fictitious, or accepts things, which have little facts but more fictions. The straightforward fact is " there are so many cognitive troubles in our popular cultures, which are embedded in the affected consciousness, many of us tend to evolve, because of the flux, drift and complexities of modern life and living. We have already discussed how our conscious minds and subconscious minds become home to loads of chaos, conflicts and confusion in this contemporary populist culture and then lose their poise. This affected consciousness then affects poorly our faculty of poised cognition. This in turn makes us see and accept twisted and mistaken causalities. Loneliness, which is actually a potent and potentially positive faculty of a poised consciousness, becomes a victim of wrong cognition and causality. As we said, drifted and fluxed life-living and clutter culture pushes us to the deep woods of loneliness. This forest is a nice place, a truly empowering milieu if we see it that way. However, most people are scared of woods. Therefore, they fail to enjoy the very soothing and serene environs of the woods. It is all because of affected and distorted perspective. We are in our perspectives and our perspectives are in us. Scientists however very categorically say that being lonely is ‘not such a passive situation that you can say, you just cannot help’. You can, with a change in your perspectives, through a process of unlearning and learning, towards the acceptance of this true and actual realism, within and outside you. The learning, which we all need to have, is about the 3Cs. We need to learn scientific and singularly objective facts about consciousness, cognition and causality. This is what getting popular in many parts of the world. People are accepting that clutter cultures we are in are taking us away from our own realism. People are accepting that mindfulness is the call of the hour. Loneliness is gradually being appreciated. What we have to unlearn is that populist cultural clichéd, which has entered our instinctive behaviour and actions. We have to unlearn inappropriate benchmarks of success, self-worth, utility and happiness, which the contemporary clutter culture of markets, media and celebrities has heaped on us. We have to unlearn that we cannot do. We sure can! **
Stupidity About Health And Wellness
This precarious yet definitively palpable experience of your ‘Conscious Self’ summoning and then having an audience with your own Subconscious space is a hugely rewarding feeling. The communication between two layers of ‘I’ or self, is neither new nor is it something somebody has to do. It is an auto-process, keeps happening and the conscious and subconscious layers are entwined in a two-way communication loop in some dialectic causality. This means, the conscious is affected by subconscious and also affects it and the vice-versa. This loop is repetitive yet evolving. However, this auto-process of communication between the two layers of ‘I’ seems like a silent and mute mechanism and their interactions are not usually registered by conscious self. Moreover, the causality or purpose of the communication is internalized process of different brain states. A fragment of its sparks may be felt either in dreams or thought pop ups in awakened state or very rarely in fleeting epiphanies but seldom registered by our conscious self for active recall and replication. That is, a person is not usually aware of the purpose, process and outcomes of the conscious-subconscious communication. From health, vitality and wellness point of view, what is very crucial is another dimension or domain of communication between the two layers, which is initiated by the ‘Conscious Self’, the awakened and fully ‘Aware I’, with a purpose that is well designed and thought of, fully mindful of the process that the communication needs to have along with a definitive wellness goal as the finality of outcome. This is what we called the well-aware process of the conscious self summoning and then having an audience with its subconscious self to accomplish a definitive and even tangible outcome. This not only is a very rewarding feeling but also a hugely potent tool for infinite health-wellness successes. This ‘Conscious-Communication’, using the body-mind ‘Media’ is the singular code of health, vitality and wellness. Sadly and stupidly, we seldom understand it, let alone practice the artistry. This needs to be deciphered. At the very outset, it has to be understood that we are talking of ‘health-wellness’, not disease management. There is a body-mind process that is an auto-mode media and communication, working for us at subconscious levels, which we are never aware of. But, we can be to a good extent and use this knowledge for wellness. This knowledge shall probably lead us to understand how we can use the media and communication at the level of awareness of higher consciousness and what the challenges in effectively doing it are. This shall also answer to the question as what else this ‘generic’ media and communication otherwise do, when they are not doing this ‘specific’ task handed out by our conscious selves? This is important. This ‘auto-mode’ media and communication process is known as Homeostasis. Contemporary scientific knowledge of body-mind mechanism and processes has begun to reiterate the structure and function of Homeostasis process in its broadest possible manifestations for overall wellness of we all. Globally, aware and empowered people are embracing the holism of Homeostasis process and making conscious efforts to practice the lifestyle choices that facilitate Homeostatic sanity. Scientists maintain that ageing is 30 percent gene function and 70 percent lifestyle choices. This suggests, Homeostasis decides our wellness and life. Homeostasis is essentially a biological term but has utility and reference in all walks of life and living. Homeostasis is all about balance, poise, equability, equilibrium and what we have learnt since ages - the ‘Golden Mean’. In all our religious books, folklores, spiritual discourses, philosophies and societal wisdom talks, we can find the core concept of ‘balance’ and ‘poise’ in everything we perceive, accept and do. The poise and balance is surely not an external idea or a value that is alien to us. It is in fact what we have been designed for and is very much our central mechanism. We are endowed with it but seldom at it! The human organism consists of trillions of cells all working together for the maintenance of the entire organism. While cells may perform very different functions, all the cells are quite similar in their metabolic requirements. Maintaining a constant internal environment with all that the cells need to survive (oxygen, glucose, mineral ions, waste removal, and so forth) is necessary for the well-being of individual cells and the well-being of the entire body. The varied processes by which the body regulates its internal environment for cellular wellness are collectively referred to as Homeostasis. Homeostasis in a general sense refers to stability, balance or equilibrium. It is the body's attempt to maintain a constant internal environment. Maintaining a stable internal environment requires constant monitoring and adjustments as conditions change. This constant adjusting of physiological systems within the body is called homeostatic regulation. This idea is similar to what we have discussed earlier. Body’s very natural process of working involves huge complexities of cooperative actions to get it going. The big challenge is to keep its working optimal and right even as we all move in and out of varied and complex milieus that constantly requires adjustments and course correction within body-mind systems. It is only natural that such huge and complex system-working engenders entropic outcomes. Therefore, Homeostasis is always challenged and needs specific regulations and adjustments. The challenge for Homeostatic regulation is far more intense and complicated in contemporary societies and cultures as we have gone a long distance on the wrong path of lifestyle choices and milieu-sanity since ages. Moreover, the environment we live in is so much polluted, the food we eat is so unhealthy and lacking natural sanity, the lifestyle we lead is so full of excesses and extremities that together they all put us off this precious ‘balance’, miles apart. Most of modern degenerative diseases, also called ‘lifestyle-diseases’ are the result of this affected homeostasis of human body, living choices and external environment. It is only very natural that the Homeostasis is troubled in contemporary times. Naturally, restoration process of poise and balance is also bigger challenge today. The equilibrium state has physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and environmental dimensions. The body sure has an auto-process of restoration. Body-mind processes adjust to restore the individual to homeostatic equilibrium through a combination of physical, emotional, behavioral and psychological adjustments. This behavioral readjustment processes are known as Allostasis. So, the simple point is, there is a constant subconscious ‘communication’ going on inside our body-mind, which is what Homeostasis is all about. Our subconscious self is using the same ‘media’ of neurons and hormones through subconscious communication through languages of physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and inert thoughts. However, these processes are not felt or registered by conscious self as they are happening in subconscious domain of our consciousness. What scientists and health guardians keep telling us is that our body’s subconscious, auto-mode or innate in-built mechanism for Allostatic processes for restoration of Homeostatic equilibrium is too stressed in contemporary times as body-mind system entropy has escalated to unprecedented heights. Therefore, we all have to ‘Consciously’ intervene in our own Homeostatic process and be sensitive about ‘Aware-Personal’ initiatives to help strengthen the Allostatic adjustments. And how we can do this? Yes, simply by consciously using the same media and communication plexus that our body-mind system has by installing aware personalized inputs so that our own auto-process of Allostatic routine is bolstered and Homeostasis is restored and sustained. This is what we referred to as ‘the conscious self summoning the subconscious layer for specific and assigned task’. We simply have to be conscious at two levels " first, be aware of the subconscious process of our internal body-mind media and what communication is going on and secondly, intervene consciously to correct and input new conscious communications so that the subconscious media is altered and managed to our desired goal of life and living. This means, we have to train ourselves to rise to the level of self-awareness where we can receive signals or communications from our subconscious body-mind layers about the emerging entropic conditions. And then, have the conscious initiatives of behavioral and thought adjustments to correct and restore the homeostasis. This is not something new as thousands of years back, even at early stages of human civilization, humanity could do it. There is specific mention of similar processes of body-mind media and communication in Yoga philosophy and Buddhist traditions of around 3000 years back. It is said that Buddha had mentioned about ‘chemical processes’ within body and had urged to be aware of their causalities on cognition as well as overall consciousness. In contemporary scientific knowledge, there is growing emphasis on this process under the well understood homeostasis mechanism and cognitive science. It is important to mention here that our body-mind media is always in constant communication with our subconscious self. The neural or hormonal signals do express themselves in some physical ways or at least in emotional psychological ways. The consciousness at its highest levels of awareness has this ability to sense out the signals and realize about something wrong or troubles going on inside our body and mind. If we are in a state of peace, poise and receptive awareness mode, we can realize that the same media of neural and hormonal plexus communicates to subconscious state about a homeostatic crisis and it is communicated through same communication plexus of language, thoughts and emotions to our conscious self. However, as we do not have the required mind training to ‘sense out’ the communication, we fail to diagnose wrongs and troubles. It is believed that human brain is so complex and it has such a structure of having a cooperative symmetry of different layers evolved in millions of years, it is a marvel of cosmos. Human brain has structures and functionalities that make it capable of sensing even small changes in homeostatic equilibrium. However, the trouble is that our body-mind media of neural and chemical plexus communicates through a language to our consciousness, which an individual has to master with persevered practice. The communication is happening all the time but our consciousness must be trained for deciphering it. Since thousands of years, humanity has understood the need for a person to accept that the first duty we have is to be aware of ‘Why And How We Are What We Are’. Self-Awareness has always been considered a virtue that everyone should extend highest priority to. However, in contemporary milieus and cultures, average person is so little informed and aware about self and one’s own body-mind mechanisms and processes that he or she fails to sense out what his or her body-mind system is trying to communicate. Also, the constant flux of life-living never makes our consciousness to settle in for receptive-mode awareness. Our body-mind media and its communication plexus is a potent two-way process. It probably can and does communicate current and evolving body-mind realism to consciousness and as a reverse process, our consciousness probably can and does communicate to our body-mind structures, using the same media platform of neural and hormonal plexus. The two-way communication structures are language, thoughts and emotions and every individual probably can use them to sense out troubles and also correct them. It is here also relevant to mention about a newly emerging creditable science of Epigenetics. It is a fast emerging scientific process that is being experimented with so many other related ideas to work out a model of ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ for personal wellness and excellence. Epi-Genetics literally means something ‘above’ genetics. This is interesting because earlier, there was this popular scientific belief that we are basically a fixated genetic code and it cannot be changed. Epigenetics is a science that accepts that even though genetic structures remain the same, the way our genes express themselves can be altered by environmental factors. There is this related modern scientific concept of Neuroplasticity. Epigenetics now delve into aspects of behavioral and psychological elements of our consciousness that have power and ability to alter genetic expressions. Without going into details of its complex and serious scientific descriptions, what we wish to derive out of this new science of new millennium is that part, which we are discussing here. This relates to the strongly emerging hypothesis that our internal linguistic communication, thoughtfulness of aware self and guided emotions together can create a phenotype, which has the potential to alter the way our genetic structure expresses itself. Genetic expressions are very crucial to our wellness and excellence in the sense that our genes express themselves in two ways " activate communication and suppress communication to cells. This in turn decides how our cells of different organs make relevant proteins that work to maintain our body-mind Homeostasis by initiating the Allostatic processes. What we have to take out of this mention of Epigenetics science is a hypothesis that the primary ‘Media’ of genome and cellular plexus can be used by a ‘Conscious Communication’ to alter the content and intent of cellular expressions. Epigenetics primarily dealt with intervention by chemicals to alter the genetic expressions and cellular communication. However, recent expansion of researches is dealing with how emotional, psychological and thought milieus can affect the body’s own chemical communication to effect the neural-hormonal expressions for a specific change in body-mind homeostasis. This aware intervention by conscious self is aimed at attainment of desired health, vitality and wellness goals. Now, the next important aspect is to zero down to basics of what possibly can be the ‘Mechanism’ and ‘Process’ of this ‘Conscious Enterprise’ of ‘Media-Management’ of Consciousness layers for attainment of specific and desired health, vitality and wellness goals. It seems clear that there is this media of electrochemical and nuero-chemical structures present in our bodies that have a wired process of communication, which we are not aware of as everything is happening in subconscious or unconscious layers. What we have to do is to be aware, be in higher conscious mind state and consciously input such ‘Physical, Emotional, Behavioral, Thought and Psychological elements that communicate to our subconscious mechanism the specific goal we wish to achieve. That process is first to be aware as what probably is going on in subconscious state to understand where and what the troubles are. Then, consciously bring up the subconscious mind to an audience with conscious self and introduce the desired communication we wish for a specific goal. Then sustain this communication of ‘Conscious’ to ‘Subconscious’ in an intense mix of behavioral, emotional and physical signals so that the subconscious ‘Media’ owns this process and begins its wired ‘Communication’ plexus towards attainment of our desired goals. The conscious signaling needs to have a judicious mix of elements of physical language, thoughts, emotions and psychology. That probably together work as right ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ to the ‘Media’ of body-mind to unleash the communication for immediate intervention of all possible Allostatic process to restore the missing Homeostasis. This process of body-mind ‘Media-management’ seems easy and also appropriately effective as it seems that the conscious self is doing nothing magical or mysterious but simply using the same and already existing system and network of auto-mode ‘Media’. It also may seem like the media is a piece of paper and there are already something written on it. The media is there and the communication etched on it is something the body-mind follows or enacts, accepting it as ‘Script’ of life and living. Then, the conscious self, the ‘Aware-I’ can bring up this piece of paper and use one’s own dark pen to write some lines on the paper so that the same ‘Media’ has a ‘modified’ or altered communication and the body-mind readjusts its enactments to the consciously introduced changes. However, it is not that simple and easy. Why? We shall elaborate that. The easy part of the ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ of ‘Media-Management’ is probably the first step of summoning the subconscious for an audience with the conscious self or ‘Aware-I’. Globally, there are innumerable spiritual traditions that are popular with billions of people, which facilitate this audience. This is broadly the singular technique of what we know as ‘Meditation’. Meditation processes may have different physical and psychological techniques to bring the wavering ‘I’ to a higher conscious state. Some techniques focus on strengthening the higher consciousness whereas some reiterate on the importance of your conscious self summoning the subconscious domain to watch what’s happening there. The classic Yoga meditation is probably the most evolved and holistic idea about conscious self being in linearity with not only other layers of self but also every element in the milieus inside and outside body and mind. Yoga is overall a rather holistic life-living concept but most people see and accept only the Meditation part in yoga. Yoga is much beyond meditation and exercises. The other meditation traditions of Oriental world Like Zen methods and Vipasna also restrict themselves to the art and science of conscious self focusing on all other layers of consciousness. As this is only the first step towards communication process with media of body and mind and therefore an easy attainment for an average person, millions of men and women in contemporary world are into meditation. The cardinal mistake and trouble with meditation spiritualism is that it takes us to a stage of ‘preparation’ for a certain journey but leaves us there. Meditation is just preparing and being ready for some enterprise that is not easy and certainly not simple. First, one must know with utmost clarity as to why and for what he or she is preparing or readying by doing the meditation. Secondly, there should also be clarity on what it takes for the success of the next level enterprise. This enterprise is Media-Management of conscious communication for attaining specific goals of life and living. This enterprise requires persevered practice and pre-hand preparation of specific nature. To detail, how the ‘Aware-I’ or ‘Conscious Self’ can summon the subconscious mechanism of body-mind’s auto-mode homeostasis process for desired specific task and goal of health-wellness-vitality, in the next few paragraphs, we are narrating the chain of experiences that I had as these would help you understand many aspects of communication within different layers of ‘I’ or self and the huge potential this artistry can have on our wellness and excellence in life and living. What I am narrating is not new as humanity has successfully practiced the artistry since thousands of years and contemporary science approves of it. The core idea is to explain how our Conscious Self, a very ‘Aware-I’ can successfully use the ‘Media’ of body-mind for a ‘Communication’, the purpose and outcome of which we have opted for and wished to. It started around more than a decade back. I was traversing an age where futility of this conflicted instinctive self, which largely defines subconscious mind states, was settling in. It was beginning to descend down on the horizon of the conscious thoughtfulness that the situational success that I was in, had made the subconscious ingenuity enslave the conscious ‘I’. The protagonist that the conscious self was on the stage of life-living was in fact only enacting the script that subconscious success-benchmark had screen-played in advance. It happened in such unease of tumult of disharmony and dichotomy between two dimensions of the Self. Third day in a row and my fever was abnormally high, refusing to die down. The pain, unease and incapacitation were calamitous but that was not troubling my conscious self. In the next three days, I had a very crucial event in my office and I had to be in good readiness to match and even surpass the benchmark of excellence that I had established for myself. I desperately needed to be fighting fit. Late in the evening, I surrendered. My conscious self admitted defeat and accepted that I had lost the opportunity that the event could extend to bolster further success in my career. This very acceptance somehow seemed to have brought my being in sync with present-ness of time and space. I surrendered my conscious self that was living up the probabilities of potentials of a near future. This brought it in close proximity to my own subconscious self that instinctively was there, well-informed of the ‘troubled’ situation at hand. This situationed the inevitability of the interface of conscious with subconscious " both stood in linearity with singular moment of situation of the present. This is the least and simplest of narrations of probably a rather complex body-mind situation that was there. Probably, both conscious and subconscious layers being in linearity and symmetry, they jointly addressed the singularity of situation " my pain and incapacitation. This linearity and symmetry potentialed the probability of a magnificent magicality. Why I say this? Because now I can say that it is very rare in our busy and multi-tasking world of life-living to have a situation where our subconscious and conscious mind layers stand in linearity for a singular situation of joint enterprise. Almost often, our conscious self is busy with one issue and the subconscious is engaged in another usually unrelated task. The ‘connect’ between the two is either missing or too weak. This dualism, conflict or asymmetry between two layers is something we do not even register but it always happens. This ‘split’ is probably our body-mind make up and an innate situation, thanks to the evolution of our complex brain states. That late evening this linearity and symmetry happened, which I can speak of only now. However, still, something was missing for the magic to unravel and unleash…! Few minutes later, I consciously began to sing, with lots of gathered strength, a song my departed father used to sing. It was worded as, ‘Suniye Nath Gareeb Nawaj… Aayi Sharan Mein Tujhe Meri Laaj… (Do kindly listen O Lord of the needy and destitute. I have surrendered to you and you have to help me).’ With high fever, pain and incapacitation, it was tough to sing and therefore required a very ‘Conscious’ effort in my part. Also, as the song itself had a deep association and ‘connect’ with the memory of my father, who used to sing this song, I also wept and kept singing for an hour or so. The subconscious state that was completely drenched and drowned in helplessness and debilitation, probably found itself a supportive advocacy of conscious self and together there was a singular, definitive and unflinching expression and communication of an emergency need for immediate ‘help’…! The night I slept and could not remember much as probably I was in a delirium. Early morning I found myself in the pool of sweat. I experienced untold weakness but my mind felt fresh. My conscious self had clarity of thoughtfulness and fever was down to normal. The day passed and fever did not come back. In the night, when usually fever used to be high, the fever returned but was very mild. Next day, I was normal and on my toes and eventually made it to my crucial office event and did well. This experience and experiment has been repeated three more times successfully since then and every time a new element was added, even when I could ascertain that the core ‘magic’ remained the same. We shall try to decipher the ‘magic’ after detailing the other three experiments as every other experience had something new in them… Four years back, my lower back pain came to stay as a permanent thing in my life. Initially, the pain was very crippling in the morning and as the day progressed, it was bearable. I sort of accepted that as it was something very common, especially for tall man like me, I ignored it. I did some yoga exercise but it worsened the pain. In the next two months, pain and stiffness worsened and it became tough for me to do even my daily routine. I had in my mind the ‘magic’ that I had earlier experimented as only a year back, I had repeated this successfully with another fever bout. However, I realized that as lower back was something always there with me, even since my youth days and so I believed it was something related with my skeletal frame, which was naturally deteriorating with age. I was reluctant to repeat my experiment with back pain as I was sure it was not a malaise but a physical reality of a degenerative body that was only natural. This time, it all happened unplanned and spontaneous. One morning not only the back pain was acute and intense but also, the pain moved up to upper back and reached bottom of my neck. The whole day, I had nothing to do and there was no business at hand. I just kept lying on my bed, was silent and as usual, surrendered myself to the situation. I didn’t sing. I could not as even breathing was a tough ask. Didn’t remember my father, didn’t invoke divinity. I simply focused on my pain. It was like I called up my pain and sat with it and respectfully and humbly showed up my tears. I remembered a folklore about a fakeer (hermit) who wailed and wept inconsolably and cured any diseased person who came to him. I wept and wailed and all along consciously focused on the pain as if it was a person and I was directing my tears and wails to ‘him’… Nothing magical happened next day. Probably, the pain and intensity were the same. However, next day, there were troubles with my mother. She had serious trouble with her health and I simply forgot my own self and almost subconsciously dived into a routine of unending work to extend best possible care and support to her. Almost 15 days passed and as she continued to be serious all these days, I simply could not even register the actuality of severity of my own pain and incapacitation. My mother started to be well and I too had some leisure time first time in 15 days. Suddenly, I registered that somehow I had managed single-handedly everything in past 15 days, even when my condition was such that I even had huge trouble moving around. I realized the lower back pain was still there but very mild and even disappeared for day or two and would again come back. In months to come, the inflammation that was so intense that even slight press of the affected area was impossible, I could now massage it and felt no pain. Of course, lower back pain is not fully gone but it is not permanent; comes back occasionally and that too very mild, whenever I overstretch things. Similar success happened with what looked like initial prostate trouble. It is common in maternal side of my family and I was already expecting it. This experiment was somewhat similar to what had happened with back pain. Again, it was like summoning the problem, having an audience with it and respectfully expressing my incapacitation with simplicity of honesty and humility. This time, there were no tears, no wails just an intense and long conscious talk with my own ‘self’. Things began to improve after a week and I kept the ‘talk process’ on for two-three times… Most interesting and very appealing is the last experience, which happened a few months back. I had tooth pain and it had lasted a week. I rarely take a pain killer but I did all home remedies like salt-turmeric paste rubbing, clove oil, etc. No relief. After a week, the pain shot up and spread to ears and forehead. The pain was shooting and pulsating, making it hard even to sleep. I took painkillers reluctantly for two days but it only provided relief for few hours. The pain intensified. On probably 9th day of my tooth pain, it was unbearable and still, there was no rest possible. I had a long day of work and it could not be possibly avoided. As I mustered up courage to begin the day with my work, it flashed in my mind that I should do the experiment that had thrice been successful. However, deep inside, I felt this time it wouldn’t work as I thought, as I had planned it, my brain has already got aware that I was consciously attempting to selfishly use the experiment for relieving pain and that would alert my subconscious. I dropped the idea. An hour later, I changed my mind and thought, why not take a chance, the pain is killing me, what is the loss; anyway I am up and doing my work. This time however, very consciously, I changed the core element of my experiment. I chose a song I had heard from the legendary musician of India, Bharat Ratna, Ustad Bismillah Khan Saheb, based on Raag Bhairav Of Indian classical musical tradition that is worded like, ‘Allah Hi Allah Jalle Shan Allah… Rim jhim Baras Ho Noor Tazalla… Allah Hi Allah…(A praise of the almighty Allah). I kept with my work and recited the composition 40-50 times throughout the day. It is irrelevant, yet being mentioned just for information that I am born Hindu, Brahmin but do not engage in the question of traditional religion and divinity. The day passed and late in the night, I could manage to sleep. It was a dreamless sleep and so deep that I could not even register how long I had slept. Early morning, I woke up an hour before sunrise on my fixed time. It was winter night and I had my quilt over me. As I awoke, I felt numbness in my body. It took a few seconds before I could register that I could move my body. Seconds later I could realize I was in a pool of sweat and as I checked my skin, I could feel that sweating had been profuse and probably the whole night as there was thick sticky layer on my skin. Probably after five minutes I could shift my attention to my tooth pain, which was still there but felt very much bearable. As the day progressed, the pain died down considerably and in the next two days, there was only this somatic sensation that reminded that there was this massive pain there. Third day, everything was normal… Before we proceed to interpretation of different probable aspects of the experiments and experiences sketched above, there are a few important things that need categorical mention. The experiments may seem to suggest religious insinuations as it may look like God or divinity are being invoked and connected with. However, I must make it amply clear that it was not. My position regarding God and divinity is neither atheist nor a theist nor an agnostic. I have already written an eBook on this issue titled, ‘I Am God’. We shall deal with it later. Secondly, it may seem that experiment is primarily associated with pain, physical trouble and its cure, but I must say it is not. The broad idea is about a situation of destabilization of any sort and then the way out of it. The experiments may seem like an intangible process facilitating a solution of tangible trouble but it can also be intangible situations too. These four experiences or experiments have been mentioned for ease of accepting a hypothesis about media and communication of consciousness. The experiments narrated above broadly falls in the domain of three probabilities. Though I have experimented and experienced things and successfully worked out a process of solution and relief, I shall not say what exactly it is. I shall rather analyze all possible aspects and dimensions of these processes and shall always call them as probabilities. I shall also appeal you not to fall for any interpretation or conclusion and always remain skeptic. We are not dealing here with science, which itself is not always above the scope of skepticism. We are essentially attempting scientific philosophizing, building up probabilities to unravel and decipher the entire spectrum of realism that ‘I’ or self can associate itself with. That is why I said we shall discuss these experiments and experiences under three probabilities. 1. The first probability is that we can say, there is no definitive link between process of conscious input of emotional appeal and cure or subsidence of trouble. Why? Because, we all know, even while the emotional processes may be accepted as effecting some relief to the pain and disability, there are still many other elements both tangible and intangible working towards the same goal. Like, we can say, most fevers have a cycle and it anyways comes to an end. Also, body’s own immune system is working, which takes it time and may culminate on a particular time-space coinciding with the emotional process. Also, some sort of medication is there and it also works gradually. The simple point is as emotional appeal is only one among many processes going on simultaneously, we cannot definitively say, emotional process alone did the solution or it alone was the dominant element. True it is as such a finality of assertion can be accepted only when such experiments have a sample size as big and diverse as possible. Four experiments is a very miniscule sample size. We shall analyze this probability later… 2. True that there always are multiple elements in milieus inside the body and outside working simultaneously on a situation and they keep working silently to a point when a finality of its shape is unraveled and installed. However, it is very much possible that emotional processes catalyze all other elements, speeding up and optimizing the cure mechanism. 3. The third probability is that conscious emotional elements are the singular media that matters as it alone has the communication potential and pathways that body-brain media accepts, which then in turn activates all other elements of immunity within to begin the work. In other words, body-brain mechanism essentially has the cure and magic that finally works but, it is this language of emotion or thoughtfulness, or this communication causality of emotions that brain and body either listens to or lends critical importance to for any action. This probability rests on the premise that subconscious processes probably require clear and categorical ‘critical’ communication from conscious layer of self or ‘I’ to work out actionable processes for solutions. In other words, subconscious is a neutral media but requires specific ‘communication’ from conscious part to actualize or at least catalyze certain causality. Ideally, how our brain functions and how different layers of consciousnesses connect and communicate with each other is not something that should be talked in terms of probabilities and philosophizing. However, as contemporary science has not yet fully and irrevocably concluded this knowledge, we have this freedom and also the necessity to explore all probabilities. These probabilities themselves have been made possible because of great deal of objective and definitive knowledge that science has provided us. Also, there is surely no better empowerment for an individual to have inquisitiveness and knowledge about how our body-mind works and how we, as conscious selves can effectively use this ‘media’ of body-mind mechanism to attain optimal wellness and success in life and living. Therefore, we are always better off analyzing all possible ‘causalities’ of this media and communication that our conscious selves can have. We pick up as many probabilities of realism that can emerge from the experiments and experiences we have narrated above. They are surely based on what science has also realized and experimented with, even while they still have to come up with definitive rules of engagement or law of causality. Moreover, science also progresses on hypotheses that emerge from experiences of human consciousness. Humans first decipher a pattern or a causality and then as we mature and evolve in knowledge, we objectively test the validity and logicality of those hypotheses. This itself is the progression of science. Therefore, scientific philosophization itself is the primary enterprise of being scientific. This is what we are doing. The first aspect about the experiences we mentioned above is that scientific experiments tells us that even when we fake a smile, our body mind responds to it as if we are actually happy. This means, if we are depressed and do not feel like being happy at all, scientific experiments have confirmed that if we fake a smile, if just move our facial muscles that simulates a smile or laughter, it also has similar impact that an actual smile backed by actual happiness has on our body and mind. This idea is the core principle of a huge study domain of cognitive science that modern science has been able to venture into with success. As neuro-science has made great breakthroughs into brain function and its neural mechanism and processes, first time in history of humanity, we have a novel and very powerful prism of looking at ‘I’ or self in a new light. We all know how in contemporary world, we have moved from behavioral economics that was based on archaic principles of psychology to neuro-economics based on understanding of brain science. Cognitive science weighs in how people see and accept a reality based not on objective facts and elements of physical reality but on emotional elements. For example, great numbers of middle-class people are buying big SUVs or luxury cars and large houses even when they do not need them. They do it because of their cognitive acceptance that as everyone is doing the same, it is the ‘right’ thing to do. This is neuro-economics at work, which markets and businesses pick up for brand messaging. On the contrary, if some communities in some European nations are consciously opting for small houses, cycles or shared vehicles, they too are guided by collective cognitive acceptance of this being good and right for them. The idea is, human body-mind mechanism and its outcome that we study as different layers of consciousness seems to journey successfully with the media of emotionalism as cognitive domain seems to have a mix of physical as well as emotional elements. However, even as science has not fully established which factor weighs in how much and which way for brain states to take a final decision but it is now increasingly being accepted that cognitive factors of emotional realism stands as most dominating factor in finality of decisions. For example, a man is out doing a risky job. His unconscious layers are perfectly wired to avoid any risky action. His subconscious layer is fully aware about the risks involved in doing the job. Still, his conscious self knows it very well that he needs good money not for his own benefit and pleasures but for education of his kids and treatment of his wife’s illness. He knows that risky jobs pay better and therefore, his decision-making is dominated by emotional elements, even while his cognitive spectrum is weighing in physical as well as instinctive elements of the realism. This cognitive economics is the most-traded coin in contemporary markets as brand communications are being done keeping emotional elements in mind. Here, it is also relevant to talk about placebo effect that has been debated globally. We shall not discuss much about it but just mentioning it to keep in mind that placebo effect itself has been accepted by science. This suggests, there is a causality between ‘conscious’ acceptance of an element, which in turn somehow affects the subconscious and triggers some kind of positive change in body and mind mechanism. The role of conscious ‘thoughts’ and emotions in shaping some processes in subconscious layers is something we shall discuss in later chapters. Also, there is a rather debatable role of Homeopathic treatment of diseases or symptoms. Many scientists believe that homeopathy is nothing but some sort of sorcery. However, fact remains that millions of people benefit from homeopathy drugs and line of treatment of many chronic and other diseases. Many governments spend big amount promoting homeopathy treatment as alternative medicine. We can probably see and accept that the way homeopathy treatment is done, there is an emphasis on patient-doctor emotional-connect and psychologies are played out in minute details while arriving at a diagnosis. Moreover, the idea of the mechanism of placebo effect also cannot be ruled out. Then, it may also be possible that whatever is administered as drug, it is in fact a chemical element that may well be akin to some ‘communication’, using the media of body-mind plexus. How it works may be unknown but it works, is a fact. Then, we have a rather fascinating and modern scientific element of ‘Orientation-Healing’. This says, you are as sick or as healthy as you ‘accept’ yourself as. This is especially true about many body-mind conditions or symptoms like depression and many other mind disorders. This healing process lays emphasis on ‘Conscious’ orientation of ‘self’ towards a positive emotion and feeling, through aware thoughtfulness that ‘I Am Fine And Shall Overcome’. Even modern medical science suggests such ‘Orientation-Healing’ complementing the popular medical process through drugs and surgical interventions. The core causality that is common in all the above healing or corrective processes are some sort of Conscious ‘Communication’ using the same subconscious media that every one of us have. The simple Rule Of Causality is that our consciousness has a mechanism and process where there is a structure of media in our body and mind, which is subconscious. However, this media does respond well to a communication that our ‘Conscious’ self inputs. The process is, first to be aware as what probably is going on in subconscious state to understand where and what the troubles are. Then, consciously bring up the subconscious mind to an audience with conscious self and introduce the desired communication we wish for a specific goal. Then sustain this communication of ‘Conscious’ to ‘Subconscious’ in an intense mix of behavioral, emotional and physical signals so that the subconscious ‘Media’ owns this process and begins its wired ‘Communication’ plexus towards attainment of our desired goals. This broadly was what happened in all my four experiments that we have discussed at the start of this book. The conscious signaling had all the right mix of elements of language (Wordings of song), thoughts (connect to my departed father as savior), emotions (the wails and tears) and psychology (intangible mental state of painfulness and incapacitation). That probably together worked as right ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ to the ‘Media’ of my body-mind to unleash the communication for emergency situation, requiring immediate intervention of all possible Allostatic process to restore the missing Homeostasis of my body. To conclude, it is important to fully understand the concept of Homeostasis. It is important is to know that disease and cellular malfunction can be caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need). Contemporary environment and lifestyle choices are doing both at the same time and that too very badly. In our fast-paced lives and peer-pressured race for unending marathon of instant-self-gratifications, we are not only depriving our bodies of the basic needs for survival but also adding hell lot of toxicity than our bodies could handle. Survival is all about homeostasis in nature as well as nurture domains. Tragically, we live in a cluttered milieu and annihilated nature as well as nurture. Now, it is crucial to understand and accept, how in our drift and flux lives, we are actually killing our homeostasis, which in turn is creating havoc with our life-living wellness and personal excellence. It is so very important to understand and accept that in addition to the internal control mechanisms, there are external influences based primarily on lifestyle choices and environmental exposures that influence our body's ability to maintain cellular health. They are: Nutrition: If your diet is lacking in a specific vitamin or mineral your cells will function poorly, possibly resulting in a disease condition. Usually people take overdose of macro nutrients like carbohydrate, protein and fat but seldom nourish their bodies with micronutrients like vitamins and very important minerals which are key to homeostasis and homoeostasis regulation. We need to understand, a deficiency of even a nondescript mineral called zinc could create havoc with body homeostasis. Equally crucial are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. Balanced diet in today’s fast-paced life is most crucial requirement and this is what most people ignore. It needs to be reminded that in contemporary clutter culture, the mass media, pep psychologists, markets and celebrities are all spreading inappropriate and extrapolated information about not only right food and right diet but almost all aspects of life-living choices. That is why there is that overload of confusion about what is right and good for us. We need to stop and check things for our wellness. Toxins: Any substance that interferes with cellular function, causing cellular malfunction are toxins. This is done through a variety of ways; chemical, plant, insecticides, and/or bites. A commonly seen example of this is drug overdoses. When a person takes too much of a drug their vital signs begin to waver; either increasing or decreasing, these vital signs can cause problems including coma, brain damage and even death. As per latest info, an average American has 12 prescriptions a year. All over the globe, average people too are taking far many medicines than necessary. In America, more people die of prescription drugs than any other single disease. Moreover, the toxins in the environment in major cities are major culprits of homeostasis. The air we breathe, especially in bigger cities is calamitous. The food we eat is so much laced with harmful chemicals, pesticides and adulteration that every day we are adding loads of toxins in our bodies. The toxicity has already penetrated to genes and dangerous mutations are devastating next generation. Psychological: Your physical health and mental health are inseparable. Our thoughts and emotions cause chemical changes to take place either for better as with meditation, or worse as with stress. Our hormones, which are agents of homeostasis, get hugely affected by our mind state and lifestyle choices. The psychological factors are the most crucial ones in degrading homeostasis. It has been found that in modern living spaces, most diseases have psychological reasons which finally take the shape of psychosomatic diseases. They get listed in broad classification of lifestyle diseases, which are the largest killers and cripplers of humanity in contemporary clutter culture. It has been clearly stated that when in a mind state of chaos and confusion or state of extremities, the hormones of the body get very poorly affected. As homeostasis is largely a function of hormonal interplay in the body, volatility of hormones causes havoc with homeostatic balance. This calamity is cyclic. Physical: Physical maintenance is essential for our cells and bodies. Adequate rest, sunlight, and exercise are examples of physical mechanisms for influencing homeostasis. Lack of sleep is related to a number of ailments such as irregular cardiac rhythms, fatigue, anxiety and headaches. It is the most common trouble of clutter culture. In a zeal to multitask, remain ever-connected and be in ever-happy mode, people are not only not sleeping enough hours but have also become victims of disturbed sleep. People generally believe that a walk in the evening or morning is sufficient. It is not. If you understand human evolution, you can easily understand how much physical labour is required for the maintenance of body balance. This natural body homeostasis was disturbed 10,000 years back when humans developed farming and started living a settled life. Consider what sort of life we lead. A good game of tennis, half an hour of swimming daily or some good running is the bare minimum we need. However, it also has to accept that rest and work go hand in hand. Either of the two is a recipe of disaster. Genetic/Reproductive: Inheriting strengths and weaknesses can be part of our genetic makeup. Genes are sometimes turned off or on due to external factors which we can have some control over, but at other times little can be done to correct or improve genetic diseases. Medical: Because of genetic differences some bodies need help in gaining or maintaining homeostasis. Through modern medicine our bodies can be given different props, but the potential for harmful effects is present. Most drugs have side effects and inappropriate drug administration is commonplace. Whether by infections, or wrong dosage of medication, homeostasis can be altered by that which is trying to fix it. Trial and error with medications can cause potential harmful reactions and possibly death, if not caught soon enough. The factors listed above all have their effects at the cellular level, whether harmful or beneficial. It also has to be understood that the homeostasis imbalance in one system out of many body systems alone can cause other systems under stress as all systems are linked. We need to understand various body systems, which are related with each other for well-being. So, if our digestive system is in poor homeostasis, other systems like respiratory system or circulatory system also becomes stressed. This however is not all about this very crucial realism of homeostasis. Homeostasis is not only about biological or physiological; it has wider manifestations. There are a growing number of economists, psychologists and other social scientists that have become interested in research on the determinants of wellness and happiness. It has been found after years of rigorous researches that individuals achieve a higher state of well being and happiness when they are in a homeostatic equilibrium, in larger sense of the term. This equilibrium state has physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and environmental dimensions. Behaviour adjusts to restore the individual to homeostatic equilibrium through a combination of physical, emotional, behavioural and psychological adjustments. This behavioural readjustment is known as Allostasis. It is now beyond doubt that when people are in a nurturing and free environment where there is trust, stability, good health, a satisfactory work environment, companionship with friends and family, people are generally happy and have a strong sense of well being. This represents the attainment of a homeostatic equilibrium at the environmental social, emotional and psychological levels. However, overall homeostatic poise is not a permanent realism. Throughout their lives, people experience excitations to this equilibrium. Some of these excitations may be positive " a better job, promotion, birth of a child, marriage, movement to a better and more desirable living environment, greater security and trust, development of a more well integrated social life, exercise and more robust health, enjoyment of hobbies, friends and family, and so on. This would lead to a higher level of well being as the individual moves to a new homeostatic equilibrium. On the other hand, a downward displacement from a homeostatic equilibrium would lead to a lower level of well being. Experts say, it is interesting that at a more fundamental level, the underlying model and motivations that drive behaviour in a model of homeostatic and allostatic adjustment are different from the maximizing calculus (instant-self-gratification) of microeconomic theory. Rather than decision being motivated by purely cognitive factors, the adjustment mechanism that drives behaviours in the case of homeostasis, involves a combination of cognitive as well as emotional imperatives. This is interesting. Researches maintain that incomes do matter; comfort has a role in wellness but only till a stage. As wellness is a function of wider homeostasis, which includes factors, which are not only cognitive but also emotional, a person is in complete wellness when there is a balance between the cognitive factors such as income, wealth, comfort, leisure and health as well as emotional factors such as trust, security, integration with family-friends-colleagues, connectivity, stability, sense of desirability and spiritual purpose, etc. Research confirmed that across geographies and ethnicity, people have shown the general tendency to move towards restoration of this homeostasis in case of a major shift away from it. This clearly suggests, like our biological system, homeostasis is our natural and desirable state of being, in all aspects of our life and living choices and there is a natural and instinctive urge to restore it. We are designed to act and behave in a way to return to set point of poise. However, what is very important to understand and accept here is that even as most behaviour and actions of average people are aimed at attaining or restoring this crucial overall homeostasis, the actual choices depend mostly on how an individual subjectively perceives his or her life situation and what emotions shape or guide his or her choices. For example, a man, even in poor health, may opt for working more hours in office, instead of taking proper rest, if he perceives that he needs more money for better education of his kids. This leads us to this very important topic of how we all do risky behaviours, even when we are all wired to seek our overall homeostasis equilibrium. We have explained earlier that you are in your perspective and your perspective is in you. This means, what and how an individual perceives his or her actual and real life situation can be very subjective. This hints at what we have earlier talked about loneliness. We are as lonely as we think we are. Similar is the realism with our perception about all things and life situations. This subjectivism of cognition is what we are talking about as we delve into this crucial subject as why people do loads of risky behaviour, which we see all around in contemporary clutter culture. Scientists say, risky behaviour supports the hypothesis that a failure to adapt to losses or to attain an expected gain, to restore the homeostatic equilibrium induces risk seeking. Most kinds of risk seeking behaviours can be interpreted as a desire to return to an equilibrium level of wealth or any other parameter. This motivation is particularly strong when losses are involved. It is because sense of loss has more emotional impact than the sense of gain. This suggests, emotional inputs have larger subjective impact on perceptions and choices. Therefore, after a gain, many gamblers may take greater risks, guided by the emotion of larger gain. However, some gamblers may take a bigger risk, even when they lose, as they may be led by desperation to win at any cost. Scientists say, this aspect of the relationship between risks and the homeostatic equilibrium relates to behavior that has been dubbed risk homeostasis. This behavior implies that there is an optimum or equilibrium level of risk that people are generally comfortable with. If this is true, then efforts to decrease risk may be met by riskier behavior. For example, when highways are designed to be safer, drivers increase their speed and take more risks and the accident rate remain at previous levels when highways were not safer. So, the finality of all behaviors depends on subjective sense of perception of realism. Scientists say, this interpretation is crucial to understanding the variety of and huge amount of risky behaviors that we all see around us in our modern living environment. All around us, there are people, of all age groups, taking far too many risks that seem quite contrary to the belief that people in general have this intuitive inclination to move back to homeostatic balance. But, it has to be understood that any cognitive factor of wellness is also subject to emotional interpretation. Like; income and wealth as a key cognitive factor for wellness is important but only up to a limit after which it rather has negative impact. But, what actually is the optimum level of income and wealth is a subjective and emotional decision, given also the fact that we all live in a modern environment where income and wealth disparities are huge. Only 5 percent of global population owns 95 percent of wealth. This contemporary clutter culture has loads of such chaos, conflict and confusion, which irrationally affect choices of behaviors. In such an environment, decision-making is more tilted towards emotional rather than logical. Scientists confirm that this cognitive-conundrum is biological, part of our body-mind mechanism, which we have already stated. Science says, confusion and chaos makes one emotional in thinking and value-summation as limbic system is activated. So, emotions make the fine-line between optimum and maximum blurred. This prompts risky behavior, even though, the behavior is towards restoring the homeostatic equilibrium. In modern environment, there is a sense of relative safety and stability. This also prompts people to take more risks in creating wellness. Then, people have their own levels of emotional value-summation. A person may react very deeply and heavily if divorced and start taking risky behaviors, another may move on. So, individual reaction to homeostasis requirements and allostatic corrections may vary. Understanding the dynamics of homeostasis and its functional mechanisms give us great insight as we can understand our own internal design of things and external environmental factors that have the potential to disturb our balance and poise of life. Balance in modern environment is something so rare but this is what we all need to have. That’s why, understanding this poise in all aspects of life and living can help. It should. This entire lengthy discussion on homeostasis was aimed at knowing and accepting the two core facts. First scientific fact is " the contemporary clutter culture is a dysfunctional and debilitating realism as it makes most of us land in chaos, conflict and confusion. This in turn lands us in a charged up emotional state affecting our logical and appropriate decision-making, as it blurs our perceptions about actualism of realism. The clutter culture affects our consciousness negatively and this in turn affects our cognition. Naturally, affected consciousness and illogical cognitions throws us in the deep oceans of bad and calamitous causality. Second core fact emanates out of the first. That is; when the crucial 3Cs " Consciousness, Cognition and Causality are hit by another 3Cs " Chaos, Conflict and Confusion, we begin to lose the sense of appropriateness of self-awareness, self-control and self-actualization. That is why we begin to perceive some good and right things as bad and wrong and the vice-versa. This perception about the worth and utility of loneliness as some bad and wrong thing comes out of that situation, which most of us find ourselves deep into. That is why, we emphasized this need to stop, opt for this golden freedom of choice to pull out of the clutter culture and start to take the road to this calming, endowed and beneficial space of loneliness. This shall trigger off a very meaningfully empowering causality. Loneliness readies us to the attainment of our overall homeostasis, which in turn makes us have a very well-shaped and logical 3Cs of consciousness, cognition and causality. We shall then be having an empowered consciousness, life-living wellness and personal excellence.
Accept My Gratitude Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being of utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. I am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you. Wish you an empowered life; with the prosperity of the consciousness. *** About The Author
People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators! ** Other Titles By Santosh Jha Related eBooks
** Fiction
** Non-Fiction
Do Write To Me. © 2021 Santosh Jha |
Added on August 24, 2021 Last Updated on August 24, 2021 Tags: Human Stupidity And Hypocrisies, Science Of Reality Of Stupidity, New Millennium Life-living Wisdo, Design Of Consciousness-Cognitio, Health-Wellness-Happiness Stupid, Love-Sex-Relati Author![]() Santosh JhaDehradun, Uttrakhand, IndiaAboutAuthor, Poet, Journalist, Confabulator I may have written 47 eBooks but I believe, I am more an affectionate and compassionate confabulator, not truly a writer in traditional sense of the term. It .. more..Writing