![]() Full eBook, All Chapters. Enjoy...A Chapter by Santosh Jha![]() Unashamedly, the author begs you, to read this eBook. You must spare ‘two hours’ to save humanity from definite ‘annihilation’. Beg others too, to join the conclusive crusade against ‘Enemy Number One![]() Give Me My Crown Back By Santosh Jha ** Copyright
2020 Santosh Jha ** License
Notes Thank you for downloading this free eBook. Although this is a free eBook, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Thanks for your support. ** ** You Are Indispensable… It
is some cognition, which only one in
a million is fortunate to have…! It comes in a state of consciousness, which probably matches with that, when a person is
minutes away from death. It is
amenable to a consciousness, when it sheds all cyclicalities of causalities " internal and external, to witness Reality, in its holism. Definitiveness
of death; the finality of mortality, is the only absoluteness of infinite
causalities, which purges and perfects cognition. Only one in a million acquiesce
to this perfection of cognition… This
rarity of cognition has the utmost purity of acceptance that most humans always
remain a Kid; obsessed with their Toys, in a world full of imaginations
and hallucinations; happily insistent that their
world is the ultimate Reality. Many
people, at some stage of their lives, may finally accept this ‘toddler-Toy-ality’
of their life-living attainments and purposes but, it comes as epiphany " a fleeting realization, and
quickly enough, the Subconscious-Egoism
prevails over. Knowledge is momentary and ephemeral for most; like a Toy that a child loses interest in soon.
Internalization, entrenchment and universalization of knowledge in subconscious plexus require continuation and perseverance
with conscious state epiphanies, which is an Adulthood artistry and craft. Toy-Obsession
keeps procrastinating it, till death takes everything away… History
of humanity is 4 million years old. The contemporary humans also has a history
of 1,00,000 years. A child is supposed to reasonably grow up in 25 years. Still, 99 percent humans, even after 4,000,000
years, haven’t grown up, refuse to understand what it takes to mature, and they die after a few more
years, still remaining the Kid " in
their subjective Consciousness and Cognition. If science could come up with
a machine, which could tell, even if the body of a person is 80 years old, what
is the age of maturity of his or her consciousness and cognition; it would be a
mesmerizing global data. In philosophical generality, the psychologists like to
say, nobody matures more than 12 years old! A handful probably can; not more. Evolution
and time-lapse is not an automatic progression into maturity and growing up. It
takes Knowledge of Reality and its
universal acceptance in human world to mature a person. This is never a
priority for majority of people. Never ever any human civilization and culture
prioritized knowledge of reality in
its holism and its universality. Rather, like wealth, identity and power; Knowledge too has been victim of
oligarchic and monopolistic ingenuity of a handful of people, especially those
who enjoyed leadership and authoritative positions. Knowledge of Reality has persistently evolved
with time but always remained with handful of individuals, in all stages of
cultural progression. The larger humanity has also never shown any deep-seated
desire to accept being knowledgeable as number one priority and purpose of
life-living. Simply because, it is not auto-accrual of their design; it takes
conscious evolution. It is only natural that ignorant, hallucinating and
hypocritical humanity, stupidly happy with its abstract and mythical
perceptions, has not yet matured and grown up to the Reality. It may never… The
culpability of stupidity and hypocrisies of humanity is with every single human
being. It is not that only polity, economy and religion are the culprits and
remaining humanity is great. Still, majority of humanity cannot be blamed as
they are the worst sufferers of their own stupidities and hypocrisies.
Ignorance has rarely annihilated and suppressed the powerful and authoritative.
No political or religious leader has ever been killed in communal riots, which
they engineer for their own profitability. Ignorance also picks up easy prey,
like all predators. The teeming billions of the colossal humanity too are
culprits but their culpability is generic
and it is primarily a situation perpetuated by polity, economy and religion, if
not created. That is why; even when entire humanity is culpable of perpetuating
the universe of ignorance and immaturity in human world for thousands of years,
the specific culprits are politics
and religion as they alone stand to benefit disproportionately from generic stupidities and hypocrisies. The
specific culpability of monopolizing
knowledge and consciously keeping masses away from Reality is exclusively of the handful in leadership positions in
polity, economy and religion. The
knowledgeable society, with complete acceptance of Reality in its holism and entirety is the central idea behind this
expression of ‘Give Me my Crown Back’.
The specific culpabilities of
politics have to be mentioned and dealt with. However, surely, this is not
being done in this eBook with any ill-will or negativity. Rather, the entire
exercise is an expression of objective and reasoned compassion, which the Knowledge of Reality installs in we all.
It is tough to accept but the fact remains that even if the enemy is powerful
and oppressive; annihilation of enemy is no solution. The lasting solution is
in creation and sustenance of a milieu, where inimical attitudes, behaviors and actions are nullified at the very
beginning and; very compassionately made to see and accept their culpability. The
simple and innocent fact is " a knowledgeable human society cannot demonize anything; even if the demons
are as culpable as contemporary politics, economy and religion. If people are
the real and true sovereign, they
surely cannot act and behave the way their enemies do. The real sovereign is always compassionate
and truly knowledgeable… The
idea of the real and true sovereign " the common men and women Getting Their Crown Back, is essentially
the insistence of creation of the knowledgeable society, where this number one
priority of humanity is handed to the nomenclature of people itself and not the contemporary politics and religion as
they have been the culprit number one in never allowing this to happen. In this
eBook, we are excluding religion and focusing on politics for the simple reason that it is the politics and its
domain of government, which is so powerful and authoritative that the people
have to battle against them. Moreover, religion is beginning to lose its ground
but politics has continued to become more powerful, autocratic, oligarchic,
corrupt and suppressive. The crusade against politics and even religion does
not require people to stage a battle or even a movement or revolution. The
crusade is all about understanding Reality
and then becoming the critical energy and mass in creation of a Knowledgeable Society and Culture. Knowledge
annihilates all enemies… We
are being scientific, not philosophical. The entirety and holism of
the exercise behind this idea of ‘Give Me
My Crown Back’ is scientific and therefore singularly universal. Be a part
of this enterprise and also do kindly involve others. Goodness needs the
critical mass and energy to get universalized. You not only count; you are indispensable. Thanks! ** At The Very Outset...! There
is a long history of humanity, which tells us categorically how humanity has
passed through unimaginably tough and disastrous times and situations. Every
one of us living and surviving, must always remember very humbly the 4 million
year long trail of tragedies, pains, disasters and struggle, which billions of
our forefathers had to undergo, before it could come to what we are enjoying
and taking for granted in 21st century. The humanity could survive
and progress because it always kept the collective Quantum of Compassion high enough to limit the calamitous
causalities of all entropic elements. This collective quantum of compassion was
high enough because it essentially is the design of human consciousness, unless vitiated by an ill-intentioned social-political-religious
culture. It seems; average individual, in its own personal capacity, held
compassion as core element of human life-living. This compassion; expressed in Collective Will to ensure the optimal
sustainability of Survival instincts,
was innate and entrenched in collective unconscious for millions of years. The
biggest repository of compassion probably was the ‘family system’, which could survive and prosper only because of
this single major resource of mutual compassion. If humans evolved as social
being, it was because millions of years of evolution had witnessed its
utility-fruition and therefore entrenched in the very body-brain mechanism of
humanity. The collective and its compassion-cover preceded humanity since
millions of years in mammalian animal world. Compassion, in its elemental
holism is the most powerful Causality
of cosmic Reality. Humans are only
the happy and evolved extension of this primeval and transcendental
utility-fruition. The Causality of
Reality plays its best and most beautiful expressions through the ‘Media’ of human consciousness. This
repository of compassion, however is in major crisis and like the denuded
forest cover on Earth, compassion has denuded from families as family system
itself is deeply stressed under contemporary expression of stupidities and
hypocrisies of individual liberties. No
doubt, there always were many, especially those who wielded power, authority
and wealth, who consciously or subconsciously worked against compassionate life-living, but they too
could not subdue the compassion in consciousness of average person. The human
history is too long and varied but still, it seems that there was this single
uniform element of Compassionate
Community Living at grassroots levels in all histories of all geographies
primarily because life-living in general and especially for average population
was tough and therefore, compassion was instinctive in the part of average
individual for survival and wellness needs. This seems to have changed in
contemporary times with life-living becoming reasonably easy, as humanity
reached new heights of growth and development. The instinctive compassion seems
to have given way to evolved smartness and ingenuity of competitive individual.
Individual growth naturally weakened the instinctive bond of compassionate
community living. The chaotic-conflicting contemporary milieus surely do not
anyway help the individual rationalize its competitiveness to lend more space
to compassion. In
contemporary human world however, there is an emergent realism that politics
and economics have gained predominance over familial and societal live-living
and the former have occasioned themselves as the largest annihilators of
compassion. It suits their profitability
plexus. Democracy and market economy mechanism and processes seem to have
changed radically the old world foundation of life-living. The individual, who banked
on the family and society for compassionate support, now looks up to state,
government and politics for the same. The later however, has craftily made a dirty
commerce out of this ‘dependence-shift’ by successfully creating a master-slave
mechanism, where the citizens are doled out their own endowments as alms by the
state and governments. The family was compassionate and accountable to society
but the politics and governments are brutal, unaccountable and autocratic. The
competitive and growingly ‘exclusivist’ individualism that stood to gain in the
new polity and economy, by detaching itself from societal fabric of
compassionate bonding, may well be accepted as the 20th century
evolution of modern humanity. This in turn has eroded the quantum of personal
and individual compassion. Naturally, the contemporary world with ever
diminishing quantum of compassion is conditioned stage for entropies to go out
of hand and thus kill the possibility of sanity in human world and collective
life-living. The profitability plexus
of politics and economics always stood up with enough ‘activism’ to embolden
and empower the individualistic exclusivism! It
has to be understood not in philosophical or psychological terms, rather with
utmost singular objectivity of science and its measurable logic. The subconscious mind states are where the
innate and entrenched instincts are wired and have their algorithmic expressions.
It is therefore a designed and evolved reality of billions of years that
subconscious is always probabilistic.
This probabilistic subconscious means; every human being is wired to accept the
innate vulnerability of self and all other elements in external milieus. Mortality is deeply wired in
subconscious, which innately creates the antithesis of survivalist collective
instincts; leading to the synthesis of compassion. That is why God and all
faith processes come natural to all humans as they are common expression of the
probabilistic subconscious and
compassion needs. All religions are core expressions of compassion. This also
ensured that average human was compassionate, accommodative with ‘Others’, as
his or her own deep sense of vulnerability installed it. The
conscious mind states however, have the evolutionary design of antithesis " hence conscious mind state
is broadly deterministic; heuristic
in expressions, at least in constant competitiveness to challenge the
probabilistic subconscious. It is also a dimension of compassion needs of
humanity. It is here the politics and economics enter as ‘catalyst of chaos’, for the institutionalization of profitability plexus. A
compassionate familial-societal order is a domain that essentially ensures a
self-regulated milieu. As the elements of system and order are internal, there is no need and utility
of external mechanism and process of
‘control’ and ‘authority’. This is the killer for politics and economics.
Naturally, politics and economics play their crafts with conscious mind states of humans. They devise all
ingenious symbolisms and processes, which essentially embolden the deterministic propensities of the
conscious mind. Like, an average man or woman today is more concerned about his
or her life and health insurances,
rather than changing the ‘wrong’ lifestyle and food habit. They also focus more
on more money and not good
family-friend bonding for safety and surety of future life-living. The innate
and embedded compassion need has entered the dubious domain of commerce and
institutionalized trade off. This conscious insistence on deterministic
life-living choices engenders a subconscious, which is more brutally competitive
and exclusivist; more aligned to ‘individualistic empowerment’ than collective
strength. This dualistic and chaotic subconscious mind humanity is ideal
situation for politics and economy. They happily, even criminally schematize to
embolden it. This
deterministic insinuation is the mother
of all exhortations for elements of control
and authority in myriad shades.
Politics and economics are always upfront in nourishing the elements of control
and authority like a pampering father, by kindling the dormant yet monstrous
instinct of ‘Identity’, ‘Egoism’ and ‘exclusivism’. Consumerism is the most
effective tool of personal power to individual, standing in powerful and
authoritative competition with ‘others’ and collectivity. The growing demand of
‘power’ and ‘authority’ in consumerized individual is happy news for politics
and economics. It validates the autocratic and oppressive power and authority
of the state, government and politics over people in subconscious mind states
of common people. Therefore,
individual men and women alone can make an enterprise to restore compassion,
allow liberties the less competitively conflicted milieus to enhance
possibility of personal sanity, even as collective space has lost it. It is for
the aware and empowered men and women to strike a golden poise and equanimity
between the dualistic urges of probabilistic and deterministic consciousness. This restoration process of individual
as well as collective compassion may
begin by every individual consciously attempting to align more of his or her
individual aspirations with collective ones and side by side become less
intensely attached with polity and economy. The family and society must get
back their due and innate superior situation and position in human life-living,
compared to polity and economy. It has to be accepted that because of our very
body-mind design, family and society is internal
to us and polity and economy is external.
We therefore have to align ourselves more with what is internal and innate to us rather than what is external and synthetic to our design. Every
individual has to question the very utility and fruition of contemporary
politics, governments and economics. The polity and economy induced competitive
individualism with exclusivist
propensities must accommodate compassionate community life-living elements to
make them breathe easy and fine. It is a call of the millennium. We are not
living in old and archaic stupid and hypocritical world of philosophies and
faith mysticisms. The new and contemporary age is the Age of Scientific Reason, based on objective, logical, measurable,
replicable and irrevocable knowledge of Reality.
We all need to be in perfect linearity with Reality. If
we look at journey of humanity so far, we may say that probably, the worst
mistake humanity has done is not that it has not understood the Reality or the core trouble humanity has
because of this innate nature of Reality.
Rather, the single largest trouble for humanity is that even while it had and
still has rather sound and singular knowledge and wisdom about its core trouble
and possible solution, humanity has always failed in inducting this wisdom into
the mainstream of life-living practices and functions. Not to have something is
bad but have it, squander it and not utilize it for any worthwhile purpose is
worst. Humanity seems to have excelled in squandering all precious wealth of knowledge
and wisdom of the past and even present. This has to change or we get extinct! Even
in contemporary human world, the modern science has acquired indisputable
knowledge that somehow reiterates the transcendental wisdom humanity could
decipher many millenniums back. Yet, humanity seems oblivious of them and it
still seems, this scientific knowledge is meant only for labs and handful of
researchers. Moreover, the contemporary Media
goes a long way to ensure that when they reach science to common men and women,
they get reduced to ‘Pseudo Science’,
causing more confusion. Politics just loves it! If
we look at the contemporary world situation and attempt a correction of
everything that have gone wrong and in reverse direction of sanity and system,
we can easily see and accept how impossible the task is. The magnitude of human
population that shall require upside-down change by a new mindset training and
persistent education, a hugely powerful, corrupted and mindless lobby of politicians,
corporations and money-lords who profiteer out of the contemporary insanity of
the system and overall, the deeply ingrained and embedded sensitivity of
ethnicity, religious dogmatism and nationalism along with many other small
factors make it impossible for even start of any step towards sanity. The
human world has now sort of institutionalized insanity to such powerful and
impregnable structural excellence that any voice of sanity and change shall be
eliminated at very inception. The profit empires of a handful of only five percent of humans are so massive
and deep rooted and they have acquired so much clout and control over most
structures of power-authority in contemporary world that it is almost
impossible to even initiate any change that essentially has to be against the status quo. More importantly, the
contemporary politics and governments have become so autocratic and corrupt
that it simply does not allow a narrative, which could harm their empire. The entire 20th
century has so successfully worked out and strengthened such symbiotic
structures of greed between politics and economy, that in 21st
century, as the realism seems to stand today, the human world is a theatre
where only five percent humans are controlling the lives of rest of 95 percent
humans, relegating them to the status of slaves and puppets in their hands. …
may be; it is this hopelessness and impossibility, which seems to install this
expression " Give Me My Crown Back.
The people, the common men and women, who are supposed to be the true and real sovereign, has this last chance before
it is too late. The inevitability of human extinction has many probabilities.
Politics and governments are probably the only probability, which together all
7.5 billion people can resist. Give Me My
Crown Back is optionless and unputdownable…! The
agenda is clear, singular and common to all. Knowledge of Reality alone can Give
Us The Crown Back. As an author, I am unashamed to beg all to read it,
share it and extend mass and energy to the crusade for a knowledgeable society
and culture. This alone can save all of us from the predator of ignorance. The monster of politics and government shall automatically be tamed and
made to be accountable and just. It is your crown,
our crown and together we can and we
do Get The Crown Back…! ** Reality Is, What It May, As ‘You’ Are… ‘You’ are alive and in good
knowledge of everything that happened to this universe and all lives on Earth,
in the past 14 billion years. So, ‘You’ are
aware of Reality of everything but,
it happened because ‘You’ were born
and ‘You’ happened to have a body and
mind. Billions of lives and deaths happened, trillions of things happened and
infinite events happened but ‘You’ didn’t
see, experience and remember anything. ‘You’
saw and experienced everything only in the last few years of Your life, as ‘You’ happened, Your
body-mind happened. Also, billions of lives and deaths shall happen, trillions
of things shall happen and infinite events shall take place after Your death and ‘You’ shall not see, experience and know them. Reality, whatever it may be, is continuous and non-contextual in
its holism; only ‘You’ happen in
between at some tiny ‘dot’ in the infinite continuation as some ‘Media’ and ‘contextualize’ the reality,
as per the design of Your body-mind
media. Reality had and shall play out
infinite shades of things but ‘You’
as a temporary ‘Media’ come and go,
without having any substantial role in past and future of the cosmic Reality. Almost infinite aspects of the Reality of universe and lives in it are
now available for ‘You’ and they
exist as ‘You’ exist. As they exist
now, ‘You’ are aware of the past 14
billion years and can also imagine about next 14 billion years. However, as ‘You’ die, all realities disappear.
Nothing ‘exists’ anymore. Realities
end! It is because the ‘Media’ of ‘You’, which was the ‘context’ of the Reality to play out and express itself, is
dead, disappears and is not there. Realities are infinite as ‘You’ as media is alive. Realities are zero as ‘You’ as media is dead! Realities as it
is or as it might be, exists and still plays out in infinite shades but only
through different ‘Media’ of
individual ‘YOUs’, presenting
‘context’ to Reality. Therefore, for all practical purposes, only the ‘individualistic’
and ‘personal’ reality exists and
even the collective reality stands as
the summation of assimilation of all personal realities. This also is the primary basis and validation of the
hypothesis that sanity of collectivity
is actually a misnomer; it does not exist as some entity on its own. Only the
possibility of sanity of individual and
personal exists. Therefore, nothing in this universe is more important than
an individual and its consciousness
as it is the primary constituent
element of all Realities. Nothing has
meaning, purpose and realism without ‘You’.
Universe has no meaning-purpose of its own; infinite shades of meaning-purpose
happen, as ‘You’ happen… Reality may look like a continuous
and singular entity, irrespective of whether ‘You’ are or other ‘YOUs’ are alive or dead but, this seems so only
because of the continuity in ‘Media’
and ‘context’ of ‘YOUs’, which have a common body-mind
mechanism. Therefore, if Reality is
ever a singular and continuous realism, it is not because what it is but
because of what ‘You’ are and because
the commonality of mechanisms and processes of all ‘YOUs’. This is the singular
secular Reality and everything else
is variegated mix of hypocrisies. The
universe has no meaning and destined purpose. Lives on Earth or if elsewhere
too have no purpose and meaning. Reality
itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility. All meanings, all purposes, all
realities start and end with ‘You’,
or Self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes,
utility and worth what ‘You’ or self
assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘You’
are in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only
the universe, the Earth, the lives are. It is ‘You’, the Self that matters and has any utility. This is the
singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian
philosophical traditions of ‘Aham
Brahmasmi’ (I Am God). The
consciousness has the continuity and it is the element, which Reality always has. Reality is
deciphered because it engenders Causalities.
Causalities find expression and intent through Consciousnesses. The ‘Media’
of ‘I’, ‘You’ and ‘They’ might come and go; extend a subjective feel to
continuity of consciousness for a Time
as irrelevant as zero but ‘it’, in
its objective expression, was, is and shall always be there, if Reality has any meaning and purpose. In
the famous Indian holy book Geeta,
Krishna awakens Arjuna about cosmic consciousness and says, “When was the time
when ‘I’ was not there and, when shall be the time when ‘I’ shall not be.” The continuity
of ‘You’ is immortal; only the
‘Media’ of ‘You’ changes and takes
subjective expressions. It
must be reiterated with all possible humility and sincerity of consciousness
that contemporary humanity must see, understand, accept and internalize that in
our civilizational and cultural march to modernity of institutional and
organizational life-living, we have almost dumped the primary reality of human life-living. This primary reality, which
thinking minds and philosophers of early humanity listed out with strong
conviction, is that the individual,
the person, an average man or woman is the everythingness
of all somethingness that social and
collective living can design and execute for sanity of system. It
is tragic and decisively the biggest and worst hypocrisy of humanity that now
this individual or person is nowhere in picture in scheme of things of society,
culture, economy, markets, politics, religion and even scientific and
technological advancements. Rather, personal sanity and personal dignity gets
more degraded and emaciated as collective efforts for so-called ‘betterment’ of
life-living of common men and women go up. The most glaring example of this
worst hypocrisy is how globally, human education system is being majorly
shaped, designed and devised to generate ‘Efficient
Workers’ for economic activities, which in turn create handful of
billionaires and reduce the majority of average men and women as ‘machines’ and
slaves. This machine is also
growingly being replaced by ‘artificial intelligence’ (robots). Human education
is no more designed for enhancing and improving personal sanity and system of
individual because, it shall create men and women with a strong sense of
liberty, purpose and direction. This shall be trouble for politics, governments
and businesses! If
an individual is the sole ‘Media’ of
all Reality; if ‘I Is God’, none and nothing else can and should take away the ‘Crown
Position’ from ‘You’; the
individuality and Your Liberty to be ‘You’. This acceptance is option-less!
The mounting and huge hypocrisies of contemporary human world and culture, by
which state, governments, politics, economy, commerce, religion et all are
reducing ‘You’ and personal spaces as slave to their
nefarious agenda, must end. They must bow down to the Real and True Sovereign "
‘You’. For this to happen, the ‘You’, the individual must rise and
insist " Give Me My Crown Back…! ** PREFACE Humanity has always had an instinctive liking for the mighty and powerful. Majority of humanity still worships heroism of forceful individuals who wield the might, to control everything, by any means. That is probably why, human history never ever had shortage of individuals who showed brazen will to conquer the world, rule it by might, had the strength of force to annihilate anything, which resisted their diktat. Rather, the golden prerogative of history writing and history monopolizing were restricted in the hands of the mighty. However, even the mightiest of human colossal, in the long history of humanity, feared only one thing " The Question; even simple, innocuous and straight question; the Question of Ultimate Reason! As a matter of universal rule, mightier an individual gets, more he fears questioning; the logic and reason behind realism. This fear emanates out of the universal causality of reality that power and authority comes out of series of successes one has and every success is a complex conglomeration of hypocrisies, often forceful, which an individual piles up to be successful. The mighty and great is usually sitting on top of a Mountain of Hypocrisies with a glittering but slippery Crown on his head. Almost every mighty individual knows; sometimes not, that he owes it to hypocrisies; well mounted and authoritatively persevered. People, in general, even though in acknowledgment of the hypocrisies, somehow feel elated to extend their mandate to the mighty, to lend solace to their own entrenched yet unfulfilled greed for power. There is a science behind this and we are talking about all these here. Knowledge of Reality and its theatre of expression " the Human Consciousness, is science and we have it all here… The mighty and great fears nothing but the Question of Reason, as it has the mightier potential of exposing his hypocrisies and thus shaking the high platform of Legitimacy of his might and the dubious Mandate for it. Questions have the scary potential to Unseat the Crown from the head of the mighty and his legitimacy reign. And therefore, the mighty individual has no choice but to kill the question; ultimately the questioner, at the first instance! Wisdom, the Knowledge of Reality, is intimidating for those, who profiteer from the empire of ignorance. And usually, therefore, the weapon of annihilation is nothing else but Hypocrisy. Ultimately comes, the sword or the barrel of the gun! It has to; supremacy of organized violence is mandate unto itself! Calamitously enough, even this gets the Mandate of what is proverbially accepted as People! We know how the predator of humanity rules over the prey! As humanity evolved and progressed into institutionalized and organized life-living, the transcendental role and mantle of killing the question of reason as well as the questioner itself shifted to authoritative institutions and big organizations in 21st century. The biggest and mightiest of all institutions and organizations is now the state power, the authority of governments, its agencies and politics, in collusion and nexus with big corporations; often ‘legitimately mandated’ by people. The state and governments are the mightiest aggregators of the conglomeration of hypocrisies and therefore they now dread the question of logic and reason the most. They are the mightiest annihilators of questions and questioners in 21st century world of humans. This Is No More A Secret, Wrapped In Silvery Drape Of Golden Hypocrisies. There are sufficient and categorically factual data and written texts now available in public domain for anyone to check and be sure; as if the empirical evidences all around us are not enough! And, what is this single, simple and straight-forward question that every mighty individual or even the mightiest state and governments are terribly scared of and out to kill? The simple question; the parentage of all questions, since thousands of years is " ‘What Happened To Human Dignity?’ The simple yet transcendental question is " why every organization at successive stages of human evolution up to civilized life-living, eventually meant annihilation of individual dignity? Why every success of humanity effectually compromised the primary need of Human Dignity? Why individual delegation of authority to organized collectivity, for his or her welfare, finally turned out to be the assassins of individual dignity itself? Why the actual and real sovereign, the common people, who ‘contracted’ and ‘delegated’ the collectivity to protect him or her and lead to security of life, eventually got robbed and eliminated by the same collectivity? Why the average man and woman now stand at the mercy of state and governments to pray against his or her ‘culpability’, which is essentially a gift of the collectivity itself? It shall be unfair if the question is not added as why the crony group of people, who benefitted from the power-patronage, pulled their mass and energy behind the mighty in suppressing average people? The questions have always been there, since humans started to lead a settled life and primary elements of leadership and institution began to take shape. This basic, minimal and elemental question of Human Dignity is seeded with so many subsidiary questions that it potentials a major threat to all power and authoritative structures, as they have the embedded potential to challenge and overthrow the hypocritical legitimacy they enjoy. It happens because the very nature of success of power enterprise stands antithetical to the situation of grassroots practicality of Human Dignity. The success of authority cultivation and harvesting cannot happen without seeding, planting and maturing of hypocrisies. As hypocrisies thrive and energize power structures, logic and reason stand hugely compromised. As reason is compromised, question of Human Dignity is the first thing that stands to get brutally slaughtered at the feet of the mighty and great. For the mighty and crowned, this is the ultimate joy they cannot resist! In the 21st century, as the third decade unfolds, these questions stand valid and have strong ground and need for real and true answers as they are no more shrouded in abstractions and dualism of philosophies and social sciences. Rather, they now have the rooted basis in the science, the Modern Contemporary Science of Reality, which thankfully includes the Reality of Humanity " the Human Consciousness, Cognition and Causalities; leaving nothing much to abstractions of past centuries that engendered, persevered and thrived the hypocrisies. Moreover, contemporary science and critical technologies have empowered common men and women enough to challenge the structured and institutionalized hypocrisies, stupidities and mediocrities of politics and governments. Nothing should now exist and prolong as a probability, which stands in contravention to scientifically proven Reality-Test. Stupidities and hypocrisies of the past must pass the eligibility-test of the contemporary benchmarks of objective and holistic science of Reality. We are doing it right here. Interestingly, all roads to power and authority branch off from the very question of the welfare and empowerment of the individual human being. From the petty tribal leader or head priest of a small group ten thousand years back to the 21st century democratic welfare state, every power and authority structure derived its legitimacy from the people it presided over and ruled. The biggest human hypocrisy has been this situation that the individual was and still is hailed as the real and true sovereign and yet, never ever any power and authority structure ensured the universal bare basics of Human Dignity. It is because by very nature and instinctive positioning, power is a deviant characteristic, in not only human mechanism of consciousness, rather in all higher organisms. It is always positioned to annihilate liberty, equality and fraternity, which are essential elements for Human Dignity. Power and authority engenders a ‘Mutual-Profitability-Plexus’, which finally corrodes and eats away all checks and balances that are put in place in modern governances to keep power rationalized and responsible. The nexus, which human ingenuity creates for survival-sustenance that the human brain is innately designed for, has no parallel in living world. There have been numerous philosophical hypotheses, which have been advanced and installed to back the stupidities and hypocrisies behind the initiation and continuation of power and authority over masses, in the name of their betterment. We shall peripherally deal with all such stupid philosophies in this eBook but, shall essentially detail how contemporary modern science of Reality and Human Consciousness makes them archaic, obsolete and even dangerous. For example, there is a deep philosophy to legitimize subjugation of individuals by authority structures of state and its institutions, which says, human intelligence of ingenuity for selfish personal righteousness can never be trusted as objectively rational. The hypocritical logic is " the shrewdness of maneuverability of individual for selfish means and ends for personal profitability is always the instinctive populist intelligence of an individual and therefore, the individual human consciousness is always suspect, always required to be reined in. Moreover, the old and tested hypocrisy of ‘I Am Intelligent As All Others Are Ignorant’, has always backed the stupid and hypocritical logic for mandate to legitimacy of collective power-authority. This philosophy in its generic manifestation is ancient and was successfully installed to justify the huge hypocrisies of slavery and colonialism. It is not entirely coincidental that power and authority has always either claimed to be the sole possessor of ‘intellect’ or has aligned the ‘intellectuals’ to their side. Most identity-based ethnic manipulations are rested on this hypocritical philosophy of archaic origin and obsolete worth, which presupposes ignorance and anarchic character of individual (ruled) and therefore automatically mandated to remain subservient to ‘higher intellect’ of oligarchic collectivity (rulers). The ‘White Man’s Burden’ for the so-called ‘welfare and uplift’ of ‘colored’ identities killed millions and annihilated the very semblance of individual human dignity for centuries. It still persists! It is like, one set of stupidities-hypocrisies getting mandate of legitimacy to rule over another set of stupidities-hypocrisies. The state and its institutional authority draws its automatic mandate and legitimacy out of this ‘professed culpability’ of the instinctive stupidity of individual and not out of the much professed idealism of ‘delegation’ of power from the real sovereign of people to the state for welfare of the sovereign itself. Therefore, the state, governments and politics structures have always devised and designed ways to paint the common men and women (citizens) with one culpability or the other. The more people are in the jail or facing trials by different law and judicial agencies, more substantiated the legitimacy and mandate of the state, government and politics stand. The politics therefore makes the maneuvering and the governments respond by pushing more and more people on the wrong side of the law and authority. This is a 21st century global trend. The so-called idealism behind the mighty authority and power of the state and its institution is the hypocritical welfare philosophy, which insists that as individual consciousness can never be objectively detached to his or her subjective preference for selfishness, it is always the Collective Consciousness of state and governance institutions, which can attain this objectivity for welfare of all; as if ‘collective’ is some entity bereft of ‘individuality’ of its constituents! Or, as if institutions automatically align individuals to sanity and rationality. Surely enough, as we all know, this hypocritical idealism also prevailed for centuries, defining relationship between men and women as well as patriarch and children. The male world successfully persevered the dubious idealism of hypocritical welfare philosophy, akin to the infamous White Man’s Burden, where the males hypocritically claimed the intellectual and cognate superiorities, therefore the ordained burden to rule over the females and also children for their own welfare! A stupid man, just because he had the semen to become a father, automatically qualified and became eligible overnight to decide on everything of his child! As if, fatherhood automatically washes away all stupidities and makes a male automatically and instantly to qualify as the decider of everything of the family. Similarly, a bunch of stupid and hypocritical people, when becoming a politician, qualify automatically and instantly to preside over a government and decide everything for the nation! Does this stupidity and hypocrisy survive in 21st century world? Does this insane logic of innate superiority of legitimacy of patriarchy and politics fit into the 21st century age of scientific reason? No; we all know that it has very definitely begun to change in many developed, educated and empowered societies, where the patriarchal order and male chauvinism is giving way to rational and equitable system. The logic and reason of objective science alone is the basis of any Reality in contemporary world. Stupidities and hypocrisies of all shades of philosophies and psychologies have to go and they must. The perceptible and blatantly explicit question is; even if someone or something is superior or has the mandate for burden of supervision, how can and under what pretext, the inequality, suppression and violence by the so-called superior be justified and mandated? We live in the 21st century world, where even a child’s innate rights are being accepted vis-à-vis parents and teachers, who are growingly being evolved not to use force, authority, aggression and subjugation behavior and actions against them. The gender sensitivity is now at the top of societal as well as political-economic agenda. The new millennium is re-defining the role of power and authority in family and society, with specific insistence on empathy, equitability and dignity. Human Dignity is the sole benchmark of righteousness and appropriateness of familial-societal milieus. In 21st century, evolved and empowered cultures are emphatically orienting themselves towards compassion. How come state, governments and politics not change and fall in sync and symmetry with this new paradigm shift in human reality? The history of humanity clearly shows that the state and its institutions, especially in modern day welfare states in larger economies are far more calamitous agency of wrongs, irrationality and brutality than an individual or group of people can ever be. The stupidities of an average individual are so miniscule, localized and un-nexus-ed. However, the stupidities and irrationality of those handfuls; the repository of Organized Hypocrisies, who virtually run the state’s institutional authority, have wreaked havoc on the mankind and they threaten the very existence of humans on Earth, let alone this ubiquitous question of Human Dignity. It happened just because humanity could not design and devise reasonably sound checks and balances on power and authority structures and functions and till date, had no effective wherewithal to implement it perfectly. Humanity and its overdependence on philosophical perspectives could never create a design to check the ingenuities of nexus of oligarchic manipulations. They didn’t have the wherewithal. Contemporary science and modern technologies have it and 21st century can do it, what humanity could not since centuries. The Rogue elements of legitimate state, governments and politics can now be tamed. We now have the scientific Reason and the Wherewithal. There is another element of government and politics, which has now become a huge scourge for average men and women. It is notoriously referred as the Deep State, which is essentially a ‘Personality’ or personalities, which the state power, government authority and politics often shapes into and orchestrates personalized agenda of ‘autocratic’ propensities within the façade of democratic structure of politics and governments. The modern manifestations of Deep State plexus are essentially ‘Illegitimate Progeny’ of legitimate and democratic authoritative structures, which politics fathers with well-marked intents. No Deep State insinuation can survive and flourish without tacit patronage of politics, even if they may get life sans politics. Some Deep State operators may be apolitical but it is for sure that all Deep State elements are essentially sourced and seeded out of legitimate authoritative structures; often Constitutional credentials; but have personal power-agenda, starkly different from avowed goal of people’s welfare. These Deep State operators are the worst culprits of assassination of Human Dignity. The Deep State essentially has transformed democracy and its idealisms only as paper reality; in turn enslaving the masses for their own ends. This Deep State reality needs to be understood in details later in this eBook as any semblance of restoration of sovereignty back to people shall have to deal with it and root out this modern menace, which has unleashed such crimes on humanity, which even devil and monster shall feel ashamed of. Tragically, most people even do not know anything about these. In contemporary world realities, we can say with utmost conviction that an irrational and imbecile individual, or unorganized group of people, standing emaciated in contemporary world of powerful probabilities, is still a better choice than the powerful and instinctively autocratic and martial state, its governance institutions, politics and Deep State. The 21st century Reality, backed by empirical evidences as well as global data of facts, surely confirms this. Unorganized, randomly structured and powerless stupidities and hypocrisies are always preferable than organized, institutionalized and unlimited authoritative stupidities and hypocrisies! This probably is the Question of Reason, which stands to plead that the Dignity of Human Being should now be assigned its original crown position. If the 21st century is the age of objective reason and scientific logic, then what better time to install the question and hoist it right on top of the Human Agenda. The contemporary age of excellence of human reason and potential for optimality of Human Dignity in all probable dimensions is definitely the right time when the individual, despite its historicity of ignorance, disempowerment, detachment and subjugation, can and should seek and ask, with support from all layers of reasoned intelligence in global human society " Give Me My Crown Back! There is enough and categorically factual data of the historical evolution of the hypocrisies and stupidities of state and governments across the globe. The emerging reality of absolutist, irresponsive, oligarchic, clandestine and suppressive state and its institutions in the 21st century has enough substantive corroboration about politics and governance deviating far away from their professed roles, legitimacy and mandate. Given the contemporary oligarchic power structure of the politics-corporations nexus, with only a handful of billionaires owning majority of wealth, controlling international finances for profiteering at the rising cost of people’s dignity; even their lives, there is an evident and overt advocacy of a complete relook at politics, governance and economic mechanisms and processes. This advocacy however, is not philosophical or abstractly emotional " it is rather purely scientific. It is based on science of reality, which is the true 21st century wealth of humanity. It should be in public possession… In 21st century world, the philosophy is definitely not the basis of this assertion of reaffirmation of individual and giving people the sovereignty back to restore their lost dignity. Rather, this is an expression of scientifically expansive and factual understanding of how people act and behave and how state and governance institutions organically evolve to become the demons of destruction of human dignity and human rights. It is the 21st century contemporary scientific understanding of Reality that slogans the call of ‘Give Me My Crown Back’ and not the abstract and utopian philosophies that coined and wasted the idealisms of humanism, jurisprudence and democratic rights of individuals. The question of universal human dignity and reassertion of sovereignty of individual cannot anymore be the domain of social sciences and precarious thoughtfulness of intellectuals. It is rather a definitive territory of modern and contemporary science to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt that no contemporary model of state, politics and governance is appropriate and justified in contemporary world of Reality. Rather, they are archaic and obsolete and therefore brutal, clandestine and senseless. The very basis of contemporary models of representational democracy and even the classical idea of participative democracy are now obsolete and redundant, given the state of technologies in contemporary societies and the innate and embedded entropies in the very genetics of institutional and organizational power-authority structures and functionality. There also seems no necessity of any global movement and rallying point for this assertion of the question of human dignity and restoration of sovereignty of individual. There is no need of any abstraction of semantics like ‘Re-Renaissance’, ‘Neo-Humanism’ and ‘Neo-Individualism’, etc as this 21st century question of human dignity and call for ‘Give Me My Crown Back’ has the logical, reasoned and rational basis, structured by the modern knowledge of extracting irreversible scientific evidences through measurable and verifiable mathematical methodology as well as technological feasibility. Also, the very mechanism and process of Giving The Crown Back is already provisioned in the contemporary political-constitutional structures acceptable globally. The 21st century just needs a collective conscious ‘shift’ towards the avowed goal. The question of Human Dignity and its logical and consequential adjunct, the reassertion of sovereignty of individual now has everything suitable and right for its installation in human world. Contemporary human milieu has the physical as well as intellectual suitability, backed by objective science and high precision technologies to dethrone the contemporary politics, current stupidities of state and oligarchic governance and give people back their crown position as sovereign of their own management. It has to be categorically emphasized that question of Human Dignity in 21st century shall also not be based on the abstract idealism of classical Humanism, which essentially stands as denial of the scientific factuality about innate human consciousness. It won’t bank on the fallacious hypothesis of an individual knowing what is good and right for him. Rather, it would accept that human body-mind mechanism, which creates consciousness, is essentially, innately and until trained well, reactionary, stupid, hypocritical, selfish and aggressive. The 21st century pragmatism of Human Dignity shall rather invest in scientific factuality about the educational and training requirements of different individuals with specially designed knowledge dispensation methodologies. It shall accept human stupidities-hypocrisies; personal as well as collective and then proceed onto delegate responsibilities of education and training to scientists, rather than believe in and delegate power and authority to a bunch of another set of same stupidities-hypocrisies in politics and governments. It shall believe in educating and training of individuals to understand Reality in its Holism and lead their own welfare and empowerment, rather than foolishly hoping that state and governments would do it for them. Naturally, this shall require a very critical element of ‘Integration’ of different domains of collective human knowledge, which is hugely missing now. We talk about it later. All these realities we shall discuss in two parallel streams in this eBook. First is the detailed deliberation of stupidities, hypocrisies and calamitous consequences of current politics, stupidities of state and oligarchic governance systems, along with the nexus with economic structures and practices they have sustained since decades to destroy the dignity and sovereignty of individual, making life hell for him or her. Secondly, there is elaboration of the scientific-objective basis of people rule and de-empowerment of state-governments in 21st century. In the light of irrefutable objective logic of modern science about Reality, Human Consciousness and Cognitive science et al, we shall prove how and why the true sovereign, the people Must Get Its Crown Back and for what novel, true and right purposes. All futilities and utilities, all rights and wrongs, all good and bad etc shall be decided and installed on the basis of modern contemporary Science Of Reality, nothing else! There shall also be details of the possible alternative model of politics, governance, administration and economic prudence that need to be put in place, replacing the current dispensations to install Human Dignity and sovereignty of individual. We talk about them in broad principles as small details can always be filled in, depending upon requirements at grassroots levels of operations. However, the most difficult part of the eBook shall be, ‘How To Go About It’. But we shall try… and, we may succeed if you all align with the idea and lend support to it. Do step in for a novel experience and experiment, welcome… ** CHAPTER 1 The history of humanity stands as a rather precarious, sketchy and partial documentation of the evolution of humanity towards understanding of Reality of self and the milieus it lived in. Human history however, happens to be a common and shared record-book of culpability of humanity at large and minority of powerful leaders and intellectuals in particular, in failing to invest sufficiently in the much required mechanism and processes of deciphering of Reality. Naturally, human history is infinite saga of immense and variegated hypocrisies, stupidities and even insanities. That is probably why there is this primary need to look back at history of human stupidities and hypocrisies, before we actually take up the much required task in hand to eliminate them. Thankfully, the right and sufficient human investment to decipher Reality began to happen in 19th century, matured in the 20th century and now at the start of third decade of 21st century, this continued and sustained investment has facilitated the broad but actual understanding of Reality of human ‘self’ and its milieus, including the cosmos. This singularly presents the case of big changes in contemporary politics, economy, state craft and governance. Hypocrisies should no more have another lease of life anymore as contemporary human wisdom about objective Reality leaves little leeway for it. In contemporary world of critical knowledge of Reason and Reality, only objective, logical, measurable, provable and irrevocable science can stand the test of finality. In the same breathe, it needs to be accepted that even today, a very critical element of human wisdom is still missing, which should be the urgent agenda in 21st century. It is a rather deplorable dimension of human problem that all advanced and objective scientific knowledge and wisdom still remain poorly linked and shabbily integrated. It has been accepted by modern intellectuals that in an ideologically and philosophically divided world of contemporary humanity, it is too difficult to convince people about the collective, assimilative and common wisdom of scientifically objective knowledge, which is the singular uniting factor for over 7 billion people. It is truly sad and deplorable that massive advancement and critical knowledge in the fields of physics, mathematics and artificial intelligence et al have little or no reflection and influence on statecraft, governance and politics. Inter-disciplinary integration and to and fro linkages are hugely missing. This reflects the lack of integration and assimilation of collective human knowledge. For that matter, even economy and psychology seem to be not fully aligned to scientific advancements. It is only natural that they have not reached the average individual’s knowledge pool or what has reached is pseudo-science or just the technology part of it. This is unpardonable for humanity. Scientists also believe that despite huge advancements in objective and proven knowledge of collective humanity, not much has reached to people because of the failure to integrate all knowledge and make them available for easy sharing. The troubling aspect is that collective contemporary knowledge of humanity has successfully arrived at the holism of wisdom, which explains Reality in definitive terms, but it has neither reached average individual nor this objective and holistic knowledge has yet evolved an interface to make easy understanding for everyone. For example, it is not easy even for a space scientist to understand the logistic intricacies of a smart phone yet, even an illiterate person can and does easily operate a smart phone. It is simply because the smart phone has the easy and very user-friendly operational interface that cuts across intelligence levels of different segments of people. This is a great example of the power of collective wisdom of humanity and the most brilliant part is that it is now hugely successfully shared wisdom, across the globe. This is also a happy reflection on the potential of contemporary collective wisdom, if it is integrated well, shared diligently and interfaced successfully with masses. This sure is the domain that has the potential of grassroots and empirical empowerment of the sovereignty of common people, to take the issue of Human Dignity back in their own hands and run it on the basis of the common creed of universal jurisprudence, structured on scientific factuality of Reality. When we insist that 21st century must be the age of arriving of humanity, it is because of this potential of the collective contemporary wisdom. From this perspective, when we relook the long tumultuous history of humanity, we can clearly understand the genetics of the troubles humanity had, in private as well as in public domains. The core trouble was that humanity was divided on the basis of identities, ideologies and perceptions and they still are. But, the critical difference between earlier centuries and the 21st century is that now we have definitive and irrefutable collective knowledge of Reality, which now installs the definitive futility and stupidity of diversity of identities, ideologies and perceptions. Reality is singular and so has to be the human reality for all. This knowledge is now available and logically irrevocable. The second critical difference is that whatever collective knowledge was available and in whatever shade of Reality, it was not integrated and shared and it is still not. However, now we have the collective potential and ability to attain integration and sharing, which was not possible then. Universality and objectivity of Reality is the singular common creed, identity and perception for all humanity and this can now be established through possible integration and assimilation of all fragments of human knowledge. A unified humanity with singular Reality for all is a definite probability and contemporary collective knowledge has the wherewithal to attain this dream idealism in coming years. That is why it is an insistence of singular reason and logic that today, the maturing of the 21st century is the time to dump the old, archaic and obsolete structures and functions of current politics, governance and administration, which has failed to uphold the necessities of Human Dignity and give back the true and real sovereign, the individual the crown it was supposed to have but never had in the long history of humanity. It is the time to write afresh, the universal common code of conduct of human affairs in global perspective, backed by objective, singular and irrefutable scientific knowledge of Reality of collective humanity. Human history, despite being a rather patchy and partial documentation of past, has huge significance for deciphering what, where, why and how collective humanity went wrong and what right things could not get the mainstream support. The totality or holism of history of mankind is a sad yet powerful reflection of how inception, pregnancy, deliverance and infancy of knowledge leave long and scary trails of human misery, annihilation and perpetual struggle. In the colossal cosmos, all lives within this vast expanse of Earth and huge challenges of life-living in ambient milieus are not something that even the best of potentials of an average human being could ingest and process sanely. It always takes the collective wisdom of humanity to bail out people in their life-living struggle. Nothing can help but a singular, objective, irrefutable and universal acceptance of Reality. This could not happen in the past as only now collective human knowledge has it. It is just an impending correction that all domains of human knowledge now need to be integrated, aligned and assimilated so that the Holism of Reality could become a singular universal code and creed for all humans, anywhere on the globe. The long history of humanity tells us very emphatically that in the absence of this singular universal and objective knowledge of Reality, humanity always suffered by perpetuating the conflict and battles against each other. Humanity also suffered hugely because lack of singular knowledge of Reality led to plethora of man-made stupidities and hypocrisies, which humanity could not decipher. And this in turn created such structures and functions of solutions and management of troubles, which themselves were seeded in stupidities and hypocrisies. The two most important structures-functions, which caused most agonies and killed the most, are Religion and Politics. The long and dreadful history of evolution and entrenchment of Religion and Politics in human lives is calamitous testimony of how this singular ignorance about ‘Reality’ messed up the lives of billions of people. It is a sad commentary on how ignorance about ‘Reality’ created two Mega Monsters out of the very propitious and prosperous milieu of Culture, which essentially was a natural evolution of geographical elements of ‘Reality’. The contemporary crisis of Humanity is essentially the finality of the progression of these two suicidal human creations of Religion and Politics. Both are archaic, obsolete now and are rotting vestiges of lack of knowledge of humanity about Reality, how it is appropriated, how it expresses itself and how it plays out through human body-mind ‘media’. This needs to be understood in detail. Then only we can lead our way to an alternative of both, which is based on contemporary scientific knowledge of Reality and its manifestations in human world. We shall discuss and deliberate on every detail of this later in this eBook. No doubt, in the long history of humanity, there were individuals and also some groups of people, who helped humanity in understanding their lives and their milieus well but, they were insufficient or only partial reflection on the Holism of Reality. This fractional or fractured knowledge helped but also added loads of confusion and conflicts in societies and people’s minds. It happens primarily because part knowledge is innately filled with abstract ideas and faith structures for their validity, which naturally stands in conflict with competing abstractions and faith structures. Moreover, scattered and un-integrated knowledge allows loads of pseudo-wisdom to spread out and become the seed element of divisive perspectives on Reality, which always was and shall always remain singular for all. Throughout the history of humanity, the immense problem of integration and linking of collective knowledge crippled and restricted the sharing of knowledge to majority of people. This still remains a dream attainment for humanity. This lack of sharing of collective knowledge creates integration trouble for larger human population itself, who thus remain fragmented and ideologically competing and conflicting. It is tragic and calamitous for humanity that even in contemporary world, there is no single timeline that runs through all 7 billion plus people on the Earth. Most people still live in mid-ages in their ideological and perceptional world of Reality. Big chunk of global human population is living in before Christ era. Even among educated urban population, majority of people are in a timeline, centuries and decades back. They may be living with all 21st century technologies, gadgets and lifestyle choices but their mental, perceptional and ideological timeline is still 19th century or 20th century. This happens because of failure of humanity to integrate knowledge, upgrade it and share it with all layers of humanity. This is also a huge challenge for larger humanity to understand and accept that Time is not about dates and year on a calendar. It is rather everything about being ‘at’ or ‘behind’ of Holism of Reality, depending upon how much ‘part’ of Reality one associates his or her consciousness with. It may be said that it is also a big blame on scientific community as they even could not reach out the scientific idea of Time, to squeeze the philosophies and faith-related populism out of its understanding among common masses. Universality of acceptance of singular Holism of Reality however has the best prospect in 21st century and this is the singular agenda for all 7 billion plus people. There is another aspect of this trouble of lack of integration and equal sharing of collective human knowledge, which has been very clearly documented in history. The very partial, fractional and fractured nature of collective knowledge of humans, not having means or intent to integrate them and share them, instinctively engendered a strong sense of missionary mindset. History is full of details of the missionary missions and resultant suppression of masses, resulting in annihilation of their dignity. History is a well documented record of how religion and politics, emboldened and spearheaded by missionary zeal, happened to be the biggest causalities of violence, repression and annihilation, as never ever there could be singular Holism of Reality about religion and politics. Despite the fact that all religions and political ideologies on Earth, since ages have common core creed and they are universal for every human being, still, the lack of integration and assimilation of different wisdoms created differing perceptions and perspectives. Naturally, missionary sentimentalities were pronounced and this fueled confusion, conflict and chaos. This continues even today in age of reason of 21st century, though in subtle form. The growing trouble is that even today, there are countries and ruling classes there, who are using the force of their might and that of state power-authority to forcibly integrate all population of different ethnic, religious, cultural and ideological belief systems into unitary and monolithic collective belief system. Such forcible integration, which is worst form of missionary aggression, is definitive signs of how humanity has failed big time in intellectually integrating their collective wisdom and sharing it equally with all. Knowledge is singular because ‘Reality’ is singular and when shared and assimilated well, it automatically integrates the consciousnesses of people. Any use of force is signature of partial, fractional and fractured wisdom. The Integration and Assimilation of collective human knowledge about Reality and sub-Realities of life-living has to happen, then only the seven billion plus humanity can stand tall and united under one single ‘Identity’ of Humanity. Reality is singular and its expression is the root cause of trouble. This very singular objective realism of Reality is the common basis of all humans. This alone is the only ‘Identity’ of all humans. The contemporary world is in immense and perpetual conflicts and chaos only because 7.5 billion-strong humanity has not yet been integrated and assimilated into single Reality. As this could never happen in past and therefore, humanity had to face untold miseries. Now, in 21st century, we know that state and politics is not the solution of humanity. The violence of any shade itself is against and antithetical to the very Reality of Reality. Under no mandate and under no legitimacy, violence can be allowed. The contemporary state and politics with its mandate and legitimacy rooted in abstract and mystical ideas, has no justification in 21st century Reality. The only need is integration and assimilation of humanity under one ‘Identity’ through singular Reality. This is the task and humanity now has the required wherewithal to execute to perfection. As we said earlier, the history of evolution of the idea of state and polity is testimony to the fact that even when loads of philosophies attempted to link and underline the ultimate sovereignty of people and even attempted to condition the role of state and polity towards liberty of people, they failed to achieve the desired end just because they faced this twin problem. First, they could not find the scientific basis of Reality and therefore they failed to integrate and assimilate humanity into one single idea about Reality. Secondly, humanity did not then have this wherewithal to effect and actualize mandate through a pragmatically feasible way. There are two classic examples in history of humanity, which show how partial, fractional and fractured knowledge about Reality could never achieve the universal goal of human integration and failed to establish the uniformity of Human Dignity across all layers of humanity. These examples also exhibit how lack of integration and linking of collective wisdom of humanity failed the very utility and fruition of knowledge. These two examples are the idea and grassroots pragmatism of Humanism and Jurisprudence. They need to be understood to have a clear understanding of how and why history failed but in 21st century we have this well-potentialed prospect of being successful. The Renaissance age idea of Humanism was surely a big leap forward for humanity. It powerfully advocated the hugely crucial and critical reality that human world and human issues must be approached and dealt with from the perspective of the Realism of human body and mind and not from some external, abstractive and faith-related notion. In its holism, Humanism in 15-16th century attempted to install a scientific perspective of objective, measurable and verifiable fact-based Realism of humanity and human life-living. This at that time stood in reaction and clash with contemporary wisdom, which was dominated by Monarchs and Churches and their abstract and faith-based Realism. Humanism had a perfect call for a reason and logic based world of humans where Human Dignity had the best possible potential of fruition. This however, could not happen and Humanism movement lost its energy very soon. If we relook the history and analyze the factors that failed humanism in installing a world order that it deserved, we can clearly point out key reasons. First and foremost, Humanism movement of renaissance era was more philosophically aligned than scientifically factual about Reality; especially about that of human body and mind. It sort of hypothesized a reality about human beings, which was not scientifically tenable. The core idea of Humanism accepted the General Will of individual as rational and righteous, which was untenable and also, it did not account for so many other elements that conditions the Human Will, especially the education and knowledge part. To say that an individual knows what is good for him and therefore he has the Will to be the Boss is as scientifically untenable as saying that the King is the representative of God and has the right to rule over people. Humanism failed as collective wisdom then did not have the true scientifically tenable knowledge of Reality and that of Human Consciousness and its complex nature. Even this much hyped liberal philosophy of social contract hypothesized about a human Reality, which was unscientific and did not match with the Reality of human consciousness. Humanism as a creed rested on the hypothesis of innate human nature, which was philosophical but as scientific knowledge about human body, brain, consciousness and cognitive behavior, etc were still not available, it stood in contradiction to what actual innate human nature is. The cardinal mistake of Humanism was that as it accepted the primacy and supremacy of individual over all other things, it naturally had to fall on a hypothesis about the innate righteousness and infallibility of average human being. This hypothesis, we now know very well, is out-rightly wrong. Humanism has to be the sole basis of every human affair not because humans are innately right and good. Rather, on the contrary, human beings are innately reactive, their consciousness is very localized and given to stupidities and hypocrisies. Still, humanism has to be the no-option, only choice because, humans cannot be managed and administered on any basis and system, which does not objectively and singularly conform to the holistic Reality of human body-mind mechanism and processes. Humanism in 21st century has to be based on the scientific Reality of Humanity and not on some utopian philosophical hypotheses. Secondly, idea of 15th-16th century Humanism failed to integrate itself with other contemporary knowledge of humanity. The very assertion of the hypothesis about the centrality of individual Will required it to be aligned with the imminence of education and awareness of collective humanity about the newly emerging knowledge of the world around them. The limited elitist nature of ‘humanism-appeal’ was evident and rooted in lack of tools of effective communication structures then. Naturally, Humanism remained restricted to just a philosophy of an idealism, for which there was little pragmatic grassroots realities backing it. Any change, if it has to sustain, has to ride on an energy that derives its source not from the patronage of a section of society but from the support of the majority of masses itself. Renaissance primarily was patronized by the elite section and as communication and sharing was not easy then in the 15-16th century, it failed to reach the mass base and therefore died down as regional political realities changed, weakening the force of the patronage it had. The same reasons can also be attributed to the idea of modern Jurisprudence not becoming a single, objective and universal reality, which is probably the most critical requirement for Human Dignity. If we look at the history of humanity, if we pick up one single element of human societies that has caused most pains, sufferings and heinous injustice, it is the abstractions, stupidities and hypocrisies of the idea of Jurisprudence. Its innate and embedded propensity to align with politics and power structures makes Jurisprudence a deep pathology of many human troubles, especially the killer of human dignity. It still remains in the same archaic mold. The worst hypocrisy of history of evolution of jurisprudence however remains the structural part of justice delivery system, which actually enacts the laws and reaches out for individuals. The ghastly fact remains that no doubt, human dignity has been butchered hugely by bad laws but majorly by corrupted and inefficient law enforcing and dispensing agencies and structures. The judicial and civil administrations almost always ensured that benefits of lawfulness of system remained at the side of the mighty and authoritative; leaving out the poor and un-resourced. This malaise jurisprudence seldom considers as something as part of the holism of its duty even today. Globally, even in developed countries, where human dignity has better history, the contemporary judicial system still has the innate propensity and orientation to align with state and its agencies, while sitting on judgments concerning human rights and dignity; leaving the common men and women gasping for the much sought after relief and justice. The trouble with jurisprudence is the same what it has been with the idea and idealism of humanism. When there is no definite, objective, verifiable and universally acceptable basis of what Reality is, there can never be any reasonable and logical basis of how human body-mind works and how it sees and accepts reality. Be it Humanism or Jurisprudence, no code and creed of management of human affairs can have credibility and effectiveness if it is not in conformity and symmetry with critical Reality of Consciousness, Cognition and Causalities, which engender the Holism of Reality. In the absence of singular Reality, there can never be a universal human code for culpability as well as corrective legalities. As collective human wisdom could attain this criticality of Holism of Reality only in recent decades, it is only now that humanity can have the true and right Humanism and Jurisprudence. This shall prove to be the critical basis of firm and lasting installation of Human Dignity in the human world. Jurisprudence, like Humanism, since its inception in civilized human living 5000 years back, always worked its ways on the basis of abstract ideas, partial causalities and a hypothetical acceptance of the reality of human self. That is probably why, jurisprudence, like the idea of humanism, remained predominantly elitist, aligned to powerful and mighty elements of ruling minority and happily blind to hypocritical insinuations. Jurisprudence has had a very patchy and fractured historical record of aligning with the common man-woman and his or her dignity in social milieus, where equality and equitability was always massively missing. It is a colossal tragedy for humanity even in 2020 that humanity has an education model, which is 150 years old and jurisprudence model as old as 300 years. This is a telling example of how knowledge of humanity has miserably failed in the critical task of integration, linking and assimilation of collective wisdom. This must end. Politics, governments and any other human system cannot change and cannot be expected to do any good if the basic, primary and grassroots issue is not taken care of. Reality has to integrate humanity into singular contemporary Identity. It is shameful and curse on humanity that it took thousands of years for humanity and its elitist leadership to accept gender equality and equal rights of women as core and critical element of jurisprudence. It took thousands of years and massacre of billions of innocent men, women and children for humanity and its hypocritical leadership to accept the idea of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights as spine and skeleton of the body of jurisprudence. However, still, even in 21st century, human rights and fundamental rights remain merely paper tigers and the most prolific and ghastly violators of human and fundamental rights are none other but the state and government institutions, including the judicial system. This is a global reality with no exception. It is primarily because even modern jurisprudence clearly misses the Holism of Reality and therefore is shrouded in hypocrisies and facilitative abstractions and mysticism. The brilliant and great luminaries and intellectuals of human history, till date has not yet realized and accepted that no human enterprise for good and right of humanity can survive and sustain if it is not integrated with other equally crucial wisdom and knowledge. Also, the collective human wisdom, in its integrated holism must also be based on scientific, objective, singular and verifiable reality of human body-mind realism. Hypothetical philosophies and presumptuous psychologies can never be the basis of any holistic vision of humanity. When we talk of the wisdom of humanism or jurisprudence, they must be based on scientific reality of human consciousness, its cognitive structures and behavioral causalities. Also, they have to be integrated with equally important human wisdom on subjects of governance and public administration, judicial mechanisms and processes, political and economic pragmatism, technological expertise, etc so that Humanism and Jurisprudence idealisms could be installed in its holism and totality to grassroots levels. It could not happen in the past as collective human wisdom was not at the stage of scientific objectivity it is now. Also, the potential to integrate collective wisdom is at best today because of the technological advancement in communication and reception. It is this technological edge and criticality, which also potentials the efficiency and effective monitoring of governance and public administration structures and agencies. It is the long history of humanity and its prolonged and persistent failure in installing the dignity and sovereignty of the individual, which tells us why and how we failed as collective humanity and how these can now be corrected with singular energy and focus in the 21st century to Give Individual Back the Crown He or She Owns! Somehow, it is now beginning to dawn upon a small section of intellectuals and scientists that biggest requirement for humanity and its wellness is this very critical integration of collective wisdom and constitute them as singular, holistic and universal footprint of humanity. In the coming decades of the 21st century, if collective wisdom of humanity could sincerely and sufficiently embark upon this unitary task of Knowledge Integration, it would be the hugely catalytic platform for installation of human dignity and sovereignty of the individual in 21st century. This is the only possibility, which can save humanity of its colossal stupidities and hypocrisies. When we look at the contemporary reality of modern states, governments and politics, we can clearly see how calamitously they are still playing havoc with the lives of people with their abstract and mystical ideas about human Reality. It is not only stupid but also tragic that billions of human lives are being risked because their lives are being managed on the basis of stupidly abstract and mystical ideas, which have no basis in Scientific Reality. We shall deliberate in details about the abstract and mystical ideas that state, governments and politics of contemporary world profess and perpetuate for ruling over people, which not only annihilate Human Dignity but also plays havoc with human lives. As we have accepted that lack of human knowledge about ‘Reality’ was the core trouble for humanity, especially the creation of twin demons of Religion and Politics, it is important here to first understand this critical and cardinal issue of ‘Reality’, as unraveled by contemporary science. Then, we shall also discuss in detail as how this ‘Reality’ makes contemporaneous structures and functions of Religion and Politics as primary agenda for complete change. We shall not detail the religion part as in this eBook we are essentially concerned with Politics and governance. In next chapter, we detail the modern knowledge of Reality and how it now necessitates the urgent need to dump the current politics, paving way for people to Get Their Crown Back. ** CHAPTER 2 What is Reality? Is reality as real and actual as it seems or is made to accept? More important question is; does this question matter? It seems, it does matter and that is probably why best of human brains have engaged their lives over this question. Somehow, this happens to be the primary, core and cardinal basis of all other questions and answers of life-living in particular and humanity in general. The probability of a possible ‘Theory of Everything’, which explains all structures and functions around us beyond any reasonable doubts, rests on a singular and over-encompassing hypothesis about Reality. In simple yet definitive words, most human troubles emanate out of the Reality and ignorance about it… However, tragically, there is still no singular definitive answer to this cardinal question for humanity. Probably, there may never be, even as passage of time keeps adding more informative dimensions to this core and complex issue of Reality. Why? Because, it seems, human brain and its potential for deciphering Reality is too insufficient to unravel the cosmic proportions of the Holism of mechanism and process of the very constitution of Reality. It is probably easy for humanity to say and even accept that two ends of the universe are over 90 billion light years apart but it is always impossible for even the best empowered brain of a human to truly and really ‘realize’ and ‘actualize’ this colossal vastness of the ‘proposed’ Reality of the size and magnitude of 90 billion light years! This is permanent and absolute limitation of approaching Reality. Human consciousness can probably realize the mechanism and process of Reality but never the holism of it in actual dimensions. If we look at Reality at its macrocosmic expanse and microcosmic bare-basics, we can have this definitive feel that there is something inherently ‘mechanismic’ or structural in the idea and realism of Reality, which ensures that humanity at best can have a singular and common hypothesis only about a humanly amenable ‘Model’ of Reality and never the real or actual reality. Naturally, if we accept this proposition, which seems the most probable one at this point of time-space situation of humanity; the next critical question is " Is that enough? Can we humans have knowledge of only a model of Reality and then proceed onto engender the Theory of Everything and other key life-living realities of human world, based on the proposed Model Reality? This we shall understand later, when we detail Reality. The primary challenge about realization of Reality is the fact that the beginning and end of everything is ‘Self’. What someone can and does have within the probable and practically feasible domain of perception of ‘self’ alone can be subject matter of foolproof singular verifiability. Otherwise, things begin to slip into the domain of philosophy and literary imagination. Therefore, the primary aspect, which humanity as a whole and an individual in particular should ideally focus about is the very mechanisms and processes that create, shape and stand ‘I’ or Self as it alone has the task at hand to realize Reality. Thankfully, when scientists work on the macrocosmic aspects of Reality, it is only an automatic facility that wisdom and knowledge about understanding of ‘Self’ is bettered and facilitated. This very human insistence, of acceptance of Reality only through hugely limited ‘perceptional’ window of ‘Consciousness’, is the primary trouble and stupidity, which is hard, even impossible to unlearn. As we shall discuss in details later, Reality is not decipherable in its holism and entirety by individual’s consciousness or self. Consciousness is just a poor ‘media’ through which only a ‘part’ of Reality is expressed or communicated. Naturally, consciousness is only in possession and awareness of only a miniscule ‘Part’ of the ‘Holism’ of Reality. This however nobody is willing to accept. Why? Everyone thinks and believes, what he or she can and does see, feel, realize and experience, alone is Reality. Why? Because we mentioned at the start that ‘Self’ and individual consciousness is the start and end of all perceptional probabilities. Whatever is not available for ‘verifiability’ of perceptional experience of human consciousness and self is never accepted by humans. The trouble is " Reality in its holism is much beyond human perception…! That is why to understand Reality, in its holism and entirety; it is singularly important and inevitable to understand the mechanism and processes of Consciousness " the realism of ‘I’ or ‘Self. Rather, in truly scientific assertion, this very ‘Self’ or ‘I’ must be unlearnt for understanding and accepting Reality. Self or consciousness is a restrictive media for getting to the holism and entirety of Reality. Naturally, the ‘unlearning’ of Self or Consciousness can happen only when it is ‘learnt’ " What Is Self or Consciousness… It is not that understanding of ‘I’ or Self has been a modern or new phenomenon. Since over 5000 years or more, many arrived humans have realized and even documented so many aspects about existence, self, ‘I’ or consciousness. Because they realized, consciousness is the gateway to deciphering Reality. No doubt, modern science has only put the idea of consciousness or self into great perspective for improved understanding. There have also been corrections and facilitations by modern science. The quantum debate of dualism and non-dualism has always been there with humanity, thousands of years back. Now that we have ease of scientific explanation and secular-objective literature, we can express it objectively and understand it holistically. The primary thing about Self or ‘I’ is dualism of its situation or position as ‘Karta’, subject, observer or protagonist. The idea of Karta, subject or protagonist stems out of the above-mentioned insistence about ‘I’ or self being the only and ultimate ‘verifiability’ of all Reality. The famous quote of Descartes, ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ (I think, therefore I am) is probably that innate and embedded ‘perception’ about the centrality and inevitability of ‘consciousness’ in the scheme of idea of Reality, which probably engenders this sense of ‘I’ or self being the protagonist of all probabilities of Reality. This ‘mysticism’ is now unraveled and modern science now has enough knowledge to point out the stupidity and hypocrisy in dualism of ‘I’. The greatest mysticism for ‘Self’ is the perception of the expression of Self itself! This is the seed of all stupidities and hypocrisies that humanity is loaded with. The very complex and yet unresolved idea of Consciousness plays out and installs this situation and position of Dualism very intelligently and categorically. Modern science also somehow establishes that self, ‘I’ or consciousness is not automatically and innately the ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist. It is rather only a ‘Medium’. Consciousness is a medium and it itself is an emergent and evolving entity of the body-mind medium. Therefore, in a sense, Consciousness " this hugely unputdownable and powerful realism of ‘I Am’, is just a medium (sub-media) within a medium! This definitely divests ‘I’ or Self off the much acclaimed ‘centrality’ and ‘preeminence’ in the overall scheme of Reality. This primary and most critical idea of ‘Consciousness as Medium within Medium’ needs to be understood with perfect clarity. There is a very famous metaphor used by both spiritualism and science for explanation of Realism. It is about a honeybee sucking nectar from a flower. A honeybee comes flying, sits over a flower, sucks its nectar and then moves away. Traditionally, or in populist perception and linguistic sensitivity, there seems no Dualism in this act as it is believed that from the perspective of what is being observed, the honeybee is the Subject, ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist and the bee sucking nectar is clear ‘act’. Of course, the flower is the Object as it is doing nothing. The honeybee is the doer of action and therefore singularly qualifies for being the Subject or Protagonist. The dualism however creeps in when we see and accept the other perspective that is equally true but not ‘observable’ to general sight mechanism. This other perspective says; honeybee and flower are both only Objects as the supposed ‘Action’ is being done on both equally. The action is not honeybee sucking nectar as it is only the Effect of a Cause that is actually energizing the Action. Naturally, it is this ‘Causality’, which is true Subject, Karta, protagonist and ‘observer’, as it is this Cause, which has created the ‘act’ (reaction) of this effect playing out between honeybee and flower. It is the energy of causality that created the ‘media’ of a ‘giver’ and another as ‘taker’ but both are just expressing or playing out the ‘script’, directed by the energy of causality. This Causality (Subject/Karta/Protagonist) is the innate, symbiotic and intangible relationship between honeybee and the flower. The real and true Subject is the innately wired ‘Connect’ of the honeybee to seek nectar from the flower. Two elements are in a relationship, which is an effect of the core causality of survival-symbiosis between the two. Therefore, both the elements of honeybee and flowers are only Objects and both are equally reacting to and effecting something, the cause of which is scripted in the ‘Relationship’ or ‘Context’ between the two. This intangible Causality is the Subject and true Protagonist, not the ‘I’ or ‘Self’. This of course is the microcosmic interpretation of the larger macrocosmic Realism. The macrocosmic Realism says that consciousness is not in flower or honeybee, even while both may be living entities. In other words, consciousness that exists in honeybee or flower is only a small and dualistic medium of the larger, non-local and non-dualistic consciousness, which exists and stays elsewhere or everywhere. The real and true non-local and non-dualistic Consciousness is the Causality of ‘Context and Relationship’ that is just having a medium of body-mind of honeybee and flower. It is the Causality that is the Real and True Subject and Protagonist as it is this Causality, which goes on to create the ‘Matter’ in the form of different ‘Media’ for its unraveling and final expression. This final expression is usually accepted as Reality by all of us as it is what our five senses can perceive and react to. However, this sure is not Reality. In simple words, it is the Causality that is true, real, core and critical element of Observance but is not automatically observable to we humans through our sensory mechanism and therefore does not qualify as Reality for us. However, this causality, even while being the true Observer or protagonist, requires the Media for its expression or for playing out its effects. The Causality is always intangible, whereas the Effects it engenders have to be tangible to attain a form and dimension. Naturally, causality creates the ‘media’ of matter " the form and dimensions. All living and non-living entities, including human beings, their body-mind realisms are ‘forms’ " The Media, for expression of Reality. Human consciousness is a complex media as it is the result of prolonged evolution of cosmic causalities of billions of years. Consciousness of living beings is the Media that causality as observance uses for playing out Reality, which our sensory mechanism and processes can and does easily see, feel and accept. It is because this consciousness is also a media of our body-mind tangibility, enabling consciousness to perceive reality, thus extending it a misplaced sense of being the observer but it is not as consciousness is just media. Here, it is very crucial to refer to contemporary science’s path-breaking idea of quantum mechanics, which deals with the critical issue of ‘Observance’ and ‘Collapsing’ of Reality. This understanding of ‘Observer’ and its cardinal role in Reality is a must to unravel the holism of Reality and the role of ‘Consciousness’ and ‘Causality’ in it. In quantum science, Reality, at all time and space is considered being super-positioned probabilities. Quantum science says, Reality happens as it is ‘observed’ because observance collapses super-positioning and creates a reality. Before that, Reality always stands as probabilities. Does it make us accept that Reality is not an ‘Always There’ situation, rather, Reality ‘Collapses’ as something, depending on observance? Does this mean, observance ends dualism and enters non-dualism? The next big question is, is observance critical to Reality? It seems as quantum scientists say, it ends probabilities and installs a Reality, though for the observer! Now, there still remains dualism about the idea of observer. Who can be accepted as observer? Majority opinion is that observance is essentially consciousness. It is consciousness that observes and installs reality or ‘collapses’ Reality. This is somewhat agreeable quantum science factuality for us. In simple terms, Reality is a dualistic, super-positioned probability at all times as elements that create reality have wave function dualism. Reality however is created or collapsed as dualism ends and superposition collapses the moment there happens an observer. And, this observer is consciousness. Therefore, the core and cardinal element in the idea of Reality is Consciousness as it is believed to be the ‘Protagonist’ that scripts a Reality. At this point of time, we shall have to stop our focus on everything else and zero down to this singular idea of Consciousness. The scientific reality of consciousness is the most pampered subject of new millennium, even as we all know from our knowledge of human history that consciousness as a philosophical and spiritual idea has always remained with humanity since almost 3000-4000 years back. Does this itself mean that pure science never stands aloof and alienated to philosophy and rather, sort of runs parallel to it? Does the same dualism exist between science and philosophy " when something works but cannot be described how or why, it is referred to as philosophy and if it works, is empirically verifiable and is mathematically explainable, it stands as science? Probably, even quantum scientists feel that they have rested the onus of Reality on an element of realism, which itself is by nature dualistic. Probably therefore, there is a strong advocacy by new age quantum scientists to present a valid case of non-dualistic consciousness. We need to first understand the basic hypothesis of this ‘dualism’ of consciousness, before we proceed onto larger issues. The primary idea is, if observance is mechanism and process of consciousness, this makes observance open to dualism " Generic and Specific observance. This dualism is " 1. There is an observance of consciousness, which emanates out of functionality of five senses and sensory inputting. As brain organization at macro level is largely singular for most humans, there is a broadly singular reality of observation, like rivers, mountains and other tangibilities. This is what we may call Generic Observance. This observance is processing of common and non-dualistic subconscious mind states. No doubt, as science insists that no two minds are same, there is bound to be dualism in generic observance too. However, it may be accepted that as the differences are small and there is overbearing generalization of commonality of languages for expression of the reality by generic observation, the dualism is seldom ‘observable’. For example, I and nine other people may see a door and because of our different mind processing of inputs from five senses, all ten may see the door differently but as this tangibility of door still shall have almost 95 percent of details as common for all ten, we all still shall call it a door as our language commonality cannot express a door with 5 percent difference as anything else! However, if any of the ten has one or two sensory organs tweaked or part of his or her brain states affected, the door may look, say 40-50 percent different. However, as all nine shall call it a door, a deviant observance shall not change the realism of the door. Still, it is debatable whether this reality is the same for other higher organisms like dogs, elephants, etc as their sensory observation by their brain organizations are not known! Though, we now accept that these higher animals do have consciousness of varied shades. Therefore, somehow, whatever is the reality, we have to limit it to the observance of human consciousness only. That itself is a restrictive hypothesis and negates singular objectivity rule of science. Therefore, even this so-called singular Reality of generic observance may not truly be accepted as non-dualistic. 2. Second observance by consciousness is of intangibilities by conscious brain states, which is dualistic, differentiated by variegated cognitive shades, because of varied experiences and memories of experiences of every single individual. Like happiness, wellness, love, compassion, right and wrong, etc are intangibilities observed by conscious mind states and is always dualistically oriented. Like all ten people may call a door a door but ask them whether the door is good or bad, there shall be five or six different observations about the same door. Therefore, the specific observance by consciousness, as against the generic observance can never be non-dualistic and therefore realities in these domains shall never be singular. Hence the trouble for humanity, not probably extended to other higher organisms. To simplify what we have talked so far, we need to see and internalize the primary idea that Reality in its innate and elemental form always remains as probabilities. This means, there is probably no Definitive and Singular face, shape, size and dimension of Reality that could be narrated and explained in humanly possible language of words. However, Reality Happens, or in simple sense, takes definitive dimensions of Locations as it is Observed. Therefore, Reality, in any possible way is a function of Observance. Naturally, the ensuing and inevitable question is " Who is the observer? Who observes? The contemporary popular hypothesis is " Consciousness creates observance. The consciousness is therefore the observer. However, what we discussed earlier is the hypothesis that Reality can be singular and definitive only when consciousness is also non-dualistic or singular. Then, as we talked about how consciousness seems to have universal propensity and probability of being dualistic, there is underlying assertion that Reality therefore can never be non-dualistic and singular. Naturally, as Reality is not singular and non-dualistic, there shall always be 3Cs " Confusion, Conflict and Chaos around the very notion and realism of Reality! And, as Reality itself is dualistic, there probably cannot ever be non-dualistic and singular human world and life-living reality for we all! To rationalize and summarize what we have discussed so far, we settle with the realism that Reality has to be singular, objective and non-dualistic. It has to be singular and non-dualistic for all organisms; not only humans. Naturally, Consciousness (not only of humans) cannot qualify to be the ‘observer’ of Reality as it is dualistic. Only the ‘Causality’ qualifies as single and ultimate observer as it is singular, objective and non-dualistic for all media of all consciousnesses. The fact however remains that as the singular-objective ‘causality’ shall express itself through different ‘media’ of different human beings, different living organisms as well as different ‘matters’, it shall have varied, even infinite expressions. It is for every human being to see, understand and accept that Reality has to be and is singular but its expression being subject to ‘media-dependence’, it shall be ‘perceived’ in infinite shades, each shade of reality-expression having the potential to compete and conflict with other shade; primarily because of the ‘Virtuality of Centrality’ of ‘I’ or Self. This is core mechanism and process of Reality, Causality and Consciousness, which is the fertile soil of infinite stupidities and resultant hypocrisies of human world. This humanity not only has to accept it but also celebrate as every shade of Reality-Expression has its role and utility. Probably that is why the ‘Causality’ chose to have such varied and infinite ‘media’ of matter. It is also a core and cardinal wisdom that diversity, variance, shades, plurality et al is the core construct of nature. Existence of all organisms, including humans have diversity writ large on every spec of life-living as it is the core mechanism of Reality itself. Therefore, being human and understanding Reality means, everyone of us have to accept and joyously celebrate this diversity and plurality of Reality. Hence, the singular inevitability and indispensability of Liberty! In Oriental spiritual traditions, they called this playing out of the true and real Subject as ‘Maaya’ (the web of causality) and the material medium of body-mind effecting it, as ‘Leela’ (the effect-driven action and behavior). In Yoga philosophy, there is categorical and definitive reference to the idea of True Subject or Protagonist and also, there is an insistence to rise above and detach from all Causalities to attain the highest position that is ‘reserved’ for humanity. This reality about self, ‘I’ or individual’s subjective consciousness being just a ‘medium’ and not the subject, karta or protagonist exposes the biggest, primeval and transcendental stupidity that all humans have. We all think, ‘I am doing this and I am opting that’, however, the reality is that for all practical purposes, ‘I’ ain’t doing anything of its own independent accord and free will. ‘I’ is just playing out ‘performances’, which the true and real protagonist and subject " the Causality, is installing on the media of ‘I’ or Self. This in turn means, ‘I Am’ is probably the worst hypocrisy and naturally, all actions and behaviors installed and extended on the basis of ‘I Am’ are suspected stupidities and gross hypocrisy. In most cases in our lives, we all essentially do not ‘act’ on our freewill but ‘react’ to what is presented before us. In most usual ways, we are not subject; rather object as ‘media’ of causalities. This primeval and transcendental stupidity of humanity needs to be understood well. We as an individual are expected to ‘own’ all our actions and behaviors and in collective space, we are actually responsible for them. However, when vast majority of all our actions and behaviors are just the ‘reaction’ of situations engineered by our subconscious self as ‘media’ and not actual ‘actions’ of our conscious self, how can we say with sense of surety and ownership that ‘I Am’ and ‘I Do’? More than 3000 years back, Oriental spiritualism deciphered this stupidity about self or ‘I’ and warned humans of this primary slavery, urging for emancipation from causalities within body-mind mechanism as well as outside in the external milieus. Modern science now speaks of the same with the help of quantum mechanics that human consciousness is not the protagonist and therefore, an individual simply cannot decipher and unravel ‘Reality’. Rather, an individual being just a miniscule and ephemeral ‘media’, can only realize a part of the larger cosmic Reality and simply reacting to the causalities that it plays out as a reactionary medium. Naturally, as different people shall have differentiated ‘parts’ of Reality; according to the content and nature of their body-mind ‘media’, there shall never be a singular objective Reality for humanity. Different people as differentiated media for infinite causalities within and outside their internal and external milieus shall perceive Reality differently, often competing their ‘part’ of Reality to be the only true and real Reality. Therefore, human world shall always be a battle ground for 3Cs " Conflict, Confusion and Chaos. Therefore, we have good reasons to accept that Reality, whatever it may be, may never be singular and above and all, it may not be something, which average human mind potentials could ever decipher, unravel and establish. Simply because, Reality is not a fixed idea as its pre-state (nothing) is potential of probabilities. Reality is created and installed as a ‘Causality’ comes to stand as the ‘observer’, ending the super-positioned probabilities and thus ‘collapses’ a Reality. Naturally, there are infinite ‘Causalities’ because nothingness has infinite ‘Probabilities’. As there are infinite causalities, there are infinite ‘Contexts’ of observance. Naturally, different observance points and probabilities shall always create infinite cognitions of Realities. Causalities play up and ‘Effect’ different Realities through differentiated media and all different media innately shall affect causalities by uploading their own messages and agenda. In simple words " There may not and never be a singular definitive and irrevocable Reality; at least for human potentials of perception. And, this shall ensure that human world and human life-living always remains mired in 3Cs " Confusion, Chaos and Conflict, which in turn shall incessantly keep the quantum of stupidity, hypocrisy and insanity sufficiently high. We humans have a destiny that has been scripted in disaster and improbability of sanity for which we may not be entirely blamed. It is essentially the very nature of Reality in our cosmic construct that installs the Realism that Sanity Is Impossibility in human world. Stupidity and hypocrisy is our ‘design’ and the design of the expression of Reality for us. This is unconscious stupidities, which we all are designed for. However, what we humans are condemnable for and stand liable for foolish culpability is our stupid refusal to see this Reality and not work towards a practical solution of humungous problems that emanate out of this nature of Reality as human consciousness perceives it. This is culpability of ‘Conscientious Stupidities’. When we know and still cannot understand, learn and correct our mistakes, we must qualify for being the most stupid and most corrupted living and surviving species in the universe. This is the conscientious stupidity and sincere ignorance, which humanity must shed as it can. It is the only solution for all troubles of humanity. Our consciousness has design for it too. From this reality, the critical idea, which comes out is that every empowered human has to first detach its own ‘Consciousness’ from the Causalities of body and mind as it is the primary ‘Liberation’ of human life. However, in Yoga philosophy it is insisted that even Human Consciousness is a Media and therefore, this too has to be dumped and an empowered human must also rise above and detach from the Causalities of Consciousness too to ultimately be in Union (Yoga) with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness is probably what quantum scientists and super string theory proponents call non-local and non-dualistic consciousness. In microcosmic religious terms, this probably is referred to as God and the causalities are labeled as Design of Divinity. It is rather interesting that the Buddhist philosophy, which emerged around the same era Yoga philosophy was consolidating, says similar things. Buddha is believed to have insisted on ‘Observing’ the ‘Causalities’ that are causing ‘effects’ within body-mind structures as well as outside in the milieus. Buddha’s famous saying " ‘There is Suffering and it has a Cause’, probably pertains to Buddha’s personal experiences with sufferings. He probably understood as how human consciousness and cognition is just a poor and microcosmic Media of infinite causalities in the internal as well as external milieus. He probably reiterated that by observing the causalities, human consciousness could probably rise above and detach from the situation of being a ‘Media’ and thus liberate itself from sufferings. To be truly and really knowledgeable and wise is a definition, shrouded in mysticism of dualism. Somehow, this uncertainty truly delineates the ultimate state of ‘Singular Wisdom’ available and desirable for we all. It is there for humble, sincere and innocent acceptance that to be knowledgeable is to internalize in all layers of consciousness that Reality Is Always PROBABILISTIC, therefore life-living was, is and shall always be Conflicted, Confused and Chaotic. This arrives humanity to singular and definitively finite wisdom that there can be and is only one Intelligence for all humans in all stages and situations of life-living. This singular intelligence is COMPASSION. All other subsidiary intelligence must fall in linearity and symmetry of the primary one… Human history of thousands of years of civilization and cultures has been a documented evidence of how misplaced ingenuity of minority of humanity, especially in powerful leadership positions, has always ruled over this mass idealism of compassion to shove the human world to the brink of extinction, with conflicts, confusion and chaos ruling all milieus and lives in them. The current diminutive and enslaved status of singular wisdom of compassion in contemporary human world is foolproof evidence that Sanity Is Impossibility in contemporary world and collective life-living. Those who truly understood Reality, humbly accepted compassion as only wisdom and lived and died in peace and wellness. Compassion remains the only singular Possibility of Sanity, at personal levels, as at collective level, compassion has lost the chance to reinstate itself long-long back…! This confidence in compassion as the core and critical sanity point emanates because now we have reasons to accept that the very design of Reality in our cosmos, the world we live in and the way our own consciousness accepts it have inbuilt, innate and embedded entropic causalities. Therefore, the only way out to have sanity and install it deep in our lives is to accept the finality of singular and irreplaceable element of Personal Compassion. This in turn installs the singular agenda for humanity that ‘individual’ and ‘personal’ alone is the domain, where anything good and substantial can happen, if the world has to survive. The sole and exclusive entity for all possible human investments is individual consciousness. The collective domains of contemporary state, governance and politics are essentially the major roadblocks in this human agenda as they consciously or subconsciously ‘kill’ the individual’s Crown Position in affairs of humanity. Therefore, they have to change, accept the novel roles and purpose, as per the Reality and the real and true sovereign " the People have to Get Their Crown Back. The idea and notion of compassion, what we accept here is completely different and novel from what populist beliefs accept compassion as. The popular definition of compassion stands it in linearity with pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity etc. What we have proposed is that compassion is not about being caring, accommodative, assimilative, and affectionate. Compassion is not in parts but in holism. All these are of course the ‘effects’ or expressions of the situation of compassion in someone’s consciousness but compassion is not purely behavioral or actionable. It is far more broad, holistic and over-encompassing. We have to accept the utility and fruition of Compassion as Higher Consciousness, which can and does see, accept and practice the ‘Holism of Reality’ that is always probabilistic and contextual. Compassion is a Cognitive Position of an evolved and empowered Higher Consciousness, which is non-reactive, receptive, skeptical of ‘self’ itself and contemplative in all life-living situations, being in perpetual, deep and lateral acceptance that Reality is never singular and it is always good, right and healthy to be respectful to all different ‘parts’ of Reality, constituting the Holism of Reality. As a person internalizes this higher consciousness evolution of acceptance of Holism of Reality, he or she successfully makes compassion his or her first instinct and option-less attitude. The elements of pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity, caring, accommodation, assimilation, and affection, etc shall automatically fall in place. In simple terms, compassion is not a fruit, it is not even a tree; it is rather the soil, which must remain fertile and objectively facilitative. This soil of compassion shall automatically and instinctively grow all trees and all fruits of best utilities and worth. The insanity of collective spaces may rob the fruits and cut the trees but the soil shall always remain there to grow more trees and fruits. The greats of humanity have always reminded us that it may be accepted that different people of this world may have different and even competing goals and purposes but everyone must first have this Compassionate Higher Consciousness. … this entire detailing of the idea of Reality and Human Consciousness was done to arrive at this singular hypothesis about the management of human world. The singular hypothesis is about how this human world does not actually require society, state, constitution, religion and jurisprudence in its contemporary forms as the only task at hand for every human being is at ‘Personal Level’. As every Reality starts and ends with ‘I’ or Self, all troubles start with ‘I’ or Self and all solutions therefore emanates out of ‘I’ or Self only. Naturally, if the human world has to have permanent sanity, system and order, the enterprise is essentially personal and individual. The very situation of Reality " as it is and as it is unraveled to human consciousness requires only one single qualification and eligibility in all humans and that is " Compassionate Higher Consciousness. Very clearly, it is essentially the enterprise of an individual, all men and women. It is a purely personal attainment. What society, state, constitution, religion and jurisprudence, etc are required to do, can do and stand for, are not the ‘control’, ‘authoritative’ administration and management of an individual or people. Why? It is because control, regulation, suppression and even violence cannot ensure compassionate higher consciousness in people. Rather, they are antithetical to compassion. Therefore, they have one single role to just be of assistance and support to this personal enterprise of attainment of Compassionate Higher Consciousness. The state, governments, politics, et al are only tertiary agents of help. The primary agent of help is integrated knowledge and education. The secondary agents are family and society. It is therefore very clear that modern contemporary politics, governments, societies and even religion are actually a big burden on humanity and essentially antagonistic to attainment of Compassionate Higher Consciousness as they are rooted in ‘authoritative control’ and violent suppression of individual consciousness. In turn, they are actually alien and inimical to the very idea of Reality as their primary task and role is to administer ‘Collective Coercion’ over individuals to install and perpetuate a specific and majoritarian Reality over everyone. The contemporary state and its authoritative governance structures are therefore the primary human rights violation. The very basis of state and governance is in-Human and un-Real as they stand as worst enemies of human life-living goal. The 21st century alternative model of state and governance need to reorient itself to being a catalyst to individual’s personal enterprise of Compassionate Higher Consciousness. It is very clear from this very idea of Reality and purpose of human lives that the most crucial role in human world is that of Education and Knowledge. Humanity does not need state and governance in its current role and purpose. What it needs is a powerful, universal and singular mechanism and process of education and knowledge dissemination, which could unite humanity, assimilate it into one universal ‘Identity’ and catalyze the personal and individual enterprise of attainment of Compassionate Higher Consciousness. The one and only requirement for entire humanity is ‘Integration And Assimilation’ of collective human knowledge, especially about Reality, so that integration and assimilation of entire humanity into one single ‘Identity’ of humanity could be attained. This very idea of Reality needs integration into all domains of human knowledge so that all conflicting and competing ‘Identities’ of contemporary world must die down and is replaced by singular Identity of Humanity. The state, constitution, governance, politics, religion and jurisprudence, etc must suitably transform in contemporary times to be in sync with Reality because, they are the hugely calamitous agents of playing ‘deadly divisive’ games with innumerable conflicting and competing ‘identities’ of humanity. It is therefore very natural that people in individual capacities must be made empowered to take the management of human affairs in his or her hands. It is only in sync with Reality that people, the real and true sovereign must Get The Crown Back so that a new world order is created and novel system of humanity management is installed, which invests majority of global resources in universal objective education and knowledge and not on armies, police, bureaucracy, courts, jails and politicians. The contemporary stupidity and hypocrisy of politics and governments must end and the new sovereign be reverted to its true stature. With this hypothesis about Reality and state and governance as in-Human and un-Real in mind, we shall detail some more pragmatic aspects of the futility of state and government in contemporary human world. It is important to underline and understand the scientific basis of why the state and governments in their contemporary forms are worst enemies of humanity but it is also very helpful in understanding the practical aspects of the colossal culpabilities of state and governments. It is always helpful to get into details of the practical dimensions of the stupidities and hypocrisies of contemporary state and governments to install an irrevocable advocacy against their continuance in modern era of 21st century. We do it in next chapter. ** CHAPTER 3 For
all practical purposes, self, ‘I’ or individual Consciousness remains the primary
and transcendental unit of revelation and realization of Reality. From
theoretical purposes, for the sake of understanding of the idea of Reality, we
may have understood the futility of the ‘Centrality’
of Self or consciousness in making of Reality but we have also very well
understood the ‘dualism’ of consciousness. We know, for all practical purposes
of life-living in human world, an individual’s consciousness and self remains
the primary unit, where Reality is played out; even if just an insignificant
‘part’ of the Holism of Reality. The
individual being the start and end of all Reality
for all practical purposes, it is now a cardinal hypothesis that the Liberty of individual naturally becomes
the inseparable element of beingness, self and consciousness. An individual
without Liberty cannot qualify even
as a valid ‘Media’ of Reality. This Liberty emanates out of
the primary acceptance that Reality cannot be singular and as there shall
always be different shades of Realities for different people, everyone must be
at free will to accept Reality as per his or her individual cognitive
expressions and practice whatever principles he or she deems fit. In simple
terms, as every individual man and woman is the ‘media’ of expression,
communication and playing out of ‘part’ of Reality, every individual innately
and intrinsically stands to possess Liberty to see, perceive and accept Reality
as per his or her ‘Media’ make-up. Liberty
therefore underlines the Reality of human world and human life-living. It
allows accommodation and prosperity of relativity of context and relationship
that humans have for acceptance of Reality. Compassion
is also an innate expression of Liberty,
in its Holism. Liberty in turn
engenders such sub-realities, which
form part of the systems and rules of collective life-living. Reality in its
Holism has created humans as ‘media’ of its variegated expressions and for this
to happen, Liberty of every individual to perceive Reality in differentiated
shades is indispensible. Reality has ‘existence’ and ‘meaning’ only when
Liberty exists and is meaningful in its own right. This
means " individual, his or her relativistic and contextual perception of
Reality and the consequential primary need of Liberty is the core basis of
everything in life and living. It creates the system of society, cultures,
politics and economics. Liberty being the primary Causality of humanity, it creates sub-causalities that require
specific media and as Liberty is human expression of Reality, it is only
natural that Liberty installs media, which are human creations within societal
life-living domain. This social-societal necessity of Liberty originates
political ideas and spaces and in turn, the emergent and evolving political
causalities create economic structures and functions. Therefore, the actual and
primary Crown Position of individual
is innate, entrenched and inseparable part of Reality itself. This Crown then goes on to create
sub-realities for its expressions. Naturally, state, governments and politics
shall always be ‘subservient’ to the true and real sovereign and the Crown. As the reverse has happened in
long march of human history " the individual, the primary Crown itself has become ‘slave’ to the ‘Servant’, this has to
change as it is antithetical to scientific Reality. In
simple one line " Individual is the undeniable and irreplaceable basis of
everything in human life-living and its collective management. Individual and
its Liberty is Causa Sine Qua Non of
everythingness. All sub-Realities and all systems and sub-systems of human
world, be it society, culture, politics, state, government, religion or any
other identity must be subservient to individual Liberty and must be in fruitful
linearity with personal Liberty. It is irrelevant to say that this very
hypothesis installs Human Dignity as Holistic
expression of this universal idea of Liberty. Anything, which is not a catalyst
of individual’s liberty and dignity is hypocrisy and stupidity of highest
order. They must be corrected. That
is probably why as early as 16th-17th century; humanity
had accepted individual liberty as the singular guiding principle of all human
practices in collective domains. It clearly accepted all human institutions and
groupings, even state power and society as subservient to the Individual Will. This universal idealism
of liberty and its optimal expression postulated the central and predominant
position of individual in all human schemes of things to come in future march
of civilization and culture. However,
this idealism had always had roadblocks and vitiation primarily because humans
could not ensure the quantum of compassion required in social, cultural,
political and economic milieus for the idea and idealism of liberty to play out.
Rather, gradually, the reverse happened as state authority, nationalistic
identities, religious and cultural divides and other conflicting identities and
sentiments made liberty subservient to oligarchic and autocratic insinuations.
The Compassion element gradually gave
way to Competitiveness and Conflicts. The power structures of state
and its agencies innately aligned to money-wealth to create such an economic
realism, which shattered every probability of compassionate and co-existential
life-living. Interestingly, this was done on the name of individual’s
empowerment and wellness! The brute force of state power however, happily
termed itself as ‘Welfare State’! It
has to be understood, the big trouble is that the very idea and nature of
Liberty is highly entropic (having high propensity for disarray) in nature as
it unleashes powerful energies of diversity and asymmetry. It is only natural
that such powerful energy field like Liberty has to have enough scale magnitude
of operative space so that it does not interfere with the energy field of
another individual. Also, it was essential that overall milieus remained
sufficiently compassionate and resource-distribution among individuals had
much-required equitability to minimize conflicts and competitiveness. These
remained dream for humanity, as societies grew to become more complex with
rising population and resource availability. Politics
in its contemporary structures and functions came into being in human world
with this specific requirement. Politics by definition of its nature means
humanly designed and devised structures and functions to accommodate,
assimilate and systematize different competing and conflicting shades of
Realities. Politics by its very origin means a ‘Compassionate Meeting Point’ of all competing energies in society
and cultures to Optimize Liberty by
arraying and aligning conflicting ideas and demands into a System of Sanity. And, democracy was accepted globally as the
single working tool of political maneuvering for Sanity. It
is altogether different matter that politics itself had such inherent and
innate ‘Causalities’, which engendered the Frankenstein
of Insanity and Conflicts. The ‘media’ of politics, which the core reality
of liberty created, may have been designed to communicate and express the
compassionate element of assimilation, accommodation and integration in
social-cultural life-living but this ‘medium’ of politics had its own
‘message’. The massive power structures, causalities of authoritative control
and legitimacy for violence etc ensured that politics itself turned out to be
the single largest killer of compassion, assimilation and accommodation. This
however is only one aspect of trouble of politics. Second crucial aspect is
that contemporary nature of politics globally has come to stay as ‘Dispenser of Solutions’, which it is not
designed for. Politics has no solutions to offer, as solutions for human
life-living originate only in societal and cultural domains. It is so because
troubles of life-living have origin in society and culture itself. Individual
liberty has its play ground in society. Naturally, problems emanate in this
playground. Societies and cultures themselves have answers and solutions.
Politics simply has the role of compassionate and amicable assimilation and
accommodation of competing solutions of a problem or trouble. Politics has the
role of administrating (executing) an already arrived at solution of societal approval, through its authoritative
structures and functions and never the creation of solution. Tragically,
instead, politics in contemporary world is the single largest trouble of
humanity! It is primarily because politics in contemporary human world has
illegitimately donned the mantle of ‘solution provider’, sidelining individual
liberty and society-culture, and this, the politics does to install such
‘solutions’, which only serves its own petty interest. Politics in contemporary
human world is the best example of the calamitous reality of ‘Medium Is Message’. Interestingly,
modern politics is behaving almost similar to the ‘mechanism of evolution’,
which is accepted by most as ‘stupid engineering’. Liberty,
by very definition is itself contextual and relational as Liberty is a Reality
only in societal context and social relationships. There is no meaning of the
reality of Liberty in a vast jungle where a single human being lives. Liberty
is a socially-contextual Reality and as a natural corollary, stands as a
competing idea just because of the fact that its operative domain is a
physically defined space of society where people with different perceptions and
perspectives live side by side; often in uncomfortably intrusive limits. The
colossal stupidity and hypocrisy of politics and governance is that they work
on this unrealistic hypothesis that as Liberty itself creates most stresses and
conflicts in societal space, it is best to kill liberties to maintain peace and
order. This they do by the might and brutal power of police, para-military,
military, law-enforcement agencies and judicial system. This renders state,
governments and politics as alien and unreal elements of Reality. Their very actions stands in denial and annihilation of
Reality as Liberty itself is creation of Reality and therefore cannot be suppressed
and restricted. Liberty can always be conditioned to be more compassionate and
this is also the role of person itself and family-society plexus; not state,
government and politics. Yes, they can be part of the compassion culture and
its accentuation enterprise in utmost sensitivity and sincerity. No
doubt, the state and governments have the pressured role and duty of
maintaining peace and order in society. The contemporary human world has
created such stupid and hypocritical structures that it is becoming tough for
states to maintain order. Human population is now many many times more than
what could be the idea of ‘enough space’ for every individual to practice his
or her personal diversities peacefully. The population is also not equitably
dispersed. Also, in modern times, all human lives with their stakes on
available resources on Earth are so intricately linked to each other that it is
truly tough for an individual Liberty to express itself and not interfere with
that of others. But, the state and governments must see and accept that maintenance
of order and peace cannot be attained by restricting or killing Liberty with
mundane use of violence, as it is like killing the Reality " The universal
human reality. If Liberty is killed, there is no basis for existence of
anything " neither society nor the state! The
very idea of liberty stands as a competitive entity as its innate nature, which
makes it highly entropic. It is simply because Liberty has meaning only in
human world and humans live in finite domains of space, time, resource, etc.
Naturally, liberty of different individuals shall always compete with each
other to optimize the energy field of Liberty. As human population is much
beyond sustainable limits of the Earth, every passing day, the operational
space available for each energy field of individuals liberty is shrinking,
making the competition harsher and exceed the probabilities of compassion,
accommodation and inclusiveness. So, liberty itself engenders such causalities
that play out their realities in a way that erodes compassion. Erosion of
compassion in personal/social life-living and human milieus is such powerful
causality that it unleashes elements that murders sanity. Naturally, politics
gets the license to restrict and kill liberties, on the pretext of ‘order and
peace’ and ‘welfare of people’. This stupidity of state must stop. Not only
state and political layers but every individual has to understand Liberty, in
the wider context of Reality. This can be attained not by killing Liberty but
by integration and assimilation of collective human knowledge through a
universal objective and scientific education mechanism about Reality and need
for Compassionate Human Consciousness. In
contemporary human world, it is this hugely entropic energy of Liberty, which
is incessantly hiking the quantum of insanity and disorder in societies. Take
the example of how modern world has come to stay as a major theatre of liberty
of women, across the globe. Since thousands of years, women liberties were
suppressed and now they have come to the forefront of all major societal,
political and economic discourses. However, as majority of men world have not
taken this women enterprise for liberty with sufficient quantum of compassion,
accommodation and inclusiveness, the entropic structures between men and women
have only strengthened, causing more chaos, conflict and confusion between
them. Similar is the case with all other hitherto ‘marginalized’ sections, who
are attempting to take their liberties to the mainstream of
societal-political-economic discourse. Every new expression of liberty is
shrinking compassion and enhancing stress of conflict. For
politics, entropies are great news as they extend it the much required
legitimacy to use brute force of power and authority to kill liberties.
Politics essentially plays smart and is scrupulously selective in taking sides
with those identities and liberties, which populist energies provide sufficient
mass and volume. Politicians are rather hugely skilled to even influence public
opinion, create a virtual reality and authoritatively install it as ultimate
Reality! It
is however debatable, whether there could be a possibility of sanity and
non-conflict if there were only five humans in the entire cosmos, living in far
away galaxies. It seems, even then there probably could not be peace because
some day, the five would get connected and even while there would be enough
space, the causalities of Liberty would creep in and at least one of the five
humans might feel that he or she should ideally own 95 percent of the cosmos,
instead of the current 20 percent! Liberty as the expression of reality that
human consciousness perceives is a ‘causality’, which automatically finds a
‘media’ for entropic probabilities. Essentially,
Liberty is also dualistic, like all realism of life and living. As the famous
saying goes, ‘My right to swing my arm ends where the nose of other begins’;
this very dualism makes liberty a recipe of chaos and conflict. Liberty cannot
stand divested of Duties as every individual is entitled to liberty of his or
her personal perspective and viewpoint of a Reality but then, so are others.
And in a collective space, where energy fields of personal liberties are
uncomfortably close, because of huge population pressure and limiting
resources, it is only very natural that even a ‘small swing’ of arm by an
individual gets restricted by the intrusive ‘nose’ of other individual.
Naturally, liberty in modern world is getting ‘restricted’ by loads of burden
of ‘duties’, usually very harshly imposed and administered by state power and
even societies. It is only very natural that compassion in contemporary times
is tested hard and probably cannot stand the heat of conflicting
competitiveness. The ‘space-resource-crunch’ is however only one aspect of the
trouble for Liberty. Liberty
by its very nature is entropic and therefore, for Liberty to thrive and spread,
it requires less controlled socio-political-economic milieus. By its innate
positioning, liberty is best expressed in milieus where duties are less and authoritative
restrictions are fewer. This very positioning is recipe of disaster for
political systems and governments, which by their own nature and positioning,
thrive on disciplinary restrictions and larger duty compliances of individuals.
Interestingly, this modern ‘welfare state’ is so colossal in structure and
function that it swallows most of the available ‘spaces’ for its own
‘Liberty-Expression’, which in turn uploads such huge loads of duties on
individuals that personal liberties are always gasping for a few breaths. The
conflict between liberal individual and authoritative state is a classical
battle in human world and it keeps going out of hand as human world is evolving
as it is. There is a history of how the so-called democratic ‘welfare states’
have wreaked stringent authoritative controls on individuals and their
liberties. The welfare and democratic states too have not only killed liberties
but also people, let alone the autocratic and oligarchic states. Globally,
in so many countries, which have had a good record of Liberal traditions and
cultures, there has been a rise and emboldening of right wing nationalist
political ideology. This rising right wing nationalist voice is against
‘unfettered’ liberty and wants to install selective restrictions on the name of
nationalistic sense of duties. In USA, in many countries of Europe, even very
liberal nations like Sweden, India, etc, the right wing nationalistic surge has
taken over the erstwhile ‘Liberal’ traditions. It is essentially societal issue,
which politics has cashed in with great ingenuity to reap personal political
benefits. The
idea behind this global development is primarily about the dualism of Liberty
itself. The idea of optimization of liberty is a vast-resource enterprise.
Liberty is a happy-times manifestation of human individuality. The very rise of
right wing nationalistic sense of duty-restrictions over liberal rights is the
manifestation of bad and crippling times for humanity globally. The issue of
‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Localization’, as against the post-second world war era of
liberalism, open trade and globalization is the reiteration of shrinking space
for energy-fields of liberty. The right wing insurgence of the restrictive
nationalistic ideology of ethnicity and localization is aimed at ‘elimination’
or ‘taming’ of those ‘noses’, which the majority ethnic group, having some sort
of commonality, symmetry and uniformity sees and accepts as ‘alien’ or ‘misfit’
into their own worldview and perspective of ‘Reality’. For
those, who see, belief and accept Reality in its holism, have the reason to
feel warned. This is sure sign of what we know as the most lethal and incurable
malaise of humanity. This is called the Auto-Immune-Syndrome.
It is a situation where body’s own immune system begins to eat and feed into
one’s own body. It is suicide stage for humanity. It is what the scientists
have been warning that ‘Intelligent Races
Make Themselves Extinct’. When individual liberty gets restricted, pruned
and killed by the very structures and layers of human world, which have the
primary duty and responsibility to feed, nurture and empower liberty, it is the
primary symptom of beginning of the end of Possibility Of Sanity in human world
and life-living. We already seem to have entered the stage and it is
dangerously maturing globally, with ever increasing advocacies of insanities in
the name of better world. The sole agent of this ‘suicide’ is politics. We
can surely put this phenomenon into a perspective. As we proceed into a
life-living situation, where milieus around us have become growingly and
unimaginably complex and expansive, the modern average consciousness of common
men and women develops the propensity for ‘entropy suppression’ to avoid
abstractions and confusion of thinking and action. This is natural. When
reality or perception of it becomes complex and confusing, there is a natural
urge to make things simple and easy to avoid complexities. Thinking and
rationalizing is surely not easy and simple! So,
this rising trend has its own set of troubles and allied repercussions on
cultures and society. The entropy expansion; the reverse of entropy
suppression, usually leads to independence and liberal expressions of
consciousness as the accommodation space expands. Historically, liberty and its
optimum expression has been directly associated with entropy expansion mode of
consciousness. This however leads to larger randomization and diversities of
thoughtfulness, perspectives and behavior-actions in society and cultural
landscape. This liberal consciousness and independent cognition is a definite
recipe of trouble for society, culture and especially the political set up and
government. Political
structures always have trouble with liberal and expansive perspectives as it
weakens the legitimacy of authoritative patterns of governments. Liberal
governments historically have been associated with less nationalistic and
ethnicity fervor and less authoritative administration. This has changed as
governments are under pressure to perform batter, look after the growing
consumption demands of people and compete better in their global economic
adventures of moneys and investments. This has made the modern governments to
seek and administer more authority, more discipline and more uniformity of
actions. The liberal population with larger independence to thought-action
expression is now in direct clash with political authority. This may be called
the China-Model of Growth, which is threatening all other erstwhile big and
powerful economic powers of post-second world war era. Somehow, many countries
are now happily following the Chinese model of growth-governance, even while
braving up to counter surging Chinese power. Naturally,
average individual facing political and societal repression for ‘uniform’ and
‘unified’ behavioral regime, willfully starts doing entropy suppression. This
compresses accommodation and assimilation urges of consciousness and therefore,
many liberal elements and their asymmetrical expressions are either mitigated,
subdued or squeezed. This itself in long run creates another set of trouble for
societies, cultures and politics. This entropy suppression and adherence to
uniformity of consciousnesses creates deep crisis of Monolithic Cognition. Monolithic cognition means majority of people
have singular, partial and uniform viewpoint and perspective on core belief and
utility that political masters offer. This kills holism. Initially,
the monolithic cognition suits the political structures as it enables and
ensures discipline and uniformity but in long run, this becomes the license to
autocratic tendencies and kills democracy. This is already happening in many
parts of the globe. Experts warn that in USA, India and many European
countries, the monolithic cognition of collective consciousness has dawned upon
and consolidated itself. It has begun to influence the political structures and
popular psyche there, especially in USA and India, where majoritarianism has
started to supply license of autocratic behavior to the political system and
violence to societal layers. It has already percolated down to demographic
levels where majority identity behaves autocratically and violently towards
minority expressions. Naturally, the minority cognition and perspectives are in
dire threat. The societies and cultures are under huge threat of uncontrolled
entropy that is set to unleash catastrophic energies of conflict and chaos.
They already are! The
discerning minds and receptive people with rational and holistic perspectives
can see and visualize that at macrocosmic levels, things have moved to such
extremes that a correction and restitution to normal is now almost impossible.
The trouble for humanity and its growing propensity towards insanity seems to
have become systemic. The milieus have become so charged and filled with
reactionary energies and belligerent competitiveness that it is gradually but
decisively shaping and coloring average consciousness of even normal men and
women to self-centered and self-obsessed cognitions. The end result of this
prolonged self-obsession, which majority of people believes is a must for
survival in contemporary socio-cultural and political-economic milieus, has
considerably eroded and dwindled the collective altruism, especially personal
as well as collective quantum of compassion, which is core to the sanity of
system. The solution is not with politics and governments. It is with us " you,
me and they. Can we rise up and do the needful? We have to! We need to Get Our Crown Back, to re-install
compassion and accommodation in societies and personal lives so that Liberty
flourishes and Reality expresses itself the way it has been designed to be… ** CHAPTER 4 We all know, two factors always remained hugely critical in human lives since even before civilized life-living. First was external aggression from neighboring and competing tribes or groups of humans and second were intra-society conflicts over ownership and cognate issues. These two issues were common in all groupings of humans, who were united at a geographical space bonded by kinship and common identities of life-living. It is only natural that state and polity as protector and arbitrator of collective life-living troubles had common genesis in all human groupings spread in different parts of Earth. Though there are various theories of origin and evolution of state and polity, there were essentially two broad themes, which presented the basis for state and polity. These two themes actually correspond to two critical issues of Defense and Arbitration, which we have talked about in previous paragraph. The state and polity may have various theories about origin and evolution but all of them correspond to these two broad themes " State as Defender from External Aggression and State as Lawful Arbitrator of societal disputes. Therefore, all the theories of state and polity broadly hover around two elements of ‘Powerful Organization’ and ‘Legitimate-Lawful Authority’. Apart from the philosophical debates about the nature and scope of state as powerful and legitimate entity, which abound in the long history since 1000 BC to 20th Century, the singular, core and critical common element in all philosophies was the indisputable and irrevocable ‘Sanction Of Exclusive Violence’ to state and polity. The very idea of state and polity is permanently wedded to the notion of violence and its exclusive possession by state and its agencies. From the small and homogenous Polis of ancient Greece to modern welfare state of 21st century, the single common thread that links every notion and perspective of state and polity is its exclusive and unchallengeable legitimacy for violence " on ‘Aggressors’, be it external or internal. The 21st century reality, very commonly manifest in all types of states and polity, is about state becoming an unbridled entity, which has played monster with this ‘legitimacy’ of exclusive use of ‘Violence’, sans any reasonable and logical context of legitimacy. The state and polity has itself become the ‘adjudicator’ of ‘legitimacy-test’ and therefore, violence has become synonymous with anything that is associated with state and polity. Here, it has to be understood that there is one thing, which is omnipresent, inevitable and common in all forms and shades of state and polity. It is the critical element of ‘Legitimacy Of Authority’. Barring a few philosophers, most philosophies have in one way or other not only endorsed the ‘Authoritative’ nature of state and polity, rather also advocated for more strength to state power and authority for a peaceful and orderly society. From this critical element of legitimate authority of state for violence emanates the fringe philosophy of ‘Mandate of People’. Not only democracy and modern welfare state, even ancient kingdoms and autocracies always ensured that their unbridled ‘Legitimacy of Authority’ was invariably presented to have ‘Mandate of People’. This is the tragedy of humanity that all evils of humanity are orchestrated in the name of welfare and benefit of humanity itself. It is huge travesty of humanity that most crimes against human dignity and human lives always had and still has the ‘Mandate of People’. One set of humanity is massacred and annihilated as another set of humanity is ‘made to’ extend its ‘Mandate’ for Legitimate and Authoritative violence. The singular trouble of humanity since thousands of years, even after civilized life-living has been this abstraction and mysticism about Mandate and Legitimacy. Even in contemporary modern nation-states, with democracies deeply entrenched and welfare state tag stylishly flaunted, there are no singular, scientifically objective, foolproof and definitively justiciable framework, edifice and process to weed out the abstraction and mysticism out of mandate and legitimacy. This primeval and perpetual trouble about mandate and legitimacy is what contemporary human knowledge in 21st century can do away with. The twin issues of mandate and legitimacy can now be scientifically encoded and humanity now has the technological wherewithal to create foolproof execution of the new methodology of mandate and legitimacy. This is what the very idea of people Having The Crown Back is all about. What we are trying to arrive at in this eBook is that we are in 21st century. The collective human knowledge of objective and irrefutable science has empowered humanity with critical technologies and other cognate abilities to weed out abstractions and mysticisms not only in the practical domain of Mandate and Legitimacy but all other issues of life-living. We all sure can do it. Humanity has enough critical and scientifically objective knowledge about Reality and in the light of Reality and holistic knowledge of all sub-realities of life-living, we all must shed our continuation with archaic and obsolete abstractions and mysticisms. No doubt, Politics and Religion are two domains where abstract and mystical elements of Reality are still most prolific and with worst manifestations but all thinking men and women have to make a promise to himself and herself that they shall grow out of abstract and mystical thinking in all walks of life-living. This we all must do, then only We The People can rightfully claim to Get Our Crown Back… This issue of having scientific, objective and logical clarity over core aspects of state, governments and politics has to be understood in detail so that all abstractions and mysticisms, especially about legitimacy and mandate are done away with. This shall not only help in evolving a novel model of state, governance and politics but shall also empower common men and women to understand how crucial it is to have knowledge of Reality for human dignity and liberty. We detail all this in the coming paragraphs. It has become a global trend that the state, its institutions and governments almost always question the credentials of an individual and are out to verify the culpability of its own people. It is now time to reverse the role and stand the state, its institutions and governments to test for their credentials and culpabilities. It is beyond any reasonable doubts that in the last 100 years, since sovereign states and popular government-led democracies have ruled majority of humanity and handled most of international relations, the biggest and deadliest culprits are not people or group of people but the state and governments; even the duly elected welfare states. It is rather a huge hypocrisy that most states and their democratic governments have enacted such harsh and absolutist laws, in the pretext of ‘culpability of people’ against state sovereignty and so-called national interest and nationalism, which have violated the human rights most. They have proved hugely potent weapon for mass destruction of human dignity. The brutality of state and governments is on the rise and they keep blaming it on people, standing them as culprits of violation of state sovereignty. This has to be understood in detail of holism. There have been systematic researches and sufficient records already in public domain about the massive culpability of states and governments in killing its own people. The word, ‘Democide’ is now a reality in almost all countries of the world, not only dictatorships but also in democracies, where people are supposed to be the sovereign. Democide means intentional killing of unarmed and innocent people of one’s own country by the state and government agencies. Broaden the scope of the Democide by including all innocent and unarmed people, who are caught in the cross-fire of nations’ stupid and gruesome hypocrisies of so-called National Interest-led international relations; the human loss, miseries and annihilation of Human Dignity are colossal. Different human rights organizations and independent researchers put the figures of global Democide somewhere between 170 to 260 millions in the last century. And do ask why these huge numbers of innocent and unarmed men, women and children were killed? The singular answer is because of ‘National Interest’, as defined and installed by the politics of the day. The state and governments, even the democratic nations and so-called welfare states are now unfettered and absolute in their power and authority to put the ‘National Interest’; or a far more vague idea of ‘National Security’, above everything; above lives of people. Tragically enough, the judicial systems of countries are also happily aligning with state and governments, not the common people and their human rights. They also favor politics and governments by buying the abstract and mystical notion of National Interest and failing to extend any relief to people whose liberties are massacred on the name of national interest. And, do also ask what this ‘National Interest’ is? It is the brilliance of the brightest of stupidities and hypocrisies that millions of innocent and unarmed people are killed for the sake of something, which is probably the most abstract, mystical and immeasurable reality of human world. Both the words " Nation as well as Interest; or for that matter Security, are abstractions and indistinctness glorified to noblest of munificence and magnanimity. The state, governments and politics are unbridled and unaccountable in defining national interest as per their whims and fancies. They either have the judicial system ‘nexus-ed’ to validate their abstractions and mysticisms or the judicial system feels it okay to fall in line with the populist pressure, which politics successfully garners over the sensitive issue of national interest. The citizens have no recourse to justice against state repression over them, in the name of whimsical and illogical idea of national interest. This is what human mind consciousness is a genius at. This human genius of designing and devising ingenious abstractions and vagueness has its expression and reflection in almost everything humans think and do. The best and most innovatively cunning are however reserved for religion and politics. This National Interest idea and idealism has many parallels. A woman asks her lover, ‘How much you love me?’ The lover replies with confidence and intelligent assurance, ‘I love you as much as stars in sky and I can pluck the moon for you.’ The woman in love is hysterically elated and deeply satisfied with the Legitimacy and sincerity of the Mandate of her man’s love! Love for the wildest of stupidities called nation is always more mystical and intense and therefore, populism innovates myriad of hypocritical legitimacy and mandate for national interest. This abstraction is our design. This instinctive and innate propensity for everything abstract, intangible and formlessly vague is the way our consciousness works out Reality, the way we accept. This we all know, as modern science has unraveled this Reality for us in the last few decades, with empirical and mechanismic evidences. This is also what we all know as the basis of ‘Populism’, which rules most Reality domains of human world and is accepted with universal ease and liking. Religion and politics are the master craftsmen of this artistry of populism manufacturing. Most things populist is majorly and innately abstractive and vague by their design and intent. Nationalism, national interest, national security, patriotism, or for that matter most ‘isms’ based on identities and ethnicities are abstract and vague. It is because they have the true and natural basis in the deep and lateral plexus of our brain states and their mechanism. If history of humanity is a living document of the infinite spectrum of stupidities and hypocrisies, which caused untold miseries to people, killed millions of innocent and unarmed people, wreaked havoc on peaceful existence of large sections of population and annihilated the Human Dignity in innumerable ways, we now in 21st century do know that it was because of the stupid design of human mind consciousness with immense propensity for abstractions and mysticism. This stupidity has to end in 21st century and naturally, state and politics shall automatically lose any semblance of legitimacy and mandate if these abstractions are dropped. Therefore, what stands now as beyond any doubt is the singular Reality that our contemporary human world does not need politics and government for 7 billion plus people and their missing wellness. Humanity does not need nation-state systems, the power and authority of state and governments, the military might of huge armies, the fast growing national and global economies, however democratic and liberal they might seem, for the solutions of human troubles. What humanity needs is a universal and globally implementable common single and scientific education mechanism and process, which could deal with intrinsic, innate and embedded troubles and weaknesses in human mind consciousness design. Humanity does not need politics, governance, economy, moneys, wealth, religion, cultures, etc. What it needs for its lasting wellness, peace and prosperity is Science " The objective, empirical, measurable and verifiable knowledge of Holism of Reality. Humanity needs objective and holistic mind training, a universal education mechanism, across borders of nationality and all other identities-ethnicities, to tide over the innate and intrinsic troubles of its mind consciousness, which is the seed of all troubles and therefore the singular object of correction. This human integration is one-point agenda of humanity and it must now be initiated. The 21st century world is standing on the definitive threshold of singular probability " either humanity accepts its stupid hypocrisies, sheds its current obsession with abstract Reality and embarks on a course-correction, which is now well laid out, or perishes in foreseeable future, which is the most likely probability. Humanity cannot survive very long if it continues with the contemporary stupidities and hypocrisies, which the current nation-state system, politics and governments, national and international economy and international relations uploads on human world with impunity. The human world is brimming at the edges and it is definitely moving towards its own annihilation. The only course-correction towards reversal to sanity and survival is singular universal knowledge and education system for human mind training to integrate all humanity into singular ‘identity’, to weed out troubles in the very design of the human consciousness and cognition. And, it shall be very natural that all other domains of human knowledge shall have to be integrated for this singular purpose of correction of consciousness. What needs to be understood and accepted with objective and holistic mind consciousness is the fact that most troubles of humanity have a singular basis and this basis is the very design of Human Consciousness. If human world has so many things so good, beautiful and right, they also come from the human consciousness itself. All good and bad, right and wrong have their basis in human consciousness as it is the sole entity, where Reality is unraveled at its myriad shades, engendering twin probabilities of good and bad, right and wrong. Therefore, what is needed to be managed and engineered is human consciousness. This is the sole and exclusive domain of scientific, objective, measurable and verifiable mind training through a universal education-academic system. This is hugely specialized domain and therefore only top scientific brains can be entrusted with the task. Of course, the scientific expertise has to work in perfect integration with all fields of human knowledge and also, all fields shall have to suitably synchronize and synergize their own knowledge dispensation. But surely, it shall not be as it is in contemporary human world, where all power and authority for all decisions regarding human life-living and affairs are solely in the hands of a handful of politicians, who have the single eligibility of having ‘populism’ in their favor to stupidly claim as Solution-Makers of human troubles. Effectively, it may be that billions of people vote and elect a handful of politicians and in a sense validate the requirements of democracy but once elected, these handfuls shall become sole destiny-makers of these billions and, these billions have not a whiff of anything that this handful of politicians would do in the name of the welfare of the same billions. These politicians shall decide the syllabus of education, they shall decide what and which way billions of humans, from childhood to adulthood would learn and not learn. They shall decide what Reality is for billions of humans and shall use the colossal might of the authority of state institutions and agencies to execute their own ‘Personal Will’ over billions. The ‘General Will’ of billions shall finally become subservient to ‘Personal Will’ of handful or even one or two politicians. This is how the abstraction of ‘Populism’ works in human world. This is how abstractions and hypocrisies present and install Reality for human world. This stupidity and hypocrisy is what human history has documented well, yet, humanity is never ever willing to learn from history and set out for a course-correction. This happened so far because humanity didn’t have this critical knowledge of human consciousness and Reality. The 21st century humanity cannot let this stupidity and hypocrisy continue as it shall and it is already leading humanity to complete annihilation. The question of Human Dignity may seem relatively a smaller concern, yet it is the seed requirement of any semblance of ‘welfare’ of people. In this eBook, why we are saying, ‘Give Me My Crown Back’ because of the historical evidence that humanity began by installing the supremacy of education and intellect over politics and governance of people. Initially, politics and state power was placed under the repository of knowledge and intellect of humanity, who had no power and authority but people’s mandate. It is because they accepted the role of state and its institution to empower and enrich the moral consciousness of people. They represented the General Will and upheld the mandate of masses by reigning in the state and rulers. The General Will of the masses was based on the contemporary understanding of Reality, which the academicians, philosophers and intellectuals proposed and not by the ‘Personal Will’ of the handful of rulers or politicians. If we look at the history of human civilization, it is clear that in almost all ancient civilization, be it Indian, Greek, Roman or Chinese, this was the common basis. The collective intellect of contemporaneous humanity in ancient times was respected and given leadership position even in kingdoms where the King was supposed to be the agent of God. The ancient wisdom of philosophy had jurisprudence and individual dignity as key ingredients. This changed in the evolution of times and modern democracies toppled this trend completely. Globally, be it the developed nations or the underdeveloped ones, intellectuals, academicians, scientists and thinkers have completely been alienated from political-governance decision-making process. It is now done predominantly by a nexus of politician-bureaucrat-corporate oligarchy. Brilliantly enough, this oligarchy has now ensured to install a perfect contempt of masses towards intellectuals, thinkers and scientists. The academic-educational institutions and their financial-academic independence and autonomy has successfully been annihilated and made slave to the ‘Nexus’. Globally, politics and governments are brutally destructing the intellectuals, civil society voices and that of the activists. As global Reality stands today, politicians of all shades have successfully installed in the minds of the masses that they alone are the voice of sanity and the only legitimate expression of Reality. Contemporary world’s biggest trouble is that despite the fact that modern collective human knowledge has come to understand and successfully explain Reality and also human consciousness; it is still confined only to a small and detached Ivory Tower scientific community. The modern knowledge does not reflect in any field of knowledge, which affects common people, barring the technology field. Contemporary scientific knowledge still has little reflection in important fields of education, psychology, philosophy, politics and economics. These fields still remain in the classical age of knowledge and still not interested in integration of their knowledge-fields to allow an update of their knowledge pool and reforms. Politics is the most stubborn entity resisting any attempt to scientific temper and updating their obsolete ‘genetic’ structures. The state structures and governmental institutions have systematically resisted any reasonable attempts to integrate their work culture with modern scientific knowledge. They need the ‘Reforms’ in most urgent and deepest ways and yet, they are the most reluctant to reforms. Modern technologies and instrumentalities have very clearly necessitated the need for massive transparency and openness in state functioning and governmental administrations. However, politics and governments thwart all attempts to modernize and reform their functioning. The politics and governments rather, annihilate the legitimacy and utility of all other fields of human knowledge by superimposing their own ‘Populist Reality’, which the masses love, as a foolish woman loves her lover’s abstract expression of ‘plucking moon’ for her as ultimate guarantee of the veracity and sincerity of his love for her. The worst scenario of this situation is that in contemporary human world, there is a vacuum of knowledge and intellect having their dominant stake in ‘General Will’. This, as we discussed earlier, humanity had attained and begun with as early as 5000 years back. The pack of humanity traditionally had intellect and knowledge as its leadership. This has been intentionally killed by politics and governments in contemporary world. Science in contemporary world has reached a stage of brilliance and singular trust, yet it has zero stakes in ‘General Will’ of the masses. As true and real knowledge of contemporary humanity does not have any connect with ‘populist perceptions’ of the masses, which politics so successfully nurtures in its favor, the billions of average men and women do not look up to science and its collective wisdom and intellect for acceptance and installation of Reality in their life-living. Other fields of knowledge are not even in reckoning as the only two other fields, which have connect with masses " psychology and spirituality, are themselves the worst culprit of supplying pseudo-science and populism to the contemporary Reality. It is this huge vacuum, which has resulted in calamitous causality for human world as crafty and hypocritical politics has filled in this vacuum and has successfully staked its authoritative claim on the freehold of stakes of General Will of the billions of average men and women. The crafty politics and opportunist politicians successfully install a Reality for masses, which is abstract, vague and populist, as against the objective, measurable and verifiable Reality, which contemporary science has deciphered. The politics and governments have completely monopolized their authority over ‘media’ and ‘communication’ plexus of human societies and they use the power and penetration of mass media to install their Personal Will of populist perceptions as the General Will of the masses. This is doom situation for humanity. Look at the big nations of the contemporary world. They have extra-ordinary and brilliant human brains enriching science and all other fields of human knowledge and excellence. But, they are nowhere in the mainstream or populist memory. They are not the ‘celebrities’ the masses rave about and die to admire. They and their objective Reality do not even count in the General Will and National Interest projection of their countries, as if they do not exist. However, these big, powerful and brilliant countries have ‘charismatic’, dominant, celebrity and hugely resourceful politicians, who probably intentionally shun any semblance of intellectualized positioning and are almost surely among the most ‘reactionary’ geniuses. Why? Primarily because, politics all over the globe has shaped up in a way, which weeds out intellectuals with receptive and holistic perspectives, buoying up those few, who have the genius of ingenuity to work up a ‘nexus’, to ride over the reactionary populist mindsets of the teeming millions. Politics over the years have shaped up as the highest academy for learning the ‘art’ of legitimizing hypocrisies as ‘Ultimate Reality’ for masses. In plain and simple terms, the politicians, who rule the masses, probably have the only eligibility of being the giants of populism, which in modern world has the basis in abstract and precarious elements of success. These handful of hypocritical and otherwise precariously-eligible politicians have the unfettered authority to decide what they stupidly feel is ‘The Reality’ and then lead the billions of men and women towards them. And, this stark stupidity is the mainstream culture of modern humanity even in 21st century, which definitively unfurls before us as the age of reason, logic and scientific precision. This dualism is getting starker every passing day. What we are talking about is essentially this single theme that when we are not sure of the very cause and nature of a trouble or problem, we cannot have a genuine solution of it. In such a situation, it gives occasion to a hell lot of opportunistic elements to put up their fancy shops of populist solutions, full of shiny and luscious abstractions and virtuality. The ‘solution-hawkers’ of politics and governance do have charismatic appeal to what they sell but what we buy, shall never be what we ‘need’ as it shall always be what we ‘want’. And, we all know, what we want is not always what we need. This prolific human business of ‘solution-hawking’ has continued since ages and has been the root element of most troubles of humanity till date. Alongside politics, the psychology and spiritualism are also vying to become the sizeable stakeholder in ‘solution-hawking’ territory. There was probably no way out of this tragedy because, there never was an occasion before humanity to scientifically understand what the singular, objective and measurable basis of Reality was. The collective human knowledge is still divided over the issue of Reality but science in 21st century definitely has a firm and decisive grip on the singular mechanism and process of how Reality is engendered. Contemporary human wisdom has so successfully understood the final utility of Holism of Reality. Therefore, now humanity has no choice but to discontinue with all abstractions and vagueness, which uploads huge amount of stupidities and hypocrisies and allows ‘populism’ to rule us. The modern age and collective human knowledge of ‘Reality’ leaves no role for the stupidities and hypocrisies of contemporary politics and governments. They now have to log out and give way to scientists and experts, who have to first complete the much wanted agenda of integration and holism of all fields of human knowledge and then install a novel singular, objective, measurable and verifiable model of mind training and academic learning for all, so that the core and critical trouble of human consciousness design is corrected. It shall also design the new constitution for politics and governance of the people. There are countless examples of how contemporary politicians and governments are ruining the lives of billions of people by their hypocrisies, stupidities and unscientific-subjective perceptions about Reality. In this eBook, we certainly do not want to list them in details as it shall create its own bulk and deviate us from the core and more focused agenda of deliberating about the alternative model for humanity, which shall lead to we the people ‘Getting Our Crown Back’. Still, just for the sake of clarity about how political and governmental hypocrisies as well as abstractions are annihilating sanity and system of human world, we shall list a few important ones. The most glaring example of stupid hypocrisy of politics and governments as well as a shining instance of how ‘Populist Reality’, mired in abstraction and mysticism is being dished out to billions of unsuspecting people is the contemporary brouhaha over Terrorism. Globally, most politicians and governments are making people buy this ‘Populist Reality’ that terrorism, especially the ‘identity-based’ terrorism of a specific community is the enemy number one of humanity. This ‘Populist Reality’ needs to have an objective Reality-Check! First, let us check out the actual data of the menace of terror. In contemporary human world, the very much manageable trouble called diarrhea kills half a million people annually. The mosquito bite deaths kill a million people annually. Over six million children below 15 die every year from causes very easily preventable, like right nutrition and simple intervention. Every year, around the world, around one lakh people die of snakebites. Now consider how many people are killed in terror attacks. We all know that in 2016, around only 28,000 people were killed in terrorist strikes, which dropped to over 22,000 in 2017. In 2017, terror related deaths accounted for merely 0.05% of global deaths. And, as over 95% of terror killings are confined to a handful of 6-7 countries, on an average, for most countries, terrorism deaths account for merely 0.01% of all deaths. So, it is very evident that there are so many ‘Realities’ of actual nature, content and intent, which are lined up to vie for this much-hyped crown of being the ‘Enemy Number One’ for humanity. However, only Terrorism wins the crown primarily because it is the politics and governments, which wish it to be crowned for their petty personal gains. This ‘Populist Reality’ they successfully install in the minds of common people through fanciful media overdrive over terrorism. There is perceptible reason why they intentionally lend wild-media to terrorism threat perception at populist levels. We need to know that. Every year around 12 lakh people die in road mishaps. This is 40 times more than what terrorist could kill. Every year, around eight lakh people commit suicide. So, more than 28 times more people kill themselves than terrorist could. But, they do not ever figure in media talks and political discourse. The politicians and governments shall make war-cries only over terrorism because it suits their personal agenda. It is very clear, nothing else but humanity’s very own ‘intelligence’, which makes it accept million shades of stupidities is the worst enemy of humanity. We have become too intelligent and this ‘intelligence’ is killing us like stupids. Globally, the experts in warfare and especially those who are geniuses of terrorist psychologies and strategies have been warning media and politicians not to talk about terrorism in such emotionally charged ways. They say, accept terrorists as slightly more than average criminals and let the state deal with them with iron hands like all criminals. They warn that when we speak of terrorism as something like the worst scourge of humanity, after every terrorist strike, we are actually praising what terrorists aim at. We actually boost their confidence. Terrorists wish us to feel threatened and when we say, terrorism is the worst enemy, we only in fact validate their mission. Researches admit that in most of the countries, on an average half the population believe that terrorism is a major threat to humanity, which is clearly a well-intended media planted ‘Populist Reality’, which has nothing to do with actual ‘Reality’. That is why, it is known to every rational person that nothing else but humanity’s very own ‘intelligence’, which makes it accept million shades of stupidities is the ‘Number One Enemy’ of humanity. Very naturally, the contemporary politics and markets nexus, which has donned the mantle of being the sole ‘Intellectual-Element’ in General Will of the masses, qualifies as the core and cardinal agency of this Number One Enemy of Humanity. As we can very clearly see the huge gap between the actuality of terrorism and the ‘Populist Reality’ coloring the ‘General Will’ of masses, there is a valid and sincere question to ask " ‘Who Is Then The Real Terrorist’? Ain’t the state power and political intelligence the true terrorist as they are actually blowing up something very trifle to a battle-cry to actually ‘terrorize’ people just for the sake of eliciting explicit legitimacy to ‘authoritative’ intrusion of state power into individual and personal domains? This has to be understood in detail. We all know, the very coinage of the term ‘Terrorism’ was initially used for state power and government agencies wreaking illegitimate violence over unarmed people, who the state instruments and political layers thoughts of as their enemies. Terrorism word was coined to denote those killings and violence unleashed by state agencies, especially the Deep State elements, against individuals and groups of people, who posed challenge to the legitimacy of state, governments and political coterie. Only very later, the state came to be the recipient of the terrorism they once inflicted on others as outside groups started attacking the state itself. We do not need to illustrate those innumerable incidents in the long history of nations, governments and politicians, who first themselves created, funded and sustained mercenaries to kill their internal as well as external adversaries and then used the state power and authority to list them as ‘Terrorists’ and wage battles against them to win off sympathies of common people. All these facts and figures are easily available to anyone interested in knowing them as they are very much in public domain in contemporary world of digital revolution. What we are intending to do here is just pinpoint the criminal potentials of state, governments and politics in their sustained efforts to empower and embolden their ‘legitimacy’ and ‘mandate’ of people on the basis of ‘Populist Reality’, which is nothing but abstract and mystical. Terrorism is however not at the core of political scheme of criminal intents. There are wider and deeper elements, which are used by contemporary politics and governments to keep the masses perpetually engaged in and obsessed with ‘Populist Reality’, based on abstractions and mysticism. It is very important for all rational men and women to decode and decipher this mechanism of the contemporary politics and governments to perpetually color the ‘General Will’ of the masses with shades of ‘Populist Reality’ and never allow the collective knowledge of humanity, especially scientific intellect of singular objectivity to lead the ‘General Will’ towards actual Reality. This is in a way making masses slave to ‘Fake Reality’ and politics and governments simply cannot absolve themselves of this culpability towards Human Dignity. So much has been written about the nature of state and politics. Philosophers and political scientists have written volumes about the essential brutal and suppressive nature of state and politics that aims at maximization of power and profits for a handful. Contemporary world has also witnessed and continues to witness the abuses and excesses the state machinery wreaks on hapless and innocent people, whose only culpability is that they insist on individual liberty and thus come to stand as challenge to state authority. Politics of modern world has only oriented itself towards these oligarchic tendencies and become agents of state brutalities. There is no denial that we need to accept that after long history of bloodshed and brutal violence, global humanity in 21st century has now settled in defined geographical boundaries, which are recognized as states, nations or countries. It is the first hypothesis that contemporary world is no more a battle ground of humanity seeking wars to define and redefine geographical boundaries. We hypothesize that we all now live in settled geographies and recognizable by settled identities as citizens of different countries. This sole ‘identity’ of humanity segregating them has to be accepted, as we all know, state is a stupidity and hypocrisy, which humanity cannot do away with now as it has come to stay as defining characteristic of human lives in the past so many centuries. Any attempt to dismantle the current ‘identity’ of nationality itself can throw humanity back into the old era of brutal wars and extreme violence. Therefore, we accept the hypothesis that state as basis of nationality identity of contemporary humanity is now a Reality, even when it is a stupidity and hypocrisy, which seeds loads of human troubles. Also, given the complex life-living realities of contemporary humanity living under the settled identity of nationality, it is almost inevitable that every country needs a structure of governance. In contemporary world order, where countries have big territories, large human population, complex plexus of people management and diverse international cooperation necessities, governments are inevitable and inseparable part of state identity. Therefore, when we are talking about ‘People Getting Their Crown Back’, we are not anyway denying the very existence and contemporary purpose of states and governments. What we are trying to establish is the stupidities and hypocrisies associated with the very idea of contemporary models of state and governments and how they stand alien to the very idea of Reality. Moreover, we are focusing more on how contemporary politics has manipulated the stupidity-loopholes with state and government for their own personal gains, thus adding more troubles for people. This we do to arrive at a future model of state and governments, which is in sync with contemporary Reality and where politics of the day will have to become answerable for its stupidities and hypocrisies. It is to be reminded that even the most accepted theory or philosophy of state and governments accept them as ‘Necessary Evils’. This somehow makes it quite acceptable that state, governments and politics, even in their very origin and inception were never accepted as noble and necessary goodness for humanity. It is only natural that contemporary stupidities, hypocrisies and brutal nature of state, governments and politics are the natural and organic growth of something, which was seeded in their very innate mechanism and process. The
simple outcome of our discussion is that humanity has singular need of
compassion and this necessitates not violence and suppression of Liberty,
rather the education-knowledge of the Reality and how it innately creates
Liberty, which cannot be altered by any human agency. Naturally, contemporary
state, governments and politics seeking legitimacy and mandate for violence for
this abstract pretext of ‘Welfare Of People’, instead of being a happy and compassionate
catalyst of facilitating education-knowledge for optimal evolution of Higher
Consciousness in all people, itself proves that they are foolproof agencies of
hypocrisy, stupidities and wrong. The
contemporary human management by state and politics works on the wrong and
hypocritical basis that human liberties need to be ‘rationalized’, conditioned
and controlled by the legitimate and mandated authority of state and governments
for maintenance of peace, order and welfare of people. This approach and
hypothesis is wrong, negative and based on unscientific acceptance of Reality
and Liberty. It is also unscientific and untenable according to modern scientific
knowledge of human consciousness and how it works. The only alternative basis
of human management is mass-awareness, education-training and knowledge about Reality,
Liberty and personal as well as collective cultivation of compassionate milieus
for successful and optimal evolution of Higher Consciousness, which itself then
has the innate and intrinsic ability to self-regulate and self-manage all issues
of human management. The
insistence on power-authority over people is archaic and barbaric. It is alien
to Reality. Power-authority and use of force-violence is alien to human
consciousness. The only scientific Reality is the singular need of insistence
on acceptance of probabilistic Reality and irrevocability of Liberty, which
itself presupposes accommodation, assimilation and integration through the
compassionate Higher Consciousness. We
need to clearly understand the scientific, objective Reality of Human
Consciousness to clearly see, understand and accept as why the contemporary
state, governments and politics, with its insistence on legitimacy and mandate
of exclusive wielder of violence, are alien and antagonistic to humanity. That
is why they are archaic, obsolete and vestiges of ignorance, stupidity and
hypocrisy of humanity, which must be dumped in 21st century and a
new beginning be made. Let us understand the mechanism and process of Human
Consciousness first. We deal with these issues in next chapter. ** CHAPTER 5 This
sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a layered realism, bordering and swaying
into the domain of virtualism. This sense and feel that ‘We Are’ or ‘I Am’, is
expressing itself in many layered existentialism of unconscious, subconscious
and conscious domains. The trouble is " The ‘I’ is in every bit of all
different expressions of ‘Self’, yet, truly or actually, ‘I’ is seldom fully or
perfectly in any of the variegated appearances of ‘Self’. This dualism or
mystical realism is baffling and seed element of conflicted consciousness. More
intimidating is the fact that all the shades and dimensions of ‘I’ and their
action/behavior emanate out of and pertain to one body and mind of an
individual yet he or she is seldom willing to own the culpability of its
stupidities; happy only to own its attainments. The ‘I’ or self is in ‘parts’,
whereas its source is single body-mind entity, therefore, the whole has to own everything
of these ‘parts’ but sadly, it doesn’t. Primarily because, usually, we are
aware and in somehow probable control of only our ‘conscious part’, which is
not more than two percent of our entire actions/behaviors, including those of
subconscious and unconscious, which actualize the rest of 98 percent. This
subjective self or ‘I’ is a collective causality of cooperative and co-opting
elements of body and brain, of which some are tangible and others intangible.
Therefore, ‘we are’ not only body, not only mind, not only thoughts, not only
emotions, not only attitudes, not only fears and insecurities, not only bundle
of memes but a sum-totality of all, even while being everything. This means,
consciousness or sense of self is always a holistic expression of totality and
entirety, even when singular elements of its constitution are always there and
indispensable for its holism. In other words, ‘I’ have ‘parts’ but its actual
expression or core property is always as a ‘whole’. If any single ‘part’ is
missing, the ‘whole’ ceases to exist. The stupidity of design of consciousness,
or this sense of ‘I Am’ is that the ‘parts’ are not always aligned to the
‘whole’ and the whole is not always in control and command of parts. Naturally,
stupidities and hypocrisies flow in as innately as water and wind. The
subjective self or ‘I’ is always emerging, shifting and changing because of its
very nature of being a ‘process’ and not a fixed and tangible matter.
Consciousness is an expression and property emerging out of complex and
multidimensional processing of huge amount of info in the ever-shifting
internal as well as external milieus. Therefore, the very single body-mind structure
of ‘I’ has many functional selves, even while structurally there is only one
entity of ‘I’. Importantly,
as this sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a function of entropy of our
body-mind system, the consciousness in its very nature has the propensity for
entropy-expansion. This means, in our daily lives of subconscious self or
‘Unaware-I’, we are inclined to and oriented towards destabilization,
un-organization, randomization, abstractions, virtualism, confusion and
conflicts, etc. The very entropic property of consciousness ensures the above
states for us. Interestingly, as the domain of subconscious brain state
dominates the mind space to the extent that science compares subconscious to a
soccer field where conscious self is just a small goalpost; average human being
is predominantly a stupid at freewill and a mechanism of chaos, confusion and
conflict. However,
as the dialectical mechanism always ensures, the very conscious self or
‘Aware-I’ itself emerges and evolves because of the stupidity and
disorganization of subconscious. The thesis-antithesis-synthesis process is
applicable to consciousness too. When the subconscious or unconscious
actualizes a cognitive ‘realism’ for self or ‘I’, the same brain states, which
have evolved top layers handling logic and thoughtfulness of reason, engenders
a virtual domain or space of ‘Conscious’ self; provided the person has enough
evolved conscious mind state. This ‘higher consciousness’, by innate nature of
its dialectical origin, supplies the elements of skepticism, facilitating
another dimension of cognitive realism. This dimension is human’s
‘entropy-suppression’ process that keeps system sanity at optimality. It is
important to note that the so-called conscious ‘Control Mechanism’ or ‘Rational
Restrictions’ on subconscious instinctive and reactionary actions/behaviors are
a person’s own internalized facility. It alone has long-term and lasting impact
on a person. External factors of intimidation or suppression can only be
short-term but shall never last. Consciousness
is probably the microcosmic model of evolutionary mechanism that the cosmos has
as a macrocosm. Every system has its entropic expression and the same system
innately has an embedded and ingrained mechanism of entropy-correction or
entropy-suppression for sustained ‘optimality’ of system enterprise. This
dualism of cosmic system that is its infinite evolutionary energy, is also the
primary and embedded property of consciousness. The dualism of consciousness
works on dialectical cyclicality of entropy expansion and entropy suppression "
confusion writing the initial script of life-living drama and then sanity of
propriety enacting the best protagonist on the theatre of life. This
all leads us to the finality of our assertion of a singular hypothesis or
scientific philosophization and it says " Intelligence and sanity of a human
being is in higher awareness of this dualism of consciousness and its
unwavering acceptance. Wellness is in healthy, effective and smooth functioning
of the dialectical cyclicality of consciousness. And, empowerment is in conscious
mastery of artistry of engineering & management of dualism of ‘I-Cognitions’
for optimality of thoughtfully opted goals of life-living. This entire range of
actualism is internal to human consciousness, not having any external reason or
logic. Naturally, power, authority and legitimacy to install or suppress
anything in human consciousness are alien to human system of sanity and order. For
complete and detailed understanding of the idea of Consciousness and all its
aspects, including the critical principle of entropy-expansion and
entropy-suppression, do kindly refer to author’s earlier eBook, ‘Optimality Of I Potentiality’. All other
40 eBooks of the author are available for unrestricted download at all major
stores. As
the term ‘awareness’ or what we are calling as Higher Consciousness is cardinal and critical for sanity, peace and
wellness, it needs to be understood in every possible details. The word
awareness is probably most un-understood and mis-understood word in human
cultures. Most people take this rare and labored achievement for granted. Tell
a person that he or she is not aware and they shall be angry at you. Everyone
has this self-sustained belief that he or she is always ‘aware’. This is a
misconception, even when most of us always feel and believe about being aware
as the subjective sense of consciousness is always muffling us, like a second
virtual skin. Science has established that in our daily lives, we are ‘aware’
only for few minutes at best, even while over 98 percent of our life-living is
carried out in subconscious state. Science says, awareness or conscious sense
is just a fleeting and ephemeral epiphany, which needs persevered practice for
prolonging it. Scientific
studies reveal that over 90 percent of human population does not breathe the
correct way! Why? Simply because we are not aware! Our body needs right
breathing because we survive and excel on Oxygen. We all take breathing as
taken for granted because it is an auto-process controlled by unconscious
layers and monitored by subconscious layers of our brain states. That is
primarily why most meditative processes begin by asking a person to focus on
inhaling and exhaling of air through nostrils. It is however only a basic
process to enter the ‘Door’ of conscious domain. One needs to journey deep
inside as this breath watching alone cannot reach us to awareness destination.
It requires more. Most people are happy doing aware breathing and think, they
have hit finality! The
primary reality is that most processes inside our body-mind mechanism are
subconscious and as they are ruled by an auto-process, a wired proposition, we
do not need to bring things into aware and conscious domain. Being aware is a
holistic notion, which entails having conscious and definitive registry of infinite
processes and causalities that work inside us and outside in external milieus.
It is the level of awareness that decides the potential of empowerment of a
person. There is no limit to how much and to what extent we can be aware of as
there are infinite causalities and processes going on inside and outside us.
Awareness is a life-long learning and unlearning process. Higher Consciousness
is ever-evolving process. We need to know that. Awareness
is a dialectical process. From our childhood, we are made to get exposed to
different types of information and every new information that makes us aware of
a realism, opens up a gateway to one or two level up of awareness. We learn the
language first, then we get aware of poetry and later we get aware of how poetic
excellence creates magic with self and consciousness. Therefore, awareness
comes in steps and if we miss out on one or two steps of the ladder of
information and knowledge progression, we cannot get to higher levels of
awareness. This means, there cannot be a short-cut or easy route to awareness.
Awareness is evolutionary mechanism. It requires continuity and perseverance of
practice of the art. Then,
the most critical part of awareness process is its dialectical nature. We get
to one level of awareness and that makes us stand on the door of dualism. Every
next level of awareness requires that we ‘learn’ something new of higher levels
but at the same time also ‘unlearn’ something that holds us back from moving up
the ladder of awareness. For example, a child learns things in his or her life
and becomes aware of the idea of divinity and religion that his or her family
and current societal and cultural milieus extend. He or she follows it and
keeps evolving. Surely, the next level of awareness requires that he or she
unlearns his or her existing awareness about God and religion and use the
higher levels of his or he awareness to present a logical critique, using his
or her energy of skepticism to what he or she knows so far. If he or she is
stuck with what he or she has already ‘known’, then he or she cannot move up
the ladder of awareness about divinity and religion because both the domains
offer infinite conscious thoughts and emotions as we keep evolving to higher
levels of awareness. Therefore, learning and unlearning are equally critical in
awareness evolution. As most spiritual traditions seldom stress on unlearning
processes, rather, they make you ‘stuck’ to their ‘version’ of ‘Reality’; very
naturally, the practitioners fail to rise to higher consciousness; as he or she
refuses to enter the dialectic process of awareness. Third
important aspect about awareness relates to the very crucial brain mechanism of
‘Recall’, ‘Relate’ and ‘Replicate’. All information that we have or we get
exposed to is stored in brain states in the form of synapses. There is
insufficient knowledge about how brain stores and processes information but we
know that not everything we learn or get informed is available for later recall
and replication. It is believed that brain has its own process of assigning
value and worth to an information for the purpose of memory. Information or
learning that is associated with conscious and aware inputting has better
chances of future recall. Science accepts that there are definitive pathways created
in brain states when it stores some information. Therefore, when we recall it
later, the pathways need to be reactivated. Therefore, if the pathway is weak,
faint and unrelated to already entrenched precedents of utility and worth of
our brain states, the recall process is abstracted and our brain states either
fail to replicate the information or in most cases, it virtualizes the
information, churning out a poor copy of the stored information. Therefore,
it is very important that whatever information or learning we feel we shall
need in future, we must be in higher state of awareness when assigning it to
our brain states. Also, there must be definitive logic or emotional worth
assigned to a stored info so that its pathways in brain states are deep and thick.
Moreover, for better recall and optimality of replication of memory, we should
also assign clear ‘relational’ element to it. For example, if I am undergoing
an experience of meditation, I shall ensure that whatever feelings I am going
through, I register them with high awareness. Also, I ensure that I repeat to
myself time and again that this particular feeling was like something important
in my earlier experiences so that I could relate to the feeling when I recall
it later. Human brain accepts metaphors easily so I can say to myself, this
sedate feeling of meditation was like sitting under the mango tree in my
village home in hot summer day. As my mind consciousness has already created
deep and thick pathways for my village experiences, because of earlier assigned
emotional utility and worth to it, I have great ease in recalling and
replicating my meditational experience awareness later. Scientific
studies reveal that our subconscious brain states entrench communication and
engender awareness in two broad ways. First stage is the first seven to eight
years of early life of a child when he or she accepts all information from his
or her parents, family, ambient socio-cultural-geographical milieus and this
become his primary domain of awareness. That almost decides the destiny of the
child as this ‘Pre-Consciousness’ awareness works as base benchmark to judge
utility and worth of all later experiences and information. However, this
primary awareness can be altered later when the child is adult and his or her
consciousness has matured. This can be altered only by inputting a conscious
element or information of learning and unlearning and repeating it time and
again. Like, nobody is born with driving skills but as we enter adulthood, we
practice for long how to drive a vehicle and later, this awareness of driving
becomes a subconscious task. When we achieve good driving skills, we do not
even remember how we drive. But, such learning and awareness possession comes
only through conscious inputting of the new desired awareness and continuously
practicing it. This driving as learning is a rather crucial aspect of how consciousness
works and creates its own culpability of stupidities. This shall explain as why
power-authority (of state, government, politics) is alien and meaningless to
human consciousness. We shall take it up later in this chapter. This
is the primary hypothesis of newly emerging field of experiments in Epigenetics
domain, which maintains that a person born poor shall not only remain poor for
life but has more likelihood of fathering or mothering poor children. Why?
Because the Epigenetics science says that poor people pass on the heretic
genetic expression to their offspring and as the kids born to poor parents
receive such early information from their parents and ambient
socio-cultural-physical milieus that create and sustain ‘Causalities’ of
poverty and deprivation, they too continue to be poor. This is just the reverse
with kids born to rich parents. This ‘destiny’ however can be unlearnt through awareness
of higher consciousness. The
Epigenetic science however insists that this subconscious realism can be
changed through linguistic, thoughtfulness, emotional and psychological inputs
of our own ‘Conscious Self’ when we enter adulthood. It is the phenotype that
can be changed and this in turn alters the early entrenched subconscious
communication of our brain states and body functionality. So, the deprivation
phenotype can be consciously altered by altering the communication to the
body-mind media by ‘Conscious-Enterprise’. And, what it takes? It takes to
alter the ‘Milieus’ by ‘Conscious Awareness’. Our
personal sense of ‘I’ or self, or call it the layers of consciousness is just a
media of the body-mind causalities. This means that we may keep thinking
happily that ‘I’ or myself is seeing and accepting a Reality but the fact may
remain there that actually, the specific Reality is playing it out using our
body-mind as media to express itself in a way, which makes us accept a Reality
the way we do. That is why there is an ancient prescription to humanity "
‘Don’t Be, You Shall Be.’ The prescription is to come out of the consciousness
of ‘I’ that is in an auto-reaction mode working mechanically and stupidly as
‘Media’ of twin internal and external causalities " the first causalities of
body and mind and second causalities in the milieus. It
is to be realized with utmost humility and sincerity that consciousness itself
is just a media of body and mind and the ‘I’ of average person simply works as
media to play out the realities that internal and external causalities make him
to. This has to stop and an individual needs to detach himself or herself from
this auto-mode reactionary ‘I’ or self, which acts and behaves like a media,
without ever understanding the ‘self’ and the causalities that it works with
and works on him or her. So, the primary cognitive change is to be aware of
self and causalities and detach the consciousness from the internal and
external causalities; as far as possible. We
need to understand and accept that evolving and growth has two stages "
auto-mode learning and conscious unlearning. From infant stage to adulthood, an
individual keeps assimilating information and available knowledge from its
milieus in subconscious state of ‘auto-mode learning’. Very few individuals,
who have managed to evolve strong consciousness as early as 14-16 years of age,
may begin to start the parallel process of ‘conscious unlearning’ or pruning of
subconscious auto-mode learning. However, after the stage of adulthood, say
20-25 years of age, an individual needs to accept that he or she as a ‘Media’
must change. The media must shift its primary situation from a
‘Reactionary-Subconscious Being’ to a ‘Receptive Conscious Being’. It means;
the Higher Consciousness begins to
shape up as aware and holistically inclined ‘authoritative command’ center to
effect engineering and management of the body-mind media’s causative
auto-behavior and action. It
is therefore clear that for every individual human being, men or women; there
is an indispensable process of evolving to Higher
Consciousness, which is that person’s internalized ‘command-control’ mechanism
for reasoned, rational and objectively logical action/behavior. This Higher
Consciousness is the intangibility of functional consciousness, which evolves
as repository of compassion. It is this Higher
Consciousness, which has the structural and functional wherewithal to unravel
the holism of Reality and Liberty. Naturally, what all humans Need is right and holistic education-training-knowledge
mechanism and processes for optimal evolution of Higher Consciousness. It is crystal
clear that ‘Awareness’ of Higher Conscious Self is an internalized process,
which is an outcome of knowledge and not power-authority restrictions and
suppressions. Rather, these two actually kill the process of higher
Consciousness as power-authority-violence is alien and antagonistic to human
consciousness. Very naturally, the contemporary model of state, government and
politics embedded in power-authority and mandate for legitimacy of violence is worst
enemy of humanity, only infusing more and dangerous quantum of conflicts,
chaos, stupidities and hypocrisies in human world. They cannot ever have the
mandate for ‘Human Management’ as it is the internalized, innate, embedded and
wired role of human consciousness itself, which is based on education-knowledge
and not ‘management’ by force and violence. Before
we take up the idea of Higher
Consciousness in details, let us go back to the issue of driving skill
training as example of how human consciousness works and why external ‘control’
and forceful authority never works and is rather alien to human mechanism. This
example of driving skill is just a symbol of how state, governments and
politics have been doing something on and for humanity, which is not only futile
and unproductive, but also counterproductive, stupid and hypocritical. Driving
is probably a classical example of how individual and society need to act and
interact with each other, without the much hyped role and need of state
authority. Driving is also a good example of how ‘awareness’ is not only a
‘partial’ idea but a holistic realism and this is what every person needs in
loads. Most people feel and believe that driving is all about the skill to drive
a vehicle with ease and comfort. It is popularly felt that to have effective
and smooth handling of accelerator, clutch, brakes and steering wheel and use
them in synchronous symmetry is qualification enough for having a good driving
skill. And then, add to some basic recognition of a few traffic signs and you
are eligible for your driving license. However,
in actuality, these are just ‘part’ eligibility of having good driving skills. Most
people miss the holism of driving Reality and this is probably why, globally,
road accidents are leading killers of humans. And, everyone of us know, what
causes these killer accidents? The top three killer causes are "
distracted-drunk driving, speeding and carelessness. Amazingly, none of these
figure when a driving license is handed to a person as he or she has acquired
good driving skills. How can there be an eligibility denial on the basis of a
person’s attitudinal and behavioral troubles, which are both specific as well
as generic? The
calamitous fact is " driving has to be accepted in its holism and entirety,
like all shades of Reality and this is not done by most humans. We are in the
habit of seeing, realizing and accepting only part of the Reality. The holism
of Reality of driving skill is " driving is not only about dexterity to ‘drive’
a vehicle well but it is primarily about how an individual, while driving or
even when not driving is Compassionate
about ‘Others’. Reality shall always
be partial and therefore hugely dangerous so far as element of ‘Compassionate Consciousness For Others’
is not an instinctive nature of a person. A huge part of driving is about
‘Others’, who are also on the same road and with equal potential of the same
propensity for ‘Self-Centered’ Reality-Acceptance. ‘I’ having acquired great
driving skill is only a negligible part of the holism of driving universe. The
bigger part is ‘Others’ and therefore, every driving person must be in happy
and internalized Awareness of
compassionate consciousness towards all ‘Others’. The
trouble starts here. Driving licenses are issued for driving skills and not innate
and internalized Higher Consciousness. But then, most driving persons,
especially those who meet with accidents are not compassionately aware about
‘Others’. How can the state, governments, politics ensure that every person
must have this most crucial eligibility of Higher Consciousness, before he or
she is given a driving license or any other permission from the state
authority? The state and governments have no role here as it is not something
they can ever have the mandate and legitimacy for. It is the domain of intellectual-moral
fabric of an individual itself, immediate and larger family, society and
cultures. It is primarily about how an individual is evolved with right
education-training-knowledge. It is not some eligibility, which can be ‘tested’
by a software or structural-functional regime. It is about human consciousness,
which takes years to evolve to Higher Consciousness. Driving,
like any other human skill, especially in societal context, requires high level
of awareness about self and ‘others’, skill of perception of ambient milieus, coordination
of all five senses, spatial intelligence about maneuverability, persevered
practice of the art of simultaneous functioning of varied motor actions of
body, a calm-composed mind, self-belief and self-confidence vis-à-vis the vehicle
one runs and above all, a very happily assured state of mind to be in
affectionate-compassionate reception of equal rights of co-travelers and pedestrians
on the road, etc. Naturally, all these are not some skills but they are internalized
and embedded elements of the Higher Consciousness. These elements cannot be installed
in a person by the fear and force of legitimized violence and punishment of
state authority. Had this been possible, there would not have been a so many
crimes against humanity by average persons themselves. The
primary task of evolving people to their higher consciousness, so that they could
be aware of their possible wrongs, is a long learning-unlearning process, which
is the role of education-knowledge, where state, governments and politics has
no role to play. What humanity needs, at least as a secondary relief, is a
foolproof and highly effective policing and judicial system to reach a wrong
doer to justice and lead him or her to such a reform mechanism so that the
wrongs could not be replicated. The state, governments and politics have
miserably failed in facilitating even his small secondary role. The pragmatism
of every individual’s socially appropriate and humanly rational behavior/action
has rather been brutally annihilated by state, governments and politics, who in
their innate propensity for power-authority kill all rationality. This
example of driving is a broad hint at how human consciousness works and how our
average behavior/actions are engendered. It has to be accepted that there is a
mechanism of stupidities and hypocrisy within our body and mind and everyone
should be educated about that. This alone can guarantee appropriate human
behavior/action and sanity and system in society. The origin of all stupidities
and hypocrisies of human world is in the brain states; the way our brain has
evolved as layered organ, with different parts evolving in different timeline,
yet working as a cooperative entity. This layered and ‘collective of part’
brain states create hypocrisies for all of us. This needs to be understood. We
still are essentially instinctive animals, though we have evolved over time as conscious,
thinking and logical being. Our brain mechanism still works like most higher
organisms; like other big mammals. It is our subconscious brain state, handling
all our instincts, which orchestrates all behaviors and actions. The upper
brain states of Cerebral cortex region, which plays a key role in perception,
thoughts, awareness, memory, languages and especially the sense of subjective
self, is a late entrant in the evolution of brain. It is now very much an
accepted scientific hypothesis that for decision-making purposes, the mid brain
states of cerebellum, handing our subconscious functions, refers a sensory
input to all parts of the sensory plexus of body and brain, including the cerebral
cortex. However, the finality of an action or a behavior shall always have to
be enacted by the subconscious part. Therefore, for an action or behavior to
have repeat value and instinctive replication in all times, it must be part of
our subconscious brain states. So,
what usually happens is that people think, feel and believe in all good things
and high ideals. However, they are seldom practiced enough and therefore, they remain
there as long-term memory of sorts in cortex brain states but are not
consolidated and encoded in mid-brain states, where the actual consolidation
and encoding of experiences as workable memory is done. We all need to universalize
goodness and righteousness in our subconscious mind and therefore they need to
be practiced repeatedly so that they become part of our instinctive action. If
a learning or experience is not consolidated and encoded well in mid-brain
states (subconscious domain), there shall always be abstract and mystical
replication or even no replication of that learning. This happens because the
learning experience could not be consolidated as workable memory. And, when
something is not in workable memory, it is not instinctive but just thought or at
best a linguistic memory. It is only natural that we shall voice goodness and
righteousness but as they are not yet our instinctive behavior/action, they
shall not be practiced, when need be. This creates all hypocrisies and
stupidities in human world. It
is therefore clear as why human world’s primary and most massive trouble is its
own body-brain design. Thankfully, this design has the wherewithal for
consolidating righteousness and appropriates. But, it happens only when we consciously
repeat all goodness and practice it with persevered intent so that it is consolidated
and encoded in our subconscious brain states as instinctive goodness and
righteousness. It is therefore very clear that only a higher consciousness can decipher
and decode the hypocrisies and stupidities of self and it shall happen only
through education-training-knowledge. No amount of force, threat, fear of
punishment, suppression or humiliation can achieve this evolution of higher
consciousness. Naturally, state, governments and politics, which are rooted in force,
threat, fear of punishment, suppression or humiliation has no significant role
to play in so-called solutions of human world. Then
the primary question is; what is this higher consciousness, which emerges as
protagonist of conscious engineering and management of ‘I’ or self? Higher
conscious is not an external mechanism of body and brain but a specificity of
the body-mind media itself. The seed of higher consciousness is planted by an
individual when it begins to attain a stage of maturity, age-wise or
experience-wise and both, to have enough information-connect with his or her
internal as well as external milieus to allow and accept the powerful energy of
skepticism. To
doubt, to question to accept something different and non-conformist to one’s
own knowledge and belief is the seed stage of higher consciousness. It has been
mentioned in ancient wisdom that 'those who begin the process of higher
consciousness, before they reach the stage of consciousness are the blessed
ones. This happens when parents play their rightful role and allow a child to
grow in a family environment where skepticism and questioning is encouraged and
rewarded. This shall implant energy of skepticism deep in subconscious, helping
the child to grow his or her conscious self, preparing the platform for the
child to evolve his or her higher consciousness early and strong. Then comes
the role of society, culture, religion, polity and economy, where a growing man
or woman must continue to have the same liberty to question and evolve. In
simple one line " Higher Consciousness of an individual is his or her
understanding and acceptance of the idea of Holism Of Reality. This holism of
reality is seeded by the powerful energy of skepticism. A young child or a
maturing teen may be accepted as moving towards evolving to higher
consciousness if he or she asks questions and is not only allowed but also
encouraged by family, friends, peers, society, politics and cultures to keep
asking questions and strive for alternative answers. And, more importantly, all
the while keep respecting other’s questions and their respective answers. This
is also the role of all milieus to install mutuality of respect in every
individual towards ‘others’. This
is not happening in contemporary world, rather the politics and economy is
smothering liberty of questioning and skepticism, thus killing the very
prospect of evolution of higher consciousness in average minds. Families,
societies and cultures are also adding their stupid ‘restrictions’ on the
innate or evolved inquisitiveness and skepticism of growing individual. This is
ill-preparing individuals to handle insanity of external world, thus adding more
stupidities and hypocrisies to the already chaotic world and life-living. It
is sad state of reality of contemporary humanity that such a maturing person,
who asks questions, puts skepticism upfront, is often labeled as undisciplined
and unruly teenager. The societies and cultures seldom allow, let alone
encourage non-conformism and inquisitiveness. The collectivity does so because
of its own agenda to keep people in a state of reactionary subconscious media
of confusion and conflict. That is why it is for every individual to accept
that this task of evolving one’s higher consciousness is a tough task and can
be attained only through personal enterprise and personal resolve for
persevered practice. Expect no good from society, cultures, polity and economy. When
this higher consciousness is seeded well and begins to blossom into a healthy
branching tree, expect the flowers and fruits of holism to come calling. The
fruits of holism shall further facilitate detachment of consciousness from the
causalities and its contextual and relational elements. The higher
consciousness shall lead the journey to disengagement of ‘I’ or self as Media
to internal as well as external causalities. It means; an individual shall not
be an ‘object’ but gradually shape itself to become a true and real ‘Subject’.
This true and real subject shall have the empowered and authoritative Will and
Cognition to command all causalities to play out Realities in a way that
optimize sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. This real and true subject,
the empowered and evolved individual shall be ‘master’ of all causalities of
love, fear, anxiety, desire, empathy and associations and not the ‘slave’ of
them all. From
ancient times, dating back to over 3000 years, philosophy as well as
spiritualism has talked about arriving at this holism of higher consciousness
for attainment of sanity, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy spoke of
evolving consciousness to such a stage where it is aligned and assimilated to
the holism of cosmic causality, rising above the microcosmic causalities of
body, mind and milieus. The very word Yoga (Union) means this emancipation of
an individual from localized and reactionary causalities and assimilation into
the more holistic, objective and macrocosmic causality of the cosmos. Ancient
philosophies are not religion; they are objective expression of realism of
holism, which larger humanity must acquire but always squanders. The
Buddhist philosophy also speaks of the same eventuality but in a slightly
different language. The difference is only linguistic; the intent of the
content is the same. Buddhist philosophy speaks of observance of all elements
of context and relativism of causalities that are there within and outside the
body-mind media. It also suggests the principle of final utility of holism by
‘prescribing’ the mystical ‘middle-path’. This middle path is actually the hint
at holism as the middle is symbol of having the reality of everything. The
Yogic philosophy also spoke of ‘Witness-Mode’ consciousness as situation of
higher consciousness, which stands aloof and away from body-mind media and
could ‘witness’ with objectivity every sensory causalities that the media
receives and transmits. The
western spiritual philosophy of ‘Do not
be, you shall be’ also hints at the same notion. It speaks of the realism
that if you do not become the ‘being’ that is shaped and designed by the
causalities of the body-mind media, you shall become the true and real ‘being’
" the higher consciousness of Holism. Therefore, it seems that human wisdom has
always been common because we all have this mechanism of our body-mind media
itself to attain and arrive at personal sanity, system, order, purpose and
poise. If all ancient wisdoms from all parts of the different and segregated
humanity had common thread of realism, it can be concluded that sanity is
actually embedded in human mechanism of body-mind media itself. All we need is
to arrive at the right consciousness of Holism and unleash the right processes
to attain sanity. Therefore,
it is evident that if humanity has to live in order, sanity and a happy system,
nothing external helps as the root trouble is inside the mechanism of body and
mind and therefore, solutions are also deep within human consciousness. The
state, governments and politics actually has no business in human system of
order and sanity. They actually exist and make out to all as if they are the
ones which is managing all problems and providing all solutions, then it is a
huge hypocrisy and stupidity humanity should not waste time in dumping. This
hype, misconception and hypocrisy about indispensability of state, governments
and politics must be understood in detail. This shall help us in deciphering as
why they are useless for humanity, even a huge burden and a palpable threat to
peace, order and sanity itself. But, when we unravel and decipher what smart
tactics they play on humanity to install themselves as ‘indispensable’ and not
a sort of ‘necessary evil’, we can easily see how actually the contemporary
state, governments and politics are number one culprits of humanity. This we
detail in next chapter. ** CHAPTER 6 From
our modern scientific knowledge of human consciousness, we all know how every
person’s consciousness is wired for association-building
to optimize survival potentials. From early childhood, rather even before birth
when a child is in the womb itself, the child begins to form associations with
everything in the ambient milieus. That is why even before birth, a child can
recognize his or her mother’s voice and other sounds, which are part of the
ambient milieus. This association building, as we talked about earlier, is the
primary ‘learning’ mechanism of a child, which forms the basis of his or her subconscious
mind. This
innate and entrenched mechanism of association building of human mind is common
with most higher organisms. This mechanism is however a trouble-tool for
humanity as association-building creates different ‘Identities’ for different people. For example, a child born in a traditional
Christian family would naturally associate with religious beliefs, rituals,
ways and thoughts. The information of his or her immediate family milieus shall
grow when he or she moves with his family to other milieus where similar or
synchronous Christian perceptional identities shall be exposed to him or her. As
a child is innately designed to build association with everything existing in
his or her ambient milieus, all these shall create an automatic identity of ‘Christian
System’ in him or her. This itself is an ‘Identity’, which we can say he or she
‘inherited’. This identity shall form the subconscious mind domain of this
child when he or she grows up to become an adult. He or she may later ‘unlearn’
this ‘identity’ but it shall remain his personal choice, depending upon how he
or she evolves to be exposed to the universal need of compassionate acceptance
towards all ‘identities’. So,
what we are trying to arrive at is this Reality
that different men and women automatically and innately grow up as an
‘identity’ or set of ‘identities’. This happens because of the different tangible
and intangible elements in external milieus, which a child is exposed to in his
or her journey from childhood to adulthood. The external milieus may constitute
of both tangible and intangible elements. However, we all know that the most dominant
element of culture in the external is
essentially geographical and climatic in nature. The Earth we live in is big
and diverse, with different and extreme geographical and climatic zones. The
cultures broadly reflect the thoughts, behaviors and action, which the
geography and climatic elements necessitated. As geography and climate are the most
powerful tangible elements, presenting the most impacting ‘Causality’ for human
consciousness, different cultures emerged in different physical zones but they are
essentially the shades of the singular Causality. However, average person is
always affected by cultural ‘Identities’ and seldom thinks of the singular
elementality of cosmic construct as the unifying force. Moreover,
every child is born with different ‘Internal’ milieus as well. We know from our
knowledge of science that there are broadly eight brain types and therefore 16 different
mental attitudinal people in this world. So, we know that overall, there are
seven shades or memes of Consciousnesses in this human world, depending upon
the type of brain a child is born with and shades of external milieus it grows
into. This construct of Causality affecting human consciousness and engendering
different ‘Identities’ must be accepted and even celebrated by humanity but
tragically, the identities have become the single largest source of most
conflicts and chaos in human world. We
need to understand that it is only natural, innate, intrinsic and instinctively
true that different shades of Consciousnesses among men and women shall evolve
with different ‘identities’. This is the way Reality expresses itself in cosmos. Therefore, we all need to
celebrate and respect all different identities and also keep rooted to the idea
that despite differences, the ‘Causality’ of all identities is singular. We may
look different with our identities and external appearances but all 7.5 billion
humans are expressions of singular Reality.
As we have discussed earlier in our detailed talk about Reality always being ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’, there shall
always be different ‘identities’, which shall keep human population in competitiveness,
conflicts and hypocritical stupidities. That is why the singular human enterprise
in 21st century is to accept this ‘Identity-Reality’, be
compassionate about differences, which these identities create and keep
evolving towards a singular ‘Universal Identity’ of Compassionate Higher Consciousness. Why
we are talking about ‘Identity’ issue and the differences these competing and
conflicting identities create is to decipher how ingeniously and dexterously the
state, governments and especially politics steps in into this innate
fallibility and culpability of humanity to create a situation of indispensability
for themselves, even while there is no role for them. It is not that politics
is the lone and sole agency of this hypocritical stupidity. The religion,
spiritualism, economics and even psychology are equal partners in the ‘crime’. The
politics is however the parent-apparent of all of them as it aligns all other
accomplices to this malicious craftsmanship of creating ‘mandate’ of
‘legitimacy’ for their roles. And, what is this role? This
whole stupidity of hypocrisy has been duly perfected as a widely popular and
‘acceptable’ political-social philosophy and it continues to hold ‘legitimacy’
even in 21st century " the age of scientific reason and objective
logic. The primary stupidity of hypocrisy, which politics and economics created
was consolidation of the most innate and entrenched hypocrisy of Nation-State and from this came the most
abstracted and mythical idea and idealism of Nationalism. The first ‘identity’, which evolution created was the
entrenched Reality of Geographical-Climatic
Divide. Our Earth, where humans evolved and spread, has a long history of human
settlement in amazingly diverse geographical-climatic conditions. A person
living in -56 degree Celsius at North Pole glaciers and another living in 56
degree Celsius at Equatorial desserts are stupendous example of the brilliance
of adaptation potential of humanity. However, this diversity innately created diversities
of morphological, cultural, attitudinal, behavioral, sociological and
psychological identities. It was only natural that human settlements on Earth evolved
with this entrenched potential of competitiveness based on ‘Identity-Diversity’
and as early humans had a tough life to lead, it was only natural that
competitiveness and conflicts for available resources and survival threats has
an innate and ingrained element of ever-present violence. These
primary identities naturally branched off into many others and humanity kept
adding conflicts and violence in personal as well as collective spaces. However,
what every common man and woman must remember that in the long history of humanity,
the average men and women, living in peace with whatever they had and wherever
they were, never accepted and encouraged war and violence. It was always the
polity and economy, and its handful of so-called ‘warriors’, who led, funded
and designed wars. The culpability with common men and women however has always
been that they mandated and legitimized; even adored and worshipped
those warriors of polity and economy,
who won the battles, even at the cost of millions of lives of ‘other’ humans. Human
history is a ghastly and deplorable document of human stupidities and
hypocrisies, which killed millions in wars and wreaked calamitously brutal experiences
on billions. Early humanity, that in the middle-ages and even dark ages,
preceding the age of Renaissance and Liberalism in 15-16th century surely
can be forgotten and forgiven for not understanding the Reality of Universe and Reality
of Humanity but there can be little justification over what the rationalists
and liberals did to humanity. Now in 21st century age of scientific
and objective Reality and Reason, if humanity
continues to live in dark ages Time
and Knowledge, then it is nothing but
dead admittance that we humans are the worst species in the history of cosmos. This
dubious distinction seems real and
true. The
political and economic stupidity-hypocrisy of Nation-State and Nationalism
were created and installed in an era, when the intellectual classes had already
begun to accept the primacy of individual and his/her position in all matters
of societal affairs. Renaissance and liberalism accepted that affairs of
humanity must be defined by secular, objective and scientific facts of life and
living and not by faith and abstract mythical order. The intellectuals probably
tried to install the supremacy of individual and scientific factuality in human
management but they had to fail primarily because the then politics and
economics did not find this idea and idealism suitable for their needs. They
ensured that human societies remained divided, conflicted and violence-ridden on
the basis of diverse ‘Identities’. It suited the personal ambitions and economic
benefits of the handful of aristocratic elements and moneyed classes. It is
manifest even to a blind, deaf and insane person that differences between
people and identity-based human management suits none but polity and economy;
especially those handful in leadership positions. Naturally, if average person
expects the polity and economy to work for his or her welfare and wellness,
then he or she is even worse than an insane person. Almost
entire 16th to early 20th century, humanity was divided, grouped
and forced into wars and other atrocities to fulfill the ambitions of a handful
of those in political spheres and economic domains, to profit, by leading the
masses to ‘Identity-Based’ stupidities and hypocrisies. The politics and
economics of the day managed to install the stupidly hypocritical idea and
idealisms of nation-state and nationalism, stoking the entrenched yet dormant
divides on the lines of ‘identities’. They even used ‘Imperialism’ as a tool of
nationalism and wars for perpetual mandate
and legitimacy of their primacy and
utility in societies. History is neatly documented with detailed maneuverings
of the political and economic classes of the time in raking up identity-crises to
create such stupid idealisms like nationalism and imperialism. It
is now an established scientific fact that human consciousness is essentially
very localized. If left alone and not conditioned otherwise, average men and
women do not bother much about ‘Others’ beyond their own family and society. They
get associated and linked only to a small collective of few hundred people. It
has been well documented that humanity up to 14th century was like
that, irrespective of whichever territory of the Earth they lived. They were happy
being connected to and associated with local groups, their small kinship or
tribe and some strong leader in their small group. They had little concern with
kings, kingdoms and their ambitions. This changed as scrupulous political players
of their time stirred up the ‘identity’ politics, firing up the hell of
nationalistic identities and created a collective ambition of imperial enterprises
to expand their national identities. They also erected the demon of wars with others
so that population could be in perpetual threat and continue their mandate
behind the political leadership. The economic classes, who sought profit out of
this imperial ventures and nationalistic surge successfully aided and financed the
politics. A small group of mercenary elements in society, good numbers of
slaves and prisoners were roped in for this venture of profit. This all led to a
prolonged phase in time where humanity was devastated by wars, conflicts and miseries
because of the game-plan of politics and economics of their times. This
culminated in two World Wars, which till date remain the darkest blot on the head
of humanity. Even
today, when state, governments and politics seek to continue their mandate of
legitimacy, the political circle, in collaboration with economic spheres, invoke
nationalism sentiments, create and aggravate identity-conflicts and perpetuate violence
culture in societies. The human nature remains essentially localized and as is
the design of human consciousness, average men and women are innately attuned
to live in peaceful and accommodative space within their localized milieus. If they
are left in peace with their own instinctive nature, people usually do not take
their differences and conflicts too far. It is established by the science of
consciousness that average people have an innate tendency to hit back to normal
life-living (allostatic balance),
even when there is a divide and conflict (homeostatic
imbalance). They also cannot see and live up big and abstract issues like
nationalism, war hysteria or political agenda of far-fetched consequences. It
is always the politics and economics that lead people to well-planned agenda. In political
science, there is a valid and well-established political process, which has the
legitimacy of not only academics but in the very modern Constitution of all democratic
states. This process is termed as ‘Political
Socialization’ and ‘Political
Recruitment’. It means, the political parties and politicians can very
legitimately work on the basis of politicization of identities, which are instinctive
in humans. They can and they very well, politicize ‘identities’ by standing
them in competition and conflict with other ‘identities’ and then condition the
consciousnesses of people with a particular identity to support their political
party to come in power, so that their identities could not be in threat and
disadvantage. So, essentially, they first invoke identities, back them, make
them competitive and belligerent. This then creates a society where conflict
and violence becomes order of the day. They create the divides " between
identities and entrenched classes; like rich versus poor. They create crisis in
society so that it becomes compassionless, emotionally charged, reactionary and
a violent space, requiring intervention of ‘power and authority’. They then
seek mandate and legitimacy to install themselves as exclusive owner of
violence to suppress and control innocent people, whom they themselves make culpable
at first place. All these are globally legal and constitutional and validated
as political socialization and political recruitment. This happens to be a
classic case of how jurisprudence happily weds the stupid-hypocritical
philosophy of political profitability and happily dumps not only people but the
Reality of humanity itself. Like
in the past, state, governments and politics simply has no business in human
management of their life-living affairs. They have to create their utility and fruition
in human affairs by first creating troubles and then install themselves as
‘solution-providers’ of the troubles. Since ages, the modus operandi of state
and politics has remained the same. Contemporary states, governments and
politics continue to stoke nationalism-fire and identity-divides. The form and structure
of imperialism as a tool of nationalism has changed from open wars and colonialism
to capital, goods and investment based imperialism. The national interest, national
security and global trade are the tools of neo-colonialism. There
is a long and tainted history of state, governments and politics in being the number
one enemy of common people and this has a reason; not ingrained in any philosophy
or abstract mystical perception but the very science of Reality. They are at
best a rather fringe and unimportant part of the holism of Human Reality, which
has little need of these three unnatural structures of human life-living. Their
very primacy in contemporary human world is the worst hypocrisy and stupidity
of humanity. Their corrupted and hypocritical working mechanism is now an established
fact of contemporary human world and yet, humanity has not yet secured their
timely demise. Look
at how politics, states and governments have successfully created the monster
of terrorism themselves. The state and politics were themselves the agency of
terrorism and later they created mercenaries and installed them as terrorists. They
attached a specific ‘identity’ to the terrorism, which suited them fine in
their overall design to aggravate the identity-conflicts. Now, most states and
political spheres use their media management reach and skill to install disproportionate
fear and terror in the minds of average person and use the inflated fear as
monster, against whom they rally around the masses for securing and prolonging
their mandate for dwindling legitimacy. Global threat of terrorism is now an
effective tool in the hands of state and politics to stoke the extinguishing
fire of nationalism and identity-associations. We have already discussed as how
very small threat terrorism is, when compared to so many big threats for
humanity, where state, governments and politics could actually help people but
have failed miserably. Apart
from terrorism, there is this incessant effort by state, governments and politics
to play up the dormant but potential conflicts over different competing
identities. Within countries, in neighborhood and even in far off regions, the
state and politics intentionally create ‘enemies’ and ‘aggressors’ based on identities
and the abstract idea of so-called National
Interest. From threats of internal violence to actual wars and trade wars, every
single tool of engagement of conflict are first created and then blown out of
proportion by smart media-management to keep the people convinced that they are
perpetually threatened and need the umbrella of protective politics and state
power to remain free and well. The state and politics successfully engender the
much required mandate for its legitimacy, which is impossible in peace time and
normal life. The modus operandi is
simple " politics first creates an enemy, unleash its terror in societies and
then proclaims itself as the only savior of people from the scourge of the
imminent terror. The fearful and perpetually insecure masses hurriedly extend
‘full’ mandate and legitimacy to politics on this proposed agenda. Once the
mandate is acquired, the politics and governments kill some irrelevant people
or probably those with the ‘inimical identities’ and attain warrior eulogy. It
is here the role of Deep State comes
into picture. The most forceful Deep
State agency is state and government backed and financed political cadre of
political parties. They have the mandate and legitimacy of their political
bosses to unleash conflicts, violence and insecurity in the society, going all
out to fire up identity conflicts. They are also the most effective agency of
‘Fake Information’ dissemination, where the pliable and soft media helps a
great deal. The media itself becomes an agency of Deep State. Together they create such an unmanageable crisis, where
their political bosses could easily purchase mandate for their legitimate right
to lead the people. Fear, insecurity, distrust is the seed the Deep State successfully sows in the
minds of people to reap a prosperous crop of violence-conflict in the society. This
ensures mandate for legitimacy of a powerful and authoritative state,
governments and politics. The Deep State
agencies have the crucial task of ‘creating’ an Enemy and then, the politics and governments ‘kill’ the enemy to attain
glory and charisma of warriors. It is
simple but never ever manifest to people. How can it be? Even in 21st
century, 97 percent of state and government actions are kept secret from the
people and they do it legally and constitutionally under lawful pretext of ‘Official
Secrecy’. Why secrecy? Oh! It is for national
interest and national security!
As if the real and true enemies of a country do not already know about
everything. Well, enemies of state can know but the people of the state cannot!
It is very hypocritically protected by jurisprudence… There
is a clear trend of all these in the 21st century itself. It has a
trajectory, which everyone should be aware of. Much of the erstwhile flamboyance
and sheen of the autocratic propensities of the 20th century state
and governments had begun to fade as after the Second World War, the idealism
of ‘Welfare State’ started to take deep roots in many functional democracies of
the world. Liberalism and openness in state and governmental functionality in
last few decades of dying 20th century emaciated the state and
politics as growingly, people’s mandate became diverse and dissipated. Internationalism
was taking shape as international trade and commerce as well as ‘soft-capital’
of skilled manpower migration began to rule national interest. Naturally,
nationalism and restrictive identity-based politics got weakened. Globally, political
parties felt this growing disinterest of surging middle-class in governmental bounties
and political affiliations. Last decade of 20th century was probably
the worst phase for state, governments and politics as they had lost much of
the brute power and unrestricted authority over people and national priorities.
It was the time for state and politics to either bounce back with vengeance to
regain the fast losing ‘empire’ or face definite death. The
state and politics bounced back in the early days of beginning of the new
millennium of 21st century. Globally, state and politics acquired
the similar modus operandi of regaining
the lost territory. Politics, state and governments ferociously poured oil in
the extinguishing fire of ‘Identity-Conflicts’ and simultaneously embarked on
the time-tested politics of fear and insecurity. The old and now sidelined
philosophy of ‘Social Contract’ was re-flamed and put to optimum use. Terrorism
as a card for definite success was already there but many states and political
lords ‘recruited’ and ‘hired’ mercenaries, with specific insistence on having a
tangible ‘identity’ attached with terrorism. The Deep State agencies were rediscovered, diversified, indoctrinated
and emboldened. This surely served the dual purpose of creating a resurfacing
of identity-based hate and conflict oriented ‘Reactionary Nationalism’ and on
the other hand infused the much required inflated sense of fear and insecurity
among common people. Global researches have already established this trend in
people. This
was almost a global trend in the start of 21st century and it has
paid huge dividends to state, governments and politics. Identity nationalism and
terror perceptions were successfully pumped into mainstream and populist
perceptions of average person globally and it not only restored the legitimacy
for authoritative and strong state and governments but also extended the much needed
boost to the global arms bazaar, which is lifeline of many rich countries. State
and politics also successfully launched what we may call the ‘trade war politics’
to lend credence and support to a ‘nationalism’ agenda for masses. Aggressive international
politics with vocalization of ‘Local Economic Interests’ as rallying point for
international trade relationship very much suited politics and state as it made
people rally around them. Mistrust, threatening posturing and inflated sense of
national pride, et al were played dexterously by state and politics to strengthen
mandate for legitimacy. There
probably was another dimension to this 21st century resurgence of emaciating
state and politics. Liberalism and open trade had a hugely positive impact on
national manufacturing as well as commerce. Last decades of 20th
century saw a sharp rise in living standards and comfort levels of average
person as technology, global finance and cheap international labor created not
only cheap and affordable goods and services to common people but also created
purchasing powers as economy moved up. This cyclic chain of consumption-manufacturing-purchasing power
brought about a definitive, assertive and pampered class of ‘consumer’. This
consumerism, which became a power to be reckoned with as 21st
century dawned, economy and commerce acquired a hugely powerful role in ‘mandate’
of ‘legitimacy’ with people. This sure was at the cost of already emaciating
state and politics. The pampered consumer naturally was all hate and dislike
for governments and politics as they were being pampered, respected and genuinely
serviced well by economy and commerce. The state, governments and politics had
almost lost it and was surely relegating to futility. The
state, government and politics had to bounce back for their very survival and had
to tame the newly emerging ‘Legitimate Authoritative Lords’ in the domain of economy
and commerce. The 21st century ‘Neo-Nationalism’, which the state,
government and politics re-shaped also ensured to install a sense of suspicion against
economy, commerce and trade. Politics in third decade of 21st
century has successfully installed a populist perception against economy and commerce.
Politics has successfully installed distrust among people against moneyed and
business class. Politics has first created a populist perception that corruption,
wrong practices and unjust behavior in industry, trade and commerce are ‘weakening
nation’ and therefore need strong, authoritative and punishable state and
government attitude. This surely adds strength to legitimacy of state,
governments and politics. More enemies for people means; more legitimacy and
mandate for ‘authoritative’ state, governments and politics! It
is here that we need to unravel the nature and scope of the old idea of Deep State, which has now been broadened
and redesigned by contemporary politics. This Deep State has also undergone a good deal of transformation like
Terrorism. This Deep State is the Frankenstein,
which has spread its tentacles to every element of human life-living " be it
society, culture, religion, economy, family or state-governmental-political agencies.
This has to be understood in details. Why? Because, this is the deadliest part
of contemporary state and politics, which is at the root of not only national
troubles but also international peace and order! Modern
day world is probably the most enlightened one in the long history of humanity.
People in general are more knowledgeable about themselves as well as the external
milieus. The technology has landed them in information obesity but this at
least makes them aware about the diversity, which humanity professes. Moreover,
science is beginning to shape the consciousness of growing number of people and
every new generation of men and women have better clarity of the need to lead
their lives on the basis of practical realism of body and mind rather than abstract
and mythical faith-based system. Also, good life-living and personal security,
which economy has growingly begun to service, has made average person become
more in control of his or her life, not being dependent on ‘Welfare State’ dole
outs, which landed them in the fold of politics. Apart
from this emerging reality of average human lives, there is another crucial factor,
which has big impact on the lives of people. Globally, humanity has now settled
with certain broad and general rule of life-living. Democracy, rights of
people, transparency, accountability, privacy, freedom of choices, etc are now
taken for granted as state and governments have growingly become subservient to
Constitutional safeguards. Also, national interest, government principles, economic
agenda, etc are now well settled for any country and governments and politics cannot
be any different. This altogether leaves little maneuvering space for any
political party or political government to claim that it can do something
others cannot as everything is now settled. All roles are defined and all participants
in nation’s march ahead are equally important. In simple
terms, modern day life-living and human affairs management are essentially moving
towards a self-regulated system, based on well-settled laws and rules of interaction.
As democracies, bureaucracy and economic activities have evolved and matured, there
is little role of governments and politics in the overall mechanism and
process. The post World War era of humanity has every governmental and political
values and norms well benchmarked for every country. People have easy access to
all information about everything happening in other parts of the world and
therefore, it is an auto-process that humanity is itself gradually moving
towards a set of settled benchmarks in personal life-living and collective
living. This leaves nothing exclusive and authoritatively powerful in the hands
of governments and politics. This surely is not an ideal situation for
politicians and political governments. It had already started impacting politics
and governments as in most developed and developing countries, mandates were
getting fractured, coalition politics and governments had become a rule and no
single political party was emerging as strong enough to form a government on
its own. This somehow ensured that governments were not autocratic and people
had better lives. But it was worse time for politics and governments, who
thrive on unbridled authority. Powerful,
authoritative and oligarchic politics and governments thrive when people have
‘unsettled’ lives and fear, conflicts and violence rule society and cultures. Politics
and governments have a weak and indecisive mandate for legitimacy when people
begin to become self-regulated and lead a settled life. Politics and
governments therefore never allow this to happen. As we discussed above, the
state, government and politics cannot go beyond Constitution and internationally
accepted and settled benchmarks of political and administrative processes. Naturally,
they needed a ‘Friend’ who carried the
clandestine, unconstitutional and unprincipled agenda of governments and
politics. This ‘Friend’ is the Deep State, and its primary assignment
is to create ‘Enemies’ of people within
the country and outside to install fear and insecurity among people and keep
ignited the fire of diverse ‘Identities’ among people so that societies and
cultures are in perpetual state of mistrust and conflict. The Deep State agents usually themselves do all
these tasks or use mercenaries and corrupted links among legitimate structures.
They essentially ‘Curate’ the pitch for the politics and governments to play
their most flamboyant and classy innings of political games. This
Deep State has operatives in almost all
wings of state and governments " be it army, police, judiciary, bureaucracy, industrialists,
journalists, intellectuals or you just name it. The political cadre of the
party and its constitutionally and democratically elected representatives are also
part of the Deep State recruitments. The political cadre and second rung
leadership shall always spew venom against opposition leaders, leaving no stone
unturned to label them as ‘Enemies’ of people. Essentially, modern day politics
is all about creating perceptions about ‘Enemies’ and then proclaiming to be
the sole ‘Warrior’ to save the people and nation from these enemies. The perceptional
communication is simple and clear " Those with ‘US’ are ‘Warriors’ and those
against us are ‘Enemies’ of nation and people and therefore traitors and terrorists. It has
to be understood. We have to relook the history of 19th-20th
century, before the two World Wars broke out. We need to look at the history of
the European nations. We can clearly see the common thread of how the politics
and economics of the day created identity based conflicts and involved people
into the war frenzy, even when average citizen had nothing to do with it. They
were content with their lives and settled in their small world. However,
politics and governments created conditions in which the nations engaged themselves
into devastative wars. In all these, even then the Deep State played its role as brutal monster in advancing the illegal
and immoral agenda of its political masters. The same situation has
successfully been replicated in 21st century. Rather, this time
around, the trouble the governments and politics have created is far more
dangerous and the Deep State is naturally
far more devastating. Politics
and governments have a long dubious and corrupted history and humanity has suffered
most at the hands of these true enemies of people. The Reality behind this
historicity and perpetuity of political and governmental ills can be understood
with the help of the science of human consciousness itself. We all must also understand
this Reality behind the brutal, oligarchic, autocratic and savage nature and
constitution of politics and governance. This shall help humanity deal with politics
and governments well and devise appropriate check and balance in future. Moreover,
when we insist on the supremacy and universality of compassionate higher
consciousness, we surely cannot keep politics and governments aloof from that. This
compassion is extended even to politics and governments, however brutal and calamitous
they may be, as we understand and accept the Reality of human consciousness
behind this all. From our knowledge of human consciousness, we accept the macrocosmic perspective that singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of our complex brain states, which unravels them through our mind consciousness. This hypothesis is an initiation into the complexity of this multidimensional universe of mysticism, marvel and magic, which are now ensconced and embedded deep into our mind consciousnesses. There
is a mechanism of human consciousness, much of it is now understood and this
facilitates understanding of how all realisms, we see and accept, are within
mind consciousness. There is discernible cyclicality among elements in external
milieu, elements within self (instinct and culture) and the subjective
consciousness. It is such a ubiquitous commonality that all elements of human
consciousness, culture and even divinity are the same. This is in sync with
ancient wisdom that nothing external to consciousness exists. Science also says
the same. We talk in detail about the commonality of these elements below to
unravel how essential nature and role of politics and governments are actually
expression and manifestation of this very mechanism of consciousness, in
response to elemental constitution shaping it. At
the very outset, we recall our earlier discussion about how human body-mind is
just a ‘Media’ for expression of Reality. To be specific, there are common elements
in external as well as internal milieus of human body-mind, which shape the
causality for the ‘Media’ of consciousness. What we all know from our personal
experiences that different people react differently to different causalities.
Like, we all know how a simple hundred dollar in the hands of different people
shall create different shades and quantum of pleasure and happiness. So, what
we are aware of is that human body-mind and the consciousness it engenders,
present themselves a different ‘Media’ to similar elements of causalities
present within body-mind and in external milieus. We know from our knowledge of
science of Reality that all ‘Media’ are essentially creation of the Holism of
Reality itself and therefore, no ‘Media’ is good or bad, right or wrong.
Reality and its expressions are all value-neutral; it is we humans who assign
the value of good and bad, right and wrong to them. From
this hypothesis, we arrive at the fact that elements of causalities of politics
and governance are also very much part of Reality and therefore, they are also
neither good nor bad. It is how they become in human world is important. This
is what we are going to go deep into to unravel the nature and roles of
politics and governance. There are seven core and predominant elements in
nature and all matters of the universe, which stand to be observed by humans. All
shades of Reality shall have these
seven elements " be it human culture, societal interaction structures,
subjective self as well as divinity. These seven elements are essentially
intangible imageries of brain and mind mechanisms, but as they stand to be
observed by humans in an instinctive causality with ambient physical nature,
these seven elements stand to be expressed and communicated socially,
culturally and personally in tangible terms of words and physical symbols of
life and living. Before
we talk about these seven core elements, it must again be emphasized that these
intangible elements are being made to ride on the back of humanly designed
words and therefore, the resultant conflict and confusion in their true shade
of meanings shall ever remain. That is why a humble request is to accept these
seven elements in terms of words in holistic-assimilative-integrative
perspective, allowing innocence of compassion to come to the forefront of
reception. These seven elements in words are "
is easy to understand and accept that within an individual, these seven
elements are deeply ingrained in subconscious layers of self and are expressed
in multidimensional plurality of action and behavior. These elements are core
instincts of a subjective consciousness and as these elements are intangibles
for success of survival of a person, their expressions in behavior and actions
are vocal and ubiquitous. Modern
science admits that there are seven shades of consciousness and all shades are
present in a single individual. It is like a singular source of light splits
into seven colors of spectrum as it is made to pass through a prism. An
individual’s current personality at a time-space situation is primarily decided
by those elements of the seven shades, which are predominant in the same
time-space bracket. This however may not be permanent, though many people can
remain in the same personality element or elements all throughout their lives. The
social scientists have started to design a consciousness mapping of nations and
societies on the basis of these seven shades of personality. It is said that in
the existing world, people with red shade of consciousness, which marks the
predominance of 2nd and 6th elements of indulgence and
status. This shade of consciousness always has been the majority personality
grouping at any time of the human civilization. All elements are equally
important and inevitable for the evolution of life on this planet. We are not
judging on the utility and superiority of any element or any shade of human
consciousness and personality. Our enterprise is to observe a causality between
consciousness, cultures and humanly designed systems. Modern social sciences maintain there are seven drives or instinctive intangibles within consciousness. They are : 1. Sensation 2. Emotion/Feeling 3. Impulse/Desire 4. Imagination 5. Thought 6. Intuition & 7. Will. The sense of ‘I Am’ presides over all these seven instinctive drives. These elements themselves function within a consciousness as sub-personalities. A consciousness is defined by the elements it allows to dominate itself. The element in turn starts defining the consciousness. The personality of the ‘I’ shall be what a dominant element desires. A woman with predominance of element of imagination may be a good poetess, writer or a painter and naturally, her personality shall evolve in a way it is culturally commensurate for an artist. Suitably, she shall attract all such elements from external milieu, which aids and enhances her dominant choice of the element of imagination. Therefore, the element shall start defining her perspectives and personality. Her personality shall be the sub-conscious decider of her consciousness. Even her inner culture shall draw those elements from societal cultures, which are of the same color that her consciousness is. That is why probably her divinity shall also draw elements from her dominant element of imagination. Her consciousness defines her perspectives and in turn, her perspectives start shaping her consciousness. In India’s most revered spiritual book, Geeta, the Krishna, who is accepted as the incarnation of Vishnu, the God of nurturance and stabilization, says " “He who seeks me in whichever disposition, I meet him in the same facilitative consciousness”. This is the most impacting and futuristic expression of cosmic causality. The simple idea is, be it an individual, society, culture, religion or political-economic systems, they all essentially are the melting pot of all seven elements of cosmic construct. However, different people, different cultures express themselves differently as per the one or two dominant element, which constitute their core personality. All these different expressions of the seven elements are equally important but the idealism is that they all must be in equitable poise. If there is over-predominance of any element, there shall be greater chances of entropy. Modern
science also tells us about seven broad types of brains. They essentially
correspond to seven different elements of causalities of expressions of Reality. It is only natural that different
human beings shall have different shades of consciousnesses and one dominant
element shall define their consciousness, suitably conditioning their nature,
personality, actions and behaviors, including such attitudinal issues like innocence, humility, purpose,
dominance, deliberation, self-exploration, judgment, affirmation, planning, implementation,
concentration, determination, patience, perseverance, courage, discipline,
mastery, artistry, intensity, power, organization, integration, etc. These
sub-personality elements determine and shape the ‘Will’ of a person. No doubt,
the evolution of the ‘Will’ of a person is primarily about which one of the
seven elements we have talked about is dominant in his or her mind
consciousness. But, what the ‘Will’ shall finally shape into and evolve to is
also conditioned by external milieus, in which a person stays and moves into. The politics and governance is also the expression and
manifestation of one of the seven elements of Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti, which contemporary scientists
believe is not supposed to be predominant element of human society but a situational
one. These elements of Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti essentially shape the consciousness and personality of a
person, who seeks power, authority, domination, etc vis-à-vis others in the
society. No doubt, there is nothing good or bad, right or wrong about this
personality trait and mind consciousness. Rather, like all other elements, this
element and its expression is very much the need of human society. If humanity
needs compassion, humility and assimilation, it also equally needs the element
of power-authority. The Reality in its holism has everything lined up as they
present themselves as ‘Media’ to play up a causality, which complements
Reality. What creates trouble is when a single element and its expressions attempt
to disproportionately inflate its domain and forcibly try to replace and eliminate
other elements, their expressions and utility. The
Reality itself creates such
causalities, which innately and automatically finds ‘media’. These seven
elements act as causalities and they find ‘media’ in different people with
different consciousnesses. By innate design, the ‘media’ keeps varying as per
the need of the collective humanity. The trouble begins when unscrupulous group
of people disturb the auto-process and innate mechanism of nature to balance
all seven elements. The politics and governments essentially do it. They vitiate
the natural consciousness mechanism and cognition of average people and this leads
to vitiation of societal and cultural milieus. The
simple idea is, nothing is useless. It can never be as never ever one can
expect and accept uselessness and purposelessness being created and
orchestrated by Reality. Why? Simply because the very notion and idea of ‘Utility and Purpose’ is a human
construct. From the perspective of holism of Reality, everything is a ‘Media’
and no media, once created, can be useless and purposeless. Anyways, how can
one label the brilliant energy of billions of years of evolution as waste,
useless and untrue? Very naturally, all elements of Reality and all its
infinite shades are ‘Media’ and it is essentially human construct to accept
them as good or bad, right or wrong. Politics
and governance are functional expressions and manifestations of the innate and
entrenched elements of Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti and they are expressed
through the ‘Media’ of human consciousness. They cannot in itself be good or
bad, right and wrong. It is how the collective humanity shapes it and accepts
it. Therefore, if politics and governance has had a long and dubious history of
brutality and suppression, it is equally true that politics and governments
have also brought about considerable good and value to humanity. Within the large
domain of politics and governments, there always had been and still have brilliant
and very compassionate people, who not only valued human lives and their
dignity, but also enhanced them. Why? It is because the element of
power-authority is part of the overall causalities of the Reality, which also plays
its complementing role in completeness of a society and culture. It therefore
has to be a humble acceptance that ills of politics and governance are also
very much part of the larger issue of stupidity and hypocrisy of humanity,
which is essentially the design of human reality. This, as we have been
insisting, is the domain of education-training and knowledge. Politics and
governance also have to be part of the overall correction that humanity as a
whole needs. What
essentially comes out of this all is, the centrality of the primary requirement
of humanity is education-training and knowledge. Everything, which humanity
creates or becomes a part of human life-living, be it family, society, culture,
politics, economy, religion, commerce or governance, comes later. First and
foremost is the primary need of humanity to understand as what Reality is, how
it expresses itself, how it plays out using all lives and non-lives as ‘Media’
and lastly, how our own body-mind is designed to perceive and realize this
Reality. This shall become the singular basis of the only ‘Identity’, which
entire humanity shall have and this alone has the potential to survive humanity
in the years to come. This puts us to the singular intelligence for entire
humanity that every state, all governments and all shades of politics have only
single-point agenda " invest all possible resources for a scientific, objective
and common education-training-knowledge system, where every citizen is provided
the necessary knowledge to qualify as a person with Compassionate Higher
Consciousness. This shall make all other issues and things fall in right place. In
the next chapter, we shall attempt to get into details of an alternative model
for humanity, where broad principles of human life-living shall be discussed,
which could lead us to a situation, where the Crown position shall be given
back to people. When we insist in this eBook that people should be given their
crown back, we surely do not mean that all powers, all authority and all
functions of their own life-living management should be handed over to them and
state, governments and politics should be kicked out. We surely do not mean
that. We just insist that people, their dignity and empowerment through
knowledge should be the sole criteria of all human systems. We mean to bring
the focus back on humanity, human dignity, people’s empowerment as aware and
compassionate being, their wellness through singular attention on their evolution
to a compassionate higher consciousness. We mean to establish this Reality that
stupidity and hypocrisy is in the design of humanity itself and the way Reality
is perceived by human consciousness. Therefore, all other things are redundant
if first and foremost correction is done on the very human consciousness
itself. Nothing is outside human consciousness. Therefore people and their
consciousness is the real and true crown, which must get its due focus and
attention back. This is what we are calling as Give Me My Crown Back agenda, which must be brought to the singular
attention of all humanity in 21st century. In the next chapter, we are
now zeroing down to the details of this process. ** CHAPTER 7 We
are now into the most difficult part of the deliberations. With humanity,
especially the contemporary humanity, with its vast magnitude of around 7.5
billion people; spread over 195 countries, with varied socio-cultural,
political and religious beliefs, the near impossible task is to put the
simplest of ideas into grassroots practical practice. The big and hugely
futuristic ideas of the type, which we are intending is surely a certain
non-starter. It is even tough to say, from where to start as humanity is so
much fragmented, so inaccessible and living in vastly different mental
timeline. The biggest challenge is that in such a state of contemporary
humanity, any idea or agenda we speak of, shall be susceptible to being labeled
as philosophy only and not pragmatically possible. Moreover, the state,
governments and politics, against which the agenda of change is proposed, are so
powerful and brutally organized that there is a persistent and definitive threat
that they shall kill not only the agenda against them, but also those who even present
the agenda. They have successfully done it in the past and keep doing so. Still,
the agenda to Give People The Crown Back is practically possible. It may
however take time and some good luck! Any big change takes huge amount of
sacrifice and lives too! At
the very outset, it must be taken into account as why we are saying that this
contemporary age and time, when humanity has entered the third decade of 21st
century, is the beginning of a propitious and catalytic phase for humanity,
where there is optimal probability of effecting a major change in entire human
affairs, including state, governments and politics. Why do we say this and what
is the practical, objective basis of such an assertion? There
are essentially two broad planks of this positivity
and optimism about optimality of
effectiveness of a big time change in contemporary state, governments and
politics. First is the criticality of technology, especially communication and connectivity.
This has brought about a hell lot of integration in humanity. Moreover, now,
everyone has a media-potential in his or her hands. With smart phones, internet,
social media and personal media becoming available to more than half of the
population of the world, almost every single individual has become a potentially
powerful ‘media’ in itself and in such an age of connect, communication and dissemination
of information, it is not easy to wrap up things in muffle of clandestine and beneath
surface insinuations. The state, governments and politics thrived in secrecy, clandestine
dealings and underground activities. This is becoming tougher by the day as everyone
is a ‘media’, which is not easy to be either suppressed or aligned by the
governments and politics. Moreover, technology makes it easy for information to
spread quick and thick and create a mood or movement in short time. The most
powerful catalyst of any change is the collective
unconscious of a society and culture. It in turn creates facilitative and
galvanized milieus for effective changes. The mass media, which is now
growingly branching off to social and
personal media, is the best and most
effective element in shaping collective
unconscious in favor or against some idea or action of change. Technology
has facilitated the potential for any idea to gain and attain the required ‘Critical Mass’ to become a popular
perception and a public movement of sorts. Secondly,
it may not be very perceptible to average people and even policy makers, yet
the reality remains that despite collective human knowledge, especially objective
science, not still being integrated, easily accessible and fully understood, a
sizeable number of people, especially those in middle and higher echelons of socio-economic
ladder, are beginning to lose faith in old world wisdom and contemporary systems
of life-living. The well educated, settled and intelligently energetic youth in
their late twenties and early thirties add mass and weight to this chunk of
population, who are beginning to question the status quo and existing human order. There is a fast evolving discomfort with whatever they have in
their lives in external milieus and they are also looking for something new and
definitive, which fall in sync and symmetry with their emerging consciousness. This
too is somehow a consequential causality of the first plank, which we have
discussed above. Many things more have also contributed. The
good thing is that enough people are asking questions and they not being
satisfied with traditional and contemporary answers, seek novel and ‘valid’ answers. The not so good thing is
that most of these people are not asking the appropriate and valid
questions. We probably cannot have novel answers if we continue to ask the old,
obsolete and archaic questions. The questions can be valid and appropriate
only when we accept Reality of
Reality. That is why we are insisting on the creation of a knowledgeable
society where valid and right questions could find their deep
roots. The true, right and valid answers are also there in the constitution of Reality itself. The answers shall come
tumbling down when we change our consciousness and cognition, and realize what valid questions we must ask to ourselves
and to the external milieus. It is
difficult to say with any definitive conviction, because of lack of relevant
and specific data, still, from a smart calculation of behavioral and
psychological facts available, we can say that already, around 10 percent of
global human population has understood and shown good interest in the modern
and futuristic reality of Consciousness. This is encouraging sign for the emergence
of objectivity and assimilation towards evolution of a singular ‘Identity’ of all humanity. Much of it
however has come from the ‘rejection’
of archaic faith-system and not the
much desired empowerment of consciousness and cognition. Still, it is a good
sign. Thankfully, it has been made possible because science itself is focusing
persistently on the hugely critical collective knowledge about the Reality of Consciousness. Also,
it may be said that around 20 percent of global human population may very well
be looking for answers of life-living problems, outside the contemporary
availability as their current evolved and empowered Consciousness find them not
in sync and symmetry with ‘Reality’
as they perceive it. No doubt, 10-20 percent is not enough and for any big
change to happen and get seeded in the soil of the collective unconscious, it
requires a ‘Critical Mass’ of around 30-40 percent. But then, we have to feel
encouraged that at least, the mass is building as scientifically objective
knowledge is spreading, though not as fast as it should. That is why there is this
huge need for collective human wisdom to integrate
and assimilate to present a singularly holistic and objectively unified wisdom
for all. It
has to be accepted that entire 100% humanity is not expected to change. If the
30-40 percent of those in leadership and ensconced position could see and
accept Reality and mechanism of Human Consciousness, the rest of the
people shall happily follow them. Change is always top-level orchestration. The bottom half is only the mass of populism. They follow what they
feel everyone is doing. Aping is
instinctive. This is what politics and religion ‘misuse’ for their personal
profitability. The same instinct is available for any good change in human societies and cultures. Therefore, target of
change is not 100%, but only 30-40%. With
all humility and sincerity, it is said for innocent and compassionate
acceptance that human consciousness is not designed for goodness, righteousness
and appropriates. Why? Because, these are not only humanly designed words or
terms but also ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’ realities, amenable and evolved
to have meaning-purpose-utility only in human milieus, personal or collective. It
was therefore only natural that larger humanity could never come around to
singular Reality of everything. It is only now that humanity has known beyond
reasonable doubts that this very Reality
about Reality being ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’ and thus given to diversities
of meaning-purpose-utility for different persons and groups, is the singular
and core trouble of humanity. It is only now that we all have the singular
objective knowledge to accept that entire humanity and even all lives on Earth
are ONE and have singular common mechanism and process of perceptional universe.
It is therefore only very natural that all 7.5 billion humans on Earth have ONE
Identity and ONE life-living purpose as all lives have ONE benchmark as well as
agenda for goodness, righteousness and appropriates. The
purpose of this eBook is to bring this ‘ONE-Ness’
Reality as singular common agenda for all humans. The soil for the fruition of
this enterprise is the most propitious now. The initiation has to be now and there
are definitive Entropic Factors in contemporary
human milieus, which present the causalities for probability of optimality of this
enterprise to Give The Crown Back To The
People. It is humbly informed that a detailed deliberation of these
‘Entropic Factors’, which call for this hugely big change in human world, has
been chronicled in author’s previous eBook titled, ‘Sanity Is Impossibility’. Like all other 40 eBooks of the author,
it is also available for unrestricted download in different eBook formats. With
positive hopes and entrenched confidence on the capabilities of human
consciousness itself, we now proceed to list out how this enterprise to Give The Crown Back To People can be reached
to its finality of fruition. It must be made clear that this alone is the
domain and subject matter of another book as every little detail about the task
at hand is going to acquire a bulk. Therefore, what we are going to do is outline
the broad aspects of the essential measures and initiatives that require to be
taken and make a hint at how they can be implemented. We
therefore talk about two broad and parallel initiatives and tasks, which shall
be required as the first basic step towards realization of this goal "
may sound too simple and insufficient to be true and effective. But the fact
remains that humanity actually only needs two simple yet practically near
impossible attainments " First, all humans need to understand and accept the Reality of Reality and the central role
of Human Consciousness into the expression
and perception of Reality. This shall make a single universal ‘Identity’
possible for all humanity. This itself shall solve and correct majority of
human problems and ills. Secondly, statecraft, governance and politics need to
be reformed extensively so that it falls in sync with new Reality of Reality and primacy of Human Consciousness. The reforms
shall make them shed all their current ills as transparency, accountability and
subservience to collective human dignity shall be installed by multi-layered
checks and balances on their oligarchic and autocratic tendencies. These
two broad domains surely shall have many key aspects and related initiatives and
that is not a big ask. The idea is " we are essentially attempting to install a
single point agenda for all humanity and this agenda is Human Dignity. Nothing can be above Human Dignity and all things must be happily and effectively
subservient to Human Dignity. And this
agenda shall be gradually installed in the consciousness of all humanity as we
all work towards this singular attainment of a Compassionate Universal Milieu
for all humans (collective), through evolution of compassionate higher
consciousness in all humans (personal), where Human Dignity has the Crown
Position. This can be attained by integration and assimilation of
collective knowledge of humanity and its universal dissemination. The
concurrent and parallel aspect is taking good care of the singular source of all
culpabilities against Human Dignity. This
brutally secretive and monstrously autocratic singular source is
state-government-politics. Therefore, the equally important and simultaneous enterprise
is to have deep, thick and uniformly universal Reforms of this singular tormentor
of humanity in contemporary world. Naturally, this reform would mean reforms in
police, security agencies, bureaucracy, judiciary and may include suitable changes
in the Constitutions of the countries itself. These details can be taken care
of as they are just like filling in the flesh, once the skeleton and central mechanisms
are in place. The
more crucial and difficult aspect however is how to go about all these? How to
have a start and how to put in place the basics for the initiation of the
execution of the agenda of Human Dignity?
These are primary practicality test for the change to take place. That is why, we
have to invest most of innovative and intelligent efforts to first make an
optimum headway for the changes to take shape and get going. It has to be
accepted with all humility that the above-mentioned twin processes for
installation of Human Dignity is
tough ask and therefore shall take years. The reform processes are also not
easy enough to happen very soon. What we therefore have to focus in
contemporary times is the initiation and success of preparatory steps, which shall lead to the above-mentioned agenda. We
shall discuss all these in the coming paragraphs. At
the very outset, there has to be the acceptance of a hypothesis that scientific
evidences point out to the fact that as most people lead their lives as a
subconscious reactionary self, simply reacting to elements in external as well
as internal milieus, it is always crucial that for sanity of humanity, the
external physical as well as psychological milieus have to be peaceful and
poised. We have talked that politics and governance are always keen to have a
conflicted and confused external milieus, and its consequential effect on
internal milieus of masses, therefore, it is the most difficult goal to
achieve. It is established fact that when the subconscious mind states of
average people are not ruffled up by survival threats and resultant conflicts
and competitiveness, then only the Conscious mind states can work towards a common
high ideal or goal. Therefore, naturally, all sections of society and those who
wish to bring about a change have to singularly focus on evolving peaceful, poised,
settled and amicable external milieus in society. This requires that all of us
have to unlearn the reactionary
instincts and evolve receptive mind
consciousness. We must vow that we shall never fall in trap of the reactionary
and divisive insinuations of politics and governments. This itself shall ensure
peace and poise in milieus. It is
for sure that structures and agencies of state, government and politics shall
use all forms of violence to scuttle any attempt to bring about peace-order-poise
in societies and cultures. That is why, all collective structures of people and
even common men and women shall have to drop all other concerns and embrace
this single common agenda of ONE-Ness " ONE Identity and ONE
life-living purpose as all lives have ONE benchmark as well as agenda for
goodness, righteousness and appropriates. In
contemporary human world, there is no dearth of people, groups, public
institutions, activists, intellectuals, artists and many more rational and
empowered men and women, who in different capacities and involvement work for a
better world in uncountable areas. This probably is the best asset as well as
biggest trouble in effecting any real change in the world we live. The asset is
that we already have around 10 percent of human population very sensitive to
the idea of good for humanity. They are the ready catalyst of any meaningful
change. However, they also present the face of biggest trouble that there are thousands
of themes, issues, problems, threats, deficiencies etc against which these sensitive
millions of people are engaged in persevered battle. It is only natural that energies
and mass is scattered and seldom reaches the ‘criticality’ level, which could
impact changes. The state, governments and politics surely have ease in handling
them and emaciating them. The
first change is therefore preventing the dispersion and emaciation of the
combined energy and mass of the intellect, activism and engagement against ills
and evils and for a better world. The ONE-Ness
requirement must first come from those, who have already involved their
consciousness and lives for the dream of a good, right and just human world
where Human Dignity survives and
thrives. The first initiative of change
therefore has to come from what we may call the Cadre of Catalysts itself. The Cadre
of Catalysts " the activists, academicians, intellectuals, rationalists, artists,
litterateurs, liberals, pro-changers, optimists, et al have to accept that human
world, the 7.5 billion humans have single common agenda and that is what we
have discussed so far. If we install the singularity of reality and universal
knowledge about how Reality is expressed and unraveled through the diverse
‘media’ of human consciousness, we shall be successful in having a world with
single universal ‘Identity’ of humanity with Compassionate Higher
Consciousness. The 21st century needs this primary accomplishment of
all like-minded-ness coming to one
platform to form a worldwide single Cadre
of Catalysts with singular agenda for all humanity " the ONE-Ness agenda. This
unification, integration and assimilation of millions of Cadre of Catalysts shall lend the very vital ‘criticality’ to the energy and mass of the movement towards
unification, integration and assimilation of all 7.5 billion people, spread
across all 195 nations into one ‘Identity’ of humanity. This in turn shall
ensure that even the collective and brutal power-authority of state,
governments and politics shall have to bow down to the Cadre of Catalysts and desist from aggravating the external
milieus. This has to happen and it has valid reason. The
trouble of contemporary humanity is that over the years, the state, governments
and politics have smartly evolved the streamlined and institutionalized
mechanism and process for attaining the mandate
of legitimacy from people. However,
the very people have no mechanism and process in their hands to institutionalize
and express their own mandate of legitimacy. This has to be done fast and sure.
The Cadre of Catalysts is the way to
have it. For example, a political party gets around 25-35 percent of all votes
and forms a government. However, if the rest of 65 percent people, who did not
vote for the government, wish to disagree with any of the policy or measure of
the government, it has no institutionalized way to assert their own more
powerful and more legitimate mandate. Therefore,
why not a global institutional mechanism and process for people to assert their
mandate and legitimacy claims? The Cadre
of Catalysts surely is the way. If there can be a United Nations
Organization (UNO) for legitimate nations, why not a United Non-Government
Organization (UNGO) for the Cadre of
Catalysts? The 21st century is the era of connectivity and
communication. Modern era is a time-space for universal sovereignty of people, across and above national,
political and ethnic boundaries. No idea and no practicality can survive and
thrive if it does not have a unified critical energy and mass of people with
single focus and agenda. No idealism and righteousness can survive and thrive
if it does not have an institutionalized mechanism and process for legitimacy
of mandate. Today is the Time for the Cadre of Catalysts to have them and march ahead with their own DIGNITY for the cherished agenda of
universal Human Dignity. Second
important aspect of this integration and assimilation of like-minded-ness is the much required unification of collective
knowledge of humanity. We have already talked in detail about how very critical
it is for Getting The Crown Back. The
ONE-Ness agenda has only one vehicle
and carrier " the universal common education-knowledge-training of all humans,
with singular focus on Reality and Human Consciousness. Naturally, all
scientists of the world have this task at hand to unify and create a Singular
Unified Command of science. Like
the activists-intellectuals, the scientific community is also big and hugely powerful
but scattered, unaligned and engaged in diverse knowledge-innovation pursuits. Like
the idea of Cadre of Catalysts, the
scientists also have to accept the unification and assimilation of all diverse
agenda and pursuits into singular universal agenda of education-knowledge. No
doubt, different domains of Reality, which thousands of very resourceful and respected
scientists are investing their time and energies into, are important and humanity
owes a lot to them and their efforts. But, the primary issue is " humans and
humanity always comes first. Every little or big enterprise the scientists do are
essentially for we humans. Naturally, the humans have to survive and thrive in
their personal life-living first, then only any knowledge or innovation can
have any meaningful fruition for humanity. There
is a small perceptional issue, which all scientists, young or established, have
to see, understand and accept. If power, authority, attainments and possessions
are not aligned with concurrent, collective and complementing proprietorship of
wider humanity " the common men and women, it has little utility and fruition.
Also, it unleashes the major propensity of they landing in the hands of
oligarchic and autocratic elements of society, which ultimately is used against
masses. The scientific community may likely accept with deserved humility, this
culpability. That is why the 21st century beckons them to unify, become
more aligned and integrated to average people and their world and ensure that their
knowledge is translated into empowerment of average person. The
scientists have probably also not understood their own power-authority,
vis-à-vis the public. The contemporary world may not have good connect with
actual science and scientific knowledge yet, everyone vows by science. Even the
most powerful and resourceful leaders of faith-structures and worst of stupid
politicians claim to have ‘scientific mandate’ of their hypocrisies. The
scientists have to see and accept that they and their collective power-authority
of knowledge have much more populist mandate
and public legitimacy, compared to
that of governments and politics. Also, their mandate and legitimacy are being
hugely misused and misinterpreted among the masses. The pseudo-science is probably the largest chunk of ‘fake news’, which political and
governmental people and agencies use to ‘buy’ populist mandate and legitimacy
for their behaviors and actions. The scientists have to own this culpability as
all this happens because of their ‘disconnect’ with masses and lack of
integration and assimilation of their collective knowledge. They have to come
forward. There
is a very simple and yet hugely potent proposition, which scientific community
has to understand and accept. The mandate and legitimacy of state, government
and politics should never be sole and exclusive in society. The whole world now
knows and accepts that they have grossly misused and corrupted the mandate and
legitimacy. They have used the mandate to unleash oligarchic and autocratic actions
on masses, suppressing their liberties and compromising the Human dignity. Yet, there is almost no parallel
and equally powerful alternative from people, who could use them to bridle the mandate
of state, government and politics. As we have talked about earlier, the General Will of the masses is always the
superior and ultimate mandate that must have the mechanism and process of restraining
the mandate of politics. The scientists of the world therefore must be actively
participating in the mainstream of societal and cultural exchanges. The General Will of the masses gets a huge
boost and strength when scientists align themselves with common people and throw
the weight of their knowledge and wisdom behind this General Will. As we said earlier, the hypocritical and stupid regime
of autocratic and suppressive oligarchy fears nothing but the question of
reason and logic. The world knows and accepts that scientists have the ultimate
and final question of reason. They must lend this weapon to the mandate and
legitimacy of the General Will of the
people. They haven’t so far and this is the time to correct it. Moreover,
the scientific community has this most important task of scripting a universal
and common education-knowledge regime for young and all. It is not only stupid
but hugely calamitous that politicians and bureaucrats could decide what humanity
needs for its education-knowledge. It is a domain of pure science objectivity
and sensibility. Human consciousness, its evolution to a compassionate higher consciousness and logical-objective
understanding of Reality is the
singular knowledge and educational requirement of all humanity and only
scientists can sit together and prepare the roadmap to it. The politicians and
governments have already vitiated the educational and knowledge system of
humanity. This needs to change. Scientists
must also build sufficient pressure on governments and politics to invest most
of the resources of state and governments on education and knowledge. Currently,
most nations spend less than 5-6 percent of their GDP on education. This
spending is growingly diminishing in real terms every passing year. Humanity
needs maximum spending on education and knowledge building-dissemination. It
must be around 20 percent of the GDP. The scientists alone can ensure it. This
can happen only when the big and hugely powerful and impacting scientific
community could extend their weight to the General
Will of the masses. It is irreparable tragedy of humanity that archaic and
obsolete faith-structures as well as regressive customs and traditions are now
the most dominant elements shaping contemporary General Will. The scientific community may kindly and compassionately
admit the culpability of this contemporary situation and make proper enterprise
to create a novel General Will, based
on objective scientific Reality. It
is such a travesty and tragedy of humanity that top scientists of the world,
who have benefitted the humanity so much by their persevered pursuit of
critical knowledge, are not the celebrities
of humanity. All sorts of stupid and hypocrites from the fields of
politics, entertainment industry, artists and even YouTubers have become the
top celebrities of contemporary humanity, whom millions of people follow as if
they are Gods but there is not a single scientist whom average people know and
celebrate as treasure of humanity. This reflects how scientific community has delinked themselves, mass memory, popular
perceptions and contemporary cognitions. It is calamitous that they are not part
of the General Will of the masses. This
is tragic and catastrophic as humanity must never celebrate anything else if it
cannot first celebrate knowledge and wisdom. Scientists shall have to reclaim
their position as public intellectuals
and be very much a potent part of the General
Will. The
primary trouble with the question of
reason, which we are saying is the most potent check on political and
governmental hypocrisies, is that most of the contemporary world public intellectuals, who currently supply
reason and logic to it, are primarily political itself. The contemporary composition
of public intellectuals, especially those, who have access to and friendliness
with contemporary electronic and print media, is majorly of those intellectuals,
who have some sort of political affiliations or leanings. If not, they seldom
get media-mileage and therefore not part of public memory. They surely are easy
to be labeled as right or left intellectuals, which weakens and discredits the
question of reason. Moreover, most contemporary public intellectuals are sort
of forced by popular media to have reactionary mode and priorities. This
kills the question of reason. The
scientists must come forward and actively become the dominant and top part of
the public intellectual fraternity and lend credibility and sheen to the question of reason. The
other very crucial element of people’s General
Will, the corrective and restrictive control of its mandate and legitimacy on
state, government and politics is global money spending by philanthropists, corporate
funding, activists and public charity. No doubt, billions of dollars are being
spent by individuals and corporate philanthropists for public causes and
issues. They too need to unify all spending for this singular cause of Human Dignity. There is little denial to
the fact that huge amount of moneys are available and lined up for very
restricted enterprise of humanity, which we all know as Plexus of Profiteering. So, cancer research gets big moneys as they
have the potentials for Pharmaceutical enterprise for profit. Health and
medicine researches and studies are getting big time money but they have no
reflection on either the question of
reason or Human Dignity. This money
too should be invested in what we label as battle for Human Dignity through funding
of all such enterprises that work for education-knowledge of singular Reality
and compassionate human consciousness. Why? It is because it is the primary
investment that has the potential of best profitability " social as well as
economic. How? We
all know economy does well when there is general sense of wellness, prosperity
and peace in the societal-cultural-political milieus. We have already agreed
that peaceful and poised milieus are the bare basic element for evolution of
compassionate higher consciousness. Therefore, if moneys are invested primarily
for prosperous, poised and settled milieus, all economic activities shall
prosper and those with ownership of moneys shall gain profitability. We already
see in the contemporary world, right wing nationalistic sentimentalities are unsettling
internal milieus within nations and it has led to not only shrinkage of
bilateralism in trade but also open trade wars. Amicable and peaceful global
milieus, with liberal-compassionate attitudes are must for the success of the Plexus of Profiteering. Naturally, there
is no better investment than funding all initiatives to work towards a universal
common education-knowledge enterprise to ensure single universal Identity of
humanity. This alone can ensure peaceful world and ideal set up for all shades
of profitability. In
contemporary human world, the most crucial element that has the best potential
of leading and installing any change is money. The moneys are now confined to a
handful of big powerful individuals, who together own more than half the world.
It is documented that world’s 6 richest individuals have as much wealth as that
of world’s bottom half. It is also known that richest five percent people have
95 percent of world’s wealth. This is calamitous for the prosperous, poised and
peaceful global social-cultural milieus but this has a silver line too. This
situation has the marvelous potential of these richest ‘Six Individuals’ coming together for a singular cause for humanity.
It is always easy for a handful to ‘agree’ and embark on a common path. It is
also very much known that many of the richest individuals spend billions of
dollars for good causes, benefitting humanity. If these Six Individuals could be made to see, understand and accept the
core idea, which we have discussed in this eBook, they can bring about the
change in months, which otherwise could not be possible even in decades. Here,
it is relevant to very humbly and sincerely mention something, which is very
important for humanity. As we have pointed out in the beginning of the eBook, early
humanity till the second half of the 20th century never had this huge
benefit of confronting the question of scientific basis of Reality and human
consciousness. It is not that in the long history of human civilization, good
things were not done. The trouble was that the question was never ever felt as
even necessary because the question of Reality and human consciousness was
being answered by faith structures " primarily religion and even still, majority
of humanity do not feel any burning need of replacing religion-interpreted
Reality with scientific one. We
have a rather classic case in recent history, which must be understood to arrive
at something that has great relevance in contemporary world. We all know, in the
history of world, there is a special place for the great Mughal empire, which
is stated to be the most powerful and richest in their contemporary times. Many
intellectuals feel, the Mughals did splendid things in their rein. The Taj
Mahal the Mughal king made is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. They build
great forts, mausoleums, patronized brilliance in arts, music and even encouraged
literary accomplishments. However, many intellectuals believe, the great
Mughals did little for academic excellence and knowledge evolution, as it is
usually associated with Renaissance Europe and British Empire. The Mughals are
even accused of not using their immense wealth and power to build as wonderful
a university as Taj Mahal or the Red Fort of India. When
we see the above facts in holism, which history and its interpretation usually
misses, we can clearly see why the great Mughals spent huge moneys on
everything but probably not commensurately on knowledge and especially
innovation and researches. We all know how in the medieval ages, not only in
India but also in other parts of the world, religion ruled the consciousness of
most men. In fact, the kingdoms and monarchy drew its legitimacy and mandate
from religious-faith structures, which created a nexus of sorts " each
patronizing other for mutual benefits. Also, as the religious interpretation of
all major questions of humanity, be it Reality or human consciousness, was popularly
acceptable to public at large, the monarchy had no business in investing on
something (knowledge structures), which was already ‘established’ and which
could pose threat to their legitimacy and mandate itself. It is said that Akbar, the greatest of all Mughal kings,
had attempted this by trying to popularize his more liberal and objective neo-faith
system called Din-e-Ilahi (Divine
Faith), which sought to bridge the differences between various faiths. It
didn’t work, probably because, the then collective human consciousness didn’t
feel the need of any other interpretation of Reality, other than what prevailing
faith structures had installed. This
nexus and complicity between politics and religion we have discussed earlier and
we all know it very well. What we are trying to arrive at is that today’s
wealth and power has no more this need of legitimacy and mandate backing from
religion and faith structures. Therefore, the rich and wealthy has better potential
to invest in knowledge structures. Moreover, the nexus of wealth and politics
still exists and has strong bonding. But, we also know it very well that wealth
and moneys are in nexus with politics only because the politics and governments
has sole and unrestricted legitimacy and mandate for contemporary oligarchic
and autocratic propensities. If the wealthy and rich are successfully presented
the idea of a strong probability of alternative and more powerful General Will of masses, having a mandate
and legitimacy above and over the political mandate, the rich and wealthy shall
have no trouble in breaking the nexus with politics and align with General Will as it shall surely be more
compassionate and just than the current political reality. Nobody, however
mighty and wealthy, has the strength to go against the General Will. In 21st century world, when masses shall show
up the willingness to change, the rich and wealthy shall be the first to change
their loyalty and be with masses. Another
very powerful domain, which has a rather marvelous potential of being the most
prolific and profitable catalyst of change is Mass Media. No doubt, contemporary media is passing through a tough
phase globally and there is a lurking crisis about their own legitimacy in the
eyes of masses. But, it is also a fact that mass media is slowly discovering a
potential, which was never there, thanks to the growing universality of
internet and electronic devices. The contemporary trouble with mass media is
not that it has become more inclined to tiptoe the line of government and
politics, which their corporate masters are inclined to. Rather, the bigger
trouble is the mediocrity and lack of vision of media people. Like other intellectuals
of the day, the journalists are also growingly becoming more reactionary and partial.
The missing holism is one aspect of trouble. The bigger aspect is that the mass
media is failing to understand core area where they have to focus, if they wish
to remain relevant to people. It is
heartening news that modern technology and its fast growing spread has unshackled
the mass media from the clutches of few big corporations and now the ‘content’
has more freedom to reach the masses and also have the much desired diversity
of agenda. There is major opportunity for alternative media, who does not buy
the political line. The internet and its growing universality, added with the
availability of hugely powerful smart phone media has virtually created an
independent army of people, who are successfully filling the vacuum created by corporate
media and politically controlled mass media of print and television. The
alternative media has also successfully begun to attract critical funding from good-intentioned
corporate bigwigs as well as common people. They should now look up for aligning
and para-recruiting the independent
men and women with their own personal
media, to be part of a media-federation
or content-confederation, to have the reach and impact that is unparalleled in
the history of humanity. The new media
has the potential to become a very potent force and a marvelous catalyst in bringing
about the change we are discussing here. The
new media has the single agenda of being holistic and not partial, as is the
contemporary mainstream media. The new media must focus on the broad theme of Reforms in state, government and politics.
Since ages, the much needed Reforms in bureaucracy, police, judiciary and local
self governance system is being ignored and scuttled by politics. The new media
must own this most crucial single agenda and constantly work towards
pressurizing the government and political structures to complete the agenda of Reforms so that much of the secrecy and autocratic
elements are squeezed out of governance and politics. The
new media also has the role to bring the scientists and true public
intellectuals into the mainstream of public memory and interaction. The new
media is capable of enriching the contemporary General Will with energy and mass of true knowledge of Reality. The
new media should itself maintain the highest standards of scientific and objectively
logical knowledge as the basis of their content-creation. Moreover, the important
element is to shun reactionary consciousness and institutionalize receptive,
integrative and assimilative media. The
alternative media has to be different primarily in the sense that it shall have
to be more holistic in content creation and idea dissemination. Contemporary
media is hugely obsessed with political news and even when they discuss
economy, it is essentially political and governmental in nature. This has to
change. The people, the society and cultures need knowledge about Reality and
human consciousness. People need science in their lives and objectivity of
fact-seeking habits. This, the new and alternative media has to ensure. Even
this issue of creating a mass mandate for Reforms in state, government and
politics shall come from the knowledge dissemination and scientific temper with
average people. People and their knowledgeablility is the sole agenda of
alternative and new media. The
interesting fact is, all these elements of change we have discussed are
inter-linked and cyclic in connect. One strengthens the other and one becomes
the energy behind other’s success. The trouble is, which one element shall come
first and become the lead agent of change is uncertain. The new media can create
and energize the scientific community to enter the domain of public
intellectualism. The philanthropists and corporate bigwigs can become the
catalyst of strengthening the new and alternative media. The activists and
intellectuals can become the lead agents of all changes and can lend energy to
all other elements. It is therefore perplexing to say what should come first
and which area one should focus more. The only way out is the need of integration
and assimilation of all independent elements into singular force of installing
knowledge and reforms as the common universal goal for all humanity. This
singular element of Integration and
Assimilation is the keyword in
contemporary world, which has the best potential of ensuring that the true and
real sovereign becomes empowered enough to insist, in unified voice " Give
Me My Crown Back. ** The
Epilogue Hypocrisy
is what we have been talking about and it shall be definitive hypocrisy in our
part if we do not extend the same and even more compassionate higher consciousness towards politics and
governments, against which the entire exercise seems to have been worked out.
It is not. We sure have established and are definitive about the culpability of
state, government and politics but we have also clearly stated that even the
institutions evolve the type of personality, which its constituent individuals
collectively have. Therefore, we must accept that governments and politics too
have people, who are one among us and naturally, they all are very much part of
our overall exercise to make every person see and understand Reality and design of Human Consciousness. In
this light, we have to very humbly and compassionately appeal to all those
constituent members of governments and politics globally, to evolve as
compassionate higher consciousness, so that they do not consciously or
subconsciously become part of the oppressive and corrupt mechanism and
processes of governance and politics. It is our compassionate self, which must extend
the leeway to all those, even from governance and politics, to accept Reality of Reality and become active
agencies in common universal agenda of humanity to install one unified
‘Identity’, for all 7.5 billion people. We
have already accepted that politics and governance are also just the media, as they are one of the many
shades of human consciousness, which itself is the medium of expression of
Reality. We have already detailed as how different elements constitute consciousness and power-authority is one element, which finds its expression in the
domain of, or through the media of
politics and governance. Politics and governance therefore is neither good nor
bad in itself. No media is good or bad. Good and bad happens when those ‘consciousnesses’,
who use the media of politics and
governance resort to such practices, which lead to vitiation of milieus.
Naturally, things ultimately boil down to education-training of those
consciousnesses, ‘who’ in contemporary times are using the ‘neutral’ media of politics and governance for annihilation
of human dignity. This
has to be understood well. For example, most people ask, ‘Can Love be true and real?
Can there be selfless and ideal Love?’ We need to understand that the very
question is wrong and reasonably invalid.
Why? We know, when the question is invalid, the answer can never be valid. The
reason why the above mentioned question about Love is invalid is because; we
are attempting to rest the probability of culpability on Love, which is an
objective media, not having a living personality of its own. We err as we never
accept love as just a media, like our
own consciousness. We have the mind training to see love in and as subjective person.
Love, like consciousness is just a neutral and objective media. The media however has expressions, as per the subjective ‘messaging’
of the person, whose consciousness it
rides. The culpability, if any can be only of the ‘expression’ of the media, never that of the media
itself. Love as media is universal in all consciousnesses and it is neutral,
like all media. However, He or She, who wears Love, expresses Love, shapes the behavior/action of Love, can
be made liable for any culpability of bad or wrong as well as credit of good
and right. Love is neither ideal nor selfish. It is neutral. People, who
express love, can be good or bad, right or wrong, selfless or selfish. Similarly,
politics and governance is also a media
of the elements of power-authority in
not only human consciousness, but that of all living organisms. Love is always neutral and objective but
Lovers can be subjectively good or
bad. Similarly, politics and
governance is neutral and objective, however, it is tragic and misfortune for
humanity that majority of politicians
have come to stand culpable of calamitous wrong and bad to humanity. Therefore,
we come down to the same idea of singularity of human agenda. The single
universal agenda is creation of a knowledgeable society, focusing on evolving
of compassionate higher consciousness
in all humans, which shall naturally include politicians and people in
governance systems. It
is for our politicians and those in governance to understand and accept with humility
and maturity that they have this express need to Reform the elements, which they feel and believe constitutes
politics and governance. The contemporary association and attitudinal alignment
of politics and governance with the elements of power and authority is very
much alien to human consciousness and Reality.
The Reform in politics and governance
itself requires that the element of power-authority is swiftly and deeply
replaced by the innate, instinctive and entrenched elements of compassionate integration and assimilation. Politics is the process
of this integration-assimilation and governance is the mechanism. Element of Power-Authority is essentially alien,
antithetical and inimical to Reality
as it has the innate and entrenched propensity of suppressing and annihilating Liberty. On the contrary, the element of
integration-assimilation is true and real adjunct and property of Reality, as
it optimizes Liberty and compassionately conditions it towards singular
universal Identity. It overall is in
sync and symmetry with the evolution and entrenchment of compassionate human
consciousness. Therefore, politics and governance themselves must initiate the Reforms from inside, sans external pressure,
to dump the alien element of
power-authority, in favor of innate
and endemic element of
integration-assimilation. The
politicians and those in governance must look towards reformist orientations,
smartly and fruitfully taking shapes in familial
and societal domains. Look at how beautifully
and propitiously the erstwhile fortress of suppressive and autocratic Patriarchal attitudes, behaviors and
orientations are crumbling and the novel constructs of compassionate,
integrative and assimilative parenting are building the walls of a new familial
relationship. Look at how this Reform
and change is completely redefining and rejuvenating the family milieus globally.
Also, look at how the old, archaic and obsolete gender stupidities and
hypocrisies are giving way to a beautifully compassionate and assimilative man-woman
relationship in society. Look at how the changes in old gender perceptions and
attitudes have brought about a critical improvement in societal efficacy and profitability.
Look at how elegantly many contemporary males are reorienting their gender
attitudes and thinking. This is happening because both patriarchy and gender conscientiousness
has consciously opted out of former insistence on power-authority and entered
the 21st century Reality
of compassionate integration-assimilation. The politics and governance too have
to reform themselves on the same lines. We need you; but you must embrace the
global trends of reform! As
we have said earlier, we as compassionate higher consciousness cannot ever
think of annihilating the enemy;
rather we shall focus on creating such compassionate and knowledgeable milieus,
where all inimical propensities are
automatically weeded out. This is our agenda for state, governments and
politics too. Therefore, we are also compassionately appealing the contemporary consciousnesses in politics
and governments to be in sync with Reality
and take the much awaited lead in making the world a better place. There
is a specific appeal to state,
governments and politics structures and it is not new. Also, the utility and
fruition of this idea, which we are appealing, has been proved propitious. The
appeal to politics and governments is that they should focus on
decentralization, strengthen the process of local self governance by
percolating the mandate into local
levels of legitimacy of self-governance.
Globally, it has been proved beyond doubt that when mandate and legitimacy is
centralized, they tend to become oligarchic and it proves disastrous for Human Dignity. There have been successful
experiences of localized mandates at very small levels and units of
administration. This localized mandate extends the much required direct and active
participation of people in matters of civil administration and even police
administration. This local self governance has many models and many better and
more effective models can be designed with scientific-technological inputs. As
we have discussed earlier, the local self governance shall have to be concurrent
with reforms in bureaucracy, police, judiciary and electoral processes. The state,
governments and politics have to break into small, viable units of mandate and
legitimacy. No doubt, the central and unitary mandate for external security,
foreign policy, etc shall remain with national governments but all internal aspects
of people management shall have to be localized at smallest of the
administrative unit. The modern communication technologies and artificial
intelligence shall have to be used to integrate all local units with a central assessment
processing mechanism (which also must include societal participation) but the
mandate of legitimacy and accountability must be percolated to grassroots. As
we have talked earlier, the reforms
in patriarchy and gender domains have also actually done the same thing. The
patriarch and the male have very compassionately agreed to delegate their unitary and central mandate and legitimacy to
localize and percolate to all others in the family and society. It has to be
understood that it is a scientific reality about human consciousness that it accepts
only those values, which are internalized. Therefore, power-authority is not
strengthened and universalized by force and violence. Rather, force and
autocratic suppression only emaciates power-authority. Power-authority is
universalized and becomes more effective when it is delegated and thus integrates
and assimilates all. The 21st century family and society are actually
exhibiting the success of this novel model of delegation and localization of
mandate and legitimacy of power and authority. The politics and governance must
follow suit. It may
sound stupid but there is no better way for change than the politics and governments
themselves effecting it with their own Personal
Will. Globally, all reforms have been
carried out by the governments and politics themselves. Surely, the masses and
their General Will shall have to keep
insisting the political structure to effect Reforms
fast and thick. But, it is an appeal that those in politics and governance should
lead the change and be the first catalyst in Handing the Crown Back to the real and true sovereign. It
is occasioned, in 21st century world that globally, state, politics
and governments should understand what essential role and purpose they have in
human society. Everyone has this unity of role and purposes. It is not that people
should expect only politicians and governments to do something good and big for
them and they should not. However, state, governments and politics have greater
and larger responsibilities as they have hugely more effective and better resources
and structures for installing good, right and appropriate in societies. Therefore,
even while all individuals, in whatever capacity and situation of life-living,
have this singular role and purpose; the state, governments and politics have
the leading and specific role and purpose of what we may call " Milieu-Harmonization. As
we have talked earlier, politics by
very definition of its nature and role means a compassionate meeting ground for all competing shades of Reality. Naturally, the singular role
and purpose of politics is harmony of
milieus " be it societal, cultural, economic or religious. This role of
politics for Milieu-Harmonization has
two parts to it. First part of the role is to prevent any movement towards ‘Identity-Conflicts’.
Globally, the clashes and conflicts of competing ‘Identities’ are the worst
culprits of annihilation of milieu-harmony and therefore, it is the primary
role of state, governments and politics to not only stop their own enterprise
of ‘Identity-Politics’ but also ensure, nobody else vitiates the milieus on
this count. Moreover, the second part of the role of state, governments and
politics is to install such structures and functions in governance machinery,
which leads to unification of all identities into singular universal ‘Identity’
of Humanity. Naturally, as we have deliberated, the state, governments and
politics have to singularly focus on building a knowledgeable society by investing
maximum resources on education-training of human consciousness of every
individual. Moreover,
we all know, state, governments and politics have to shift their entire focus
and energy on equitability in milieus " societal, cultural and economic. This
alone has the potential to ensure milieu-harmonization in long run. The best
equitability methodology is equitability
of opportunities. This itself can be ensured when all individual gets very
affordable education and health. Globally, we all know how larger humanity, be
it poor or rich, is hugely stressed and conflicted because of the growing
unaffordablility of education and health. Equal and highest quality education
is the fundamental right of every single individual and this alone can ensure equitability of opportunities in
societies. Naturally, affordable education and health as fundamental right is
the bare basic for Milieu-Harmonization.
The state, governments and politics must singularly focus on this. Secondly,
we all know that the worst element of vitiation of milieu-harmony in human
world is a collective sense that justice is not available for all. Prompt and easy
justice to all is the best element, which ensures a harmonized society. Tragically,
globally, most people accept that like education and health; justice is also very
costly and otherwise ‘unaffordable’ and ‘unavailable’ to all. This sense is the
worst culprit of milieu-harmony and kills the very basis of equitability of opportunity.
The state, governments and politics have this express and critical task at hand
to ensure complete overhauling of jurisprudence, judicial system and police
system. The entire mechanisms and processes of the state, governments and
politics should be oriented towards dispensing prompt and unfettered justice to
all. There has to be a major paradigm-shift
in governance system. It has to be accepted by state, governments and politics
that the Nation and its so-called Interest, is not an abstract and mystical
‘Ism’ or idea. It is singularly in substantive
justice to every person. There
is nothing abstract and mystical about the role and purpose of state,
governments and politics in 21st century age of reason. There are
three core elements, which in itself are the Holism of Constitutional Role and Duties of state, governments and
politics. These three elements are " Affordable, Prompt and Substantive delivery
of Education, Health and Justice. The
effectiveness and righteousness of these three elements are very much measurable
and countable. There is not an iota of abstraction and mysticism about these
three elements. The state, governments and politics must delegate the assessment
and adjudication of effectiveness of governance in these three areas of education-health-justice to independent
agencies, having direct people’s participation. There
can be elaboration of the details of these all but we are not doing it here as
it shall create its own bulk. The details can be worked out without much
trouble, once the broad framework is
accepted and installed. These details shall also have scientific and objective
basis. The ball must start rolling and it shall not happen only by one section
of humanity. Everyone has to come forward and stand in sync with the Reality and contribute in the
installation of the change that is
universal for we all. It has to begin with this idea of change spreading to all
sections of humanity. From common men and women to politicians, corporate,
philanthropists, activists, intellectuals, artists, scientists, media people,
et all have to come on board and lend criticality to the energy and mass of
this change. As we have said earlier, the time and situation is ripe for this
to happen. The agenda is out there. Together, we all, each one of us has to add
energy and mass to the finality " Give Us
The Crown Back… To
conclude the eBook, we list out the gist of the discussion so far, in small
point-wise narration, so that there is ease to recall what essentially we need to do. This listing out also serves
as actionable agenda for every one of
us, after we have discussed in details all aspects of the core ideas, the eBook
has attempted to install. Here we go "
we have to sum up this entire eBook idea into a single sentence, I very humbly
and sincerely would say, it should be " To
be a good, right, mature, successful and empowered person, we all need only one
Attainment; that is, Knowledge and Acceptance of Reality. …
this shall lead humanity to the Crown Position, where all questions and problems shall vanish and only singular,
universal and lasting answer and solution shall prevail. Only Reality Wins; let this ultimate Sovereignty
of Reality
be with every individual human being… Accept My
Gratitude Writing
something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it
not being of utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my
faith in magnanimity of readers. I am happily sure; you shall forgive if my
efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you so much for being with
me and allowing me to share with you. Wish you an empowered life; with the
prosperity of the consciousness. *** About The
Author People
say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the
veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’.
Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these
intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint
in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and
strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at
my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of
beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey
so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and
magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly,
unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked
out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I,
sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my
gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my
beautifully worthy conspirators! ** Other
Titles By Santosh Jha Related
eBooks ** Fiction ** Non-Fiction Do
Write To Me. © 2021 Santosh Jha |
Added on August 24, 2021 Last Updated on August 24, 2021 Author![]() Santosh JhaDehradun, Uttrakhand, IndiaAboutAuthor, Poet, Journalist, Confabulator I may have written 47 eBooks but I believe, I am more an affectionate and compassionate confabulator, not truly a writer in traditional sense of the term. It .. more..Writing