![]() Full eBook, All Chapters. Enjoy...A Chapter by Santosh Jha![]() Be witness to; imbibe, entirely novel idea of you, life-living, success; especially; dimension of life called love. You enter a landscape of unfamiliar potentials and mine a wealth of unusual worth. Y![]() Do You Ask It Right By
Santosh Jha ** Copyright
2021 Santosh Jha ** License Notes Thank you for downloading this free eBook. Although this is a free eBook, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Thanks for your support. ** Mouth and
Ears were once good friends. The Ears
would lend their optimal attention to anything Mouth said. The Mouth always ensured; Ears were introduced only to
the best of sounds. Mouth created the musicality and Ears turned the ‘beats’
into dance of body and mind. Life-living was one long journey of Song and Dance.
But; they couldn’t live happily thereafter… Mouth
unconsciously tasted the sugar of Self-Consumption
and Ears unintentionally got hooked up to Fake
Information. The close ‘neighbors’ drifted apart. Ears developed Distrust;
Mouth aligned with Cacophony. The body-mind stopped singing-dancing… Mouth now asks all unreal Questions… Ears listen only to untrue Answers… The all-pervading Distrust and
Disharmony has made Mouth and Ears confined to their Smart Phones. They share
emojis; only on birthdays… Thankfully, You and I Are
Not Mouth and Ears… *** You are
not only something; you somehow, are ‘something’ of everything. You are not
only your nomenclature of subjective and cultural identities; you are; can be;
much beyond them. You Are PROBABILITY… Like; the
book in your hand; is not yet a book, though perfectly so in nomenclature and
identity. It is just a Probability. This
book is only as short or long, as you like to journey through it. It could be a
few words, paragraphs, pages or the whole book. You are also a probability like
that. You too are only as ‘part’ or as ‘whole’ as you consciously and willfully
decide to journey through you. ‘You’, or for that matter even ‘I’ or ‘They’, in
its holism, is a reference to this probability, which is there, waiting to be
unraveled and blossom. As this book needs ‘You’ and your journeying into it, to
unleash all probabilities, embedded in its pages; ‘You’ need you; your
consciousness, to be precise; to set free and flying, all probabilities that
can and must, to attain its fullest and ultimate potentials. You and
your entrenched Probabilities is the ‘Protagonist’, at the center-stage of the
theatre of life-living. You enact the marvels and novelty of potentials. Unlimited
and unfettered Causalities are waiting for you to happen and reach you to finalities
of attainments of arriving; as You successfully journey into the multidimensional
landscapes of probabilities. A Journey may begin by simply taking the first
small step. However, you know it very well that you do not begin a journey
without good and right preparations… What is
this preparation? You already know; it is about having pre-hand Information
about as many aspects of probabilities associated with journey. Most probable
journeys do not get a start as, preparedness never happens. This Journey is
novel and different because you are journeying into probabilities. Preparations
are done for definitiveness, which you may pre-plan, as you do with most
journeys. You cannot prepare for probabilities. You however can Resolve " Not
to be bothered about any preparedness and simply Witness-Observe-Absorb, as probabilities unravel themselves en
route. Probabilities are Information; emergent and evolving. Every
novel probability makes you richer as it unravels new and alternative
information to you. Information is the most precious thing in the world. And;
the Asset of Information is unlimited. You get as rich as you journey deeper
and longer into the landscapes of probabilities. I know; I am addressed to
probable richest person. This eBook and You align their probabilities and
journey together… Welcome…! *** You cannot accept; you are not what you think and feel.
Always done so; since long! Habituality, often, is auto-learnt artistry of
life-living. If consciousness is a ‘suitcase’ entity; you usually stuff it with
comforting clothing of habits and don’t even remember. Science of Reality
however, tells you; you may be a Simulation of Information; zillions of
bits of Information; emerging and evolving as some sort of holographic imagery,
as part of cosmic computational mechanisms and processes… The perceptibility of palpability and tangibility of
body; you are so used to; habituated to and flaunt as yours; is just a Media,
very much like the hardware of computers. But; the software; this emergent feel
and sense of You; you may call it
consciousness or soul or whatever; is pure Information.
This information itself may be an expression of the tangibility and physicality
of matter but not explicit and conspicuous; very much like energy or force. The
matter of body itself is evolving media of zillions of particles, which is
dualistically ambivalent as Wave as
well as Particle. Ultimately, you
are nowhere near, what you think and feel of You. You are innately and primarily a humungous Packaging of some Reality, which probably can be realized only as some convenient
metaphor of reality but never as pure reality. You may think and feel; it is all crap. But then; contemporary
human knowledge of science of reality firmly accepts this piece of information
as very probable; if not definitively true and real. You may accept; what you
believe as true and real. Reality probably has no inclination of taking you
along. It journeys its own landscapes. You may your own. However, your destiny
is innately and intrinsically aligned to Reality. You may live in blissfulness
of Denial and Deception; as most humans do; of Reality. The Reality however,
shall write its script, you shall have to enact, in the theatre of life-living
and then, you shall keep wondering and remain hooked to Questions, the true and real Answers
of which may always elude you… Unreal and untrue questions are less likely to have
real and true answers. Information works this way. This is cosmic and
macrocosmic logic of information as building blocks of Reality. As is the logic
of information processing in all systems " Garbage
in, Garbage out! The Theory is
true and right only when the Hypothesis
is true and right. Human history of celebrated stupidities and golden
hypocrisies is marvelously documented Information of habitual and un-conscientious
garbage of hypocritical hypotheses of reality, engendering more garbage and average
humanity Living It Out as true, real,
good and right. Beyond belief and perceptions; reality has to be
tested for veracity. Naturally; things ultimately boil down to the finality of
" ‘Do You Ask It Right?’ *** You
in the Time-Span of 24 hours of the
day and your Life-Span in universe’s
expected timeliness of 35 billion years; are two different dimensions of the same
Information, called Reality… You,
however, do not seem to be the SAME, in both dimensions. You find it tough to
happily live past the minutes and hours of the day. The cosmos merrily passed
14 billion years, before you were born and it shall pass 20 billion more years,
after you are dead. And; you won’t feel the passage of either of both. Your
hours and days mean Nothing to the
cosmic reality. For you, it is Everything;
as it is Your Cosmos and you have
only this much. Life-span and time-span are just different dimensions of the
SAME Reality and therefore, un-contextual to observance; irrespective of massive
difference in scales; they are singular Reality. But;
you are too egoistically obsessed and blinded by instinctive propensity of Self-Validation to understand and
accept anything beyond your personal Lifespan
Reality. The Time-Span Reality, however, has no Ego, no Self-Validation
Will and not even registry of scales of spans. Your Life-span, anyway, is too
negligible and insignificant for Time-span to even fit it, into its registry mechanism;
if it has any… It
is the cosmic information. You and your Lifespan have questions; the Time-span
has none. It only has Information,
which you decipher and accept as Reality, through the cyclicality of questions
and answers. If you decipher and accept the cosmic information and Time-span
Reality; you too won’t need questions and seek no answers. You shall become ONE and SAME with Information and all cognitive walls between Life-Span and
Time-span, segregating the two, shall crumble and vanish. You and your
consciousness shall become One and Same with Holism of Reality. This
is what Philosophy-Spiritualism has been recommending since thousands of years
and now contemporary science of reality prescribes as Ultimate Pragmatism Of Idealism. You have the Will and Choice to
align with Questions or become Information itself; which, as Reality, is Seed-Situation for all true and real
answers. Habitual, auto-mode, subconscious and intuitive life-living is the big
barrier, prohibiting this transference from question to information. Since
childhood, you were never mentally trained to seek and look at Seed-Situation of Information in its
holism. You only looked at the Tree-Eventuality
of Questions as it came natural to you and very localized, ambient and conflated
information landscape had jungle of tall trees of questions and only curled up
expanse of vines of answers. Who cares for seeds when juicy mangoes of all
shades are readily available! Who needs answers, when questions fetch the blissfulness
of egoistic and self-validation satisfaction…! *** Question has everything. It is
information unto itself and is truly multidimensional. Somehow, question is
also identity of consciousness as it showcases the Inventory of your consciousness upfront, very much like the
mannequins on the shop-front. Question, can therefore, be as calamitous, as
innocent and innocuous it may. What questions you own, possess and how you
contextualize your question to the specificity of situations, reflects how you align with information and its
dimensions. This alignment with information is the Causality, which shapes up your Destiny. Questions are however, only one part of your destiny. The
other part of your destiny is the answers you accept as real, true and right… You probably feel, you own and possess
your questions. But, in probable reality, you may not. For decades after your
birth, you were commanded and conditioned by your parents, family, society,
culture, politics, faith systems, et al. Your consciousness was stuffed with
information you didn’t decide and could judge their veracity-validity of. You
were born and grew up under the infinite cosmos but your consciousness was
incarcerated within the ambient, narrow Walls of the ‘House’ of parents, family
and society-culture. Your question, as well as answers, you think you own and
possess, may not actually be yours but that of the ‘Walls’ and they were installed in your consciousness long ago. You
were then too naïve and helpless when this all happened. However, even later,
you probably never bothered to check and test the ownership of a borrowed
possession. You are, probably, rather instinctively and intuitively, too
egoistically inclined and loaded with visceral Self-Validating attitudes to
doubt your own slavery of ‘Walls’… Beware of your questions and guard
against un-conscientious and intuitive propensities of accepting any answer as
real, true and right. You alone own your destiny; even when it has been
destined to shape up sans your conscientious consent. The universe, as Information, is not interested in
conspiring to align favorability of realities with your probable eventualities.
The favorable universe hypothesis is probably borrowed information from
externalities, you probably never bothered to doubt and check. You must!
Nothing external has any meaning, worth and utility to you. You own and possess
only what you internalize after assigning it to high and objective benchmarks
of skepticism. This enterprise covers you too! Because, you are information too; a
precarious and conflated packaging of information, the ownership, origin and
sourcing of which are unsettled. You need to be sure what you own and possess. Do
you own your body, your mind consciousness; the information, which construct your
form and feel, your thoughtfulness; or its nonexistence; behavior and actions,
etc? It is a valid and probably good question to ask! *** The legendary poet of Indian subcontinent, Mirza Galib asked " Maut Ka Ek
Din To Muaiyyan Hai, Neend Kyun Raat Bhar Nahi Aati? (Day of
death is definite; why sleep doesn’t come whole night?) Was he asking? Perhaps not! He was just wondering. Or
probably, he was just stating the obvious. In all his innocence, honesty and
simplicity, stating something, most people stand in complete denial of. He was
actually being ONE and SAME with Information and its Reality. Mortality is not
a question; it is singular, objective Information and the finality of all
Realities. Mortality therefore, has no answer. Humanity has designed many; but
they probably are denial and deception of the reality of mortality or a
mystically metaphoric representation of reality, as probability of an answer. Reality; in its absoluteness, holism and entirety is just
Information. Question and answers, as we have been mentally trained to ask and
accept; are often, cultural designs and craft of Denial and Deception of
Reality or; metaphors. Another great poet of Indian subcontinent, Firaq Gorakhpuri asked " Tum
Mukhatib Bhi Ho, Kareeb Bhi Ho, Tum Ko Dekhein Ki Tum Se Baat
Karein? (Seemingly asking to his beloved " You stand addressed to me and
also very close; should I look at you or talk to you?) At the literal level of meaningfulness; it may seem a
question being asked to the beloved by a seemingly happily confused lover.
However, at the level of poetic metaphor; the lover is essentially not asking
anything but stating a reality of his heart and mind. In fact, the lover is simply
being ONE and SAME with Information and its Reality. The lover is portraying
the information about the Reality of beauty and splendor of his beloved and her
propinquity, in metaphoric language. The lover is not at all confused but in
full and singular awareness of acceptance of the Reality of love and its
dimensions, which attains its finality as his beloved is not only close to him
but also attentive to his presence. What beyond this a lover may ask for and
what the poet said was not a question but pure Information conveyed to his beloved about his Reality of perfect Blissfulness... Bliss, especially that of love; is beyond question and
answers. Like mortality, Blissfulness in its holism, is Information, which needs
no question and seeks no answer. The famous saint and poet Kabeer said, ‘Goonge keri
sharkra, chakhe aur muskaye (a dumb person gets sugar and as he tastes it,
he smiles). Why a dump person; even a normal person, who can speak, shall not
say anything but only smile, if his or her mouth is filled with blissfulness of
‘sugary’ delicacy! What is there to say, when the bliss is mouthful! Even if
someone says something, would he ever ask a question, when his or her mouth is
full of bliss of tastefulness? Would anyone seek any answer when filled with
perfect song and dance of bliss? He or she would just sing and dance. He or she
would simply be ONE and SAME with Information and its Reality… Ask a person; who is ONE and SAME with the information and
reality of Love, ‘How does it feel being in love?’ and the person would close
her/his eyes, she/he would join his palms and rest it on her/his heart; her/his
face would light up with radiance of serenity and; she/he would say nothing. If
the person, asking the question, also has the understanding about real, true
and right information; she/he too would say nothing; the questioner would accept
the answer in its purity and magnanimity… But then; we all know, we live in a world where questions are
everywhere and everyone is asking them. The information and reality are already
there still, people keep asking questions and seek answers. However, one cannot
be sure, when the question asked is real, true and right. Same is the confusion
about answers. A small kid was watching a video of his father on a laptop.
The kid watched curiously and then asked, ‘Dad, you are so big; how you could
sneak inside this small and thin screen?’ The father was busy doing something;
he replied frustratingly, ‘Don’t trouble me; ask your mother; she has this
nasty habit of sneaking things here and there’. Now, we cannot be sure whether
the question was real, true and right. Some may say, it is a genuine query and
anyway, a kid being curious and inquisitive about anything is right, even if
the kid is unable to frame the question right. They would advocate that the
spirit and intent of the question was right. Some would however say, the
question was invalid and therefore could not have fetched real, true and right
answer. The same dualism remains about the answer of the question of the kid. However,
this situation is not something a kid lands him or her. The adults do it most
of times… A woman asks her lover, ‘How much do you love me?’ The
question is very similar to a kid asking about how the big dad could sneak into
thin-small screen. The woman seeks a ‘dimension’ of information, which cannot justifiably
be anything but abstract and metaphoric. The lover cannot say, ‘I love you too
much’ as he knows it very well that this simple and probably ‘true’ Information is not what the woman is
willing to accept. The lover knows; most questioners do not ask questions
because they do not know answers; rather they ask just to get confirmation of
an answer already accepted by them as true and right. The lover also cannot say
I love you 5 metric tonnes and 10 billion dollars. He has to answer the
metaphoric and abstract question with similar information as ‘answer’, and he
would say, ‘I love you more than stars in the sky and water in the ocean’. The
woman would probably happily accept it as real, true and right answer. She
wanted only this as answer! But, here, neither the woman, nor the man is ONE
and SAME with real, true and right information. The question as well as the
answer are metaphors of Information; very much different than the real, true
and right information. There is another woman and she also has a question. She is
the mother of a teenage girl and she asks her husband nervously, ‘I am so
worried; your daughter is blossoming and going places; what should I do?’ The
relaxed and confident husband replies, ‘I trust my daughter; we have talked and
I have shared relevant information about her body-mind and safety with her. I
know; she cannot commit a mistake, which I cannot forgive. She knows; mistakes
is her genuine right and home and family is where, she shall come first to decipher
its pathology’. This probably is the real, true and right information
interaction between a question and answer. The question is real, true and right
and spelt with clarity and specificity of intent. The answer is real, true and
right too as it optimally supplies the appropriate information, which settles
the deficit of information, which had caused the question. Moreover, the
questioner; a mother of a teenage girl; is perfectly real, true and right in
her question as her own possession of the emergent information genuinely gets
the shape of the information, which she presented and that too, to the very
right person. The answer is probably real, true and right as it presented the
questioner with real, true and sincere information, with not an iota of
abstraction and frills of linguistic metaphors. The answerer; the father of the
teenage girl; is also the most authoritative and eligible person to supply the
relevant information sought in the question. This however does not happen in
real world. It should; it must… It seems; it is probably about how you invest; not about how much you invest. Most of us remain
heavily invested in questions and seldom think of the possible requirement to recheck
the utility-worth of them. We also remain invested in answers, we culturally
and intuitively accept as true and real assets. We even don’t recheck them. A
good investor however, is a very well-informed and always curious person. His or
her Portfolio is always shuffling and he accepts only those as assets, which fetch
him or her optimal profitability with no frills. Your true and real assets
grow, as you know how to invest " In Life-Living Information. Your Portfolio
truly and rightly reflects the golden shine of specificity and logical
selection of objective Information for benchmarking your utility and worth. *** What is the most wasted and grossly squandered
resource and wealth in the universe? ‘The human life…?’ Okay! Let us broad-base
it and ask again, ‘Life; in all its multidimensionality and entirety?’ The
valid and consequential question next is, ‘How do you define wastefulness?’ Still;
a more specific and pointed question is, ‘How do you truly and rightfully
define something?’ Innately, at the bottom of it; the question settles down to
the seed-level inquisition, ‘What is True, Real and Right?’ Essentially, the very reason of existence of questions
and thereupon the need for answers, happen only because of this critical
information, missing in the human life-living and human systems of families,
societies and cultures. If there could be a singular, objective, measurable and
logically scalable Information about Truth-Reality-Righteousness as universal
benchmark and anvil of all things in the cosmos; there could probably be no
need of questions and no seeking of answers. Probably, this Benchmark could have by now become
embedded and integrated in subconscious brain wiring of all living being. But then; a question still seeks its justification; drowned
under the cacophony of questions and answers. This question is " ‘Are we sure,
this hasn’t happened yet?’ Can we say this with definitive and conscious thoughtfulness
that the universalization of true, real and right Information as singular,
objective, measurable and logically scalable benchmark of all things in the
cosmos hasn’t happened and it has already not been wired in subconscious brain
states of all living being?’ That is probably why; there stands this above mentioned
question; in all its truthfulness and credibility, ‘What is the most wasted and grossly squandered resource and wealth in
the universe?’ Not to have something is sure very sad and
unfortunate. To have it and then taken away is bigger misfortune. However, to
have it; know its utility-worth and still waste and squander it is criminal, corruption,
mediocrity of highest order and conscientious stupidity of colossal magnitude. Humanity
has done this and continues to keep squandering the wealth of real, true and
right Information it had and still
has, with blissful and conscientious impunity. Very naturally; human life is
probably the most wasted and grossly squandered entity in the cosmos as
humanity has this scammed consciousness to consciously and unconsciously preserve
the Devil; squander the God; and still spend hours and most
precious of resources, talking and shaping up the glory of God…! That is probably why; loads of questions happen and
their answers create more questions! The massive magnitude of hypocrisies and deceptions,
which are required to be pervaded in life-living and cultures to justify and immunize
the willful and conscientious squandering of real, true and right, can only
breed these fanciful frills of frivolous fabrications. Ask an average man or
woman about all ‘good and right’ things and they know it reasonably well, as
all the good and right information
have been handed over to them since long by parents, families, cultures,
schools, colleges, books, religion, customs and traditions et al. Human
hypocrisy is brilliant for others as we all teach and sermon all goodness and
righteousness to others and even expect others to practice them without fail. However;
geniuses as we are of squandering the precious resources and wealth we have; we
always leave it for others to be wise and honest with good and right. Individually; we all believe in and dexterously
practice the ingenious artistry of ‘pragmatism of reality’ and hang a costly
and adorable portrait of ‘Idealism’ on the walls of our homes. We love to do
good business with Devil and pray God; never missing a visit to holy
shrines and reserving a brilliantly decorated space for God in home. Most questions
and answers of humanity are no Causalities; they are rather consequences of scammed
consciousnesses of humanity. This is also the most prolific business! As they
say; money begets moneys; probably similarly; business begets businesses. Wastefulness
begets resourcefulness for more squandering. Business begets businesses. It is good and right sense! A very common;
common sense! *** Optimism, without logical and objective foundation of factuality, is not only flawed; it is dangerous. Pessimism, well investigated with highest benchmarks of veracity of actual pervasiveness of reality, is not undesirable. It may rather be preferred positioning and choice. Somehow, as experience with life-living tells us, very often, in many people, optimism comes not as natural actualization of reality; rather a culturally induced, subconsciously constructed façade to ward off the consistent feel of pessimistic situations. It is more or less like " Nobody wants to be poor and pessimistic, as they do not make good purchase in societal-cultural supermarkets. Somehow, as the human mind consciousness has evolved over millions of years; Denial and Deception comes natural and as first choice to most people, as they are easier than bracing up and standing tall to actuality of reality. Reality; in its objectivity, can be too brutal for easy acceptance. Culture and its populist benchmarks of righteousness and appropriateness are very powerful and deeply rooted realities for an average person’s mind consciousness to negate and go against. But then; it is probably the most appropriate and righteous thing to doubt, logically investigate and objectively analyze every speck of an installed reality, before its acceptance and subsequent transcription into thoughts, actions and behaviors. Anyways, we all know, reality for us is always contextual to a specific situation. Gold and diamond have worth not because of their chemical composition! You may not like them to be served in silver plates for your hard-earned lunch! Even if the whole world tells you to be Optimistic about reality of lunch! Why we are talking about all this? We are doing this to bring home a very simple and easy to be accepted reality that two factors are very critical to the wellness of our life-living and we seldom think a good deal about them. We talk about them, within a certain context, to arrive at a possibility, which may prove game changer for us. We are talking about the twin factors of " Culturally Embossed Subconscious Acceptance of Reality and Willful Denial of Testing its Veracity-Validity. We also then talk about how altering the situation and positioning of these twin factors, with our conscious awareness can usher in major paradigm shift in our wellness and success. Why? There has to be honest, amiable, hearty but logically simple and straightforward deliberations about our contemporary life-living situation. If and only if we accept with full force of objective investigation about our current reality; then only we can talk of what is required to better things. If we accept that everything is fine and perfect, there is then no need for a change and enterprise. Rather, all endeavors may have to be focused on maintaining the perfection of contemporaneousness of life-living. However, if we accept; there is something fundamentally and intrinsically wrong and bad in our contemporary life-living and the ‘Presentness’ of the ambient milieus; we definitively shall need to talk about change and an alternative out of the contemporaneousness. In fact, even if things are good and right; there is always this lurking potential for better and greater. This seed-talk about the core idea of optimism and pessimism is aimed at it. We need to be definitive about the actual and truly real situation and position of our contemporaneousness. It alone shall decide what we need to do. Therefore, primary investigation is about actuality of the basis or grassroots foundation of the realities of Optimism and Pessimism. We shall come back to it, later in our journey. *** There is an old wisdom, which is reflected in a question of a unique nature. It asks, ‘Which side of the question you are?’ As you know it well, since over 3000 years back, ancient Oriental philosophy and spiritualism insisted that one must be very aware about the question he or she has in mind or asks. It was warned that if you do not have your question right, you may never find the right answer. Contemporary science also insists that reality may very well be ‘contextual’ to how and which way you formulate your question about a possible reality. That is probably why it is of very critical importance that you know your questions right and also position yourself vis-à-vis the question in a way, which serves your needs right. Now, what we may ask, in our current deliberations, is a seemingly innocuous question; yet of huge potential " ‘Why do we all like stories?’ Since childhood we love a good story and lifelong, we have a keen interest in stories. Why? In fact, we may not even consciously remember it, but almost every day, in our routine life-living, as we encounter different realities and incidents, we are always curious and ask ourselves, ‘What’s going on? What’s the story behind it? So, the valid and probable question is " Why do we all love stories; especially a good one? Somehow, it is great to have a good question but as we talked above, it is far more crucial to ascertain, which side of the question we are! Naturally; the supplementary or associational question is, ‘What does it mean to be on a ‘side’ of a question and how to decide, which side of the question is best to be?’ It is very right and appropriate progression of logicality and objectivity. Knowing is at the core of all wellness. Ignorance can be huge bliss; but only in the short run! So, we must know… This is what we are intending here, in these pages, as you journey along. Journeying is witnessing but also doubting and investigating. You are journeying information landscapes, which essentially is a part of you too. Therefore, you are journeying your own landscape. The good thing about journeying is to first witness, observe, absorb and imbibe. If there is a novelty; if there is something different than what you are used to; it is worth witnessing and imbibing. If there is known and usual; still, you need to absorb how differently or alternatively they are placed in the landscape you are journeying. Novelty is not only in reality but also in its positioning and alignment with new and alternative dimensions. You need to witness and absorb it all. We shall also examine and investigate; as you stay with the journeying. Often, journeying is beset with one usual trouble and that is; instinctively, when we are on a journey, we insist to see as many new things as possible in shortest possible time. Journeying is not only seeing and witnessing. It is only one part. Journeying in its entirety and holism also includes ‘enjoying’ whatever is being witnessed and then, later on absorbing and imbibing the details on every witnessed novelty of reality. As you journey the current landscape in these pages, you are currently witnessing. Enjoy it! Later, we shall come back to the witnessed things and imbibe its details. *** There is a very powerful message in ancient Oriental philosophy and spiritualism, which sort of warns humanity in general. It says, ‘Those who dump the certain to embrace the uncertain, shall end up losing the definite; the precarious is anyway lost.’ The piece of philosophical hypothesis wants to convey that life-living enterprise and its energy must always be invested in attainment of certain, definite and something that lasts. The trouble however, is not only that of the interpretation of the word certain and uncertain but also the fact that when life itself is neither certain nor a ‘lasting’ reality, what must then be construed as certain and lasting purpose? When everything is so fragile, precarious and nothing seems lasting forever, how can definitiveness and permanency be accepted as benchmarks of life-living righteousness? So, what is the right and true benchmark for good and right life-living purpose? Another aspect of reality, which comes out of the above deliberation, is; what we can accept as methods and techniques to weed out uncertainties from our life-living and seed up elements of definitiveness and permanency to enhance the quantum of certainty in as many domains of life-living as possible? It somehow seems a reasonable inquisition; given that life is precarious and short, therefore it is always good and right to invest ourselves in those elements of reality, which instill and install some sort of certainty and permanency in overall situation of precariousness. Finally, the larger picture that emerges from this all is the hypothesis that an overall physical and psychological ambience of settled and poised elements of life-living is primary and basic requisite, as it alone can catalyze whatever purposes or choices one may like to pursue in life. Even if someone finds thrill, joy and utility in embracing something uncertain and ephemeral in his or her life, the outcomes can be optimized only when he or she has larger poise and settled physical as well as mental landscape of mind and external milieus. We all know of the term Homeostasis. Homeostasis is a body-mind process, subconsciously handled by brain states to ensure that the internal milieu is consistently in equilibrium and settled poise. The body has to maintain optimal Homeostasis for sound health and optimal body-mind performances. Also; we all know our metabolism and mind milieu need a certain and specific rhythm for optimum functionality. If both go haywire, we all land in huge troubles. Therefore, it seems, certainty or definitiveness can be interpreted in a way, which is essentially the holism of the meaning of the word or term. It seems; as the progression of our step-by-step logical journey suggests; richness, brilliance and worthiness is in holism of a reality; even when at the face value, or only a ‘part’ of it may seem offending and precarious. *** There is an interesting, yet very provocative proposition, which is offered to ascertain something, which is supposed to be deeply embedded and entrenched in mind consciousness as well as in life-living. The supposition is " What would you do, if you are left all alone on earth; with no humans and nothing humanly created, which you so unconsciously accept as essential and inevitable part and parcel of your contemporary life-living? There is vast stretch of land, trees, birds, animals; rivers, mountains, everything accruing naturally but nothing man made and of course no human. What would you do? How would you react? And ultimately, ‘How would you not only survive but live happily? Somehow, someone can ask very innocently, ‘Why these questions? What is the need for such complicated and perplexing questions? What if I do not ask them, find no answers and still live happily, enjoying whatever life offers me?’ It is of course a valid assertion. One can say; we probably do not need such questions. Life-living can still be good and happy if we remain with our normal and routine questions and invest ourselves finding the straightforward and normal answers. We have these customary questions " What are you doing this weekend? What you want to do after your graduation? Do you still love me? What the hell is going on? Who do you think you are? Is everything right with our neighbors? What do my dreams mean? Which smart phone I should buy? Can I be as successful as he is? Etc. This list of our normal life-living questions itself is so long and exhaustive. There is so much to ask and so little to accept as true and right answers. Where is the time and energy left to delve into other stupid questions, which do not seem to be anyway associated with our normal lives? Our lives already seem so entangled with so many unanswered questions; why should we be burdened with more and that too ‘absurd’ questions. When I do not have answer of ‘She/he loves me or loves me not’, how can I be in a position to answer ‘why I am what I am’! Etc. Somehow, it seems; there is this core issue of normal and absurd, when we are faced with the question of questioning! There seems an easy inclination for acceptance of something, which we all consider normal and prompt dejection of something we consider abnormal or absurd. So, another question that ensues is what is Normal and how do we decide, something as normal and other as deviant, absurd and Abnormal? The trouble does not seem to leave us! However best we try not to get embroiled in the trap of questions; it does not seem to vanish away. Does it mean, we and our life-living is all about questions; what questions we accept? Which side of the questions we are and how do we proceed to find and accept answers? Another question! It seems, there is this inevitability and optionlessness about the questions in our life-living, which we may turn a blind eye to but it won’t leave us. Somehow, it is there for humble and honest acceptance that we are a bundle of questions and the answers we have accepted. Every individual may well be accepted as a precarious package of questions that he or she holds relevant and live for. This package then also includes the specificity of answers one accepts as true and right. This itself then leads to more questions " Have we consciously chosen our questions or have they randomly and subconsciously happened? Have we tested the veracity and validity of our answers or just accepted them as what was there for taking or was culturally and popularly predominant? It is also a valid question to ask, ‘If we are a bundle of subjective and personal questions and answers, is it better to have huge load of questions? Is it good that we have more questions than answers? Is it true that larger and more varied this package of questions and answers, better a person’s wellness and success?’ However, the seed question; the mother of all questions is " if we simply cannot avoid and dump questions and if our questions define and shape up our individual and personal destiny, is it better that we very consciously choose our questions and make honest and persevered endeavors to have true and right answers; instead of leaving it on chance and randomization? The trouble does not stop even if we accept the seed question as questions are cyclic in nature and they are intrinsically linked and synced to each other. One question opens up another question or a set of questions and this in turn touches upon the domain of yet another question. So, if we accept the mother of all questions, as mentioned above; the innate and embedded question that pops up is " How to consciously choose our questions and how to be certain that an answer is true and right? As we have come this far about the inevitability and preponderance of questions and answers, it may be of great help if we ask, ‘What essentially is a question?’ Very naturally, we also have to ask, ‘What exactly is an answer?’ Essentially, if we wish to look at reality from the perspective of holism, we sure can see and accept that question and answer are very ‘partial’ entities of a larger reality. There is nothing as such, which may actually be termed as question or answer. In the holism of reality, everything is Information. Questions and answers are probably all about the dimensions of Information and the question or answer happens owing to our own positioning and situation in relation to the dimension of the Information. This must be understood very clearly. There are realities all around us in our milieus as well as in our life-living. These realities present themselves as Information to our five senses, which in turn feed the information to the brain for arriving at a decision vis-à-vis some incoming information. For example, take the question, ‘Does he love me?’ This question has no meaning in itself if it is in vacuum. The meaning happens as there is a person in the external milieu and someone begins to love him. Essentially, there are two shades of realities " one on the side of a woman, who juxtaposes it vis-à-vis the one on the side of a man. Essentially, there are two different sets of Information " one in the mind consciousness of the woman and another on the mind consciousness of the man. The woman’s consciousness has a certain set of information, which inclines her to take a decision of loving the man. There is another set of information in the consciousness of the man regarding the woman and it may incline him to either love her back or not love her back. The reality and the information are already there. The question happens as the woman does not have access to the information on the side of the man. The answer is also information already there on the side of the man, which he has not yet shared with the woman. Therefore, whatever reality the question ‘creates’ in terms of the answer; it is already there. The answer of the question, ‘Does he love me?’ has twin probabilities as yes or no and either of them would create different shades of sub-realities for the woman as well as the man. Therefore, essentially, there is no valid and true question and no valid and true answer. Everything is just the dimension of the holistic reality of Information. Therefore, earlier, when we asked, ‘Which side of the question you are?’ we essentially should have asked, ‘Which dimension of the information you are?’ Question and answers are partial sub-realities of the larger and holistic reality of Information, which is already there but, it keeps evolving and changing. All realities keep changing their dimensions. We shall come back to it later. *** You may think; we should now stop our deliberations about questions and should begin our journey into the domain of probable; more likely the right and true answers. Yes; you are right. But then, answers are already there. We just need to alter our context and relationships with the dimensions of the question and the answer shall automatically arrive to us. We won’t even need to journey our way to the answer. They are there and they shall come to us. Be assured. It is therefore better that we remain invested in the domain and dimensions of questions. This somehow shall enrich and enhance the quantity and quality of answer that shall arrive to us. More questions, more answers shall arrive! Probably! However, as we have deliberated that questions are essentially just a part dimension of the holism of Information; we shall no more call our inquisitiveness as question. We shall say, we are journeying into different probable dimensions of Information, which are already there. So, let us journey into the information of God. As we have decided, we are not asking usual questions as, ‘Does God exist?’ or ‘Does God listen and respond to prayers?’ Etc. We are simply journeying into the domain of Information about God. How do we journey into information? Better to ask, ‘How do you journey a landscape?’ You just walk in, keep moving, absorbing, observing, imbibing the landmarks, the elements of nature as well as humanly constructed things. You just be there; not even bothering to lend your attention to whatever realities the landscape is filled with. Journeying is essentially about being a ‘witness’ to some reality, which stands before your being and then; absorb and imbibe it. If we describe the situation in terms of holism of reality, we would say, ‘Journeying is all about being part of the information or associate and assimilate oneself with the information amidst which one happens to stand. As we said earlier; journeying is being ONE and SAME with Information. Therefore, when we are journeying the information of God, we just become a witness and part of the information. However, the huge trouble with the information of God is the reality that it is not like a landscape, which has definitive form and physicality. Very true! Information comes in different dimensions and this information is the landscape of ideas and beliefs. They are information too! But; they are not definitive information; they are probable information. You may wish to accept the information or simply reject them. Whatever is your choice, the reality does not change much as the information, even if probable, is there as information landscape. Interestingly, mass majority of people hold the landscape as true, definitive and hugely beneficial. The simple and honest reality is that the Landscape of Information of God exists and huge number of people not only traverses them; they also add information to this ‘probable’, yet ever-evolving landscape. Therefore, probable or definitive; the journey into the information of God can be real, true and even beneficial. It is the artistry of journeying into information! Let us unravel this artistry and understand the mechanisms and process of journeying into information, irrespective of actuality of its ‘form’, and benefit from it. We may understand it best if we take the help of another information, which we all are currently part of. This is the information about vaccination against Covid. What is a vaccine? It is essentially Information! But; this information has a unique dimension. A vaccine somehow ‘mimics’ a true and real Information. The real and true Information is the virus itself, against which the vaccine has been designed. What a vaccine does is, it takes a dead virus or an innocuous portion of the virus itself and mixes it up with necessary chemicals to stabilize it. This chemical solution, when it enters the body; somehow mimics the virus itself and then, the immune system of the body responds, fights it back with its anti-bodies and cells. Essentially, the body and mind is ‘tricked’ into an action, in response to some Information, which is not real and true. The seemingly unreal and untrue information turns into a probable landscape of Information, as the body-mind mechanism of information processing is tricked by mimicking information into some action, which is real and true. The information is unreal and untrue but the mind-body journeys into the information landscape and does the whole routine of observing, imbibing and reacting in definitive terms. The whole process of vaccination-information can very well be replicated in the above-mentioned case of God Information. It does not actually matter whether God Information is real and true or not. Our body-mind can be made to process it as true and real if we simply ‘mimic’ the Information of God. We probably can trick the body-mind to process the God Information and unleash the curative processes, as the vaccine triggers in our body. God information has huge potential. Inversely; which may be more precise; human consciousness has huge potential to derive the embedded and entrenched curative and therapeutic benefits from God information. As with all information; God Information is also value-neutral " neither good nor bad. We as individual install value to it by aligning with a particular ‘dimension’ of the God Information. Somehow, the means may not be true and real; it may just be a mimicry of the real and true but, as we know it very well from our knowledge of science, the body-mind can be successfully tricked to process and engender the same true and real end, which an otherwise true and real means would have achieved for us. Again; can we say, it is all about ‘Which side of the question you are?’ Or more precisely, ‘Which side of the information you are’! We shall come back to it later. *** There is this very meaningful saying in science, which goes like " You are in your perspective and your perspective is in you. It somehow also conforms to the above-mentioned reality about different dimensions of Information. You are also a bundle and package of information. You happen to be one dimension of the information. Your perspective is a personalized and subjective bundle of information, which you may not have consciously chosen. The information in your perspective is usually packaged by your subconscious and unconscious self. This however is another dimension of information. There is cyclicality between these two dimensions. When you are the witness, observer and absorber; your perspective becomes the landscape of information and you journey into it. Inversely, when your perspective is observing you; you become the landscape and your perspective journeys into it. However, the biggest trouble is that the overall landscape of cosmic information or even the ambient milieu information is colossal. You and your perspective put together are just like a grain of sand on the vast stretch of expansive beach of a sea. The question you form in your perspective or the perspective forms in you are very restrictively miniscule portion of the holism of Information. Then; we are all very lazy and bad travelers. We seldom wish to journey beyond our familiar and safe landscape of self-perspective. It is only very natural that most of our questions are egoistically inclined towards validation and propagation of self and our perspective. Only naturally, our answers are not easy to come and when they finally arrive; they are bound to be not true and real answers but simply an extension of the egoism and validation of self. This very trap of question and answer is the worst tragedy of life-living. We can come out of this trap and slavery of self and its perspective if we understand and accept the holism of Information and its dimensions. It has to be understood. If I ask the question, ‘Does she love me?’, what recourse I have to get a definitive and true answer? Most certainly, I have to go to the woman in question and get her to answer my question. However, I may not have the courage to go to her and ask her. Why? Because I am in my perspective and my perspective is in me. I simply cannot go beyond the margins of my perspective, which confines me and my question too. The fact remains there within my perspective that I am actually not interested in having answer of my question. I am actually not asking any question. I am in fact just expecting my perspective to come true. I want the love of the woman and I am just faking myself and my perspective in the garb of a question. I also know, if I ask the woman and if she says no, I cannot handle it. Therefore, it is always better to be on the inner side of the safety of the question and not journey into the landscape of the Information, which is on the other side, at the end of the woman in question. This probably is not the end of it. I am happy journeying into the familiarity of the landscape of my own perspective-information in search of an answer, which has elements of propitiation for my egoism and self-validation. Therefore, I pick up selective and catalytic information from my memories and experiences and fit them into my own desire of having a specific and favorable answer. So, instead of asking the woman, I try to answer myself, saying, ‘She did this to me on that day and it showed she has some feelings for me’. Or I would say, ‘She said this to me on that occasion and it seemed to suggest she loves me.’ This would not end here. Even if I get definitive information, from the woman herself, clearly stating that she does not love me; I shall keep journeying into my familiar landscape of personal perspectives and say, ‘Oh! She is saying this to test my patience!’ Or I would say, ‘In her no is her yes; I know her’. Well, this is trap! What then is the way out? What ideally is the approach to handle love information; or for that matter any information? Hmmm…! More questions…! We shall come back to it, later. *** We are hovering around the idea of question and answers but it is not something, which matters much in our overall scheme of things for life-living wellness, excellence and success. We have talked so far about them only because something is required as tool to decipher and unravel something, which is at the core of our life-living reality and even our own being. As we have been talking about questions and answers, we have tried to touch upon them. We need to invest our energies on this core element of our life-living reality and our own self. We must begin our journey into this critical information landscape of core idea. First and foremost, we list out what has come out of our deliberations so far " · Everything in our contemporary life-living, consciousness, external milieus and knowledge probably needs a complete reconstruction. Even Reality, which we accept as real and true, has to be revisited and reoriented as reality, as we usually perceive and accept; is also just a miniscule portion of the overall Information, which is there in the vast universe. As our questions and answers are irrelevant, because they emanate out of our restricted perspective and exposure, the popularly accepted reality too is irrelevant and very partial. The holism of Information is the only true and real reality and it is always probabilistic; never definitive. Naturally, we need to reconstruct everything in our life-living and start to invest ourselves in holism of Information. · Information in itself is value-neutral; it is neither good nor bad. Our value judgment about a situation or a thing emanates out of how we position ourselves vis-à-vis the information. As we said, it is all about which side of the information we are. Therefore, we have been trained to accept ourselves as important and our egoism makes us accept it happily that we are the movers and shakers of reality. However, when we look at the holism of Information, we can clearly see, we are irrelevant. What is critical in probability of a reality and its value judgment, are the twin factors " Information; how we journey into the information landscape and align ourselves with the holism of Information. If we accept the above hypothesis, then we can say, at the core of our life-living reality and that of our own reality is Information and its alignment with us. Therefore, when we accept this novel hypothesis, we can clearly see, how irrelevant everything becomes in our lives. We can also see and accept that as we reconstruct our perspective on the basis of this new hypothesis, we shall have to revisit everything in our contemporary life-living, within our own being and external milieus. We shall have to reorient and reconstruct the idea and idealisms of success, wellness, utility, worth, righteousness, satisfaction, et al. We shall definitively need to reconstruct the contemporary cultural and personal benchmarks of good-bad, right-wrong, just-unjust, appropriate-inappropriate, etc. We shall deliberate on this hypothesis, we have accepted so that we can be very sure of its righteousness and utility. This shall lead us to talk in detail about possible reconstruction we all can enterprise in our life-living. The idea is to investigate into different aspects of probable, alternative and novel life-living realities, grossly different from our contemporary life-living and cultures. We shall do it by working on the hypothesis we have worked on above " decipher Information in its holism and then align ourselves with different possible dimensions of the information to test out what novelties and alternatives they throw up for we to accept for a better future. There are universal and generic limitations we all feel in our life-living. These limitations and consequent suffocation of the restrictions somehow outline the limits of our probable destinies. These constricted destinies, offering small and selective successes and attainments in turn limit our perspectives and consciousness. This is the worst tragedy of humanity and life-living. We have the universe to journey into but we seldom move out of our miniscule, localized and ambient milieus, we are born and live out. The information landscape available to every human being is colossal and hugely diverse. There is very little physical limitation and restriction in journeying into the length and breadth of this mega information landscape. The journeys into this landscape are brilliantly and mesmerizingly beneficial for an individual as it opens up the horizons of possibilities and potentials for optimization. The tragedy is that in our ignorance, egoism, false pride and restricted consciousness and cognition; we are never inclined for journeying into this marvelous information landscape. Generally, most people are not even aware that there is this landscape of massive potential available to them! This eBook is an enterprise of journeying into this information landscape. We shall deliberate on the form and familiarity of this magically marvelous landscape of information. We shall journey deep and wide into this landscape, explore, observe, absorb, investigate and imbibe every possible undulations and entities of this immense landscape. Then, together, we shall try our optimal best to work out an alternative and novel life-living model, by placing and aligning ourselves with different dimensions of the information. This model shall be judged upon after we test the validity on the basis of contemporary scientific knowledge of humanity; discarding the faith and belief based insinuations and rigidity of resolves. It seems a difficult and complicated journey. It is not. It is beautiful, very satisfying and full of thrill and joy of novelties; as are most of the journeys. Human life-living is akin to being a tourist and we all love to travel and go to places. It is fun and happy enterprise. Let us begin it; not bothering to carry loads of old baggage but simply walking away with our pockets full of humility and simplicity. *** CHAPTER 1 The Information Landscape We begin this journey afresh by revisiting some of the issues we had talked about at the beginning. This may facilitate our overall understanding of what is actually meant by Information and what constitute its Landscape. Anyways, a forehand preparation of any journey involves a pre-knowledge of the details of the landscape we propose to journey into. At the beginning, we had somehow dwelt on only one dimension of the information; the inquisition part of it. Naturally, the holism of reality necessitates that we complete the cycle by journeying another dimension of probable and consequent answers. At the very start, we had talked about the idea of optimism and pessimism. We had also talked about why it is very important to have true and real basis and foundation of any situation of reality we accept. Be it optimism or pessimism, our acceptance of either of the two diametrically opposite of the two realities must be based on objective and logical factuality of holism of information. If we broad-base this issue, we can extend the same benchmarks for all aspects of life-living. It shall then incorporate ideas like good and bad, right and wrong, utility and futility, success and failure, happiness and sadness, et al. There are two aspects of this assertion about having assessment and examination of every probable reality on the basis of objective and logical benchmarks of righteousness and appropriates. First aspect is to always be wary of being too reactionary, localized and subjective in accepting only a ‘part’ of information; blissfully or unconsciously neglecting the larger and holistic information in its entirety. First requirement is to have a mind consciousness to accept the hypothesis that any decision about the choices of life-living must be made only on the basis of holism and entirety of information. Therefore, if I have a question, ‘Does she love me or not?’, I must first ensure that I have all possible information on my side to judge the situation optimally. Naturally, I shall have to be aware of what truly, really and holistically is the idea and reality of love. If I do not understand what love is and what it entails in its entirety and holism, how can I be a good judge of my own love and its probable response in others? Then, I also have to be in complete and perfect possession of all those information, which makes me accept that my love for the woman I am seeking to reciprocate my feelings are true and real. Moreover, this shall only be very partial perspective of the situation. For holism, I shall have to be in complete and perfect knowledge of all possible information on the side of the woman I am seeking reciprocation from. I must be very aware of her life-living situations, her innate nature, her current state of mind, her ambient milieus, her overall behavior and actions not only vis-à-vis me but with all, etc. Moreover, I must have the courage to wear my simplicity and innocence and ask the woman in perfect sincerity. Ultimately, I must have this readiness to accept with grace and poise, whatever way the information about the probability of reciprocation comes from the side of the woman I am investing my love on. If we try to understand this situation, from the perspective of pure Information; we have to accept that the very question, ‘Does she love me or not’, emanates and somehow seems to seek answer only because I haven’t journeyed optimally the Information Landscape of the woman, I seek reciprocation of my love from. Not only I haven’t journeyed the entirety of her information landscape but have also probably not witnessed, observed, absorbed, examined and imbibed optimally, the details of all constituting elements and dimensions of her Information landscape. Had I done it optimally, I would never have to ask. I would rather know, feel and realize. Very simply; I have not yet been ONE and SAME with her Information and that is why my question is happening and seeking answer. Love surely cannot happen; this way! There is this clichéd about love " Love is not done; it happens! What does it mean? For populist consumption; it means love is something mystical and magical, which cannot be planned and formalized. Love heralds itself and people only realize it later. This however is what we have described earlier as culturally populist answer. The metaphor of love is not done and it happens, may very well indicate at its existence as Information. Often, people stand at the portals of the landscape of Love and declare that it is there for them. It however doesn’t happen. Only questions happen; the doubtfulness happen. Love actually happens as we journey the holism of Information of love as well as the information landscape of the person, we intend to love. Had I journeyed my woman optimally; I would never ask. I would rather know and know it right " both yes or no. If I am asking question about the probability of happening of love and seeking confirmation; I am actually showcasing; that too very brilliantly; my own stupidities, depravity and unworthiness. As is the famous saying, ‘People say I love you and think; it has happened!’ I am only standing at the portals of this brilliantly marvelous landscape of love; not yet enterprising to journey it and still feeling to be in love and stupidly asking, ‘Does this beautiful landscape love me too?’ More hypocritically; my self-validation and egoistic consciousness already accepts the answer and gears up for the ‘enterprise’ of garnering ‘suitable’ information to ‘conspire’ favorability to my answer. More stupidly; I even expect the ‘Cosmos to align favorably with my unworthiness’. Secondly and probably also more importantly, we have to be very aware about how we examine and assess the holism of available information to arrive at a conclusion about the veracity of a reality. I may have all the information available to me to decide whether this woman I am in love with and wish to know about the reality of her reciprocation probability but the biggest trouble is to examine them objectively and logically. We have already deliberated; it is so difficult because one’s innate egoism, instinct of self-validation, subjective preferences of weighing some information more than others, entrenched propensity of denying any information, which may go against my own benefit-suitability, etc are always working subconsciously to vitiate the probability of objective-logical assessment. So, how we can examine a set of true, right and diverse information is bigger challenge. When we talk about the idea of information landscape, we essentially delve into the hypothesis that reality has nothing to do with our consciousness and cognition. Reality is just information and it is just there, not for me, you or anyone else. It is either for all or for none. It means, reality is neither my friend nor my enemy. If some reality seems inimical to me and some as affable, it is my cognitive situation vis-à-vis a reality. The woman either saying yes to my love proposition or no is simply value-neutral Information from her side. She has all the rights in the world to align with whatever information she thinks best suits her " yes or no. Her information is aligned to Her value-summation of good and right and I must respect it. The information itself being ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ is my cognitive acceptance. A big river with deep water flow is just Information " a beautiful and lovable one! It is a reality not because of I, you or others. If I am drowned in the river, it surely is no choice of the river. If I sail a boat in the river, catch good amount of fish and earn good money; this too is no inclination of the river. The river is plain and simple information. It is my consciousness and cognition, which aligns either on the right or wrong side of the information of river to get good or bad outcomes. If I fail in love; love and the woman cannot be bad and if I am successful in love; they cannot be great. If my awareness about the information of river and love is optimal and my own preparedness to make optimal use of the information for my own benefit and betterment is right, the information landscape is a happy journeying proposition for me. From our own experiences, we can say that this hypothesis seems precise description of the reality and our own troubles. We are too egoistically inclined and obsessed to accept that we never care to have good awareness about the information of reality. We are usually so overburdened by our own propensities for self-validation that we never care about how we align ourselves with information of reality. Therefore, it is only very natural that for most people, the very assessment and acceptance of good and bad, right and wrong, utility and futility, success and failure, happiness and sadness, etc. is flawed and scammed. This flaw and scammed judgment of information of reality is purely subjective. The flaw and inappropriateness is on the side of our consciousness and cognition. The information is neutral " neither good nor bad. It is equal and common for all. It is primarily about how our individual and subjective consciousness and cognition align with the information. It is all about ‘which side of information we are’. So, when we think of information landscape, the reality; the very next thing, which must come to our mind, is Awareness. This awareness has two aspects " first is the awareness of all possible dimensions of information landscape and second is the awareness of optimal alignment with every possible dimension of the information. This shall optimize our potential with a reality. The reality is purely information. It is only natural that information does not have any rigidity and bias towards anyone and anything. It is equally facilitative towards failure as it is towards success. How our individual consciousness and cognition aligns itself with this neutral facilitative energy flow of the information is our personal artistry and mastery. Therefore, we can say, any reality, which we confront in our life-living is a neutral energy; an objective information. It is all about how good and bad, right and wrong we are. The utility and futility, success and failure, happiness and sadness, etc depends on us. The information landscape is only a facilitation of all probabilities. This itself suggests that our consciousness and cognition need to be optimally aware and knowledgeable. It is only very natural that philosophies and spiritualism has been saying the same thing since over 3000 years and now modern contemporary science also has the same prescription. But then, humanity has always loved to declare knowledge of reality as its last priority. Most simply love the bliss of ignorance and majority of people feel, awareness and knowledge is the cause of all troubles! There was another issue, which we had deliberated upon at the start of this talk. We had this question, ‘Why do we all love stories?’ Before we answer the question; it is important that we understand that a story is essentially journeying an information landscape. If it is an accepted fact that since childhood, most kids love to listen to stories, then it suggests, we have this innate and entrenched inclination and propensity to journey information landscape. Modern science suggests that it is only very natural. Information is the most critical consumption item for humans and for that matter core need for any species to survive. Journeying information is essentially a survival routine and therefore, it is only natural that evolution has embedded it and wired it deep into our subconscious minds. Earlier, we have talked whether benchmarks of goodness and righteousness are now well wired deep inside our consciousness or not. Stories have loads of simulated and Mimicked Information. Stories are also somehow like vaccines; they trick the human body-brain to accept the mimicked information as true and real. From the very start of civilization, stories as information landscape were part of early education of children as stories prepared them for larger and more complex and diversified journeys into macrocosmic information landscapes, as they grew up. Interestingly, most stories of children also have strong insinuations towards this artistry of how to align with which side of the information for optimal success and happiness. This we know as ‘moral’ of the story. There is another dimension to the reality of stories and their utility in our life-living. Modern science tells us that good stories light up large parts of our brain and it also activates the hormone of wellness " Oxytocin . Science also tells us that the same portions of brains of all listeners of the story are lighted up and even the story teller’s brain has the same response. This suggests that a good information creates empathy and emotional connect with people. This means, the story teller and listeners are all ONE and SAME with singular Information. This can be interpreted as a probability that information sharing is innately and subconsciously linked to personal as well as collective wellness. Naturally, a good societal and cultural system must be one, where information is shared truly and abundantly. Also, the information shared must have right ingredients of a good story. The vaccine must be very high in its curative and therapeutic efficacy! In contemporary world, we can see how people so passionately and diligently share their ‘stories’ and information on various social media and personal media platforms. Modern times are probably the best times for humanity as there is overflow of infinite information landscapes. However, how many of these social media and personal media ‘stories’ and information qualify to have true, real and optimal ingredients of a good story and right information is hugely debatable. More importantly, it is another aspect of reality as how much empathy or antipathy these social media and personal media ‘stories’ generate. The issue of connect is also there to be examined well. Most important aspect however is how people align with these stories and information abounding and flooding the societal and cultural landscape. If reality is information and consciousness is also a bundle of information; we all know it very well how calamitous vitiation and conflation of information can be. Information is God. Its vitiation turns it into devil. Information is neutral. Our consciousness and cognition decides what we accept as information and how we align with it. We create our own God and devil. At the start, we had also posted this question, ‘What would you do, if you are left all alone on earth?’ The question also pertains to the idea of Information Landscape, our consciousness-cognition and its alignment with the dimensions of the information. At the very root of the question is the unease and insecurity about the unfamiliarity of the proposed information landscape, as diametrically opposed to what we are very familiar with and very used to. Aloneness and loneliness is in principle about our subconscious mind unwilling to journey an unknown information landscape, which has almost negligible familiarity with it. Loneliness is not about there being emptiness and deficit of ‘Elements’ or ‘Entities’, which your consciousness feels good to be associated with. It is probably about you not being well aligned and in harmony with those elements and entities, you had long familiarity with and unwilling to grow familiarity with huge load of novel and alternative elements-entities abounding in ambient information landscape or a bit far off. We all know, there are so many people, who live a life of complete or partial seclusion by choice and never feel bad about it. It is all about conscious and happy decision of journeying into unknown, familiarizing with the new landscape and even enjoying the new reality. The unease with the very idea of aloneness or loneliness is primarily about consciousness and cognition not being prepared for the novelty. We have already discussed, the information is neutral. It is neither against anyone or favorable to anyone. How we align with it and which side of the information we place ourselves is the key factor. We all know, there are around 200 million tribal or what we know as indigenous people, who live a life of isolation away from the mainstream population. In many Afro-Asian villages, which have turned into ghost villages, as the rural populations have migrated to cities, only two-three people live in vast landscape with very little connection with rest of the world. Their information landscape is not anyway unfavorable to them. You probably remember when you visit a tourist place to enjoy your vacations, you know there is very little ‘familiarity’ element in the new milieu you are visiting. You may be cautious but this does not anyway prevent you from enjoying your vacations in a new unfamiliar landscape. Why? It is because you have consciously and happily chosen this novelty for blissful purposes. Had it been forced upon you; you would have felt unease and loneliness and aloneness probably would have hit you. The place is the same and you are also the same. However, what makes the difference between bliss and unease of loneliness is your cognitive positioning " that is; how you aligned yourself with this information landscape of novelty. The fact remains that human brain does not relate to information in a way our consciousness does. It is this typical hardware-software divide. Human brain does not differentiate whether a person has 20 ‘human’ friends or ‘animal-bird’ friends. It shall respond to the information of emotions of friendliness, amiability and empathy equally to both humans and animals. It is our consciousness and cultural cognition, which differentiates and may only count humans as true and real friends. It is all about consciousness and cognition aligning with information. The information is affection, fraternity and compassion. The brain accepts pure information and acts equitably. Human consciousness acts inequitably. It may choose to respond with more affection and compassion to a human, compared to an animal or bird. Many people however love their pets and other animals equally. Many even love them more than humans. It is all about consciousness and cognition aligning with different dimensions of information, which is neutral. Therefore, what we would do if we are left all alone in the world is do the same what we do in the world full of humans and humanly created entities. We do nothing different. The only difference is the information landscape. This proposed new information landscape has only the humans and humanly created elements missing. But, the landscape has other novelties and we can feel equally happy and satisfied if we consciously and happily align with the available information and create novel realities for us. So, we have rivers, mountains, trees, birds, animals and insects. We have freedom and choices. We have leisure and peace, etc. We can align with new information and find equal or even better wellness, when we are all alone in this world. It is about the artistry of consciousness and cognition aligning with dimensions of information in a novel and alternative ways. As we are dealing with the idea of information landscape as reality, we need to understand and accept that reality can be approached from different dimensions. Reality as information landscape, which we have accepted as metaphor for understanding reality is just one dimension. We can approach reality from different perspectives and using different metaphors. Reality as information landscape, we are currently deliberating is for convenience of understanding reality. That is why we are not going into details of the idea of information and the core science of information as reality. The author has discussed the idea of information in detail in his previous eBook, titled, ‘Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity’, available for unrestricted download, like all other 45 eBooks of the author. We are using the idea of information here as a metaphor for arriving at the core and centrality of the idea of Reality itself. The metaphor has been used to elaborate how reality is not definitive and singular for every observer and absorber. Reality stands as contextual to subjective and individual consciousness and cognition. This is what we wished to arrive at and we used the metaphor of information landscape just for clarity of understanding and acceptance. Our actual journey is not about journeying into information landscape. In this eBook, we are dealing primarily with the derivative idea of what we have deliberated so far. This is " how information as reality is neutral and what matters is how we align our consciousness and cognition with different probable dimensions of the information landscape as reality for larger wellness. Therefore, we shall now begin our journey into the domain of how optimally, alternatively and uniquely we can deal with our consciousness and cognition to enterprise a novel and optimal connect and causality with the reality. This we can do to create a better and far more satisfying life-living than we currently have. This is the primary energy behind this eBook. We begin this journey in next chapter. *** CHAPTER 2 The Ultimate Treasure Within There is this important aspect of objective and logical examination and assessment of our contemporary information landscape, which we all are faced with and live in. This is the information landscape of external milieus; the societies, cultures, politics, economy and lifestyles, etc. This shall facilitate the subsequent corollary of ascertainment of how well we can align with this ‘external’ information landscape and what shall ideally be our association with different dimensions of the information. This is a tough thing to do as we all know reality is very subjective and it is hugely difficult to arrive at an objective and singularly logical conclusion about reality. Still, we shall do it but later. Objectivity is desirable but we can also work on subjective preferences and still be logical about it! We shall do it but later. What we intend to do now is deliberate about information landscape of reality within us; our consciousness and cognition. We have hypothesized that everything is Information. All realities are information. We as living entities are also bundle of information. Our consciousness and cognition are also emergent entities of complex information processing by massive brain plexus. It is therefore hugely important to first unravel and understand the Self or ‘I’. The primary and ultimate journeying is of this Internal Information Landscape, within us. And, as we have deliberated above, the journeying of a landscape requires us to accept the information in its holism. All troubles emanate out of our partial and restricted journeying into reality. As we have initiated this journey with questions to unravel the landscape, we need to ask again, ‘What defines this internal information landscape?’ or, we can put the question in another perspective by asking, ‘What we should look at while journeying this internal information landscape?’ We need to understand that there is a bit of uniqueness in internal information landscape, as compared to the external one. Both landscapes have commonalities but our internal information landscape has something unusual, which makes it exceptional and exemplary. The external information landscape has loads of informations and as all informations are linked and associational, there is a constant and ever-evolving interaction between different informations as well as different dimensions of informations. So, the external one has information and causal interactions. The internal information landscape also has information and causal interactions between informations and their dimensions. What is unique and exclusive about the internal information landscape is that this landscape is also a media of information. This means, we as humans are not only package or bundle of information but also the receiver and dispenser of information. This we usually do with the help of languages we speak and write. The external milieu also has media but these media are either humans themselves or humanly created ones. Only humans are the active and direct media of information processing. This happens as we have complex and very potent brain states, incomparable to any other species on earth. Therefore, when we talk about journeying the internal information landscape, we need to factor in this exclusiveness of this landscape. There is this unique but hugely confusing dualism about internal information landscape of consciousness. The human brain is a receiver of information and it then engenders the emergent information plexus of consciousness, which acts as the media between external and internal information landscapes. Consciousness acts as the two-way bridge between the two landscapes. Consciousness as a bridge is information itself, which creates its landscape in terms of cognition. Consciousness as a media, journeys into the external information landscape, receives informations from external milieus, examines them, shades them and transforms them into its own cognitive landscape. This consciousness as a media also uploads and dispenses information into the external information landscapes of society, cultures, politics, economy, faith-believe systems, lifestyles etc. This dualism is beautifully explained in the saying, ‘You are in your perspectives and your perspectives are in you’. This dualism is a major wellness tool for humanity but at the same time, it is also a massive agent of calamitous probabilities. This media of consciousness is a warrior but with precarious attitudes! Everything finally boils down to how this media of consciousness journeys the two landscapes and how it aligns with these informations and their dimensions. As we have talked earlier, we shall deliberate on external information landscape later as it is of larger and deeper relevance to first unravel and understand the internal information landscape. We shall now journey into this internal information landscape and examine it in its holism; taking stock of every little detail and assessing probabilities of different associational connect with diverse dimensions of internal information. As we said earlier, reality can be approached from different dimensions, perspectives and approaches. The information approach is probably the most powerful as well as the simplest one for better understanding. However, philosophy and spiritualism have been doing this enterprise, which we are calling ‘Journeying into internal information landscape’, since thousands of years. Information perspective is just a metaphor for unraveling reality. The ancient and modern philosophies as well as spiritualism have been doing it since over 3000 years, using different metaphors. Modern science has only facilitated the unraveling and understanding of reality with the help of objective, logical and measurable information. Science also does it with the help of metaphors, which may be different from philosophies and spiritualism but they all lead us to unravel and understand the reality, especially the reality of consciousness and cognition. Contemporary humanity is very blessed that the common and cumulative knowledge of philosophy, spiritualism and science has placed us in a very facilitative situation to unravel the mysticism of self, ‘I’, consciousness and cognition. We also have sound knowledge of the emergent interactional causalities between the two information landscapes. Our contemporary scientific knowledge of consciousness, cognition and causalities stand us to journey into all information landscapes in their holism and entirety. We are also well off to understand our own subjectivity and also objectively examine our probable optimal alignment with information and their dimensions. This is the domain we are journeying here. The contemporary knowledge of 3Cs " Consciousness, Cognition and Causality leads us to understand and accept us and our life-living realities better than ever before. We need to align ourselves with this scientific, objective and logical package of information to unravel all realities and align with them beneficially. This is what we intent to do here. From our discussions so far, we have hypothesized that I and you are information as well as a media and what we are faced with all throughout our life-living is information. Our body-mind mechanism-process is also a bundle of information and as brain processing the information engenders the consciousness, it works as media journeying into the landscapes of information landscapes within and outside. This consciousness as a media is for most practical purposes the witness, observer, absorber, examiner, creator and collaborator of all realities. Reality is just neutral information in its macrocosm and holism but what essentially presents to you as life-living reality is because of your media of consciousness aligning or siding with information and its dimensions in certain and definitive ways. Therefore, what reality you face and what destinies these realities line up for you is largely the function of your consciousness. This consciousness is a trouble tool because of its dualistic nature, even when as a powerful media, the consciousness is a potential of infinite possibilities. This consciousness is in you and you are in your consciousness. That is why this dualism creates most troubles for us. There is always this confusion about the agency of action and behavior. If you act and behave in a certain way, you are always confused who decided this? Was it your consciousness or was it you yourself? But as you are in your consciousness and your consciousness is in you; you are always conflicted. Probably, there cannot be a segregation of you and your consciousness as both are just different dimensions of you. Both are information bundles " you are a package of information and your consciousness is an emergent bundle of processed information. It is for this reason that it has always been advised by philosophy, spiritualism as well as modern science that you must always focus inside you. You must need to extensively journey inside the internal information landscape. You must be the genius of the internal information. It is probably the only wisdom you think of as whatever presents itself as realities to you is ultimately also information, with which you and your consciousness aligns in a certain ways. That is why first and ultimate attainment and success for you is to journey, unravel and understand the entities, elements, dimensions and constituents of internal information landscape. This metaphor of journeying internal information landscape is termed in linguistic terminology as Looking Within and finding the true and real treasures of joy, satisfaction, utility and worth, inside your own body and mind domains. Nothing outside have any meaning, utility and worth. All worth and utility are within you and your own information bundle. What you accept as success and attainments have seeds, soils and nurturing elements all within your consciousness. Everything is within this cyclicality of you being in your consciousness and your consciousness being in you. Very naturally, you get to journey yourself first. If you don’t, you are never ever aware of the true and real treasures of utility and worthiness. Looking within and familiarizing yourself with your own information landscape is primary wisdom. As you journey deep, wide and long inside your internal information landscape, you familiarize yourself with different dimensions of information within you and this shall in turn help you fruitfully and beneficially align with external information landscape and its dimensions for optimal life-living wellness. As we have talked earlier, it is your consciousness, which assigns values of good-bad, right-wrong, utility-futility, success-failures, etc as information in its entirety, holism and macrocosm is value-neutral. It is this ‘assignment’, which we are referring to, when we use the metaphor of ‘aligning with information and its dimensions’. It is therefore very natural that you unravel and understand the ‘causalities’, which assigns and aligns. You need to accept that it is essentially your personal, subjective, egoistic and self-validating perspective and cognition, which generally ‘causes’ you and your consciousness to align with only the ‘part’ information " both within your internal landscape as well as the external information landscape. When you unlearn this egoism, subjectivity, self-validation propensity and reactionary interaction with information; you and your consciousness shall become eligible for aligning itself with holism and entirety of information. This shall make you truly and really a free person to unravel and understand the value-neutrality of all realisms. This is the portal, which opens up the probabilities of journeying into information landscape as an unattached, unbiased and non-dualistic observer, witness, absorber and judge. You shall then align with information and its dimensions with this singular and objective associational string of value-neutrality. This in turn shall unleash the very powerful, hugely satisfying, unfettered and infinite interactions with information; both within and outside. If this whole idea is to be presented and understood with the help of a facilitative metaphor, you can accept that it is very much like just being an outside witness of all goods and all bads, all rights and all wrongs all utilities and all futilities but still not being part of anything. You just witness, observe, imbibe and interact but never become one. You are neither aligned with good, nor bad, neither right nor wrong, neither success nor failure. You just witness them and relate with information and never ever become anything. Your own information landscape is then unattached and free from the insinuations of egoistic and self-validating value-judgment. Your consciousness and you are not burdened by the load of unsettling and vitiating ‘causalities’, which the external information constantly dumps on you. You are neither happy nor sad, you are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; you are neither successful nor failed. You are just you " a witness of everything but part of nothing. You are everywhere but not in anything. This situation shall free you and your consciousness from this dualism of ‘you being in your consciousness-cognition and your consciousness-cognition being in you’. You are free from this burden of cyclicality of causalities. You are still the information and media but on every side of information and its dimensions and still not embedded and entrenched to them. You are free, independent, objective, unbiased, unfettered and holistic information unto yourself. You are ONE and SAME with holism of Information. You have broken free of all external causalities and therefore, your consciousness and cognition interacts only with those causalities, which you as independent information, design and devise, with optimal awareness and best of objectivity. This is the situation, which we can metaphorically call as discovering the true, real and ultimate treasures within and then lead a rich and contented life. This is the idealism, which science of information seeks to install in you. The philosophies and spiritualism have been advocating the same since over 3000 years. As and when you discover and stand in perfect possession and use of the treasure inside, you can easily see and accept, how there is no utility and worth in external entities, which we culturally accept as precious and seek to attain. You can see, how those external realities have no value of its own. You had lent this value-judgment to them. As you are now independent and unaligned information, you can accept, all utilities and worth are inside you and you and your consciousness is the only dispenser of all values, utilities and worth to anything. As you already have all value and worth inside you, you sure do not need the ‘pebbles’ of the external realities. Your own inside information is the perfect world for you and its own journey is filled with infinite potentials and probabilities of worthiness. This state of you and your consciousness is the seed situation for blossoming of novel and alternative choices for life-living. But the fact remains that it is one part to understand and imbibe the art of writing good poetry. The other adjunct of this enterprise is actually writing a good poetry. It is because; understanding is only part of the enterprise of witnessing and observing. The important part is to be witness to the other dimension of recreating and engineering the imbibed information. It is about journeying different dimensions of information. There are dimensions to information, which you align with for a particular causality. You must also be aware of them. For example, you have journeyed the information landscape of books available on the subject of molecular biology and have zeroed down on a book, which you need to read. This is one part of the information you have successfully observed and witnessed. You go to a library and ask the librarian that you need a book with blue cover and molecular biology written on the cover. The librarian looks at his or her catalogue and finds three books with blue cover and on molecular biology. The librarian takes out any of the three and assigns it to you. You take the book home only to find that it sure is about the same subject but deals with cellular mechanism of protein synthesis, whereas what you had sought pertained to pathological response mechanism at cellular and molecular levels. You therefore get the inappropriate information and if you do not know what specific need you had, you would happily imbibe the inappropriate information as the right and true one. The librarian is not at fault in a major way, though he or she should have helped you out in being more specific. But then, it is your need and you should have asked him or her for the specific book with precise book title, author name and publisher detail. As your information was partial, the recall of information for the librarian was unspecific and you finally landed with inappropriate information. This happens. Your brain states are a huge plexus of information, stored in different brain layers and it is very much like a huge library with thousands of books. The librarian does not recall them all. The librarian has its catalogue available to her at his or her desk and from there, he or she can trace, in which corner, which shelf and which column-row a specific book might be resting in the library. The cataloguing has to be perfect and the librarian also must be smart enough to trace the specific book through the system of cataloguing. This metaphor is being used for you to understand that information has many dimensions and as you are a bundle of information and your brain processes, stores and catalogues billions of such information, there must be brilliant recall mechanism for the information to be used well. This is one dimension of information. Probably, the most critical dimension of information is its objectivity and non-egoistic dissemination by your media of consciousness. You have accessed and internalized the holism of information and its probable dimensions but then; the information is processed and disseminated by your media of consciousness, when you and your consciousness interact with the external information landscape. It is here, in the external information landscape, your consciousness seeks a whole range of association and alignment with differentiated shades of informational realities. This is the test of the nobility, novelty, objectivity, amicability, assimilation, cooperation, synergy, et al of your consciousness and you as the agency or media of information. Let us understand this aspect of information and media with the help of another metaphor. This should help you decipher this critical dimension of information. You and your consciousness have unraveled, deciphered and internalized this information of love and its different dimensions within your own internal information landscape. You have understood and accepted that love is a complex bundle and package of information; very much like you and your consciousness and it is also an emergent, transient and ever-evolving informational reality. You have understood and accepted that very much like your own consciousness; love is also like a ‘suitcase’ entity. This means, as there are different things packed inside a suitcase, which are related but also unique in utility and usages; still from outside, the bundle or package is referred to as a suitcase. Similarly; love is also like a suitcase. This metaphor of love as suitcase means, love is a bundle of different shades and nature of related but also unique informations but as they are seen, observed and experienced from outside, they look one singular entity like a suitcase. The suitcase is an objective and non-egoistic information. What is loaded and stuffed inside the suitcase is no business of suitcase. Still, different suitcases shall be different, even when looking the same as within them, the packed items shall be different. So, you know it very well that love is a complex bundle of information and therefore, it has so many different ‘parts’ and dimensions of information. It is the holism of information, which is what we have accepted love as. Therefore, you are very much aware of both the ‘parts’ of the information landscape of love as well as its holism. However, this information of love, which your media of consciousness and you have understood and are in good possession, has to interact with elements in the external information landscape and your consciousness and you have to be very dexterous when this internal information of love lands in interaction with external information. You and your consciousness have to ensure that you disseminate love in the same exalted and munificent standards, which you have accepted love with, within your own internal landscape. So, how you go about love? You accept that love is primarily for you, for your own wellness and for the completeness and perfectness of your consciousness. Love is the tallest, widest, the best and most magnificent building in your internal information landscape. You accept that love is like a fragrance, which must pervade throughout your internal information landscape. Every speck and detail of your own information and media of consciousness must have the feel and aroma of love. Love in its holism of information must define and deliberate on every element of information and all its dimensions. Love is not something you do, express and display. It is your consciousness. This in turn ensures that every shades and shape of your cognition is moderated and conditioned by the highest and noblest benchmarks of love. Love reflects its essence and imagery in your thoughtfulness, behavior, actions and interactions. Love is the most precious of information and it paints all other information and realities in different hues and colors so that they all essentially conform to and fit into the holism of idea and idealism of love. Love is a suitcase reality. Love bundles up and packages all things good, right, appropriate, assimilative, symbiotic, synergetic, empathetic, complementing et al. As you and your consciousness are ‘witness’, journeying the external information landscape; observing, absorbing, judging and assigning values; love may also be accepted as the ‘witness’, which journeys the external information landscape; observes, absorbs, judges and assigns values to your consciousness and cognition. If anything, which does not belong to the suitcase identity of love; it is redundant and even unworthy of any association for your consciousness and you. Love is your God. It is the reality, which you have to be in light with. Then, how does this information of love interacts and aligns with external information landscape and its dimensions? You and your consciousness love everything that you journey and associate with. You don’t only love a woman or a man. You don’t only love your family and friends. You don’t only love what you think is good and right. You just don’t have to be into the ‘doing’ of love. You just present the highest and noblest information of love, as internalized within your internal landscape, to all things in the external information landscape. Those, who have the same aware, noble and benchmarked information of love as you have; they shall respond and align in the associational and symbiotic ways. Those who don’t have them, they automatically shall dissociate and fall apart. You do nothing for the sake of love and do not even show it to someone. You just be what you are " a noble, aware and benchmarked Information of Love. Only a powerful transistor catches the radio waves present in the open air and starts to relay the beautiful song, the waves have. The wave seeks no transistor and it seeks nobody to listen to the song contained in the waves. The waves are there, they present themselves. A worthy and good transistor happens; the music happens; happiness happens; meaningfulness and righteousness happens. When this happens, love changes dimensions, as the song engenders another dimension of the wave. When love gets reciprocation, it changes its dimension and the novel dimension fills in more beautiful and worthy entities in the suitcase entity of love. Love is strengthened, it is diversified and augmented. This new information of augmented and symbiotic love may itself seek to have a new entity and nomenclature of specific nature and dimension. It may seek the nomenclature of ‘romantic’ love. Even if it does; you just have to be the aware witness. You and your consciousness must never be part of the new nomenclature and get yourself invested in it. You remain the same aware witness and objective judge of this new information and its specific dimension. You are the information. Your consciousness is information. Information must always maintain the highest, noblest and most objective standards of pure, true and real information. This is true with all realities of life-living; not only love. You and your consciousness never have to worry about and think in terms of attainments and successes of life-living. You just have to remain hundred percent invested in your own internal information landscape. You invest in awareness, journeying, witnessing and objectively judging your own internal information and its dimensions. You create worthiness with your own information and these worthy informations must form the suitcase, bundle and package of your consciousness. Your consciousness and cognition must be defined and deliberated upon by love, compassion, accommodation and cooperation. Your consciousness must always disseminate the waves of musicality and fragrance. Worthy waves shall get only worthy transistors. You do not have to seek anything in your life-living. The ultimate treasure is within your own internal landscape. You and your consciousness are themselves huge potentials of all probabilities of attainments. What is there to be attained is the holism and objectivity of information. What is there to be sought after is how optimally and honestly you and your consciousness align with all other information landscapes in non-egoistic, non-self-validating and compassionate connects. You and your consciousness enterprise not for material attainments of life-living but for ensuring a witness-mode association with all informational realities and judge them objectively. Is this simple and easy? What is simple and easy in life-living than stupidities, hypocrisies and shamelessness! To sum up the deliberations above, we may be better off if we do it with questions itself. This may very well be the summary of what we have talked so far. The questions are " 1. What you usually do with information? 2. How do you pack your suitcase? The answers are not complicated; they are very simple and easy. You get some information and you immediately like to know more about it. Information has its own causalities. Information is linked and related to many other information and it is only a very natural corollary and progression that you seek more details and other aspects or dimensions of the information. For example, someone tells you that your old friend is visiting you in the evening. Immediately you seek more information " is he or she coming with their spouse? Are the children also coming? Will they stay for dinner? Is he or she going to stay overnight with you? What might have prompted him or her to visit you after so many years? Etc. The same must be the progression of you and your consciousness as bundle and package of information. You and your consciousness must always be willing and ready to journey more information and make efforts for having the information in its holism and entirety. More information you have with you, better shall be your preparedness for any eventuality in life-living. As you and your consciousness are information; your personal growth, wellness, empowerment and success depends on how well informed you are and how best you have journeyed with optimal awareness as witness and observer, the information landscapes within you and outside. This is the best and most precious possession you have for optimal readiness of life-living challenges. Secondly, when you pack your suitcase, you usually ensure that it has the best of things available at your disposal. You don’t pack your suitcase with ordinary and mundane. You know a suitcase is what you shall have when you are out of your home and that is why it must be packed with all possible things, which you may need when away from home. That is why you pack your suitcase with best of and most needed stuffs. Moreover, you also pack them with great care and dexterity, so that not only it could accommodate more things but the things should also remain as it is and don’t get messed up. You also put the things in such a way that when needed, you could access them, without having to toss up everything out on the floor. Essentially, you invest your best attention and care when packing the suitcase. As your own consciousness is a suitcase of multi-dimensional information, you pack your consciousness with the best of information, with utmost care and dexterity. You invest best of your energy and thoughtfulness to ensure that when in need, you have easy and prompt access to certain information. You pack your suitcase of consciousness with best of information. You cannot be careless about it. Are you? Your preparedness with information and carefulness with information is key to your wellness and success. As you understand and truly own your questions, it simply means, you are with the holism of information. The answer is also information. It is another dimension of information. Questions arise out of the partial awareness and possession of information. Questions mean, you have not packed your suitcase well and you have not done justice to the holism of information. As you journey the holism of information landscapes, you definitely discover those dimensions of information, which stand as answers. This is reality in its holism for you. You are information; your consciousness is media of information. You and your consciousness must be in optimal possession of holism and entirety of information. And, all your information must be very skillfully packaged and packed with optimal awareness and recall. This is simple and straightforward metaphor of wellness and success in all life-living situations and stages. This metaphor of the idea may sound simple but its execution and practical use in daily life-living may not be. It requires non-egoistic and non-self-validating consciousness. The rewards however are mesmerizingly brilliant and very satisfying. Nothing precious can compete in worth in front of an empowered and highly aware media of consciousness. *** CHAPTER 3 Growing With Information Evolution Somehow, there is no question and no answer. Everything is a probability of information at one context or dimension of interaction with information. Information is primarily emergent and transient in nature, because of its constant interaction with media and milieus. Therefore, a question or answer is also transient and ephemeral. Naturally, you and your consciousness must also constantly evolve and move up with questions and answers. You are information and your consciousness is emergent media of information. Therefore, you too have to keep pace with evolving and emergent information all around you and even far off. Your questions and answers are indicators of your growth and evolution as a media and information. This colossal and hugely complex world of reality in its entirety and expansiveness is almost infinite. You and your consciousness is a very diminutive and restrictive media of information processing. How much information a ‘grain’ of sand can possess and process lying on the sandy beach of many miles along a sea is very well understandable. But; the magic with your consciousness is that it may be miniscule and irrelevantly small, compared to the physical size and form of the colossal and complex world; its capacity to witness, observe, absorb and internalize information is practically unlimited. You already know, it is this grain-size brain, which has unraveled and deciphered the infinite cosmos and its massive information for you. This mesmerizing and mystically marvelous media of consciousness is so powerful and dexterous that it can journey billions of light years and infinity of dimensions of this humungous information of universe. This media of consciousness has journeyed inside a very tiny information landscape of cell, molecules, atoms and particles, which it cannot even see and realize through bare eyes. This media of consciousness has the ingenious audacity and artistry to journey even inside the landscape of consciousness and brain plexuses. You as information and your consciousness as media of information processing is the ultimate wonder of the world. Your media of consciousness has in fact coined the reality of Reality. You happened that is why information happened. It is this media of consciousness, which structured the information landscape for we all to journey. Consciousness structured and delineated the nomenclature and dimensions of information, which we now know as history, geography, physics, biology, geology, cosmology etc. Your consciousness is the finality of everythingness of all realities. It is only up to you how best you use your media of consciousness and for what purposes. Your consciousness creates the causalities, which in turn align you as information with the infinite cosmos of information. This alignment and association decides your destiny. Your destiny is practically in your own hands. Metaphorically, your own information decides what practically your destination is. The questions you have is half your destiny; the answers you accept as true, real and right information is rest of your destiny. That is why it is singularly critical as what questions you ask, how truly and rightly you ask and what you accept as answers. Let us understand this with life-living examples to ease up the understanding and conscious internalization. A child born somewhere used to ask his parents, ‘What is this?’ The parents would answer, ‘This is a cat.’ The child would ask, ‘What is this burning in the sky? The parents would answer, ‘This is Sun’. Many years later, the same grown up child asks, ‘What is the surface temperature of the Sun and how the temperature varies as one journeys inside the Sun?’ The parents, the world around him had no answers. However, it is pure, true and real information, already there. There is a Sun and it has specific temperature zones. The question persists and finally, some day, someone grappling with the question gets to discover the real and true answer. The answer was already there. The surface of Sun has the temperature of around 5600 degree Celsius and at the core of Sun; it is around 15,000,000 degree Celsius. The consciousness as a media of information asked it right and the answer, already being there as pure and true information became amenable and real. The information was already there before humans happened and consciousness happened. Reality as information and its dimensions predated you and your consciousness. You begin with a big zero and end up wherever is no business of reality as information. Information is value-neutral and it has nothing to do with you and your consciousness as it happened billions of years before you happened. Therefore, what you do with this informational reality is purely your business and what ‘business’ you do with this colossal information, decides and shapes up your destiny. Whether you ‘trade’ in information of cats or in temperature of Sun; the universe has no concern and inclination. However, what information you and your consciousness trade in shall create interactional causalities, which in turn shall delineate the boundaries of your internal information landscape. Whether you journey within the walls of your bedroom or the entire cosmos is no business of universe. The information is there inside your bedroom too and the information extends to the margins of the universe. Your consciousness and you decide the length, breadth, depth and height of the information landscape. If the size is your bedroom, the causalities too shall present itself within the four walls of your bedroom. Very naturally, your consciousness shall process only the bedroom information and causalities. The questions shall emerge from within the bedroom and the answers shall come from the same length, breadth, depth and height of your bedroom. Your attainments, successes and failures too shall reflect the ‘dimensions’ of your bedroom probabilities. However, if you choose the infinite landscape of cosmos; you extend the probabilities of attainments, successes and failures to the infinity of the universe itself. It is entirely your choice. What business you opt for and what you trade in is no business of information and cosmos. It was there, billions of years before you happened and shall remain there, evolving and altering, billions of years after you are dead. The information is what is there and it is there at every speck of reality, which your consciousness lives in and can journey. The information stretches from a cat to the cosmos. You and your consciousness decide the boundaries of the information landscapes you are willing to journey and actually journey. Whatever information landscape ‘forms’ you journey shall shape up the causalities, which emerge because of the interaction of your media of information with the elements and dimensions of information landscape you journey. These causalities shall decide and shape up your questions and answers. The questions you own and ask truly and rightly is only half of your destiny. The other half is the answers, which is also information and its dimensions, you and your consciousness accept as real, true and right. You may ask the right question about the temperature of the Sun but your consciousness has the option of accepting variety of different dimensions and shades of information as answer. You can accept that Sun is very hot and it must be at least ten times hotter than your room heater! This is causality of your destiny! There are well decided, popularly and perpetually asked questions in the ambient information landscape of family, society, culture, economy, politics and religion. Generations after generations, since thousands of years, billions of new born human child and grownups have been handed over these questions. There are decided and popularly benchmarked answers too. For every bundle and package of information of billions of men and women, there stands in ageless perpetuity well-packaged ‘suitcases’ of questions and answers. Mass majority of incoming generations of men and women happily and routinely accept them and live out their life-living, trading in the fixed and patterned causalities they create. Most destinies are alike. Only a few details are different. There is a simple and straightforward mathematics of scales, magnitude and dimensionality. The mathematics itself is an information pattern and causality-orchestration of metaphoric magnitude. The mathematics of business and economies of scales are universal causalities. Good businesses must have big, varied and facilitated inventory. The inventory must be deftly readied to meet all probabilities of demand and supply. The upkeep and cataloguing of inventory must be of high standards so that it could withstand the pulls and pushes of tumultuous market moods and modalities. Modern corporations like Amazon handles millions of information every day and that too at global levels of operations. The information is multidimensional and varied in scales and magnitudes. The mega corporations have a well-galvanized information processing mechanism-processes in place and they keep updating them. The operations, size and magnitudes of their inventory is huge and spread all over the globe, with its reach up to grassroots levels. The agency of execution of interactional plexuses of information for action is dexterously supported by huge numbers of manpower and they are all well-informed of the operational processes. How massive information and its brilliant processing create mega structures of profitability and utility-worth in modern human world is worth replicable in all media processing information at every levels of reality. You are also massive bundle of information and your consciousness is a very powerful and mega media of millions of information processing. Do you ever ask, ‘How is your information processing mechanism and processes, compared to the brilliance of contemporary mega corporations?’ Do you ever ask, ‘Global aviation systems carry over 4 billion passengers and millions of tonnes of freight every year and very rarely, there is even a suitcase getting misplaced; do my consciousness system has the same level of efficacy and dexterity’? There is absolutely no problem if you choose to have a small shop of information and deal only in a few items of potatoes, tomatoes and green chilies. There is no trouble whatsoever if you are happy running a bullock cart with usual daily freight of few kilograms of cabbages to the local market. The information has no problems with anything. The troubles start when you do not have efficacy and systematic operations even with a shop and cart. Problems start when you enterprise for nothing beyond your shop and cart and still ask the question, ‘When can I buy my Lamborghini or Bugatti with the proceeds of the trade?’ The macrocosm and holism of information and the reality, which this mega information and its multi-dimensionalities engender, cannot even look at you. You are too insignificant, too miniscule and too non-interactional with the mega macrocosmic information. Your immediate and ambient information landscape is not even visible from the cosmic observational portal. However, as deliberated earlier, your own media of consciousness is a magic and marvel of cosmic construct. It has the potential and potency to scale even beyond the infinity of cosmic threshold. As you know, it is the human consciousness, which discovered this infinity of scales and magnitudes of cosmos. It is this human consciousness, which maneuvers and manages the mega corporations of massive information processing. It is the human consciousness, which creates the hugely powerful artificial intelligence, which is set to surpass even human brain’s computational limits. It is the human consciousness, which defines the landscape of metaphors of probability, potential, possibility and impossibility. You have the endowment of the same brilliant, magical and marvelous consciousness. You have the same potential and probability. Everything depends on how you accept and journey your own information, your own media of consciousness and the different information landscapes; and how you stand to align yourself with the holism of information and its dimensions. You and your consciousness is the potential and possibility of being your own God as well as the worst Devil. The choice is yours. The information, anyways is least bothered about your choices. It is too value-neutral. *** Epilogue: As I said at
the very start; You and I are not mouth and ears. We are not
neighbors. Rather, we even didn’t know each other. We were in different corners
of the world and didn’t know we existed. However, the Information made us Neighbors.
The Information introduced us to each other. We talked and shared what
essentially is Information. I am information; you are too. Information connects
and creates familiarity, neighborhood, assimilation and cooperation. Information
makes everything " relationships, compassion, utility, worth and purpose. However, Information
is value-neutral. You and I lend our consciousness and cognition to create all
utilities or futilities. Information is like a big house and a question is like
you standing at the gate of the house. As you face the huge house, the Questions happen as they innately align
with Information only this way. Information
is gradually unraveled and that is why questions happen. We have to journey the
vast landscape of Information; one step at a time. At the gate of the big
house, you ask questions, ‘How big is this house? How many rooms are there? How
is the furnishing inside? Do all rooms have balconies and attached bathrooms? Etc.
However, once you are in and journey the entire house, gradually; all
information about the house are unraveled to you. You journey the big house and
all questions vanish. Questions happen as the consciousness stands at the
portals of the huge house of Information. Answers
are best availed when we Journey
into the landscape of the entire house ourselves… If you don’t
journey and only ask questions, standing at the gate of house of Information;
unwilling to enter inside and journey; you probably would find someone, who probably
shall have ‘Some Business’ to supply
answers to your questions. The relationship between Mouth and Ears
would begin and they may not live happily thereafter. You are the question and
therefore you yourself have to be all answers. It shall happen as you journey
information yourself and not lend your Ears to the probability of some Mouth
faking information for you… This
relationship between You and I, may look to you as something like
that between Mouth and Ears. I however very humbly insist; it is not. I am perfectly
ineligible and too stupid to tell you how many rooms the big house of
Information has and how is the furnishing inside. What I have humbly and very
honestly attempted to do in my relationship with you here is to invite you to
this House of Information, which you
must journey to unravel the Information yourself. This eBook is not about the
detailing of Information about ‘Rooms’ and ‘Furnishing’. Rather, it is simply
and purely a humble invite for you to journey Information. As you journey and
keep evolving, as a Journeying Consciousness;
You shall yourself witness, observe, absorb and imbibe answers. As you shall
keep journeying; we shall meet again and talk; as neighbors always do; as I
shall be there, somewhere in the colossal Information Landscape of Information,
waiting for you; if life allows. This shall happen as I am also incessantly
into the journeying. If you choose to share your Information with me; I shall
be the happiest. The Mouth and Ears had smart phones and they shared only
emojis; that too only on birthdays! You and I are not mouth and ears. We can
share so many things. We are Information… *** There is an old saying, ‘If youthfulness could not align with and care Elderliness; there is question mark on its worthiness… If Elderliness could not invest enough and shape up Youthfulness; it is a matter of shamefulness…’ The core communicational intent of the saying is what we deliberated at the very beginning of this eBook " Optimism versus Pessimism Information. Metaphorically at least, elderliness is considered akin to Pessimism as it has broadly lived out the entire spectrum of life, possessed with the ‘treasure’ of troubled memories of experiences. Youthfulness is deemed akin to Optimism as it has yet to journey the life-living in its fullest. Ideally, a symbiosis, connect and communication between Optimism and Pessimism is what the saying refers to. Truly, all Information, optimistic or pessimistic must be aligned and connected well as we have talked in detail that Information is neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Youthfulness or Elderliness ‘Information’ are also neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Youthfulness and Elderliness are rather dimensions and ‘contexts’, which align with life-living Information differently. That is why if both are synced and aligned well to the Information of each other; it is ideal for life-living wellness. I leave you with the blessings and wish that You and your life-living may always have this precious symbiosis and communication between different dimensions and contexts of Information, so that you and your life-living wellness always has optimality of potentials. May all Information and their dimensions align and communicate brilliantly with you and you too reciprocate more magnificently…! All Best! *** About The
Author People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators! ***** Other
Titles By Santosh Jha Non-Fiction: ** Fiction: ** Do Write To
Me. © 2021 Santosh Jha |
Added on August 24, 2021 Last Updated on August 24, 2021 Tags: Love, Information, Reality, Blissfulness, Consciousness, Post-Covid Life, Success Author![]() Santosh JhaDehradun, Uttrakhand, IndiaAboutAuthor, Poet, Journalist, Confabulator I may have written 47 eBooks but I believe, I am more an affectionate and compassionate confabulator, not truly a writer in traditional sense of the term. It .. more..Writing