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A Chapter by Santosh Jha

You may waste time reading, later writing bad reviews, if you seek exactitude of ‘My Type’ reading experience. This fiction is probabilistic; Beyond typecasts. It is Beyond familiarity, definitude of




By Santosh Jha




Copyright 2021 Santosh Jha




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What is Worst? When you don’t bother to look Beyond; Consciously negating all Probabilities...

What is Best? When you lead your Potentials to create Landmarks, as you journey through Probabilities…





Romance is opening the closed gate of Consciousness, to welcome Innocence of childlike Simplicity. People can’t truly be romantic. Often; they promptly trade innocence to barter Success. One needs to Fail his or her Ego, to make romance Triumphant; journey Beyond… But; it is deemed bad commerce. People succeed, romance fails; love is traded profitably…




Familiarity innately aligns with Similarity. Consciousness is wired to feel deep intimacy with Repetitiveness of preferred Reality. Continuity breeds security of familiarity. Blissfulness is often; a Perpetuity of similarities. Only Suffocation of slavery of repetitiveness can install painfulness for Emancipation. Blessed are those, who romance with idea of Pain as Portal of novelty for alternative probabilities. They journey Beyond…





Eyes asked the ears, ‘Do you see, dark clouds are coming; it shall rain?’ Ears replied, ‘I don’t hear any thunders; it cannot rain!’ The ears asked, ‘By the way, can you hear how beautiful music someone is playing?’ The eyes replied, ‘I can’t see anyone around; there cannot be any music!’ The ears are blind; the eyes are deaf. Both are geniuses; of Single Dimension; of solitary suitability. Multidimensionality is always around; if ever, Self-Validation could look and listen Beyond! But then; Self happens; can subconscious self-validation not happen…?





I can’t appreciate what I don’t understand. I don’t understand; not knowing is no culpability. Ignorance and its prompt denial is innate; visceral. However, conscientious criminality is in flamboyantly Showcasing the personal stupidities as public wisdom of ultimate order and ridiculing others for not appreciating its ‘embedded’ worthiness. Most people unconsciously Advertise their ignorance this way. Solipsism is a Software, which comes pre-loaded with the Hardware and operating system of body-mind. The journey Beyond beckons. Novelty of probabilities engenders knowledge. But; people don’t journey; they squander potentials of probabilities…




Love what you do; do what you love. This visceral intelligence of Habitual cyclicality is brain’s design for safety of sustenance of Survival optimization. This, however, is euphemism for Unconscientious slavery. Excellence too comes through this cyclicality. Brilliance is also therefore, Slavery of consciousness. Emancipation doesn’t differentiate between Best and Worst; good and bad. Freedom of consciousness seeks journeying Beyond all habitual cyclicalities…




The wise and visionary say, conflict and contradiction; its suffocation of stagnation, is essential for novelty and alternative pathways to open up. This is how journeys Beyond happen. Anyways; conflict and its probable painfulness are neutral and innate situations of reality; as it stands. We assign value of ‘unease’ into it. If we could see the utility and worth of conflict, we may very well welcome it; to lead our potentially prospective journeys Beyond…




Beyond is a precious; probably also a dangerous idea. Beyond is an invite to probabilities, where one’s readiness may not be right. Instinctively, definitiveness is preferred over probable precariousness, as nobody wants unnecessary journeys on untrodden paths. A famous philosopher said, ‘A thinking man is a depraved animal.’ Thoughtfulness adds possibilities Beyond singular exactitude. Thinking opens up the gates for precariousness of alternative possibilities; hence the risks. Naturally, compromising safety of survival is akin to depravity; in populist perception of majority.

However; if thinking engenders the chains of depravity of incertitude to enslave a person; it also emancipates by devising probabilities of breaking free from the slavery of habitual regularity. Depravity is not in mechanism and processes. It seems; it is in the purpose humanity laces an intent with. No sword ever seeks blood; human depravity however always blames it on externalities. Shamefulness of consciousness is human. Purposes; their stagnated and stinking intents and their fixed habits, therefore, also need to journey Beyond…

History tells us; this thinking man has been at the forefront of humanity’s long and precarious journeys to excellence and unprecedented rewards. Sadly; this thinking man however has always been lonely; majority of people not only desert him, rather also put hurdles in his already tough journey. But then; humanity’s romance with probabilities has been brilliant and the prime energy behind marvels of civilizations and cultures. This romance is mesmerizing, as it instinctively leads men and women to journey Beyond; into more and better information. This creates probabilities; which in turn engender potentials…

Humanity has unraveled and deciphered big mysteries of Reality only because it journeyed the potentials of probabilities, Beyond the comfort and safety of definitude of presentness. Beyond is infinite. Contemporary humanity is incessantly into this journey of Beyond…

People however, love to thrive in the certainty of familiarity of ambient tangibility. But then; Beyond is everyone’s inevitable journey. Those who stand in denial are essentially negating Reality itself. Life itself is probabilistic. Metaphorically though; Time also travels in probabilistic linearity of futuristic incertitude. The ephemeral and transient Reality of Time and Space is embossed on everything humanity is muffled with. Definitivenes is slavery of mind; a fixation of failed romance with Reality. Reality is unraveled only en route journey into probabilities of Beyond.

This story is about this journeying. It is a romance with Beyondness. There sure is a man and he is blessed to have a woman in his life, who complements him and consciously paves pathways for him. They understand and jointly nurture the artistry of the magicality of mutuality. There is brilliance of romance between them. However, this story of man and woman is not primarily about their romance. It is about their combined romance with probabilities. They journey, Beyond…; in absolute and perfect nakedness; in prized possession of innocence, honesty and simplicity…





Essentially, there ain’t anything like a story. There are pieces of truths; when you join them, in certain specificity; story happens. Something has happened; Beyond that; something you wish, should have happened; you say that; story happens. Anyhow; heart gets soaked, filled up; story happens… Words become too heavy, like tears, they tumble down; story happens… The void and nothingness inside, begins to speak; story happens. Probabilities; in perfect nakedness; align with innocence of consciousness; they fall in love; romance happens; story happens…!

The emotions and expressions in this fictional eBook have not been planned. They probably couldn’t be. They happened; as story happens. If there could be a perception and cognition of reality; Beyond popular acceptances; this eBook may have the reflection of it. Often; reality seeds up, in the soil of unconscious; the subconscious nurtures them. Unawaringly; the seeds germinate, blossom up. The conscious only displays the flowers they bear to people and milieus. Reality happens; story happens. Writer is just a stupid media to showcase; with whatever little ability he or she has, what the reality and story engenders...

However; what has been planned and intended; in this fictional work, by this writer, is writing in ‘Woman-Centric’ sensitivities. For a man; probably; the primary ‘Beyond’ has to be the domain and dimension of womanlike cognition. Innately; everythingness; even Beyond, is dedicated to feminine grace, poise and purposes. May they lead sanity, system, sensitivities and Beyond. The nature; energies of evolution works this way…





Thanks For Your Magnanimity; Beyond Begins To Shape Up Now...



The Orchestra Has Stopped. The symphony has been played out. All musicians have left the stage, one by one. Audience has cleared the aisle and on their way to parking. Lights are off. Only reflections of luminosity from outside have created the faint visibility of the stage. The audience area is darker. In the fullness of emptiness of darkness and vacuity, probability is gaining readiness. Rhythm is set to unleash; something catalytic; yet loaded with potentials of cataclysmic propensity.

The sole violinist, sitting on the floor of the stage, is still holding his instrument, clasping his hands around it, hugging to his heart. The warmth of the strings hasn’t faded yet. He looks up very casually, stares at the darkness of the hall. At the last row, on the farthest seat, there seems a shadow and it is not moving. It doesn’t matter to him…

Taking a last look at his violin, resting it for a while on the red satin; he smiles. Bowing down to the strings, he kisses the instrument gently. A hard bang on the concrete floor and the violin is smashed into pieces. The strings fly off and land beneath with one last sound of zing. He stands up. A heavy but low pitch humming sound follows into the high notes and he breaks into a song and sings it with his hands swaying up…

As he chooses to ignore the stage exit and steps down to walk towards the farthest exit meant for audience, he keeps singing but lowers his tone. The shadow on the farthest seat of the last row moves; claps twice, gently but firmly, as he makes his exit out of the hall…




Emancipation…! Is it the right expression? Is expression the true communication? Is communication the reality of actuality of emotions? Are they anyway needed? Nothingness; as it sways its ambience of musicality in every speck of beingness; is no emancipation! Is It? Emancipation is not even a probability; it is a mirage people chase, very much like life; never there, in substance but always standing tall, in front, in feel of expressions, communication; enticing somethingness; everythingness…!

The Big Bang was primeval emancipation…? May be…! Energies, matter, mustn’t be too heavy; too warped. Purpose, outcomes, reasons, eventualities; they are all too heavy and clumped realities. Big Bang has to happen; it must; to emancipate, free, release, unfetter, unleash, unwarp and unwind… It unchains the incarcerated; trapped-clumped energies and initiates the processes of probabilities to unleash dimensions of realities…

Big Bang has to happen… Galaxies have to happen; stars have to shape up, planets and lives have to acquire dimensionality. The cosmos has no purpose; but it probably has processes. The processes are innate, embedded, entrenched. The matter happens; anti-matter follows… Electron happens; positron follows… Black Hole happens; White Hole follows… Conflict and contradiction are processes. Attainment happens; emancipation must follow…

Probabilities need to journey novelty of pathways; in unreasoned and unpurposed causalities. Causalities too need be emancipated of outcomes; especially the preferred, benchmarked ones. Freedom, like life, seeks myriads of expressions to install its substantiality and then; the corruption and mediocrity of outcomes seed up. Processes pathway everything…

It takes so much time; billions of years. Journeying of probabilities is a long; very protracted one. Life is too fragile; too miniscule, ephemeral! Billion realities and their zillion probabilities line up for staging their symphonies within a few years of life; living! Every passing hour is squandering millions of probabilities. The slavery; fettered consciousness, itself inviting the diamond studded thick chains to clamp around existence!

The purpose, outcomes; reasonability and attainments are so crippling and incarcerating. The audience; applause, encores and approvals are out to negate probabilities. The ever-culpable and failed romanticism with trepidation, apprehensions, unsettledness and a never-ceasing yearning for wearing, flaunting the jewelry of successes; especially the benchmarked populist ones, stands as the big bulky sentinel of self-validation, on the portals of novel-alternative probabilities of realities. Slavery is subconsciously purchased; at un-measurable costs. Journeys, however, need no approval; no applauses; not even benchmarking of successes. Journeys seek no expressions; no self-validation either. They happen; like life happens and they unchain, unfetter, unreason and emancipate. Processes pathway everything…

Emancipation is tough; that’s why required! To unleash…! Big Bang must always happen; in cyclicality and perpetuity. Potentials must never be baptized and assigned to ritualistic routines of righteousness, appropriates and successes. Why? Probably because, the very nomenclature and reality of ‘Must’ is a possible slavery! Why life ‘must’ happen? Why purpose ‘Must’ happen? Why success ‘Must’ happen. Even probabilities ‘Must’ not always happen! Mortality happens; even when everyone seeks, it ‘Must’ never happen…

Potentials are probabilities and they blossom in the innate milieus of honesty, innocence, affection and compassion. Freedom and liberty are not the right expressions. Compassion has the potential for emancipation. Emancipation also carries the burden of ritualism and egoism. Compassion also unconsciously seeks validation and commerce of bartered exchanges. Journeying is alighting, the burden and travel with bare basics. Journeying itself is a universe of causalities. Life itself is a cosmos of probabilities of causalities. Journeying and life need no external and cognitive causalities of human cultural commerce.

Nakedness is the causality; it does not require the external, cultural, expressional, ritualistic causality of ‘Without Clothes’. Causalities are not witnessed this way. Outcomes do not shape up the cause. Unclothing cannot define nakedness; should not. Innate cannot be shaped up by definitional ritualism of negation of synthetic realism. Nakedness cannot be seen from the perspective of fabrics and its negation. Negation cannot be emancipation…

Nakedness is not un-wearing. Emancipation from clothing is not nakedness. Nude is innate availability. Nothingness is not lack of somethingness or freedom from everythingness. Nothingness is innate availability. You do not do anything for nakedness of nothingness. It is what it has always been. Effort for attainment is enterprise in egoism and ritualism.

Culturally, unleashing has to begin with ritualism of egoism. Unleashing begins as an enterprise as, since childhood, every action and behavior have been trained to be energized by egoism of unconscious and subconscious. Emancipation; unleashing cannot escape the ritualism of egoism. The consciousness has to exercise its protagonistic attitudes to ensure emancipation. Nakedness has to be processed; un-wearing has to happen; consciously, clothes have to be put off. Consciousness, as a media, ‘Must’ at least announce; it intends unleashing! The ritualism of stage performance and encore must happen; habitually; procedurally.

Habituality is preferred slavery of humanity �" unconscious, subconscious; even willfully conscious. Brain design is in deep infatuation with habituality. It is the primeval causality to optimize survival. But then, brain and mind consciousness is no way restricted to evolve and diversify love and look beyond habitual romance.

Life itself becomes a habit. The guardians of cultures tell you to make success as habit. You Must never be; naked and nothing. As a habit; some purpose and some occasion to ‘dress up’ is always present. We always wear so many purposes and very innately, the consciousness has a full and overflowing wardrobe; different shades and styles of marvelous fabrics, to suit all occasions. Successes and approvals; as habitual rituals; have to follow. Slavery is habitual; egoism seeks successes of slavery. Ritualism ensures; audiences never go home, before applauding…




… The Big Bang has happened. Emancipation was decided and it has begun to happen. The process is well at place. The probabilities are now waiting in the wings. So are the rituals of freedom and unfettered-ness. The smashed violin, late at night after his last performance, has been heard by all. As he slept the night in complete nakedness; the media worked in full might to dress it up with all probabilities of attributions and shades of meanings. As he shall wake up; the world shall also, with the heralding of the insinuations of his smashed violin. He however shall wake up to his own consciousness. He shall greet the dawn with nakedness of nothingness. He slept with this resolve. The rituals and probabilities however, he could not frame up. It shall unravel as the day shall progress. The Sun is preparing its march and shall be out in an hour.

For the last 45 years of his life, since he landed on the cradle, he has been with this instrument. Applauds and standing ovations have been part of his life for the last 25 years as he remains the most acclaimed violinist of the world. Success has been a habit and approvals have been ritualistically available. Life however is always a mixed bag. People love his music. The critics and media have never spared a chance to find fault with his personal life-living and run him down for what they felt, he hasn’t achieved; therefore not to be a great as yet! The external perspective always finds the missing ‘Must’, which someone has not yet pocketed and therefore, is yet to sit settled on the pedestal of prominence.

The Big Bang was his staged ritualism for announcing his emancipation; not to the world but himself. Somehow, the 25 years of slavery of purposefulness had necessitated it. Necessity however, is not always the prime energy of actionability. Ultimately, something has to happen not because it is necessary to happen. It happens because consciousness becomes breathless and the suffocation of clumped energies themselves seeks emancipation. Nothing can happen in definitive certainty if consciousness is habitually in blissful drift of energies. The blocked, clumped energies smother consciousness and make it breathless. The Big Bang happens to emancipate consciousness from definitive death and smash away all suffocating energies of purposes to allow and invite novel probabilities. Nakedness of nothingness is the primary need; probabilities may not happen; they automatically rush in to fill in the void.

Dawn is not truly the beginning of the day. It may actually be an anticlimax of the initiation of the design of the night. Time is intuitively designed this way for human cognition. It is another slavery of habituality. Essentially, light is innately antagonistic to the reality of nakedness. The darkness and improbabilistic lap of night is true theatre of nakedness to unleash its beauty, grace, poise and purposelessness. Dawn and its golden lights are invite to dressing up of purposes. The wardrobe is full of them but tragically enough; all the dresses adorning the wardrobe is a gift by someone, expecting you to wear them to make you look what they thought you should. Nakedness is innate and wholly personal wardrobe. The skin we wear is no gift.

Nothing internal is easy to be attained if externalities are out in the open and in luminosity of the day, to barge in. Causalities are always neutral. They present equal and full faces of both utility and futility. It is about, which side of the information of reality, your consciousness aligns with. When externalities are exited, their habitual acoustics are subdued or fully unworn; the dimensions inside present alternatives. Nakedness ain’t ritual but initially; it has to be consciously manufactured to ensure freedom from externalities…

He still lies in his bed. Years back, he has understood and accepted the futility of enterprise to stop the brain. Slavery of milieus and its causalities is what brain is designed for. It simply cannot accept stoppages. The very emergent and incessantly actionable mind mechanism and its optionlessness, is what he has unraveled after loads of still and leisurely inactionability. He knows; it took him more than a decade to master his craft of musicality; especially the instrument he played; to align to his imagery of realities. He accepts; it shall take him long, before he innately masters the artistry of nakedness and nothingness. The mind consciousness may attain freedom overnight but its deep and habitual slavery shall go away only gradually and that too with conscious enterprise. He is in no hurry. He has at least witnessed the space beyond timeliness feel. He knows how to be on the better side of ritualism of time.

With his coffee mug in his hands, he sits watching the blue sky, which stretched from his window to infinity. He can see; there is probabilities beyond the sky intuitiveness. The wind, clouds, rains, light, dust, storms, etc, he has lived out for years. He intends to see, feel, live and sustain beyond them; into the vastness of probabilities of space. Within; the landscape of his consciousness and life-living; he has lived out tears, smiles, successes, failures, adulations, condemnations, awards, etc. He knows; there are probabilities; precarious though; and he is definitely journeying them; as he has unleashed the process of Emancipation. The rituals have to fall in place…

Probably, the primary ritual, he begins to think; should be emancipation from the sky and landscape of Time. Lighting a cigarette, inhaling thick cloud of smoke inside his chest; he asks himself �" How do I actually feel the 45 years of my life? What exactly is the singular metaphor of 45? In music, he has always created metaphors for every single note he played. He created a mental imagery of how a specific note of music would look like, if it stood in front of him in flesh and blood. He asks, ‘How would 45, the feel of it, look, if it stood in front of me, in physicality and tangibility?’

Probably; he begins to think; the ritual of emancipation must commence with tearing apart and throwing away the ‘dresses’ and make the Time stand in perfect nakedness in front of him. He asks himself, ‘Why bother what 45 should look, if it stood in front of me. Better that I strip it nude and then visualize, how it should look up now and beyond.’ He smiles! Confronting your own stupidities and prejudices can do nothing but make you smile; if you have the courage to accept them…

He smiles as he knows; he has this preferred penchant for nakedness. Nakedness itself is a limiting sky for most. He was blessed; he could see and journey beyond this limitation. Nakedness for him was not an expression and communication of sensuality and sensuousness. Nakedness brings him skin close to his own eventuality, fragility, transience and mortality. Nakedness roots him; makes him feel real and true. The usual utility of nakedness and its blissfulness is always there to imbibe and be grateful to. He smiles; he decides, this ritualism may itself be against the very idea of emancipation. He cannot undress Time and stand it naked. He wishes to journey an un-trodden path.

He has to compose a novel ritual to create an alternative metaphor of Time, as he stands to visualize ‘45’ and; beyond. If Time is a stage, full of frills of extremities of successes and failures and love and hate; he visualizes it as a mathematical proposition of 5+40. First five years of his life; as formless and purposeless child; he distinctly remembers, could stand out as one Time sky. Rest of the 40 he feels is almost like a passing second; or a canvass painted only with one red color, with no undulations and dimensions. The ‘40’, after the first ‘5’ almost stands equal as two separate and solid block of time. The 5 was formless and probabilistic. The 40 was formidable but deterministically flat and definitive. Either he was a child or a musician. Time was two different persons; equally successful or failed; equally precious or redundant.

Both 5 and 40 succumbed to the externalities of realities. The five surrendered to slavery of his father’s determination to make him a great musician. The 40 remained enslaved to public expectations, critics’ insinuations and worst; the domineering diktats of the musicality itself. He hates to see 5+40 = 45 into an imagery of a person in chains but wearing a long golden robe, bowing happily to applauding people; with his mind already beyond; on the next morning newspapers’ reviews. He, for sure, needs a fresh, novel and alternative imagery of 45…

Elements of causality have to be understood and unraveled. Suffocation has to be understood to unravel the existential probabilities of Emancipation. This 5+40=45 reality seems like an expression of suffocation, which has percolated deep down his consciousness. The suffocation of 45 is probably about a mathematical impropriety he is unconsciously feeling. Mathematically; this 45 should have looked 45 ‘ones’, in a row, standing one after another. What he however is seeing is 45 as just two ‘ones’ �" one 5; another 40. This 5 = 40 = 1; this mathematical loss of actuality is suffocation?

May be; it is not suffocation but plainly consternation. Suffocation probably is more emergent and evolving realization like his own consciousness. There is a conflation of more elements in this causality of suffocation. He seeks to unravel it. Emancipation can wait!

This mathematics; the calculative instinct; this perpetual promptness to arrive at and remain with the equation of ‘pluses’ of personal profitability; may be causalities of suffocation. Mathematics is probably embedded in consciousness. Mind is constantly working mathematics of self-sustainability and self-validation. Even physics validates its veracity in mathematical metaphors of sustainability.

He probably is unable and unwilling to see and accept different dimensions of his mathematical calculations. He probably is accepting the volumes of 45 in two probable forms of 5 and 40 but unconsciously ignoring the mass of the two volumes. The 5 and 40 may feel equal in volumes but cannot be the same in mass. He probably was not willing to accept his mass-fullness of life-living as ‘40’ and counting it only as one volume. This happens with mathematical perspectives. Mathematics, often than necessary, may also be metaphors of human cognitive conflations.

He begins to think; is it the visceral mathematics embedded in layers of consciousness, he needs to unlearn and weed out, to initiate the process of emancipation? What does it matter, whichever way the 45 stands? The trouble probably is not in ‘45’ itself but in the mathematics of its equation vis-à-vis the optimal availability of 80. He understands and accepts; it is only one life of 80 fruitful years and once life is over; it is absolute nothingness. He asks himself, ‘If I cease to think about this mathematics; if I discount the juxtaposition of 45 vis-à-vis 80; can the suffocation go away? There cannot be a beyond after this life. Can there be a possibility of beyond, if I unlearn Time?’

He understands and accepts; there is an absolute limitation to journeying beyond. There is no beyond life. There is no journey beyond existence. There probably cannot be a beyond, in linear dimension of Time. The mathematics, the metaphors of physics probably can be amenable to a ‘beyond’ journeying but; consciousness cannot go beyond Time as it is synced with body and mind. There is nothing beyond life, after death and there probably is nothing beyond the Time dimension of ‘Present’. Consciousness cannot go beyond, in reverse Time of past; nor it can journey beyond in Time that is waiting to arrive at the dimension of present.

He begins to think; may be, there is nothing like 45 or for that matter 80. Every Time reality is only ‘one’. Time is only one. Many ones may be made to stand in linearity and ‘plused’ but its dimension shall always be expression of ‘One’. If Time is one dimensional; how can one go beyond? He begins to think, emancipation must seek a journey of beyond in realities, which have multidimensionality. What is that?

He begins to think; probably; only consciousness is multidimensional; rest of all realities are single dimensional. It is probably the multidimensionality of consciousness, which adds and extends its own dimensions into all realities. The physics and mathematics may also be expressions of the consciousness in its innate ability to engender dimensions. Consciousness probably is the singular probabilistic reality. It lends its probabilistic dimensionalities to all realities, which otherwise is singular or two-dimensional. Then probably; it is the consciousness, which is the sole and singular causalities of all probabilities of realities. It somehow is the Media of this Suffocation. It is also the media of the desirability of Emancipation. Can he be better off if he unlearns consciousness and go beyond it? Can he go beyond consciousness? How?




Self is the worst tool of mystery and mysticism. The reality manifests itself through this stupid yet infinitely powerful media of self. I or Me; the whole reality of externalities �" the culture, civilization, different human systems, faith mechanisms and value-systems, etc are mesmerizing yet mystical expressions of reality, as processed and presented by this precarious media of self or I. He knows it; deep down, from his own thoughtfulness and life-living experiences; he cannot proceed further, let alone journeying beyond, before he arrives at the finality of ‘I’.

He begins to ask �" Even the body, I say ‘Me’, is not mine. If anything in this ephemeral world I could seek to own and possess, it would first be my own body. But, it is impossible. My body I cannot possess and own. It is owned and possessed by mechanisms and processes beyond the control of me. Almost 98 percent is unconscious and subconscious. Only 2 percent is conscious, which I may stupidly call me. Its processes are beyond me and my controls. It is journeying its own decided pathways and I just cannot do anything. If this is the truth; if my body is not mine, how can its successes or failures be mine? How can the probabilities, the self engenders, be mine? If these probabilities are not mine; how and which way ‘I’ can ever disown or own them and even think of going beyond…?

He begins to think, if there is anything, which I may ever call ‘Mine’, is what I consciously and willfully make happen, definitively against the forceful causalities of my own body-brain, as well as the external purposes the cultures and milieus heap on me. But; can I go beyond and against my own body and mind? How? It seems; for this to be a possibility; there has to be two ‘I’s �" one in favor and other against any positioning of life-living. But; both are I or Me. My yes or no; both are me and I. May be, if I do not align with either of the two; neither in favor and nor against; and just witness both extreme probabilities, without any attachments; may be, then, is it what I may call and stand to be in true possession of I or Me and therefore ‘Mine’…?

… But; even neutrality and witness is I �" my own body and mine and it is still not Me! How actually then I can be beyond? How can I have emancipation from ‘I’ and unfetter ‘Me’ to journey probabilities, as beyond I? It essentially is a ‘something’ witnessing ‘nothingness’ and standing as neutral. Can ‘something’ truly and really witness ‘nothing’ and still arrive at it, without carrying along the shadow and perceptionability of ‘something’? If no, how can this ever be neutral? Even this nothingness then shall have weeds of unwanted somethingness. If yes; then how…?

He begins to ask; even nakedness is body specific reality. Can body and mind ever witness true, real and pure nakedness? Can I ever witness and sit in judgment of ‘I’? How can then it lead a journey beyond I, Me and Mine? Body is not mine and me; its probabilities are also not me and mine. If beyond is impossible, what is the justification of this emancipation journey? It seems; it is simply about which side of I or Me, ‘I’ stand and align with. If neutrality or witness is not beyond; then what is actually different being with or aligning with either of the two extremities of successes-failures and not aligning? Both are the same; though seemingly different only in their dimensionality? If all dimensions are only Me and Mine; where and how can there be a ‘Beyondness’…?

He begins to accept; this whole plexus of question and answers is the outcome of this dualistically cyclic causality of ‘I’ seeing I; ‘Me’ witnessing Me and ‘Self’ deciphering Self. He begins to accept that emancipation may actually never happen if he fails to unravel this mystical Causality and its Dualism. Freedom, unfettering and nakedness cannot have any meaning if this cyclicality or dualism of causality is not broken. The slavery is all within this mechanism and process of cyclicality of causality. This causality is what emancipation must first address. I must first emancipate itself from the causalities of ‘I’. But; he understands and accepts; he has no idea how this can ever happen…

He is, however, very determined. He has decided that the Big Bang has to happen inside this black hole of Causality of Dualism. He begins to understand and accept; probably, nothingness or nakedness is only for detachment from externalities. Nothingness probably cannot journey inside the black hole of Causality of Dualism. There probably cannot be any tool other than the ‘I’ itself, which can decipher and unravel the mysticism of I. The media alone can journey beyond causalities of information as the media is the sole processor of all information. Nothingness of media is impossible. Absolute nakedness of media is possible only through the enterprise of media itself. Who can undress ‘Me’ and look at my own nakedness other than me?

He begins to accept; the journey beyond is not about emancipation of somethingness and attainment of nothingness. The journey of beyond is probably about true and real owning of somethingness of ‘I’ so that this novel and alternative ‘I’ itself could be the potent tool to arrive at the everythingness of ‘I’. He accepts; he has to unlearn his old music grammar and learn novel and alternative notes to arrive at the melody and rhythm of the ‘I’, which he must at least understand in entirety; if not own and possess. Ownership is rather a subject top on the list of unlearning schedule…

There is no definitive me; only probabilistic ‘I’. It seems so. This ‘I’ in its holism and entirety is like a mound of clay. It is huge heap of Information. The linearity of Time; its manifestations in milieus, add water, make it a dough of clay. Then; as the demand and situation of milieus determine; different sizes, shapes and forms of ceramic toys and potteries are made out of the clay dough. A toy or a pottery made, and in retrospection of Time linearity, is definitive ‘I’. But, this transformation of probabilistic ‘I’ into a definitive ‘I’ happens only when Time changes dimensions and leads it into definitiveness of form. The ceramic toys and potteries are the memories of experiences, stacked and stored in brain states, available for profitable commerce to the ‘owner’ called consciousness.

Raw clay is always probabilistic; ceramic however, is definitiveness and an irreversible linearity. The ‘purpose’, which the consciousness opts, transforms the clay into ceramic. Information as clay is transformed into tangibility and definitude of reality, only when a purpose of water is added into it to change its form to exactitude. It seems like a destined journey of inevitability �" the clay of information and its probabilistic multi-dimensionability seems innately aligned and synced to causality of Time linearity, which in turn unleashes the probabilities of ceramic definitiveness, as water of purposes are added. The toys and potteries happen. It is inevitable.

Does it mean; more, varied and amenable mound of clay of information is invite to larger and better probabilities? However, there is this critical element of ‘art and artistry’, to create definitiveness of ‘forms’ of ceramic reality, out of raw clay. There is a science of life-living, waiting for art and artistry to happen, to diversify it into multidimensionality. Information as probabilistic precariousness is of little use if there is no art and artistry to use it aesthetically and with commercial viability. Does this mean; consciousness as information processing media is useless, until ‘I’ or Self has this artistry to transform it into meaningfulness? If consciousness is science, what exactly is art and artistry? How does it happen; arrive? Here again, the conundrum of ‘I’, self, consciousness, purpose and meaningfulness remain unresolved!

He begins to think; life-living linearity may look very complex and colossal but; in actuality, its processes seem simple and uncomplicated. He begins to think; there are simple and only handfuls of elements, which his life-living has to account for. There is ‘Me’, my consciousness, whether neutral or indulgent in extremities of ‘in favor’ or ‘against’ causality, the life-living presents. Then; there is a definitive progression of single-dimensional Time. Finally, there are purposes, which are truly multidimensional. The purposes are everywhere, as is the core multidimensional Information.

He begins to think; if there is a definitive pattern of elements of causalities and there are stages of elements aligning with different causalities to engender dimensions to realities; emancipation can be a definitive probability at every stage and with all causalities. Naturally; every stage and all causalities present themselves this probability of going beyond. Probably; beyond is nothing but a dimension itself. If there are infinite probabilities of dimensions of realities; beyond may itself be nothing else but a probability of dimension of reality…!

He is not sure. Even simplicity is only a dimension and every dimension innately and intrinsically aligns with probabilities of causalities to engender endless dimensions. Every process is exposed to inevitable probabilities of entropy. Every dimension is also a process of information and therefore, subjected to entropic propensities. That is probably why; simplicity never remains simple. It is also a dimension of information and therefore given to entropy; transforming it into evolving complexities. Nakedness is simplicity but even nakedness meets with entropies in processes and translates into complexities of perceptions.

If beyond is only about dimension; it is still not clear how one journeys into this dimension. Then; as causalities always present themselves at every stage in Time linearity; there shall always be an emergent and evolving ‘Dimension of Beyond’. Does this mean; emancipation and beyondness shall be a never-ending cyclicality; till life dissolves into absoluteness of nothingness? He begins to ask; is it that emancipation and beyond journeying are also very much Information and as consciousness constantly and evolvingly processes all Information; this emancipation and beyond information are available for incessant processing. Does this mean; emancipation and beyond are also ceramics of Toys and potteries? Does this mean; consciousness must evolve and master the craft and genius of artistry to make marvelous ceramics out of the clay of emancipation and beyond? Does this mean; emancipation and beyond are also essentially ‘purposes’?

If this is what the simplicity of life-living scripts for optimality; then it is there for easy acceptance that everythingness is all about this ‘artistry’ of consciousness. He begins to think; the question is not about consciousness, me, mine, purpose and attainments. It is all about how the ‘Art’ lends its probabilistic elements to all causalities. The artfulness engenders myriads of shades of realities by adding dimensions to infinite causalities. If everything is pure Information; all utilities and all optimalities are in artfulness of consciousness. Information is neutral and truly the witness. Consciousness probably cannot be true witness as it is the media of processing of the neutrality and witness-ness of Information.

He begins to think; he may have to journey into the ‘Artfulness of Consciousness’ as it shall shape up the meaning as well as the finality of optimality of everythingness. He begins to accept; information is innately simple and absolutely naked. Information cannot remain detached to processing as ‘I’ or Me as media shall always process them. Processing automatically leads to entropic probabilities; transforming simplicity into complexities. This reality itself situations suffocation and subsequent desirability for emancipation. Emancipation beckons for journey beyond to restore the simplicity and also engender new dimensions of primeval simplicity and nakedness. This cyclicality is constant �" a truly cosmic constant. This constant expansive journey of beyond is the design…

Do they call it Soul? Is this artfulness of consciousness, the soul, most people accept, as reality? He begins to think; all spirituality and all traditional philosophies refer to Soul as something beyond everythingness, yet sole interface with all realities. They probably refer to Soul as the ‘Sole Artist’, who lends dimensionalities of meanings and purposes to all Information and leads consciousness to keep upgrading its artfulness. Finally, when body-mind meets its absolute nothingness; it returns to cosmic information and assimilates into it.

He begins to think; things may not be as complicated, as people have since ages made it look like in philosophies and spiritualism. May be; the mathematics; the physics of life-living is simple and very much objectively procedural. The bio-chemistry of the media of consciousness makes it complex; as it constantly processes information. He begins to think; may be; the core and singular rule of life-living is one-dimensional but its probabilities lend it to multi-dimensionability. Consciousness and its artistry add dimensions. That is probably why it is all about the artistry of journeying the dimension. If life is one dimensional reality; living needs the artistry of consciousness to decipher and journey into as many dimensions as possible. He begins to think; may be, everything boils down to Artfulness and Dimensions. Both must be unraveled in their holism…




She has been in his life and around only for a year. It was a chance meeting and it turned out; she had little knowledge of music but her charm was mesmerizing. He initially doubted; she was always into some prank or other as she never ran short of giggling and barging happily into people. He however could not ignore that she was always into rhythm. Musicality was writ large on her very presence and it seemed; she consciously nurtured it. She had definitely matured in age. She never struck a discordant note in her body or voice expressions. The essence of musicality however was the undercurrent in her. He would instinctively avoid her if she was only music. He was drawn to her because she painted realities in amazing conflation of colors. As she came close to him; he also discovered her to be a marvelous canvas.

He had enquired and she admitted she had no training in music or dance but he realized; in was probably innate in her that she expressed herself in a way an adept dancer would. She was music unto herself as she had the instinctive craft of modulated and chiseled voice. What she did was mundane for him but the way she did it, he found it a true symphony.

They are in happy relationship as she does not rely on his bounties and he seldom seeks her for his blissfulness. They are different but innately complement each other. She knows; he is genuine; he accepts; she is a craft that automatically draws respectability…

Late in the evening, she arrives and as she hugs him gently; he suddenly has a feeling, he probably can see how dimensions stand in front and present themselves to tangibility of perceptibility. She brings in something, he feels is raw information and the togetherness engenders some dimension, which he can see in evolving imagery. He smiles as he feels, how instantly consciousness shifts to completely contradictory dimensions, when a sudden information comes in and muffles the consciousness. She probably had this innate or cultivated artistry to confront him with novelty of appearance, every time she met him. She personified dimensionality… he was blessed…

She has read in the morning newspaper so many things written about him as they all interpreted differently him banging his violin last night. She however has no concern about all these. She is happy; he called her and wanted her to spend the night with him. She always wished to spend time with him but he was always so busy. She is in fact happy; he has banged his violin and probably would be available for her in coming days.

They talk; he tells her what is going inside him. She is not sure what she would be expected to do, as he says, he wants her to help him in his thought processes. After a while, as she listens to him intently, she has the feeling, he has become more childlike. She has always found him true and very respectful to her but it was very manlike. She has never witnessed the innocence and simplicity, which she feels now, as he opens up about his predicaments and current state of precariousness. She feels continuity about him but then, he sits close to her, looking into her eyes with a disposition of completely new dimension. He is singing a novel melody and she can feel the fragrance of infant tenderness in it.

For a man; a woman has everything, which may sum up as his whole world. The man can seek nothing more as his woman has the potentials of probabilities of everything, which he may seek. So is the reality with a woman, vis-à-vis her man. The music has the grammar evolved and installed this way. They don’t only complement each other; they fill each other; fulfill each other. The man and woman present to each other as ‘Prism’, which lends a single dimensional light, the seven dimensions of shades. The rainbow is all within a person �" a man or a woman. It needs expression in all its multidimensionality. A woman and her innate consciousness present the ‘media’ for a man to attain his optimality of dimensions. A true man does the same. It is the design. Unfortunately; this mutuality very rarely happens. There are very few men; handfuls of women; only a colossal crowd…

‘I have always felt; they say it wrong when they insist, mirrors cannot lie. There are very few true mirrors anyways. They only show you, what you want to see. Mirrors cannot show you truth, if you stand a lie in front of it. Mirrors are humanity’s best disguised friend of self-validation’, he begins.

She comes closer to him. She can feel what he intends to say. She knows she has never ever tried to mirror him. He has never before sought her in a role, which he intends now. She senses it out. She is only inches away from him. No mirror can show anything this close. Mirrors must be placed a distance away for the eyes to see the image. She is no mirror. She is the ambience, muffling him all around; embracing him.

‘I know, you probably know it better than me, being a woman that like mirrors, most people seek other people primarily for self-validation. We don’t actually need mirrors and people. I am a musician and I have played violin for decades. When I play violin, it is the same feeling when I hold you in my embrace. My violin always plays true to my insinuations. You are so precious to me because of so many reasons but you too are so true to me like my violin. I simply cannot play a wrong note and expect my violin and you to reverberate the right musicality. I banged my violin not because it was being untrue to me. Inversely, it showed me my stupidities. I banged it because I was being untrue to my violin and her strings had become tired of my hypocrisies. I simply cannot do the same with you. I cannot be untrue to you. I cannot heap my hypocrisies and stupidities on you. I can accept failure; I can accept my own demise but cannot accept my hypocrisies. If I cease to be honest and innocent; music shall leave me. You are my music; I meet you only with honesty.’

‘I never have the reason to validate your honesty within me. You don’t even have to think about it. You just talk without even bothering my presence. I am not even other for you. You just be what you are; in your presentness. This honesty is always pure. I also never present myself to you. I just be what I am. You too have been the same. Our presence to each other has never sought a form. You played your music and I imbibed. I danced to my rhythm and you absorbed. Nothing has changed. Be what you feel you are. Just say and keep saying. As you have always said and I have lived it up; individually, you and I are probabilities and together; assimilated, we engender dimensions of probabilities. This shall remain forever. Neither you, nor I are apprehensive of any probability. We have both always welcomed and relished novelty of probabilities. We have grown like that in our mutuality. Just fly…’

Nakedness has precarious worthiness. Nakedness is music of utmost superiority. Nakedness is singular artistry of body and mind, which is always susceptible to the culpability of presenting its full face in the inappropriateness of Time and Space. Musicality too has the same susceptibility. True and right notes, played at inappropriateness of Time and Space in progression and emergent probabilities of music; is suicide of aesthetics. Nakedness; like music, is innate expression of consciousness. Bodies too need be naked, when appropriate. Mind opting out for absolute nakedness is innocence of honesty. Body and mind have the best appropriateness of time and space, when a man and woman, hand in hand, together, journey their consciousnesses in singular linearity into the formless landscapes of probabilities, without fear and without purposefulness of arriving. The journeying begins…

‘I am essentially seeking to actualize this probability of journeying beyond, whatever have been realities for me so far. The stumbling block however is the fact that it was I, who felt suffocation and wished emancipation from current realities and; when there is this feeling of journeying beyond, it is the same I, which visualizes it. The dualism is inherent in continuity of I, as it seems, there must be a novel and alternative I, which should ideally journey beyond. The same I probably is not even eligible for beyond as it is probably too deeply mired in antecedents of the past realities. It would be of great help if you could tell me, what you felt were things, you did not find true and right in me, which you would like me to drop and acquire novelties, when I journey beyond. This would help me in unraveling the dualism between two different I.’

‘It is not easy for me to tell. I have never thought in such terms. When we are together, it is always a happy situation and as there has always been so little time we have had together, I always focused on imbibing the blissfulness of togetherness. However, if you ask me, I can tell you about what I feel about myself, when I am conflicted between my own being at different times and situations. I have always felt; there has to be huge amount of preparedness to get the optimal utility and worth out of any probability. This I have witnessed with you too, when I watch some of your performances. With me; it is almost a routine. There is preparedness inside and there has to be a matching readiness outside when you present yourself. I have seen, in some places, where the stage or milieu was not right and the audiences were not receptive, you played but it missed the magic. Same happens with me. I am always ready with best of my personal resourcefulness but still, as external preparedness does not match my inner readiness, I fail miserably. I cannot be my optimal best. This has always happened, when I am with you. When I am back home, after spending time with you, I always feel, I could do better but could not. It is not because you were nor ready. It is primarily because we usually met in situations, which were never ideally suited to optimize our personal potentials. That is why together we were in many occasions but the magic could not happen; as it is here, now and muffling us. I feel, it is all about a mutuality and symbiosis of personal preparedness and brilliance of ambience, which defines the potential of I.’

‘You mean to say, the suffocation of I is about the mediocrity of milieus and people in them and that is why emancipation is self’s freedom from this mediocrity, which smothers artfulness of consciousness?’

‘It is not always like that. But, sadly; it happens. You talked about the dualism of I. You banged your violin. You however are a musician not because of your violin. Even when the violin is gone; the emancipation has happened; you are still a musician. You may bang a part of you; something you may call untrue and unreal in you. But; you still remain the I. You are so brilliant and marvelous to me but it is not because of me. Your I is always there, as it is. I and my presence is just like the violin. People are just like the instrumentalities for a reality. I is always the constant reality. You, without your violin and me shall remain what you are. However, what I am suggesting is that the finality of expression of your brilliance and marvel is affected by the instrument you choose to have. If your violin is not well tuned, if I am not prepared and ready; the milieu where you and your violin happen together is not conducive; your magic may not attain optimality.’

‘This means; if my consciousness is a media; its expressions have to be dependent on the suitability and genius of instruments of external realities. This way; emancipation has to be from the inappropriateness of external media and its instrumentalities?’

‘It is somehow not the right thing to say but the reality remains that for vast majority of people, the mediocrity and depravity of society and cultures is the safe haven to live blissfully with their own mediocrity and depravity. Only mediocrity can be the best suited milieu and ambience for unprepared and unready people. You need a market, which successfully sells the produce you cultivate. Mediocrity sells mediocrity beautifully and gives best profitability of self-validation. Society and cultures are, very often, mediocre instrumentalities but then; they are in best suitability for majority of mediocre consciousnesses. The trouble is with a handful of people like you, who must feel suffocation in the market of mediocrity. Cultures, mass majority of mediocre people shall always supply restrictive and suffocating standards of utilities and worth. Brilliance and superior readiness of consciousness seeking sublime expressions of self and I shall always feel an alienation from self. I in perpetual subjugation of I and its mediocrity shall always be conflicted. Suffocation may be I-centric reality but the emancipation cannot be from I. It has to be from mediocrity. If I is also mediocre, then emancipation must also involve I. The freedom is from mediocrity, unreadiness and superfluously benchmarked utility and worthiness of all media. It is somehow a very tough thing to say but it is equally true that when you are blessed enough to rise above something, you must not seek validation from realities beneath you.’

‘I definitely can feel what you intend to arrive at. Being a musician, good or bad; I can assure you, this happens, very often. We can even say; this is primary and dominant dimension of suffocation and need for emancipation. However, as you say you find yourself in right ambience now; I wish we could delve deep into this suffocation of I itself. I mean to say; no amount of excellence can keep you afloat forever. This excellence in time progression may itself become a mediocrity. How can then I be in readiness to journey beyond successive mediocrities and suffocations? What readies the I to accept its own mediocrity and then to look and journey beyond?’

‘It is a tough question. I haven’t even approached things from this perspective. What I can tell you; from my own experience of life-living is that the consciousness itself senses out its own needs, if there is this awareness and conscientious acceptance about the need to evolve perpetually. The body and mind has its own languages. The consciousness can probably read them all but one must be in perfect symmetry of rhythm and melodic reverberance to actualize it. I personally feel, pain is the language of suffocation and emancipation from all sorts of mediocrity. Anger, I presume is the expression of your unpreparedness for a reality. The causality can be deciphered from the expression. The cause can be unraveled from the effect it engenders. You may not know it but I was the sole witness, when you banged your violin. I felt, you probably were not ready for your journey beyond. Probably, you could have gifted your violin to any child on the street, if you were ready. Painfulness is also hugely beautiful language of reality, which the body-mind speaks and consciousness understands; even enjoys, if there is readiness. I always feel the pain when I am with you as I know; there is always this missing readiness, which is required. The mediocrity of mine and its suffocation expresses itself in the painfulness. I know I am still good lot mediocre in intimacy. I need to go beyond’.

‘It is so brilliant that you and I are almost at the same idea. I was also thinking in terms of what you call the readiness. I also felt, what essentially matters is not consciousness and its conflicts. Even the animals have consciousness. I am beginning to realize that consciousness must have the artistry to journey multiverse of novel and alternative dimensions in all probabilities and their causalities. Also and more importantly, the consciousness must have this adroitness and craft to break free of populist-cultural utilities-worth and chisel out novelty of purposes as well as worthiness. If you could tell me, when you speak of readiness, how you make it happen for you? How do you juxtapose readiness? Is it situation-specific or generic for all times? What artistry or science you assign to your readiness to optimize it?’

‘What can I say…! You are asking me but I have never structured my thoughtfulness over these issues in a way, which I could express in words. For me, my readiness is not what you may call a universal or generic one. I cannot say my readiness is for all times and situations. As we have been talking about readiness as an artistry of consciousness for all situations; I would rather admit that my readiness so far has been very specific and subjective to me. It is difficult to describe it, but if I may put it through a metaphor, I would say my readiness has been my entrenched desire to remain perpetually in the innate state of nakedness. My readiness is not about wearing appropriate and occasion-specific dress. It is about I being in continuity with my nakedness and if I ever wear a dress; I do it not for occasion or situation, but for the extension of my nakedness, so that I remain at my innate best; never lending my consciousness to cosmetic or synthetic requirements of culturally defined appropriateness. However, as we have talked about the idea of beyond; I admit that this readiness is also not true and optimal.’

‘I can understand what you say about your own readiness. I know, being a woman, cultural appropriates of dressing up and wearing your wares are heaped on you and you naturally align yourself with nakedness to remain tuned with your own consciousness and its innate musicality. But I feel, you are right when you say, nakedness may also be restrictive, like your own self and consciousness, when it comes to being in perfect readiness for all probabilities and causalities in all time and space. How should we approach this readiness in its universality, holism and entirety?’

‘May be, you can handle this issue better than me. It is like you play your music and you also do it with perfect readiness. This readiness, you can say is restrictive. It sure is. I believe, when you play, you cannot probably emancipate yourself from the situation of audience and the unconscious insinuation of what the critics might make of it. May be, we can say, your readiness can enter a novel dimension if you play your music being absolutely free of all external situations of realities of stage, audience, critics, media etc. This means, you evolved your readiness and thus added novelty of purposes and worthiness into probabilities. However, you are still playing within the prescription of the traditionally learnt formats and grammar of music. I don’t know how one can still play meaningfully, if emancipated from grammar and syntactic rules of musical communication. But; one can say, there is always a probability of you playing some music which you don’t dress up but present in perfect nakedness. I don’t know, if someday, you are left all alone in deep woods and sit calmly, witnessing the gush of the river water and music happens. If this music is not the grammar but a painting of the woods, rivers, mountains and the serenity of solitude; how would it be like and could we call it a novel and alternative dimension of musicality. I was there and I heard, you broke into some melody, after you banged your violin. I had clapped twice not for you banging the violin but for the rhythm you exited with.’

‘I don’t remember what I did then but I have the feel that what you are saying is probably possible and may very well be the alternative dimensionality of musicality. This probably is how dimensions must be approached. I had once met a very senior and hugely popular Indian vocalist and when I asked about his music, he had told me, he sang and practiced till his singing began to feel perfectly in tune with his own sense of symmetry. He told me, grammar is for language of personal exchanges. For poetry, the grammar is restrictive dimensionality. Poetry requires expression of emotions and feelings. Poetry belonged to communication of consciousness, where grammatical and syntactic appropriateness is not judged. Rather, its worthiness is judged by how poetry perfectly falls in same shape and dimensions of what the consciousness is filled with. He told me, he sang in this way. He accepted his music as good, if it fell in perfect shape with his own consciousness.’

 ‘This is where the predicament starts. Ascribing worthiness as symmetry with consciousness is also somehow restrictiveness. The musician you are talking about must have very evolved and optimized consciousness as he practiced his art for decades. What could match his consciousness had to be very sublime and almost perfect. However, as we talked earlier, mediocrity of consciousness and its inferior artistry may feel happy and in sync with bad and mundane music. Mediocrity stands in self-validation of mediocrity. Beyond always means more and above the existing reality. The dimensions need be not only novel but also artistically superior. No doubt, poetry must emancipate itself from the appropriateness of grammar but then, there always is bad, good and great poetry. Poetry too is judged this way and therefore is also amenable to restrictiveness of culturally aligned purposes. Therefore even great poetry and music shall have to emancipate themselves from the restrictiveness of bad, good and great. What we are talking about is the dimension of beyond, which is not even defined and decided by the benchmarks of dimensions and beyond.’

‘You have a very valid point. This means, even artistry of consciousness and idea of dimensions and beyond have to be liberated from the processes of appropriates and righteousness. This means; nakedness in its absoluteness is still eluding us. So, where do we stand now?’

‘Why should we be bothered about our stand? We are only journeying and not even thinking about where we stand and what we accept as good travel. What I am currently feeling is only in terms of journeying beyond the marked and decided paths. I feel, when you told me that you want to journey the dimensions of beyond, what came naturally to me is a natural progression of consciousness in novel and alternative territories. The journeying with this resolve to unlearn and learn, without restrictiveness of anything; whether great or mediocre; itself is the innate process, which truly falls in sync with reality of time and space. I don’t know whether this metaphor is right or not but we can say, we journeyed from class nursery to the finality of our PhD in long years. Every stage of the journey shaped up its beyond in progression automatically. However, we could not have thought of something beyond PhD at the class five or six. For that stage the beyond could have been class 10. The journey itself opens up dimensions. The readiness is also dialectical; in sync with time linearity. We are talking about probabilities beyond PhD now but could it be right and true; even possible when we were in nursery classes? You have to journey a distance, with optimal readiness and every stage itself opens up the dimensions of beyond. Somehow, we stop and become repetitive. Our repetitiveness becomes habitual and this suffocates. This then seeks natural emancipation. Emancipation cannot be a ritual. It only has to happen in journeys ahead. As I said earlier, mediocre people are happy at habitual repetitiveness. They stay there and feel, there is no reason to journey beyond. Naturally, there is no suffocation and no seeking emancipation. It is all about how your consciousness seeks the utility or futility of journeying. We just have to journey; keep seeking beyond; keep experimenting with novelties and never sync with habitual repetitiveness. We shall keep expanding and adding dimensions of beyond, till we meet our nothingness in mortality.’

‘This seems very true. I think you are very right with this metaphor of journeying and readiness of stages. You have almost taken me to the state of clarity. I accept we just need to keep journeying and keep evolving our readiness. I have no reason not to accept that probably I had become repetitive and even habituated with my own consciousness and that is why the suffocation happened.’

‘Somehow, we also need to emancipate from this dualism of generic and specific. There can be some generic idealism and pathways for beyond and we may talk about it. However, we are into specifics, as our situation, reality and consciousnesses present specificity of demands from us. For we, as our situation of life demands, the dimensions and artfulness have to be very much in sync with our current reality. We sure have this advantage of being at a stage of age and attainments, where we may not accept even the grammar of life-living. We have had enough of regularities and exactitudes. It is like once you finish up with your PhD, you are also finished with institutional learning grammar and patterns. Then you enter life-living, which is a larger landscape and journey. Here you have to break free of your past patterns of institutional appropriates and enter novelties, which life-living situations demand. Our journey beyond may not even accept the usual interpretation of journeying, as institutionalized by populist structures. We have the physical as well as mental wherewithal to even engender our own paths and our very own, novel and alternative directions. We can afford not to travel any roads but venture into deep woods and experience dimensions that have not been realized. Who knows; may be beyond has dimensions, we cannot see right now but as we shall journey, without this intent of traversing beyond; even this beyond opens up the portals of something wider and deeper. May be, it shall open up novel cognitions to our collective consciousness. May be, few years from now; we probably shall realize, what truly is beyond. We are already beyond so many dimensions. Our togetherness has no external needs. Together, we are self-sufficient. Our journey shall be absolutely naked. We may approach beyond with this nakedness of not needing any fabric of attainment. What we may get journeying beyond shall add dimensions only to our nakedness.’

He cannot ask for anything more. He feels, he has almost been validated. He feels things beyond are simple and very precisely procedural. After talking with her, he is sure; simplicity and honesty is innate situation for optimality of consciousness. He feels growing up in confidence as the togetherness with her has shaped up the landscape of his beyondness. They talk past mid night. She also questions him and he answers her in similar honesty and innocence. Both of them realized; while sharing their thoughts and feelings; they journeyed beyond their own consciousness. This is the magic of mutuality. Intimacy and innocent togetherness works like a catalyst for journeying of consciousness. Music works this way. Emergence works this way. When rhythm happens, when sonorousness happens in looped cyclicality, between man and woman, between complementing entities; the elements are unraveled in multiple dimensions. Emergence happens. This is journeying beyond…




Early morning; as the faint light transcends through the windows, he wakes up to witness the epiphany in fullness and perfectness. It is painted all over. The music is ambient. She lies in misty nakedness, inches close to him. He watches her, holding his breath, so that she could not wake up. In her, he sees the bright and emergent imagery of reality, where all his conflicts wither away. He can see, unbelievably, in absolute nakedness of life; there are no fabrics and frills of dualism and contradictions. He can see; life is innately simple and soft; very much like a just born child in arms. Nakedness is perfect probability. He understands and also accepts; nakedness is truly multidimensional. Only an untouched canvas can bear the novelty and marvel of a painting. He shall paint. He shall bring in the untouched and unblemished canvas. He shall emancipate and reload childlike inquisitiveness to unleash a novel and alternative learning of the artfulness; the aesthetics of dimensionalities…

He begins to breathe. Few warm gushes and she quivers, gently. He is in two minds. Should he wake up his potential and stamp the first novel definitiveness in his alternative journey? Should he not touch the probabilities and let it traverse its own journey. How could he decide? The woman has to. She has the primeval and privileged authority to stamp finality. She wakes up and smiles. He gently brushes his lips on her eyelashes. She slides into his arms. The decision has been made…

Holding her firmly in his embrace; their nakedness merging perfectly; he tells her what he was thinking just before she woke up and now he has made his decision. The nakedness was perfect for the darkness of night and as the dawn breached the appropriateness of night; it is appropriate time and space to shine up the probability with the silkiness of fabric of intents of definitiveness.

‘I was initially in two minds but I decided that I am ready for my first milestone of definitiveness on the road to journey novel and alternative probabilities. When I say I am ready; I mean to say my readiness is for learning the art and artistry of the new music of my new life. My readiness is not with the mastery of the music but I assure you; my readiness is perfect for learning it. I am not worthy of you right now. But my readiness is hundred percent to attain this probability of worthiness; as I seek you, in my life, in my consciousness, in my destiny and in my final journey to inevitable mortality.’

‘If you are ready; I am ready too. I am already in my home. I am also ready for journey with you in your new life, which from now on is our life. It is truly a blessing that this is happening at a time and situation, where we can look at everything afresh; even our relationship and union. There are going to be two journeys from now on, on road to novel and alternative probabilities. One is our life ahead, till we meet our mortality. Second is our togetherness; our collaboration as man and woman. Both journeys shall have common processes of appropriates and righteousness. The trinity of Suffocation-Emancipation-Beyond shall guide both the journeys. The journeys shall always engender novelty and alternative realities. This shall ensure that we never ever settle with anything mediocre and mundane. In our life and in our togetherness, there shall always be indefinite probabilities and we shall travel far and deep.’

‘There are bare basic things, which must be placed right and appropriately. As we are beginning our new journey together; I must list them right now and get your approval. I have known; in Oriental spiritual traditions, the woman is considered the primeval force and summoned to energize an initiation. I believe, feminine elements are more aligned to the innate and embedded structurality of reality. I am therefore inclined to accept that you are the science of everythingness in our journey together. I shall always accept your instinctive and innate positioning as appropriateness of scientific objectivity. In all my capacities, I shall ensure that my artfulness augment and optimize the science you shall install as our guiding force. I urge you to be my science and accept my art and artistry as truly aligned to you.’

‘I accept your intent. However, I wish to put the facts in an alternative way. There is huge load of cultural identities and perception in our consciousness. Beyond this; if we see the reality; I believe, there is science and art in all entities. As you and I lie in complete nakedness; you can see, there is very miniscule difference in you and I. You are equally as much of science as I and I am as much of art as you. There are only small structural differences in the nakedness of the bodies of you and mine. Functionally, in nakedness of consciousness, there is singular life force; neither woman nor man. Therefore, it is a matter of situational requirements, when a man or woman must present themselves as science or art. I rather believe, together, we shall evolve as alternative to each other’s situations. When you are science, I shall be your art and when I am the science, you shall align your artfulness to me.’

‘Vey true! I happily accept this new proposition. This I think should be the golden rule in life-living. That is probably how togetherness should work in relationships. Compassionate complementarity must define togetherness. Role segregation should be weeded out as it probably installs causal competitiveness. You are right. The nakedness inside us is as neutral as probabilities for both man and woman. It is purely cultural hangover that we assign form and feature to external nakedness.’

‘It is probably another journey; may be a very resolved one, on this novel dimension of life-living. Societal and cultural appropriateness are something, which we all are trained since childhood to accept as true and right ones. I have however always felt; they do not stand true and real for personal wellness. We seldom think and perceive a reality from a dimension other than culturally dominant one; though we all are instinctively very selfish and self-centric in behavior and actions. We always tiptoe to collective righteousness, compromising personal sanity. When a person dies; even when he or she is a great human being, everyone sums up his or her life in three sentences, weighing the dead person’s attainments in longevity, fame-money and success of progeny. All journeys begin and end this way for collective consciousness but every consciousness journeys through so much of pain and perseverance of long years. What you journey is what you can count. The society and culture shall always count the three fixed benchmarks. This is poor mathematics. It needs a beyond. Moreover, between a man and woman, there are big issues of personal maneuvering and adjustments. Our own nakedness and its demands require both you and me to approach a situation and wellness therein, from a perspective, which is shaped up exclusively by mutuality needs. There should never be anything creeping in from externalities of societal and cultural domains of righteousness and appropriateness. Together, you and I are the whole universe. In our cosmos, only mutuality decides the righteousness. We shall unlearn the externalities in our old consciousness and install alternative idealisms of mutuality. We shall unlearn; together and journey ahead as new born.’

‘I agree and approve. That is why I said, you are my science. This leads me to my last agenda for the day. As I have discussed with you; consciousness, this sense and feel of I itself is a restrictive media. It is so tough for the I to reinvent I and engender a novel and alternative I. Therefore; I wish that as we are now in togetherness mode; from now on, you shall be my Beyond-I, when my own consciousness and I fails me to stretch it Beyond. I shall also make my best endeavors to be your Beyond-I, if you ever feel suffocation of restrictiveness of consciousness and I.’

‘Yes; I agree completely. This rather is the golden hypothesis of our journey ahead. The beyondness and journey into novel and alternative dimensions is possible only this way. Consciousness as a media within our body-mind plexus is always restrictive. Togetherness; mutuality of man-woman relationship has this sole utility as together, they extend the domain and dimension of I, beyond the restrictiveness of self. This rather is the true and real essence of marriage of complementing elements. Marriage is this assimilative alignment of two complementing elements of man and woman. You are my Beyond-I and I am your Beyond-I. The two Is now stand aligned. Congratulations dear husband; you are married now!’

‘Now this is the trouble! How do I say thank you in a novel and alternative way? How does the art ever express its gratitude to science? It is beyond me. I still have to learn this artistry. I told you; this I is so restrictive. You are my Beyond-I; you tell me how do I do it!’

She doesn’t say a word. She reverses the nakedness. The conjoined nakedness is one whole cosmos. Yet, it has dimensions. It is not only perceptional but very much tangible. He was so far holding her nakedness in his powerful frame. She reverses it. She takes him in her tenderness. Conjoined realities of science and art have infinite dimensions. He submits and dissolves in completeness to her form and firmament…

In succeeding seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years, he would reinvent his artfulness of thankfulness to her; remaining absorbed and imbibed in her nakedness. Nakedness shall journey; they shall journey; beyond beyondness…





Beyond compassion, honesty and even reality is something, which we have always known as and what we call as, The Last Layer of Acceptance. Thoughtfulness of human mind consciousness is designed for skepticism. It is a precarious tool. It allows percolation of doubts, even in compassion, honesty and reality. This is not a bad design. We intuitively feel; we see through our eyes. However, what eyes see is not what we actually realize as scene. Eyes only input outside information. What we actually see is what our mind consciousness processes. Eyes are ‘blind’; the ears are ‘deaf’. They only supply information. The Consciousness has true and real Eyes and Ears. They engender the finality of vision and sound. That is why; the very innate design of our consciousness to process every information with skepticism is our tool to lead our journeys Beyond all realities, which our sensory organs input as neutral information. The Last Layer of Acceptance is our instinctive and innate design for unending journeys into probabilities and Beyond. I wish, your Consciousness never allows you to settle with Acceptance of anything mediocre and mundane. May you journey Beyond; always…! Thanks.





Accept My Gratitude

I know; only one or two out of a thousand reach the final pages. Most drop out after first few pages; majority leaves it in dismay as they find the language and content too complicated and even strange. They are not wrong. It is said; literature is the mirror of society-culture and majority does not feel, my writing reflects reality. If you have come this far; it sure means; you are a rare visitor and that is why my gratitude has to be special. You mean a billion to me. However, more than gratitude; I wish to convey my desire that you must remain truly liberal and evolved consciousness, as you are. Mass and volumes and their mathematics, which the majoritarianism understands and approves, make up only one dimension of reality. You have the wherewithal; may you experience infinite dimensions and keep journeying beyond…! Thanks.




About The Author


People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!





Other Titles By Santosh Jha






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© 2021 Santosh Jha

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Added on August 24, 2021
Last Updated on August 24, 2021
Tags: Novelty, Emancipation, Journey, Alternativeness, Nakedness, Inspiration, Romance, Consciousness, Brilliance, Reality.


Santosh Jha
Santosh Jha

Dehradun, Uttrakhand, India

Author, Poet, Journalist, Confabulator I may have written 47 eBooks but I believe, I am more an affectionate and compassionate confabulator, not truly a writer in traditional sense of the term. It .. more..
