The freedom experienced by water...
Predominantly constrained to the ocean, rivers, bays, pools, bathtubs...
However, a few droplets seek asylum elsewhere...forlorn with the ebb and flow of the tides and the sheer mass, like a metropolis...
These outliers gaze into the unknown and above...into the air currents that weave through the levels of the atmosphere, into the heavens...
The air, arrogant and fleeting, receives a surprise attack...the desperate water, now in the form of vapor, invades the air...
Cold with fear, the air cannot take in anymore, becoming overly saturated and alas, the water becomes its own entity...
Floating, expanding, glide to wherever the current takes it...
Elated and invigorated some clouds manifest as something wispy, beautiful...blotting the sky with a sense of calm and grandness...shielding the sun and providing well needed shade...
Unquenchable in its thirst for more, other clouds take a darker path...angry, they grow, darker, larger, menacing in sight and sound...unleashing erratic bursts of lightning...cracking doom for all to hear, sentencing their own to fall thousands of feet to their eventual end...
All clouds journey to an unknown destination...ending their timeline and evaporating into memory.