The days have changed so much
Since I used to walk the nights.
I had so much love for the flavor of the wind
And the scent of moonlight.
Tasting the breeze tonight is far too
Nostalgic. Above me, the touch of starlight,
Diminished in comparison to before,
By the glistening parking lot lights.
There was something so spiritual
About sitting on the cool, spring grass.
A magnificent cushion of dandelion buds
And the swaying uncut blades caress.
Everything is moved by the rhythm
Of delicate, loving, angel sighs.
This beauty was masked now, by my own disregard.
I had forgotten those nights
When I pondered for an exact word
For night in the springtime.
Understand, that this is not all that I have forgotten.
In my selfish aspiration I told you “I am yours”.
Forgetting all about the angel sighs,
Driving the sweet morning dew into my eyes.
Forgetting all about the alluring scent of moonlight
And all about the ginger embrace of starlight.
Forgetting all about my other lover, who kindly
Took me back to the night,
And back to a world that I belonged to.