Brilliant! Explores the precincts of infatuation and carves upon the frontiers of romance and passion. So fundamental, not unlike the sunrise and sunset with no words wasted on sunshine.. You have executed your thoughts with such ease.. Admirable :) Thanks for sharing
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
I am happy you liked this. Going through this was not easy , anyways.
10 Years Ago
yeah lol bottom line: I liked it :D
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10 Years Ago
It couldn't have been (easy).. The poem fairly elucidated your intent to highlight only what was rat.. read moreIt couldn't have been (easy).. The poem fairly elucidated your intent to highlight only what was rationally livening.. an escape from reality? Human intelligence is such a relief ey :)
Love is never easy for those who live by it.. that's because love is a myth, a fairy tale.. it does not exist.. it is the superficial bond that houses and nurtures procreation that's all.. a devious measure by the designers
10 Years Ago
love can't be superficial, it must be real, I have felt the real pain and where pain was, in guise o.. read morelove can't be superficial, it must be real, I have felt the real pain and where pain was, in guise of pleasure or naked, but it was there.
10 Years Ago
that's the ugly-beauty of love. It shines light on the positives and hides all the negatives.. I don.. read morethat's the ugly-beauty of love. It shines light on the positives and hides all the negatives.. I don't deny that love can lead to happiness but such an ending (or new beginning?) could only be possible after you have experienced "the lost 'oasis'(-in your words)". To gain, you have to lose. However, if you effect loss and then/consequently gain, the pain will be greatest. So much that you will wish you were never alive to experience such disdain. Your poem has more meaning than you believe. It opens me a new book every time I read it (well, at least in 24 hour gaps) :D cheers!
10 Years Ago
so do you say my writing has "not hypothetical" effect on you ? And as for love, complicated mystery.. read moreso do you say my writing has "not hypothetical" effect on you ? And as for love, complicated mystery, its good to be tangled in it. Not a necessary fundamental to exist in universe,though. Evolution came about through competition,not love.
10 Years Ago
hypothetical? your poem is perfect N. It explains your feelings in a very effectively executed inten.. read morehypothetical? your poem is perfect N. It explains your feelings in a very effectively executed intent. I'm only propounding my personal cynicism(s) of this mysterious virtue, love. And love was never tied with "progress" as per se. Love is something everyone finds something common. But everyone don't share it. Only a comparatively negligible cluster (or the stereotypical "pair") share it. Your poem had an instant, memorable effect on me; it lingers moreso. That's the beauty of poetry. There are no norms
10 Years Ago
stereotypical pair, I like your take on it and ya, everyone is entitled to their opinions, so...
Interesting concept of one encounter or a short relationship feeding the heart and soul indefinitely. Well done Namrata. The ones that say it should be expanded, nameless at the start, should give input about how they would expand it and how they want more> There should not be a challenge about the length of this poem. It is good in its form
What a beautiful vision... the touch of love on the heart that sets it in bloom... transforms it into an oasis even when love is in the distance... a faint light remaining... This utopia... this is the desire so many have and so few ever find.
You could totally expand on this poem, it's a marvel yet feels unfinished. Even with stanzas of four lines each, this would read so much more powerfully...
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you for reviewing. I would love to expand this poem but it's a very personal poem and I refuse.. read moreThank you for reviewing. I would love to expand this poem but it's a very personal poem and I refuse to go ahead without experiencing a few more changes in my life and the heart's blossom.I am glad you would want more.
I hope you don't mind me reading your poem. I saw an intriguing review from you - seemed to be a quite spirited young lady, that is not fearful and quite confident. From the first line, It is a vast stretch of sand, my heart. Wow, almost somber, sad but leading me onward, hitting me with many images, of experience or maybe it will go on and on. And then the journey conjuring up the image of an oasis, finding love. Then the explanation of the why is quite beautiful: A single drop, evoking the power that single drop had: it didn't evaporate: how lovely said. You wrote the word "carved" in my heart and I could invision those words there, we cannot see, like the Chinese use to write on the bones, they burned of their ancestors. Oasis, the ending is wonderful and oh, the heat of my wrath failed. The hurt dissapainted; how great this poem is. I like your style of writing. Thank you very much. From an inexperienced poet, learning from great writers such as yourself.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Why, thank you so much for the sincere review. I feel ecstatic. I would love it if I am of any help .. read moreWhy, thank you so much for the sincere review. I feel ecstatic. I would love it if I am of any help or inspiration to you... Your name , again ?
This poem is very dear to me and written with care.
As a chef there is a little known saying, "Nothing makes you kiss the sky than a nice meal", another means happiness is in the little beautiful things of life.