![]() Dear God (Confessions of a Chronic Sinner)A Poem by WilliamDear God, i feel a need to apologize. i’m afraid i haven’t been doing well lately. i’m lying more than a salesman. i cheat more than a toddler playing a board game. i’m afraid i haven’t really learned much, and i believe i have disappointed You. my request is this, be with me. am i asking too much? love [please] William -- William, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. “Know that every promise of the Lord your God has come true. Not a single one has failed!” Do not reply to this. Send in a new request. This is an automated response. Please do not reply. -- Dear God, i feel so lost. everywhere i go, there’s temptation, and i always fail. i never know what the right thing to do is. no one’s there, nobody cares. there has to be something i can do. what am i doing wrong? my request is this, help me. i know i’m asking too much. love [please love me] William -- William, “For I am the LORD, your God, Do not reply to this. Send in a new request. This is an automated response. Please do not reply. -- Dear God, i feel so small, so alone. i’m lost, and i can’t find Your light. help me. it’s all wrong, it’s all going wrong. there’s nothing i can do. the path is lost in the darkness―i’ve lost it. but You’re God, You can do anything. my request is this, save me. i know it’s too much to ask of You. love [do You?] William -- William, “I will save you from all your uncleanness.” Do not reply to this. Send in a new request. This is an automated response. Please do not reply. -- Dear God, i don’t know what to do! i’ve gone astray, but i want to come back. help me! i’ve done horrible things, but i’m so sorry! i need Your help, i need Your forgiveness. save me, please! what more can i do? what more can i say? i’m so sorry. i need You. i was wrong. my request is this, forgive me. i know i’m asking too much. love [oh, please!] William -- William, “I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin.” Do not reply to this. Send in a new request. This is an automated response. Please do not reply. -- Dear God, i can’t do this anymore. i’m lost, alone, afraid. why is everything happening this way? why me? why is my life ruined?! i can’t believe that this is Your will. how could You do this to me? what did i do that forced Your hand this way?! why have You forsaken me? i’m so sorry. i’m sorry for failing You! i was so wrong. i have sinned, again and again, but please, don’t forsake me! i’ll do better next time. don’t turn away. i need You. i love You! don’t leave me. forgive me, please, God. i need your help. only You can save me. please! my request is this, love me! is this too much to ask?! love [why don’t You love me?!] William -- I love you. © 2010 WilliamAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() WilliamAtco, NJAboutHello, my name is William and I'm a write-aholic. My first poem ever was written in January 2009, so I'm still pretty rough. Nothing is perfect, but I'm addicted to writing, and I do enjoy doing it.. more..Writing