![]() Chapter 40A Chapter by Lizet Elaine
Between Lovers Chapter 40 © Lizzie 2003-present Alexandria and Trevor walked around the frozen pond. True to what Benjamin told Trevor, there was a pier like structure that went out a few feet and at the end was a rod with a line hanging off the end and into the pond. “I thought he as joking about the fishing.” Trevor said, “Has he ever caught anything?” “My old doll from when I was seven.” Alexandria said with a laugh, “But what I want to show you is at the other end of the pond.” They continued walking at stopped at a snow-covered bench. Alexandria brushed the snow off and sat down. Trevor raised an eyebrow and sat next to her, “What are we looking at?” “Shh, just watch.” she said softly. She linked her arms in his and watched the patch of trees directly in front of them. After a couple of minutes, a few creatures from the far end of the property came out of the woods. Slowly they walked to the pond and near the edge, where it wasn’t completely frozen and there were a few sprigs of foliage. Something spooked the animals and they turned tail and ran back into the woods. “So this is what you do out here.” the person said behind Alexandria and Trevor. “Don’t you have someone else to bug?” Alexandria asked not bothering to turn around. Brandy laughed, “Actually no.” she said, “I came here alone…” she looked at Trevor, “And hoping to not have to go home alone.” Trevor turned and looked at Brandy, “Oh, do you mean me? Yeah, sorry, I don’t think that’ll be happening, but I’m sure you can move on to one of your sisters other male friends.” Trevor looked at Alexandria, “It’s getting cold out, let’s go back in.” Alexandria nodded her head and stood up Trevor stood up as well and took her hand in his as they walked back to the house. Halfway there, Alexandria stood and looked at Trevor, “What…what was that comment you made to my sister?” “Nothing.” he said, “She just did something to piss me off the other day.” Alexandria turned completely and looked at Trevor, “Oh really now…” “I’ll tell you inside.” Trevor said, “I really am cold.” Alexandria laughed and started walking again, “Okay, okay. I forgot you’re a California boy.” “Man.” Trevor said, “California man.” Alexandria laughed more. They walked back into the house where it was warm from Shirley cooking. The house smelled of cooking beef, carrots and celery. In the kitchen, Shirley was sitting at the table watching some program off a small color T.V. that was sitting on the counter. “Have a nice time at the pond?” Shirley asked as she turned and looked at Trevor and Alexandria. “It was okay.” Trevor said with a smile. “Until Brandy came.” “I didn’t think she was going to bother you when she asked where you were.” Alexandria smiled and kissed her grandmother, “It’s okay, Granny.” she said, “Call us when dinner’s ready?” “Of course.” she said with a smile. Trevor and Alexandria walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into her room. A couple of hours later Alexandria, Trevor and Shia went down for dinner. Already sitting at the table were Brandy and Benjamin. Shia went to the seat next to Benjamin and Alexandria and Trevor sat on the opposite side of the table leaving the chair next to Brandy empty. “Avoid me like the plague all you want.” Brandy said “No fighting…not tonight.” Shirley said walking out of the kitchen with the last plates of food, “Not the night before the service.” They ate dinner in silence and a couple of hours later they were finishing up the strawberry cheesecake that Benjamin bought while he was out running his errands. After that, Benjamin, Trevor and Shia went to put together some electronic gift Benjamin got her while Brandy, Alexandria and Shirley stayed in the kitchen and washed the dishes. Shirley washed the dishes, Brandy rinsed and Alexandria dried and put them away. “What happened between you girls?” Shirley asked “Oh you know me…” Brandy said, “I’m the insensitive sister.” “You can be at times…” Alexandria mumbled “Lexi…” Shirley said warningly. She looked at Brandy, “You know that’s not true.” “Lexi and Shia think so.” Brandy said Shirley looked at Alexandria as she put the last dish away, “Is that true?” “I don’t know what Shia thinks, but I’m not too much liking her right now.” “Why?” Shirley asked “For one, she pretty much said that it was my fault that Jacob broke up with me, oh and lets not forget she may or may not have been putting the moves on him not twelve hours after we broke up.” “What are you talking about?” Brandy asked “So you’re denying that Christmas morning, when you left my apartment you didn’t go to Jacob’s?” Alexandria asked. Brandy was silent, “And you’re denying that you asked Jake to come with you up here and you’re also denying that Trevor saw you leave Jake’s apartment that same day?” “I’m not denying any of it.” Brandy said, “I did all that and then some, but Jacob is too in love with you to even think about doing anything with me.” she walked to the chair at the table, “And might I add, so is Trevor.” “Well, let me make this clear to you…” Alexandria said walking to Brandy, “Trevor is off limits. Go after Jake all you want, but leave Trevor alone.” she turned and looked at Shirley, “I’m sorry Granny, but I need to get some sleep. I’ll meet you at the site tomorrow morning.” Shirley walked to Alexandria and kissed her cheek, “Its okay, you’ve been through a lot.” she said, “I’ll be sure that Granddaddy doesn’t keep Trevor and Shia up too long.” Alexandria smiled and walked out of the kitchen. Shirley turned and looked at Brandy, “You and I need to have a long talk.” Once Alexandria walked out of the kitchen, she stopped in the room where Trevor, Shia and Benjamin were, “I’m off to bed.” she said, “Don’t be up too late. The service it at ten.” They nodded their heads, said goodnight and she walked out of the room, up the stairs and to her room. When she got to her room, she closed the door some, pulled off her clothes and put on her warm pajamas. Then she turned off the light, turned on the lamp by the bed, got in and stared out the window that faced the woods that surrounded her grandparents’ property. +*+ The next morning, Alexandria walked out of the shower with a plush pink terry cloth robe around her body. Sitting on her bed was the breakfast that she heard Shirley bring up. Alexandria put the tray to the side, sat on the bed and pulled her journal from under her pillow. She turned to a fresh page, dated it and began the entry. December 27th, 2002 I thought that I could do this...but I don't think I can... Just when I think my sister Brandy can’t be any more of a b***h to me, she proves me wrong. Not only did she hit on my ex not twelve hours after we broke up, but then she tries to hit on Trevor. I know that shouldn’t get to me, but Jesus Christ! Don’t be so obvious about it. But then again, I could be overreacting about all of it. We’re set to leave here on the twenty-ninth. I need to close up shop – so to speak and I guess Shia and Tia Dola have plans. I don’t know. I do know that Jacob and I need to have a long talk and I need to decide what…no who I want. I need to start to move on again. Alexandria put the journal back under the pillow, stood up and walked to the closet where the dress she was going to wear was hanging. She pulled it out, walked back to the bathroom and got dressed. Then she walked out of the bathroom, picked up the tray and walked out of her room, down the stairs and to the kitchen where Shirley and Benjamin were eating breakfast. “Not hungry?” Shirley asked when Alexandria placed the tray on the counter. Alexandria shook her head, “Not really.” She said. “I’d try to eat, but I know it wouldn’t stay down.” Benjamin stood up and walked to his granddaughter, “You have to eat something, Princess.” Alexandria smiled, “I know I do and I promise that I’ll eat lunch and dinner.” She said. “You better.” Shirley said, “Dola and Monica are cooking and you know if you don’t eat their food, they’ll be offended.” Alexandria laughed, “This I know.” She looked around the kitchen, “Have Trevor and Shia been down yet?” “Shia left with Brandy and Trevor left out early this morning.” Benjamin said, “He said he would be back before the service started.” Alexandria’s brow wrinkled, “Did he say where he was going?” “Yes, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy.” Benjamin said with a knowing smile. “UGH! Granddaddy, you’re going to be the end of me!” Alexandria said turning and leaving the kitchen. Shirley and Benjamin laughed. When Shirley was sure Alexandria was out of earshot she turned and looked at her husband, “Okay, spill.” She said, “Where did Trevor go?” Benjamin held up his hand, “I can’t say.” He said, “A man has to have some secrets.” “Only between lovers, not between a husband and wife.” She said “So husbands and wives can’t be lovers?” Benjamin questioned “Not when they’ve been married for as long as you and I have.” “And now you’re saying I’m old?!” he baited Shirley shook her head and laughed, “That only works with women.” © 2008 Lizet Elaine |
Added on April 1, 2008 Author