Chapter 37

Chapter 37

A Chapter by Lizet Elaine


Between Lovers

Chapter 37

© Lizzie 2003-present


            The next time Alexandria woke up, she was in her room. She had on her warmest pair of pajamas and she could feel a least two pair of socks on her feet. She pushed the covers off her body, stood from her bed and walked out of her room and into the living room.

            Sitting on the sofa and love seat, sipping hot chocolate and looking at the parade on TV were Shia, Brandy, their grandmother Daisy and Trevor. The presents were still under the tree and the plate of half eaten cookies and a partially empty glass of milk were still on the end table near the tree. Shia looked up from playing with the marshmallows in her mug, saw Alexandria and nudged Brandy who looked up as well.

            “Want some hot chocolate A?” Brandy asked. When Trevor and Daisy heard Brandy speak, they also looked up. Alexandria nodded her head in response to Brandy’s question. Brandy stood up, walked to the kitchen to make her some hot chocolate.

            “Dear, you should be in bed still.” Daisy said

            Alexandria didn’t say anything in reply. She simply walked to the sofa and sat down. Shia looked at Trevor and motioned for him to join her. Trevor gave Shia a look and she laughed.

Daisy looked at Shia, “Shia Marie, go help Brandy.”

“Aww, do I have to?” Shia said, “I’ll loose my spot.” Daisy looked at Shia again, “I’m going, I’m going.” She stood up and walked to the kitchen.

“So, Trevor do you have any plans for tonight?” Daisy asked, as she looked him up and down.

“Umm…no.” he stammered, “Probably get a head start on work for next year.”

“Nonsense.” Daisy said, “You’ll join us for Christmas Dinner. It’s a real family affair.”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude then…” He said

“No intrusion.” she said, “Come with Alexandria and we’ll set you up with some good eats.”

Alexandria looked at her grandmother, “Nana, can you make me some pancakes?”

Daisy looked at Alexandria and smiled, “Of course.” she said, “With blueberries?” Alexandria nodded her head, “Blueberry pancakes coming up.” Daisy stood up, walked to the kitchen.

Alexandria stood up, pulling the blanket with her and walked to where Trevor was sitting and sat next to him. She took his hand in hers and looked him in the eyes, “I know I told you this last night, but thank you.”

Trevor smiled and lightly squeezed her hands, “It was no problem at all.” He said, “I wouldn’t have even known you weren’t at the party had Jacob not called and told me.”

Alexandria bit her bottom lip and looked down at their hands, “Did he tell you what happened?”

“He tried to, but I said I didn’t want to know anything.” he said, “It’s really none of my business.”

“He gave me some c**k and bull story about not being ready for a committed relationship.” Alexandria said, “I can respect that, but why did it have to be on Christmas?”

Trevor shrugged his shoulders, “That was a bit mean.” he said, “He could have told you before.”

“Yeah, like from the very beginning.” she said starting to cry more.

Trevor wrapped her arms around Alexandria and hugged her, “Maybe he didn’t know how?” Trevor said in suggestion.

While Alexandria and Trevor were talking, Brandy was in the kitchen complaining to her grandmother. The way she saw things, Alexandria had to do something to make Jacob break up with her after a week and now she was moving in on a guy that she had her eyes set on since the Christmas party the night before.

“Nana, it’s not fair.” Brandy said as she poured the hot chocolate into the hot milk, “First she gets one boyfriend, now she’s getting another one.”

“Oh come off it B.” Shia said pulling the plates out from cabinet, “Lexi’s just had her heart broken and it’s Christmas.”

“By the end of the day, Jacob and Alex will be back together.” Brandy said, “The way it should be.”

“Brandy and Shia let it rest.” Daisy said making the pancakes, “Your sister is hurting and you aren’t helping.”

“But Nan…” Brandy began

Daisy looked at Brandy, “Brandy Lillian Bradshaw act your damn age.” Shia and Brandy looked at Daisy, “Don’t look at me like that. Alexandria’s your sister and you should be supporting her, not complaining about her getting someone else.”

Brandy rolled her eyes and took the hot chocolate to Alexandria. As she was leaning down to give her the mug, some of it spilled on her and she jumped up and screamed, “BRANDY!” When Daisy and Shia heard the scream, they went into the living room.

“A, I’m so sorry.” Brandy said wiping the chocolate off Alexandria.

Alexandria moved from in front of Brandy and glared at her, “If that stains my carpet, so help me you and I are going to have words…” Alexandria said as she walked from the living room and into the bathroom.

Shia just shook her head at Brandy and walked back into the kitchen. Daisy followed Shia into the kitchen, “Trevor, would you mind helping us in here?”

“Of course, Mrs. Cooper.” Trevor said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

“Call me Nana.” Daisy said, “And Brandy, you best start cleaning that carpet.”

Brandy went to the hall closet and pulled out the carpet spray and brush and went back to the living room. A couple minutes later, Alexandria returned fully clothed in black jeans and red turtleneck long sleeve shirt. She sat in a side chair and watched as Brandy cleaned the carpet.

“Why the hell did you spill that on me?”

“It was an accident.” Brandy said

“Bull s**t.” she said, “I did the same thing with you and the guys you liked.”

Brandy stopped what she was doing and looked at Alexandria, “So you do like him.”

Alexandria mumbled something under her breath, “Yeah I do…as a friend.” she said, “Let me put that into terms you’ll understand, he’s a friend, not a f**k buddy.”

“God, you’re such a b***h.” Brandy said dropping the scrubbing brush, “I can see why Jacob probably broke up with you.” Alexandria’s eyes went wide as she stared at her sister. Brandy realized what she said and was horrified that she could hurt her sister like that, “Alex, I’m so…”

“Leave!” she said, “GET THE F**K OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

“Alex, you have to believe me…” Brandy said, “I didn’t mean it.” Alexandria didn’t say anything in response; she simply stood up and walked into the kitchen. Brandy reached for her arm to stop her, “Lexi, you know how I get when I’m upset, I didn’t mean it.”

“No.” Alexandria said pulling her arm out of Brandy grasp, “You always have a habit of saying exactly what you feel when you’re upset. So here’s your chance, let it all out, then get the hell out of my house.”

Daisy, Shia and Trevor stood in the entrance of the kitchen listening to what Brandy and Alexandria were saying.

“Lex…” Brandy started to say, “I swear to you, on mom’s grave…”

Alexandria turned and glared at Brandy, “Don’t you dare bring mom into this. You have no right.”

Daisy stepped into the living room, “I think you should leave now, Brandy.” She said, “Be at the house for dinner at seven.”

“I think I’ll go back home.” Brandy said grabbing her jacket. She walked to the door, opened it, and walked out of the apartment and to the elevator.

When she left, Alexandria closed the door, “When it rains it pours.”

Trevor walked to Alexandria and took her hands in his, “Don’t listen to what she said.”

Alexandria smiled and looked at Trevor, “Do you think you can do me a huge favor?”

“Anything.” he said

“The anniversary of my mother’s death is coming up. It’s going to be hard for me to do it alone, and well, Jacob was supposed to go, but you know what happened there.” Alexandria said, “And I was wondering if you’d come with me and Shia.”

“Are you sure?” Trevor asked, “Jacob may still want to go with you.”

Alexandria shook her head, “I don’t want him to. I don’t want to be anywhere near him right now.”

Trevor smiled, “Let me think about it and I’ll tell you tonight.”

Alexandria smiled and nodded her head, “I don’t know about you, but I’m starved. Think Nana’s done with those pancakes?”

Trevor sniffed, “Smells like it.” he said

“Hey Nan, how you coming with those hot cakes?” Alexandria called out

“Done.” Daisy said walking to the dining room with the plate of pancakes, “I won’t be staying to eat though. Ms. Shirley is going to be at the house and I need to help fix dinner.”

Trevor put a couple of pancakes on his plate and looked at Daisy, “Who is that?”

“The girls’ other Grandmother.” she said with a smile

“We call her Granny.” Shia said, “But she doesn’t like it. She said she’s too young to be a granny.”

Trevor laughed, “I’m almost afraid to ask how old she is…”

“A few years younger than I am.” Daisy said, “She’s Tina’s mother.”

Trevor nodded his head and looked at Alexandria, “Will she be going with you?”

Alexandria swallowed the food in her mouth before she spoke, “She lives where my mom is buried.” she said, “My mom has always wanted to be buried on the property where she grew up.”

“She wanted all her girls to be buried there.” Daisy said. She looked at the clock, “I best get going. She’s probably already at the house.” Daisy looked at Shia, “Mind the stain in the living room before you guys leave.”

“Okay, Nan.” Shia said

Daisy looked at Trevor, “Don’t fill up on pancakes, there’ll be lots to eat tonight.” Trevor nodded his head while Daisy rattled off more commands, “Lex, bring the gifts and they’ll get opened tonight.”

“I know Nan.” Alexandria said with a laugh, “You better get going before Granny comes looking for you.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Daisy said, “Be on time.” she walked out of the dining room, picked up her jacket and purse and walked out of the apartment.

Trevor, Shia and Alexandria finished eating and packed up the gifts they were to take to with them to dinner. Trevor excused himself because he needed to call his mother then he would be back in time to go to dinner.

As Trevor was leaving Alexandria’s apartment he bumped into Brandy as she left Jacob’s apartment.

“Just wanted to wish him a Merry Christmas.” She said when Trevor looked at her. He didn’t say anything as he turned and took the stairs up to his apartment.

Shortly after that Jacob emerged from his apartment, walked three doors down to Alexandria’s apartment and knocked on the door. It was quite some time before the door opened.

“Go away Jacob.” Shia said, “She doesn’t want to see you.”

“Brandy told me that she wanted to see me.”

“Was this before or after she called me a b***h and that I deserved to be broken up with.” Alexandria said from behind the door.

Jacob sighed, “You didn’t deserve any of it.” Jacob said, “It was all me. My fault, not yours.”

“I find that hard to believe.” Alexandria said. She motioned for Shia to close the door.

Shia began to close the door when Jacob stopped it; “She’s invited me to go upstate with her tonight.”

Alexandria pulled the door opened and looked at Jacob, “There’s something you should know about us Bradshaw girls…” Alexandria began, “When we feel that someone screws us over we get them back. My sister feels I screwed her over now she wants to screw me over.”

Shia began to close the door, “Do whatever you want, but stay away from my sister.” Shia closed and locked the door.

© 2008 Lizet Elaine

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Added on April 1, 2008