Chapter 36

Chapter 36

A Chapter by Lizet Elaine


Between Lovers

Chapter 36

© Lizzie 2003-present


Trevor knew everyone was still at the party and he didn’t want to leave Alexandria alone, so he took her to his apartment, into his room and laid her on the bed. He got a couple of thick towels from his bathroom and wrapped her cold feet in them, then he pulled the thick covers over body then went back to move his car to his assigned spot, then went to the party to tell Erik that he had Alexandria up in his room. Erik slipped out of the room and followed Trevor back to his room.

When they got to the room, they stood in the entrance of Trevor’s bedroom and watched Alexandria silently cry in her sleep.

“I don’t know how long she was in the cold…” Trevor said, “Her feet were like ice cubes. I should have taken her to the hospital.”

Erik shook his head and spoke softly, “Ever since her mother, my wife, died, Alexandria’s been petrified of hospitals and doctors.” he said, “My mother will look after her and if she becomes sick, she’ll be taken to the hospital.” he moved from the door and went to the living room.

Trevor turned and followed him, “Are you sure?” he asked

Erik nodded his head, “I may not have been around my daughters much while they were growing up, but one thing I know for sure is that if they hate something and you make them confront that before they’re ready, not only will they still hate the first thing, but they’ll hate you as well.” Trevor nodded his head and they sat quietly listening to the soft crying coming from the other room.

A short time later, the crying stopped and Trevor lifted his head, “She must be in a deeper sleep.” Erik nodded his head in agreement.


When Alexandria woke up, she looked around and saw that she wasn’t in her bed, in fact, she wasn’t in her apartment. She sat up from her lying position on the bed and looked around the dimly lit room. She got out of the bed, walked to the window and pushed the blinds to the side. When she looked down onto the street she could see that she was higher up, but she couldn’t tell how high.

There was a soft deep mumble that Alexandria could hear so she turned and walked towards the sound. She walked out of the room she was in, down the hall and stopped at the entrance to living room. Sitting in chairs around the dining room table was Trevor and her father. They were talking and she couldn’t quite hear what they were saying, so she turned and walked back to the room and closed the door behind her. Alexandria sat on the bed and closed her eyes, she could vaguely remembered the events of the night, but she couldn’t remember show she ended up in either Trevor’s apartment or her father’s penthouse.

She noticed her dance bag at the foot of the bed and reached for it. Once it was in her hands, she pulled it closer to her body, opened it and dumped the contents on the bed. Gone were the dance leotards and other workout apparel and instead were some pictures, a change of clothes and a couple of small wrapped gifts. She pushed the items aside and unzipped the side pocket. Inside was her journal so she pulled it out, turned to a fresh page, pulled the pen from the side and sighed. She dated the page and began her entry.


December 24th…25th, 2002

Merry un-Christmas to me…


It's strange how in a matter of seven days someone's life can be turned upside down and it isn't clear if it's for the better or not.

Tonight I cried...I mean really cried. That was the first time in seven years that I have really cried and I remembered why I tried not to. It makes you even sicker that you already are. Crying gives you a chance to think anything and everything there is to think about. Did I mention that it also makes you sick? So I've pretty much made friends with the bathroom and toilet. I even missed the party that Jordan and my sister worked so hard to throw for me.

I think in all my crying, I may have scared Trevor. I heard him tell my father that he thought I should go to the hospital because I was out on the cold, but Erik told him how he knew I didn’t like hospitals and doctors. He told him how I thought that doctors lie and say that you’re ok when there is really something wrong with you. -Sniffs and wipes eyes- Doctors take mommies away from their babies.

-looks at the picture sitting on the bed, pushes it to the side, watches is fall to the floor- I can’t believe he broke up with me…on Christmas no less. I thought he was different. But all he kept saying was that it was for the best. That neither of us would hurt this way. You keep telling yourself that Jacob and maybe one day it’ll come true. –leans over the bed, picks the picture up, places it back on the pile, then sits back up- This is one time I wish Christmas wouldn’t come. I don’t want to hear any more cheery songs, people saying Merry Christmas or anything like that. I just want to crawl into hole and die. I was flipping through one of my old journals and I found a couple of poems…I must have written after one of my many fights with Xavier.


Broken Hearts
Broken hearts can be healed
Just don't close up your heart;
Keep it open
Let people in.
A broken heart hurts
And causes much pain
But if you never love again
You'll never experience
The beauty and wonder it can bring.
Broken hearts don't last forever
So don't close yourself off.
Live your life.
Love will come once again







It's okay to cry,
No matter what anyone says.
It won't make you weaker;
It'll just show you know how to face
Your emotions head on.
Cry if you need to;
Don't hold it in.
Holding in emotions
Is bad for the body, mind, and soul.
You bottle up everything;
Soon it will explode.
That'll be even worse,
For there's no knowing what you'll do.
So go ahead and cry
If you need to.
Cry on your best friend's shoulder;
Cry into your pillow
Just don't keep it all bottled up.


I’m tired of crying...I'm just tired period...


            Alexandria closed the journal, put it back in her back and piled everything else on top of it, including the two small packages. She put the bag on the floor, stood up, and walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.

            When she got there, Trevor and Erik look up. Erik was the first to stand and walk to her, but she moved to the side and spoke softly, “Where’s Shia?” she asked.

            Trevor stood up and walked to her, “She’s in your apartment with Brandy and your grandparents.”

            Alexandria nodded her head, walked to the sofa, sat down and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. Trevor and Erik looked at each other, shrug and join her, Trevor sitting on the other side of the sofa and Erik sitting on the love seat.

            They were quiet for a moment before Erik spoke, “I didn’t get a chance to tell you how wonderful you were at the show…”

            Alexandria didn’t respond.

            “Yeah, you were.” Trevor said in agreement, “Three curtain calls, I think that’s the most I’ve seen.”

            “Thanks.” Alexandria said softly. She looked at Trevor, “Thanks for helping me earlier and everything.”

            Trevor smiled, “No problem.”

            Erik was beginning to feel uncomfortable in the room with Alexandria and Trevor so he stood to excuse himself, “I think I’ll be going.” He said, “It’s obvious I’m not needed here any more.”

            “Don’t bother.” Alexandria said standing, walking to the room and returning with her dance bag, “I’d rather sleep in my own bed.” She headed for the door and Erik looked at Trevor mentally telling him to stop her.

            Trevor got the message, stood up and was instantly next to Alexandria, “I’ll walk you to your apartment.” He said.

            “Its okay.” She said reaching for the doorknob.

            “Alex, let him take you to your apartment.” Erik said.

            Alexandria turned and glared at her father, then looked back at Trevor, “Really, it’s okay. It’s just one floor down.”

            “For my piece of mind, let me walk you.” Trevor said removing her hand from the doorknob, unlocking it and twisting the knob while pulling the door open.

            Alexandria didn’t object. She simply walked out of the apartment and down the hall to the elevator. Trevor closed the door and rushed to catch up to her. When they got to the apartment, Alexandria’s grandmother opened the door, “Oh, Child…” she said pulling her into the apartment. She looked at Trevor, “Thank you for seeing that she got home.” Trevor smiled and walked back to the elevator and to his apartment.

© 2008 Lizet Elaine

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Added on April 1, 2008