Chapter 34

Chapter 34

A Chapter by Lizet Elaine


Between Lovers

Chapter 34

© Lizzie 2003-present


            “How long until the next song?” she asked rushing back to her room to change.

            “Three or four minutes.” Danny said, “Where are you going?” he followed her back to her room.

            “Who was in charge of buying the shoes?” she asked as she pushed her door open

            “My brother why?”

            Alexandria tossed her broken shoe to him, “Hope to God no one falls when their heel breaks.”

            Danny’s eyes went wide and he looked at Alexandria as she made a quick change and put on new shoes, “Are you okay?”

            “Oh I’m fine.” She said, “All in a days work, right?” she walked out of her dressing room and waited to be cued for her next song. She was given the cue, went out and danced.

            At eight fifty p.m. there was a ten-minute intermission while the set was changed. Alexandria knew that after the set change, she was going to have her first solo performance. She sat in a far room, away from everyone and the noise so that she could collect her nerves. Once she was calm, she walked out of the room and changed into her final dress.

            Ramon knocked on the door and walked in, “Marie Osmond is looking for you…”

            “Tell her where my room is.” Alexandria said

            “Umm, okay.” He said, “Quick question, why is she looking for you?”

            Alexandria smiled, “It’s a surprise.”

Ramon shrugged his shoulders, left the room and a couple minutes later, Marie Osmond entered. “Are you ready?” Marie asked

Alexandria nodded her head, “I just wish we had more time to practice it.”

“You’ll do fine, Sweetheart.” Marie said giving Alexandria a hug, “I’ll let you finish getting ready and see you on stage.” Alexandria smiled at Marie walked out of the room.

She closed the door behind her, pulled out another dress and changed into it. ‘It’s only fitting that I wear this for my first solo…’ she thought to herself as she put of the dress that she wore for her audition. She gave herself a final look in the mirror as she walked out of the dressing room and to the stage.

Alexandria stood behind the curtain and listened to the MC speak, “Now, we have a change of pace.” He said, “We have Marie Osmond to perform O Holy Night and she has a special guest.”

Alexandria walked out on the stage and took her spot. A man came behind her and fit her with a free mic so she could be heard. He finished hooking it to her and slipped off the stage. The curtain went up and Marie began the sing, while she was singing, Alexandria was dancing. After Marie finished the last line of the chorus, Alexandria’s mic was turned on, Marie moved to the side and Alexandria took her spot and she began to sing. While she was singing, other dancers danced onto the stage for their number.

“Truly he taught us, to love one another. His law is love and his gospel is peace. Chains shall he break, for the slaves are brothers, and in his name, all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, let all within us praise his holy name.” Marie joined Alexandria for the final part, “Christ is the Lord, oh Christ his name forever. His power, and glory, ever more proclaim. Oh night, divine, oh night divine.”

The music ended and they were met with a standing ovation. Marie pointed to the balcony where the honored guests were seated, rather standing, “Looks like you’ve made it.” Marie said to her with a smile.

They bowed, hugged and walked off the stage while the MC walked back onto the stage, “Now that was a pleasant surprise. Who would have known that the New York Dance Troupe not only have dancers but singers as well.” He said, “Let hope that this wasn’t the last time that we’ve heard from Alexandria.”

The next performers and dancers took their spots. Jane Leeves performed Winter Wonderland, Alex Kingston with her special guest of Everette Harp performed Coventry Carol, Martin Sheen, John Spencer and Stockard Channing performed Wonderful Christmastime and Megan Mullally performed Silent Night. Once the final dancers and singers left the stage, the curtain was dropped and the set was changed again. A cozy living room scene was moved to the stage. A mock fireplace was erected and a comfortable Grandfather-like chair was wheeled to the stage and placed next to the fireplace.

“Now for our final event…” the MC began, “A reading of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas. Let’s see who our special guest is.” The curtain was raised, and sitting in the chair was Jay Leno. Surrounding him, sitting on pillows were little children from the Children’s Hospital and a few of the dancers from earlier in the evening. All the lights, but the ones on the stage dimmed as Jay Leno began to read the story.

            “‘Twas he night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Stain Nicholas would soon be there…” He continued reading the story, and then paused and looked at the kids, “I’m going to need your help with this.” he said as he motioned for the children to gather around him. They stood up, walked over to him and looked down at the book, “And as he rode off, we heard him exclaim, ‘Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!’” the children said along with Jay.

            The curtain went down as the audience stood and applauded. Group by group the dancers went back on stage for their bows. The last group was the group of ten newcomers, including Alexandria. It took three curtain calls before the audience quieted enough for the MC to give his closing Christmas speech.

© 2008 Lizet Elaine

Author's Note

Lizet Elaine
Songs listed in Chapters 33 and 34 come from the "NBC Celebrity Christmas" CD.

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Added on April 1, 2008