![]() Chapter 32A Chapter by Lizet ElaineBetween Lovers Chapter 32 © Lizzie 2003-present +*+December 24th+*+ Alexandria sat on the folding chair that she kept in her shed in the basement. She pulled down a majority of the boxes looking for the things she had in mind to give to Trevor. Once she found the box, she set it to the side and began going through some of the other boxes. ‘When were these taken?’ she asked herself as she pulled out the photo album that was labeled Christmas, 1989. She flipped through the pages and smiled. The pictures were from the year that Erik surprised her and Brandy with horses and horseback riding lessons. ‘One of the only times he watched us ride…’ Alexandria thought to herself. She continued to look through the album and her brow wrinkled, ‘Christmas to Shia’s birth…this isn’t right.’ She closed the album and put it back in the box with other albums. She then set that box next to Trevor’s box. The alarm on Alexandria’s cell phone went off reminding her that she had forty-five minutes before she had to be at the NYDT building to get her hair done. Alexandria picked up each of the boxes and placed them on the rolling cart that was near the entrance of the shed. She pushed the cart out of the shed, closed and locked the door before heading to the elevator. Once in the elevator, Alexandria went to the sixth floor. She knocked on Trevor’s door, he opened it and smiled, “I didn’t expect to see you.” Alexandria smiled, “I have something for you.” She said picking up the box of utensils and handing it to him, “Spoons, forks, knives and some plates.” Trevor took the box and smiled, “I told you that you didn’t have to.” “Why waste money and get new ones when I have some that weren’t going to be used.” “That’s true.” He said, “Thank you.” “No problem.” Alexandria said, “And here is your ticket.” She pulled the ticket from her back pocket and handed it to him, “I better see you there.” Trevor laughed, “I’ll be there.” He said with a smile. “I have to get going.” Alexandria said, “I’ll see you tonight.” “See you tonight.” He said as he watched her walk back to the elevator. When she got there, he closed the door and took the box to the kitchen to go through their contents. When Alexandria got back to her apartment she saw Maria and Timothy leaving Jacob’s apartment. She spoke with them briefly before continuing to her apartment. When she opened the door, she was hit with a wave of freshly cut roses. She walked into the apartment and noticed nearly three-dozen roses. “Shia…” she called out. “Yeah?” she sister said sticking her head from her room “What’s up with the flowers?” “You’ll never guess who they’re from…” Shia said walking into the living room and to one of the vases. “Jacob?” Alexandria asked Shia snorted, pulled off the card, walked to her sister and handed it to her, “You wish…” Alexandria raised an eyebrow, took the card, pulled it from the envelope and her eyes went wide, “You’ve got to be kidding.” She said, “Dad?” Shia nodded her head, “I’ve seen his handwriting enough times to know they’re from him.” She said, “Each of them say the same thing ‘Good luck with your show and I’ll see you tonight. Love Dad’.” Shia said quoting what was written on the card. “Dad does not say love.” Alexandria said, “I don’t even think the word is in his vocabulary.” “Never mind that…” Shia said, “He said he was going to see you tonight.” “He may see me, but I won’t be seeing him.” Alexandria said as she walked back to the vase that Shia pulled the card from and put that card back, “I need to get going to the Troupe.” “I know. Ramon called not too long ago and told me to remind you.” Alexandria laugh, “He’s probably much more nervous than I am.” She said pulling a few roses from the vase and walked to the kitchen. “I don’t blame him.” Shia said, “It’s not every day he’s put in charge of your wardrobe for something this important.” Alexandria found a tall glass, filled it with water and placed the few roses in it then walked out of the kitchen to her room, “But he’s loving it. Manny and Danny constantly stroke his ego.” Shia laughed then spoke softly, “Brandy’s coming tonight too.” Alexandria paused mid-step, turned and looked at her sister, “She’s what?” “Dad called her and invited her to the show tonight…” Alexandria mumbled a few words under her breath and went into her room closing the door. Shia shrugged her shoulders and walked into her room. A couple minutes later there was a knock at the door. Shia stuck her head out of her room, heard that Alexandria was in the shower so she went to answer the door. “Who is it?” she asked “Trevor…from upstairs.” Shia opened the door, “Yes?” “Your sister brought a box up to me earlier, but gave me one with pictures in it.” Trevor said “Sorry about that.” Shia said. She looked at the box that was still sitting in the cart, “This must be yours then.” She took the box from Trevor and he grabbed the one from the cart. “Thanks.” He said, “And tell your sister I said thank again.” Shia nodded her head, “Okay.” Trevor turned and walked away. Then Shia pushed the door closed with her foot and it automatically locked. She took the box to the sofa, set it down, sat next to it and began to look through the pictures. Alexandria walked out of her room with her dance bag, “I’m so late.” She said, “Cherry is waiting for me downstairs.” “Trevor bought this box up.” Shia said, “He said you gave him the wrong box.” “I’m a dork.” Alexandria said. She looked at her sister, “Jacob’s taking you tonight, right?” Shia nodded her head, “Okay, I’ll see you tonight then.” Alexandria checked her bag one last time before walking to the door, unlocking it, opening it, walking out and pulling it closed behind her. © 2008 Lizet Elaine |
Added on April 1, 2008 Author