![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by Lizet Elaine![]() contains a bit of foul language.![]() Between Lovers Chapters 7 ©Lizzie 2003-present The next morning, Jacob was up at the crack of dawn. That was very unusual for him seeing as he usually slept in on Sundays. He looked at his disheveled bed and realized that he had another night of tossing and turning. He never realized how much he missed sharing his bed with someone until his girlfriend of over five years left him. He still had the ring that he’d given to her Christmas of the year before. ‘It’s been a year and she’s still haunting my nights…’ Jacob thought to himself. Jacob was so absorbed in his thoughts, that he didn’t hear the click of the front door being opened and the tapping of shoes on the hard wood floor. The person who came in clearly knew their way around the apartment. They filled up the empty dog food dish, added more birdseeds to the dish of the lovebirds that were sitting in their cage next to the window. They then made their way back to toward the bedrooms. Jacob walked to the window and threw open the curtains. The sun was just beginning to peak over the trees in Central Park. There were a few cars out on the streets and even fewer people who ventured out to jog. “I should be doing that too.” Jacob said out loud “You were never one for jogging, Jacob, and you know that.” The female voice said Jacob spun around and came face to face with the woman he tried so hard to forget. “How did you get in?” She held up her key, “Still have a key.” she smirked “Well leave it on your way out.” He said as he went to his closet for his pants. “Is that any way to talk to your fiancée?” she asked. “Ex. Ex-fiancée.” Jacob said, “You left me with out so much as a goodbye.” “No, I said goodbye.” she said, “Remember, I said, ‘I’ll see you around.’” “And that was a year ago.” Jacob said walking to his bathroom and returning with a pair of blue jeans on, “Now, I’ll say this again, leave the key on the way out. Or I’ll have the locks changed.” “You’d be smart to do both.” she said as she removed the key from the ring and placed it on his dresser, “And, a word of advice…no matter how much you try to forget me, you’ll let me back in, you always do.” she turned, walked out of the room and out of the apartment and closed the door behind her. Jacob sighed and sat on his bed, “I really need to change that lock.” He looked at his clock and made a mental timetable of everything he had to do. He had only ten hours before he was to meet Alexandria and he still didn’t know which bar they were meeting at. He pulled out his clean work clothes, shoved them in a duffle bag and headed to his shop to get started on some of the work he put off from the day before. Once he got to the shop, he saw that a few of his workers were already waiting for him to open up. “John isn’t here?” He asked as he unlocked the building “Called me early this morning saying he was going to be late.” One of the workers said, “Said something about his son being sick and the wife wasn’t back from work.” Jacob nodded his head, “We’ll be closing early again today. So get as much done as you can.” “Closing early ain’t gonna mess with our pay will it?” Another worker asked Jacob laughed, “Of all the times I’ve closed early, haven’t you still gotten your full pay?” The men laughed, “Okay, I need an update on how that Rodriguez detailing is coming along. He’s called me twice wanting to know when he can pick up his car.” “Yous can’t bang a dent that big out in one week.” “Yeah, it’ll be at least another week to a week and a half.” Jacob sighed, “Do the best you can and I’ll tell Rodriguez something in the mean time.” The twelve men present got to work, while the one woman in the entire shop headed to the front. A couple hours later they broke for lunch and Jacob went to his office. “Jake, you have a message from a lady…” his receptionist said as she appeared in his doorway. “What did she want?” he asked “Something about meeting you at Pitney’s on Forty-second.” Jacob smiled, “Thanks.” +*+ At ten a.m., Alexandria’s cell phone rang. She groaned realizing that it was her alarm reminding her of her ten thirty meeting with her boss. She hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. “Quick ten minute wake me up shower.” she said out loud. Fifteen minutes later Alexandria was dressed and heading out the door. She smiled at the doorman when he opened the door. “The lift should be fixed when you come back, Ms. Bradshaw.” “Should be is the key word, right?” Alexandria said with a small laugh The doorman nodded his head, “That’s what they tell me.” Alexandria walked to the parking structure where her car was and groaned at the sight in front of her. There was a large dent on the driver side of her newly restored Chevy and what looked like a scratch on the trunk. “Son of a b***h!” she said, “It took me seven years to get this car fixed.” She looked at the car next to her and noticed a van that wasn’t parked there before. “Oh hell no!” She turned around and stormed back into the building. “Back so soon, Ms. Bradshaw?” the doorman asked “Where are they? Where are those no good repairmen?!” The doorman gave a puzzled look and pointed to the area of the downed elevator. Alexandria walked over to the men, “Which one of you geniuses has five thousand dollars?!” she demanded. The men looked up, “And you are?” one of the men asked “The owner of the 1969 Chevy you damn near ruined!” Alexandria said, “There’s a huge a*s dent on the driver side door and a scratch on my trunk. Who’s gonna fix it?!” © 2008 Lizet Elaine |
Added on February 26, 2008 Author