![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by Lizet ElaineBetween Lovers Chapter 5 ©Lizzie 2003-present Jacob was trying his best not to be seen by the two women that when he looked up the next minute, the one he thought was Alexandria wasn’t there anymore. ‘If J could see me now…’ Jacob thought to himself. He pulled out one of his business cards, wrote his number on the back and began to make his way to the lone girl standing next to the entrance of Tiffany’s. ‘It’s now or never…’ he said trying to sike himself up. He walked up to the girl, “Excuse me, but do you have a sister named Alexandria?” The girl looked up, gave Jacob a look, “Who wants to know?” “I’m pressed for time, but give this to Alex and tell her to use it.” He dropped the card in the girl’s purse and disappeared into the crowd. Shia blinked and pulled the card out of her purse. She read it and then moved through the crowd to try and find the man that approached her. When she couldn’t find him she went back to where she was waiting for her and went into the shop. “Did it get too cold out there?” Alexandria asked when she saw her sister walk in. “The strangest thing just happened…” “Oh, what?” Alexandria asked as she pointed to the necklace that she wanted a closer look at. “This guy came up to me asking if you were my sister, then he gave me this business card,” she held up the card, “telling me to give it to you.” Alexandria took the card and looked at it, “Jacob Cartwright…oh my god.” “You know him Lexi?” “I guess you could say that…” she said. Alexandria looked out the window to see if she could see the man, “Did you see which way he went?” Shia raised an eyebrow then smirked, “No, you lookin’ to have a hook up?” Alexandria laughed, “No, just wanted to give back the card. But I could always take it to him tomorrow.” Shia laughed, “So anyways, let’s get going. The movie’s gonna start soon. And, I think you should call that guy. He was cute.” Alexandria went back to the counter and told the jeweler she’d come back the next day to purchase the necklace and then she and she sister walked out of Tiffany’s to the theater to watch the movie they decided on earlier in the day. “I’m not going to call him. He didn’t even have the guts enough to give me his number in person.” “He just missed you.” Shia said, “Like by seconds, he missed you. You really should call him and go out for drink…it wouldn’t kill ya to have a life outside of me and Elle.” “We’ll see.” Alexandria said, “Go buy the popcorn and I’ll pick up our tickets.” +*+ Once Jacob was safely back at his car and in steady movement to his apartment, the realization of what just occurred hit him. “I gave a virtual complete stranger my home number!” he said out loud, “What if that wasn’t Alex’s sister that I gave the card to?” He sighed and continued on to his apartment. Once at his apartment, Jacob decided he needed to unwind. He headed back to his room and was surprised to see his brother was home, “Long time no see, J.” The younger man looked up, nodded and went back to packing, “I’ll be at D’s for a while longer…” he looked back at his brother, “Catty called. She said that guy you wanted to buy the house from wants to sell. She tried calling the shop but the machine picked up.” Jacob leaned against the door and watched his brother pack, “Yeah, we closed early, I wanted to see someone.” “Does this someone have a name?” “Yeah, they do.” Jacob said pushing himself from the door and continuing on to his room, “lock the front door when you leave.” Jacob’s brother, Jordan, was now very curious about who his brother met. He stopped what he was doing and followed him, “So, do I get to know her name…this person is a her, right?” Jacob paused, “Yes, the person I went to meet is a her, and no you don’t get to know her name…at least not yet.” “No problem, bro.” Jordan said, “See you later.” he went back to his room, grabbed his bag, left out of the apartment and made sure the door was locked. +*+ Two hours later, Alexandria and Shia walked out of the theater along with about twenty other people. “That movie totally sucked!” Shia said “What a way to waste free tickets!” someone else said “That was the first time I’ve ever felt like leaving a movie, thirty minutes into it.” Alexandria said as she pulled her keys out of her pocket. “Why did we stay for the whole thing then?” Shia asked “I was hoping it would get better.” “I could have told you it wasn’t when the first five people walked out.” Shia said as she dumped her bag of popcorn in the trash, “Next time we don’t let Elle pick the movie.” Alexandria laughed, “You have my word she won’t be picking anymore.” They continued on to the car and got in. On the way back to the house, they stopped for ice cream. At ten forty-five Alexandria was dropping her sister off. Just as Shia was walking into the house, Alexandria rolled down the window and yelled out, “I’ll pick you up for an early dinner, but that’ll be all I can manage until I move into my new place.” “It’s a date sis.” Shia said. She smiled, walked in the house and closed the door. Once Alexandria was sure her sister was safely in the house, she headed back to her borrowed apartment. She was grateful that her uncle let her use the place until she got a place of her own. She pulled into the parking structure, parked the car, grabbed her bags and made her way into the building. Alexandria groaned as she noticed the out of order sign on the elevator, ‘They need to fix that piece of crap machine soon!’ she thought to herself, ‘Six flights is going to kill me!’ She got to the apartment, unlocked the door, walked in and closed and locked the door behind her. she dropped her bags, kicked off her shoes and walked to the kitchen for some ice cream. She grabbed the carton, walked to the living room and flopped on the sofa to relax. Alexandria sat in silence a bit before her reached for the remote to the T.V., she turned it on and settled herself again. As she watched the show, her mind drifted to what her sister said. She put the carton down, grabbed the cordless phone and fished the business card out of her pocket. She dialed the number and bit her lip as the phone rang. She heard the person pick up and say some groggy greeting. © 2008 Lizet Elaine |
Added on February 26, 2008 Author