Chapter Ten: Passions

Chapter Ten: Passions

A Chapter by Princess

         Dusk had just barely come upon Aynah when I saddled my horse and started riding off. Towards Kaithron. Towards my death. But I couldn’t shake off the small hope that maybe he wouldn’t care if I were Callea. Maybe it wouldn’t phase him one bit, because maybe, just maybe he loved me. And I know that we haven’t known each other all that long but I couldn’t help but wonder.

        With a horse under me to take me most of the way, a lot of time was spared. It didn’t take nearly as long and I was so excited that I barely had time to examine the scenery around me. I was soon to see him again. And maybe then and there, just possibly he would confess his love. And I could just run away with him forever, and never ever have to worry about the war again.
        And I swear to tell him exactly who I am. Princess Callea of Aynah. Not Aza, but princess Callea, and if he hates me, so be it.
        Before I knew it I was  about four miles outside of the walls of Kaithron. The dawn had long before dispersed and far enough away to not get caught or found, I latch up my horse to a tree, stroking it before heading towards Kaithron; committing suicide, almost.
        The questions reiterated over and over in my head several times. All the things I’d been fearing- whether or not if he’d know who I was now, if he was even going to show, and possibly if he was going to decide he loved me? The butterflies built tighter in my stomach.
        The streets were empty, just as they were the time before. I did my best trying to remember the way back to the fountain, sneaking up through an alley way and around a few corners…
        I inhaled a sharp, silent breath as I rounded the corner. There, Kier was pacing; he hadn’t forgotten and he was there, just as tall and majestic as he appeared to have been last time. My memories recollected from our last meeting and I felt just as happy and giddy all at once all over again.
        I inched a couple steps closer, and Kier turned towards me. “Aza!” he breathed. My knees began to feel shaky and I managed a smile. He rushed up to me, not touching me though it seemed as if he were about to but then pulled back. “I was getting worried that you weren’t going to come.”
        And that seemed to answer most of my questions. He doesn’t know who I really am, and he certainly doesn’t hate me at all. But what of love?
        Then, as I recalled my earlier promise that I’d tell him who I really am, I suddenly began to feel like a coward. I couldn’t tell him. There are so many what ifs, and I knew that one thing for sure, at this moment, was that I certainly did not want to leave his presence or upset him in any way.
        But I did have to know one thing; if he killed Vorion. 
        “Are you alright?” Kier asks once I don’t speak. He reaches up then touches my forehead and I flinch. I was hoping he wouldn’t find that.
        “You’re bruised! Aza, what is this? Was it your father, did he hurt you?”
        In actuality it was a bruise formed from one too many tomatoes hitting that spot. But that would take more explaining than necessary. I reached up in defense, but his hand grabs a light hold on my wrist and he reaches up with his other hand to examine it.
        “My father didn’t hurt me, no, I just hit my head, it’ll be fine.” More lies, and more lies. Kier released my wrist, hesitating to accept my answer but he doesn’t say anything.
        “Kier, what is your occupation?”
        He gave me a questioning look after I utter the query. “I’m a baker in the castle walls.”
        I felt so relieved by that. To know he hadn’t killed my brother, to know that he wasn’t a murderer. Somehow it would make things so much easier for the both of us, but mostly me. Kier laughs.
        “What’s amiss, Aza, you seem upset. Is it because of me?”
        My eyes flash up to meet his perfectly enchanting ones. “No, I’m not upset” I breath. “I feel happy when I’m with you,” I admit, blushing as I do.
        “That’s a relief to hear,” he replies, still smiling. My heart drums. I pull away from him, turning. Why does the most perfect man in the world have to be a Kaithronese peasant?
        “Aza…” he breathes. “Come with me somewhere.”
        I shoot my eyes over to them, enlarging them. “What? Where?” I ask, starting to hyperventilate a little inside. What if somebody saw me, and knew who I was? Where’s he going to take me?
        He laughs at my panicking and takes a firm grasp of my hand. “Don’t worry, Aza, I’m not going to hurt you or let anyone like your father find you.”
        I wasn’t worried about my father find me. I was worried about anyone else in the entire country finding me. And of course I didn’t think he’d hurt me, though I don’t know him too well I do believe he is above that, at least. “But where…?” I ask.
        “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?” he asks, then starts dragging me along. I stop. “Kier, what if-”
        “Then so be it,” he replies before I can even finish my thought. “There are so many ‘what if’ things in the world, if we always dwelled on them then nothing would ever happen. Aza, tell me, what is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen outside of your home?”
        He was of course, but I couldn’t say that. I sigh, picking the second most beautiful thing. “The night sky in a clear world.”
        Kier grins. “I had a feeling you’d say that. Have you ever seen two night skies at the same moment?”
        “Two?” I question, feeling confused.
        “Let me show you,” he states calmly, offering me his hand. I stare at it for a while, then look back up at his face. Two? Slowly, I bring my hand up and place it in his again.
        In a hurried manner Kier pulled me through the streets. For me though, he seemed to be sneaking around through the streets, trying to keep hushed and out of sight. Only a couple times did we come across a few drunken men but never anything to worry about- for the most part, the town was hushed and asleep.
        Kier brought me outside of the town. Doubt went through my head for a quick moment, but then I reasoned with myself that I was the idiot who came back to meet a random Kaithronese man in the first place so whatever happened I was likely going to deserve anyhow. And at this point, I felt as if I didn’t much care. I was a little bit curious about the whole seeing two skies.
        Both of us were silent as Kier continued to pull me gently along through tall grass outside of the walls and then more thoughts came through my mind.
        What if he really did know? Was he taking me somewhere to assassinate me? After raping me maybe? Oh, Callea, what have you done, you fool! I’ve been pulled into my own death!
        Yet somehow I can’t stop. I keep letting him take me away, even up a hill. Just before we reach the top, Kier turns around and faces me. “Tell me something, Aza,” he whispers. “From what I’ve heard you haven’t seen much of the world. I want to know why you came with me this whole way when I could have done anything to you. Why you trust me so much after just one meeting before this.”
        I wanted to admit to him that I loved him. He said these words with such peace and ease that I couldn’t hardly control myself. But at the same time I was so, so afraid to admit it. I couldn’t even explain it.
        “I don’t know,” I whimpered out.
        He nods once, but then turns, still latching on to my hand. “Then I suppose I want to show you something if you’ll see it.”
        “I came this far, did I not?”
        “I suppose you did,” he admits. Then, slightly tugging on me he drags me the rest of the way up the hill.
        I understood what he meant then and I gasped. It was truly a sight that I never thought I’d see, for down below us was a lake, reflecting the stars of the sky onto its glass sheet, shimmering with flawless dignity I couldn’t even begin to describe. I was completely amazed and by far there was no other sight as spectacular as this one.
        “Now I have a query for you,” I breathed. “Is it a regular thing in which you woo any particular maiden and how many of them have you brought here?”
        Kier turns to look right at me. “It was her beauty that caught my attention, but it was everything else about her that kept it. I swear that you are the first lady I’ve ever brought here with me- but that just might be because I have only recently discovered this myself. Everything else you’ll just have to take a chance with. A what if…”
        I felt my heart flutter more as I blushed. Still holding my hand, he chuckles. Then he lightly releases it and motions for me to follow him using his head and before I know it he’s galloping down the hill like a little child. An image of Vorion swept through my brain, seeing some sort of déjà vu as that same sort of spirit and spunky spirit was prancing down a hill like an excited boy. I shake the image away, and before I can stop myself I follow him down.
        About halfway down I found my clumsy feet tripping over themselves and I started rolling down like a log. I scream for a brief second and when Kier spots what was going on behind him it was too late to stop me. He was trapped but only for a moment when, grabbing a hold of me he rolled us so as to stop us on the hill. Snickering under his breath, I feel myself blush for being so clumsy.
        “We’ll have to work on that. So much for skipping down the hill,” he laughs and I feel myself blush even deeper.
        There were only about ten feet left below us so we walked down the rest after an uncomfortable moment of trying to get back up. It was just as beautiful at the bottom and I found myself gasping as I looked at the stars reflecting on it.
        “Here-” Kiers voice sounds at the bottom, walking towards a object I couldn’t quite make out from here with it being so dark. “I made this when I discovered the place. Go for a row with me, would you?”
        Once we came near I saw that it was a small boat big enough for no more than three people. It was so pretty. He was a craftsman and a baker? Was his only flaw thus far was the fact that he is Kaithronese?
        Kier helps me into the small boat and then pushes us away from the sandy beach and hops in on the other side. The boat rocked and I held tightly onto the side for support, my heart beating fast. I swallowed.
        “I’ve never been in a boat before,” I admitted to him. In Aynah there weren’t any nearby lakes, only a river and the waterfall and a small pond.
        “Have you ever done anything before?” he asks in a somewhat sarcastic tone. From the stories I had told him about my father (such as him being too protective and arrogant), Kier wasn’t a big worshiper of him. Besides the fact that if he knew he was the rival king.
        “Not too much, I suppose,” I sigh. Using the oars of the boat, I watch as the water ripples beneath us as we pass through the lake in silence. I simply stare at him the whole time, lingering my eyes on his lips. Is it so wrong that I wish so much to kiss those lips again? Is it even morally good in any way at all? But of course I wouldn’t want to frighten him by doing so myself- women simply don’t kiss me unless the man kisses first. In Aynah, at least.
        “Then what do you like to do?” Kier asks, leaning forward as he pulls the oars up. The boat sat in the middle of the lake, the stars shining brightly and beautifully on it.
        I tuck a strand behind my ear, tearing my eyes away from his. “To dance and to study history.”
        He leans even closer. “You dance?”
        “I try to,” I admit. I wasn’t awful but I wasn’t wonderful either, it was one of my hobbies only when I had a lot of time to spare which was really almost never.
        “You’ll have to promise me a dance for some day then. What kind of history.”
        I blush. For a second my eyes meet his then I cower away again. “All kinds. History of Aynah, history of Kaithron anything.”
        “Please,” he grins, holding my chin up to face him. “Educate me a little if you would be so kind. What about it seems to amuse you so?”
        My heart started pounding, wondering why he seemed to be so fascinated with it. I thought I was the only one genuinely interested.
        “The war,” I gulp. “King Lionel of Kaithron and King Ruther of Aynah had been on good terms see. What most people think is that they were enemies from birth but it wasn’t so. King Ruther’s wife you see was… somewhat of a siren. After a ball it so happened that King Ruther’s wife had made a w***e of herself and slept with King Lionel, to which King Ruther was outraged, killing both his own wife and the wife of King Lionel. King Lionel seized his army upon King Ruther who quickly fled the scene and sent his army to attack as well. That night an eighth of both Aynah and Kaithron died in bloody war and since then a fight has been continuing.” I quickly tell him the history that I know. His eyes linger on mine for the longest time afterwards in utter silence. I was sure he’d heard it many times before but surely not the true way. Just all the rumors but I’d done much studying from scripts of King Ruther and other books, and I’ve conversed with many of my tutors. I hadn’t completely confirmed most myself but my story was pretty sure.
        “You sound so sure. What amuses you so much?”
        “It’s the after one act over a hundred years ago we still continue to fight. Two foolish kings was where it all began, likely drunk kings at that and yet somehow it continues on endlessly.”
        “You speak words out of your character, Aza,” he smiles. “The war is the only thing that interests you so of our history?”
        I sigh. I was only trying to interest him in some way rather then talk about what I really adored. “No, sir, it is the stories of love that keep my truly interested,” I admit somehow.
        This however seemed to make him move though. He inched slightly closer, seeming somehow amused.
        “Please, explain.”
        “I’d better not,” I blush. 
        Kier pulls back, letting go of my chin. What did I say?
        “What about your interest, sir?” I question.
        “Astronomy,” he smirks. “See here,” he says then points out to the lake. “This is the formation of Violet la Bella.” My breath catches in my throat. He knew Aynah’s history too. Violet la Bella was the love of Prince Samuel some two hundred years ago. It was the fist marriage of royalty to a peasant in the land and Prince Samuel died but Violet ruled, becoming one of the most beloved queens of our time until after three years without Samuel she killed herself to live with her love. But she was known for the compassion she had and of her deep concern for everything. “You see, here the have her heart,” he traces it with his finger for me, “and this large star represents her beauty. And what she said about the night sky,” he adds, then smiles. “was that to feel infinite bliss-”
        “is to float in your dreams in the sky to obey love rather then your expectations,” I finish with him. 
        Kier smiles, offering me a hand then. “Swim with me.”
        I nod, hardly breathing. He strips off his shirt and I slip off the dress so I’m only in my undergarments and I hold onto his hand as we plunge off the boat into the water. As we surface through the surprisingly warm water, I entangle myself around his warm body, holding close and leaning my forehead on his shoulder, floating in my dreams that I’ve always had, to be in the arms of the man I absolutely adore.

© 2009 Princess

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Added on October 18, 2009




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