Chapter Six: The Bloomed Flower

Chapter Six: The Bloomed Flower

A Chapter by Princess

         “Where have I seen you? Surely, you know. Have you seen me before?”

        “I couldn’t tell you,” I responded. “You face does not look familiar to me…”
        “I wouldn’t ever understand that,” Kier shakes his head. “And my name you have not even heard before a moment ago?”
        “Is it of importance?” I question. He stirred.
        “Madam, how often do you leave your home?”
        Well, this question I could at least be honest about. “Hardly ever. I’m guarded like a hawk.”
        He smiled. That breathtaking grin. “I wouldn’t know why,” he flirts, then adds a wink in. “It’s as if you’re beautiful, or something. And what man might be able to look upon you without committing sin?”
        “Only one, it appears,” I grin.
        “Yet you don’t know me.”
        I nod. “I do not know you at all.”
        “Then may I ask you something?” he questions. I nod. “What are you doing out so late?”
        “To escape my father,” I tell him, then look down. 
        “And why this very spot?” he questions.
        I shake my head. I didn’t know the answer to that question myself. Heck, I didn’t even know why I was in this town. Being an idiot, I guess.
        “Then perhaps it has something to do with fate,” he concludes.
        “I might ask you the same thing,” I say.
        “Why I’m out here?” he asks. “Well, it’s sort of a long story.”
        “And don’t we have a long night?” I question.
        He smiles crookedly and nods his head once or twice. 
        I had barely caught any of the story because I was intrigued onto something else. I wasn’t sure if it was because his lips appeared to be so perfect, or because I had kissed them. What would my father say to any of this? 
        “Aza,” Kier calls my name. “It’s a long night indeed. I beg you to speak more, bright words. Tell me about you.”
        “What would you like to know?” I ask, gulping then looking down at his hands holding mine firmly. Is this right? To be touching a man when we’d never met before? Is it wrong to know that I don’t mind? 
        “Everything,” he whispers. “You’re the woman from my dreams.”
        It was wrong absolutely, and I knew it. “Kier… this isn’t right…”
        He tilts his head back and stretched casually. I sigh. “I really shouldn’t be here and I-” at this point, Kier jumped up before I could make a move.
        “Parting so soon?” he queries, giving me a pleading look with his eyes. “Aza, when would I see you again? Please, at least let the night pass.”
        I gnaw on my bottom lip. I wanted to stay. I really did. And it was practically impossible for me to say no. I don’t even believe in love at first sight! Why am I so fascinated by a Kaithronese peasant boy? Slowly I nod my head. “At the break of sun I really should leave, though.”
        He smiled, pleased with my answer. “Tell me about yourself,” he urges again. “About your brothers and sisters. About your interests, your pastimes.”
        “Oh… well I…” what should I say about my siblings? This made me understand that this relationship would be full of lies. “I have… two brothers, and a sister… but I don’t see them often,” I half-lie.
        I was the one speaking most of the night. He questioned everything. Anything. And when I tried to make him reply to his own queries once in a while, he’d answer thoughtfully without a second of hesitation or flinching. Or stuttering. By the end of the night I was sure I had told him every little detail that he could possibly know. And I wondered why he was so curious about it all. Did he suspect?
        I knew better now that to ask a man if he loved me or not. But Kier never said he did. I personally knew he entranced me but he never mentioned anything. Not a word. 
        What a fool I can be sometimes just by pathetic little fancies on boys I hardly knew.
        There was a moment of silence that had been going on for about two minutes. He didn’t tear his gaze away.
        “I still don’t know where I’ve seen you,” he shakes his head.
        I look down. With all the information I’ve told him he’d surely know soon. But not once did he question about the war. It never came up, even a little bit. Aynah didn’t even come up.
        “It’s getting light out,” I murmur. “I should return to my home…”
        “Why is it that you seem so eager to go?” he questions.
        “I have obligations and… I shouldn’t be seen alone with a man. Awful things could happen and I’m sure my father is… searching for me. And my mother must be worried sick.”
        Kier nods his head, the glint in his perfectly dark green eyes starting to fade.
        “Obligations?” he asks. “Are you engaged?”
        “No!” I gasp. “no, nothing like that.” I was on the verge of giving away my life so I stand up. “I need to go, now…”
        Walking away he lightly tugs on my shoulder, turning me to face him. “Azalea… please, let me see you again sometime. When can we meet again?”
        I inhale slowly then release it. If I saw him again I’d only be putting myself in danger again. Even more danger because he’d have time to question others, and research through books. “Kier, please understand me when I tell you that I can not come back.”
        He paused. His eyes looked focused past something. Then, he reaches up with both of his hand, cupping my cheeks in his hands like he was about to kiss me again.
        “Please, Aza,” he pleads.
        I flutter my eyes closed. It was a terrible thing how hard of a time I was having to just say no. I shouldn’t have stayed here, I should have ran the moment I saw him. 
        “In thirty days I will be here at night. Not a day early or late. But I’m afraid I can’t offer much more.”
        He exhales with a small grin on his face. “I’ll feel as if I’ve been dead for many years until then. I will be here, waiting all night if I must.”
        I nod. And he’ll be armed with a sword. I know. In thirty days I’ll be slain by a Kaithronese peasant all because I love him. What foolish love.
        He drops his hands that were cupped around my cheeks and sighs. I take a last look at that flawless face, for it would only be flawless until next time. Next time when that face would want to kill me. If he HAD told me he loved me, would it be different now? Would it be possible for him to hate me next time.
        “Aza,” he says before I start moving again. “I… I…” was this it?
        “Yes?” I urge, my heart pounding. 
        His face tightens for a moment in thought. “I hope to wish you good luck with your obligations. Don’t forget or you’ll leave me wounded until the day I die.”
        I nod, then start running the other way. He spoke as if he loved me. He acted so, too, from how frequently he felt obliged to touch me- I didn’t care. But he didn’t say so. Did he?

© 2009 Princess

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Added on October 18, 2009




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