Chapter Five: World's Collision

Chapter Five: World's Collision

A Chapter by Princess

         When morning broke I slept. It was still a while before I would reach Kaithron, especially since my legs were sore form more walking then I was originally used to. So all I could do was find a tree to curl up by, and I was sleeping before I could even yawn. By the time I was awake again it was already starting to get dark again. I had slept through all the daylight hours.

        It struck me then that I had no idea what I was going to do once I reached Kaithron. Without a doubt, if anyone saw me I’d be dead before I could scream. And what if I never even found the murderer? If I did find him, what was I going to do?
        None the less, I pressed forward, pondering what I was doing. What if I could get to the king or queen of Kaithron? Is it possible that maybe, just maybe they would listen to something I had to say? If they imprisoned me, I’d have a chance; if they killed me then I’ll destroy my country. But this is not my battle to fight. It’s my battle to end, somehow, someway.
        I just don’t know which way.
        I had to breathe a few times to steady myself when the outskirts of Kaithron came into view. I was about to walk into a place that loathed me more than my own country. I was possibly committing some sort of suicide, and I’m not sure what’s going to result from it.
        My stomach growled. It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t eaten for about a day now. Where was I going to find anything in Kaithron? Nobody would sell me anything. I was an outcast. An enemy. Hated.
        I walked on. What am I doing? If I don’t die by a knife I’ll suffer from starving myself. 
        Passing a few of the smaller farms, it donned on me that a farm would have plenty of fruit around this time of season. But was I really going to be so low as to steal? I don’t consider Kaithron my enemy, no matter that they killed my brother. No matter that I’m theirs. Would it be right to steal a simple plum or a ripe vegetable?
        I kept walking. I wouldn’t do it. At least, not yet I wouldn’t.
        Voices inside of me were screaming at me. I’m an idiot. I’m a fool. What will happen?
        It was dark as I creep into the town. I was scared out of my mind and trembling as I walked. No one was out that was in sight and once my knees lock, refraining me from moving any further I sit down at a fountain, steadying my breath.
        What am I doing? What AM I doing? Murdering myself? 
        This was an idiotic idea.
        Turning I stare at my reflection in the fountain. I couldn’t place exactly what but something was different. I looked older… still as disgustingly beautiful as ever, despite that I looked dirtier and somewhat of a wealthier peasant, but my cheeks were pulled in tighter. From the last month a tiny bit had changed. And I didn’t hate it. Why didn’t I hate it? It was better then the other face I had had, even more beautiful. I should detest it! But I don’t.
        My eyes stray from that strange figure of myself staring at the reflection of the stars in the reflection. Suddenly I froze as I noticed another face in the reflection. One that was not mine. Not mine at all.
        The air in my throat caught and I couldn’t utter anything. My heart started skipping then it felt like it was dying within itself and nothing had even happened. Yet. What was I thinking coming into this town? Yet I couldn’t look away from the reflection of the other face. It had me captivated and I couldn’t place why…
        “She’s ravishing, she’s real, she’s frightened yet ideal. I’ve seen that face so striking me now, I’ve seen her before but I don’t know how. She’s flawless, potential, radiant, sentimental. But that face I’ve seen I know it well, it’s soft, serene, but I can not tell…”
        The voice was rich with a hint of song in his poetic rhyme. It advanced closer and as I flinched I was able to draw my eyes away from the reflection, onto the face of the tall figure coming towards me. I memorized it right there. His jaw was tight with a built structure pulling at his set cheeks. A dark black rimmed the color of his deep green eyes and black hair swept just above his brow, curling out with a tousled structure. Without a doubt at all he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my entire life but there was something dangerous about him. His eyes were not filled with the hatred I was expecting but rather a calm peacefulness danced about them.
        Though I knew it was wrong, internally I was pleading to hear his rich voice again as he came closer still. To kill me?
        “I’ve seen without eyes. If I could hear a name then tonight I’d faint of hearing bliss, but if I could hear a life then I’d die- no, not in vain- but I’d perish in death of extravagant kiss. It’s a sin, I know, to be so full but I couldn’t care less as now everything else appears to be so… dull,” he continued. I was hardly making sense of any words because my mind refuse to perceive the metaphors well. I was frightened yet sinfully enamored.
        He came closer. I wasn’t breathing. He stood in front of me, so close that I could reach out and touch him.
        “A name, fair lady,” he smiled. A flawless smile. My heart skipped, my mind twirled and I felt dizzy. 
        Then I started to panic. No words would emit from my lips, and I knew that I could not tell him my name. I did not know who this man was, only that he would surely think me his enemy. I couldn’t err.
        When I didn’t say anything he sat next to me, untainted by what I felt I was rejecting him with. “Or perhaps she has no name, for no name could possibly do well for such silver eyes. Why are you afraid?”
        “Not afraid,” I somehow choke out. “Bewitched.”
        “Thy lips have spoken angel’s words,” he smiled, the green of his eyes glowing. I waited for more because I knew that my lips were sealed together tightly, refusing to speak. Without a word, his arm moves and I freeze again. Death felt imminent, for I was cold.
        His heated hand touched my lips, surprising me completely. I was feeling so many emotions all at once. How can this be when I have just met this man? A Kaithronese man?        
        “Art thou afraid of me?” he asked. “Have I done you unspoken wrong?”
        “Not yet. But you speak in mysterious tongue, so much that I tremble.”
        He laughs. “Then what is thy name and I swear to let my mouth speak no more.”
        I gulp. “I’m afraid I can not tell you.”
        “Then I’m afraid I’ll just have to keep speaking. Where have I seen you before?” he asked. He was starting to talk more simply now but it still sounded more complex than I could decipher.
        Of course, I did know where he had seen me. And it was only moments before he knew himself where he had and I would be murdered.
        “I have to go,” I insist, standing up, knowing I needed to leave as soon as possible. I knew I needed to get away from any danger that would want to kill me if they knew what I was. Who I was. And he was a stranger. I’d never met him. Anything could happen at any moment.
        Before I had gotten far I was stopped. He took hold of my hand then stood in front of me, smiling. Before I could speak I was suddenly kissing this strange man. Yet somehow there was an odd intensity to this kiss, fire spurring out through both of our anxious lips, passion in something so childish. I’d never even met this man. I didn’t know his name and he didn’t know mine momentarily. We were from two different worlds, which he didn’t even know but somehow we were kissing each other after only having met a couple of moments ago.
        These thoughts catching up to me I release. “I shouldn’t be here, I-” I tried tugging my hand free but he refused to let go.
        “Don’t leave.”
        I paused. What was I supposed to do? I closed my eyes, humming silently to myself. I couldn’t do this. He was a stranger and I was his enemy.
        “Your name. Please,” he pleaded.
        “Azalea,” I told him. It was a lie. But my name would have risked every death possible. “Or just Aza.”
        “Azalea,” he repeated, softly. “Singer,” he translated. I wasn’t a singer at all but it sounded innocent enough of a name to give this man.
        “And what of your name?” I insist. “I told you mine.”
        He gets a confused look on his face. As if I was speaking in another language. “What do you mean?”
        What did he mean, what do I mean? “Your name…” I droned stupidly.
        His eyes narrowed a little in confusion. “I’ve seen you before yet you’ve never seen me. Was it in my dreams? How could you not know me, even if in your dreams?”
        Should I know him? Of course, I’m no Kaithronese so I wouldn’t know the flirty peasant boy who woes the women of town, or I wouldn’t know of any boy in my dreams.
        I shook my head, without thinking through clearly.
        “Kieran. Kier.”
        He paused as if waiting for something. When I said nothing he only dragged me over to the fountain, seating me again. I went willingly. 
        I knew his name now but I couldn’t help thinking that I had just kissed this mysterious boy. He couldn’t have been much older than myself but the fact was that I hardly knew him. I didn’t know him, actually. I knew his name and I knew he was my said enemy. I knew he knew me, but he couldn’t put two and two together. I knew one other thing too.
        I was in love with him, deeply, passionately, unstoppably and uncontrollably. After only just moments. Oh Hades is torturing me with the unrighteous sin, for I have come to love a man who detests me! How can any of this be?

© 2009 Princess

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Added on October 18, 2009




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