![]() I Hate You MoreA Story by PrincessI slammed my traydown on the table, right in front of Andrew. As I knew he would, he acted like he didn't notice. I glared, then not as calmly as I thought I would I said, "You stupid boy."
He glanced up at me with his light brown eyes and turned back to the book he was reading. I leaped forward to take it from him but he pulled it away and I let out a frustrated sigh.
"This is a no peanut product table and I would appreciate it if you get your peanut infesed tray away from me please," was all Andrew said. Without even being curious as to why he was so freaking stupid. Either he already knows that he's the stupidest boy in the world or it comes as no surprise that I'd call him on it. Probably the latter considering that Austin and I were pretty much enemies who were forced todeal with eachother and so we did.
Yes. Forced.
"Austin how dare you do that to your best friend? What are you, a moron? I mean really, who does that?" "Hey whoa wait, I thought you were telling me I am stupid for not showing up last night, but I don't see how it makes me a moron," Austin says, setting his book down and looking up at me.
I roll my eyes. "Like that's anything unusual to me, you not coming- ha. Since when is it okay to hit on your best friend's... whatever you call her, crush I guess...?"
Andrew lets out a little chuckle at that. "Wait, Annie, are you accusing me of hitting on Grace? And you're calling me stupid? Greg would punch my head off if I even dared to look in her direction, and no offense or anything but Grace really isn't my type."
This is why he and I were forced to get along. Grace was my best friend and Greg was his and they'd practically been in love with eachother since middle school. Back in middle school Grace had suggested that they hang out one time and so she brought me along to make things easier for her, and Greg brought Andrew. I hated Andrew as soon as he asked me to make out with him about halfway through Grace's and Greg's hang out session. Of course, Grace and Greg weren't around at the time he asked but I very bluntly told him no and under his breath he whispered, "Prude." He was still just as immature today as he was then. We've hated eachother ever since.
You see, the thing was that even though we're seniors Greg and Grace never became official. This was because for some dumb reason hey were both afraid of eachother, thinking they were stuck in the friend zone when it was so clear to everyone but them that they were in love with eachother. I mean really, it was seriously hard to miss but somehow the two of them had no idea still. They hung out like friends all the time and usually they brought Andrew and I along for their support. I've tried to tell Grace a hundred times that he likes her and she should just ask him out but then she'd say, "No, if he really liked me then we'd be going out now, wouldn't we?" Apparently on Greg's behalf it was that Grace didn't seem to like him. I mean I can hardly blame him on that, Grace probably was the biggest flirt I knew but only around Greg was she a shy flirt.
Freshman year one time Andrew and I had had enough of eachother and we started cussing eachother out right in front of their faces. Greg and Grace of course had to side with their best friends which were opposing sides and Grace, for an entire month wouldn't shut up about Greg and she seemed depressed all the time. It made me feel extremely guilty so when second semester came around and Andrew and I had or first class together (and unfortunately had to sit next to eachother due to the stupid alphabetical order thing) it seemed Greg was just upset about the loss of Grace. So we decided we'd just deal with eachother only so we could finally hear the end of all thingsand save ourselves. It was better to pretend to get along than to hear the endless complaints and sobs.
As of the past month though, things were starting to take drastic changes.
I glared at Andrew. "Don't think for a second that I'm going to chose your lie over Grace's side. You know, I'm getting really sick of you and Greg. I mean I didn't have anything against Greg rather than wondering what he saw in you, but other tan that I've always thought he was a decent guy. What's his problem? If he actually likes her why wont he just ask her out?"
"Hey whoa, whoa. What did Grace say I did now? As far as I'm concerned I hardly ever breathe within ten feet of her unless Greg is around. And jeez the guy's scared just give him a break."
"I have been for four years!" I practically yell. He doesn't looked startled t all by my yelling so I get closer so only he can hear. "She has a crush on you now dimwit. What did you do and don't you dare lie to me."
Andrew lets out a snort now. "No kidding? Grace has the hots for me now? Well that changes things-" before he can finish his thought I hit him upside the head. "Kidding!" he coughs out. "I meant what I said when I told you she wasn't my type."
I all but scream then. "What did you do to encourage the little crush idiot?"
"Nothing. I mean yesterday during math she was asking me what Greg thought about her because this past month they... you know, haven't been talking all that much and been kind of giving up on eachother, and I couldn't give him away so I just told her that I think he is one lucky guy."
I slap a hand to my face and shake my head. "Stupid, stupid, stupid boy."
Andrew stood up. "As much as I love to be interrogated by you, I think I'm going to go now, Princess," he says with a glare.
I grab him by the arm befor ehe can make a great escape. "I don't think so. You're helping me get them together once and for all or I swear I'll kill you."
Andrew sighs, then shakes his brown hair slowly. "Fine. Meet me by my car after school and we'll figure something out."
"I have to take a test-"
"Then forget about it, I have a schedule too you know and it will only take five seconds."
He starts to turn and I say, "Fine. I'll be there."
"And Andrew," I stop him and he turns, expectantly. "Have I ever told you that I really, really hate you?"
"Everyday," he says then walks off.
"Here, I typed these up in my computer class today when I had some free time," Andrew hands me one and I open it up.
Grace, I think it's about time we stop pretending we don't like eachother when we do. Meet me at the park by my house alone tonight at six. -Greg
I study it for a minute. "Whoa okay genius. I take it that other one is the same thing with sifferent names. Who's to say this is going to work?"
Andrew rolls his eyes. "We go there early and spy on them, just in case something goes wrong, then we can be there to stop it. So be there at about five forty five."
I shake my head. "I'm blaming it all on you if it doesn't work."
"Oh no. What's new?" he scoffs then gets in his car and drives off.
Andrew and I pulled up to the park at about the same time.
"Did you give it to her?" Andrew asked as soon as I got out. We started walking side by side towards a group of trees by a picnic table.
"Duh," I say.
"And you made sure she's coming?" I returned him a look as if he were stupid. "Just checking," he mumbles.
We climb into the trees and climb a ways up so that they wont see us when we get here. Unfortunately there is only so much tree space so we were practically squishing eachother and stepping on eachother.
"I am way too close to you for comfort," I mutter.
"I'll have you know, Annie, that any girl besides you would be dying to get this close to me."
"That doesn't sound cocky at all. And I guess that means I'm the only girl with half a brain in this world."
"Or none at all," Andrew retorts. "Considering you hold a grudge against me from something I did four years ago. I mean seriously, how hard is it to get over that?"
I try to reposition myself but with that I find Andrew and I awkwardly facing eachother chest to chest and our facesonly inches apart as I realize that my foot is caught in between two branches.
Huffing, I shake my head and try to reposition my foot. "You can't tell me that you aren't guilty of any grudges either. This hate relationship is a two way thing, I might remind you."
"Yeah but the thing is," Andrew tries to reposition in the tree now so that we aren't so close but fails. "I can see why people might hate you. Not very many people dislike me."
I glare at him. "Well-"
"Hush, I think I see Greg," Andrew silences me and we watch as Greg comes towards the picnic table slowly. We both stay completely still and silent as we wait for Grace, now across the field, to join him.
"I can't see the picnic table," I whisper to Andrew. He puts a finger up to his lips to hush me again.
I hear Grace mumble something as soon as she gets there and I knit my eyebrows together. "I can't hear!" I whisper in irritation.
"Maybe if you shut that big trap of yours."
"Maybe if you weren't practically laying on top of me," I glower
. "Move your foot then," Andrew tells me as if I'm stupid. "The one that's keeping you-"
"Do you hear something?" Greg says. We both shut up.
"No... so wait, you didn't write me a note? Because I didn't write you one..." Grace says.
"No I didn't... but we both showed up didn't we?" Greg says. "I think it's time for the truth. Grace, I like you, do you like me?"
I held my breath.
"Yeah, I do like you, a lot.
" Right then my foot came loose and I feel to the ground with a thump and seconds after Andrew landed on top of me. I moaned. "Ow. I think you broke something."
Our eyes met and we just stared at eachother, startled. Before either of us knew what was coming next we were suddenly kissing. And not just regular kind of kissing, it was like deep meaningful kissing as if we actually liked eachother. In about ten seconds it had gotten pretty passionate and all when suddenly I heard Grace scoff and we broke it off.
"Are you guys serious? You were spying on us- well of course you were, you were the dumb ones who came up with the notes. I don't know whether to thank you guys or kill you guys right now.
Greg joined her side and grabbed her hand. I wanted to scream it was so cute to finally see that, and just then I realized Andrew was still on top of me so I shoved him off.
"Wait... were you guys just...?" Greg starts.
Andrew, lying next to me now, lets out a little chuckle. "Hey... had no idea you guys would be here..."
I rolled my eyes. "Andrew shut up they already know we wrote the notes."
Grace passes a small grin to Greg and snickers. "I think we better leave this married couple alone before things get ugly."
"Yeah. Didn't think you actually had it in you to make a move you big wuss," Greg says to Andrew. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. He shrugs like he honestly has no idea.
"But wait, we aren't-" I start, but they didn't really pay any heed to me as they walked away from us. It was a lost cause. They saw us making out and that was that.
I sputter my lips. "You finally got what you wanted. We made out, and Greg and Grace are pretty much together now so we still have to live with eachother."
"Hang on a second, I stopped wanting to make out with you as soon as I didn't like you anymore, about three weeks ago when you dated that loser for two days."
"You what?" I asked, startled.
"Okay, so what. I'm a hypocrite, sue me."
I roll my eyes. "I hate you."
He rolls over on top of me again and smiles. "I hate you more."
We went back to that kissing session that had been previously interrupted and by the end of the night I didn't even hate him anymore. © 2009 PrincessReviews
3 Reviews Added on October 8, 2009 Last Updated on October 8, 2009 Author![]() PrincessCOAboutMy autobiography in an extended metaphor: Royal Records And The Quest For Happily Ever After The official celebrations began in this world years ago as the King and Queen declare.. more..Writing