Chapter Two: Hadrian

Chapter Two: Hadrian

A Chapter by Princess

Callea speaks to the love of her life. When he brings it up, it's only to crush it.



Days passed until we spoke again and Vorion agreed that we simply and plainly, just wont speak of it. I didn’t hesitate to agree to this plan, because I could not lose him again for so long.
Now I was facing a crisis. The easiest way to get to Vorion was to pass through and I was late enough as it was. But I hated the hall. It taunted me, it sung to me, it hissed my name and tempted me. I hated to walk through it and whenever possible I would refuse to even come near it. But I was late enough.
‘Just look at the floor’ I sigh to myself, blowing a wisp of hair out of my face. I reiterate these words through my mind over and over as I walk through the halls, staring it my feet, making sure to place one in front of the other.
“Your highness, you look ever so silly watching your feet as you walk,” on of the servants in my mind call out.
“Stand up straight. Don’t slouch your shoulders,” my mother hissed in the back of my head.
I inhale deeply. “Don’t do it,” I tell myself.
But the taunts scream at me louder, faster, thicker. And it gets to me. My head shoots up and my reflection stares at me from every direction, through the glass of the chandeliers or against the sleek tile. 
That haunt face stares at me again, quenching a ball of sickness into my stomach. There it is I can’t help but think. There’s that creature, that woman. My burden, my flaws all came out and mocked me, laughing at some sort of jest that I did not hear. How beauty can ache my heart.
I burst into tears, collapsing myself around them. I couldn’t help feeling as foolish as I did, not wanting to look like that woman in the mirror. That princess. 
“Why would tears so lovely cry in sadness?” I hear a less familiar voice ask. I turn myself to look behind me, my heart stopping in place as I do.
“Because it makes me weep that loveliness brings not any modesty,” I gasp. Oh, if I could die in humiliation then I should be headed off to my grave right this instant!
A hand is extended to me as a gesture of chivalry and I hesitate shortly before taking it and allowing it to pull me up.
Out of the pocket the hands pull a handkerchief then it’s dotted lightly along my eyes.
“What provokes modesty then, your highness?” he asks. My heart thumps harder. I hold my breath, examining his blonde hair pulled back so righteously, his brown eyes gleaming so fantastically.
“Only charity, your grace,” I manage to muster out.
He grins crookedly and then gently releases his hand from mine. “Sage answer, princess. But then what of that of chivalry, honesty, loyalty and knowledge?”
“But sometimes those wound the soul so I fear I can not say I agree.”
“Then I have one last query. Is not charity beautiful?”
“Charity is modest,” I reply. “Sincere but not necessarily beautiful.”
“Then I stand speechless,” Hadrian’s smile seems to grow even broader and he tilts his chin down so his eyes meet mine. “I have no more to groan.”
“Then utter me a whisper instead.”
He chuckles and nods his head once, then grabs a hold of one of my hands. Swiftly he kisses it, then gently releases it to my side.
“When we meet again perhaps, fair princess.” He quickly bows then very slowly he strolls away from me, my heart pounding wildly.
I hardly know what to think. He’s much more beautiful in person, much more charming then Gloriana had ever described, much more fascinating then he was from afar. If I had ever though I loved before now I was sickeningly wrong. 
“Callea… oh Callea, there you are, I was afraid you got lost,” Vorion laughs as he meets me in the middle of the hall. “Callea?”
“Come first, we have time to speak more later,” Vorion urges my out of the hall, sending me out of my trance and back into reality.
I allow him to drag me along through the castle halls as I absentmindedly listen to his speech about how the Countess Maria was being rather flirtatious with him and he didn’t think he could stand much longer so he came to find me. I somehow managed to tell him about a duchess and her lady-in-waiting speaking about how much more attractive he seemed to have gotten. He got a kick out of that, but then questioned which duchess then teased me that he was going to propose to her tonight, if her love was true.
Soon enough we were in the library. Vorion stalked up on of the ladders, pulling a red book of the shelf then paging through it quickly. He puts it back, then grabs the red book next to it. Satisfied, he tosses it at me.
“One of the few books that was down at the camp. It’s wonderful and I knew you’d love it,” he tells me, then he scuttles down the ladder. 
“You brought me all the way up here for a book?” I question, smiling.
“Well, and to hear your informative story about the love of my life, of course.”
I scowl at him. “You’re teasing.”
“Of course,” he grins. “Not about the book though. That was just before I forgot. Now, follow me my silly little sister.”
“Oh, so now that you’re a general it makes it okay for you to tease me so rudely?” I ask, faking offense but trudging behind him anyway.
“Why… yes. Yes, I suppose it does,” he retorts back.
“I may be your younger sister but I can still beat you over the head with a stick,” I jest, whacking him on the arm. “Now hustle your bustle, I’m getting old walking at this pace and far too anxious. Besides, what could you possibly need to show me that’s in a library? As if I haven’t already seen everything.”
“You haven’t,” he states, positive of himself, picking up the pace a bit. At the very far corner of the library he sits me down on one of the fur seats facing the table, then tells me to close my eyes.
“They’re closed,” I assured him, resisting the urge to peek.
“Alright… open,” he says after a moment. I uncover my eyes, then right in front of me I spot a small cedar chest rimmed with delicate designing in front of me. I look over and give Vorion a questionable look.
“It’s beautiful,” I lie. 
“Good. You don’t get to keep it, so sorry, it’s mothers and I borrowed it. It’s inside, Callea,” he laughs.
Oh. That would make more sense, I suppose.
I lift the chest up then notice that there is a keyhole. I try to open it but I find it’s locked. “The key?” I ask, knowing he’s teasing me.
“Ah, well, I don’t know. I thought giving you a gift was quite generous of me, so I’d feel much better if you had to find it yourself,” he grins, and instead he hands me a note. I eye him, then open it up suspiciously.
The Taming of The Shrew
Page 52
For your first Clue
I love you too. J
“You’re really going to make me search?” I ask.
“Ah, it would be no fun otherwise. Yes, love, I will make you search.”
He’d tossed me everywhere throughout the castle now. I’ve been everywhere from outside to the top tower and back down again. It was torture, because nothing seemed to be near the next thing at all. Every time I told Vorion I gave up he’d simply smile and shrug. “Your loss,” he’d tell me. What could possibly be worth my feet and legs aching terribly from searching up and down stairs. I once threatened him that I would just burn the cedar box, but again he shrugged and iterated, “Your loss.”
I’d gone through forty seven clues in two days. Where did he even get time to write these? When we weren’t speaking to each other, I supposed. I’d like to think that there will be no more than fifty but I know Vorion all to well, to know it will be some ridiculous, unpredictable number.
I actually have considered burning the cedar chest a few times. But wanting to know what was inside that he’d make me go through all this work for got the best of me every time.
Night was falling now and I’m sure mother and father were going to shoo me off to bed soon. Sometimes Vorion would stroll around with me so that we could speak for a while, but I could never get him to err a hint. His face kept completely straight the whole time for everything. Knowing that Vorion was going to be leaving in exactly one day kept me going at a quick pace, wanting to find it and hug him before he left (even if he protested against my public affection). Several times I made him swear to visit at least once a month and he gave me his oath to that at least, so I was hoping this parting wouldn’t be so hard as the last one.
“Now what are you doing outside alone at this time of night?” that heart-dropping voice sounds. I turn quickly to it, and his eyes are lit up and glowing as he leisurely walks toward me.
“Looking for the reddest roses in the garden. If you can give me an assistance I’d thank you with my whole life,” I suggest, trying to use any excuse to have his company.
“Simple, your highness. The ripest roses would exist by the loveliest thing in the castle. I’m sure they must be by your balcony.”
I blush at this, not being able to help the rush of heat coming into my face.
“Or yours,” I blurt, then immediately regret it and I feel the heat in my face burn even hotter. I’m such an idiotic fool! Sometimes I simply embarrass myself.
“I strongly disagree,” he flirts back, much to my relief. A smile escapes my lips, and he holds his arm out, gesturing for me to take it. I do, and attempt to steady my breathing as I stroll along with him through the garden as he leads me in the direction of my balcony.
“Your highness-”
“Please, call me Callea,” I insist. He nods once, then continues.
“Callea, I’m in awe by your words you spoke yesterday morning. I’ve never met a woman who was so… thoughtful, I suppose, for lack of a better word. I find you… one of the most fascinating of women I have ever met.”
The red surely must be a dark maroon by now. “Thank you,” I whimper out feebly. Why does he make me feel so faint? How does he have this bewitching power over me?
“Shall I stop?” he asks, as if he had offended me.
“No! No, utter more!”
He laughs now as we come upon my balcony and he releases himself from me and reaches down and plucks out a rose. “By far the reddest,” he insists. Then he faces towards me, fitting the rose into my hair and I can’t bear to see his face. He’s so perfect.
“It matches your lips,” he notes, then he brings a hand up and traces on of his fingers softly along my lips. “And your cheeks. Your lovely cheeks your lips which have no defect. But comparison there is not. A rose is no match for an angel.”
My heart started jumped out of my chest, his finger still lingering on my bottom lip.
“Hadrian, do you love me?” I ask before I can think of my question. Oh, surely I’ve done it now!
His eyes watch mine for interminable moments and I wait anxiously for his answer. Did he not know? Did he not love me?
“I do,” he says. In that moment his lips softly brush against mine and then once, he kisses me for only a brief moment. A soft moment. The most perfect moment in all of history, when I had won the burning passion of my heart, the reality of all my fantasies.
“Now,” he smiles. “Why is it that you had to find the reddest rose?”
“For a clue,” I admit. “I’m looking for something my brother hid.”
Hadrian nods once, still smiling. “I fear I must leave you at this instant. I should return to you as soon as possible, but I now must go and leave you.”
“Must you?” I ask, my heart dropping a little.
“I should return as soon as possible,” he promises, kissing my lips again. “For now, my love.”
I let him leave me with a sorrow of watching him leave me so soon. Only now did he tell me he loved me! Could he not have waited more? Or perhaps he is going to find a ring? To propose! Oh what I would give to be his wife!
In the bushes I find the clue. And I walk slowly, hoping he’ll catch me in the hall. I didn’t even realize it when I was on the 56th clue. For the fourth time in two days, I was guided back to the library.
Climbing the ladder, I pushed aside a few books. When I find the one I need I tug it out and read the clue.
The last one!
Look under the cedar chest.
And there you’ll find the treasure!
Hope you had fun!
This was so like him. I should have guessed it before I even started. It was right under the chest the whole time, and he made me walk around the castle for no reason. None at all.
I had to kill him later, that was for sure.
“Cousin!” Gloriana beams, coming up behind me. She’d startled me so I nearly tumble down the ladder but I managed to catch myself.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you… I have the most wonderful news!”
“Really? What is it?” I ask curiously, eager to be done with her to get to the chest and then kill that brother of mine.
“Well, Hadrian… he asked me to be his wife.”
Now I notice the large diamond flashing from her finger. My heart dies. My breathing collapses. My mind draws a blank.
“Callea… what’s wrong? Why do you look troubled?”
“Oh!” I breathe slowly, partially coming out of my trance. “Oh, it’s lovely! That’s wonderful my cousin!”
I pull her into a hug tightly, then release, biting my lip to hold in the tears. How could he? After he just told me he loved me? After he kissed me and wooed me? What a sick, sick man! How dare he?!
“Now if you don’t mind,” my voice was almost cracking. “I have to finish a task cousin. Congratulations,” I reiterate and with it I flee.
Tears blotched on my eyes and for once in my life the mirror displayed a hideous young lady with puffy red cheeks and a mess of face and hair. A flower clung to her hair, and I toss it off my balcony, back to where it came from. What a sick man! How I wish to abhor him! How fast my love has died! 
He shattered my heart. It can not be repaired. He stole my dignity. And for what? Why?
Drowning myself in my tears, I take a look back at my chamber. The cedar box sits patiently on the table. 

© 2009 Princess

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Added on October 4, 2009




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