Out Of WonderA Poem by C.R.TurnerDisentangle yourself from the nonsense of logic, and fall back into the dream from which you came. The childmind, born of love. The True Source of all things. Revisit this vivid, pictorial wonderland where joy is joy, and sad is sad, - before you learned the art of deceit - before your body grew big and lumpy and you declared to the world: ‘I’m OK!’ while inside your heart flaps like a beached fish, straining for breath on the sucking sand. Out of water. Out of wonder. Go, immerse yourself once more in this childmind (Trust me, you know just where to find it) and drink deep of its silvery font. Fill your lungs once more with the oxygen of new. Feel the Source. Then step back into wonder. For without wonder, nothing else matters. © 2023 C.R.TurnerReviews
2 Reviews Added on January 9, 2023 Last Updated on January 16, 2023 AuthorC.R.TurnerIrelandAboutI'm a professional €150k a year poet. I can go from nought to tingly in two stanzas or less! Yeah right!! Sorry to disappoint but I'm just a regular guy processing his dirty linen in public, v.. more..Writing