He is so dazzling and beautiful like the moon
and I know I'll probably kill myself before I'm twenty two
He has so much to live for, so much potential
and I'm just a nobody, useless and cynical
I wanted to know him, be his friend, perhaps more
but I ended up rotting him before it reached his core
He was sweet like candy, generous and forgiving
He was my one and only reason for living
but then it became too much; I made him go crimson
He told me loved me, but I was his poison
He put me back together, an unbroken Humpty Dumpty
how ironic it is, I broke him for I am an atrocity
I know he is strong, he'll get better with time
and I've run away to save him, destroying him was my crime
I know I didn't deserve him; he was such a good guy
There's only one place for me to go, it's time to say goodbye.